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Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby


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Azizi 15 Mar 08 - 10:25 AM
Azizi 15 Mar 08 - 10:26 AM
Azizi 15 Mar 08 - 10:32 AM
Azizi 15 Mar 08 - 10:32 AM
Azizi 15 Mar 08 - 10:40 AM
The Doctor 15 Mar 08 - 03:52 PM
Azizi 15 Mar 08 - 09:28 PM
Azizi 15 Mar 08 - 09:30 PM
Azizi 15 Mar 08 - 09:36 PM
Azizi 15 Mar 08 - 09:42 PM
GUEST,lovlykatie 28 Apr 08 - 08:49 PM
Azizi 28 Apr 08 - 09:38 PM
John MacKenzie 29 Apr 08 - 05:22 AM
GUEST 27 May 08 - 03:13 PM
Azizi 27 May 08 - 04:07 PM
Azizi 28 May 08 - 08:11 AM
trevek 28 May 08 - 08:58 AM
Azizi 11 Jun 08 - 09:23 PM
Azizi 11 Jun 08 - 09:50 PM
GUEST,someone 23 Jun 08 - 11:29 AM
Azizi 23 Jun 08 - 11:39 AM
Azizi 23 Jun 08 - 08:44 PM
Azizi 30 Jun 08 - 08:33 AM
Azizi 30 Jun 08 - 08:54 AM
Azizi 03 Jul 08 - 12:55 PM
GUEST 15 Aug 08 - 03:31 PM
GUEST 10 Sep 08 - 08:05 PM
Azizi 10 Sep 08 - 09:21 PM
Azizi 02 Nov 08 - 02:37 PM
Azizi 02 Nov 08 - 03:06 PM
Azizi 02 Nov 08 - 03:15 PM
s&r 02 Nov 08 - 03:16 PM
GUEST,Rachel 20 Nov 08 - 08:33 AM
Azizi 20 Nov 08 - 08:52 AM
GUEST,Rachel 20 Nov 08 - 09:14 AM
s&r 20 Nov 08 - 04:37 PM
Azizi 20 Nov 08 - 06:40 PM
GUEST,Temwa 15 Dec 08 - 09:14 PM
Azizi 16 Dec 08 - 11:12 AM
Azizi 23 Dec 08 - 06:47 PM
GUEST,Tylar 30 Dec 08 - 09:18 PM
Azizi 30 Dec 08 - 09:34 PM
GUEST 09 Mar 09 - 11:13 AM
Azizi 09 Mar 09 - 03:31 PM
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Azizi 11 Mar 09 - 07:35 AM
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Azizi 02 Jun 09 - 08:33 AM
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Azizi 10 Jun 09 - 03:34 PM
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Azizi 04 Jul 09 - 07:36 AM
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GUEST,kkdmtp2129 20 Feb 10 - 11:49 AM
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Jim Carroll 01 Mar 10 - 05:50 PM
GUEST 09 Mar 10 - 10:32 AM
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Subject: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 10:25 AM

"When Susie Was A Baby" is the name of a children's rhyme that recounts the life stages of a girl from babyhood through adulthood and then death {and maybe beyond}.

I don't recall this rhyme from my childhood, and also don't recall my children saying this rhyme. But thus far, I've had three examples of this rhyme {each one having a different girls name-Lucy, Susie, Pepples} have been sent to my website including one example I received this morning.

I'll post those examples on this thread. And I'm wondering if other folks here are familiar with this rhyme and if so, what versions you know.

Along with your example, please post demographical information, particularly the geographical location {city/state and nation, if outside of the USA}, and the year or decade you remember reciting this rhyme. I'd also love to know whether you recall performing "When Susie {or any other girl's name} Was A Baby" as a handclap, jump rope, or ball bouncing rhyme.

And since this is Mudcat, there may be folks here who know examples of rhymes or songs that served as the source for this contemporary rhyme. If so, please post that information also. Of course, any comments about this rhyme and other similar rhymes are welcome!

Thanks in advance for posting on this thread.

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Subject: RE: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 10:26 AM


when miss susy was a baby a baby a baby when miss susy was a baby she use to go like this... (roll fists around eyes) wa wa (pretend to suck your thumb) suck my thumb when miss susy was a kid a kid a kid when miss susy was a kid she use to go like this... (roll fists around eyes) wa wa (pretend to suck your thumb) suck my thumb (open hands like a book) read a book (bend down and pretend to tie shoe) tie my shoe when miss susy was a teen a teen a teen when miss susy was a teen she use to go like this... (roll fists around eyes) wa wa (pretend to suck your thumb) suck my thumb (open hands like a book) read a book (bend down and pretend to tie shoe) tie my shoe (put arms over chest) oo ah i lost my bra i think i left it in my boyfriends car when miss susy was a grown-up a grown-up a grown-up when miss susy was a grown-up she use to go like this... (roll fists around eyes) wa wa (pretend to suck your thumb) suck my thumb (open hands like a book) read a book (bend down and pretend to tie shoe) tie my shoe oo (cross right hand over left side of chest) ah (cross left hand over right side of chest) i lost my bra i think i left it in my boyfriends car (put hands over chest same way) oo ah i lost my bra i think i left it in my husbands car when miss susy was an old lady an old lady an old lady when miss susy was an old lady she use to go like this... (roll fists around eyes) wa wa (pretend to suck your thumb) suck my thumb (open hands like a book) read a book (bend down and pretend to tie shoe) tie my shoe oo (cross right hand over left side of chest) ah (cross left hand over right side of chest) i lost my bra i think i left it in my boyfriends car (put hands over chest same way) oo ah i lost my bra i think i left it in my husbands car (put hand to ear) speak up sonny i can't hear you when miss susy was dead was dead was dead when miss susy was dead she use to go like this... (drop to floor and act dead)
-Samantha; 3/15/2008 {learned in the 1990s};

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Subject: RE: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 10:32 AM


you can do this with a jump rope, or a hand clap, i did it with hand claps. just an old Florida rhyme: LUCY When Lucy was a baby, a baby When Lucy was a baby She went a little like this: Wah Wah When Lucy was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler, When Lucy was a toddler She went a little like this: Wah Wah, suck my thumb When Lucy was a kid, a kid, a kid When Lucy was a kidShe went a little like this: Wah Wah, suck my thumb, give me a piece of bubble gum When Lucy was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager When Lucy was a teenager She went a little like this: Wah Wah, suck my thumb, give me a piece of bubble gum, ohh, ahh, lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car When Lucy was a grown up, a grown up, a grown up When Lucy was a grown up She went a little like this: Wah Wah, suck my thumb, give me a piece of bubble gum, ohh, ahh, lost my bra left it in my boyfriend's car, shh shh babies sleeping When Lucy was an grandma, a grandma, a grandma When Lucy was a grandma She went a little like this: Wah Wah, suck my thumb, give me a peice of bubble gum, ohh, ahh lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car, shh babies sleeping, god i'm old. When Lucy was dead, dead, dead, When Lucy was dead She went a little like this: Wah Wah, suck my thumb, give me a piece of bubble gum, ohh, ahh, lost my bra left it in my boyfriend's car, shh babies sleeping, god i'm old, great i'm dead
-Morgan; 5/16/2007;

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Subject: RE: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 10:32 AM


I am 25 now and was recently playing a hand game with my 6 year old cousin at a family gathering and was thinking about some of the games I used to play as a little girl. I am a Black female from Easter North Carolina. One I remember yet have no idea where it came from was called Pebbles and it basically followed the life of this girl. Each section of life had some type of hand gesture you had to do with it. and you had to remember the whole thing as it added on new lines. It basically went like this When pebbles was a baby, a baby a baby When pebbles was a baby she went like this cry cry. (then the group would act like they were wiping their tears) When pebbles was a toddler, a toddler a toddler when pebbles was a toddler she went like this cry cry, tie my shoe. (then we would wipe our tears, and reach down and touch our shoes) When pebbles was a 5 year old, a 5 year old, a 5 year old when pebbles was a 5 year old she went like this cry cry, tie my shoe, i want this i want that (you would do the previous motions plus point at left then right) When pebbles was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager when pebbles was a teenager she went like this cry cry, tie my shoe, i want this i want that, Ohh Ah I lost my bra I must have left it in my boyfriends car. ( on this part you would do the previous motions then also cross your hands over your chest and sort of shake your hips) This is a long song there is way more too it but it takes her through motherhood and then being a grandma and finally the end of her life. I think its basically to see who can and can't remember all the things that happened before. Its been a really long time since I did this one.
-Erica ; 1/3/2008;

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Subject: RE: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 10:40 AM

I'm going to take the liberty to repost a similar stages of life rhyme "When Billy Boy Was One" from this Mudcat thread:

thread.cfm?threadid=4300#1434593 "Children's Street Songs"

Subject: RE: Children's Street Songs
From: Skeezyks - PM
Date: 31 Jan 05 - 12:29 PM

I'm an elementary teacher from Minnesota. I'd like to add a hand clapping, patting game I learned from some first grade girls back in the 1970's. They claaed it "Billy Boy." As they chanted the lyrics they clapped their own hands, then the opposite hand of their partner, then their own opposite shoulders, and finally their knees.

"When Billy Boy was one (sung as two syllables) he learned to suck his thu-umb, (two syllables again.)
Thumb-dee-ah-dah, thumb-dee-ah-dah,
Half past one, cross down,

When Billy boy was two-o, he learned to tie his shoe-oo,
Two-dee-ah-dah, two-dee-ah dah,
Half past two cross down." etc.

three: climb a tree,
four: shut the door,
five: jump and dive,
six: pick up sticks,
seven: got to heaven,
eight: clean his plate,
nine: sing this rhyme,
ten: he learned to say, 'THE END!'"

