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Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus


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catspaw49 28 Jan 99 - 09:59 PM
28 Jan 99 - 10:20 PM
Gene 28 Jan 99 - 10:41 PM
rick Fielding 28 Jan 99 - 10:49 PM
29 Jan 99 - 11:36 AM
02 Feb 99 - 02:04 AM
02 Feb 99 - 02:16 AM
Liz C. 11 Jun 99 - 06:35 PM
bseed(charleskratz) 12 Jun 99 - 01:23 AM
Jeri 12 Jun 99 - 11:49 AM 12 Jun 99 - 08:24 PM 12 Jun 99 - 08:25 PM
bseed(charleskratz) 12 Jun 99 - 10:49 PM
bseed(charleskratz) 12 Jun 99 - 10:53 PM
bseed(charleskratz) 13 Jun 99 - 08:16 PM
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Cruiser 22 Feb 04 - 01:57 PM
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GUEST,Hootenanny 23 Feb 04 - 11:20 AM
Cruiser 14 Mar 04 - 03:54 PM
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Wilfried Schaum 15 Mar 04 - 03:02 AM
Cruiser 15 Mar 04 - 12:38 PM
Wilfried Schaum 16 Mar 04 - 02:48 AM
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Subject: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
Date: 28 Jan 99 - 07:35 PM

Cool Hand Luke (with Paul Newman) is one of my favorite movies. There's a song in there that Luke (Paul Newman) sings and plays on banjo. As best as I can figure out form the list of songs on the sound track, the song is Plastic Jesus. The lyrics I've found for it though are diffferent than in the movie. I'm looking for the song that goes:

So get yourself a sweet Madonna dressed in rhinestones sittin' on a peddestall, of abalone shell. Going eighty I ain't scary 'cause I got the Virgin Mary assuring me that I won't go to hell.

If you have what I'm looking for please let me know.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Susan of DT
Date: 28 Jan 99 - 07:48 PM

Put [plastic jesus] in the blue search box to see two versions of this song. Use the square brackets to look for the phrase, rather than the separate words.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Michael Emory
Date: 28 Jan 99 - 09:43 PM

I once knew a takeoff version called "Plastic Justrite". It was a complaint regarding the poor quality of new Justrite carbide lamps - which used to be brass.

In "Cool Hand Luke" is aslo a scene in which Harry Dean Stanton sings a few gospel verses. It makes you wish he would sing more. I will watch it tonight.

Who wrote "Plastic Jesus"? What was the origional tune?

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: catspaw49
Date: 28 Jan 99 - 09:59 PM

As I recall the first verse that PLN sings is not in the database. If you watch it tonite Michael, check me out. I thought it was:
    I don't care if it rains and freezes
    'Long as I got my plastic Jesus
    Sittin' on the dashboard of my car.
    Comes in colors pink and pleasant
    Glows in the dark 'cause it's irridescent
    Carry it with you if you travel far.

At least I couldn't find it in the DT...maybe it's there and I missed it. Check me out anyway.catspaw

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
Date: 28 Jan 99 - 10:20 PM

If I can find my recording of this by the Raunch Hands, I'll pass on the requested info. The song goes back nearly forty years now, so long out of print. Have you tried compilations or anthologies of satiric songs?

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Gene
Date: 28 Jan 99 - 10:41 PM

You can find several versions of it - * HERE *

if the LONG URL fails - * TRY THIS *
and search for [plastic jesus] omit brackets

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: rick Fielding
Date: 28 Jan 99 - 10:49 PM

I think you'll find that the late Ernie Marrs (a wonderful songwriter from the south)was responsible for much of "Plastic Jesus". I'm told he denied writing it and claimed he had "collected" it. Wonder if he got royalties (or even asked for them) from the Cool Hand Luke people.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
Date: 29 Jan 99 - 11:36 AM

Boy, when you get of a certain age, memory starts to go. It is not the Raunch Hands, but the GOLDCOAST SINGERS whose record of P.J. I have. Actually they use the song as hook to spoof overnight radio religious advertising of the era.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
Date: 02 Feb 99 - 02:04 AM

I was under the impression Plastic Jesus was written by Kinky Friedman. He often sings it on the Don Imus "Imus In The Morning" WFAN show when he stops by to chat. He does have it on an album that is still available.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
Date: 02 Feb 99 - 02:16 AM

I think Kinky would have had to have been about 12 years old to have written it when it first saw the light of day. On the other hand, can't think of anyone more appropriate to sing it!

