Subject: RE: CD: Doc Watson, David Holt: LEGACY From: Fortunato Date: 25 Feb 03 - 09:05 PM Jim, David doesn'st know me from Adam, but I'd be obliged if you'd tell him that that CD has given Susette and I hours of pleasure and we greatly appreciate his Uncle Dave Macon songs. |
Subject: RE: CD: Doc Watson, David Holt: LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 25 Feb 03 - 03:41 PM I heard from David today and he is very happy, especially for Doc. David says this is a very high point in his career. Jim |
Subject: RE: CD: Doc Watson, David Holt: LEGACY From: wysiwyg Date: 25 Feb 03 - 09:48 AM Of course it won a Grammy! It's as high as awards go! They wanted to make it more, but this was as high as the scale went! ~S~ |
Subject: David and Doc 'LEGACY' From: Jeep man Date: 24 Feb 03 - 11:37 PM Hey to all of you who helped last year when Legacy was launched. Look what it did. Won a Grammy!! Jeep I moved this message here from another thread on the same topic. |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Fortunato Date: 04 Apr 02 - 03:45 PM Jeepman I am forever in your debt. I listened to the first Legacy CD on the way to work. I have to tell you that it was a very emotional experience to listen to Doc tell the stories of his family, and his instruments and his life. I mean there I am sitting on the freeway in bumper to bumper traffic with tears rolling down my face. I'm going to have to be careful where I listen to this thing. I'm not generally so emotional, but this man and his music apparently mean even more to me than I knew. Thank you Jeepman. To all you mudcatters and guests, if you've ever liked Doc Watson or David Holt, buy this cd set. Period. Just buy it. Jeepman I'll be emailing David Holt my thanks as well. Chance |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 14 Mar 02 - 04:51 PM My reaction almost exactly. The Hills OF Home Tour is Doc and David and usually richard. Mainly here in NC. Susan check your PM. Jeep |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: wysiwyg Date: 14 Mar 02 - 03:31 PM I just have to tell you.... I'm sitting here home alone inhaling the booklet for this set, and waiting for Hardi to come home so I can play the CD's. We always listen to things together the first time-- it's so seldom we get big chucks of time together, with his work, so I try to make sure we don't go down the music road separately, and that we share the new stuff together. (It's always hard to wait!) So we have a date with Doc later that Hardi doesn't know about yet. But this booklet. I am about halfway through it and there are tears flowing. I just can't quite put into words, what it means to me as a musician whose earliest exposure was to Doc's music, played by peole who learned from his records just like Doc learned from 78's.... and then later hearing Doc's recorded stuff myself... Well, to have Holt's wonderful gift of story telling open up for me how Doc came up in the music world and how he was with people from the very beginning... it's so wonderful and so reassuring to see this on the detail level. Doc leaps off these pages just like the stories we tell around here when we get to meet other Mudcatters. It's like he could be any Mudcatter you've ever hooked up with at a Mudcat gathering, in the way he's just folks with everybody. Reading this not just as a fan, but as a musician.... it's like nothing I've ever done before. It's pow'ful stuff. ~Susan |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: wysiwyg Date: 14 Mar 02 - 02:43 PM Whoo hoo!!!! Mail call! I got my copy! Y'all won't be hearing much from me around here till I've listened to every note, word, and breath! And the BOOKLET! WOW!!!!!!!!! Something in there about a tour..... THIS is given as the site with the news about a "Hills of Home" tour, and I see Doc's dates, but are David Holt & Richard Watson in on all of them? ~Susan |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: wysiwyg Date: 14 Mar 02 - 10:47 AM I love ALL my galoots and whippersnappers, but if they start to feudin' I'm gonna hafta set 'em straight! *G* Anyhow, I'm declaring the rest of March (and all of April) "I Love Doc" month and that oughtta settle it. I guess I can extend that to David Holt too. Maybe today will be the day the Galoot and the Whippersnapper appear in my mailbox. I can only hope! Be still my heart! ~Susan |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: musicmick Date: 14 Mar 02 - 01:58 AM You bet you're spoken for, Susan. Get in line, you galoots. (Gee, I haven't heard anyone use that word since George "Gabby" Hayes. He used to call people "whippersnappers", too) Mike Miller |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: wysiwyg Date: 13 Mar 02 - 09:40 AM But I'm already married, and even if I warn't I'm spoken for! ~Susan |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 13 Mar 02 - 09:38 AM You have just described David to a T. He is a super musician and talent, and when he and Doc get together it is a real treat. David also does lots of childrens stories and song and your child is safe with any of them. Jeep |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Hollowfox Date: 13 Mar 02 - 09:33 AM WYSIWYG, you'd love him. Everything Jeep Man said is true, and more. Lessee now, on his debut performance at the Grand Old Opry, he knew that good instrumentalists were a dime a dozen, likewise good singers and storytellers. He wanted to do something memorable, so he played a paper bag. The last time I saw him perform was his late night set at the National Storytelling Festival. Instead of just sitting up front and getting on stage after the intro, he came up from the back of the audience, taking pictures of the audience that he put on his website within a week. Folks went nuts, and I realized that Garth Brooks really wants to be David Holt. He beat out the comedian Robin Williams for a Grammy a few years back. And then there's the Thunderwear. You see, he does "Hambone", slapping his arms, legs, chest, etc. as a rhythm instrument (it's traditional, folks, he's not that nuts). Well he got a set of coveralls and an electric drum kit (I think). He took the