Subject: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 15 Dec 09 - 12:06 AM Just passing on a little useful information here, based on direct personal experience. I can't remember who told me about this, but it was maybe 10 years back, and someone did. They told me that you can cure and prevent athlete's foot by the simply remedy of peeing on your feet in the shower once every day...then simply turn on the water, wash it all down the drain, and shower as usual. Well, I tried it. So did my father, who had had trouble with athlete's foot infections for much of his life. They are an affliction that comes with wearing tight footwear that doesn't breathe properly, as I think we all know. Long story short - it works! The urine kills those nasty little fungus bastards deader than a doornail. I'll swear to it. I don't know what it is exactly in the urine that does the trick, but I guess it's quite acidic for one thing. Anyway, the little fungoids curl up and die when it hits them...judging by the very good results. They depart. This is the simplest thing in the world to do, it's free, you don't have to pay the pharmacy for it, and I think it works better than the stuff at the pharmacy anyhow, having tried both. So, how about that? Madonna was once on an interview on David Letterman and she happened to mention this thing about urine curing/preventing athlete's foot....of course Letterman just made a couple of silly jokes and the audience went "Eeewwww" over how gross it all was... It ain't easy to teach inhibited old dogs new tricks! ;-) Trust me. It works. Try it and see. And will cost you absolutely nothing. Besides, who hasn't peed in the shower anyway at some time in the past? Hmmm? Do I see any raised hands? No? Well, put that practice to good use if you get an athlete's foot infection. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: MGM·Lion Date: 15 Dec 09 - 12:38 AM Another lesson — it never does to underrate Miss Ciccioni. I know she isn't everybody's cup of tea: but, whatever it is, Madonna knows where it's at. Hanky-panky... |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: JohnInKansas Date: 15 Dec 09 - 01:18 AM There is, in fact, an international movement actively promoting the environmental benefit of peeing in the shower. (Assuming that you're going to take a shower anyway) the savings in water resources from not separately flushing a potty are calculated in the billions of gallons annually if only a small part of the population assumes this worthy practice on a regular basis. There has, however, been little comment on whether this practice is fully compatible with the advice of that other group advocating the "Save Water - Shower With A Friend" ideal. John |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Joe Offer Date: 15 Dec 09 - 01:19 AM Well, I just bought a 7-ounce tube of 40% Urea cream for Grandma - $86.50. The podiatrist prescribed it, but Medicare wouldn't pay. Then I found out you can get it non-prescription for $15 for a 2-ounce tube, which is all she needed. Why didn't the pharmacist tell us that? And now, Little Hawk says all she has to do is pee on her feet?? -Joe- |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Lonesome EJ Date: 15 Dec 09 - 02:07 AM No wonder I don't have athlete's foot. I have been peeing in the shower for years. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Georgiansilver Date: 15 Dec 09 - 02:30 AM >>>>>>>>They are an affliction that comes with wearing tight footwear that doesn't breathe properly, as I think we all know.<<<<<<<<< actually LH it is a fungal infection, usually picked up at swimming baths/saunas etc where people walk barefoot. Nice to know that peeing on ones feet is good though.. thanks! Best wishes, Mike. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: GUEST Date: 15 Dec 09 - 02:40 AM There used to be a remedy for vaginal thrush - a uric acid gel called AciJel - which worked very well. Seems to have gone off the market, unfortunately. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Doug Chadwick Date: 15 Dec 09 - 02:44 AM Besides, who hasn't peed in the shower anyway at some time in the past? Hmmm? Do I see any raised hands? No? Well, there's me for a start. Peeing in the shower? What a strange idea. It doesn't take much forethought to go before you get in the shower. That having been said, I do suffer with athlete's foot so I mught give it a try. DC |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Genie Date: 15 Dec 09 - 03:42 AM Why should anyone waste good water by flushing the toilet when they can pee in the shower? Does anyone think the gunk that comes off yer bod when ya shower is any more asceptic than piss, anyway? Nice to know the stuff kills fungus too! |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Tangledwood Date: 15 Dec 09 - 03:48 AM actually LH it is a fungal infection, usually picked up at swimming baths/saunas etc where people walk barefoot. Nice to know that peeing on ones feet is good though.. thanks! Best wishes, Mike. So peeing in the swimming pool isn't a bad thing. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Geoff the Duck Date: 15 Dec 09 - 04:15 AM LH and Georgiansilver - Athlete's foot is a fungal infection - TRUE. It is also true that best conditions for it to take hold and thrive are when enclosed in warm damp sweaty footwear. Much less likely if feet do not sweat. Transfer is very likely between people with sweaty enclosed feet - sporting types and changing room floors - athletes feet. Antiperspirants and powders which absorb moisture can help limit transfer. Once the initial damage to skin surface has happened, other usually harmless bacteria normally present on the skin surface get into the cracked skin and do further damage. Urine is well known for use in medicine. Used in the past to sterilise surgical tools. Urea is often the active ingredient for skin preparations - softening hard, cracked skin or ingrown toenails. Quack! GtD. (Damp feet, but no athlete). |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: gnu Date: 15 Dec 09 - 05:17 AM It was well known at the gym when I went to uni. Another one - that yellowish fungus that gets in under toenails... Noxema works a charm. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Will Fly Date: 15 Dec 09 - 05:17 AM Old sweats (ho ho) in the armed forces have known since time immemorial that peeing on your feet helps to prevent cracking and soreness from marching and being in boots all day long. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Will Fly Date: 15 Dec 09 - 05:40 AM And, by the way, a bricklayer friend of mine hardened up his hands with the same technique when starting out in the trade... |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Bonnie Shaljean Date: 15 Dec 09 - 06:15 AM A friend of mine who grew up in rural Ireland in the early 20th century said pee was a well-known cure for a lot of things in those days. The nearest village was a fair distance away and they had no car, so it often came in handy around the farm as a disinfectant. When you hear those lovely Scottish waulking songs, you can brighten up your day by remembering that the cloth was waulked in urine. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: MGM·Lion Date: 15 Dec 09 - 06:18 AM So the funguses get pissed off? OK, I was just leaving... |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: The Sandman Date: 15 Dec 09 - 06:32 AM very interesting,could it be the anmmonia in urine,apparantly urineloses its ammonia content if it is left standing for a week.could someone else experiment and see if urine left for a week is as effective,as fresh urine, for eradicating athletes foot. I am not taking the piss |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: John MacKenzie Date: 15 Dec 09 - 06:59 AM Letterman was too busy shitting on his own doorstep, to piss on his feet. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: GUEST,MD Date: 15 Dec 09 - 07:12 AM Does it only cure Athlete's Foot if it is your own urine. My wife suffers from this complaint but may have difficulty with her aim. I suppose I will have to get in the shower with her and point Percy at her feet. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: GUEST,Kendall Date: 15 Dec 09 - 07:18 AM I never go barefoot, or pee in the shower, or have athlete's foot. Do really old people have that fungus problem? Yes, that's exactly what I'm implying. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: catspaw49 Date: 15 Dec 09 - 08:24 AM Geeziz Kendall...No wonder you don't pee in the shower. You have fuel line freeze up......You live in Maine ferchrissakes! Even Athlete's Foot Fungus has better sense than to live there! Plus, what idiot would go barefoot in a place where a warm summer day means it got up to 35? I also have this mental movie sequence where Joebro is pissing on his Granny's feet while explaining the cost savings............... Spaw |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: John MacKenzie Date: 15 Dec 09 - 08:51 AM As they say in Old Mexico this time of year But take your shoes and socks off first! |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Bonnie Shaljean Date: 15 Dec 09 - 08:55 AM And mind the electric fences |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Georgiansilver Date: 15 Dec 09 - 08:59 AM Thank you John Mac.. and Peace be on you too brother!!! LOL |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 15 Dec 09 - 09:00 AM Urine may kill athlete's foot fungus, but it doesn't kill ants. You can pee on an ant mound five times a day for weeks and all it'll do is make 'em rebuild it higher each time. Guess that's why they call 'em "pissants", huh? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: olddude Date: 15 Dec 09 - 09:03 AM Ok how about crotch rot, (jock itch) how does one aim to hit the nads? I am thinking a bounce off the ceiling or ricochet shot off the door LOL |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: olddude Date: 15 Dec 09 - 09:10 AM One other problem, if yer tool is small ya hit the mark every time but if it is big, ya would need to figure out how to bend it like a gumby to hit yer feet ... |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Rapparee Date: 15 Dec 09 - 09:16 AM Or get a friend to help.... Normal urine is pretty much free of germs and a good antiseptic -- it's been used for a long, long time as a battlefield wound-wash. When Sir Lostalot had his head bashed in by Sir Furball in the jousts the squires came out and peed on the wound; it got the dirt out and helped kill the nasties that could cause infection. Mind you, it could be a bit embarrassing if the urine WASN'T "normal". Perhaps your good buddy had the clap and he contributed his bit to the stump of your leg.... Still, sometimes it's better to be pissed on than pissed off. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: catspaw49 Date: 15 Dec 09 - 09:34 AM No problem Dan........Just try pissing up a slack rope! BTW, urine is one of those time honored home healing things for cuts and such. IF you read The Grapes of Wrath, Tom Joad cuts himself while changing the bearings in a car. He pisses on dirt and makes a mudpack to stop the bleeding and "kill the germs"........... Spaw |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Steve Shaw Date: 15 Dec 09 - 10:04 AM I'm always peeing on my hands by accident and I've never once had athlete's foot on 'em. That proves it's true as far as I'm concerned. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: olddude Date: 15 Dec 09 - 11:45 AM Hey Spaw what was Tom Toad bearing when he cut himself? LOL, ok Jacqui already kicked us out of the cellar, I think we will end up in the car at this rate LOL |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Bonnie Shaljean Date: 15 Dec 09 - 12:00 PM A ball bearing ? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: John MacKenzie Date: 15 Dec 09 - 12:09 PM Round or tapered? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Georgiansilver Date: 15 Dec 09 - 12:22 PM Hey Olddude.. if it's a crotch prob... surely lying on your back and pointing upwards would solve the problem eh??? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Rapparee Date: 15 Dec 09 - 12:57 PM We had a drunk do that on the library lawn one time. He told the cops he was a fountain; the cops told him he was under arrest for several things. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 15 Dec 09 - 02:35 PM Hmm. Lots of response here. ;-) That's nice. Someone mentioned that you usually contract athlete's foot in gyms and saunas? Not in my experience. I haven't been in a gym or a sauna in years, but have gotten a mild case of athlete's foot now and then on a reasonably frequent basis, so I think it's just ordinary footwear that does it. Anyway, it's easily halted by the old urine treatment. If you don't shower (meaning you take baths instead) you can just pee in a bucket or some similar container, stick your toes in it for 30 seconds, then pour it down the drain and wash the bucket out. Urine seems to be an excellent disinfectant, but I think it needs to be fresh for best effect. It gets pretty cruddy if it's left standing around for a day or so... I don't think it would make a darned bit of difference if you used someone else's urine or your own...but using your own is a lot more convenient and practical, wouldn't you think? ;-) |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies) Date: 15 Dec 09 - 02:37 PM Everytime I see this thread on the list I read it as "Ukraine Kills Athelete's Foot Fungus" Pointless, but just thought I'd share it. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 15 Dec 09 - 02:40 PM Every nation needs its moment of triumph, Crow Sister. ;-) |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Rapparee Date: 15 Dec 09 - 03:13 PM It's really neat To pee on your feet It kills Athlete's Foot Fungus dead, So you don't have to worry When driving your lorry You'll really have nothing to dread. So for a real treat Pee on your feet! Your neighbors and friends can help too. Don't be a dupe, Stand around in a group! It gives everyone something to do. --The Noble Rapaire, Piss On You! Orilla, Ontario: Pants Press, 1927. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: VirginiaTam Date: 15 Dec 09 - 03:18 PM needs to be added to the misread threads thread Speaking as one who used to clean houses for a living I say this is a horrible practice. It causes yellowish brown stains that are nearly impossible to remove from fiberglass tubs. But this practice is not as nasty as hocking loogies all over the shower walls. What the therapeutic reason for that was, I will never know. I refused to clean the bathroom when I walked into that one. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies) Date: 15 Dec 09 - 03:24 PM "hocking loogies all over the shower walls." Yeagh!! Only boys do shit like that - my Grandad used to complain of 'gobs of snot' congealed in the bathroom sink, made by one of his (then teenage) sons.. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: John MacKenzie Date: 15 Dec 09 - 03:40 PM Folks go on for hours, About golden showers And how such behaviour is neat I think we should ask Spaw [Only he has the chutzpah] To design us a foot-spa That runs on your own urine And by doing so assurin' Hawks feet they are free of fungi Taking the piss! MOI? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Bill D Date: 15 Dec 09 - 03:43 PM "pedal prophylaxis for poor peons" |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: SINSULL Date: 15 Dec 09 - 03:47 PM Not my house, old dude. I have made a complete and alphabetized list of all shower peeers posting to this thread. Your invitations are revoked. Although shower peeing beats what Alice does anyday. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: SINSULL Date: 15 Dec 09 - 03:50 PM What ever happened to the Golden Shower Award with the Little Pissant? Time to resurrect him? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: olddude Date: 15 Dec 09 - 03:57 PM I visited Ireland a few years back (miss it so) anyway in a tour of one of the castles they said that the lord of the castle and all the important people would hang their clothes on the wall next to the urinal. The ammonia from the urine would disinfect and would keep fleas and ticks away ... I bet it worked, I have visited outhouses while camping where it would burn your nose the ammonia smell. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: SINSULL Date: 15 Dec 09 - 04:44 PM I think I would prefer the fleas. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: GUEST,hg Date: 15 Dec 09 - 04:50 PM gawd I want to imagine some Canadian guy peeing on his feet in the I said Canadian taste...oxymoron |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Rapparee Date: 15 Dec 09 - 04:52 PM Old stale urine ("chamber lye") was used for everything from washing your long silken locks to making better saltpetre for gunpowder. Very useful stuff. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 15 Dec 09 - 04:54 PM Problem with peeing in the shower is it produces Pfog. This smelly vapour can move about and linnger a bit. Make sure you do not have visitors in shortly after you try home....that is. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Art Thieme Date: 15 Dec 09 - 04:58 PM I use it to clean the inside of catheters. ;-) But then, it goes bad real quick. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Charley Noble Date: 15 Dec 09 - 05:01 PM I wonder if this procedure would also cure psoriasis? LOL Who needs comprehensive health insurance when we have Mudcat? Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 15 Dec 09 - 05:28 PM There amy be a constant supply of it in the nursing homes and taverns....used beer may work better. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 15 Dec 09 - 05:32 PM Anyone hear of Asymptomatic bacteriuria? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: gnu Date: 15 Dec 09 - 05:38 PM You lye? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 15 Dec 09 - 06:15 PM There even is a piss and vinegar underwaer line: |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: John MacKenzie Date: 15 Dec 09 - 06:18 PM Before the clean air act, we used to have thick fogs in industrial cities in the UK. aka Pea soupers. I leave the rest to your imagination |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Gurney Date: 15 Dec 09 - 07:19 PM Thank you, Rapaire, for the spelling of 'chamber lye.' I knew about it from the singing of Bob Davenport, but he pronounces it as 'shammalie' "Shammalie'll poison you, my old man...." and describes it as 'fermented urine that is used for whitening doorsteps.' Mind where you step. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Rapparee Date: 15 Dec 09 - 07:23 PM According to the "Folklore of Adams County, Illinois" washing your front steps with you urine will attract male "customers" to your "house." |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Jack Campin Date: 15 Dec 09 - 08:10 PM Someone mentioned that you usually contract athlete's foot in gyms and saunas? Not in my experience. I haven't been in a gym or a sauna in years, but have gotten a mild case of athlete's foot now and then on a reasonably frequent basis, so I think it's just ordinary footwear that does it. My GP (recently retired) told me that he'd seen far more, and worse, fungal infections in people who wore trainers than those who wore more old-fashioned types of shoe. I suspect the people who claim you catch these infections from going barefoot in the gym have got it exactly wrong: people who go to the gym are likely to spend more time than others with their feet in sneakers, with their feet getting hotter and sweatier than the average. I've been wearing sandals without socks most of the year for years, and I now get far less fungal infections than I used to when I covered my feet more. The organisms that cause tinea are ubiquitous, you can't expect to prevent exposure. But you can avoid turning your feet into a culture medium. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: wysiwyg Date: 15 Dec 09 - 08:14 PM No time to read the whole thread-- but am I first to post about a foot up the ass curing LOTs of ills? :~) ~S~ |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 15 Dec 09 - 08:34 PM Excellent point, Jack. The more exposure to air and sunlight your feet get, the less likely you will develop any athlete's foot, so wearing sandals with bare feet is a great way to go, I'm sure (although I don't do that unless I'm in the tropics). SINSULL - I have NEVER peed in anyone else's shower while visiting them! Geez. Gimme a break. As for in my own place, I usually use a plastic bucket, then I dump the urine out in the toilet and rinse out the bucket (and the at a time) in the bathtub. I have noticed no stains developing in the bathtub. Also...I don't do this regularly, I pretty much only do it if there seems to be a bit of athlete's foot actually getting started, in which case it stops it. I would do it regularly, but I'm just too damn lazy and disorganized and usually in a hurry or I don't get around to it until there's a clear and definite need for it. ;-) These fears about getting stains in your bathtub are just plain silly, because there are plenty of other ways to immerse your toes in urine. I simply used the expression "pee in the shower", because it is a quick and simple way of saying it so someone understands what I mean, and because many people would probably opt to do that anyway sometimes. (regardless of whether they were doing it for therapeutic reasons or not) Urine is not something people need to get all squeamish about. You don't want it getting in your clothing or your carpeting, that's for sure...but getting some on your body is not any kind of problem, and it's an excellent natural antiseptic. What I'd like to know is what exactly is in the urine that provides those antiseptic qualities. Is it ammonia? Or something else? The other crap about "golden showers" is something I totally don't get. I understand that some people find it erotic to see someone else peeing (or even peeing ON them)???? Well, that's pretty strange, to say the least. I find it about as erotic as reading the Latvian-English dictionary backwards from the letter "T" to the letter "J". Not at all, in other words. I can't speak for Spaw, though. I bet it drives him wild... ;-) I mean, hell, the man consorts with Weimaraners! That tells you a lot. Dogs will happily pee on anything. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 15 Dec 09 - 08:41 PM Susan... is the foot up the ass meant to cure ills in... The kicker? Or the kickee? And do you have any testimonials to that effect from either group? ;-) And do both groups agree on the efficacy of that method? I think my idea is better. It does not require help or participation from another person. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Rapparee Date: 15 Dec 09 - 09:49 PM JUST for Little Hawk: Urine is the fluid excreted by the kidneys. It consists of water, carrying in solution the body's waste products such as urea, uric acid, creatinine, organic acids, and also other solutes such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, the body fluid concentrations of which are regulated by the kidneys. After being produced by the kidneys, urine passes along the ureters to be stored in the bladder, until it is allowed to flow out of the body through the urethra, in the process of micturition (urination). The smooth muscle of the bladder forms an internal sphincter at its junction with the urethra, and further along the urethra is the voluntary-control external sphincter. The bladder begins to contract (micturition reflex), and produces the desire to urinate, when its volume exceeds about 200 ml. However, if we do not relax the external sphincter, the contractions subside, but return with increasing force and frequency as the bladder continues to fill. When the bladder volume is about 500 ml the micturition reflex may force open the internal sphincter and lead to a reflex relaxation of the external sphincter, so that urination occurs involuntarily. Voluntary urination involves relaxation of the external sphincter and tensing of the abdominal muscles to increase abdominal pressure and compress the bladder, to initiate bladder contraction and relaxation of the internal sphincter. Most people excrete about 1.5 litres of urine per day, but the volume can range (in healthy adults) from 400 ml up to about 25 litres, depending on fluid intake. In renal failure, there may be no urine production, and in the rare condition of untreated diabetes insipidus, the urine volume is consistently 25 litres/day. Urine is termed 'dilute' if its solute concentration (osmolality) is lower than that of the blood plasma, and 'concentrated' if its solute concentration is greater than that of the plasma. Humans who are maximally conserving water — when their kidneys are reabsorbing as much as possible — can produce urine with a solute concentration (osmolality) about five times that of blood plasma. Many other animals can conserve water much more effectively. For example, cats, dogs, and rats can produce urine of ten times the plasma osmolality, and gerbils twenty times! When voided, urine is normally sterile and clear, although it has a yellow colour due to the presence of pigments. However, small amounts of particulate matter such as epithelial cells and lipids may be present; these are 'casts'. Protein is not normally filtered from the blood plasma by the kidneys, so protein in the urine — proteinuria — is generally indicative of damage to the glomeruli, at the blind inner ends of the kidney tubules, where filtration occurs. The urine may also appear to contain blood (haematuria). This may be due to haemolysis in the bloodstream (breakdown of red cells) so that some haemoglobin is released from them and excreted, or it may be due to the presence of whole red cells, as a result of bleeding in the kidneys or urinary tract. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 15 Dec 09 - 10:05 PM This guy makes a good case: http://www.s Another question, can dog pee hurt your grass. Some say it actually adds flavour when you dry and smoke it:) |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 15 Dec 09 - 10:06 PM Oops, here it si |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Gurney Date: 15 Dec 09 - 10:26 PM "The most reputable proponent is Madonna, followed by some serious flakes...." So, where does that place LH? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 15 Dec 09 - 11:16 PM Heh! ;-) Yeah...uh huh... Just try it on a case of athlete's foot. See what happens. Then give me your informed opinion, rather than just regurgitating something convenient from some "authoritative source" that you looked up out there that fits whatever you already wish to believe anyway. And besides, if you don't want to do it yourself...(shrug) what? Why should I care? I was simply talking about something here that I have come across that seems interesting and worthwhile to me. If you do that on the Internet...if you talk about anything at all on the Internet from any perspective at all, someone else always attacks it. Several people usually do. No matter what it is. And you can waste much time arguing with them about it and responding to their attacks. I just wasted maybe 60 seconds doing that by typing this post. I don't plan to waste a whole lot more after I hit the "submit" button. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: frogprince Date: 16 Dec 09 - 12:22 AM Piss on it, I have to get to bed. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 16 Dec 09 - 12:36 AM Snow flakes are actually yellow....not white....a reflection of the sun...our eyes ignore the yellow hues, and we see it as white. Yellow snow....ummmm |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 16 Dec 09 - 12:44 AM Not wanting to piss anyone off, but here is everything on urine and medecine: |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 16 Dec 09 - 12:47 AM There is a global urine community out there, a real piss up it is: |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Gurney Date: 16 Dec 09 - 01:25 AM I believe it is also a remedy to wash out the eyes when you have been tagged by a Spitting Cobra. Fortunately there are no snakes here. Funny, the stuff you find in your head when a train of thought starts. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Bert Date: 16 Dec 09 - 01:59 AM LH, your pee would kill anything, It's a wonder that they haven't started using it against the Zebra mussels and the oriental carp. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 16 Dec 09 - 08:50 AM Ha! ;-D Excellent point, Bert. Perhaps I should consider bottling it and marketing it. I need another good source of income. I never knew Madonna had any opinion about this until a few days ago when I watched a video of her on the Letterman show in 1994 (hilarious interview it was...). That was what made me think of posting about it. But I have known about the actual practice since some time in the mid-80's which was when I first heard about it and gave it a try. I told my Dad about it, because he had endless problems with athete's foot, and he tried it out and found that it cured the problem. Good enough for me and good enough for him. I don't give a good goddamn about the opinions of people who haven't actually tried it, and I don't care if they have their wall papered with presitigious medical certificates either. Experience weighs heavier than idle opinionating. Ed, that Taoist site has some interesting info on it. I know about some of the Asian practices regarding urine therapy...but I figured that the mainly North American and UK audience here can only take so much outside their normal comfort zone, so I didn't bother talking about that. ;-) |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: GUEST,Mr Red Date: 16 Dec 09 - 11:04 AM I don't know what it is exactly in the urine that does the trick, probably uric acid. It wouldn't work on Thrush - that relies on the acidity of urine to thrive. But daily yoghurt in your diet might keeps thrush from the er, um, door. By and large. Has no-one done the silent "P" joke yet? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: John MacKenzie Date: 16 Dec 09 - 11:26 AM Someone mentioned dog pee |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: frogprince Date: 16 Dec 09 - 03:16 PM Thanks so much, John; I had been wondering, ceaselessly and obsessively, about that for years, but I guess I couldn't get the right combination of technical terms together to search online for the information. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 16 Dec 09 - 04:48 PM It's amazing how many people want to know about that, isn't it? ;-) |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Monique Date: 16 Dec 09 - 05:57 PM I'd say it's something basic, not acid that gets rid of them. They don't like when you add a couple of teaspoonfuls of baking soda in a footbath either. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 16 Dec 09 - 06:43 PM I know....It needs work,'s a start...had John Prine's Blue Umbrella sound in mind:: Oh, Madonna You don't have to tell us any more The yellow stuff Snuffs out footy fungi Now. we know what number one is really for Urine is strange Depending on how you use it I had no notion We'd be using it for that Now, it works the best, While soaking in the shower Now be careful Or, you'll spill it on the floor At pee time I wonder why you left me At soak time I wonder what I did Since I mostly soak in the shower Get lost, was the only thing you said. A pee bottle Has now replaced my Ketchup With a special place On the old fridgy door Good News! No need to shop at the drugstore any more |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Genie Date: 16 Dec 09 - 07:57 PM Gurney, I've heard that peeing on a wound from some jellyfish and other venomous sea creatures can also neutralize the poison. And urine, diluted about 10 parts water to 1, makes an excellent plant fertilizer (e.g., for tomatoes). |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Genie Date: 16 Dec 09 - 08:01 PM Love the lyric poetry, folks! : D Nobody answered Tanglewood's question, so here goes: angledwood So peeing in the swimming pool isn't a bad thing. See, Tangled, nobody said "pee in the bathtub." Pool peeing: bad Small pond peeing: bad Waterfall peeing: just fine Ocean peeing: unless you're on a crowded beach, no problem - but probably won't cure your athlete's foot either As for peeing in your shower, if you soap up and rinse off well afterwards, I don't see how it would leave your shower stall any smellier than a normal shower would. You're washing dirt, bacteria, sweat, etc., off onto your shower's insides even when you don't pee. That's why people do clean their showers from time to time between uses, right? Your urine is probably more sterile than a lot of the other stuff you wash off your body in the shower. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Art Thieme Date: 16 Dec 09 - 08:31 PM I once posted about a friend whose cat took a shit on his pizza. Not seeing the act, he ate the pizza. The next day his MS, spontaneously, on it's own, receded some---as MS symptoms sometimes do for the lucky ones. His little brother had seen the cat do it's stuff on the pizza---and only told his big brother about it, mid guffaws of pre-pubescent mirth, after the fact of it. Knowing how folks with MS, ME included, search far and wide for alternative medicine cures for their malady, I quite easily extrapolated, in my mind, the fellow going on Oprah's show and telling the world about the Cat Shit Pizza Cure For MS. Pizza Hut puts it on the menu touting it as a "miracle in a pan"---extra cheese $1.00 more. Is this dynamic playing out right before our very eyes in this thread? What think you, people!? Art Thieme |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 16 Dec 09 - 09:55 PM Confessions: "I pissed in the shower before it was cool" unknown "From now on I'll piss in the sink, just to stay one step ahead of everyone else"unknown "I just piss off of my deck" unknown "I piss off the front porch at night, only problem is the grass grows faster in that spot" unknown "I once pissed in a plant at a hotel party" unknown |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 16 Dec 09 - 09:59 PM Hell, he may have been doing them a health favour? