Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Bob and Carol and Ted and Fenris From: Joe Offer Date: 19 Feb 25 - 06:36 PM Yes, they have an unusual hibernation season in Mendocino. They are awake when the whales and the elk are migrating. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Bob and Carol and Ted and Fenris From: GUEST,keberoxu Date: 19 Feb 25 - 06:31 PM Lady Mondegreen is back! |
Subject: Lyr Add: Bob and Carol and Ted and Fenris From: GUEST,Lady Mondegreen Date: 14 Feb 25 - 01:04 PM Bob and Carol and Ted and Fenris: A Valentine's Day Romance (Child 699) Lyrics: Lady Mondegreen Can be sung to The Pace-Egging Song (traditional Yorkshire ritual song, as sung by the Watersons), Young Rambleaway (also by the Watersons), Sweet Betsy From Pike, or any old tune that fits. Robert and Carol and Fenris and Ted Stayed at Elitewater, all in one bed. “We chose this place ‘cause the hot tub looked glamorous Don’t tell our families we’re polyamorous.” Carol and Robert were both thirty-four Loved Joy of Sex and were ready for more. Their best friend Ted, standing at their home bar Mixed Irish coffee as they charged the car. Fenris the husky was raised on peyote Three-quarters dog and one-quarter coyote Sneaking outside he would howl at the moon Raiding the garbage cans like a raccoon. They left Mill Valley at twenty to eight, Bright-eyed and eager for their double date Four in a Bolt is a mighty tight squeeze Ted fondled Fenris who sat on his knees. They shopped at TJ’s for flowers and food, All except Fenris were in a good mood Stopping at Starbucks they drank frappucino Farewell Sonoma, hello Mendocino. Carol said “Boys, don’t you give me no sass, Pull over here at the Quik-Stop for gas. Let Fenris out for a pee and a poop” Ted said, “I can’t find my red plastic scoop.” Carol said, “Sweetheart, I don’t mean to nag, You’ve got to put all that poop in a bag” They caught the dog and were two hours late When they turned west onto 128. When they arrived they admired the big bed. “Eat at the Beauj,” the young innkeeper said. But they decided to go with the Flow, “Do they have T-bones?” Ted wanted to know. They drank tequila and sat on the deck. Robert and Carol said they’d get the check They got a steak and the dog got a bone Ted got a boner and sat on his own. Back in Elitewater’s honeymoon suite Ted arranged flowers and turned down the sheet Brought out his bong and they all took a toke. “Let’s go and get our massage and a soak.” Wrapped in their robes they went down to the spa. Bob said, “I thought it would be less bourgeois” Carol flounced in with her whole entourage Calling “We’re here for our thruples massage, Where’s the masseuse?” But the clerk didn’t know “Lakshmi left here half an hour ago She took her Android and her yoga mat It’s Halloween, so who knows where she’s at.” He checked his phone for another masseuse Ted went to pee and then Fenris got loose Jumped on the counter and licked the clerk’s face He said, “Your dog is invading my space.” Ted was pissed off but he knew what to do Gave the massage place a one-star review. “That clerk’s a narcissist, just like my mother Let’s go to bed and massage one another.” When they got back to the honeymoon suite Ted took his pants off and rubbed Carol’s feet Till he got mesmerized checking his phone Robert played fetch with the dog and the bone. They loved each other, both soft and hardcore Fenris, a good boy, stayed down on the floor Bob got the lubricant off of the shelf And if you want more you can write it yourself. Fenris or Fenrir was a gigantic wolf, son of the trickster-god Loki. During Ragnarök, the Twilight of the Gods, Fenris slays Odin and sets the world on fire. Beaujolais and Flow are Mendocino restaurants. |
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