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Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook

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Áine 29 Feb 00 - 10:08 AM
The Shambles 02 Mar 00 - 08:26 AM
Amos 02 Mar 00 - 09:07 AM
MMario 02 Mar 00 - 09:49 AM
Áine 02 Mar 00 - 10:15 AM
MMario 02 Mar 00 - 10:35 AM
Willie-O 02 Mar 00 - 10:35 AM
Mbo 02 Mar 00 - 10:40 AM
wysiwyg 02 Mar 00 - 10:51 AM
Áine 02 Mar 00 - 11:04 AM
MMario 02 Mar 00 - 11:10 AM
Áine 02 Mar 00 - 11:13 AM
Áine 03 Mar 00 - 03:03 PM
Áine 05 Mar 00 - 10:40 AM
The Shambles 06 Mar 00 - 09:36 AM
Amos 06 Mar 00 - 09:45 AM
Áine 06 Mar 00 - 02:16 PM
Willie-O 06 Mar 00 - 05:09 PM
Amos 06 Mar 00 - 05:12 PM
Willie-O 06 Mar 00 - 05:15 PM
Áine 06 Mar 00 - 05:56 PM
Amos 06 Mar 00 - 06:33 PM
Áine 06 Mar 00 - 06:37 PM
Bradypus 06 Mar 00 - 07:07 PM
Áine 06 Mar 00 - 07:15 PM
Áine 06 Mar 00 - 07:29 PM
Áine 06 Mar 00 - 11:22 PM
Áine 08 Mar 00 - 07:20 PM
Willie-O 09 Mar 00 - 12:18 AM
Áine 09 Mar 00 - 12:22 AM
Willie-O 09 Mar 00 - 12:32 AM
Amos 09 Mar 00 - 01:54 AM
MMario 09 Mar 00 - 08:56 AM
Áine 10 Mar 00 - 09:28 AM
Amos 10 Mar 00 - 10:16 AM
MMario 10 Mar 00 - 10:26 AM
Willie-O 10 Mar 00 - 12:14 PM
MMario 10 Mar 00 - 12:41 PM
Áine 10 Mar 00 - 01:02 PM
MMario 10 Mar 00 - 01:20 PM
Willie-O 10 Mar 00 - 03:48 PM
MMario 10 Mar 00 - 03:55 PM
MMario 10 Mar 00 - 04:20 PM
The Shambles 13 Mar 00 - 01:50 PM
Willie-O 14 Mar 00 - 11:34 AM
Amos 14 Mar 00 - 01:43 PM
Áine 14 Mar 00 - 08:38 PM
Willie-O 14 Mar 00 - 11:10 PM
MMario 14 Mar 00 - 11:16 PM
The Shambles 15 Mar 00 - 09:12 AM
Amos 15 Mar 00 - 09:33 AM
Áine 15 Mar 00 - 10:01 AM
MMario 17 Mar 00 - 03:38 PM
Áine 17 Mar 00 - 04:13 PM
The Shambles 21 Mar 00 - 04:35 PM
Áine 21 Mar 00 - 08:21 PM
The Shambles 04 Apr 00 - 05:17 AM
Áine 04 Apr 00 - 09:30 AM
Amos 19 Apr 00 - 02:19 PM
Áine 20 Apr 00 - 03:24 PM
MMario 21 Apr 00 - 12:45 AM
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Subject: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 29 Feb 00 - 10:08 AM

(Starting a new 'Additions' thread since Part IV has exceeded 50 messages)

Here are the winners of the SONG CHALLENGE! Part 11 that you can now find on the SONG CHALLENGE! WINNERS PAGE. Thanks to everyone that participated, well done!!

The Tale Of The Mardi Gras Queen by Áine
Carnival Candy by Mbo
Go On And Throw-O by Troll
Hey Pants-Away by Lonesome EJ
I Should Have Stayed In Bed by Osmium
Less Is More by Hyperabid
Panty Lady by Mbo
Parade by Micca
The Scotsman's Mardi Gras by Bradypus
The Ladies Of The Mardi Gras by kat/katlaughing
The Mardi Gras Parade by Amos
The Panty-Hurlin' Blues by Mbo
Throwing Panties Blues by Amos

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: The Shambles
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 08:26 AM

With thanks to all the contributors and after six days hard work and one day of rest, I wish to announce that the UNI-VERSE is now finished and ready to proudly make it's way in to The Mudcat Songbook.

The world is but a song.

This thought struck me today as I realised that we must think in those terms. For do we not refer to the 'whole shooting match' as THE UNI-VERSE

Now this IS collective a song challenge: To write the Uni-Verse……..?. Our at least a, Uni-Verse.

