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Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books

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Joe Offer 04 Dec 14 - 04:02 AM
Joe Offer 04 Dec 14 - 04:05 AM
Joe Offer 04 Dec 14 - 04:15 AM
Jack Campin 05 Dec 14 - 01:12 PM
cetmst 05 Dec 14 - 04:15 PM
Joe Offer 05 Dec 14 - 04:56 PM
cetmst 06 Dec 14 - 09:37 AM
GUEST,Stevebury 06 Dec 14 - 12:57 PM
Joe Offer 06 Dec 14 - 02:48 PM
Joe_F 06 Dec 14 - 06:17 PM
GUEST,Stevebury 06 Dec 14 - 06:52 PM
GUEST,Stevebury 06 Dec 14 - 07:01 PM
Jack Campin 06 Dec 14 - 07:13 PM
Steve Shaw 06 Dec 14 - 07:30 PM
Ged Fox 07 Dec 14 - 10:29 AM
cetmst 07 Dec 14 - 02:05 PM
GUEST,Stevebury 07 Dec 14 - 02:40 PM
Jack Campin 07 Dec 14 - 08:15 PM
Joe Offer 08 Dec 14 - 03:24 AM
Stevebury 23 May 15 - 03:23 PM
GUEST,greg stephens 17 Jan 23 - 01:37 PM
Stilly River Sage 17 Jan 23 - 07:43 PM
Joe Offer 17 Jan 23 - 11:19 PM
GUEST 23 Jan 23 - 08:16 AM
Joe Offer 23 Jan 23 - 11:25 AM
GUEST,Greg Stephens 24 Jan 23 - 06:47 AM
GUEST,Stevebury 24 Jan 23 - 09:29 PM
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Subject: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Dec 14 - 04:02 AM

When I think of Rounds, I think of Sol Weber and his Rounds Galore book, but there must be other songbooks out there that have even more rounds to explore. If you have any rounds books, post indexes here.
      This is an edited PermaThread® for indexing Rounds songbooks. This thread will be edited by Joe Offer. Feel free to post to this thread, but remember that all messages posted here are subject to editing or deletion.
      -Joe Offer-

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Subject: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Galore (Sol Weber)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Dec 14 - 04:05 AM

So, here is the index from Sol Weber's Rounds Galore, a really wonderful collection.

Abend Stille
Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis
Adventure of the Second Stain
After the Day is Over
Ah, Comme C'est Chose Belle
Ah, Poor Bird (three versions)
Alice's Lullaby
Alleluia (J. Krumm)
Alleluia (Mozart)
Alleluia (Russian?)
Alleluia (W. Boyce)
Amaryllis' Rebuff
(The) Answer
Anti-Pigout Round (text)
Apple Maggot Quarantine Round
Autumn Tide
Autumn's Silent Call
Ave Maris Stella
(A) Banana Round
Banished Now
Before You Make a Promise
(The) Bell Doth Toll
Benjy (Met the Bear)
(The) Berry Song
Big Hairy Deal
(Happy) Birthday (B. Krainis)
Birthday Round (C. Schlesinger)
Birthday Round (W. Shield)
Birthdays (Joel Hayden)
(George) Bizet's Canon
Bless Them That Curse You
Bless Us
Blessed Are We
(A) Blessing for Children
Blow, Wind, Blow
Book Pasting Round
Break Thou the Arm
(The) Bumble Bee
Burger King Blues
Buryin' Ground
By Moonlight
Canoe Round
Canon (S. Morris)
Canons Are Fun?
(The) Cat Came Back
Celebrate Bridges
Chairs to Mend
Chantez Joliement
(The) Chanukah Chase
(Good) Chicken Soup
(For) Christina
(A) Christmas Round
Clearwater Round
Come Away
Come, Follow, Follow
(The) Crab of the Wood
Cupid's Trash Truck
Dance for the Nations
Dancing Voices
Dangers of Knowing Your Name
Dave Evans, et al
Death is a Long Sleep
Deep in a Swamp
Die Blumen
Ding Dong Bell
Dona Nobis Pacem (P. Schickele)
Dona Nobis Pacem (traditional)
Doo-Wop (Scat) Round
Dreams of Harmony
Drinking Round
(The) Duchess at Tea
(The) Eagle
Early to Bed
Early to Rise
Earth Spins Around
Ecology Round
Ecumedical Quodlibet
Ego Sum Pauper
Engine Number Nine
Et In Terra Pax
Fall ("The Road")
Farewell We Sing
Fie, Nay, Prithee John (& parody)
Filling the Pot
(The) Fly
Folk Music Club
Food, Waiter, Waiter
Four Long Hours
Foxhollow Birthday Round
(Cesar) Franck's Canon
French Cathedrals (& parody)
Frere Jacques (minor key)
Friends of the Western Wind
From Ghoulies and Ghosties
Full of Joyous Spirit
Gaily Ring the Shouts
Gaudeamus Hodie
(Have You Seen the) Ghost of Tom
Glass Houses
Go It, Jerry
Go to Jane Glover
Good Chicken Soup
Good Friend
Good Pizza Pie
Goodbye Round
Goodnight to You All
Great Tom is Cast
Happy Birthday
Happy Days
Hard Times
Hark, the Bell is Ringing
Harvest Round (E. Gilpatrick)
Harvest Round (Joel Hayden)
Hava Nashira
Heart Desires
Here's a Round
Here's to Life
Hey, Ho! What Shall I Say?
Hey, Ho, to the Greenwood!
Hey, Ho! Nobody Home
Hine Ma Toy (various)
Home is the Place
(The) Horseman
Hot Tub Diplomacy
How Long
How With This Rage
I Love the Mountains
I Merrily, Merrily Greet the Morn
I See the Moon
I Shall Arise
I Walk in Beauty
Icarus Fell
If I'd As Much Money
Ilu Finu
In My Window
(Go to) Jane Glover
(The) Job Not Taken
Joel and David
John Doth Loveth Mary
(The) Joy of Music
Joy Upon This Earth
Just One Word
Lai La La La
Lame, Tame Crane
(The) Leaves Are Green
(The) Leaves Turn Gold
Leisure Time
(The) Lessons of Age
Let Me Sleep This Night Away
(The) Life Round
Liszt and Brahms (The round)
Little Bo Peep
Little Jack Horner
Little Tommy Tinker
Long is Our Winter
Lord, Turn Not Away
Lost He Wanders
(A) Lot of Feet
Love Song
Love's Embrace
(The) Love Your Deepest Old Man
Lullaby (G. Davis)
Lullaby (J. Krumm)
Lust ("Spring")
Once in Our Lives
Make New Friends
(The) Man in the Moon
Mary and Martha
Mary, Quite Contrary
Melancholy Flower (text)
Messina Round
Mister Bach
Misty Morning
Peter's Grief
Mood Round
Moon, Moon, Silver Moon
Morning Turns to Glory
Mortals, Learn Your Lives to Measure
Mount Monadnock
Music Appreciation Round
Music Shall Live
Music, Sweet Music
Musical Math
My Blood So Red
My Candles
My Friend Sharon
My Laughing Child
Navajo Prayer
New Year's Wish
(To the) New York Pinewoods
Night Winds Blow
Noel (S. Kisslinger)
Noel, Noel (D. Goldstein)
Non Nobis, Domine
Now I Can Sing
Now I Lay Thee Down
Now It's Time to Go
Now We Are Met
O, the Time
Oak and Ash and Thorn
Oh, Dad
Oh, How Lovely is the Evening
Oken Leaves
Old Growth Trees
Old Woman From Pride
On the Silent Water
Onawa's Waltz
Once, Twice Thrice I Julia Tried
Onward Through the Snow
Out of Eternity
Outgoing Message
Over Seas and Far Away
Packrat's Lament
Passengers (J. Haydn)
Pasta Round
Peace is the World Smiling
Peace Round (D. Jackson)
Peace Round (J. Ritchie)
Peace Will Come (T. Paxton)
Perfect Light
Personent Hodie
Peter Pan
(A) Philosophy of Sorts
Pick Out the Pumpkin
Pitter Patter
Please Don't Walk
Please to See the King
Plop Plop, Fizz Fizz
Power of the Spirit
Priest's Song
Rage and Roar
Rain Round
Recycling (Itty Bitty Spider)
Rhythm and Syncopation
Ride a Cock Horse (Pat Shaw)
Ride a Cock Horse (traditional)
Ring the Christ Church Bells
(The) Ringa-Round
(The) Road (is Calling) ("Fall")
(A) Rose
Rose, Rose
(A) Round is a Circle
Round for Autumn
(The) Round Group
Round for Janie
(A) Round of Inspiration
Round of Seasons
Run, Little Lamb
Rutabaga Round
Scalloped Potatoes
Scat (Doo-Wop) Round
Shaker Life
Shalom Chaverim
Shower Canon (and companion Whatever Circles Comes From the Center round)
Signor Abate
(The) Silver Swan
Sing for the Living
Sing With Thy Mouth
Sizzle and Fry
Smetana (The round)
Snow Round
So Many Flowers
Soul Cakes
Spring ("Lust")
Spring Soon
Star Light
(A) Study in Scarlet
Suze Naanje
Take This Book in Hand
Tallis Canon (Pat Shaw)
(Thomas) Tallis Round (& parody)
Tawny Marsh
Tax rounds (text)
Temperate Zone Lament
Tender Shepherd
Thank You, Pretty Cow
They for Sudden Joy Did Weep
Thinking Up Words
This Glorious Food
This Old World
This Pretty Planet
Thoughts Around Fall
Time Like a River
Time Sends a Warning Call
To Be or Not to Be
To Thee and to a Maid
Trees of the Wild
Tumba, Tumba
Turn Not From Sad Sorrow
Turn, Amaryllis
Vine and Fig Tree
Viva La Musica
Wake-Up Round
Warriors Three
(By the) Waters of Babylon
Watermelon (text)
We Are Branches
We Are Stars
Welcome to Our Saviour
Welcome, Welcome Every Guest
When I Woke Up
When Jesus Wept
When Mother Mary
When the People Are Silent
When You Go Out
Whet Up Your Knife
White Coral Bells
White Sand and Gray Sand (and Slipping variation)
Why is the Fourth of July?
Why Shouldn't My Goose
Wild and Free
(The) Winter Child's Round
(The) Woods Are Waking
Yeast Is Our Friend
You Are the Life in My Life
You Don't Know How Hard It Is
Ze Tze-Tze Fly
Zipper Round