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: The Doctor
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 03:52 PM

There is also a children's clapping game: Suzie had a baby, which may or may not be related.

Suzie had a baby, she called him Tiny Tim.
She put him in the bath-tub to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap.
He tried to eat the bath-tub but it wouldn't go down his throat.
Suzie called the doctor, Suzie called the nurse,
Suzie called the lady with the alligator purse.
In came the doctor, in came the nurse,
In came the lady with the alligator purse.
'Mumps' said the doctor, 'Measles' said the nurse,
'Chicken-pox' said the lady with the alligator purse.
Out went the doctor, out went the nurse,
Out went the lady with the alligator purse.

I think that's it.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 09:28 PM

Hello, The Doctor.

Thanks for posting an example of "Suzie Had A Baby".

I like to think of variants of the same children's rhyme and similar children's rhymes as being part of a "family". In that respect, I'd consider "{Miss} Suzie Had A Baby" as being a very distant relative of "When Susie Was A Baby"-meaning they're not really part of the same family. However, the "When Susie Was A Baby" and "When Billy Was One" rhymes are siblings or at least very close cousins.

The main reason why I would consider "When Susie Was A Baby" and "When Billy Was One" as being part of the same family is that both of them are what I call "life stages" or "actions at consecutive ages" rhymes, meaning the rhymes provide verbal snapshots of the featured character at consecutive stages of her or his life, or the rhymes describe actions the character does at consecutive ages. When. The rhymes recount that when the featured character is at a certain stage of her or his life-with the life stages given in consecutive order from the youngest life stage to the oldest-then she or he does something that is considered descriptive of that life stage. Or the rhymes recount that when the central character is a certain age-with the ages given in consecutive order from the youngest age to a certain agreed upon age-then the character does some action that rhymes with that numerical age.

Here's another example of this life stages/actions at consecutive ages family of rhymes:

Two people sit facing each other. I'll do my best to describe the handclap motions... Cross down - start by crossing both hands over your chest, with your finger tips touching your shoulders, then uncross them and smack your thigh's. Your left hand will smack your left thigh and right hand, right thigh. The next step is to clap. When you clap, you begin singing the song. (For example: (cross down) (Clap), When Billy Boy was one..... (now begin claping with your partner - your right hand claps with their right hand - then you clap your hands together, next your left hand claps with your partner's left hand, then you clap your hands together. Repeat until the verse is over. When you start the next verse, begin again with cross down, slap your thighs, When Billy Boy was two...etc.

VERSES When Billy Boy was one, he learned to suck his thumb. Thumb Billy, Thumb Billy, half past one. When Billy Boy was two, he learned to tie his shoe. Shoe Billy, Shoe Billy, half past two. When Billy Boy was three, he learned to climb a tree. Tree Billy, Tree Billy, half past three. When Billy Boy was four, he learned to close the door. Door Billy, Door Billy, half past four. When Billy Boy was five, he learned to swim and dive. Dive Billy, Dive Billy, half past five. When Billy Boy was six, he learned to pick up sticks. Sticks Billy, Sticks Billy, half past six. When Billy Boy was seven, he learned to pray to heaven. Heaven Billy, Heaven Billy, half past seven. When Billy Boy was eight, he learned to roller skate. Skate Billy, Skate Billy, half past eight. When Billy Boy was nine, he learned to tell the time. Time Billy, Time Billy, half past nine. When Billy Boy was ten, he learned to catch the hens. Hens Billy, Hens Billy, half past ten. Cross down, then end!
-Jackie; 8/28/2007;

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 09:30 PM

Some variants of this family of children's rhymes don't adhere to the "When/then" format. However, from what I've seen thus far, these variants usually have another uniform beginning for all the lines in the rhyme. See this rhyme for example:

1. Poor Pinocchio he learned to suck his thumb, thumb
after thumb after thumb, after thumb after thumb.
Cross over *
2. Poor Pinocchio he learned to tie his shoe, shoe after
shoe, after shoe, after shoe . Cross over *
3. Poor Pinocchio he learned to climb a tree, tree after tree,
after tree, after tree. Cross over *
4. Poor Pinocchio he learned to shut the door, door after
door, after door, after door. Cross over *
5. Poor Pinocchio he liked to kick bee hives, hives after
hives, after hives, after hives. Cross over *
6. Poor Pinocchio he learned to pick up sticks, sticks after
sticks, after sticks ,after sticks. Cross over *
7. Poor Pinocchio he learned all about heaven, heaven after
heaven, after heaven, after heaven. Cross over *
8. Poor Pinocchio he learned to shut the gate, gate after
gate, after gate after gate. Cross over *

[and so on up to 11-use any word that rhymes with those numbers]

* When you say "cross over" you fold your arms crisscross over your chest, and the other girl you are doing the handclap with does the same thing at the same time.
-Natashia, age 13; Alberta, Canada; 10/21/2005;

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 09:36 PM

Correction. The name that the "informant" gave for that rhyme was "When Billy Boy Was One". Here's that rhyme:


When Billy Boy Was One {Handclap Rhyme}
Two people sit facing each other. I'll do my best to describe the handclap motions... Cross down - start by crossing both hands over your chest, with your finger tips touching your shoulders, then uncross them and smack your thigh's. Your left hand will smack your left thigh and right hand, right thigh. The next step is to clap. When you clap, you begin singing the song. (For example: (cross down) (Clap), When Billy Boy was one..... (now begin claping with your partner - your right hand claps with their right hand - then you clap your hands together, next your left hand claps with your partner's left hand, then you clap your hands together. Repeat until the verse is over. When you start the next verse, begin again with cross down, slap your thighs, When Billy Boy was two...etc.

VERSES When Billy Boy was one, he learned to suck his thumb. Thumb Billy, Thumb Billy, half past one. When Billy Boy was two, he learned to tie his shoe. Shoe Billy, Shoe Billy, half past two. When Billy Boy was three, he learned to climb a tree. Tree Billy, Tree Billy, half past three. When Billy Boy was four, he learned to close the door. Door Billy, Door Billy, half past four. When Billy Boy was five, he learned to swim and dive. Dive Billy, Dive Billy, half past five. When Billy Boy was six, he learned to pick up sticks. Sticks Billy, Sticks Billy, half past six. When Billy Boy was seven, he learned to pray to heaven. Heaven Billy, Heaven Billy, half past seven. When Billy Boy was eight, he learned to roller skate. Skate Billy, Skate Billy, half past eight. When Billy Boy was nine, he learned to tell the time. Time Billy, Time Billy, half past nine. When Billy Boy was ten, he learned to catch the hens. Hens Billy, Hens Billy, half past ten. Cross down, then end!
-Jackie; 8/28/2007;

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 15 Mar 08 - 09:42 PM

Note how close the examples are of "When Billy Boy Was One" {posted on Mudcat by Skeezyks on 31 Jan 05] and "When Billy Boy Was One"
[posted on Cocojams by Jackie on 8/28/07]. Unfortunately, no demographical information is available for either informant.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,lovlykatie
Date: 28 Apr 08 - 08:49 PM

everyone at my school says it

when suzy was a baby a baby a baby when suzy was a baby she went like this waa waaa suck my thum when suzy was a todler a todler a todler when suzy was a todler she went like this waa waa suck my thum give me a peice of bubble gum

when suzy was a teenager a teenager a teenager when suzy was a teenager she went like this waa waa suck my thum give me a peice of bubble gumm oohh hhaa lost my cell ohh my pretty hair

when suzy was a mommy a mommy a mommy when suzy was a mommy she went like this waa waa suck my thum give me a peice of bubble gumm oohh hhaa lost my cell ohh my pretty hair i love you too sweety

when suzy was an old ladie an old ladie an old ladie when suzy was an old ladie she went like this waa waa suck my thum give me a peice of bubble gumm oohh hhaa lost my cell ohh my pretty hair i love you too sweety WHATS THAT!!!!!!

when suzy was a ghost a ghost a ghost when suzy was a ghost she went like this waa waa suck my thum give me a peice of bubble gumm oohh hhaa lost my cell ohh my pretty hair i love you too sweety WHATS THAT!!!!!!.........BOOOO

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 28 Apr 08 - 09:38 PM

Thanks, GUEST,lovlykatie, for sharing this rhyme!

Best wishes,

Ms. Azizi

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: John MacKenzie
Date: 29 Apr 08 - 05:22 AM

Mary had a baby, she called him Sonny Jim
She put him in the duck pond, to see if he could swim
He swam to the bottom, he swam to the top
Mary got excited, and grabbed him by the .....
Don't you get excited, don't you be misled
Mary was a nice girl, she grabbed him by his head!

Poorly remembered verse from a song that is now called The Village Sunday School.


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 27 May 08 - 03:13 PM

When pebbles was a baby a baby a baby
when pebbles was a baby she use to go like this: WAA WAa suck my thumb.
when pebbles was a toddler a todler a toddler
when pebbles was a toddler she use to go like this: WAWa suck my thumb give me a peice of bubblegum.
when pebbles was a teenager when pebbless was a teenager a teenager a tennager
when pebbles was a teenager she use to go liek this: waa waa suck my thummb give me a piece of buuble gum..OH AH lost my bra ..left in my boyfriends car.
when pubbles was a grownup a grown up a grown up
when pebbles was a grown up she use to go like this: Waa waa suck my thumb give me a piece of bubblegum oh ah lost my bra left it in my boyfriends car

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 27 May 08 - 04:07 PM

Thanks, Guest 27 May 08 - 03:13 PM for sharing that example.

The examples of consecutive life stages rhymes that have been posted on this thread are similar to each other. In addition to being fun to recite, and perform, they sharpen children's memory skills.