*(I have it in my head for some strange reason, that tune-wise this should be a square dance, calling,, music then verse, 'take your partners' type thing)

To Write The Uni-Verse

For a song challenge, can there be one worse?
Than just to write the Uni-Verse
Everthing and nothing can be used
But only serves to make you more confused

For a song challenge, why what could be better.
The world is your subject, so get off your setter.
Fire up the old keyboard, let your talent take wing.
(I can't wait for the verses that this one will bring!) Troll

Your space and your time keep our poor spirits locked
But we found a way by you: We sing and we rock
We blues, harp and banjo 'til our spirits go free
So you'll have to do better us'ns mean to stay free! Amos

Out of Chaos came not "The Word"
But "THE SONG" for those who heard
Melody of crystal sphere
Harmonies in every ear Mmario

If your rhymes don't scan, when you try to write,
If they just don't work, though you work all night,
If you start to think that you're not too bright,
Don't dispair!You just need rhythm.
If the songs keep buzzin' through your head,
If they wake you up, as you lie in bed,
If it seems like rhyme , and line won't wed,
Don't dispair! You just need rhythm.
Just count the beat, it isn't tough,
Though I'll admit that rhymings rough,
You hang in there and sure enough,
Hey Baby! You got rhythm!

Thou, spiral, cosmos, far, entrancing
Do not see us down here, dancing
You, we grant you, space, are Big
But we do not give a fig!

Though you seem so never ending
You know nothing of befriending
Nor of knowing, seeing, being
Or affections warm and freeing

Endless spacetime, force and masses
Which to you for grandeur passes
Keep your endless ground, expanding
We have simple Understanding.Amos

The great Big Bang? That was some feat… …
or was it just the Great Bodhran Player Anticipating the beat? mcmoo

Out of nothing grew the song
The one great Verse that we all belong.
But, wrap around our heads for naught
For all is nothing so we're taught.

The great AUM in silent contemplation
Becomes a chorus of Divination.
The Uni-Verse is this: A nothingness of everything
Silent, heard within as this we sing. katlaughing

Matter never seems to care
Light and matter are unfair
Justice, Truth and Things that Matter
Cruel space just leaves to splatter!

Are we dull Chemistry's daughter?
Carbon life forms, filled with water?
One telling fact this Lie doth show --
Matter never learned to Know. Amos

Space and time, feel their heatbeat,
Steady beating, soft and sweet.
Like the Bodhran, keeping time
Mother Nature writing rhyme. Molly Malone

Things are grim, but they could get worse,
In the physical Universe
Winter woes can chill your dreams
Entropy unman your schemes

But mankind just keeps on bragging
Armed with spirit, never flagging
Keep the rhythm, and the time
All that matter's in your mind! Amos

Chemistry and Spirit Melding
Dust to diatoms descending
the sea within all cells is showing
the descent we are not knowing Mmario

In the beginning, there was One
He made the planets, moon, and sun
Dwarfs of red and giants blue
Asteroids and quasars too
Accretion disks and flavored quarks
Satellites with odd-shaped marks
Clusters open, clusters tight
Neutrinos speeding through the night
Nebulas and clouds of gas
Calculated Jovian Mass
And here and there He chose to scatter
Heaps of dark and puzzling matter
But scientists they say I'm wrong
It's cold hard science all along
But I know of the One who wrough
The universe from just a thought
He made these things not as a toy
But as something we could all enjoy
"But why so puzzling?!" you may cry....

The Answer:

To keep humanity asking "why?" Mbo

Why this furious analyzing,
Life should always be surprising,
Dullness, dreary without end,
Knowing whats 'round every bend.
Not for me the sheltered life,
Give me danger,give me strife,
always going to, not from.
Look out universe, here I come! Troll

Water shimmers, rushes by
Karma mends the earth and sky
Fire burns, lighting brightly
Arms of wind do wrap us tightly. Molly Malone

The Universe is still expanding
The soaring rocks on which we're standing
Hurtle toward their destination
Regardless of our consternation
Nebulae go shooting past
Fragments of the Primal Blast
Did God Almighty have the notion?
Or is this so much random motion
Did someone set the clockwork going?
And if he did, is he past knowing
Our dreams, our hopes, our blind desires
Sleeping 'neath the ancient fires
Kindled there at Time's beginning
Heedless of our pride and sinning
And yet we turn our Human Face
To view the tractless void of space
And seek within this wasteland broad
the contours of the Face of God LEJ

The Uni-verse Song was an interesting idea,
And I fear I'm too late to do more than just seeya.
Your words were inspiring, your tunes a delight.
Now is it time, dears, to bid a good night?

