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Tune Req: It Isn't Nice (Malvina Reynolds)


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In Mudcat MIDIs:
It Isn't Nice [Malvina Reynolds]

voyager 04 Jul 00 - 06:49 AM
canoer 04 Jul 00 - 09:52 AM
Joe Offer 05 Jul 00 - 02:37 AM
Alan of Australia 05 Jul 00 - 07:46 AM
Joe Offer 17 May 21 - 04:17 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: IT ISN'T NICE (Malvina Reynolds) ^^
From: voyager
Date: 04 Jul 00 - 06:49 AM

At the Smithsonian Folklife Festival's tribute to MALVINA REYNOLDS the following tune was soulfully delivered by BERNICE REAGON (accompanied by her daughter TOSHI REAGON). I'd never heard this defiant song before. It's a knockout. Chords/tune requested. Thanks. URL -->

voyager Silver Spring, MD.


Words by Malvina Reynolds
Music by Malvina Reynolds & Barbara Dane

It isn't nice to block the doorway,
It isn't nice to go to jail,
There are nicer ways to do it,
But the nice ways always fail.
It isn't nice, it isn't nice
You told us once, you told us twice,
But if that's freedom's price, we don't mind.
No, no, no--
We don't mind,
No, no, no,--we don't mind.

It isn't nice to dump the groceries,
Or to sleep in on the floor,
Or to shout our cry of freedom
In the hotel or the store,
It isn't nice, it isn't nice,
You told us once, you told us twice,
But if that's freedom's price,
We don't mind. . .

Yeah, we tried negotiations
And the token picket line,
Mister Charlie didn't see us
And he might as well be blind;
When you deal with men of ice,
You can't always be so nice,
But if that's freedom's price,
We don't mind. . .

They kidnapped boys in Mississippi,
They shot Medgar in the back,
Did you say that wasn't proper?
Did you stand out on the track?
You were quiet just like mice,
Now you say we're not nice,
We'll if that's freedom's price,
We don't mind. . .

It isn't nice to block the doorways,
It isn't nice to go to jail,
There are nicer ways to do it,
But the nice ways always fail.
It isn't nice, it isn't nice
You told us once, you told us twice,
Thanks buddy, for your advice,
Well, if that's freedom price,
We don't mind. .

(line breaks added by a Joe clone)

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: It Isn't Nice
From: canoer
Date: 04 Jul 00 - 09:52 AM


I can do the chords, actually 2 different arrangements exist, the original, and also one by Barbara Dane and Judy Collins. But it will take me a while to find time to do it, sorry.

If you can get (and you can) the book Rise Up Singing, ed. Peter Blood & Annie Patterson, from any major bookstore or folkie instrument store, A) you should get it!!!! and B) if you don't get it, just take the chords from the song on page 61.

Anyway, glad you like the song! I'll get back ASAP.

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Subject: Tune Add: IT ISN'T NICE (Malvina Reynolds)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 05 Jul 00 - 02:37 AM


Timebase: 192

Name: It Isn't Nice
Text: By Malvina Reynolds & Barbara Dane
Copyright: Copyright © 1964 by Schroeder Music Co.
Key: D
TimeSig: 4/4 24 8
0096 1 66 110 0094 0 66 000 0002 1 66 110 0094 0 66 000 0002 1 66 110 0094 0 66 000 0002 1 66 110 0256 0 66 000 0032 1 66 110 0094 0 66 000 0002 1 66 110 0160 0 66 000 0032 1 66 110 0094 0 66 000 0002 1 64 110 0190 0 64 000 0002 1 62 110 0094 0 62 000 0290 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 64 110 0256 0 64 000 0032 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 66 110 0160 0 66 000 0032 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 66 110 0094 0 66 000 0098 1 64 110 0256 0 64 000 0224 1 66 110 0094 0 66 000 0002 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 66 110 0160 0 66 000 0032 1 66 110 0096 0 66 000 0000 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 66 110 0160 0 66 000 0032 1 66 110 0094 0 66 000 0002 1 64 110 0256 0 64 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0224 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 66 110 0160 0 66 000 0032 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 66 110 0094 0 66 000 0098 1 64 110 0256 0 64 000 0128 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 69 110 0256 0 69 000 0032 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 71 110 0160 0 71 000 0032 1 73 110 0094 0 73 000 0002 1 71 110 0256 0 71 000 0128 1 71 110 0094 0 71 000 0002 1 71 110 0160 0 71 000 0032 1 71 110 0094 0 71 000 0002 1 71 110 0256 0 71 000 0128 1 71 110 0094 0 71 000 0002 1 73 110 0160 0 73 000 0032 1 73 110 0094 0 73 000 0002 1 73 110 0256 0 73 000 0128 1 73 110 0094 0 73 000 0002 1 71 110 0160 0 71 000 0032 1 71 110 0160 0 71 000 0032 1 71 110 0094 0 71 000 0002 1 71 110 0160 0 71 000 0032 1 73 110 0432 0 73 000 0048 1 71 110 0094 0 71 000 0002 1 73 110 0160 0 73 000 0032 1 74 110 0384 0 74 000 0000 1 73 110 0096 0 73 000 0000 1 74 110 0096 0 74 000 0000 1 73 110 0096 0 73 000 0000 1 71 110 0096 0 71 000 0000 1 69 110 0096 0 69 000 0000 1 71 110 0096 0 71 000 0000 1 73 110 0192 0 73 000 0000 1 71 110 0256 0 71 000 0224 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 66 110 0160 0 66 000 0032 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 62 110 0190 0 62 000 0002 1 64 110 0432 0 64 000 0048 1 59 110 0094 0 59 000 0002 1 61 110 0160 0 61 000 0032 1 62 110 0256 0 62 000

This program is worth the effort of learning it.

To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here

ABC format:

T:It Isn't Nice

Alan should have the tune up at Mudcat MIDIs before you know it.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: It Isn't Nice
From: Alan of Australia
Date: 05 Jul 00 - 07:46 AM

Thanks to Joe the tune for "It Isn't Nice" can be found here at the Mudcat MIDI site.


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Subject: RE: Tune Req: It Isn't Nice (Malvina Reynolds)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 17 May 21 - 04:17 PM

There are two versions of the melody of this song. One has a simple ending of each verse, the other has a string of notes on the last word of each verse.
Who sang which version?

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