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BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November


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BobL 07 Nov 20 - 02:58 AM
Thompson 07 Nov 20 - 06:39 AM
Bonzo3legs 07 Nov 20 - 12:43 PM
Steve Shaw 07 Nov 20 - 01:08 PM
Senoufou 07 Nov 20 - 01:31 PM
Nigel Parsons 07 Nov 20 - 04:42 PM
Bonzo3legs 08 Nov 20 - 11:10 AM
Steve Shaw 08 Nov 20 - 11:32 AM
Bonzo3legs 08 Nov 20 - 04:22 PM
Steve Shaw 08 Nov 20 - 05:59 PM
Senoufou 08 Nov 20 - 06:11 PM
Bonzo3legs 08 Nov 20 - 06:25 PM
Steve Shaw 08 Nov 20 - 07:07 PM
Senoufou 09 Nov 20 - 02:50 PM
Steve Shaw 09 Nov 20 - 06:14 PM
Jack Campin 09 Nov 20 - 08:52 PM
Mrrzy 05 Nov 21 - 11:50 AM
Dave the Gnome 05 Nov 21 - 12:32 PM
Senoufou 05 Nov 21 - 01:05 PM
Backwoodsman 05 Nov 21 - 03:07 PM
Backwoodsman 05 Nov 21 - 03:11 PM
Mrrzy 05 Nov 21 - 04:18 PM
Senoufou 05 Nov 21 - 04:28 PM
Steve Shaw 05 Nov 21 - 04:48 PM
Bonzo3legs 05 Nov 21 - 05:47 PM
Dave the Gnome 05 Nov 21 - 06:17 PM
Backwoodsman 05 Nov 21 - 06:35 PM
Steve Shaw 05 Nov 21 - 06:45 PM
Dave the Gnome 05 Nov 21 - 06:45 PM
Steve Shaw 05 Nov 21 - 06:51 PM
punkfolkrocker 05 Nov 21 - 10:47 PM
The Sandman 06 Nov 21 - 03:58 AM
Bonzo3legs 06 Nov 21 - 04:35 AM
Rain Dog 06 Nov 21 - 04:40 AM
punkfolkrocker 06 Nov 21 - 06:10 AM
punkfolkrocker 06 Nov 21 - 06:17 AM
Bonzo3legs 06 Nov 21 - 06:30 AM
Dave the Gnome 06 Nov 21 - 10:44 AM
Steve Shaw 06 Nov 21 - 11:43 AM
punkfolkrocker 06 Nov 21 - 12:07 PM
Bonzo3legs 06 Nov 21 - 12:09 PM
Bonzo3legs 06 Nov 21 - 06:28 PM
Steve Shaw 06 Nov 21 - 08:23 PM
The Sandman 07 Nov 21 - 02:31 AM
Bonzo3legs 07 Nov 21 - 07:04 AM
Bonzo3legs 07 Nov 21 - 07:05 AM
Dave the Gnome 07 Nov 21 - 08:31 AM
Dave the Gnome 07 Nov 21 - 08:32 AM
Senoufou 07 Nov 21 - 11:34 AM
punkfolkrocker 07 Nov 21 - 11:41 AM

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: BobL
Date: 07 Nov 20 - 02:58 AM

Is click/phone & collect still allowed, if collection is properly distanced?

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Thompson
Date: 07 Nov 20 - 06:39 AM

How fabulously successful the propaganda has been if the idea is "better to burn Catholics in effigy than Protestants in reality"! Read up a little about the pogroms driving Catholics from their homes in Northern Ireland, about the kidnaps and murders or random Catholics by Loyalist gangs (one boasted "the bullets going into her breasts sounded like they were going into a pillow").
Iconographising interracial or interreligious hatred is not a good idea in any case whatsoever; the truth will set you free.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 07 Nov 20 - 12:43 PM