Rick F

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Subject: plastic jesus
From: Liz C.
Date: 11 Jun 99 - 06:35 PM

Does anybody know the lyrics to the version of 'Plastic Jesus'sung by Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke? The bits that I've heard seem a bit different to the one in DT's database, I wondered if it was the same song adapted for the film, or a different version.


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Subject: RE: plastic jesus
From: bseed(charleskratz)
Date: 12 Jun 99 - 01:23 AM

Here's a verse I found somewhere:

Mary on Black Velvet

I don't worry about dysentery,
Long as I got the Virgin Mary
Sittin' up above my kitchen sink.
Shisto* doesn't frighten me,
Nor do typhus or TB:
The Holy Mother keeps me in the Pink.
Blessed Virgin, Blessed Virgin,
Promise you will keep me microbe free.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
You've made my home a sanitary place,
Divine love keeps disease away from me.

*shistosomiasis, a disease of the liver caused by an organism which lives in slow moving fresh water in south Asia, parts of Africa, and the South Pacific. Rice farmers are often victims.


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Subject: ADD: Ecumenical Plastic Jesus
From: Jeri
Date: 12 Jun 99 - 11:49 AM

Pedantia: Shisto is pooped out by snails that live in the water, and you have to wade or swim to get it as it enters the body throught the skin.

This was posted in a while back. There were more verses that didn't make it into my file.


I think nothing could be cuter
Than to see magnetic Buddha
sitting on the dashboard of my car
Other drivers they throw fits
Buddha he just sits and sits
sits there on the dashboard of my car

For safety you can't top the Torah
which explains the huge Menorah
up there on the rooftop of my car
I know I have done my utmost
With my mezuzah on the doorpost
Please touch it as you get into the car

I press firmly on the pedal
protected by a St. Chris medal
fastened to the dashboard of my car
Now I hear he's been demoted
To him we'll no more be devoted
I'll peel him from the dashboard of my car

There's a crystal made of glass
Which creates a blinding flash
Hanging from the mirror of my car
Though it makes it hard to see
It brings the cosmic energy
To focus on the dashboard of my car

With other cars I will not tangle
Long as I have that fine pentagle
riding on the dashboard of my car
My new car it has lots of room
much better than my other broom
ad lib> I'm getting tired, could you drive a spell?

My view ahead is clear to see
Because an atheist that's me
With nothing on the dashboard of my car
On the road my sole protector
Is a good radar detector
Looking through the windshield of my car

On the road I fear no moron
For I have my trusty Koran
Riding in the glove-box of my car
My faith's as solid as can be
I'll make the mountains come to me
Soon I will no longer need the car

Other drivers they should fear me
for I have their effigy
riding on the dashboard of my car
No more in life will they be grinnin'
After I just shove this pin in
They'll wish they'd never bumped into this car

Though in faith we are diverse
In cars our outlook grows perverse
We drive as though our brains was made of tar
Different idols seem to linger
But every driver has one finger
Waving it at every other car

Copyright Greg Bullough

[Then everybody got involved:]

I don't need a plastic Muse - a
Simple and sincere mezuzah's
Better decoration, friend, by far
As I get in my faith is foremost
On display, right on my doorpost
Holding up the framework of my car

I don't care what plans you hatch
Or what icons you attach
Glued upon the dashboard your car
For I know that I am safe when
I am walking on the pavement
Which is statistically less dangerous by far

Whether I pray for dew or rainfall,
I feel safe in any close call,
Driving down the freeway with my foot pressed to the floor.
God is surely glancing my way
And he sees me on the Chai-way.
A mezuzah on my dashboard and another by each door.

