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Lyr Req: Need a few Good recitation suggestions.


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Rowan 30 Aug 08 - 02:43 AM
Susan of DT 29 Aug 08 - 10:23 AM
GUEST,beachcomber 29 Aug 08 - 08:13 AM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Need a few Good recitation suggestion
From: Rowan
Date: 30 Aug 08 - 02:43 AM

Perhaps a kind Mudelf could merge the two threads.

Cheers, Rowan
    Done - but I left these three messages here, and will eventually delete this thread. Hope you don't mind.
    -Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Need a few Good recitation suggestion
From: Susan of DT
Date: 29 Aug 08 - 10:23 AM

Beachcomber - look at the thread you started yesterday - lots of postings/listings.

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Subject: Lyr Req: Need a few Good recitation suggestions.
From: GUEST,beachcomber
Date: 29 Aug 08 - 08:13 AM

A friend of mine has been reciting "Chantil du Champignon" in our local for several years now (To much acclaim it must be said) but , of late, some non-regulars( and tourists !) have been seen to become restless during the performance. "We've heard that old thing before " is the cry. Consequently,I have been asked to provide some new material and would appreciate any assistance from mudcatters. What is required is something humourous and , preferably, with a "sting in the tail".
I should tell you that the pub, which only opens on Tues and Friday nights and has a "hard core" of some 20-30 regulars, is the favourite haunt of us "older folk" of the hamlet who still arrange a "session" from time to time (Birthdays and Wakes mostly ).
Now we feel that "the honour of the little village " is at stake and I really hope that somebody here can help..

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