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Seamrog 28 Jul 97 - 02:00 PM
Kiwi 28 Jul 97 - 05:19 PM
alison 28 Jul 97 - 09:26 PM
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Subject: ABC
From: Seamrog
Date: 28 Jul 97 - 02:00 PM

I think, Carl´s idea of using ABC-notation (see Thread "Oro se do bheatha bhaile") is noteworthy enough to get an own thread.
What about using ABC to exchange musical ideas ?
Slainte, Seamrog

For those who can´t imagine anything about "ABC" should have a look into Carl´s thread. He added a link to a introductory page.

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Subject: RE: ABC
From: Kiwi
Date: 28 Jul 97 - 05:19 PM

Seamrog - sounds like a good idea. Every now and then we will use the ABC's - on the old thread "The Lark In the Morning" I asked for and recieved a few melodies written out in ABC.

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Subject: RE: ABC
From: alison
Date: 28 Jul 97 - 09:26 PM


Have a look at the thread on sol fa notation, it's a couple of months old now, but we had some good ideas for tunes in it.



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