My driving skills are mediocre
But my car is thoroughly kosher.
I've got my trunk divided to keep milk and meat apart.
Driving Hanukkah weekday nights,
My menorah's glowing bright
You may overlook the brakelights but they're just minor parts.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
Date: 12 Jun 99 - 08:24 PM

second verse seems to be...

get yourself a sweet madonna, dressed in rhinestones sittin' on a pedestal of abalone shell drivin' ninty, i ain't scary 'cause i got the virgin mary assurin' me that i ain't gone to hell

(all together now)

i don't care if it rains or freezes 'long as i got my plastic jezus sittin' on the dashboard (etc)

nice thing about songs like this is that there ARE varient because ppl sing the hell outta them

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
Date: 12 Jun 99 - 08:25 PM

second verse seems to be...

get yourself a sweet madonna, dressed in rhinestones sittin' on a pedestal of abalone shell drivin' ninty, i ain't scary 'cause i got the virgin mary assurin' me that i ain't gone to hell

(all together now)

i don't care if it rains or freezes 'long as i got my plastic jezus sittin' on the dashboard (etc)

nice thing about songs like this is that there ARE varient because ppl sing the hell outta them

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: bseed(charleskratz)
Date: 12 Jun 99 - 10:49 PM

I wrote this back in about 1965 when I was in the Peace Corps in the Philippines--it was kind of in reaction to hearing from a Filipino acquaintance of mine, a national security agent, that when his mother got gravely sick, the family promised the Virgin Mary that they'd build a church dedicated to her if she'd intercede to save the mother's life. The mother lived, the family built the church, leaving me to muse upon the verse in "All My Trials," "If religion was a thing that money could buy, the rich would live and the poor would die."

I was just going to put in a link at this point but decided it was better to put in the words, since I'm describing the melody below.

Mary on Black Velvet
I don't worry about dysentery,
Long as I got the Virgin Mary
Sittin' up above my kitchen sink.
Shisto* doesn't frighten me,
Nor do typhus or TB:
The Holy Mother keeps me in the Pink.

Blessed Virgin, Blessed Virgin,
Promise you will keep me microbe free.

Hail Mary, full of grace,
You've made my home a sanitary place,
Divine love keeps disease away from me.

*shistosomiasis, a disease of the liver caused by an organism which lives in slow moving fresh water in south Asia, parts of Africa, and the South Pacific. Rice farmers are often victims.

First and second lines are to the tune of "Oklahoma Hills Where I Was Born," bridge to the bridge of "Darling Nelly Gray" spiced up a bit, then back to "Oklahoma Hills" for the last three lines.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: bseed(charleskratz)
Date: 12 Jun 99 - 10:53 PM

I wrote this back in about 1965 when I was in the Peace Corps in the Philippines--it was kind of in reaction to hearing from a Filipino acquaintance of mine, a national security agent, that when his mother got gravely sick, the family promised the Virgin Mary that they'd build a church dedicated to her if she'd intercede to save the mother's life. The mother lived, the family built the church, leaving me to muse upon the verse in "All My Trials," "If religion was a thing that money could buy, the rich would live and the poor would die."

I was just going to put in a link at this point but decided it was better to put in the words, since I'm describing the melody below.

Mary on Black Velvet

I don't worry about dysentery,
Long as I got the Virgin Mary
Sittin' up above my kitchen sink.
Shisto* doesn't frighten me,
Nor do typhus or TB:
The Holy Mother keeps me in the Pink.

Blessed Virgin, Blessed Virgin,
Promise you will keep me microbe free.

Hail Mary, full of grace,
You've made my home a sanitary place,
Divine love keeps disease away from me.

*shistosomiasis, a disease of the liver caused by an organism which lives in slow moving fresh water in south Asia, parts of Africa, and the South Pacific. Rice farmers are often victims.

First and second lines are to the tune of "Oklahoma Hills Where I Was Born," bridge to the bridge of "Darling Nelly Gray" spiced up a bit, then back to "Oklahoma Hills" for the last three lines.

