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Celtic Rounds?

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sophocleese 22 Sep 00 - 07:59 PM
Malcolm Douglas 23 Sep 00 - 12:37 AM
sophocleese 23 Sep 00 - 08:34 AM
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Subject: Celtic Rounds?
From: sophocleese
Date: 22 Sep 00 - 07:59 PM

I had a request a couple of weeks ago for some "Celtic" rounds. This stumped me. I eventually came up with two rounds that sound vaguely celtic and one tune which, with a bit of jiggling, sort of works as a round. Does anybody know of any celtic rounds?

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Subject: RE: Celtic Rounds?
From: Malcolm Douglas
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 12:37 AM

There are rounds to be found on the DT, if you search around a bit.  As for Celtic; well, that's going to depend on what your friends think the word means.  Rounds were a lot more popular in England than in Scotland, and I'm don't know of any Irish or Welsh ones at all, though others will know better than I about that!  You could do worse than look (if you haven't already) at  The Music of Thomas Ravenscroft  -English, as I say, but for myself I believe that to try to separate "Celtic" songs from others native to these islands (when talking about songs in the English language) is to attempt what is usually a meaningless distinction.  Most people -meaning no offence to whoever asked you about it- probably can't tell the difference in most cases, anyway.


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Subject: RE: Celtic Rounds?
From: sophocleese
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 08:34 AM

Malcom you've put your finger right on the heart of the difficulty I faced. I know several of Ravenscroft's rounds but I'm not sure they'd fit the description of what this person means by "Celtic". Rounds seem to have dissonances in them that a lot of people playing Celtic don't like and try and smooth over. I'll keep looking and maybe rewriting a couple of things to fit the description a bit better. Thanks.

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