To all the guests who have posted on this thread, Mudcat has a number of other threads [pages] on children's rhymes. Click on this thread thread.cfm?threadid=94034&messages=178 Down by the Banks of the Hanky Panky
and you will find that one as well as a listing of others!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 28 May 08 - 08:11 AM

Thanks, Joe, for posting that list of some of Mudcat's threads on children's rhymes.

Guests, you can click on the title to any one of those threads, and you can also add to that thread by posting an example of a rhyme that you know.


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: trevek
Date: 28 May 08 - 08:58 AM

I recall Val Doonican telling the story of how his 6 year old daughter calmly recited the lyrics "ooh ahh, lost my bra, left my knickers in my boyfriend's car" over breakfast.

After choking on his cornflakes Val asked where she'd learned it. She said at school. Val asked "What do the nuns think of that?" She replied, "Oh, thy all know it!"

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 11 Jun 08 - 09:23 PM

Here's another repost from a Mudcat thread of an "age progression"

Subject: RE: Folklore: Play Ground Hand Jives
Date: 27 Jul 07 - 10:16 PM

Hi All,

In Brooklyn, in the late 50s and very early 60s:


When I Was a Baby
When I was a baby, a baby, a baby
When I was a baby boom boom boom
It was crying this-a-way
Crying that-a-way
Crying this-a-way
Boom boom boom

(This goes through "child," "teenager kissing," then I think "when I got married" and then "had a baby" then "when my husband died" ending with
When I died, dies, died,
When I dies boom boom boom
It was six feet under, six feet under, six feet under boom boom boom.


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 11 Jun 08 - 09:50 PM

Here are two versions of "When Susie Was A Baby"* from Girl Games: Clap & rhyme Archive through June 8, 2000

*One version uses the line "When Susie was a baby {and then the next life stage and so on} while the other version uses the line "Miss Suzy was a baby"{and then the next life stage and so on}

when susie was a baby, a baby, when susie was a baby, she usedto go like this 'wah, wah' when susie was a child, a child, when susie was a child she used to go like this 'mommy, can I have a cookie?' when susie was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, when susie was a teenager, she used to go like this 'mom,i'm using the phone!' when susie was a mother, a mother, when susie was a mother, she used to go like this 'your grounded!' when susie was a grandma, a grandma, when susie was a grandma, she used to go like this 'oh my aching back' when susie was dead, was dead, was dead, when susie was dead, she went like this 'hi, god'..........that's what it is now".
-KD on Friday, December 17, 1999


Miss Suzy was a baby, a baby, a baby, Miss Suzy was a baby,and this is what she said! "ooh, aah, ooh aah aah!" (pretend to suck your thumbs, once each word)
Miss Suzy was a schoolgirl, a schoolgirl, a schoolgirl! Miss Suzy was a schoolgirl, and this is what she said! "ooh, aah, ooh aah aah!" (flip your hair back over your shoulders once each word)
Miss Suzy was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, Miss Suzy was a teenager, and this is what she said! "ooh, aah, I lost my bra! I left it in my boyfriend's car!"
Miss Suzy was a teacher, a teacher, a teacher,
Miss Suzy was a teacher, and this is what she said! "ooh, aah, ooh aah aah!" (shake your finger once each word)
Miss Suzy was a mother, a mother, a mother,
Miss Suzy was a mother, and this is what she said! "ooh, aah, ooh aah aah!" (rock a pretend baby in your arms)
Miss Suzy was a grandmother, a grandmother, a grandmother, Miss Suzy was a grandmother, and this is what she said! "ooh, aah, ooh aah aah!" (rock in a pretend rocking chair)
Miss Suzy went to heaven, to heaven, to heaven, Miss Suzy went to heaven, and this is what she said! "ooh, aah, ooh aah aah!" (flap your "wings)
Miss Suzy went to he-ell, to he-ell, to he-ell, Miss Suzy went to
he-ell, and this is what she said! "ooh, aah, ooh aah aah!" (pretend to be poked by a pitchfork at each word)
-Lizzi; May 1, 2000

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,someone
Date: 23 Jun 08 - 11:29 AM

when suzie was a baby,a baby, a baby, she went like this "wah wah"
when suzie was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler, when suzie was a toddler she went like this "wah wah, suck my thumb"
when suzie was a kid, a kid, a kid, when suzie was a kid she went like this "wah wah, suck my thumb, give me a piece of bubble gum"
i don't know the rest

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 23 Jun 08 - 11:39 AM

Thanks, GUEST,someone for posting the part of this rhyme that you remembered.


I'm wondering if someone who knows this rhyme would share how she or he played it {plays it}. Was it {Is it} a two person handclap rhyme or a jumprope rhyme, or both, or something else?

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 23 Jun 08 - 08:44 PM

Here's a link to a Mudcat post that mentions of a version of "When Susie Was A Baby" that has the lines "When Susie was a stripper...she said "ooh aah I lost my bra, left my knickers in my boyfriend's car".

thread.cfm?threadid=4300#43982 Children's Street Songs


And here's a link to another post in that same Mudcat thread that relates a version of this rhyme that mentions what happens "When Susie Was A Teacher":


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 30 Jun 08 - 08:33 AM

I neglected to thank trevek for sharing the story about the 6 year old Catholic school studentgirl reciting the "ooh ah/lost my bra lines". Her assurance that the nuns knew those lines was precious.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 30 Jun 08 - 08:54 AM

Here's another repost of When Susie Was A Baby from another Mudcat thread:

Subject: RE: I'm Rubber. You're Glue: Children's Rhymes
From: GUEST,guest guest - PM
Date: 12 Dec 05 - 05:37 PM

Ms. Suzy was a baby all she did was cry cry cry, when Ms. Suzy was a kid all she did was lie lie lie, when Ms. Suzy was a teenager all she said was leave me a lone lone lone, then Ms. suzy was a adult buying her first home home home, then Ms. Suzy was a mother her kids were just the same same same, she said the were not like her but that they were a big pain pain pain, then Ms. Suzy was a grandma and left when she heard the church bell bell bell, but she did not leave for church so she will go to h*** h*** h***, when Ms. Suzy was on her death bed she told her kids keep well well well, and if you get to poor my body you can sell selll sell!


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 03 Jul 08 - 12:55 PM

Here's another version of When Pebbles Was A Baby

When I went to elementary school in South Jersey, we used to sing a different version of 'Miss Suzie was a baby', except we said 'Pebbles'

When Pebbles was a baby, a baby, a baby, when Pebbles was a baby, she used to go like this: Wah, wah, suck my thumb, gimme a piece of bubblegum.

When Pebbles was a kid, a kid, a kid, when Pebbles was a kid, she used to go like this: Teacher, Teacher, tie my shoe.

When Pebbles was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, when Pebbles was a teenager, she used to go like this: Ooh, ah, lost my bra, left it in the cafeteri-ah. Over there, on the chair, is where I put my underwear!

When Pebbles was a mom, a mom, a mom, when Pebbles was a mom, she used to go like this: Brush your teeth, comb your hair, and don't forget your underwear!

When Pebbles was a grandma, a grandma, a grandma, when Pebbles was a grandma, she used to go like this: Ooh, ah, my achin back!

And then there was something about Pebble's death that I remember being amusing to a second grader, maybe Pebbles dying, going to heaven, then maybe being sent to hell..? If anyone remembers, I would really love to know.
-bettingonalice; 1/1/2007;

bettingonalice posted another rhyme and then wrote this:

"Wait I remember now!

When Pebbles was dead, was dead, was dead, when Pebbles was dead, she used to go like this: [say loudly and spin around and flap your arms] WHEEE! I CAN FLY!


Btw, I think that the name "Pebbles" may have come from the name of Fred & Wilma Flinstone's daughter in that tv cartoon series.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 15 Aug 08 - 03:31 PM

when miss susie was a baby, a baby, a baby, when miss susie was a baby she went like this: wah wah

when miss susie was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler, when miss susie was a toddler she went like this: wah wah boo boo

when miss susie was a kid, a kid, a kid, when miss susie was a kid she went like this: wah wah boo boo, gimme a cookie and tie my shoe

when miss susie was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, when miss susie was a teenager she went like this: wah wah boo boo gimme a cookie and tie my shoe. oohh ahhh lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car.

when miss susie was a mother, a mother, a mother, when miss susie was a mother, she went like this: wah wah boo boo gimme a cookie and tie my shoe. oohh ahhh lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car. brush your teeth, comb your hair, and dont forget your underwear!

then there's something about grandma, death and ghost but i dont remember.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 10 Sep 08 - 08:05 PM

and theres a different on when mississippi was a baby a baby she acted like this wa wa suck my thumb

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 10 Sep 08 - 09:21 PM

GUEST 10 Sep 08 - 08:05:

You wrote "theres a different on [one?] when mississippi was a baby a baby she acted like this wa wa suck my thumb", I can't recall where I read it, but I remember a rhyme someone had written from her childhood that had the state name "Mississippi" used as a female nickname that was prefaced by the title "Miss"- "Miss-a Sippy" {"Sippy" being the female nickname.