Sorry about the double post: If Joe or someone could get rid of the first (it ran the title and first six lines together) --seed

Also, I forgot to sign it.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: bseed(charleskratz)
Date: 13 Jun 99 - 08:16 PM

I'm refreshing this thread because I'm tired of threads dying with my post at the bottom. Come on, somebody else kill this one... --seed

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Banjer
Date: 13 Jun 99 - 08:19 PM

What the hell, Seed, I'll give this one the "coup de grace". Seems here lately I have the same effect on a thread as I do on the grocery store checkout line. Whichever one I get into comes to a screeching halt.....

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
Date: 14 Jun 99 - 11:29 AM

HEY!!! What's going on here, why has the line stopped moving?

In a (kinda) related thread...

In the movie "Kelly's Heroes", there's a song about a dog named Blue... Do there happen to be any other verses?

Gee, I'm glad I'm not the only double-clicker

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Emmie
Date: 14 Jun 99 - 12:21 PM

I first heard this song in Ireland when my uncle Seamus was singing it in the car and I have wanted to know the words to it for YEARS. I only ever knew one verse. I now have all the words and I'm very happy. That reminds me are there any Dan Hicks and his hot licks fans out there? Does anyone know what he is doing now?

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: danl
Date: 16 Jun 99 - 08:38 AM

i knew a version of this one which i cant seem to find anywhere which started off

'put a little plastic jesus on the dashboard of your car/ whether going to the cornershop or even to the bar'

and i cant remember the rest. any ideas anyone?

love ivy b*

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Easy Rider
Date: 16 Jun 99 - 09:22 AM

Thanx. I've been curious about the words for years. I first heard this song, on the radio, when I was a kid, and we sing it in the car sometimes.

The next question is: "Does anybody have the music/TAB for this song?"


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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Cruiser
Date: 31 Jan 04 - 12:47 PM

I posted this on another good music forum, but got no answer:

The section of the movie "Cool Hand Luke" where Luke's mother dies and Luke sings 'Plastic Jesus' is something I will always remember from now on. I initially saw the movie as a senior in high school in 1967 and had really forgotten the song since then, until I heard it on a replay of Cool Hand Luke a few days ago.   It is amazing how a song like that will revive long "lost" memories and how one song can make and carry a movie. I will buy the DVD for that song alone.

I have listened to sound clips of the soundtrack CD, which I plan on purchasing, but only heard the instrumental banjo music. That music tempo slows to adagio, almost largo (click on link below). The melody is melancholy with a beautiful string section backup. This is a poignant part of the film when Luke is being released from the solitary confinement in the sweat box. These are the classic words from a compassionate guard that likes Luke and is releasing him after many days:

Your maw's in the ground now, God rest her soul
You best forget about it Luke, you gotta day and a half lay in
Tomorrows a holiday.

Luke then walks barefooted in his nightshirt through the prison grounds with the banjo melody moving softly and largo.
Was Newman's rendition ever recorded on CD? If not, I will get the DVD anyway. If you haven't seen this film, you "otta"!

Thanks, Cruiser

a href="">Plasitc Jesus Audio Clip 10

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Cruiser
Date: 31 Jan 04 - 12:58 PM

Here is the blue clicky:

Plastic Jesus Audio Clip 10

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: GUEST,Johnny in OKC
Date: 31 Jan 04 - 08:56 PM

A retired U.S. Marine sang this to me
back in highschool, circa 1960. Claimed
this was THE song of the Marines, forget
the "Marines Hymn". And it predates
Cool Hand Luke by 20 years. GREAT movie,
by the way. There was also a verse that
ended, "Goin' ninety, crazy as can be,
I got the whole damn holy family, riding
on the dashboard of my car."

Love, Johnny

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Subject: Lyr/Chords Add: PLASTIC JESUS
From: GUEST,Stephen Farris
Date: 21 Feb 04 - 04:27 AM

Hello all.
Plastic Jesus is an old folk song, and like all old folk songs, there are as many versions of it as there are people who sing it. Seems that everyone who sings it (including Paul Newman) sings a different version. Personally, I think Paul Newman's rendition is about the best I've heard. I have included links to lyrics for several versions of the song at the bottom of this post.
Ernie Marrs is given credit for writing the song when it was published in Sing Out! Magazine in 1964, but there were earlier versions at least as far back as the 1940's. You can go read all about it here.

