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June Carter Cash seriously ill


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GUEST,Mary Katherine 14 May 03 - 03:08 PM
GUEST,Mary Katherine 14 May 03 - 10:01 PM
Brían 14 May 03 - 10:51 PM
Little Robyn 15 May 03 - 02:33 AM
katlaughing 15 May 03 - 07:09 AM
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Subject: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Little Robyn
Date: 11 May 03 - 07:22 AM

I've just heard that June Carter Cash is in a critical condition after heart surgery.
Can anyone keep us informed?
Healing prayers needed for June, the Carter family and the Cash family.

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: wysiwyg
Date: 11 May 03 - 07:23 AM

Oh dear. Always thought Johnny was the one to worry about. Thanks for letting us know.


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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Tam the bam fraeSaltcoatsScotland
Date: 11 May 03 - 09:58 AM

Sorry tho hear that, all my prayers goes to June and the Cash family at this time.


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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: GUEST,Mary Katherine
Date: 11 May 03 - 10:50 AM

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Singer June Carter Cash, the wife and Grammy-winning duet partner of Johnny Cash, was hospitalized in critical condition Saturday as a result of complications from heart surgery, according to their longtime manager.

Cash, 73, had the surgery on Wednesday at Baptist Hospital to replace a valve, said Lou Robin.

He said Johnny Cash is asking everyone able to pray for his wife's recovery to do so at 10 a.m. CDT Sunday.

"June did this for him one time when he was critically ill," Robin said. "The recovery the next morning was something the doctors couldn't describe or imagine."

June Carter Cash is a singer, songwriter, musician, actress and author.

She and her husband have performed together on record and on stage, doing songs like "Jackson" and "If I Were a Carpenter," which both won Grammy awards for them in 1967 and 1970, respectively.

She also co-wrote Cash's 1963 hit "Ring of Fire," which was about falling in love with him.

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: alanabit
Date: 11 May 03 - 12:25 PM

I am sure that anybody would wish her well - and so do I. Here's wishing her a speedy and full recovery.

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Little Robyn
Date: 11 May 03 - 07:34 PM

And don't forget, before she married Johnny Cash, she was part of AP and Mother Maybelle's Carter Family!
Keep on the sunny side June.
Love and best wishes from New Zealand.

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Little Robyn
Date: 12 May 03 - 06:51 PM

This came from the Folk DJ site this morning.

Saw June this afternoon and it's my belief that only God can turn this
around. The doctors are doing another test in the morning and will be
talking to John at 7:30 a.m. Please continue to pray. Miracles do happen
and we need a big one.

Dixie Hall

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Beer
Date: 12 May 03 - 07:03 PM

Prayer's and best wishes
Adrien from Quebec

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Tweed
Date: 12 May 03 - 08:42 PM

Same from here in South Florida. I don't believe one would last long without the other and they are too special to lose.

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: GUEST,Mary Katherine
Date: 12 May 03 - 09:34 PM

According to an email from Dixie (Mrs. Tom T.) Hall, June Carter Cash was disconnected from life supporrt today at 1:00 p.m. Nashville time. I do *not* know whether she has died and they haven't releasd the news yet, or whether, as sometimes does happen, her strong heart continues to fight for awhile lnnger.

Mary Katherine

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: catspaw49
Date: 12 May 03 - 10:02 PM

having had a mitral valve replaced myself, I have been thinking good thoughts for her. I am also more than slightly aware of the incredibly high number of complications that valve surgery involves and they are truly significant. Keep holding good thoughts and sending prayers for the entire family.


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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: GMT
Date: 13 May 03 - 03:57 AM

I hope I'm not too late to add my wishes to.

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Walking Eagle
Date: 13 May 03 - 10:17 AM

O'sda utugi gemi so'uk d'ske.


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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Francy
Date: 13 May 03 - 11:33 AM

I am praying for June also.......Frank of Toledo

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Little Robyn
Date: 14 May 03 - 07:11 AM

Has anyone heard how things are going?
Mary Katherine?

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: GUEST,Mary Katherine
Date: 14 May 03 - 03:08 PM

I've heard no updates since the email from Dixie Hall saying that she had been disconnected from life support. Everyone's praying really hard at the hospital but it doesn't sound good.

Mary Katherine

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: GUEST,Mary Katherine
Date: 14 May 03 - 10:01 PM

Updates on June Carter Cash's condition can be found here:

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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Brían
Date: 14 May 03 - 10:51 PM

Thanks, Mary Katherine.


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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: Little Robyn
Date: 15 May 03 - 02:33 AM

Yes, thanks.
That site doesn't say much at present but this fills in a few gaps:

This update is from the Rockabilly Hall of Fame chat

~ 5/13/03 ~

As some of you may know, June Carter Cash had open heart
surgery to replace a heart valve, which is a procedure that
had been planned for some time. The doctors & family felt
everything went well, but June went into cardiac arrest at
2:00AM Thursday. The doctors suspect she was without oxygen
for 15-20 minutes. She was placed on life support, but
unfortunately there was little that could be done at that
stage, & June has very little brain activity.

John was admitted to the hospital on Friday as a
precaution, as his health is very fragile, not to mention
his older sister Louise just passed away on April 4 as
well, so this is a very trying time for all concerned. He
was sedated so that he would have the strength to help his
family make tough decisions that are to follow.

A family meeting was held today to make decisions in
regards to how long to keep her hooked up to life support,
& it was decided to remove her today, which they did at 1pm
Central. As of this moment a public announcement has not
been made yet.

I hope you all will keep the Cash & Carter families in your prayers.


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Subject: RE: June Carter Cash seriously ill
From: katlaughing
Date: 15 May 03 - 07:09 AM

Thanks, Little Robyn. I had been wondering how he was doing, too. This is so sad. Our prayers and thoughts go out to them and their families.

kat & Rog

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