I'm wondering if that is what you meant by your sentence.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 02 Nov 08 - 02:37 PM

Here are two versions of this rhyme from

when miss suzie was a baby a baby a baby when miss suzie was a baby she went like this weh weh: when miss suzie was a toddler a toddler a toddler when miss suzie was a toddler she went like this weh weh gimme a sucker: when miss suzie was a child a child a child when miss suzie was a child she went like this weh weh gimme a sucker mommy mommy tie my shoe: when miss suzie was a teenager a teenager a teenager when miss suzie was a teenager she went like this weh weh gimme a sucker, mommy tie my shoe, ooh aah I lost my bra I think I left it in my boyfriend's car: when miss suzie was a parent a parent a parent when miss suzie a parent she went like this weh weh gimme a sucker, mommy mommy tie my shoe, ooh aah i lost my bra I think I left it in my boyfriend's car, shut up kids im on the phone im tryin to get your father home: when miss suzie was grandma a grandma a grandma when miss suzie was a grandma she went like this weh weh gimme a sucker, mommy mommy tie my shoe, ooh aah i lost my bra i think i left it in my boyfriend's car, shut up i'm on the on the phone tryin to get your father home, cane cane where's my cane i need my cane where's my cane: when miss suzie was in heaven in heaven in heaven when miss suzie was in heaven she went like this weh weh gimme a sucker, mommy mommy tie my shoe, ooh aah i lost my bra i think i left it in my boyfriend's, car shut up kids im on the phone tryin to get your father home, cane cane where's my cane i need my cane where's my cane, look at my beautiful halo and shiny dress.


When Pebbles was a baby, a baby, a baby, When Pebbles was a baby, She used to go like this: Wah wah!
When Pebbles was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler, when Pebbles was a toddler, She used to go like this: Wah wah, suck my thumb!
When Pebbles was a schoolgirl, a schoolgirl, a schoolgirl, when Pebbles was a schoolgirl, She used to go like this: Wah wah, suck my thumb, gimme a piece of bubble gum!
When Pebbles was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager when Pebbles was a teenager, She used to go like this: Wah wah, suck my thumb, gimme a piece of bubble gum, Ooh Ah lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car!
When Pebbles was a mother, a mother, a mother, when Pebbles was a mother, She used to go like this: Wah wah, suck my thumb, gimme a piece of bubble gum, Ooh Ah lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car, oh no my water broke!
When Pebbles was a grandma, a grandma, a grandma, When Pebbles was a grandma, She used to go like this: Wah wah, suck my thumb, gimme a piece of bubble gum, Ooh Ah lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car, oh no my water broke, What'd you say, I can't hear you!
When Pebbles had a heart attack, a heart attack, a heart attack, when Pebbles had a heart attack, She used to go like this: Wah wah, suck my thumb, gimme a piece of bubble gum, Ooh Ah lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car, oh no my water broke, What'd you say, I can't hear you, HELP ME, HELP ME!
When Pebbles was dead, dead, dead, When Pebbles was dead, She used to go like this: I'm dead!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 02 Nov 08 - 03:06 PM

Here's another example of "When Susie Was A Baby" from

When Susie was a baby, a baby Susie was she went a cry, cry, cry, cry
(rubs eyes)

When Susie was a toddler, a toddler Susie was she went a scribble,
scribble, scribble, scribble (scribbling action)

When Susie was a child, a child Susie was she went a 'whyyyyyy?
whyyyyyy? whyyyyy? whyyyy?' (pouting)

When Susie was a teenager, a teenager Susie was she went a 'ooh, ahh,
I lost my bra, I left my knickers in me boyfriend's car' (waving hands
in a camp manner)

When Susie was a married, a married Susie was she went a 'aahh,
unnnnggggghh, aaaahhhhh, unnnnnngggggh' (sex noises and actions)

When Susie was a mother, a mother Susie was she went a bake, bake,
bake, bake (rolling pin action)

When Susie was a grandma, a grandma Susie was she went a knit, knit,
knit, knit (knitting action)

When Susie was a skeleton a skeleton Susie was she went a (silence)
-Subject: Re: school song ; Answered By: grimace-ga on 12 May 2002


The person who answered this question about this "school song" described him/her self as a teacher in England; grimace-ga wrote that "When Susie Was A Baby" probably "shared a common ancestor" with "Miss Susie Had A Baby". grimace-ga also indicated that "Miss Susie Had A Baby" was "similar in metre to Taffy Was A Welshman".

The Digitrad has this version of Taffy was a Welshman . There are other versions of that rhyme on this Mudcat thread: thread.cfm?threadid=94344#1830016, including this example:

"Taffy was a Welsh man, Taffy was a thief.
Taffy came to my house and stole a lump of beef.
I went to Taffy's house, Taffy was in bed.
So I picked up a chopper, and chopped of his head."


Also, see John MacKenzie's 29 Apr 08 - 05:22 AM for a probably source for "Miss Susie Had A Baby". And each of these rhymes can probably traced back to the bawdy "Bang Bang Lulu" rhymes.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 02 Nov 08 - 03:15 PM

And each of these rhymes can probably traced back to the bawdy "Bang Bang Lulu" rhymes.

By "each of these rhymes", I meant
Mary had a baby, she called him Sonny Jim

Miss Susie {Miss Lucy and all the other female names used} Had A Baby/His Name Was Tiny Tim

Miss Lucy Had A Steamboat {Miss Susie etc}

When Susie {Pepples etc} Was One


I don't think that "When Taffy Was A Welshman" comes from the same source as the other rhymes I've listed.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: s&r
Date: 02 Nov 08 - 03:16 PM

unnnnggggghh, aaaahhhhh, unnnnnngggggh' (sex noises and actions)

Love it Azizi - now I know what I've been doing wrong...


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Rachel
Date: 20 Nov 08 - 08:33 AM

Hi, I grew up in Hertfordshire, England in the 1980's and we also used a suzy rhyme as a simple hand clap, but paused for the actions

When Suzy was a baby, a baby suzy was she went a wa wa wa wa wa

When Suzy was a toddler, a toddler suzy was she went a scribble, scribble, scribble, scribble scribble

When Suzy was a school girl, a school girl Suzy was she went a skip, skip, skip skip skip

When Suzy was a teenager, a tennager suzy was, she went a "ooh, aah, I've lost my bra, I've left my knickers in my boyfriend's car"

When Suzy was a mummy, a mummy suzy was, she went a bake bake bake bake bake

When suzy was a grandma, a grandma suzy was, she went a knit, knit, knit, knit knit

When Suzy was a skeleton, a skeleton suzy was she went a jingle, a jangle, a jingle jangle jangle

when suzy was an angel, an angel suzy was she went ah ha, ah ha ah ha ha ha

As I remember, we used to forget some of the lyrics and make up new ones. Each of the verses had actions

Hope this helps, Rachel

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 20 Nov 08 - 08:52 AM

Hello, Rachel.

Thanks for sharing the version of this story that I remember. I especially appreciate you remembering to include demographical information {where & when you chanted this rhyme].

Thanks also, Rachel, for sharing information about how you and your friends played this rhyme. I like that you and your friends made up new lyrics when some of the lyrics were forgotten. That's the folk process at work!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Rachel
Date: 20 Nov 08 - 09:14 AM

Just remembered a couple of alternatives - probably the correct ones

school girl - "miss, miss, I can't do this, I've got my knickers in a great big twist"

Grandma - "knit, knit, I've lost a stitch"


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: s&r
Date: 20 Nov 08 - 04:37 PM

Azizi your threads are always a joy to read and your courteous responses to posters are a lesson to us all



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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 20 Nov 08 - 06:40 PM

Thanks, Stu.

I like to think of threads as a conversation between a specific person or persons. In a "real" conversation, people would thank a person for sharing so I like to do that in these online conversations.

I also consider threads to be opportunities to find out more information, and share information about the specific subject, and about folk music and the folk process. I certainly have learned a lot from reading Mudcat threads, and that's part of what makes coming here so worthwhile.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Temwa
Date: 15 Dec 08 - 09:14 PM

Every1, THIS is how it goes:

When Miss Mary was a baby, a baby, a baby, when Miss Mary was a baby, she went like this: Waa-Waa!

When Miss Mary was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler, when Miss Mary was a toddler, she went like this: Waa-Waa! Suck my thumb.

When Miss Mary was a kid, a kid, a kid, when Miss Mary was a kid, she went like this: Waa-Waa! Suck my thumb. Gimme piece of bubblegum. If you don't I dont care, I'll pull down your underwear!

When Miss Mary was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, when Miss Mary was a teenager, she went like this: Waa-Waa! Suck my thumb. Gimme piece of bubblegum. If you don't I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear! Oops! I lost my bra...left it in my boyfriends car...

When Miss Mary was a mother, a mother, a mother, when Miss Mary was a mother, she went like this: Waa-Waa! Suck my thumb. Gimme piece of bubblegum. If you don't I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear! Oops! I lost my bra...left it inmy boyfriends car...Sh! Baby sleeping! Sh! Baby sleeping! Sh! Baby sleeping!

When Miss Mary was a granma, a granma, a granma, when Miss Mary was a Granma, she went like this: Waa-Waa! Suck my thumb. Gimme piece of bubblegum. If you don't I dont care, I'll pull down your underwear! Oops! I lost my bra...left it in my boyfriends car...Sh! Baby sleeping! Sh! Baby sleeping! Sh! Baby sleeping! Oops, I broke my neck!