As for the version Paul Newman sang in Cool Hand Luke, here are the lyrics and guitar chords. Sorry, but I don't play the banjo, so I couldn't tell you the tabs for that:

Starts out slow, then speeds up at the second (Get yourself a sweet Madonna...)

I don't care if it rains or freezes
Long as I got my plastic Jesus
Sitting on the dashboard of my car

Comes in colors, pink and pleasant
Glows in the dark because it's iridescent
Take it with you when you travel far

Get yourself a sweet Madonna
Dressed in rhinestone, sitting on a
Pedestal of abalone shells

Going ninety, I ain't scary
Because I got the Virgin Mary
Assuring me that I won't go to Hell

Get yourself a sweet Madonna
Dressed in rhinestone, sitting on a
Pedestal of abalone shells

Going ninety, I ain't scary
Because I got the Virgin Mary
Assuring me that I won't go to Hell

C       F       D
X       X       X
3       0       X
2       3       0
0       2       2

Other versions/parodies of "Plastic Jesus":

Hope this answered some questions/requests.
Stephen Farris

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Blackcatter
Date: 22 Feb 04 - 02:02 AM

Cruiser - thanks for reviving this thread. I gotta start performing this song again!

Wish I could help with your request.

pax y'all

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Cruiser
Date: 22 Feb 04 - 11:13 AM

Johnny: Good Marine Hymn, especially to sing in a foxhole! I agree tha the song predates "Cool Hand Luke"

Thanks for the good links and chords Mr. Farris. The film review is very complete.

Blackcatter: This is a neat song and fun to sing. I enjoy using the many folk evolved verses so the song will always be fresh. Some of the verses are hilarious and not without tongue-in-cheek sacrilege. Even Darwin is not given a break. This folk song is still open to revision and my renditions include my own self-deprecating verses.

As mentioned in a related "Cool Hand Luke" thread, the melody of 'Plastic Jesus' is the same as the country song 'Oklahoma Hills'. I think the melodies are the same, do others agree?


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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: open mike
Date: 22 Feb 04 - 01:31 PM

Paul Newman plays the banjo?
I always thought this was a
John Prine song.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Cruiser
Date: 22 Feb 04 - 01:57 PM

He "played" the banjo in the movie and "sang" the song. It was a poignant part of a very allegorical movie.

The song is John Prine-like, but it predates him by years and was written by others.

I ordered the DVD and can't wait to see the scene of the "car wash" with The Girl, actress Joy Harmon!

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: fat B****rd
Date: 23 Feb 04 - 06:06 AM

For myself, I've never stopped shakin' it.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: GUEST,Hootenanny
Date: 23 Feb 04 - 11:20 AM

Newman sang the song be did not play the banjo on the soundtrack, this was played by the one and only Norman Blake

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Cruiser
Date: 14 Mar 04 - 03:54 PM

I got the Cool Hand Luke DVD and the original soundtrack recording (Oscar nominated score by Lalo Schifrin) by Aleph records. I would recommend the DVD over the CD for the music, especially for Plastic Jesus. The DVD has the banjo instrumental and Newman's song. The CD is all instrumental. The DVD was $14.27 and the CD was $13.38 from Barnes and Noble.
I recommend the DVD as a very good movie. My favorite scenes are:

Requiem on the banjo (Plastic Jesus sung by Newman)

The lady washes her car (with "Lucille", the hot Joy Harmon)

Into The box (the beautiful banjo instrumental by Tommy Tedesco)

From the link that Stephen Farris gave in thread above and from the Smithsonian Folkways site:

Ernie Marrs arranged his version of a song [Plastic Jesus] that was already in circulation, although it was frequently credited to him. Actually, it was written by two West Coast musicians, Ed Rush and George Cromarty, who were members of the Goldcast Singers. Ed Rush traced the song back to an African-American camp-meeting song with lyrics "I don't care if it rains or freezes, leaning on the arms of my Jesus," which was the theme song of a religious radio program broadcast from Baton Rouge in the 1940's (Broadside # 41).