sensors out of the drum kit and put them in the coveralls at the strategic "slap" points, and programmed each sensor to have a different sound. Wow. |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 12 Mar 02 - 01:54 PM Yes. I haven't decided on this year yet. Depends on how busy I am. We have so many festivals, workshops, gatherings, etc. in this area that I get worn out trying to go to all of them. If you go to Mr Airy, call me up. PM me for my phone number. Jeep |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Fortunato Date: 12 Mar 02 - 12:02 PM Hey Jeep man do you ever go to the Mt. Airy festival? Susette and I are going again this year. regards, Chance |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: BanjoRay Date: 12 Mar 02 - 07:03 AM Anone with a copy of the film "O Brother etc" can spot David Holt by looking at a scene near the end of the film when a bunch of people are seen taking Baby Face Nelson down the street. David Holt is the guy playing the mandolin. Cheers |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 11 Mar 02 - 07:55 PM Thanks, Chance. I sent your comments on to David. He and Doc are pleased. Jim |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Fortunato Date: 11 Mar 02 - 10:07 AM Hey, Jeepster, I ordered my cds and now I'm waiting! We're excited here in Silver Spring. Thanks again for the tip. Regards, Chance |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: wysiwyg Date: 11 Mar 02 - 09:45 AM Yes, and I think there is already quite a lot there that wasn't there just a few days ago. I found that there is ANOTHER item featuring Doc & Dave there, as well as some great storytelling stuff. Pays to look around! ~Susan |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 11 Mar 02 - 09:30 AM Susan have you been able to pull up the new web site? It is still in the construction stage and might have some gliches. Jeep |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: GUEST,dontwastemoitime Date: 10 Mar 02 - 10:27 PM I found Holts website at Lots of good stuff. Also, check out the Tells a lot about the CDs. And has sound clips. |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 10 Mar 02 - 10:09 PM David Holt moved to these Carolina mountains back in 1969 in order to learn and preserve the old mountain music which abounds here. His career has encompassed about every media.He hosted his own tv show out of Nashville, became a good friend and support of National Public TV and Radio. He has helped set up various programs at Warren Wilson College(Thats where Swannanoa Gathering is held). I can't remember all of his accompishments, but the two which I am most impressed by are; David moved here and became one of us instead of trying to change things. He became close friends with Doc Watson and the whole Watson Family. David is very likable and a tremendous musician. His wife Ginny gave him a great compliment.She told me that"David is a very good man". I consider him a friend and can agree with Ginny. David's bio etc. can be found at High Windy Jim |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: wysiwyg Date: 10 Mar 02 - 09:16 PM Jeep, maybe I should be embarrassed-- but I dunno much about David Holt. Tell us about him, and how he and Doc happened to think of doing this project? ~Susan |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 10 Mar 02 - 07:41 PM Refresh |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 10 Mar 02 - 02:04 PM Yep.The book is 72 pages with pictures and really sheds some light on his life as I have never seen it.For instance, picking on the street in Boone, NC. Jeep |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: GUEST,dontwastemoitime Date: 10 Mar 02 - 11:55 AM I saw Doc and David on North Carolina PBS last weekend. It was a concert "An Evening with Doc Watson and David Holt." This CD sounds great. Is it 3 CDs and a rather large booklet of Docs life? |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 10 Mar 02 - 09:54 AM Uh Oh, you got me.My typo. If anyone is not deaf it's Doc. When you yet your copy, notice what he says about dreaming.(what do the blind dream about). Thanks guys, I think mudcatters will support this. No I don't get paid for this.David is my friend, and Doc is my idol. Nuff said. Jim |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Midchuck Date: 10 Mar 02 - 08:48 AM But why did he get sent to a school for the deaf?! This is not a problem I think he ever had! Peter. |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: GUEST,Fortunato Date: 10 Mar 02 - 08:26 AM Thanks, Jim. I'll order one today. It is indeed a must have. At the risk of repeating myself, redundantly, over and over, the Mighty Doc, as Bill Kirchen calls him, has influenced me more than any other guitar player. regards, Chance |
Subject: RE: BS: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: khandu Date: 09 Mar 02 - 10:37 PM Little Blue Clicky Thang! Thanks for the info, Jeep Man! I will be interested in hearing this! khandu |
Subject: Doc Watson,David Holt, LEGACY From: Jeep man Date: 09 Mar 02 - 06:10 PM Just in time for Doc's birthday, he and David Holt have completed their new CD "LEGACY'. They were kind enough to send me one of the early copies and I am most impressed. 3 cd's, and a 72 page booklet about Doc's early years and the people who inspired him. One tale of his years at the NC School For The Deaf is especially touching. David recounts the death of his daughter in 1989 and the love and support they recieved from Doc and Rosa Lee. Over 35 songs,some of which I have never heard.I think anyone would like this work. David and his High Windy Recordings have set up a web site for this. Tell them Jim Ford sent you. Jeep |
Subject: RE: NEW FROM DAVID HOLT AND DOC WATSON? From: Ron Olesko Date: 20 Dec 01 - 10:13 AM Check out David's website or go to where you can download an MP3 sample. Ron |
Subject: NEW FROM DAVID HOLT AND DOC WATSON? From: Jeep man Date: 19 Dec 01 - 10:04 PM I just got wind of a new CD set by Doc Watson and David Holt.These two have always been super together. Anyone know anything about this CD? Jeep |
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