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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 16 Dec 08 - 11:12 AM

GUEST,Temwam that's an interesting version of the "When ___ Was A Baby" rhyme. Thanks for sharing it!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 23 Dec 08 - 06:47 PM

Here's another version of When Susis Was A Baby that I just found on Archive through December 3, 2004

miss susie was a baby, a baby, a baby, miss susie was a baby, and she went like this wahh, wahh!

miss susie was a toddler, a toddler,a toddler, atoddler, miss susie was a toddler, and she went like this mommy,mommy tie my shoe, daddy, daddy 2 + 2

miss susie was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, miss susie was a teenager, she went like this, oo ah forgot my bra, left it in my boyfriends car, but he don't care, he don't care, he forgot his underwear!

miss susie was a mother, a mother, a mother, miss susie was a mother, and she went like this, get your hands out of that cookie jar!

miss susie was a grandmother, a grandmother, a grandmother, miss susie was a grandmother, and she went like this, are you hungry? want some ice cream?

miss susie was dead, was dead., was dead, miss susie was dead, and she went like this, la-dee-da-dee-da, boom crack oww, alllllll
miss susie went to heaven, to heaven, to heaven,miss susie went to heaven and she went like this, o wut the f*** is goin on up in here???

miss went to hell, to hell, to hell, miss susie went to hell and she went like this , hey, you, do you smell spmething burning, oh wait, you're burning ah!!!!!!!!
and that's the end, of miss susie!!!!!!!!
-By Alycia on Monday, July 28, 2003 - 09:06 pm


Somehow I forgot to thank GUEST 15 Aug 08 - 03:31 PM, and GUEST
10 Sep 08 - 08:05 PM for sharing their examples. I do so now. And I also want to thank all those persons who posted examples of this rhyme that where found on another website.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Tylar
Date: 30 Dec 08 - 09:18 PM

I leared this from my friend at school.

I think it goes like this:

When Pebbles was a baby, a baby, a baby, when Pebbles was a baby she went lke this waa waa. When Pebbles was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler when Pebbles was a toddler she went like this waa waa gimme a sucker. When Pebbles was a kid, a kid, a kid, when Pebbles was a kid she went like this waa waa gimme a sucker teacher teacher I know the answer. When Pebbles was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, when Pebbles was a teenager she went like this waa waa gimme a sucker teacher teacher I know the answer oo ahh lost my bra must've left it in my boyfriends car. When Pebbles was a mother, a mother, a mother, when Pebbles was a mother she went like this waa waa gimme a sucker oo ahh lost my bra must've left it in my boyfriends car, shh the baby's sleeping. When Pebbles was a grandmother, a grandmother, a grandmother, when Pebbles was a grandmother she went like this waa waa gimme a sucker oo ahh lost my bra must've left it in my boyfriends car shh the baby's sleeping owwww!! my achy back! When Pebbles went to Heaven, to Heaven, to Heaven, when Pebbles went to heaven she went like this... Then you do everything else before and then say "awwwwwwwww" Like angels or whatever. My friend and I made that part up.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 30 Dec 08 - 09:34 PM

Thanks for sharing that example, GUEST,Tylar.

I suppose your use of the word "sucker" instead of "lollipop" could be a clue as to where you don't live. I didn't know that candy on a stick was called "suckers" until I moved to Western Pennsylvania. I'm not saying that's where you live, since I'm sure that other areas call "lollipops" suckers. But where I grew up {in New Jersey} a 'sucker' was someone who other people took advantage of...

Anyway, that's neither here nor there...The main thing I want to say is thanks.

Also, don't forget to check out other Mudcat threads {discussions} on children's rhymes. You'll find a partial listing at the top of the page under the heading "Related Threads".

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 09 Mar 09 - 11:13 AM

when susie was a baby a baby suzie was she went goo gaa goo goo ga
when susie was two she buckled her shoe
when suzie went to school she went miss miss i cant do this i left my knickers in a great big twist
when suzie was a teenager a teenager she was she went ooh aah i lost my bra i left my knickers in my boyfriends car

thats all i remember, i made some of my own up when i got bored when i was in primary school

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 09 Mar 09 - 03:31 PM

Thanks GUEST 09 Mar 09 - 11:13 AM for adding to the examples of this rhyme.

And thanks for using your creativity to compose some lines.

I hope that you keep using your creativity.

Best wishes,


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,nik
Date: 11 Mar 09 - 01:32 AM

i only the pebble one and i can only remember parts..

but i thought there was a part like
when pepple was in school, in school, in school when pebbles was in school she said two plus two is four, four plus four is eight, eight plus eight is sixteen... every thing else was accurate i think.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 11 Mar 09 - 07:35 AM

Thanks Guest nik for sharing that line with us.

Best wishes,


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Haunna
Date: 15 Mar 09 - 03:58 AM

When Miss Suzy was a baby, a baby, a baby, when Miss Suzy was a baby she went like this-wah wah
When Miss Suzy was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler, when Miss Suzy was a toddler, she went like this- wah wah, gimme a sucker
When Miss Suzy was a child, a child, a child, when Miss Suzy was a child she went like this-wah wah, gimme a sucker, daddy tie my shoe
When Miss Suzy was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, when Miss Suzy was a teenager she went like this- wah wah, gimme a sucker, daddy tie my shoe, ooh ahh I lost my bra I left it in my boyfriend's car
When Miss Suzy was a mother, a mother, a mother, when Miss Suzy was a mother she went like this- wah wah, gimme a sucker, daddy tie my shoe, ooh ahh I lost my bra I left it in my boyfriend's car, Ssh baby's sleeping
when miss Suzy was a grandmother, a grandmother, a grandmother, when miss Suzy was a grandmother she went like this- wah wah, gimme a sucker, daddy tie my shoe, ooh ahh I lost my bra I left it in my boyfriend's car, ssh baby's sleeping, oh my aching back
when miss Suzy went to heaven, to heaven, to heaven, when miss Suzy went to heaven she went like this- wah wah, gimme a sucker, daddy tie my shoe, ooh ahh I lost my bra I left it in my boyfriend's car, ssh baby's sleeping, oh my aching back, what a little angel
when miss Suzy went to hell, to hell, to hell, when kiss Suzy went to hell she went like this- wah wah, gimme a sucker, daddy tie my shoe, ooh ahh I lost my bra I left it in my boyfriend's car, ssh baby's sleeping, oh my aching back, what a little angel, ROAR!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 16 Mar 09 - 09:13 AM

Thanks, GUEST,Haunna, for sharing your version of this rhyme.


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Alyssa
Date: 01 Jun 09 - 10:52 PM

When me and my friend played it the lyrics were this

When Pebbles was a baby, a baby, a baby, when Pebbles was a baby she went lke this waa waa(Puts hands to eyes).

When Pebbles was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler when Pebbles was a toddler she wnt like this Give me a bottle.

When Pebbles was a kid, a kid, a kid, when Pebbles was a kid she went like this Tie my shoe.

When Pebbles was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, when Pebbles was a teenager she went like this oo eee lost my bra.

When Pebbles was a mother, a mother, a mother, when Pebbles was a mother she went like this shhhhh

When Pebbles was a grandmother, a grandmother, a grandmother, when Pebbles was a grandmother she went like this Oh im getting old.

When Pebbles was an angel an angel an angel when Pebbles was an angel she went like Ohh its nice up here.

When Peebles was a devil a devil a devil when Pebbles was a devil she went like this hehehehe(*Laughs evily*)

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 02 Jun 09 - 08:33 AM

Alyssa, thanks for sharing your version of this rhyme with us!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Charlotte:)
Date: 10 Jun 09 - 03:22 PM

This is how me and my cousins did it :)

When susie was a baby a baby a baby when susie was a baby she went like this : Wah Wah gimmie sucky gimmie sucky
When Susie was a toddler a toddler a toddler when susie was a toddler she went like this : wah wah gimmie sucky, tie my shoe tie my shoe
When susie was a kid a kid a kid when susie was a kid she went like this:
Wah Wah gimmie sucky, tie my shoe tie my shoe, I wanna piece of bubble gum
When susie was a teenager a Teenager a teenager when susie was a teenager she went like this: Wah Wah gimmie sucky, tie my shoe tie my shoe , I wanna piece of bubble gum, Ohhh Ahhh lost my bra in the back of my boyfriends car (put each hand on your shoulders and shake )
Whn susie was an adult an adult an adult when susie was an adult she went like this: Wah Wah gimmie sucky, tie my shoe tie my shoe,I wanna piece of bubble gum, Ohhh Ahhh lost my bra in the back of my boyfriends car (put each hand on your shoulders and shake ) Shhhh... the babys sleeping
When susie was a grandma a grandma a grandma when susie was a grandma she went like this: Wah Wah gimmie sucky, tie my shoe tie my shoe,I wanna piece of bubble gum, Ohhh Ahhh lost my bra in the back of my boyfriends car (put each hand on your shoulders and shake ) Shhhh... the babys sleeping, ahhh myy akingg backk

The End

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 10 Jun 09 - 03:34 PM

Thanks for sharing your version of this rhyme, GUEST,Charlotte:).

If you read this would you please write in a post where you learned this rhyme (city & state if in the USA; or city and country if outside of the USA), and when you learned it (year or decade, for example: 1998, or the late 1990s)


Ms. Azizi

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Catherine
Date: 04 Jul 09 - 01:26 AM

Hey, The version i used to sing when i was in year 2 in 2001 is:
When Suzie was a baby, a baby, a baby, when suzie was a baby she went like this: Waaaa Waaaaa
When Suzie was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler, when Suzie was a toddler she went like this: Waaa Waaaa, Gimme my dummy
When Suzie was a school girl, a school girl, a school girl, when Suzie was a school girl she went like this: Waaa Waaa, Gimme my dummy, Miss Miss i cant do this!
When Suzie was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, when Suzie was a teenager she went like this: Waaaa Waaaa, Gimme my dummy, Miss Miss i cant do this, Ooooo Ahhhh i lost my bra, left it in my boyfriends car
When Suzie was married, married, married, when Suzie was married she went like this: Waaaa Waaa, Gimme my dummy, Miss Miss i cant do this, Oooo Ahhh i lost my bra, left it in my boyfriends car, Ooooo i think i love you, Oooo i think i do
When Suzie was a mummy, a mummy, a mummy, when Suzie was a mummy she went like this: Waaaa Waaa, Gimme my dummy, Miss Miss i cant do this, Oooo Ahhh i lost my bra, left it in my boyfriends car, Ooooo i think i love you, Oooo i think i do, Go to your room
When Suzie was a grandma, a grandma, a grandma, when Suzie was a grandma she went like this: Waaa Waaa, Gimme my dummy, Miss Miss i cant do this, Ooooo Ahhh i lost my bra, left it in my boyfriends car, Ooooo i think i love you, Oooo i think i do, Go to your room, What's that deary
When Suzie was dead, dead, dead, when Suzie was dead she went like this: Waaa Waaa etc. (Silence)
When Suzie was a ghost, a ghost, a ghost, when Suzie was a ghost she went like this: Waaa Waaa etc. BOOOOO (Then we would all start laughing)

We used to play this as a clapping game... We used to forget words and make them up again, I'm from Australia

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Azizi
Date: 04 Jul 09 - 07:36 AM

GUEST Catherine, thanks for sharing your version of this rhyme with us. Thanks also for remembering to add when and where you learned it and how you performed it.