The banjo credits go to Tommy Tedesco {Quote} billed as "the most recorded guitarist in history," was certainly one of the top session guitarists of all time, able to play convincingly in virtually every style of music, but concentrating on pop/rock, jazz, and soundtrack work {End Quote}


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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: GUEST,Robert
Date: 14 Mar 04 - 11:00 PM

There is a nice version by the Levellers on one of their records
I don't care if it rain or freezes
as long as I got my Plastic Jeezus
Riding on the dashboard of my car
I'm afraid he'll have to go
his magnet's ruin my radio
Plastic Jeezus you will get me far.

Well I don't like kisses and I don't like huggin'
just want all my sex an' druggin'
knowing that you will get me far
I don't like walking, don't like strolling
Just like good ol' rock'n'rollin'
Plastic Jeezus you will get me far.

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Wilfried Schaum
Date: 15 Mar 04 - 03:02 AM

Have looked up the songs in the DT and am wondering: Why isn't St Christophorus there? As a patron of the itinerants he is found in many German cars, and nobody else.


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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Cruiser
Date: 15 Mar 04 - 12:38 PM

Wilfred: Add the lyrics.

fat B****rd : "I'm shakin' it Boss"

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Wilfried Schaum
Date: 16 Mar 04 - 02:48 AM

Sorry, Cruiser - I don't know any songs with St Christopher instead of plastic Jesus as a patron of the itinerants. I was just wondering.
In Germany you find him mostly on medals glued to the dashboard or dangling from the rear mirror in a car, unfortunately not in song.


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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: GUEST,
Date: 06 Oct 04 - 07:06 PM

Southern California is bombarded daily by gospel radio stations based in Mexico who blast out religious messages with music. It still happens but isn't as widespread or as fundemental as it was in the early 1960s. A group of college students in LA (I don't know from which university, tho' many have claimed authorship, but even Berkeley in San Franciso have claimed authorship) put out a spoof station and ran for five weeks before they were shut down. The station was closed, a very unusual occurrance, because a/ it was in America, Mexico have or had no such laws, and b/ because they obviously became more outrageous, claiming all sorts of nonsense and saying all sorts of practises were blessed. They did the Plastic Jesus song as part of a promo for commercial items. The genuine stations sold annointed cloths, picture of the face of Christ in the trees and so on; and the original Plastic Jesus people did two verses:

   I don't care if it rains or freezes
   Long as I've got my Plastic Jesus
   Sittin' in the dashboard of my car.
   You can get him pink and pleasant,
   Glows in the dark, He's phosphorescent,
   Take him with you when you're travelling far.

   You can have a sweet Madonna
   Dressed in rhinestones, sitting on a
   Pedestal of abalone shell.
   Doin' ninety, I'm not scary
   Long as I've got the Virgin Mary
   Guaranteeing I won't go to hell.

   Sometimes the first verse is repeated. I think it's done in Cool Hand Luke.   The reason the producers used the song was is because no royalties need be paid, since there is no author. Copyright claims have been contested, though there was a case where the producers of Cool Hand Luke claimed copyright. They lost.   

   Carl MacDougall (Glasgow)

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Subject: RE: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: GUEST,Ed Rush
Date: 06 Oct 04 - 09:21 PM