Shamb laid the challenge, and you all have weighed in.
But d'ye think that the Universe could actually fit in?
The song need not end but the thread will wax long;
And the time may soon come when we all will move on.

Another sun's coming with another day's zest,
And another opportunity to give Mudcat your best
. Another idea, or challenge, or joke;
A spirit to lift or, perhaps, eye to poke.

Another book to be planned, or a tune to research.
Lots of LOL, and perhaps a dessert.
Tomorrow has come, and inside it I see
That the Mudcat is always a good place to be.

Talking Quantum Physics, Ying and Yang
Can't hear nothing, for that old 'Big Bang'
But where I ask, did that 'Big Bang' start?
In an empty void or in God's big heart? The Shambles

God's Word on the subject, I think, is quite clear,
The problem-- we listen with our poor human ear.
He's given us options to access what's True,
And I wonder-- which option works best for you? Praise

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 09:07 AM

Holy Moly, Jedidiah! What a ConCatenation!

What a gang, unique in all the Universe. To think such flair, and soul, and creative will, should be invested in such a motley crew of rapscallions and flibbertygibbets as are We...

The heart doth boggle in its tender frame,
To find such art in Mudcat's name!
Let doctors haunt their vaunted halls,
We got the rhythm, and we got the balls!


Amos del Huevos D'Oreo

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 09:49 AM

shambles! Thanks for the yoeman's work on editing and consolidating that thread song!

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 10:15 AM

To Write The Uni-Verse by The Shambles, Amos, Praise, katlaughing, Mbo, Troll, MMario, mcmoo, Molly Malone, and Lonesome EJ has been added to the Mudcat Songbook this morning, and has the distinction of the being the longest song in the Book! Kudos to The Shambles and his assorted Company of 'Cats!! Thanks to you all.

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 10:35 AM

I didn't submit this earlier cuz it's an older composition....


With All Thy Heart, With All Thy Mind
With All Thou Art, Now Honor Him.
With All Thy Mind, With All Thy Soul;
For All Thou Art, Now Honor Him.

Compser of the Skies, He Taught Each Star to Sing
The Music of The Spheres, to Make The Heavens Ring.
Each Planet on its Course, Each Comet on its Way
The Moon to Rule the Night, and the Sun to Rule the Day.

Sculptor of the World, Beneath the Heavens High
The Waters Gather'd in, to Let the Earth Be Dry.
The Mountains He Made Tall, Each Valley set With Care;
Each Rock and Grain of Sand, To Make The World Be Faire.

With All Thy Heart, With All Thy Mind
With All Thou Art, Now Honor Him.
With All Thy Mind, With All Thy Soul;
For All Thou Art, Now Honor Him.

First Garden-er of All, With Care and Nurturing
He Made Each Growing Tthing, That Buds or Blooms in Spring.
Each Lily of the Field, Each Fruit or Grain or Vine,
Each Flower, Herb or Tree, Now Sprang Forth From His Mind.

Shepherd of All Flocks, on Earth, the Sea or Sky
Each Creature Made to Be; That Creeps or Swims or Flys
The Hunter and its Prey, The Grazers in the Field
Each Sparrow and Pea-Cock, Each After Its Own Kind.

With All Thy Heart, With All Thy Mind
With All Thou Art, Now Honor Him.
With All Thy Mind, With All Thy Soul;
For All Thou Art, Now Honor Him.

Father of Us All, He Made Us to His Plan
And When We Went Astray, He Led Us by His Hand.
He Sent His Son to Earth to Show Us All the Way;
So We Might Live With Him, Fore'er and a Day.

With All Thy Heart, With All Thy Mind
With All Thou Art, Now Honor Him.
With All Thy Mind, With All Thy Soul;
For All Thou Art, Now Honor Him.

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Willie-O
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 10:35 AM

I should hope it's the longest.



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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Mbo
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 10:40 AM

Mario, that's absolutely beautiful! I love it!


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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: wysiwyg
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 10:51 AM


You are hereby formally invited to come south some Saturday evening SOON and sing that as an offertory at our Sat. eve service. Come as you are and sing it for us!!! Give us enough notice to set up the PortaStudio!

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 11:04 AM

There you go, MMario -- Your beautiful song is now in the Songbook. I'd love to hear you sing it . . . if you do get down to Praise's neighborhood and get to record this, can I be the first in line for a copy?? Just beautiful!

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 11:10 AM

alwuys profred!

compser should be composer....

there are problably other multiple mistakes....