Catherine, is a "dummy" the same thing as a "pacifier" (also called "binky" in the USA since about the 1990s)-a pacifier is like the rubber typed top to a baby bottle that is given to a baby and sometimes a toddler for them to suck on.

If no, what is a "dummy"?

Thanks again!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 29 Jan 10 - 04:10 PM

From what I remember it was:

Whan miss Suzy was a baby a baby a baby when miss suzy was a baby shw went like this, waa waa

Whan miss suzy was a toddler a toddler a toddler when miss suzy was a toddler she went like this, waa waa, tie my shoe.

It continued untill it ended up like this:
Baby: waa waa
Toddler: tie my shoe
Child: give me back my dollie
Teenager: Oh Ah lost my bra in my boyfriends car
Adult: Hey girls look at my ring
Mother: Rock a bye baby
Grandmother: Oh my achy breaky back

Then me and my friend's added on verses that we liked

Dead: I'm flying I'm flying
Ghost: I'm invisable

At the end we say: I'm back!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,kkdmtp2129
Date: 20 Feb 10 - 11:49 AM

its like this

when pebbles was a baby a baby she went like this wahh wahh
when pebbles was a toddler a toddler she wenr like this wahh wahh suck my thumb
when pebbles was a kid a kid she went like this wahh wahh suck my thumb give me a peice of bubblegum
when pebbles was a school girl a school she went like this waahh wahh suck my thumb give me a peice of bubblegum teach teacher i have to go the bathroom
when pebbles was a teenager a teenagers she went like this waahh wahh suck my thumb give me a piece of buble gum teacher teacher i ahve to go the bathroom uhh ohh i lost my bra must of left in my boyfrinds car
when pebbles was a mother a mother she went like this wahh wahh suck my thumb give me a pieceof bubblegum teacher teach i have to go the bathroom uhh oh i lost my bra must of left in my boyfreinds car brush your teeth comb your hair and dont forget clean underwear
when pebbles was a grandma she went like this wahh wahh suck my thumb give me a peice of bubble gum teacher teacher i ahve to go the bathtroom uhh ohh i lost my bra must of left in my boyfriends car brush your teeth comb your hair and dont forget clean underwear ahh wheres my cane wheres my cane
when pebbple went to heave was to heaven went like this wahh wahh suck my thumb give me a peice of bubble gum teacher teacher i ahve to go the bathroom uhh ohh i lost my bra must left in in my boyfriends car brush your teeth comb ur hair and dont forget clean underwhere ahh where my cane wheres my cane boo boo im dead and thats the end

the dead parts not right but that how i sang it does anyone now the teenager part cuz its not uhh ohh i lost my bra must of left in my boyfriends car parts not right i cant think of that part its something tottally different

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Alien
Date: 01 Mar 10 - 04:00 PM

English version I remember from the eighties had the lines...When Susie was a schoolgirl, a schoolgirl Susie was, she said "Miss, Miss, I can't do this, I got my knickers in an awful twist"

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Jim Carroll
Date: 01 Mar 10 - 05:50 PM

Liverpool - more years ago than I care to remember;
Susie had a baby, she called it Sonny Jim,
She put it in the bath tub to learn it how to swim,
It swam right to the bottom , it swam right to the top,
First it did the breaststroke, then it did the chop(?)

Jim Carroll

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 09 Mar 10 - 10:32 AM

When pebbles was a baby a baby a baby when pebbles was a baby she went like this wahh wahh
when pebbles was a toddler a toddler a toddler when pebbles was a toddler she went like this wah wah give me sucker
When pebbles was a child a child a child a child when pebbles was a child she went like this wah wah give me sucker tie my shoe
When pebbles was a teenager a teenager a teenager when pebbles was a teenager she went like this wah wah tie my shoe give me sucker oh i lost my bra wonder where my panties are
When pebbles was a adult a adult a adult when pebbles was a adult she went like this wah wah give me sucker tie my shoe shh shh baby's sleeping
When pebbles was grandma a grandma a grandma when pebbles was a grandma she went like this wah wah give me sucker tie my shoe shh shh baby's sleeping oh my aching back
When pebbles was a angel a anggel a angel when pebbles was a angel she went like this wah wah give me sucker tie my shoe shh shh baby's sleeping oh my aching back ding ding ding
When pebbles was a devil a devil a devil when pebbles was a devil she went like this wah wah give me sucker tie my shoe shh shh baby's sleeping oh my aching back ding ding ding POKE!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Molly Was
From: GUEST,Megan and Riley
Date: 11 Mar 10 - 06:54 PM

When Molly was (repeat the stuff at the end ex: waawaa, sucke my thumb...)
When molly was a baby a baby a baby when molly was a baby she went like this wahh wahh
When molly was a toddler a toddler a toddler when molly was a toddler she went like this suck my thumb
When molly was a child a child a child a child when molly was a child she went like this gimme a sucker
When molly was a school girl, a school girl, a school girl, when molly was a school girl she went like this miss miss i cant do this
When molly was a teenager a teenager a teenager when molly was a teenager she went like this ooh ahh lost my bra left it in my boyfriends car wonder where my panties are
When molly was a mother a mother a mother when molly was a mother she went like this shh shh baby's sleeping
When molly was grandmother a grandma a grandmother when molly was a grandmother she went like this ooh my aching back
When molly was a dyin a dyin a dyin when molly was a dyin she went like this kiss my ass say goodbye
When molly was a skeletin a skeletin a skeletin when molly was a skeletin she went like this a jingle, a jangle, a jingle jangle jangle
When molly was an angel an angel a angel when molly was an angel she went like this I love my pretty halo
When molly was a devil a devil a devil when molly was a devil she went like this haha, hahaha
When molly was reincarnated carnated carnated when molly was reincarnated she went like this shit, dang here again. (now it can repeat)

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 14 Mar 10 - 02:43 PM

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Marie
Date: 29 Mar 10 - 08:09 PM

Man, the way y'all remember it was somewhat different than when I did it.

When Ms Susie was a:
Baby she went like this: Wah Wah
Toddler she went like this: Tie my shoe
Kid she went like this: Gimme cookie
Teenager she went like this: Oh dear! Oh my! I left my bra in my boyfriend's car. It's not here, it's not there...I think I lost my underwear!
Mother she went like this: Go to your room!
Grandma she went like this: I'm still young at heart!
Dead she went like this: -Silence-
Angel she went like this: I can fly!
Devil she went like this: It's hot in here!

And thats all. I also remember "Ms. Susie had a steam boat." And then there was another one about she one kicking a baby down an escalator. Haha. Weird, I know!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,momo
Date: 25 May 10 - 04:54 PM

Well this a different version of pebbles this is how i used to play it

pebbles is a baby a baby a baby pebbles is a baby and she went like this :wah wah (act like your crying)

pebbles is a toddler a toddler a toddler pebbles is a toddler she went like this:wah wah (act like your crying),want my bottle (act like your sucking your thumb)

pebbles is a kid a kid a kid pebbles is a kid she went like this:wah wah(act like your crying),want my bottle(act like your sucking your thumb), tie my shoe (pretend to tie your shoe)

pebbles is a teenager a teenager a teenager pebbles is a teenager she went like this : wah wah (act like your crying),want my bottle(act like your sucking your thumb), tie my shoe(pretend to tie your shoe),ooo la la (shake your hips)

pebbles is a grownup a grownup a grownup pebbles is a grown up she went like this : wah wah (act like your crying),want my bottle(act like your sucking your thumb),tie my shoe(pretend to tie your shoe),ooo la la (shake your hips), kiss kiss(blow two kisses)

pebbles is married married married pebbles is married she went like this: wah wah(act like your crying),want my bottle(act like your sucking your thumb), tie my shoe(pretend to tie your shoe), ooo la la(shake your hips) ,kiss kiss(blow two kisses),go to your room (shake your finger as if your scolding someone)

pebbles is old old old pebbles is old she went like this:wah wah(act like your crying),want my bottle(act like your sucking your thumb)
,tie my shoe(pretend to tie your shoe),ooo la la(shake your hips), kiss kiss(blow two kisses),go to your room(shake your finger as if your scolding someone),ouch in my back(hold your back as if it hurts)

pebbles is dead dead dead dead pebble is dead she went like this:wah wah(act like your crying),want my bottle(act like your sucking your thumb)tie my shoe(pretend to tie your shoe),ooo la la (shake your hips),kiss kiss (blow two kisses),got to your room(shake your finger as if your scolding someone),ouch in my back(hold your back as if it hurts),FREEZE!!!(obviously FREEZE!!! the one who most lasts frozen wins)


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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 03 Jun 10 - 11:50 PM

Im 14 and this is our version but I dont want to put the whole thing "When Mrs. Susie Was...." So here you go!
Baby: Wa wa!
Toddler: Wa Wa! Suck my thumb
Child: Wa wa, suck my thumb, give me a piece of that bubblegum!
Teenager: Wa wa! suck my thumb, give me a piece of that bubblegum! Ooh ah Lost my bra. left it in my boyffriends car!