Here is a note that I sent yesterday to the "who wrote and made popular 'Plastic Jesus'" string on this website. As you will see, it didn't start out as a folk song, but forty-some years later is evolving into one.So now I will solve the Plastic Jesus authorship question for this six year quest once and for all. As bored teenagers in Fresno, California in the late 50's my friends and I used to sit around on hot summer nights playing with a radio to find distant stations. A favorite was (as I dimly recall) a station with the call letters(maybe) XERB, from Del Rio, Texas. The transmitter was just over the Rio Grande, in Mexico, so that they could engage in some questionable transactions that the FCC might not have approved of. They peddled all sorts of tacky quaisi-religious stuff, including plastic statues of Jesus, Mary, etc. These were guaranteed to protect the buyer, especially if he sent cash. One of our favorite programs often featured rousing spiritual anthems, including one song that started, "I don't care if it rains or freezes, leaning on the arms of Jesus..." Being slightly irreverant teenagers, George and I came up with "I don't care if it rains or freezes, long as I've got my plastic Jesus..." etc,etc. I clearly recall rolling on the floor with laughter for about an hour. Several years later George and I attended the same college in Monterey and started singing songs that we made up satirizing all sorts of politcal and social conventions. We sang for contributions from the audience in a joint on Cannery Row called Kalisa's. After about a year of this we decided to try our luck a actually doing this professionally and ended up with a string of club and concert gigs that ground to a halt in November of 1963 when George was drafted into the army. Our last performance was in a club in Victoria BC on the night of November 23. That was the day of the Kennedy assasination and it was a bit wierd to say the least. Poor george had to report two days later. As the Gold Coast Singers we recorded an album for World Pacific/Pacific Jazz Records that included Plastic Jesus, recorded in concert at San Francico State sometime in early 1961. The recollections about the song in some of these messages probably have their origins in the wide airplay of our record in the early 60's. This is also probably where Ernie Marrs an Paul Newman first heard it. Although I don't remember selling records out of the trunk of George's VW, it sounds like something we would have done at the time. World Pacific couldn't deliver records to ditributors after the first 25,000 were released because they hadn't paid the record pressing plant for some time. In mid-1963 a Chicago disc jockey played Plastic Jesus several times a day and nearly got fired by his very Catholic boss. So that's the story from the horse's mouth. And yes, George's estate and I still get modest royalty checks every time Cool Hand Luke runs on cable. George died a few years ago, but I'm still around, so to speak.
Ed Rush

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Cruiser
Date: 08 Oct 04 - 08:03 PM

Thank you Ed!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Cruiser
Date: 08 Oct 04 - 08:17 PM

I found this note on the Web:

According to the liner notes to "Best of Broadside," "Plastic
Jesus" is a parody of an African-American camp meeting song with the line
"I don't care if it rains or freezes, leaning on the arms of my Jesus."

It was the theme song of a religious radio program in Baton Rouge in the 1940s.

"Plastic Jesus" was written by Ed Rush and George Cromarty and was
published, first in Sing Out!, then in Broadside, in 1964.
{End Quote}

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Murray MacLeod
Date: 09 Oct 04 - 06:43 AM

Spaw , if you are reading this, do you still have a link to the website with the animated Plastic Jesus, and if so could you post it again?

I remember you posted it on one of my threads some years ago, but I have far better things to do than sift through all your old crap ...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
Date: 30 Nov 05 - 11:09 AM

Plastic Jesus Rules!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: NormanD
Date: 01 Dec 05 - 07:09 AM

The first - and still my favourite - version of this I heard was by a band called MANTANOOSKA THUNDERBUCK. It's included on an album called "Pot, Spoon, Pipe And Jug - 14 Jazz Vocals", recorded in 1975. This album is a musical and historical celebration of various narcotic stimulations from the likes of Cab Calloway, Victoria Spivey, Champion Jack Dupree, Slim & Slam.

The sleevenotes say "Plastic Jesus is a reworking of the famous WWVA broadcast jingle by a contemporary jug band...." I can find nothing about Mantanooska Thunderbuck, other than as a variety of dope.

If you're wondering, Plastic Jesus, in their version, is used to stash their dope....and the last verse is:
" P J you had to go, your magnet fucked my radio..."

Anyone know anything about this band?


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Dave'sWife
Date: 27 Aug 06 - 02:47 PM

Cool hand Luke is running on the history channel right now and Paul newman just finished singing 'Plastic Jesus'. Earlier, Harry Dean Stanton was singing and my husband said to me "who's that singing?" He recognised his voice from an episode of Big Love on HBO (a series about modern urban polygamists). Amazing that he could connect the two given that their's almost 30 years difference between the two performances. Harry Dean Stanton has a fine voice - he manages to sound sweet and sincere while still infusing his performances with a healthy dose of world-weariness.