Áine - if I can get off my doofus long enough, I've been planning to send you a tape. If it happens, I'll remember to include this one.

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 11:13 AM

Dear MMario,

Well here's hoping you jump off that doofus of yours real soon *BG* -- And take a look at the your songpage for Now Honor Him and see if I caught all the boo-boos, OK?

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 03:03 PM

Happy Friday, 'Catters! Two more great songs have been added to the Mudcat Songbook:

To A Moose by Bradypus, a late but memorable submission to the SONG CHALLENGE! Part 12 (Awarded The Golden Cow Chip with Guinness Crest). You can find this song on the SONG CHALLENGE! WINNERS PAGE.

The Provo's Song by Lonesome EJ which sprang from this thread, is a grand song and (at this time, at least) is in need of an appropriate tune. So, if you'd like to help LEJ with a tune, check it out.

Thanks to Bradypus and Lonesome EJ for two wonderful additions to the Book!

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 05 Mar 00 - 10:40 AM

I've added another wonderful song to the Mudcat Songbook to come from the Peace in Ireland: Song Challenge thread. It's Ireland To Me by The Shambles. Hopefully, we'll be hearing this soon on the Mudcat Radio. (Will we, Roger?)

Please check out this new offering from the one and only Roger Gall -- you won't be disappointed!

-- The Keeper of the Book

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: The Shambles
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 09:36 AM

This was not easy and I would not have chosen to attempt it but I am glad, now that I did. I would urge others to attempt it too. For whatever the merits of the end product, the quiet process of close examination of this truly terrible event does, enable some kind of personal accommodation to be arrived at. It does not however provide much comfort for those who are directly involved in this particular case but, they are in my thoughts. I was just trying to avoid thinking too much about it before, for she could have been my daughter and he could be my son..

Tears And Winter Rain(A Song For Kayla)

The slightest glimpse of springtime
Drowned in tears and winter rain
Has the sun fallen so low
That it will never rise again?

Things will now be different?
Without you, they can never be the same
May your short life be the beacon
That sparks a long and lasting flame

This life was not your choosing
You made no choice to die
You did not 'choose your weapon'
Or choose not, to say goodbye
You and I do have a choice
And I choose to question why?
And if you choose to answer
Don't choose another 'bloody' lie

The slightest glimpse of springtime
Drowned in tears and winter rain
Has the sun fallen so low
That it will never rise again

Surely things will now be different?
Without you, they can never be the same
May your short life be the beacon
That sparks a long and lasting flame

Roger Gall 2000

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 09:45 AM

Ahh--Roger, lad -- you have a heart of gold and a voice like a lark. Thank you for that song, which has moved me to tears.


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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 02:16 PM

I am honored to add Roger's song, Tears And Winter Rain (A Song For Kayla) to the Mudcat Songbook.

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Willie-O
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 05:09 PM

That was very well said, Shambles.

So I'm minding my own business, and all of a sudden it's friggin spring. This doesn't normally happen in February in my part of the world, but this year it did, which is extremely weird. Consequently we're having an early syrup season, and I've got my first boil on outside and have to get back to it shortly. In celebration of this, here's yet another song about one of my favourite times of the year! (I think I've posted them all now!)

Gotta run, there's a pan of hot sap calling for my postings will be sporadic for a little while. I just found a decent 4-track recording of this song, I'll MP3 it when I get a chance.


Spring on the Mississippi

I think I hear that damn dog barking
Sounds so near to be out of sight
Over the creek, across the valley
He was howling, half of last night.

I used to live in a big old city.
It had its charms, but the times were tight.
Now I live near the Mississippi,
Where I don't mind a little noise at night.

Because spring on the Mississippi comes a little bit sooner here
The ice on the lakes is softening up, but the Mississippi River Runs clear, down to Sheridans Rapids
Now that spring is here.

Now I've heard there's another Mississippi
Flows to a town called New Orleans
The people there throw a hell of a party
Late in the winter when the weather up here is mean

One of these days, I'm gonna see that city
Learn a Cajun waltz called the Jole Blon.
But when the weather turns warm, and the sap is running
You'll find me here in my northern home.

Because spring on the Mississippi comes a little bit sooner here
The ice on the lakes is softening up, but the Mississippi River Runs clear, down to Sheridans Rapids
Now that spring is here.

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 05:12 PM

WillieO, you have the touch. Makes me wanna call Ryder right now.

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Willie-O
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 05:15 PM

yer not half bad yerself, old bard.


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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 05:56 PM

There ya go, Willie-O -- Spring on the Mississippi has been added to the Songbook! Just wonderful, too. Now, don't you be gone too long playing with your sap -- We'll all be 'pining' away for ya until you return *BG*.