I dont remember the rest after Teenager Sorry!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 15 Jul 10 - 03:34 AM

The only part I remember is:
When Susie was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, when Susie was a teenager she went like this - Ooo Ahh, I've lost my bra, I don't know where my knickers are, Ooo Ahh there they are sitting in my boyfriend's car. Or another version is the same as above except the ending where it says: Ooo Ahh there they are sitting in the policeman's car.

Australia in the 80s.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Person
Date: 01 Aug 10 - 12:58 PM

When miss suzie was a baby, a baby, a baby, when miss suzie was a baby she went like this waa waa give me a cookie
When miss suzie was a kid, a kid, a kid, when miss suzie was a kid she went like this
waa waa give me a cookie, tie my shoe
When miss suzie was a teen, a teen, a teen, when miss suzie was a teen she went like this
waa waa give me a cookie, tie my shoe, ooh ahh lost my bra must've left it in my boyfriend's car
When miss suzie was a mom, a mom, a mom, when miss suzie was a mom she went like this
waa waa give me a cookie, tie my shoe ooh ahh lost my bra must've left it in my boyfriend's car, go upstairs and clean your room dont come down till the afternoon
When miss suzie was a grandma, a grandma, a grandma, when miss suzie was a grandma she went like this
waa waa give me a cookie, tie my shoe ooh ahh lost my bra must've left it in my boyfriend's car, go upstairs and clean your room dont come down till the afternoon, hello sonny hello sonny hello sonny
When miss suzie was an angel, an angel, an angel, when miss suzie was an angel she went like this
waa waa give me a cookie, tie my shoe ooh ahh lost my bra must've left it in my boyfriend's car, go upstairs and clean your room dont come down till the afternoon, hello sonny hello sonny hello sonny, HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH!!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Rachel
Date: 15 Aug 10 - 05:39 PM

UK 90's version.

When Susie was a baby, a baby Susie was she went a 'goo-gah a goo-goo-gah!'

When Susie was a school girl, a school Susie was she went a 'Miss, Miss I can't do this I got my nickers in a great big twist.

When Susie was a teenager, a teenager Susie was she went a 'Ooh ahh I lost my bra in my boyfriends car- his car is black his car is white, I left it there on a Saturday night.

When Susie was a mother, a mother Susie was she went a rock a rock arock around the clock! (Rock arms and spin in a circle)

Ect. the other verses are like the previous posted other than susie being a ghost instead of going to hell.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Phoebe
Date: 08 Nov 10 - 05:13 PM

I remember the same version as Rachel above does, in England in the mid to late 1990s. We sang "When Susie was a baby, a baby Susie was" rather than repeating "a baby, a baby, a baby."

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,?
Date: 10 Nov 10 - 10:05 PM

a girl in the middle is pebbles
when pebbles was a baby a baby a baby when pebbles was a baby she used to go like this "wah wah"(rub eyes)
when pebbles was a kid a kid a kid when pebbles was a kid she used to go like this "tie my shoe"(lift shoe)
when pebbles was a teenager a teenager a teenager when pebbles was a teenager she used to go like this "ohhh ahh i left my bra in my boyfriends car he don't care i don't care at least i got his underwear"(cover chest with arms)
when pebbles was a mom a mom a mom she used to go like this"(smack hand)don't touch that"
when pebbles was a grandma a grandma a grandma she used to go like this "ooh my achin back"(hold back like old person)
when pebbles was an angel an angel an angel she used to go like this "o look at my pretty wings"(flap your hands like wings)
when pebbles was a devil a devil a devil she used to go like this(run around and chase group who ever is caught is pebbles next)
(instead of pebbles you could use the name of the girl in the middle)

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 18 Nov 10 - 05:41 AM

im sixteen now but when I was i about 8 we did it a bit differently. With each addition, instead of starting at the start we worked backwards. and it when something like this:::

When Susie was a baby, a baby, a baby, when susie was a baby, she went like this: waddle waddle, waa waa.
When Susie was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler, when susie was a toddler, she went like this: paint paint, shake shake waddle waddle, waa waa
When susie was a kid, a kid, a kid, when susie was a kid she went like this: miss miss, I can't do this, paint paint, waddle waddle, waa waa
When susie was a teenager a teenager a teenager, when susie was a teenager she went like this: ooh, ah, lost my bra, left my knickers in my boyfriends car, miss miss i can't do this, paint paint, waddle waddle waa waa

i can't remember any of the rest, but yeah, we worked backwards, and we used it as a clapping game. We always made up our own ones too!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Vicki - London in the 70s!
Date: 29 Mar 11 - 03:24 PM

All I remember was the teenager bit that was - oooh ahh, iv'e lost my bra and I don't know where my knickers are! I remember us saying this v. quietly (aged 10) so that the dinner ladies didn't hear! I really can't remember the rest apart from Susie died?

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,policemen and knickers
Date: 29 Mar 11 - 03:28 PM

Just replying to a few threads above. I have just remembered another rhyme being clapped to!
What's the time?
Half past nine
Put your knickers on the line
When the policeman comes along
Hurry up and put them on!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Molly
Date: 08 Jun 11 - 08:57 PM

When pebbles was a baby a baby a baby when pebbles was a baby she went like this: waa waa! When pebbles was a toddler a toddler a toddler when pebbles was a toddler she went like this: waa waa,suck my thumb.When pebbles was a kid a kid kid when pebbles was a kid she went like this:waa waa,suck my thumb,gimmy candy gimmy gum

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,sasaforeal
Date: 16 Jun 11 - 12:21 PM

miss susy was a baby a baby a baby she acted just like this wah wah suck my thumb when miss susy was a toddler a toddler a toddler she acted just like this wah wah suck my thumb gimme piece of bubblegum miss susy was a teen a teen a teeen she acted just like this wah wah suck my thumb gimme piece of bubblegum ohh lah lost my bra left it in my boyfriends car when miss susy was a mom a mom a mom she acted just like this wah wah suck my thumb gimme piece of bubble gum ohh lah lost my bra left it in myy boyfriends car shhh the babies sleeping shhh the babies sleeping when miss susy was a grandma a grandma a grandma she acted just like this wah wah suck my thumb gimme piece of bubblegum ohh lahh lost my bra left it in my boyfriends car shh the babies sleeping shh the babies sleeping owww my aching back when miss susy was an angel an angel an angel she acted just like this wahh wahh suck my thumb gimme piece of bubblegum ohh laahh lost my bra left it in my boyyfriends car she the babies sleeping shh the babies sleeping oww my aching back i can fly buffalo!) lol boring

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Bre
Date: 16 Jul 11 - 01:47 AM

This is how my friends and I did it when I was in elementary school

Miss Suzy
Baby: waa waa
Toddler: waa waa suck my thumb
Kid: waawaa suck my thumb gimme a piece of bubble gum
Teenager: waawaa suck my thumb gimme a piece of bubble gum, ooh ah lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car
Mother: waawaa suck my thumb gimme a piece of bubble gum, ooh ah lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car, shut up kids, I'm on the phone
Grandma: waawaa suck my thumb gimme a piece of bubble gum, ooh ah lost my bra, left it in my boyfriend's car shut up kids, I'm on the phone, ow my aching back!
Dead: I think funeral music

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,mstar3000
Date: 04 Oct 11 - 11:29 PM

mis suzy was a baby, a baby, a baby, miss suzy was a baby and she used to go like this: wah wah (pretend to wipe tears with fist)

Miss Suzy was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler, Miss Suzy was a toddler and she used to go like this: wah wah (see above) suck my thumb(suck thumb)

Miss Suzy was a kid, a kid, a kid, miss suzy was a kid and she used to go like this: wah wah, suck my thumb, give me a piece of bubble gum (hold out right hand for gum)

miss suzy was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager, miss suzy was a teenager and she used to go like this: wah wah, suck my thumb, give me a piece of bubble gum, ooh ah movie star driving away in my boyfriends car miss suzy was a grown up, a grown up, a grown up, miss suzy was a grown up and she used to go lake this:wah wah, suck my thumb, give me a piece of bubble gum, ooh ah movie star driving away in my boyfriends car, shh baby's sleeping (pretend to rock baby in arms) shh baby's sleeping

miss suzy was a grandma,a grandma,a grandma,miss suzy was a grandma amd she used to go like this: wah wah, suck my thumb, give me a piece of bubble gum, ooh ah movie star driving away in my boyfriends car, shh baby's sleeping shh baby's sleeping, aw my achin' back! (hunch over and put hand on back) miss suzy was an angel, an angel, an angel, miss suzy was an angel and she used to go like this:wah wah, suck my thumb, give me a piece of bubble gum, ooh ah movie star driving away in my boyfriends car, shh baby's sleeping shh baby's sleeping, aw my achin' back! *Angel* (cross arms over chest and put head back)

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Leigh - Edmonton, Alberta [Canada]
Date: 30 Jan 12 - 03:32 PM

When Miss Suzie was a baby, a baby, a baby... when Miss Suzie was a baby she went like this: wah wah.

When Miss Suzie was a kid, a kid, a kid... when Miss Suzie was a kid she went like this: wah wah, gimmie sucker!

When Miss Suzie was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager... when Miss Suzie was a teenager she went like this: wah wah, gimmie sucker, oooh lala lost my bra.