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Subject: Index: Unofficial Set of Additional Rounds (Weber)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Dec 14 - 04:15 AM

Sol Weber also has a book titled Unofficial Set of Additional Rounds. Think I'd better invest in this one, too.

(A) Word to Husbands
ABC Round
Adam Catched Eve
All Is Silent (Mozart)
Alvin the Alligator
Ancient Walls
Angel Song
Anselm's Bread
Arms of Night
Aurora Borealis
Autumn Winds
Away In a Manger
Baby Lima
Baby Sardine
Beneath in the Dust
Black Sox
Blue Moon Quodlibet
Bona Nax (Mozart)
Cannon, The
Chug Chug
Cool of Autumn
Cow Round
Daily Bread
Dirty Dishes
Distinctly Speak
Eagle, The
Early Bird
Early in the Mornin'
Easter Alleluia
Ecumenical Quodlibet # 1
Ecumenical Quodlibet # 2
Et in Terra Pax
Faith (Mozart)
Family Grace
Father, Father Goodbye
Finney's Diner
Flow, Oh My Tears
Freedom Train
French Cathedrals (Fast Food)
(The) Frogs
Glory to God
(4-Way) Gospel Quodlibet
Grasshoppers Three
Guten Morgen
Halleluias (Maggie Gold's)
(The) Hart Loves High Wood
Have You Any Work for a Tinker?
Hey, Young Rider
Horsy, Horsy
How Great is the Pleasure
How Sweet to Be a Cloud
Human Nature
Humoresque/Old Folks at Home
If We Lose This Forest
Ireland, Ceili
Jesu, My Own Treasure
John, Came Kiss Me Now
Jolly Red Nose
Laughing Aurora
Lazin' in the Summer Sun
(A) Lazy Vicar
Let Freedom Ring
Little Boy's Prayer
Little David
Little Tommy Tinker
Lo, How a Rose
Love, Love Sweet Love
Make a Joyful Noise
Man's Life's a Vapor
Martin Luther King Round
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
(The) Merry Lark
(The) Moon Is Up
Moon Round
Mourn For the Thousands Slain
(The) Music Is Sounding
Musical Demon Quodlibet
My Bed Is Too Small
My Lady and Her Maid
Nero's Expedition
Now To All a Kind Good Night
0h, Beauteous Eyes
Oh, Fairest Maid
Oh, Let Thy Name (Billings)
Oh, Miss Lucy/Sweet Potatoes
Oh, Miss Smith
Oh, Mister Miller
Old Folks/Humoresque Quodlibet
Old Man From Calcutta
Peter Piper
(The) Pipe Round
Promises To Keep
Pussy's in the Well
Raindrops (Hej Pada Pada)
Red Earth
Rice Krispies (solo and round versions)
Roomph Roamph
Round For the Newlyweds
"Round Rounder" Round
Sad But True
Salute (Boyce)
Scip Scip
Seven Great Towns of Greece
Sing We This Roundelay
Soft the Evening Air/Boots
Sound Each Dulcimer
(A) Southerly Wind
Stadt Und Land
Star Wars
Sweet Day
Swimming (Skiing?) Round
Test of Friendship
Three Blind Mice Are Dead
Three-Way Canon Blues
Time (Haydn)
To Electra (Haydn)
Turning Toward the Morning
Two Seeds
Tzena Tzena
Upward Trail, The
Vitamin C
Wake Ev'ry Breath
We'd Be In Less Danger
Where's the John?
Who Comes Laughing
Whole World
Who'll Buy My Roses?
Whose Pigs Be These?
Why Spend a Night
Windmill/Jubilate Deo
Winnie the Pooh
(The) Witch!
With Laughter and Singing

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Subject: Index: Penguin Book of Rounds
From: Jack Campin
Date: 05 Dec 14 - 01:12 PM

Rosemary Cass-Beggs (ed)
Penguin Book of Rounds

In the order they occur in the book. Seven sections.