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 06:33 PM

I think they're maples, as far as I am maple to tell, and not worth pining over, if you'll pardon a little oak. Let's just leaf it there. I d be a sap to say any more.

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 06:37 PM

Oh Amos -- groan . . .

With that note of levity, I'm happy to announce that the latest Song Challenge Winners have been selected and inserted into the Songbook:

Here Are The Nudes by Mbo
If I Gave Free Clothes To You by Amos
Nude Shopper's Jig by Homeless
Shopped In The Nude Today, Oh Boy! by Hyperabid

You can find all the wonderfully whacky and whimsical works of the winners on the SONG CHALLENGE! WINNERS PAGE, so why wait?

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Bradypus
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 07:07 PM

You might like to include my Lullaby for Caroline, which featured in this thread! (if my first blue clicky works !)


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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 07:15 PM

Dear Bradypus,

I thought about asking you to submit Caroline's song when you first posted it, but I thought it would be thoughtless and crass (well, that's what I get for trying to be sensitive). I'm so happy that you want to share it with us in the Songbook. I'm on my way now to do your bidding. Thank you again.

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 07:29 PM

There we go -- Bradypus' song for his brand new baby girl, For Caroline is now in the Mudcat Songbook. If you need a lift or a reason to keep on keeping on, take a look at this song -- it will remind you what a miracle life really is!

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 06 Mar 00 - 11:22 PM

I've just loaded two new songs by Praise onto the Mudcat Songbook, both of which originated in this thread. A Prayer For The Madness Of Leap Year will move you inside, and Roll Down To It will get you moving on the outside. No doubt about it, this woman can write songs coming and going!

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 08 Mar 00 - 07:20 PM

I've just added a very special song by Kara, Bring The Peace Home which is her first song submission to the Mudcat Songbook. Please check out Kara's song, which she posted on the Peace in Ireland - A Song Challenge. Well done, Kara!

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Willie-O
Date: 09 Mar 00 - 12:18 AM

Amos warn yews that anyone who has gotten this far into this thread will be very sorry someone had to start with the tree puns...ya think of weird things sittin around the boiler late at night...

yours deeply regretfully,

I ent pining away fir yew, baby,
But I'd spruce myself up like a Colorado Blue
I'm nut aspen to be poplar,
Willow warn me where the coppices are
I wooden sitka dog on yew...

On the Ponderosa pining for a chance to loblolly
Got a stand of lodgepole baby you ain't never seen the like
I wooden pitch yew out, Norfolk around on yew
Red n Jack think I'm southern yellow, but I'm an eastern white guy too.

count 'em, nine species of pine. In one verse. Willow weep for me.

I am still more or less...

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 09 Mar 00 - 12:22 AM


You have *definitely* been sitting too close to the sap! Now, give me a title for that delightful little ditty and I guarantee it's in the Book . . . well, you have to give him a medal for having the pine nuts to post the thing, don't ya? . . .

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Willie-O
Date: 09 Mar 00 - 12:32 AM

Title! It needs more than a title... Still I had one in my overrefreshed brain a little while ago, I'll go check the boiler n maybe it'll come back.




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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 09 Mar 00 - 01:54 AM

Your the topper, Willie-O. Very trim piece of work, I can't leaf it alone, I needle memorize it. Or so I trunk until I cross cut a limb last fall.

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 09 Mar 00 - 08:56 AM

it's gotta be the "Arbor Day Blues".....

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 10 Mar 00 - 09:28 AM

This morning's addition to the Songbook is a song by Amos, Children Of Erin. He put his words to the well known tune, The Foggy Dew, so most of us should know how it goes. Check it out and sing along, and I guarantee you will be moved. It's one of his best songs (so far), and one worth giving a look. Thank you, Amos.

-- Áine

(And Willie-O -- I'm still waiting on a title for your tree song . . . )

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 10 Mar 00 - 10:16 AM

Thank you, Áine, for the careful and lovely job in the Songbook, and for your Excellent wordpolishing. If it hasn't be mentioned, you deserve a real vote of thnask around here for that constant artistic product -- every time I look through the Song book it seems more nicely done!

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 10 Mar 00 - 10:26 AM

ditto. Makes life MUCH easier for the rest of us when we try to find the songs ....

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Willie-O
Date: 10 Mar 00 - 12:14 PM

OK I'm finished my 3-day gargantuan boil...temperature yesterday dropped from about 60 F around noon to 10 F last night...everything is good and frozen up again. (And Aine, pines have cones not nuts, to my knowledge).