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Subject: Lyr Add: PLASTIC JESUS
From: GUEST,Ray
Date: 27 Aug 06 - 05:18 PM

This is a version I've been singing for years -

1) I don't care if it rains or freezes,
As long as I have my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car.
Through all trials and tribulations,
We will travel every nation.
Me and plastic Jesus will go far.

CHORUS: My plastic Jesus, my plastic Jesus,
Riding on the dashboard of my car,
I don't care if it rains or freezes,
As long as I have my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car.

2) I don't care if it's dark and scary
As long as I've got magnetic Mary
Riding on the dashboard of my car.
I know that I'm protected amply
'Cos I've got the whole damned holy family
Riding on the dashboard of my car.

3) When I'm going fornicating,
I've got my ceramic Satan
Screwed down to the dashboard of my car.
Women know I'm on the level
When they see that stoneware devil
Leering from the dashboard of my car.

4) Magnetic Mary smug and smiling,
Jesus dainty and beguiling,
Knee deep in the shagpile of my car;
You can buy them phosphorescent
Glow in the dark. They're pink and pleasant,
Lighting up the dashboard of my car.

5) I don't care if it bumps and jostles,
As long as I've got the 12 apostles
Bolted to the dashboard of my car.
Don't I have a pious mess?
Such a crowd of holiness
Strung across the dashboard of my car.

6) You can buy that sweet Madonna
Dressed in rhinestones sitting on a
Pedestal of abalone shell.
Going ninety, I'm not wary
'Cos I've got that Virgin Mary
Guaranteeing I won't go to hell.

7) Now I'm afraid he'll have to go
'Cos his magnet spoils my radio,
And if I were to crash, he'd cause a scar;
But I think I know what steps to take.
I'll nail him down for old time's sake,
Nail him to the dashboard of my car.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: Dave'sWife
Date: 28 Aug 06 - 07:08 AM

Guest_Ray - thanks Those are the most complete lyrics I've seen. Can I swipe 'em? Who should I credit them to?

Has anyone every read the book the film is based on (of the same name I think)?

Every time the film comes on the History Channel or AMC, I wind up turning on the Tv and letting it run in the background just so i can hear the songs. the scene that always gets me though is when the poor Bloodhound dog dies after chasing Luke and his handler holds his limp body to his chest and weeps.

Story is those bloodhounds were all property of the Florida State of Corrections and while most of the film was shot in stockton CA, the chase scene was done in Florida with those genuine DOC dogs. Obviously that dog didn't really die, but lord help me, I cry like a baby whenever a doggie bites it in a movie. I embarrased my husband and inlaws when we went to see 8 Below earlier this year and I broke down crying at one of the dog's death's. it was particularly poignant mind you (in my defense). I got so broke up I had to excuse myself for a few minutes. When i stepped out, I saw several parents comforting children similarly distressed. Yes, I am a big baby.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: catspaw49
Date: 28 Aug 06 - 07:46 AM

Hi Daves Wife.......Couple of things

It used to be funny because everytime the movie ran on a bigger station like WGN or TBS or one of the more poplular other cable channels, we'd get a new thread asking for lyrics or a revival of an old one. It doesn't happen as much anymore but it still happens occasionally like now!

RE: lyrics....Have you read all of the lyrics posted on the linked DT pages and threads above? These are very nice and all but there are others with more/different verses here as well. What would be pretty cool is if someone ***hint-hint*** would compile the whole mess into one set! Then maybe that someone starts one last thread called something like, "The Definitive Plastic Jesus" maybe....***nudge-nudge**wink-wink***................just a thought........(:<))


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cool Hand Luke / Plastic Jesus
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 28 Aug 06 - 07:54 AM

Do you definitely mean the definite definitive version...

Well IMO, the versions that introduce other religions are separate definitive versions...

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