John come kiss me now (anon, 1609)
Well fare the nightingale (anon, 1609)
Farewell mine own sweetheart (anon, 1609)
Musing, musing, musing mine own self all alone (anon, 1609)
Hey, ho, what shall I say, Sir John hath carried my wife away (anon, 1609)
As I me walked in a May morning (anon, 1609)
What hap had I to marry a shrew (anon, 1609)
Oaken leaves in the merry wood so wild (anon, 1609)
Oh my love, lov'st thou me? (anon, 1762)
Go to Joan Glover (anon, 1609)
Pratty Naun, bonny Naun (J. Hilton, 1652)
Never let a man take heavily the clamour of his wife (W. Lawes, 1652)
Here dwells a pretty maid whose name is Sis (J. Cranford, 1652)
He that reads this verse now Perhaps may have a low'ring sow (W. Webb, 1652)
Turn, Amaryllis, to thy swain (J. Hilton, 1652)
Whenever I marry I'll marry a a maid (anon, 1652)
She that will eat her breakfast in her bed (J. Hilton, 1652)
Here lies a woman, who can deny it (J. Hilton, 1652)
Had she not care enough (J. Saville, 1667)
Hey down down down a-down, hey down derry (E. Nelham, 1667)
If all be true as women say (anon, 1667)
Go, Damon, go, Amaryllis bids adieu (T. Brewer, 1667)
I gave her cakes and I gave her ale (H. Purcell, 1701)
Once, twice, thrice I Julia tried (H. Purcell, 1701)
Sir Walter enjoying his damsel one night (H. Purcell, 1701)
Since time to us so kind does prove (H. Purcell, 1701)
My wife has a tongue as good as e'er twanged (H. Purcell, 1685)
From twenty to thirty, good night and good morrow (M. Wise, 1701)
Sitting by the fire (D. Lampe, 1762)
I love my Fanny with all my soul (1769)
How great is the pleasure (H. Harrington, 1786)
A beauteous fair hath pierc'd my heart (J.W. Callcott, 1786)

Banbury ale (anon, 1609)
He that will an alehouse keep (anon, 1611)
Now kiss the cup, cousin (1609)
Hey, ho, nobody at home (1609) [Ravenscroft's 5 parts]
Hey, ho, nobody at home (anon) [modern 3-part version]
Donec a boire (anon, 1609)
How should I sing well and not be weary (anon, 1609)
Sing you now after me (anon, 1609)
Sing we this roundelay merrily, my mate (anon, 1609)
Sing with thy mouth, sing with thy heart (anon, 1609)
To Portsmouth, to Portsmouth (anon, 1609)
Sing we now merrily (anon, 1609) [10 parts!]
Come drink to me and I will drink to thee (Byrd?, 1609)
Hey down adown, down, a behold and see (anon, 1609)
Go no more to Brainford unless you love a punk (anon, 1609)
O ale ab alendo, thou liquor of life (J. Hilton, 1652)
Come follow, follow me (J. Hilton, 1652)
Hey we to the other world (anon, 1652)
Here is an old ground (J. Hilton, 1652)
O Hick and Stephen, you're welcome hither (E. Nelham, 1652)
A boat, a boat, haste to the ferry (J. Jenkins, 1652)
Call for the ale, stand or fall (W. Lawes, 1652)
Let's cast away care and merrily sing (W. Lawes, 1652)
Come quaff apace this brisk Canary wine (W. Lawes, 1652)
Hang sorrow and cast away care (W. Lawes, 1652)
Come let us have a merry heart (W. Lawes, 1667)
Now my lads, now my lads, now let's be merry (H. Lawes, 1652)
If you will drink for pleasure (J. Hilton, 1652)
The pot, the pipe, the quart, the can (W. Lawes, 1652)
Why should we three not be merry? (T. Brewer, 1667)
This ale, my bonny lads (J. Cranford, 1667)
England, I do love thee dearly (G. Holmes, 1667)
Sing one, two three, come follow me (anon, 1702)
Would you know how we meet o'er our jolly full bowls (H. Purcell, 1685)
If all be true that I do think (H. Purcell, 1701)
Now, now we are met, and humours agree (H. Purcell, 1701)
He that drinks is immortal (H. Purcell, 1701)
Pale faces stand by and our bright ones adore (H. Purcell, 1701)
In drinking full bumpers there is no deceit (J. Clarke, 1702)
Strange news from the Rose, boys (M. Wise, 1731)
Tobacco's but a vapour (E. Nelham, 1762)
Of honest malt liquor let English boys sing (R. Brown, 1731)
To our Musical Club here's long life and prosperity (J. Caesar, 1731)

Lady, come down and see (anon, 1609)
There lies a pudding in the fire (anon, 1609)
Three blind mice (anon, 1609)
Let's have a peal for John Cooke's soul (anon, 1609)
Jinkin the Jester was wont to make glee (anon, 1609)
Jack, boy, ho, boy, news (anon, 1609)
Hold thy peace, and I prithee hold thy peace (anon, 1609)
I C U B A K (anon, 1609)
Follow me quickly, Jack is a pretty boy (anon, 1609)
The maid she went a milking (anon, 1609)
My mistress will not be content (anon, 1611)
Come follow, follow, follow (J. Hilton, 1652)
Cuckoo, go neighbours help us to hedge in the cuckoo (E. Nelham, 1652)
This gear goes hard (T. Holmes, 1652)
I poor and well, thou rich and ill (J. Hilton, 1652)
Wilt thou lend me thy mare to ride a mile? (E. Nelham, 1652)
The Wise Men were but sev'n (W. Lawes, 1652)
Let Simon's beard alone (J. Hilton, 1652)
There was an invisible fox (J. Hilton, 1667)
My dame has a lame, tame crane (M. White, 1667)
Under this stone lies Gabriel John (H. Purcell, 1686)
Come Amaryllis now let us be merry (W. Lawes, 1667)
Goose law'd with goose for cousin gander's land (W. Lawes, 1652)
Slaves to the world should be toss'd in a blanket (E. Nelham, 1667)
Once in our lives, let us drink to our wives (H. Purcell, 1686)
'Tis women make us love (H. Purcell, 1685)
One industrious insect (H. Purcell, 1701)
When V and I together meet (H. Purcell, 1701)
To thee, to thee, and to a maid (H. Purcell, 1685)
An ape, a lion, a fox and an ass (H. Purcell, 1701)
Jack, thou'rt a toper (H. Purcell, 1701)
Well rung, Tom, boy (anon, 1701)
The mate to a cock, and corn tall as wheat (I. Lenton, 1701)
War begets poverty, poverty peace (R. Brown, 1701)
We cats when assembled at midnight together (R. Brown, 1731)
When Celia was learning on the spinet to play (J. Isum, 1731)
I cannot get up, for my overnight's cup (anon, 1762)
Fie! Nay! Prithee, John! Do not quarrel, man! (anon, 1731)
Entombed here lies good Sir Harry (R. Brown, 1731)
Here stand I for whores as great (T. Warren, 1763)
Fair Ursley in a merry mood consulted her physician (G. Berg, 1766)
Mortals, learn your lives to measure (C. Burney, 1769)