And Aine I third the motion, you're doing a fine fine job...the title will come to me...


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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 10 Mar 00 - 12:41 PM

heh-heh! Willi-o ....some pines DO have nuts....check "pinon" or "pignoli"

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 10 Mar 00 - 01:02 PM

You're all welcome! Heck, this wouldn't be any fun at all if it wasn't for all your wonderful songs -- so keep it up!

MMario -- Be nice to Willie-O, cuz I'm sure they don't have pinon trees where he lives -- and if they did, he couldn't see 'em through the sap-fog *BG*

-- Áine (The Lucky Keeper of the Best Book of Songs by the Best Songwriters in the World!!)

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 10 Mar 00 - 01:20 PM

but..but...they MUST have Italian one could possibly live in a place without pesto, could they? Don't tell me there *is* a place without pesto.....I don' wanna know....

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Willie-O
Date: 10 Mar 00 - 03:48 PM

Italian food yes, including pesto. Pine trees with nuts on 'em? I had a forestry education but it was limited to species found in northern North the pinyon a true pine?

Willie-O (yer right again Aine my eyes are still all fogged over but I'm recovering gradually from the unaccustomed labours...)

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 10 Mar 00 - 03:55 PM

willi-o I think Pine "nuts" are not botanically nuts, I know that you get them OUT of the cones by roasting....pinons, stone pines, and a couple other species I believe....

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 10 Mar 00 - 04:20 PM

sorry for the thread creep - but see pine nuts for imfo and links to the 28 species of pine producing edible "nuts" - (more in NA then most continents from the looks of it.)

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: The Shambles
Date: 13 Mar 00 - 01:50 PM

I wrote my thoughts about education in this song a little while ago as it stopped me 'ranting on' in company.

Back To Basics

When we talk about education, we all have our views
It's a shame for our children, it's usually bad news
This National Curriculum, ain't it a good idea?
Until you look at the Public Schools, "we don't have to follow it here"

When they say "back to basics", we don't doubt it
We think that we all agree, until we talk about it
Your idea of basics, is not the same as mine
You may find that this simple idea, is hard to define

In so called 'primitive' cultures, they're taught what they need
To take their places in the world and join their society
Yes, our system teaches, well at least up to Primary
Then we are all channelled down, the road to G.C.S.E.

When mass education started, it was for liberty
The idea was, if you could read and write, then you too could be free
The system has been hi-jacked, to provide for industry
Which, if you look around us now, just doesn't seem to be

You have one level of attainment, and you devise a test
You only need to look at those passing and throw away the rest
Then you have too many passing and you have to work hard again
So bring in another level, "we'll use the few that remain"

Take a system that's built on failure, mix with our 'class system' as well
A recipe for disaster, education made in hell
"But it can't be that bad", do I hear you say?
"If I had to go through it, why then shouldn't they"?

We must be doing something wrong, have we money to burn?
It must be an indictment, if you have to force children to learn
I remember, when I was young, I took all that I could get
And now I know, I won't know it all, I've not stopped learning yet

Our children are in chains, chains called education
You know we really don't teach them at all, it's just qualification
So come on don't waste your time, come on and be a thinker
Don't swallow the bait that they drop, don't take it 'hook line and sinker'

We have stored a lot of knowledge, about our society
We should be able to reach our children, with our technology
Then maybe we could teach them the things that they need to know
Or are we just frightened of, the things they might overthrow?

I don't have all the answers, the children, they may have a few
Why not ask the poor teachers, they may have one or two
Don't ask the politicians, with their vested interests
Just send them all back to school and I'll devise a test

Roger Gall.

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Willie-O
Date: 14 Mar 00 - 11:34 AM

Weyell, I sent Max an MP3 of "Spring On The Mississippi". Mayhaps he'll play it on da radio.

Aine if yew still want a title for that dreadful punny thing about pines and suchlike, just call it "Red Pine's Yellow Blues"....

Who was it said "there are more species of pine under the sun than you could ever dream of..."

I should warn you all that I'm going to start a fire under some more sap this afternoon...

for I am

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 14 Mar 00 - 01:43 PM

Willie-O --

Just choose yer victim carefully. I have had hard lessons learned from trying to start a fire under the wrong sap!


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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 14 Mar 00 - 08:38 PM

Alrightey, here are the latest additions to the Mudcat Songbook. If I've accidentally forgotten to either post or mention your song, then (1) please forgive me, and (2) let me know so I can fix things.