This is now the 5th night running that our greyhound is uncontrollably shaking because of these fucking shits letting off deafening fireworks. The sooner they are banned the better.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 07 Nov 20 - 01:08 PM

Try double glazing.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Senoufou
Date: 07 Nov 20 - 01:31 PM

We have full double-glazing, and a few minutes ago it was like the Battle of the Somme. Such loud, deep explosions, the house shook. Rockets raining down into our garden, husband on oil-tank duty. I can hear our neighbours' dogs actually screaming. Other side, her three cats are buried under duvets trembling in fear. (We're on Facebook)
I can't imagine how the riding stables up the road are coping with all their panicking horses. They're safely stabled, but they try to climb somehow over their doors.

Is all this justifiable in any way?

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Nigel Parsons
Date: 07 Nov 20 - 04:42 PM

Sen: Is all this justifiable in any way?

To quote a song (and title) from "Fiddler on the roof": "Tradition!"


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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 08 Nov 20 - 11:10 AM

Tradition my arse, there is nothing traditional about recreating the Battle of the Somme soundtrack every night since the beginning of November - it is now the 8 November is it traditional to let off fireworks on that day, or tomorrow of the next day. Now we know for certain that a portion of this nightly racket comes from a gypsy site less than one mile away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 08 Nov 20 - 11:32 AM

Steady now...

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 08 Nov 20 - 04:22 PM

Horse struck in the eye by firework need I go on????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 08 Nov 20 - 05:59 PM

"Less than one mile away" my arse. Unless fireworks were less than three or four hundred yards away you'd hardly hear them much at all. Our nearest fireworks display was 300 yards away and we completely missed it as we didn't hear anything. The next nearest was up at the farm, a quarter of a mile away. We saw a few lights but didn't hear a thing. The next nearest was at the Bay View at Widemouth Bay (known to Raggytash), about half a mile away. We heard nothing and saw next to nothing. My view is that fireworks for Guy Fawkes should be restricted to two or three nights around Nov 5 at the most. Other than that, live at let live. The other 362 days and nights your dog is free to go and shit all over the streets. We have to live and let live with that. Just keep your dog in and turn the bloody telly up.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Senoufou
Date: 08 Nov 20 - 06:11 PM

Tradition - well, maybe. But times have changed. I may have posted about 'old times' before, but when I was small, Guy Fawkes Night was a real treat. We always went down the road to a neighbour's house, and took our homemade mince pies plus a half-crown box of fireworks. All the other children did the same, and the dad, Mr Jones, let off the various types himself:-
Catherine wheels (pretty but not noisy)
Roman candles (three softish bangs with three different colours) Golden rain (pretty and quiet)
About three small rockets (whoosh rather than bang)
and of course my favourite: sparklers, which we waved around making patterns.
Our stuffed Guy burned merrily on top of the bonfire.
Now none of this was particularly noisy,and lasted about twenty minutes. No appalling 'explosions' like bombs.
If things were exactly the same now, I think it would be better.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 08 Nov 20 - 06:25 PM

Absolutely right, our Dreamy found her own safe place by the mirror on the door of our wardrobe with her friend - ie her own reflection!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 08 Nov 20 - 07:07 PM

Rose-coloured specs, Senoufou. When I was about eleven or twelve I'd stuff my pockets with about 100 penny bangers and a couple of boxes of matches (the ones with a picture of Captain Webb on the front) and my backup was a big clutch of Brocks "repeating bombshells". They were cheap and were at least as noisy and threatening as anything you can buy today. It it was on just the one night, a sentiment I keep repeating.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Senoufou
Date: 09 Nov 20 - 02:50 PM

Haha Steve, that picture fits exactly with how I imagine you as a young boy! Pocket full of bangers, some matches and an 'attitude'! Yes! :)

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 09 Nov 20 - 06:14 PM

You are not wrong, dear girl... :-)

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Jack Campin
Date: 09 Nov 20 - 08:52 PM

Something I only found out today: there is an overwhelming majority of public opinion in Scotland in favour of banning private possession of fireworks. But they can't be banned here because this is an issue the Westminster regime won't let the Scottish Government legislate on.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Mrrzy
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 11:50 AM

Remember, remember!

