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Lyr Req: It's a Crazy World (from Doc Watson)


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Lyr/Chords Req: Song that doc watson sang (2) 12 Oct 99 - 09:31 AM
Murray MacLeod 13 Aug 06 - 10:47 AM
Sorcha 13 Aug 06 - 11:57 AM
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Subject: Doc Watson - It's a crazy world
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 09:31 AM

For years I have been looking for the CD in which Doc Watson sang a song that contained the lyrics

"Babies cry all day sometime for nothing, I have cried all day for not much more"


"It's a crazy world, but I live here. If you can hear me singing so do you"

So, am I remembering incorrectly ? Was it another artist and if so what was the song ?

Thanks Bruce

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Subject: RE: Doc Watson - It's a crazy world
From: Murray MacLeod
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 10:47 AM

The song was written by Mac MacAnally, is called "It's a Crazy World" and was recorded by Doc and Merle Watson on their CD "Lonesome Road/Look Away".

Sorry for the delay with the information ...

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Subject: Lyr Add: IT'S A CRAZY WORLD (Mac MacAnally)
From: Sorcha
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 11:57 AM

It's A Crazy World
Mac Mac Anally
" The story we heard was Mac wrote this when he was 13 years old If it's true, it's scary!"
Younger men don't seem to need a purpose
They just stand and fight for anybody's cause
And older men view living like a circus
The ones who stand up for the longest need applause
Younger men claim to know the answers
To the questions no one's ever asked before
They stand and hold parades but when it's over
They don't claim to know the answers anymore


And it's a crazy world but I live here
And if you can hear me singing so do you
I'm turning out my nitelite feeling satisfied
That there's nothing any one of US can do
There's nothing any one of us can do

Babies cry all day Sometimes for nothing
And I have cried all day for not much more
And it's hard when you hate the things you're loving
You wonder who or maybe what you're loving for
Girls seem to think that they're the chosen ones
Women choose to let well enough alone
And it's their business til you stick your nose in once
And then you've got yourself some problems of your own


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