-- Áine

Red Pine's Yellow Blues by Willie-O
Back To Basics by The Shambles
Listen To Your Heart by McGrath of Harlow

SONG CHALLENGE! Part 13 Winners:
I'm Gonna Get Ya by baldfiddler
That Magnificent Man by Bradypus
Ale Ails by MMario
The Wild Yankee Boy by Amos
Air Bud Lite by Mbo
Air Traffic Controller's Girlfriend's Blues by Hyperabid

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Willie-O
Date: 14 Mar 00 - 11:10 PM

Yeah Mmario, when you try to light a fire under them, nobody appreciates it at the time....just later. Usually, decades later.

Maybe my kids will be talking to me again by then!

Just finished my little boil, got some more gooey sweet stuff...


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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 14 Mar 00 - 11:16 PM

hey! that was Amos! I'm the sap that was roastin' pine nuts....

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: The Shambles
Date: 15 Mar 00 - 09:12 AM

The Last Roar

The last roar
Of the Dinosaur
As he marches to extinction
You say "what went wrong"?
But to survive for so long
Must be, a mark of distinction

For time had flown
And the world he'd known
The land and all the oceans
Where once he would fit
He now must admit
He was only, 'going through the motions'

Just running to stand still
'Over the hill'
He thinks he'll get there, but never will

Ready to 'give up the ghost'
Sound the 'last post'
Where are your friends, when you need them the most?

Put to the test
He was losing interest
But still going through, 'the usual channels'
He had to curse
When they got there first
"Damn, those upstart mammals"

For they had begun
To suckle their young
He prefers, to keep his distance
But it's efficient
And quite sufficient
To threaten, his existence

Just running to stand still
'Over the hill'
He thinks he'll get there, but never will

Ready to 'give up the ghost'
Sound the 'last post'
Where are your friends, when you need them the most?

Roger Gall.

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 15 Mar 00 - 09:33 AM

Wow -- that gets the Imagination cluster for sure, Sham. Thought provoking indeed.

Mebbe the problem is, when you're a dinosaur, you tend to make friends only with other dinosaurs. While this works well for the management of IBM, it probably is not a recipe for Pleistocene survival. Lesson: be friendly with the species you meet on your way up the food may need them if the weather changes! :>)


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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 15 Mar 00 - 10:01 AM

Great song, Roger, and it's been added to the Songbook. I do hope that you'll be sending that one in to Max for the Mudcat Radio Show. I'd love to hear it! Thank you for sharing this one with us!

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 17 Mar 00 - 03:38 PM


When all the world was water, and nowhere was dry land
God made us a promise, and sealed it by His hand.
An arc of light across the sky, in multi-coloured hue
A covenant, forever, He made to me and you

Remember the Rainbow promise, the skies aren't always grey
But it's up to us to cherish, the world we have today

When the foosteps in the sand are marchin' single file
When problems hover 'round us, and nothin' seems worthwhile
When it seems if all our dreams are nightmares of our mind
Reach out and take the comfort, left for us to find


There'll always be another dawn, the rain will always end
And if we only will believe, we'll always have a friend
Remember we are not alone, no matter how it seems
But we must choose the way to go, not drift along life's stream


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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 17 Mar 00 - 04:13 PM

That's a beautiful song, MMario, and I've placed it in the Mudcat Songbook. Thanks so much for sharing it with us 'Catters. And it's also a wonderful thought for the day!

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: The Shambles
Date: 21 Mar 00 - 04:35 PM

It is news, such as the latest mass 'suicide' of up to 470 members of a cult in Uganda, that confirm my belief that we have created God, in our image and not the other way round.

Such Is The God

You will find, in the finest of gardens
Some small place, where the wild flowers grow
And you can't train children, like a gardener trains roses
You can't thin out, you just reap what you sow

Inquisitions and witch-hunts and final solutions
Moral pollution, that defeats it's own ends
The obvious answer, is it always the best one?
It's wise to question, both your foe and your friend

The rose and the thorn, fine fruit and the poison
The soldier's warning? Just a young man, afraid
Through the eyes of the uncertain and the cries of believers
Such is the god in whose image we're made
The body of man, the heart of a woman
Songs of bright morning and the cool evening shade
Through the eyes of the poets and lies of deceivers
Such is the God, in whose image we're made

Do you join in the song, that everyone's singing?
Do you follow the path, just because it's well-trod?
Is faith just a way, to avoid hard decisions?
For religions are man-made, not made by God

The rose and the thorn, fine fruit and the poison
The soldier's warning? Just a young man, afraid
Through the eyes of the uncertain and the cries of believers
Such is the god in whose image we're made
The body of man, the heart of a woman
Songs of bright morning and the cool evening shade
Through the eyes of the poets and lies of deceivers
Such is the God, in whose image we're made

Roger Gall 1996

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 21 Mar 00 - 08:21 PM

I'm honored to add your song to the Songbook, Roger. Your talent amazes every time I see another of your songs. Don't ever stop writing them, please.