Summer is a coming in (anon, 13th century)
The lark, linnet and nightingale (anon, 1609)
Blow thy horn, thou jolly hunter (anon, 1609)
The nightingale, the merry nightingale (anon, 1609)
And seest thou my cow today, fowler? (anon, 1611)
Jolly shepherd and upon a hill as he sat (anon, 1609)
Robin lend to me thy bow (anon, 1609)
The pretty lark, climbing the welkin clear (J. Hilton, 1652)
Hark! Hark! Hark! how the woods do ring (M. White, 1667)
What shall he have that kill'd the deer? (J. Hilton, 1652)
O the wily, wily fox (E. Nelham, 1652)
With horns and hounds in chorus (L. Atterbury, 1766)
Rural sports are sweeter far (Monsieur L'Clerc and T. Warren, 1764)
Half an hour past twelve o'clock (J.B. Marella, 1764)

New oysters (anon, 1609)
The great bells of Oxney (anon, 1609)
Great Tom is cast (M. White, 1667)
Hark, the bonny Christchurch bells (H. Aldrich, 1701)
With lantern on stall at treetip we play (anon, 1667)
Row the boat, Whittington (anon, 1762)
I'll back the mealy grey (T. Arne, 1763)
Here are the rarities of the whole fair (J. Blow, 1731)
Chairs to mend, old chairs to mend (W. Hayes, 1786)

All into service (anon, 1609)
O praise the Lord, ye that fear him (anon, 1609)
Adiuva nos Deus (anon, 1609)
Miserere nostri, Domine (anon, 1609)
O my fearful dreams (anon, 1609)
Joy in the gates of Jerusalem (anon, 1609)
O Lord on whom I do depend (anon, 1609)
Bless them that curse you (J. Hilton, 1652)
O Lord Almighty (J. Hilton, 1652)
Halleluia (J. Cobb, 1652)
Wars are our delight (W. Lawes, 1652)
Come follow me, brave hearts (W. Lawes, 1667)
Is Charleroi's siege come, come, come to? (H. Purcell, 1701)
Curst be the wretch that's bought and sold (H. Carey, 1786)
God save our sov'reign Charles, our faith's defender (H. Purcell, 1685)
Long live King George, most joys to him (W. Boyce, 1763)
Long live our King and may all grace attend his royal race (anon, 1762)

Love, love, sweet love, for evermore farewell to thee (anon, 1609)
Ding ding ding dong bell (Stoner, 1652)
She weepeth sore in the night (W. Lawes, 1652)
The silver swan, who living had no note (anon, 1652)
I wept and chast'ned myself with fasting (W. Lawes, 1652)
O Absalom, O Absalom, my son, my son (H. Lawes, 1652)
Ask me why I do not sing (W. Webb, 1652)
O Absalom, my son, my son (C. King, 1763)

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: cetmst
Date: 05 Dec 14 - 04:15 PM

Rounds and Rounds, Collected by Mary C. Taylor. Hargail Music Press 1959:

A Boat! A Boat!
Adam Catched Eve
Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis
All In to Service
All We Here, or, The Agreement
As I Went Over Tawney Marsh
Banbury Ale
Beneath in the Dust
Brighter the Sun Seems
Brooms for Old Shoes
Buy My Dainty Fine Beans
Calm He Rests
Chairs to Mend
Come, Fellow the the Greenwood Tree
Come. Let Us All a-Maying Go
Country Sports Are Sweeter
Dame Lend Me a Loaf
Dona Nobis Pacem
Elephants, or, The Force of Habit
Fie, Nay, Prithee, John!
Frere Jacques
Give Me the Sweet Delights of Love
Go No More to Brainford
Go to Joan Glover
Great Tom Is Cast
Half An Hour Past Twelve O'clock
Hark! The Bell Is Ringing
Hark! The Bonny Christ-Church Bells
Have You Any Work For a Tinker?
He That Will An Alehouse Keep
Hear Thou My Prayer
Heave and Ho, Rumbelow
Here Lies a Woman
Here Flat on Her Back
Hey, Ho, to the Greenwood
Hey, Ho, What Shall I Say?
Hot Cross Buns
I Lay With an Old Man
I Pray You, Good Mother
I'm Not Strong, Sir
If Thou Art an Honest Friend
Jack, Boy, Ho!
Joan, Come Kiss Me Now
Lady, Come Down and See
Laudate Nomen
Let Simon's Beard Alone
Let's Have a Peal
Lost He Wanders
Malt's Come Down
Margery, Serve Well the Black Sow
Miserere Nostri Domine
My Heart, Once Liht as a Feather
Mourn for the Thousand Slain
Never Let a Man
Nightingale, The
Now I Am Married
Now Kiss the Cup, Cousin
Now Robin, Lend to Me Thy Bow
Now That the Spring
Now We Are Met
Now We'll Make the Rafters Ring
Oaken Leaves
Oh, Absolam, My Son
Oh, Beauteous Eyes
Oh, Fairest Maid
Oh, Lord. Turn Not Away Thy Face
Oh Music, Sweet Music
Oh, My Love!
Oh, Praise the Lord
Once In Our Lives
Poor Ralpho
Pray, Remember
Quoth Roger to Nelly
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Said Sir John to His Lady
Seven Great Towns of Greece
Since Tom So Kind
Sing This Grave and Simple Strain
Sing With Thy Mouth
Sing You Now After Me
Sounds of the Singing School
Southerly Wind, A
Summer Is Icumen In
Sweet Enslaver
The Hart, He Loves the High Wood
The Mate to a Cock
The Maid She Went a-Milking
The May Queen's Plaint
'Tis Blithe May DayTurn Again, Whittington
'Tis Women
'Twas on a Bright Morning, or, The Sports of May
Uxor Mea, Uxor Polla
War Begets Poverty
Well Fare the Nightingale
Well Rung, Tom
What Hap Had I to Marry a Shrew
What's Icumen In?
When a Woman That's Buxom
Whenever I Marry, I'll Marry a Maid
White Hen, The
White Sand and Grey Sand
Yes, Yes, No, No

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Joe Offer
Date: 05 Dec 14 - 04:56 PM

A Penguin Book of Rounds? Thanks for the tip, Jack. I ordered a copy right away.

