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Many, many ABC tunes

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Geoff the Duck 24 Jun 03 - 04:12 AM
NightWing 23 Jun 03 - 08:28 PM
nutty 23 Jun 03 - 08:09 PM
GUEST,Jon 23 Jun 03 - 08:04 PM
IvanB 23 Jun 03 - 08:01 PM
NightWing 23 Jun 03 - 07:45 PM
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Subject: RE: Many, many ABC tunes
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 24 Jun 03 - 04:12 AM

If you have already got a text file with a list of tunes, you could post the list, or just the tunes you have NOT found. Some Mudcatter may already have it or know where to find it.
It is always useful to have a text list (e.g. notepad on Windoze) so that you can cut&paste from it into a search engine (for this sort of stuff try Google) or the Mudcat Forum/Digitrad Search.
There are MIDI files collected together on the Mudcat - try this blickie to list them, Mudcat MIDIs you can then search within the page for a keyword from the title you are looking for.
Geoff the Duck.
p.s. If you find any good ones we haven't already got, post a link to where you found them.

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Subject: RE: Many, many ABC tunes
From: NightWing
Date: 23 Jun 03 - 08:28 PM

OBTW, I meant MIDI rather than MPG, of course.

The "type" of tune, as GUESTJon asked, is very widespread. Examples: several TV themes, several tunes from musicals, couple of Monty Python tunes (Philosopher Song and Lumberjack Song), OOLLDD songs (Auld Lang Syne and I've Been Workin' on the Railroad) and comparatively new songs (American Pie and Small World).

I've already found a few of the MIDIs here and I've only gotten through the D's in the DT.

Thanks for the help so far and for the help I'll get to come!


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Subject: RE: Many, many ABC tunes
From: nutty
Date: 23 Jun 03 - 08:09 PM

This set of links from the Bruce Olson Site could prove useful ....


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Subject: RE: Many, many ABC tunes
From: GUEST,Jon
Date: 23 Jun 03 - 08:04 PM

What type of tunes? John Chambers' ( may find them.

If it's songs, it becomes harder. Our site is a rare example of a site that tries to take advantage of the w: of abc to produce things like folk songs as graphics with underlined words, etc. but we are still in our first year and are only working on traditional songs.


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Subject: RE: Many, many ABC tunes
From: IvanB
Date: 23 Jun 03 - 08:01 PM

JC's Tune Finder is probably one of the best and most widely known.

Henrik Norbek's abc Tunes is another, although I think it may be indexed on JC's site as well.

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Subject: Many, many ABC tunes
From: NightWing
Date: 23 Jun 03 - 07:45 PM

I have about 50 tunes I need to write in ABC (well, 50 to start with; there'll be more later). Figgered it would make sense *not* to re-invent the wheel, so I'm looking for as many of them as I can on the 'Net. I haven't even started looking *here* yet, let alone anywhere else, but I expect that some of the tunes I will need won't be here at the 'Cat.

Other sources with lots of ABC and MPG, anyone?


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