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: The Shambles
Date: 04 Apr 00 - 05:17 AM

Jason is my nephew and exactly the same age as this song.

Jason's Song

Home is where the heart is
The end is where the start is
Round and round and round we go
Love is sometimes faking it
Life is what you're making it
The more you learn the less you know

All that glitters, is not gold
Passions hot, can run cold
Things agreed, on a calm day may
In a breeze, blow away

Home is where the heart is
The end is where the start is
Round and round and round we go
Love is sometimes faking it
Life is what you're making it
The more you learn the less you know

The only ones, who know for sure, are the young
Listen to the words I have sung
They may prevent your certainty
From hurting those who cannot be (so sure)

Home is where the heart is
The end is where the start is
Round and round and round we go
Love is sometimes faking it
Life is what you're making it
The more you learn the less you know

What me is there, I can say?
To help you on your way
Just listen to all that you are told
But remember, all age makes you is old

Roger Gall 1995

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 04 Apr 00 - 09:30 AM

Thank you so much, Roger! I've just placed Jason's Song on the Mudcat Songbook.

If you have an original song that you'd like to add to the Songbook, please post it here or send it to me at You'll be in some great company -- Check out the Songbook and see for yourself!

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 19 Apr 00 - 02:19 PM

This song was commissioned by our own MAG in exchange for some support flow to the Mudcat, as promised on a couple of threads. It is a slow, rolling barrel-house blues reminiscent of Bessie Smith's "Pigfoot and a Bottle of Beer", or her "Ain't Done Runnin' Around" blues. Dedicated to Mary Ann, and to women everywhere who wish men could be just a little different...



Mary Ann's Walla Walla Woman Blues

Words and music by Amos Jessup, dedicated to Mary Ann

 You know, flakie cats just want to stone you
 And big cowboys they just want to own you
 For a reg'lar jelly roll
 And the losers want you to roll them
 And beg you to control them
 And grind 'em til they find they souls , oh,
 I 'm not about  to start contraction
 From  a masculine reaction
 Cuz I'm a real woman right down to my shoes,
 But I'm getting those
 Walla Walla's wasting
 F#7~~~~~~~B7~~B7aug(?) E
 A Walla Walla Woman blues

 Big bikers want to play you
 And maybe want to flay you
 Hey, wouldn't you rather burn a bra?
 Then the SNAGS want easy living
 Got no-o-o sense of rhythm
 And  can't figure out just who they really are
 Mister big iron pumper
 Got a motion, like a bumper
 AIn't got enough  plain soul to shine my shoes

 But I'm gettin those
 Walla Walla's wastin'
 A Walla Walla Women blues.

      I like to do that hootchie kootchie thing
      But no-one here to kootchie  me
      I like to run a nice strong coffee grinder
      And the men around here drink tea, cold tea, oh

 I got three hot kitties
 Begging, pretty pretty,
 Just to go out on the town at night
 Jes' see how they carry on
 Hear them whine an' moan
 They don' believe its right
 Sometimes I turn a my back
 And they slip through a crack
 And those pussies down town
 Get more than I do

 Leaves me them
 Walla Walla's wastin'
 A Walla Walla Women blues.

      I'm not not excessively demanding
      That's no way for a good woman to be
      All I want is some plain understanding
      And some con-geni-ality, Oh,

 I don't want a man on booze
 They always seem to lose
 Except for that one out Chicago way
 Cuz I can still recall
 He would play that Cannonball
 And that was what he did to steal
 My heart away
 I'm gonna move it, yes move it
 Til someone finds that groove,
 Go out in whitebread city and cruise
 Gonna shake them Walla Walla....
 Wasting a Walla Walla....
 A Walla Walla Woman Blues....oh, yes.

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 20 Apr 00 - 03:24 PM

Well, it's great to see some more wonderful songs in the Mudcat Songbook! This morning I added four great new songs, (including Amos' song above) and I hope that everyone will go and have a look at them. Here's the list --

Radio Song by Spider Tom
A Soldier's Lament by Irish sergeant
Mary Ann's Walla Walla Woman Blues by Amos (which you can hear Amos perform on the archive file of the April 19th Mudcat Radio Show!)
The Chestnut Ward by McGrath of Harlow

Thank each of you for sharing these songs with us. Well done!

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 21 Apr 00 - 12:45 AM

thread song alert! from Kelida....

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