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: cetmst
Date: 06 Dec 14 - 09:37 AM

The Catch Book, ed. Paul Hillier, Oxford University Press 1987 has some rounds among its 153 related catches, mostly from 17th c England.

The Million's Glee Book, ed. I.B.Woodbury, Cornish, Lamport and Company 1851 has a round I've seen nowhere else "Yes, 'Tis the Indian Drum"(Bishop):
Hark! 'tis the Indian drum
The rocks and woods around
Echo the warlike sound,
Echo the warlike sound,
They come, they come, they come, they come, they come
Yes, 'tis the Indian drum.............the drum
Yes, 'tis the Indian drum............ drum
Hark! hark! they come, Hark! they come, they come, they come

The book is a collection of glees, ballads, songs arranged for sole, duet or quartet

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: GUEST,Stevebury
Date: 06 Dec 14 - 12:57 PM

I hope that this thread will be broadly inclusive of rounds, canons, and catches -- of all varieties -- and not be arbitrarily limited to "rounds".


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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Joe Offer
Date: 06 Dec 14 - 02:48 PM

The more, the merrier, Steve.

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Joe_F
Date: 06 Dec 14 - 06:17 PM

Round the World of Song: 25 Rounds by Moondog (Louis Hardin)
(no date; introduction dated 1971)

Bells Are Ringing
Voices of Spring
What's the Most Exciting Thing
All is Loneliness
My Tiny Butterfly
Why Spend a Dark Night With Me
Coffee Beans
Down is Up
Be a Hobo
I Love You
Nero's Expedition
No, the Wheel was Never Invented
With My Wealth
This Student of Life
Some Trust All
Wine Women and Song
Each Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow
You, the Vandal
Trees Against the Sky


Also, I used to have a small book called Catch as Catch Can, containing (I think it was) 18th-century English catches. I can't find it on my bookcase or with Google.

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: GUEST,Stevebury
Date: 06 Dec 14 - 06:52 PM

One of the best rounds collections for group singing (besides Sol Weber's books of course) is "101 Rounds for Singing" published by World Around Songs (formerly Cooperative Recreation Service). (These are the small 6 3/4" x 3 3/4" songbooks.) And it's still in print after all these years!   I have a singing set of about 25 (they're small enough that everybody needs a copy).

Here's a somewhat annotated list of the contents.
I've tried to note composers and sources as cited. (Which may not always be correct, but that's another topic.)
I've listed the number of parts.   
Also, where the title given doesn't match the first line, I've included the first line to improve searching.
And where words are included in more that one language, I've tried to include each first line -- again to improve searches.

