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Lyr Req: Southbound (Merle Watson)


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aefr11 25 Jun 01 - 09:53 AM
Sorcha 25 Jun 01 - 10:18 AM
Mrrzy 25 Jun 01 - 10:42 AM
Sorcha 25 Jun 01 - 10:43 AM
Mrrzy 25 Jun 01 - 04:32 PM
rangeroger 25 Jun 01 - 11:19 PM
Mrrzy 26 Jun 01 - 10:12 AM
rangeroger 26 Jun 01 - 11:37 PM
Gene 29 May 06 - 04:51 PM
GUEST 25 May 10 - 07:54 PM
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Subject: Lyrics for Merle Watson's Southbound
From: aefr11
Date: 25 Jun 01 - 09:53 AM

Anybody has the lyrics for Merle Watson song Southbound? I would appreciate the lyrics, better if chords are included, even better the tab... Thanks very much, Antonio

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Subject: RE: Lyrics for Merle Watson's Southbound
From: Sorcha
Date: 25 Jun 01 - 10:18 AM

Check here and see if that is it.

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Subject: Lyr Add: SOUTHBOUND (Merle Watson?)
From: Mrrzy
Date: 25 Jun 01 - 10:42 AM

No, he's looking for this one, I bet; I have it by Doc Watson, but that doesn't mean it's not Merle's:

I've been here a month or more, stuck in this old city
There's people that have to call it home and they're the ones I pity
Lord I'm homesick
Blues are the only song I ever seem to pick
I get out and walk the street
Till I get blisters on my feet
I'm southbound

I'm all right till late at night a-sitting by my window
I count sheep but I cain't sleep for listening to that train blow
I begin to pine
When I hear that great big engine rolling down the line
I'm going back and spend some time
Where I can have fun when I ain't got a dime
I'm southbound

(Instrumental bridge)

Southbound she's a-burning the ground and I don't mean maybe
Sure am glad I caught this train, I'm gonna see my baby
Lord I'm lonesome
Long to see those hills that I come from
Listen to the engine rattle and roar
Taking me back home once more
I'm southbound

That's from memory, so I might be missing a verse. But if you give me some lines from it, I'll be able to plug them in.

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Subject: RE: Lyrics for Merle Watson's Southbound
From: Sorcha
Date: 25 Jun 01 - 10:43 AM

OK, I figured it was a long shot. Thanks, Mrrz

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Subject: RE: Lyrics for Merle Watson's Southbound
From: Mrrzy
Date: 25 Jun 01 - 04:32 PM

Also, I don't do musical notation, but if you need it I can sing it to you...

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Subject: RE: Lyrics for Merle Watson's Southbound
From: rangeroger
Date: 25 Jun 01 - 11:19 PM

rom the Oak publications Doc Watson songbook, Doc tells this story:

A few years back, we were working in New York for a few weeks. I think we had done a couple of recording sessions, and maybe a couple of weeks at the Gaslight.

Anyway, Merle, from the first time he had been to New York City, had decided he didn't like the place. There was just too much noise and not enough fresh air, and you know how that appeals to a country boy. He got to sitting around there doodling with the guitar, like with a pencil on a piece of paper, and all at once he began to come up with some pretty good-sounding things. He didn't come up with words right away, but just thought a lot about them. He'd go out and walk the streets because he was so lonesome, and he actually blistered his heels just loafing during he day. Southbound is a good example of a homesick country boy in a big city somewhere, wanting to go home; he just wanted to get out of there.

Antonio, if you PM me your snail mail address I'll send you a copy of words and music from the book.


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Subject: RE: Lyrics for Merle Watson's Southbound
From: Mrrzy
Date: 26 Jun 01 - 10:12 AM

Hey, rangeroger, did I get the lyrics right? I have that very CD in my car, so I had it pretty fresh in my brain...

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Subject: RE: Lyrics for Merle Watson's Southbound
From: rangeroger
Date: 26 Jun 01 - 11:37 PM

Right on the money,Mrrzy.


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Subject: Interesting Doc Watson site
From: Gene
Date: 29 May 06 - 04:51 PM

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Southbound (Merle Watson)
Date: 25 May 10 - 07:54 PM

I couldn't find it either so i made one. It is basically blues in A, but capo 2nd fret and play open G chord, etc.
here is great youtube clip of doc playing it.

Merle Watson
Capo 2

I've been here a month or more stuck in this ol' city
People that have to call it home, they the ones I pity Lord I'm homesick
and the blues are the only songs I ever seem to pick
I get out and walk the streets
'til I get blisters on my feet
I'm southbound

I'm all right 'til late at night sittin' by my window
I count sheep but I can't sleep listening to that train blow, I begin to pine
When I hear that great big engine rollin' down the line
Listen the engine rattle 'n roar
She's gonna take me back home once more
I'm southbound

Southbound she's burning the ground
and I don't mean maybe
Sure am glad I caught this train
Cause I'd like to see my baby
Lord I'm lonesome
and I long to see those hills that I come from
I'm goin' back to spend a little time, where a friends a friend when you ain't got a dime
I'm southbound

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