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 12:32 PM

There was a TV advert when I was a kid

Light up the skies with Standard fireworks
Dad's big surprise is Standard fireworks

At which point us kids would scream "coz a rocket hit him up the bum" and then roll about laughing:-D

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Senoufou
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 01:05 PM

Hee hee Dave!
It's pitch dark here (5pm) and not a bang (or a whimper) so far. If anything starts, I'll have to be on oil tank duty most of the evening, because husband is school-cleaning until 9pm (He's always on 'security duty' too, and has to lock up the entire campus)
I so hate it when I hear all the dogs screaming in fright. Some neighbours put on our Village Facebook some recommended 'medication' which calms dogs down. Perhaps I should take some too?
I honestly think no fireworks should be available to the general public and no private setting-off allowed. It should be restricted to public displays on registered venues, with the appropriate fire-security measures in place.
Horrible old Grinch aren't I?

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 03:07 PM

”I honestly think no fireworks should be available to the general public and no private setting-off allowed. It should be restricted to public displays on registered venues, with the appropriate fire-security measures in place.”

I agree, Sen.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 03:11 PM

Oops, pressed ‘Go’ too soon!

We’ve had fireworks banging and crashing like the opening barrage of the Battle of The Somme for the past week, and I expect it will last another week or more. Completely unnecessary, and extremely selfish and anti-social.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Mrrzy
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 04:18 PM

Why should folks not be allowed fireworks?

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Senoufou
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 04:28 PM

It is indeed anti-social Backwoodsman.
One has always to consider ones neighbours when living in a close community like our little village. There are babies sleeping, nervous old people, frightened dogs and many wooden fences and sheds which could catch fire (not to mention kerosene oil tanks!)
In a nearby village (called Hockering) a chap's bonfire got out of control, set fire to his fence and the heat exploded his neighbours' oil tank. His house caught fire too and he had to bring his wife to live with their son and his family (opposite our house!) for many months. Everyone here calls him Bonfire Billy. The people in Hockering, strangely enough, are not too friendly towards him now that he has moved back ( after receiving a gigantic insurance claim payout).

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 04:48 PM

Well I haven't set off a firework for decades (and I made sure our pussycat stayed in this evening), but I can't agree with some of you curmudgeons. Whilst firework sales should be strictly permitted for adults only (unlike in my day, when I roamed around Radcliffe with like-minded mates with a bundle of penny bangers looking for trouble...), and that I feel that bonfire night should be the ONLY night we see or hear them, I just don't think that we should go sniffily around calling for the banning of stuff all the time. Sure, it's an inconvenience to pet owners, etc., but it isn't hard to keep your beast indoors on a few evenings a year in the winter (and don't get me started on the inconvenience that a good number of the less responsible pet owners cause round here 365 days of the year...)

Live and let live, eh, and let's just encourage everyone to have their fun responsibly.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 05:47 PM

Don't talk rubbish Steve Shaw, here is a Petrified greyhound due to fireworks

Not ours, she is with our dogwalker in a soundproofed room.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 06:17 PM

Princess Molly the Mollificent, our scaredy cat, was very brave. Only hid under the bed for a couple of hours and, daft as I am, I put relaxing music on the Echo for her :-)

I don't think fireworks should be banned but, as suggested earlier, there should be strict controls. If owners cannot keep their pets safe for one night maybe they should consider boarding them to someone who can calm them for the night?

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 06:35 PM

But it’s not ‘one night’ though, is it Dave? It’s been going on for a week here, and it will certainly go on for another several nights, possibly a week.

I don’t ask for fireworks to be banned, but I do believe they should only be sold to organisers of official displays. That would prevent the prolonged and anti-social setting-off of fireworks that we get now.