"101 Rounds for Singing" World Around Songs, Burnsville NC, (n.d.), 48 pp

Abenstille überall [Evening Still] (3 pt)
A Man With a Wry Nose (Richard Brown c 1735, 3 pt)
A Ram Sam Sam (Morocco, 2 pt)
Absalom (II Samuel 18:33, 3 pt)
Adieu, Sweet Amarillis (3 pt)
All Is Silent [German, and Engl tranl by Mex Exner] [Alles schweiget] (3 pt)
All Nature Smiles (Arnold, 3 pt)
And every man 'neath his vine and fig tree [Vine and Fig Tree] (2 pt)
Are You Sleeping? (4 pt)
At Summer Morn (3 pt)
Au Revoir, Amis [Now farewell, good friends] (3 pt)
Awake, Awake, Ye Dreamers (German, 3 pt or 6 pt)
Be Prepared (3 pt cumulative harmony; not a round)
Be You Strong [Rak chazak v'e matz] [incl Hebrew and English] (4 pt)
Bell Doth Toll (3 pt)
Bells of Old Haalem, The [incl French words] (3 pt)
Bento-Uri (Japanese vender's calls, 2 pt canon)
Blossom on the Plum (Max Exner, words from the poem "March" by Nora Hopper, 4 pt)
Bon Soir, Bon Soir (4 pt)
Buon Giorno (3 pt)
Canoe Round (Margaret Embers McGee 1918, 4 pt)
Chairs to Mend (3 pt)
Cherries So Ripe (4 pt)
Clocks, The [Store ure siger tik, tak, tik, tak] [in Danish] (3 pt)
Come, Follow, Follow (John Hilton 1599-1657, 4 pt)
Come Let's Be Singing [Hava Nashira] (English by M. V. Exner, 3 pt)
Congo Boat Song (3 pt)
Cost of Gladness, The (Swedish German round, English by Max Exner, 4 pt) [also in Swedish and German]
Derry Ding Ding Dason (3 pt)
Die Sonne sinkt [The sun descends] (3 pt)
Donkeys and Carrots [Donkeys are in love with carrots] [also in French] (Belgian round, 4 pt)
Earn a Little [Gagne Petit] [French words included] (2 pt)
Echo Yodel (Asutrian, 2 pt canon)
Ego Sum Pauper [incl English version] (3 pt)
Ein und zwanzig (2 pt)
Es tönen die lieder [With Laughter and Singing] (3 pt)
Evening Still [transl Max Exner; incl German words] (3 pt)
Fair Morn (3 pt)
Fellowship (2 pt)
Fray Felipe [Frère Jacques]
Fray Martin [incl Spanish words] (Latin American version of Lovely Evening, 3 pt)
French Cathedrals [Orléans, Beaugency] (3 pt)
Frère Jacques [also in French and Spanish] (4 pt)
Frogs [Hear the lively song of the frogs in yonder pond] (4 pt)
Froh zu sein, bedarf Mann wenig [The Cost of Gladness] (4 pt)
Gagne petit sur le chemin [Earn a Little] (2 pt)
Give to Me Your Hand [also in Dutch] (Netherlands, 16th cent., 4 pt)
Glad och god skall Mänskan vara [The Cost of Gladness] (4 pt)
Glide Along, My Bonny Boat (3 pt)
Good Morning to You (Max V. Exner, 4 pt)
Good Night, Good Night [Sweet Rest] (4 pt)
Good Night to You All (3 pt)
Grasshoppers Three (3 pt)
Happy Days (4 pt)
Hava Nashira [Come, Let's Be Singing] (English by M. V. Exner, 3 pt)
Hello to You (Reinhold Heyden, 4 pt)
Hey, Ho! Nobody Home (3 pt)
Himmel und Erde müsen vergehn [Music Shall Live] (2 pt canon)
Hiney Mah Tov (Psalms 133:1, 2 pt)
How Good and Pleasant It Is [Hiney Mah Tov] (2 pt)
Human Nature (words Johanna Ter Wee, tune Max Exner, 4 pt)
Hunger, Oh [Ach, wie furchtbar leer ist unser Magen] (Reinhold Heyden, 3 pt)
Hunter, The (3 pt)
Hunting Song [Merrily, merrily greet the morn] (4 pt)
Jane Glover [Go to Jane Glover and tell her I love her] (4 pt)
Joy in the Gates (6 pt)
Kookaburra (2 pt canon)
Laugh, Ha, Ha (4 pt)
Le soir descend [Evening descends] (3 pt)
Left, Right (Max Exner, 4 pt)
Les Ânes Aim' les Carottes [Donkeys and Carrots] (4 pt)
Les cloches de Haalem [Bells of Old Haarlem]
Let Us Sing Together (adapted from Czech Folk Tune, 4 pt)
Let's Be Beginning (Fritz Metzgen, 3 pt)
Light from a Star [includes German words](words Ludwig Schuster Engl by Max Exner, tune Hans Long, 4 pt)
List to the Bells (4 pt)
Listen to the Echo (Luigi Cherubini 1760-1842, transl. Ursula Stechow, 3 pt)
Little Bells of Wesminster (4 pt)
Little Bitty Man (Alabama, 4 pt)
Little Jack Horner (3 pt)
Little Tommy Tinker [Tommy Tinker] (4 pt)
Lo yissa goi el goi cherev [Vine and Fig Tree]
Lovely Evening [incl German words] (3 pt)
Lullaby Round (4 pt canon)
Make New Friends (4 pt)
Man's Life's a Vapor (3 pt)
Merrily, merrily greet the morn [Hunting Song] (4 pt)
Mi Y'malel? [Who Can Retell?] (2 pt canon)
Mill Wheel, The (Ichiro Suzuki, trans by Ichiro Suzuki, 4 pt) [incl Japanese transliteration]
Miss Crab (Ichiro Suzuki, 3 pt) [incl English transl and Japanese transliteration]
Music Shall Live [incl German words] (2 pt canon)
My paddle's keen and bright [Canoe Round] (4 pt)
Neemt Mij in de Hand [Give to Me Your Hand] (4 pt)
Nothing do I own [Ego Sum Pauper] (3 pt)
Now All the Woods Are Waking (Max Exner, up to 8 pts)
Now Farewell, good friends [Au Revoir, Amis] (3 pt)
O wie wohl is mir am Abend [Lovely Evening] (3 pt)
Oh, how lovely is the evening [Lovely Evening] (3 pt)
Orchestra (Estonia, 3 pt)
Orléans, Beaugency [French Catherdrals] (3 pt)
Owl in the Elm, The (2 pt)
Poor Tom [Have you seen the ghost of Tom] (4 pt)
Rally Song [Milha bilou loubi shembel] (Balkan, 4 pt)
Rise and Shine (Max Exner, 4 pt)
Rise up, O Flame (Christoph Praetorius, 8 pt)
Rose, Rose (4 pt)
Rosen fra Fyn (Danish round, 4 pt)
Row, Row, Row Your Boat (4 pt)
Scheinen die Stern [Light from a Star] (4 pt)
Seeyahnah (American Indian, 2 pt canon or 4 pt round)
Shalom Chaverim [incl Hebres and Engl] [Farewell, good friends] (2 pt canon)
Silver and Gold (tune Max Exner, Acts 3:6, 6 pt)
Sing Together (3 pt)
Singing School, The [I will sing you a song of the old Singing School] (3 pt)
Sommer Kommer [Summer's Coming] (4 pt)
Starlight, Starbright (Max V. Exner, 4 pt)
Store ure siger tik, tak, tik, tak [Clocks, The] (3 pt)
Summer Is A-coming In (4 pt canon, with 2 pt bass)
Summer's Coming (Danish, 4 pt)
Suze Naanje [incl Dutch and English] (2 pt canon)
The Swan Sings (4 pt)
Sweet Rest [Good night, good night] (4 pt)
Thou Poor Bird (4 pt)
Time Has Come, The (Czech folk tune; 2 pt canon)
Toembai (Israeli, 3 pt)
Tommy Tinker (4 pt)
Valamo Bells [Valamon kellosavelma] (2 pt canon)
Vine and Fig Tree [Engl and Hebrew] (Micah 4:3, 2 pt)
Wees Welkom [We welcome in the morning] (4 pt)
When a Weary Way You Find It (4 pt)
Where is John (F. Smetana-adapted, 3 pt)
Whippoorwill [Gone to bed is the setting sun] (Anne H. Chapin 1921, 3 pt)
White Sand and Gray Sand (4 pt)
Who Can Retell? [Mi Y'malel?] (Englsih words Dr. B. Edidin, 2 pt canon]
Wind in the Willows (4 pt)
With Laughter and Singing [Es tönen die lieder] [German words incl.] (3 pt)

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: GUEST,Stevebury
Date: 06 Dec 14 - 07:01 PM

While I'm sick at home instead of singing seasonal music, here's another contribution. Dorothy Attneave's collection was an early mainstay of our rounds-singing group. It's a hand drawn book, self-published book and long out of print. [They cost $2 each back in the '70's. I saw a copy on Amazon today for ~$20, and another for almost 100 Euros!]

"Home-Made Harmony of the Spheres, or Rounds and Canons: for Two to Nine Voices", collected, compiled and edited by Dorothy Attneave (second edition, amended and corrected) 1976, 40 pp,

Index of Titles and First Lines (annotated)