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Gurney Date: 16 Dec 09 - 10:14 PM According to the film 'The Fastest Indian,' pee is a great fertiliser for citrus trees. Bert Munroe said it, how can it be wrong! One of our cats used to pee in a particular spot regularly. The result was a bare spot in the lawn, surrounded by lush, overfertilised grass. Very obvious. So maybe you should pee in your plantation..... Unless you don't want it to be obvious? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 17 Dec 09 - 12:26 AM Har! Har! Some great stuff here... ;-D Art, NO ONE can possibly fail to notice that a cat has "shat" on his piece of pizza! Good lord. I mean, there's hardly anthing else on Earth that stinks as badly as cat shit does, so there's just NO way! I think you're telling tall tales. ;-) Anyway, I suggest you test out the theory by eating a piece of pizza with cat shit on it, and...oh you have MS? You can't test the theory unless you do, I guess. So you'd have to find someone with MS and get THEM to test out your theory. Keep in mind that I HAVE tested out the urine on the feet theory and found it to work. Therefore, I am one up on you for confirming theories through personal testing... ;-) I will not swallow (glurk!) your theory about the cat shit causing MS symptoms to abate until you have self-tested it and stood by what you say! (grin) **** Ed - Chongo has investigated your list of anonymous confessions, and found out who made them. As follows: Confessions: "I pissed in the shower before it was cool" - George W. Bush AND Shane McBride "From now on I'll piss in the sink, just to stay one step ahead of everyone else" - Shane McBride "I just piss off of my deck" - Don McBride AND Shane McBride "I piss off the front porch at night, only problem is the grass grows faster in that spot" - Me! It's true. I did this off and on one summer and the grass DID grow faster in that spot. Keep in mind that it was at night, and no one lives on the other side of that street anyway nor can our neighbours to either side see that area at night, so it's quite a private spot. "I once pissed in a plant at a hotel party" - Princess Diana! God knows how she managed it, but that's what Chongo says, and I believe him. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 17 Dec 09 - 07:15 AM An important element of proving something in science is the control. I suggest a reliable experiment could involve one fungus foot soaked in urinr, the other not, (or painted with cat shit....or a reasonable replacement). But, maybe I am confused....did someone suggest cat scat worked also? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 17 Dec 09 - 07:59 AM After making the last urine typo, I put urinr in a Google is forgiving....but I came up with this odd question: |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 17 Dec 09 - 08:02 AM And the submitted answer to the urinr question was: I would obtain new urine after a while. Make sure it is the right temperature when you give it or they will know it isn't yours and make you wait (maybe drink some water) until you are able to give them another sample (usually within the hour, if possible). They usually won't let you leave and come back or you will be considered dirty. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Art Thieme Date: 17 Dec 09 - 06:29 PM Well I do have MS. Yep, it is a truism. And I did try the pizza. (It didn't work!! -- That's where my music went though -- right into the cat box with my fine-motor-response. The Ms is as bad as when my friend used bee venom sting therapy to try to cure her MS. (That didn't work either!!) So----Google MS and Bee Venom Sting Therapy---and voila---there it will all be clear as a bell for ya. It will come up on your screen like a massive hairball of info. Good luck, Art |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 17 Dec 09 - 07:03 PM You serious??? Yikes! I think I'd almost rather have the MS. I hate getting stung by bees. Mind you, it would be short term pain for long term I still get quite twitchy thinking about it. Have you heard the theory about ingesting elephant toenails to cure sleep apnea? Only problem is, the toenails have to be on a living elephant at the time. Dead toenails won't do, because they lack the necessary chi. The only way you can really do it is to convince an elephant to place his foot directly in your mouth. This is best done by lying prone on your back with your mouth open, and the elephant then walks over and steps on your head. NO ONE who has done this has had any more trouble afterward with sleep apnea. I guaran-dam-tee it. ;-) And it cures a host of other medical problems too...that's why it's called "The Final Solution" in sub-Saharan Africa. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Mr Red Date: 18 Dec 09 - 05:48 AM Years ago - when there were people who had and had used, at some time in their life, a: Po, Guzzunder, Gerry etc, I heard a person relate that an old wives tale had them put their feet in the urine as a cure for chilblanes. And the woman said she didn't like doing it. The efficacy was not stated. But as a preventative treatment - would you allow yourself to get chilblanes? Knowing that in the morning ................. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 18 Dec 09 - 06:48 AM Let's not forget that urine emissions could be used in hydrogen-electricity production energy emissions from pee emissions: |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Rog Peek Date: 18 Dec 09 - 10:50 AM I've just had a kidney stone experience, can we stop all this talk of urine please. Rog |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Genie Date: 18 Dec 09 - 05:46 PM Yes, Ed, you do need that experimental control. Gotta control for that "piss placebo effect." And, Art, if I hadda choose I'm much rather drink piss than eat shit. I'm just funny that way.) Genie ; D |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Genie Date: 18 Dec 09 - 05:48 PM Hawk, I love your elephant toenail cure instructions. *g* Only thing is, "lyring prone on your back" is an OXYMORON! |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 18 Dec 09 - 06:29 PM I feel science has proven that Q Ray braclets have no basis in science that they can do anything. Given that, I have no problem with them being sold and used, since if you believe in them they may do some good. If someone says that thay cured them of a minor ailment (like athletes foot) and it does, then great. If they say it might ,and it does not, I still have no problem with it being promoted and sold for minor ailments. And, I accept that there is a vast expanse of potential cures that science knows little about. As for alternative treatments (aka urine) , if it cures minor ailments, or your belief in using it does (for whatever minor ailment) , it's a good thing. However, I feel a greater level of scientific scrutiny is warranted for cures for major ailments....especially those that kill, and scientifically scrutinized treatments are available. ...and rejected because oof unscientific claims. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: gnu Date: 18 Dec 09 - 06:46 PM My bro got one of those healing bracelets about 8 months before he died. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: catspaw49 Date: 18 Dec 09 - 08:57 PM HEY ED.....I think that MAGNETISM may work. Paw, Cletus, Buford, and the Reg Boys thought so. The Boys have always been interested in science and this tale tells of a medical experiment wherein they take up the the study of the healing power of magnetism: Paw's flattulence when combined with his passion for 'shine and hot wings used to be a big problem for him whenever his roids would flare to speak...and it got to the point that little rubber donut pillows and Preparation H just weren't doing the job anymore. Clete's 6th wife was into all the weird and wacky cures so Cletus was always coming to Paw with his suggestions that he'd heard from her. When Cletus told Paw about acupuncture, he disappeared for about two weeks and I'll be damned if anyone could find him. The Reg Boys too had their share of wacky cures for everything from the Great White North of Canada, but most of them involved bear grease and other vile and foamy liquids. Then it happened. The whole lot of them were watching my TV down in the den one night and had been subjected to at least nine hours of infomercials while they slugged down Iron City. I had learned from experience to unplug the phone and hide my credit cards on these nights which only took place when Karen was gone. I'm still paying for that quonset hut in the Aleutian Islands and I have the complete collection of Pan Flute Favorites so I have learned, albeit slowly. I think the one that finally got me was the "Great Michigan Getaway Weekend" which they bought and gave to Karen and I for an anniversary present. It was a month before I found out that they had billed it to my Visa and when we went for "rest and relaxation" in beautiful Michigan, it turned out to be clapped out motel run by a Pakistani in downtown Flint, just across from a closed GM factory. I guess it was about 5:30 AM when Cletus woke me up and said they had the cure for Paw's hemorrhoids. This was more than I wanted or needed to know at 5:30 so after verifying that it wouldn't cost me anything, I said have at it and went back to sleep. When I woke up about 7 I had one of those vague feelings of dread. You know what I mean? Nothing was wrong that I could think of and yet I just felt the world was going to come after me that day. It turned out to be Old Man Rafferty instead....but I'll come to that. The "boys" arrived back at my place about noon having already left when I woke at 7. They were lugging some huge electric motors into my garage and looking about for tools when I walked in and asked what the hell was going on. Cletus then launched into their "cure" and the reasoning behind it. It seems they had watched an infomercial about the "healing power of magnetism" and saw immediately that this was the way to fix Paw's 'roids. Slowly it all began to come together for me and I began to wonder how in the hell these guys could even remember how to breathe! In any case, they'd picked up the motors from out back of Bernie's Electrical Supply and were now going to remove the large magnets inside. They idea was to cut a slit in Paw's rubber donut, insert the magnets, and then duct tape the thing back together. I noticed that Buford had an old jockstrap (with cup) that they evidently were going to use to strap the magnets to Paw's ass, again using liberal amounts of duct tape. Listening to Cletus explain all of this and their newfound theory made me begin to question my own existence, as though I really didn't exist in the world I had come to know, but was simply a bit player in a leftover Rod Serling story. Things started going downhill pretty quickly as the magnets were removed and now were flying across my garage, affixing themselves to various steel my van, my lawnmower, my golf clubs, and a little steel reinforced concrete rabbit that someone had once given us as a joke. I figured that I was going to be better off if they'd finish up somewhere else so I suggested they take all the stuff and head for the pleasant little roadside picnic area on the edge of the village where they could finish rigging Paw up and with any luck, I'd never know anything more about it. After removing the magnets, scratching the hell out of my van, breaking off the head of a 5 iron and the left ear of the rabbit, they left. The picnic area was only about a half mile off, just a bit down Rt.664 and I told them to let me know how it all worked out. Curiosity is a terrible thing sometimes and about an hour later I grabbed my Weimaraner and his leash and set out as though I were just walking the dog. As I turned on 664 I saw the Boys all walking towards me from the little picnic grove. Paw's ass seemed to be a bit large and he was walking funny, but from a distance I could tell they must have done a good job circling his ass in magnets because outside of a slight limp and a big bulge at the rear of his bibs, Paw looked pretty normal. Then it happened. Trailing the others, Paw walked past Old Man Rafferty's mailbox, a new heavy duty steel one to foil the kids with cars and bats. He first slowed, stopped, then flew backwards and before you could say "dumbfuck" he was hanging from his ass on the mailbox. Ol' Man Rafferty was washing his aging Electra deuce and a quarter and looked up to see what was happening. By that time, Cletus, Buford, and the Reg Boys all were tugging on either Paw or Rafferty's mailbox and though they got him off the mailbox was smashed in and the pole was a goner. Well I tell you, Rafferty came flying down the drive, gravel spitting up from his shoes, and swearing a blue streak. Paw was laying about 10 foot up the drive where he'd landed after the force of being ripped from the mailbox sent him sailing through the air. Rafferty bent over him and started yelling in his face and Paw was trying to stand up but being weighed down by the Magnetic Ass-Healing Ring. I got up there and tried to get Rafferty to calm down some as the others stood around looking bewildered. Rafferty started blaming me for allowing such "dumbass shitkickers" to stay here and how I should let them rot somewhere else. Before he could say another word, things continued to deteriorate. Paw had gotten to his feet about 15 feet from the Buick and there was a loud clanging thump as one of the hubcaps flew off and affixed itself to Paw's rump. Rafferty grabbed the hubcap and started pulling for all he was worth swinging Paw round and round in a circle. The hubcap folded and broke loose and Paw landed by the side of the road while Rafferty began to rage about his rump-sprung