And Steve, they’re not ‘Penny Bangers’ any more, are they? If they were just Penny Bangers (or even Tuppenny Canons), I wouldn’t object. But they’re very big, very loud, close-to-professional-standard pyrotechnic devices.

Bonzo, that video of the terrified greyhound was heartbreaking.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 06:45 PM

If I'm expected to put the feelings of a dog above the mass of humanity, then I'm afraid I can see no competition. There have been two bouts of loud firework activity near my house tonight (bloody farmers...), but I just kept my cat indoors. She wasn't keen, but hey ho. Unless your house is made of super-thin cardboard, your dog would be perfectly safe indoors for a couple of hours, and I'm assuming that you don't exactly allow your dog to roam outdoors after dark...

So many dog-owners appear to have a massive sense of entitlement. Well the rest of the human race, who go to work, put up with the privations of everyday life, who struggle on, furloughs, job insecurity, kids trapped at home, months of lockdowns, etc., just for one night outdoors in November, just might want to have a bit of outdoor fun with our duffle coats on. Just as we've done for decades and centuries. Human beings are the heart and soul of this country. Your dog, lovely though it may be, is a bolt-on which you chose. Get a grip, mate, and let's live and let live, and please grab yourself a sense of proportion.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 06:45 PM

Why do you think I said there should be strict controls,John?

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 06:51 PM

And, I hasten to add, I've said that Guy Fawkes night should BE one night. It was when we were little, it worked quite well that way, and that's how I feel it should be. But anyone who thinks that fireworks should be banned because some people have dogs...well, just bugger off.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 05 Nov 21 - 10:47 PM

I'm an animal lover, and an 'exciting exploding things that go bang' lover..

I had dogs, cats, and lound fireworks when I was a kid, and no problems
with petrified pets...

Surely thr 21st Century human race has not become so thick and intolerant,
that we can't work out an effective compromise...

Yes, I've seen the petition circulating to ban, or heavily restrict,
or only manufacture and sell 'silent' fireworks...

[that reminds me of those pointless pathetic safe shite indoor fireworks of childhood bordom]

Doting cat owners would surely enjoy dressing their spoiled felines with cute daft looking sound protected ear muffs..
Likewise dog owners, etc..

Think of the photo opportunities for pet crazy social media sites...

Now to the slightly more serious part;

Ex combat veterans, suffering ptsd, ARE making a more convincing case for sympathy and consideration
regarding fireworks,
though accept the onus is on themselves making their own intelligent arrangement to be safe and secure whenever the noise kicks off...

I have far more empathy for them, than the moaning entitled old 'poor nervous pussy' worshippers
bombarding social media with anti firework agitation...

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: The Sandman
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 03:58 AM

perhaps we should celebrate by blowing up parliament, but do it properly this time

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 04:35 AM

Have you ever seen a Terrified greyhound from loud fireworks?

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Rain Dog
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 04:40 AM

Parliament Square protesters clash with police on Bonfire Night

"Hundreds of anti-establishment activists have clashed with police in central London on Bonfire Night.

Eight officers were injured and 12 people arrested on Friday, the Metropolitan Police said.

Protesters wearing Guy Fawkes-style masks gathered at Trafalgar Square, with some throwing fireworks at police."


"Many of the demonstrators held signs protesting against the coronavirus lockdown, while some were seen setting off fireworks and using laser pointers.

One, who gave his name only as Richard, from London, said the protest, which has taken place on 5 November for several years, was a "continuation" of the "anti-Covid" marches.

"It's basically a continuation of the anti-Covid marches that we've been on since the beginning of the year," he said."."

Ah, anti-covid too. What a surprise. At least some of them were wearing masks but probably not for covid reasons. Wonder if they carry some form of disclaimer, making clear that they are not wearing masks for covid reasons.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 06:10 AM

If British violent anti mask/vax/lockdown demonstraters take their cue from American neo fascist online brainwashers;
then perhaps our police should be allowed special dispensation
to respond like American police in dealing with them...