Adieu, Sweet Amarillis (from a madrigal by John Wilbye, 1598, 3 pt)
Agnus Dei (Josquin Desprez c. 1450-1521, 2 part canon at the second)
Ah, Poor Bird (4 pt)
Ah, Robin (tune by Wm Cornysh d. 1523, words by Sir Thomas Wyatt, 4 pt)
Alleluia (anonymous, 3 pt [4 pt?])
Alleluia (Mozart) (3 pt)
Alleluia, Amen (2 pt)
Angel on the Wall (4 pt)
As I walked over Tawney Marsh [Tawney Marsh] (John Jackson, d. 1688, 3 pt)
As-salaam Aleikhum (Allauddin William Mathieu, 2 pt)
Auf Lasst Uns Singen (Luigi Cherubini, 3 pt canon)
Blessed Are the Carpenters (tune Dorthy Attneave, words Robert Mortier, 8 pt)
Blossom on the Plum (tune Max Exner, words Nora Hopper, 4 pt)
Burning Fire (Dorothy Attneave, 3 pt)
By the Floods [of Babylon] (Psalm 137, 3 pt)
Cantata Domino (3 pt)
Come Again, Ho! (Thomas Ravenscroft, 9 pt)
Come and let us dance [Dance and Play]
Come Follow (John Hilton 1599-1657, 3 pt)
Come Swim in the Sea (tune by Dorothy Attneave, words by Robert Mortier, 4 pt)
Coots on the Lake (Dorothy Attneave, 3 pt)
Da Pacem, Domine (Melchio Franck 1573-1639, 4 pt double canon at the fourth)
Das Tanzen ist Aus (3pt [or 4 pt?])
Dance and Play (4 pt)
Don't Put Your Milk in Our Dustbin (3 pt)
Early Morning Round (Dorothy Attneave, 2 pt)
Easter Round (Dorothy Attneave, 4 pt)
Ego Sum Pauper (3 pt)
Es Tönen die Lieder (3 pt)
Fair Morn (3 pt)
Father, I Adore You (3 pt)
Fellowship (2 pt)
Fie, Nay Prithee John (Henry Purcell, 3 pt)
Freu Dich des Lebens (Beethoven, 2 pt canon)
Friends' Alleluia (Mozart, 3 pt)
Froh zu Sein (4 pt)
Go to Jane Glover
Guten Morgan (3 pt)
Haida, Haida (2 pt)
Hava Nashira (3 pt)
He That Will an Alehouse Keep (Thomas Ravenscroft, 3 pt)
Hey Down-a-down (Thomas Ravenscroft, 3pt canon at the fifth)
Hey Ho, Nobody Home (Thomas Ravenscroft, 4 pt)
Hey, Ho, to the Greenwood (William Byrd 1543-1623, 3 pt canon)
Hey ho, what shall I say? [Come Again Ho!] (Ravenscroft, 9 pt)
Hineh Ma Tov   (Psalm 133, 2 pt)
I Am Athirst (Thomas Ravenscroft, 4 pt)
I Gave Her Cake (Henry Purcell, 1659-1695, 3 pt)
I Said I Would Take Heed (3 pt)
Illumina Occulos Meos (Palestrina, 1525-1594, 3 pt canon)
Jane Glover (Thomas Ravenscroft, 4 pt)
Joan, Come Kiss me Now (Thomas Ravenscroft, 15??-1635, 3 pt)
Joy Ahoy [Squinchee] (Lester Henderson, 3 pt)
Joy in the Gates (Thomas Ravenscroft, 6 pt)
Jubilate Deo (Michael Praetorius, 6 pt [7 pt?])
Juchheisa, Juchhei (Martin Frey, 2 pt canon)
La Ilaha El Allah Hu [Early Morning Round] (Dorothy Attneave, 2 pt)
Lachend, Lachend (Cesar Bresgen, 3 pt canon)
Lady, Come Down and See (Thomas Ravenscroft, 4 pt)
Laudemus Te (David King, 4 pt)
Left, Right (Max, V. Exner, 4 pt)
Like as a Father (words Psalm 103, tune Luigi Cherubini 1760-1842, 3 pt)
Lo yisa goi el goi cherev ['Til every man 'neath his vine and fig tree] (Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3, 2 pt)
Lord of My Heart (Usman Friedman, 2 pt)
Margaret's Birthday Round (4 pt)
May this our friendship foretell [Fellowship] (2 pt)
Miserere Nostri Domine (Thomas Ravenscroft, 3 pt)
Moja Kiridika (from a Croatian folk dance, 3 pt)
Non Nobis, Domine (Wm. Byrd (Psalm 115), 3 pt canon at the fifth and the octave)
Ocean Round (Susan Cox, 3 pt)
Oh, Lord Turn Not (Thomas Ravenscroft, 4 pt)
Oh, Absalom (II Samuel 18:33, 3 pt)
Oh, celebrate the happy morn [Margaret's Birthday Round] (3 pt)
Ora et Labora (Thomas Ravenscroft, 4 pt)
The Orchestra (5 pt)
Outdoors it's raining [Round on Pasting Up this Book] (Dorothy Attneave, 8 pt)
Polly, feed thou the black sow (Thomas Ravenscroft, 3 pt canon)
Praise the Lord Together (4 pt)
Preis und Lob (Ludwig Gebhardi, 4 pt)
Rejoice in the Lord Always (2 pt)
Rose Red (4 pt)
Round on Pasting Up This Book (Dorothy Attneave, 8 pt)
Shalom Chaverim (4 pt)
Sing Noel (3 pt)
Sing, oh you falling rain [Treeplanters' Round] (Dorothy Attneave, 3 pt)
Son of God [Easter Round] Dorothy Attneave, 4 pt)
Squinchee [Joy Ahoy!] (Lester Henderson, 3 pt)
Surrexit Cristus (Adam Gumpelzheimer, 1559-1625, 3 pt)
Tawney Marsh (John Jackson, d. 1688, 3 pt)
Temple Round (tune Allaudin Mathieu, words Hazrat Inayat Khan, 4 pt)
The Love Your Deepest Heart Desires (tune by Dorothy Attneave, words by Robert Mortier, 4 pt)
The Silver Swan (after a madrigal by Orland gibbons, 1583-1625, 3 pt)
The spirit wind [Ocean Round] (Susan Cox, 3 pt)
The violin's ringing [The Orchestra] (5 pt)
Then They for Sudden Joy did Weep (words from King Lear act 1 scene 4, 3 pts)
This is not my body
This is the Day (tune Dorothy Attneave, words Psalm 118, 8 pt)
'Til every man ('neath his vine and fig tree) [Lo yisa goi el goi cherev] (Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3, 2 pt)
Tree Planters' Round (Dorothy Attneave, 3 pt)
Turning Like the Vault of Heaven (Jan Peter Sweelink 1562-1621, 4 pt)
Vale, Vale (Jacobus Clemens non Papa 1510-1556, 5 pt)
Ve'yehudah Le'olam Teshev (4 pt)
Vido, Vido (from a Bulgarian song, by Maria and Phillipe Koutev, 3 pt)
Vine and Fig Tree ['Til Every Man… ] (2 pt)
Viva Viva La Musica (Michael Praetorius, 1571-1621, 3 pt)
Welcome, Welcome, Every Guest (from The Original Sacred Harp, 4 pt)
Wer Musicam Verachten Tut (Johann Staden 1581-1634, 8 pt)
When I Woke Up (Dorothy Attneave, 3 pt)
When Jesus Wept (William Billings 1746-1800, 4 pt)
Winnie the Pooh (Lester Henderson, 5 pt)
Wir Wünschen Dir (4 pt)
Ya Jamil (Allauddin William Mathieu, 4 pt)

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Jack Campin
Date: 06 Dec 14 - 07:13 PM

Where can you get the Moondog one?

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 06 Dec 14 - 07:30 PM

How odd. I was reminiscing about singing rounds when I was at school in the late 50s, and only this week I bought a copy of the Penguin Book of Rounds. Second-hand, two quid. It's clearly never been read, though the pages are yellowing and coming unglued (I care not a jot!). The only marking on it is the name of a previous owner, one Susan Young. It's quite a formal and scholarly little tome, with notation for all the songs laid out. One that, for some reason, I most remember singing is "Morning Has Come". Like some of those 60s pop songs, it's never left me! No wonder my cranial hard-drive is slowing down... I don't think the one I remember from school is in my new book, though I found a nice version of it on YouTube. I connected "I Gave Her Cakes and I Gave Her Ale" by Purcell with a rather good version on a Silly Sisters album! Clearly, I have much more pleasant musing to come.