hubcap and twisted mailbox. I got out my checkbook and with a stern look to Cletus asked how much this would cost to keep from calling the police. The sight of my checkbook calmed Rafferty down and my Weimaraner had gone over to the side of the road and was licking Paw's face. Rafferty calculated a sum which I figured was enough to buy a new set of tires and an exhaust system for the Buick and build a brick mailbox, while forcing me nearer to bankruptcy. Cletus and the rest were circled around me as I handed Rafferty the check and when I turned to go, I saw Paw had gotten to his feet again and was bent over stroking Jaeger's head. The dog has always had a soft spot for Paw and when I whistled for him he reluctantly came back up the drive. Bending over to pick up his leash, I heard Cletus say, "Aw Sheeitt!" Right then I couldn't imagine how things could get worse, but I looked up just in time to see Paw lifted from his feet and his ass attach to the exhaust stack of a passing Peterbilt. I watched as the truck roared off, Paw flailing around and in a blind spot where the driver couldn't see him, and the dumbass Reg boys waving "bye-bye" as the Pete rounded a curve down by the Hopewell place. We found Paw at the truckstop at Rt.37 and I-70 where the driver had stopped for fuel. When we arrived, the Magnetic Ass-Healing Ring was nowhere to be seen and Paw was sitting on a bag of ice trying to cool the burns from riding 27 miles on an exhaust stack. But I tell you what.....Perhaps it was the scar tissue from the burns that did it, but Paw hasn't had trouble with 'roids since then. Maybe there is something to the power of magnetism..................... Spaw |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 19 Dec 09 - 05:47 PM gnu - keep in mind that a lot of people get treated by highly respected conventional medical methods that are intended to cure them "eight months before they die" too. Or one month before they die. And they still die anyway. What does that prove? It proves that nothing is guaranteed, but you might as well try whatever you think may help...after all, it's your life, right? So it's your decision. Both conventional AND alternative methods of healing MIGHT save your life, but I doubt that there's any method out there that can claim a 100% success rate. About the lowest success rate I know of for curing people is conventional medicine's rate of curing cancer, for example. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 19 Dec 09 - 06:11 PM Don't get me wrong, I have been a strong promoter of magnets and magnetism, as was Ambrose Bierce (a quote of his below: "MAGNET, n. Something acted upon by magnetism. MAGNETISM, n. Something acting upon a magnet. The two definitions immediately foregoing are condensed from the works of one thousand eminent scientists, who have illuminated the subject with a great white light, to the inexpressible advancement of human knowledge." |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Ed T Date: 19 Dec 09 - 06:17 PM BTW, if you are interested in seeing a few more quotes of Ambrose Bierce, some can be found at: One I like is "Sweater, n.: garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly." |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Genie Date: 19 Dec 09 - 08:38 PM If you try a treatment and you die 8 months later, it could be that: a. The treatment's generally effective but not in all cases. You just happen to be the exception. b. You might have been cured if you hadn't waited so long to start that treatment. c. Without the treatment, you would have died 2 months later. d. Without the treatment, you'd have lived just as long, but you felt better during those last 8 months because of the treatment. e. You didn't follow the instructions. Etc. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: gnu Date: 19 Dec 09 - 08:44 PM Genie.... wear yer bracelet eh. Hope it works for you. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 20 Dec 09 - 12:35 AM Then there's also the disturbing possibility that without the treatment you might have lived three yours or even 20 years longer! This has, I think, been true in a great number of cases. But that depends on whom you ask about it. No M.D. will admit that his method of treatment prematurely killed a patient who would have been far better off without ever having seen him. Nor will any alternative healer admit it either. Many existing (and very well thought of) medical treatments (both conventional and alternative) are quite hazardous to the patient. Among those are a host of conventional drug therapies, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Just as in medieval times...despite our pretensions of modern enlightenment and scientific advancement, highly respected physicians are unintentionally killing many of their patients while sincerely attempting to heal them. Why? Because they are sold on conventionally acceptable treatments of their day that are far from enlightened...and which in time will be utterly discredited by a future set of medical authorities who will probably look back in horror on what we are doing now in our clinics and hospitals. In fact, I guarantee it. If you were to live long enough, you'd see my prediction confirmed. It's been happening that way for centuries, and it's not over yet. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: gnu Date: 21 Aug 12 - 07:53 PM The Vick`s Vapo Rub thing works (at least sometimes) but a word of caution... wash yer hands before you take a piss. Nuff said. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Jim McLean Date: 22 Aug 12 - 05:27 AM I was told by my Granny, about 70 years ago, that peeing on your warts would kill them ... and it did. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: gnu Date: 22 Aug 12 - 05:21 PM Does it work for trolls? There's a lot of them at Mudcat. |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: gnu Date: 22 Aug 12 - 08:19 PM This happened. I was there. I was dating a young Acaidian lass some thirty odd years ago. Comely and built like... so, I had a wart on my forearm. Just found it. She said she could get rid of it. I said, "Go ahead." She circled it with a ballpoint pen and rubbed it and said something in Latin. She told me not to look at it or wash it for 4 days. I did so. Gone. I saw a skin doc re some skin tags. $125 and the lot could be clipped and burned. I mentioned it to me mum. She hauled out the Minard's Linament and told me what to do. Gone. Except for the one about 4 inches from my left nut to a bit to the rear and a bit off kilter... I guess I need another mirror to see it properly for applying the Minard's... unless someone could give me a hand... any volunteers? Spaw? |
Subject: RE: BS: Urine kills athlete's foot fungus. From: Little Hawk Date: 22 Aug 12 - 11:02 PM I think you can kill a troll with urine, gnu...but it has to be a LOT of urine! ;-) It ain't easy to drown a troll. |