Bang.. Bang.. Bang...!!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 06:17 AM

Btw.. Down here in the South West, historic rebel town Bridgwater
is famed for it's traditional loud riotous looking pyrotechnic Sqibbing...

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 06:30 AM


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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 10:44 AM

I hate to see anyone or anything in distress and causing animals distress by inconsiderate use of fireworks is something that does need to be addressed. I don't think a blanket ban on fireworks is the answer though as it punishes everyone for the actions of a few idiots.

But, Bonzo and Sen, but I cannot understand how you can be so caring for animals yet support a regime that has caused untold misery and countless deaths to people by its austerity policies. I do not intend to go further into politics on here as that is frowned on by the moderators. I just wanted to point out that you seem to have your priorities wrong.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 11:43 AM

Yes, and various pet sanctuaries are currently having to deal with a surge in numbers of abandoned pets that were acquired during the last 18 months...

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 12:07 PM

Everyone knows we Brits are a nation of animal lovers.

We even rescue refugee dogs, donkeys, and other animals, from far away less civilized foreign countries,
to come and stay with us..

Some of these poor animals know what it's like to have suffered in warzones.

The last thing they need now is yobbos letting off noisy fireworks..

.. and a lot of these firework hooligans are probably scrounging trouble making foreigners who we never wanted here in the first place..

So please spare a thought for our poor furry friends, the cuddly kitties and doggies, and retired hard-working donkeys.
Many of them had enough of nasty loud explosions in their own primitive countries..

We helped them escape
to a better more caring life in our tranquil, compassionate, and inclusive Great Britain...

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 12:09 PM

"Inclusive"??? Yes of utter arseholes who are playing with explosives!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 06:28 PM

It's been unbearable this evening, sounded like a war zone outside, and our greyhound despite being doped up with calming tablets and my scarf wrapped around her ears, she has been terrified. She is going back to our dog sitters for another sleepover in their soundproofed room tomorrow.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 06 Nov 21 - 08:23 PM

You're exaggerating for effect. Just for a few hours, shut your windows and stay in a cosy room with your beast. He/she wouldn't be outdoors at the apposite times anyway. We've owned cats for almost half a century. Keeping them out of the way for a few hours is no tribulation. Your outrage is confected. Get a life, mate!

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: The Sandman
Date: 07 Nov 21 - 02:31 AM

Bonzo you knew nov 5 th was coming, why did you not prepare, were you not in the boy scouts. put your dog in kennels or take a vacation to ireland, there are hardly any bangs here, but please do not visit me

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 07 Nov 21 - 07:04 AM

shaw and sandman - don't be so fucking stupid, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about as ever.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 07 Nov 21 - 07:05 AM

what unfeeling total arseholes you both are.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 07 Nov 21 - 08:31 AM

...see the man who refers to gypsies as gyppos, Muslims as rag heads and slags off females for their looks, colour and weight.

If you cared half as much for people as you did for animals, Bonzo, people may take your feigned indignation more seriously.

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 07 Nov 21 - 08:32 AM

...sez the man...

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: Senoufou
Date: 07 Nov 21 - 11:34 AM

Oh please all of you, stop this awful slanging match! And Dave, why bring my politics into a discussion about fireworks? It seems every time I appear on here, someone brings up the fact I vote Tory.
This forum is becoming most unpleasant to visit, and these comments must give the American contributors a terrible idea of British people's manners and lack of self-control.
I can guess now who's going to weigh in next ...

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Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 07 Nov 21 - 11:41 AM

"why bring my politics into a discussion about fireworks?"

Because there is already an ongoing online campaign from 'conservative' minded pet lovers
politicizing the issue of fireworks..

They are agitating all over social media, making absurd demands,
organizing petitions, demonising ordinary folks who want to enjoy fireworks...

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