When Miss Suzie was a mother, a mother, a mother... when Miss Suzie was a mother she went like this: wah wah, gimmie sucker, oooh lala lost my bra, shh baby's sleeping.

When Miss Suzie was a grandma, a grandma, a grandma... when Miss Suzie was a grandma she went like this: wah wah, gimmie sucker, oooh lala lost my bra, shh baby's sleeping, ack my aching back.

When Miss Suzie was a ghost, a ghost, a ghost... when Miss Suzie was a ghost she went like this: wah wah, gimmie sucker, oooh lala lost my bra, shh baby's sleeping, ack my aching back, boo BOO!

When Miss Suzie was a devil, a devil, a devil... when miss Suzie was a devil she went like this: wah wah, gimmie sucker, oooh lala lost my bra, shh baby's sleeping, ack my aching back, boo boo, pointy horns to poke your eye.

When Miss Suzie was a angel, a angel, a angel... when Miss Suzie was a angel she went like this: wah wah, gimmie sucker, oooh lala lost my bra, shh baby's sleeping, ack my aching back, boo boo, pointy horns to poke your eye, on wings I fly! ... ... ... ... FINALLY!

(Clapping through the whole thing but actions to mimic what she says.
Balled fists for wah wah. Hand out to get lollipop for gimmie sucker. Crossed arms over chets for oooh lala lost my bra. Finger on lips to shh for shh baby's sleeping. Grabbing a hand at your lower back and bending forward for ack my aching back. Surprise hands for boo boo. Places hand on top of head with pointy fingers out as horns for pointy horns to poke your eye. And lastly hands on your shoulders and wave for wings for on wings I fly.)

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 26 Mar 12 - 06:05 AM

In central Ohio, late 80s early 90s I remember this:

When susy was a baby a baby a baby, when susy was a baby she went like this wah wah.

Toddler, wah wah, tie my shoe.

Teenager, wah wah tie my shoe, oo ah lost my bra (in my boyfriends car)

I think it was a clapping game with the motions mentioned above like rubbing eyes, touching shoe, etc. Sorry I don't remember the rest.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 27 Aug 12 - 04:09 AM

England early 80's (clapping rhyme)

When suzy was a baby a baby suzy was was was and all the she could say to me was gaa gaa a gaa gaa gaa

When suzy was a schoolgirl a schoolgirl suzy was was was and all that she could say to me was miss miss I cant do this I got my knickers in a terrible twist

when suzy was a teenager a teenager suzy was was was and all the she could say to me was ooh ahh I lost my bra I left it in my boyfriends car

when suzy was a mother a mother suzy was was was and all that she could say to me.......(cant remember this one which is why i found this thread)

when suzy was a nanny a nanny suzy was was was and all that she could say to me was a knit knnit a knit knit knit

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 21 Oct 12 - 11:07 AM

The version I (barely) remember went like this:
When Miss Suzy was a baby, a baby, when Miss Suzy was a baby, she went like this: Wah Wah.
When Miss Suzy was a toddler- No! No! Wah wah
When Miss Suzy was in kindergarten- Scribble Scribble No No Wah Wah
When Miss Suzy was in first grade- Write Write Scribble Scribble Scribble Wah wah
There were verses up to fifth grade, which I cannot remember- at which point we jumped up to teenager.
When Miss Suzy was a teenager she went like this: Chew-Pop, Chew-Pop, etc, Write Write, Scribble, Scribble, No, No, Wah Wah
When Miss Suzy was in high school, she went like this: Kiss, Kiss, Chew-Pop, Chew-Pop, ~ ~, Write, Write
When Miss Suzy was a mommy, a mommy, she went like this: Shh, Baby's sleeping, kiss, kiss
Grandma- Have a cookie
When Miss Suzy went to heaven- Amen Hallelujah.
There were interminable verses- as I remember, you went until you forgot something, at which point you were 'out' or the game was over.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 22 Nov 12 - 01:45 AM

When Lucy was a....
Baby    Waa waa
Toddler.   Want my sucker
School girl. I know the answer
Teen. Ooh ah lost my bra left it in my boyfriends car
Mother 1234 chuck the baby out the door

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 18 Jan 13 - 05:06 PM

when suzy was a baby a baby suzy was a sucking thumb motion wen suzy was an infant an infant suzy was hey miss help me with this wen suzy was a school girl a school girl suzy was hey miss miss i cant do this wen suzy was a teenager a teenager suzy way oh ar ive left me knockers in me boyfriends car wen suzy was a married a married suzy was a kissing motion wen suzy was a mother a mother suzy was a nursing a baby motion wen suzy was a grandma a grandma suzy was a giving a child a sweet motion wen suzy was a great grandma a great grandma suzy was again a giving a child a sweet motion wen suzy was a dying a dying suzy was a dyyind motion then wen suzy was a ghost a ghost suzy was a floating motion then wen suzy was a sprit a sprit suzy was agian a floating motion then wen suzy was an angel an angel suzy was a floating motion agian then the rhyme started again

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Sanjay Sircar
Date: 18 Jan 13 - 07:56 PM

Yes, a dummy is a pacifier.

As I was told it (Canberra, Australia, 1979), a set of "pat-a-cake" motions, not the life-stages ones, went with the "ooh-aah, ooh-ah, lost me knickers, can't fnd me bra" component of some forms of the rhyme at hand, which seems to have incorporated it.

The duckpond and the swimming seem to be formulae ni a few versions that have crept in from (or are in common with: "Oh, Jemima, look at your Uncle Jim".

Sanjay Sircar

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,ari
Date: 23 Feb 13 - 05:20 PM

When m suzie was a baby a baby a baby when suzie was a baby she went like this "wah wah"

When suzie was a todler a todler a todler when suzie was a toddler she went like this "wah wah" suck my thumb.

When suzie was a kid a kid a kid When suzie was a kid she went like this wah wah suck my thumb Give me a piece of bubble gum

When suzie was a teenager a teenager when suzie was a teenager she went like this wah wah suck my thumb give me a piece of bubble gum ooh ahh I lost my bra, left it in my boyfriends car

When suzie was a mom a mom a mom when suzie was a mom she went like this wah wah suck my thumb give me a piece of bubble gum ooh ahh I lost my bra, left it in my boyfriends car, Shut up kid, im on the phone.

When suzie was a grandma a grandma a grandma when suzie was a grandma she went like this wah wah suck my thumb give me a piece of bubble gum ooh ahh I lost my bra, left it in my boyfriends car, Shut up kid, im on the phone, oh my aching back.

and i forgot the heaven one.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
Date: 30 Dec 15 - 04:59 PM

I could've sworn for grandma it ooh my acing back..... when I was like 6 or 7

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,anni
Date: 17 Jul 18 - 02:01 PM

being set on how the rhyme went back in the early stages of primary school, totally different,

i remember

baby. wah wah
toddler. suck my thumb
kid. criss cross candy floss
teen. where’s my bra ahh
woman. don’t throw the baby out the window!
sadly it’s all i can remember

learnt it so long ago in nz

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: rich-joy
Date: 17 Jul 18 - 06:00 PM

Don't recall this from my childhood (which was West Aussie 1950s); only from English singer, Frankie Armstrong, in concerts/workshops from the mid 80s ....

Cheers, R-J

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Claire M
Date: 11 Sep 20 - 09:33 AM

**When Susie was a teenager, a teenager Susie was she went a 'ooh, ahh,
I lost my bra, I left my knickers in me boyfriend's car' (waving hands in a camp manner)"

i remember last verse said she was a "nothing" xx

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Lali - Tucson, AZ
Date: 25 Oct 23 - 08:45 PM

This was around 2001-2007 ish that I would have learned this version. I think I picked it up at a summer camp, and it wasn't crazy popular at my elementary school.

Miss Susie had a steam boat,
the steam boat had a bell (ding ding)
the steam boat went to heaven
miss susie went to
Hello operator, please give me number 9
and if you disconnect me Ill kick you from
behind the fridgerator there laid a piece of glass
miss susie sat upon it and broke her little
ask me no more questions
tell me no more lies
the boys are in the bathroom zipping up their
flies are in the meadow
the bees are in the park,
miss susie and her boy friend are kissing in the
D A R K, D A R K, Dark dark, dark dark
I know my ma
I know my pa
I know my sister wears a 40 acre bra!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GeoffLawes
Date: 30 Oct 23 - 08:17 PM

When Susie Was A Baby performed by Isabelle and Chloe on YouTube

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Mrrzy
Date: 02 Nov 23 - 11:18 AM

I knew the alligator purse one as Miss Lucy.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GUEST,Lali - Tucson, AZ
Date: 25 Oct 23 - 08:45 PM

This was around 2001-2007 ish that I would have learned this version. I think I picked it up at a summer camp, and it wasn't crazy popular at my elementary school.

Miss Susie had a steam boat,
the steam boat had a bell (ding ding)
the steam boat went to heaven
miss susie went to
Hello operator, please give me number 9
and if you disconnect me Ill kick you from
behind the fridgerator there laid a piece of glass
miss susie sat upon it and broke her little
ask me no more questions
tell me no more lies
the boys are in the bathroom zipping up their
flies are in the meadow
the bees are in the park,
miss susie and her boy friend are kissing in the
D A R K, D A R K, Dark dark, dark dark
I know my ma
I know my pa
I know my sister wears a 40 acre bra!

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: Mrrzy
Date: 02 Nov 23 - 11:18 AM

I knew the alligator purse one as Miss Lucy.

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Subject: RE: Children's rhyme: When Susie Was A Baby
From: GeoffLawes
Date: 30 Oct 23 - 08:17 PM

When Susie Was A Baby performed by Isabelle and Chloe on YouTube

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