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Ged Fox
Date: 07 Dec 14 - 10:29 AM

Index to "The Catch Club or Merry Companions" 1762
Books 1 (catches 1-112) & 2 (catches 113-200) from facsimile 1965

Ah woe is me                                        109
All in to Service                                        126
Ape, a Lyon, a Fox and an Ass, An                23
As Roger last night                                160
At the close of the ev'ning                        136
At the song of my Lady's Lace                        91
Banbury Ale                                        82
Bess black as a charcoal                                66
Bless them that curse you                        65
Boat, a boat, A                                        106
Boy come back                                        191
Boy go down                                        190
Bring the bowl and cool Nantz                        137
Call again Boys                                        111
Call for the reckoning                                3
Call George again Boy                                50
Come Amarillis                                         37
Come Boy Boy                                        140
Come come away to the tavern                        74
Come come let us drink                                141
Come drink about                                162
Come drink to me                                185
Come follow follow follow                        93
Come follow follow me                                70
Come follow me brave hearts                        13
Come follow me merrily                                92
Come hither Boy                                104
Come hither Tom and make up three                187
Come honest friends                                25
Come jump at thy cousin                        8
Come let us all a-maying go                        15
Come let us have a merry heart                        72
Come my hearts                                46
Confusion confusion                                116
Coridon thou swain                                98
Crown the glass                                        132
Cuckow good neighbour                        174
Curst be the wretch                                79
Down in a dungeon deep                        95
Drink on Drink on                                147
Drink to night                                        48
Fa la                                                49
Fidler and Fudler, A                                161
Follow me my jovial boys                        179
Frank what shall we do                                34
From twenty to thirty                                170
Full bags                                        135
Fye nay prithee John                                118
Glass was just timed, The                        148
Glories of our birth and state, The                181
Go Damon                                        58
God preserve his Majesty                        194
Go no more a-rushing                                47
Good, good indeed                                193
Good Susan be as secret as you can                7
Go to Joan Glover                                84
Great Tom is cast                                59
Had she not care enough                        61
Hang sorrow                                        101
Hark hark hark how the woods do ring                103
Hark Harry Harry hark                                188
Hark the bonny Christchurch bells                1
Have ye observ'd the wench                        134
Have you any work for a tinker                        16
He that drinks is immortal                        129
Health to the nut brown lass, A                        10
Here are the rarities                                9
Here dwells a pretty maid                        21
Here lies a woman                                20
Here's a health, a health                        164
Here's a health to the King                        113
Here's that will challenge                        165
Here where is my landlord                        99
Hey down                                        51
Hey hoe hey hoe Hearts delight                        12
Hey ho to the greenwood                        176
Hey we to the other world                        87
Hic jacet Tom Short                                195
Hot mutton pyes        `                        52
How merrily looks the man                        22
How shall we speak thy praise                        117
I cannot get up                                        177
I C U B A K                                        80
I drink this cup to you                                71
If all be true that I do think                        145
If any so wise is                                        122
If thou be'est an honest friend                        56
If you trust before you try                        29
If you will drink for pleasure                        94
I gave her cakes                                        130
I hate dissembling courtiers                        150
I know Brother Tar                                73
I lay with an old man                                169
I'll tell my mother                                63
In drinking full bumpers                                123
I poor and well                                        14
Is Charleroy's siege come                        131
It is folly to be jolly                                102
Ize ga with thee my sweet Peggy                153
Jack Jack come hither                                171
Jack, Sam and Dick meeting                        192
Jack thou'rt a toper                                142
Jerusalem, oh that thou hadst known                57
Joan has been galloping                                62
Joy in the gates                                        45
Knot of good fellows, A                                67
Let's cast away care                                96
Let's live good honest lives                        125
Let Symon's beard alone                        44
Let us drink                                        163
Let us love                                        77
Longitude miston, The                                196
Long live our King                                178
Macedon youth, the                                155
Mark how these knavish rests                        105
Mate to a cock, The                                19
Miller's daughter riding, The                        152
Money money money                                43
My dame has in her hut                                143
My man John                                        28
My Lady and her maid                                110
My lady's coachman John                        127
Never let a man take heavily                        97
Nose nose nose nose                                85
Now my lads                                        68
Now I am married                                36
Now now we are met                                115
Now that the spring has fill'd our veins                6
O Ale ab Alendo                                        54
O Dick and Strephon                                100
Of all the instruments                                172
Of honest malt liquor                                33
Oh my love, lov'st thou me                        40 & 41
O hold your hands                                156
Once in our lives                                119
Once, twice, thrice                                2
One industrious insect                                133
Oyl and vinegar                                        200
Pale faces stand by                                166
Poor Owen                                        35
Pot, the pipe, the quart, the can, The                86
Pox on repining, A                                39
Pox on you                                        128
Prepare your hearts for mirth                        75
Pretty Nan                                        89
Prithee be'nt so sad                                138
Ring ring the bells                                158
Room room                                        149
Row the boat, Whittington                        69
Say what you please                                55
See how in gathering their may                        88
Silver Swan who living, The                        198
Since time so kind                                120
Sir Walter enjoying (switter swatter)                31
Sitting by the fire                                38
She that will eat her breakfast in her bed        42
Slaves to the world                                30
Soldier soldier take off thy wine                        154
Some ages in story                                197
Some say that Signor Bononcini                        175
Strange news from the rose                        64
Surrender of Limerick, The                        146
Sum up all the delights                                121
Take a pound of butter                                184
There was an invisible Fox                        11
These are cries of London Town                        182
This ale my bonny lad                                180
Three blind mice                                24
Thus saith the preacher                                60
Tis Amarillis walking                                53
Tis too late for a coach                                157
Tis women make us love                        183
To all lovers of music                                199
Tobacco's but a vapour                                186
Tom making a mantua                                5
To thee and to the maid                                78
True English men drink                                90
Turn Amarillis to thy swain                        18
Under a green elm                                168
Under this stone lies Gabriel John                124
Well rung Tom                                        83
What care had I                                        114
When ever I Marry                                108
When Celia was leaning on the spinet                4
When Judith had laid Holifernes in bed                159
When U and I together meet                        17
Where they drink their wine in bowls                27
Who comes there                                144
Wilt thou lend me thy mare                        107
Wily wily Fox, The                                151
Wine wine in a morning                                139
Wise men were but seven, The                        26
With lanthorn on stall                                81
Would you know how we meet                        189
Young Anthony peeping                                76
Young Colin cleaving                                32
Young John the gard'ner                        167
Your mare is lame                                112
Your merry poets                                173

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: cetmst
Date: 07 Dec 14 - 02:05 PM

A CD, 'Rounds Galore', Astoria Productions. Rounds sung by various groups, liner notes have lyrics but no music:

Scalloped Potatoes, Emily Fox, 1976
Smetana, Pat Shaw
Home Is the Place, L. Joyce Hitchcock, 1971
Eurhythmie, Antonio Caldara (1670-1736)
Snow, Susan Kisslinger, 1990
Come With Me/Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, a quodlibet
Viva la Musicai!, Praetorius
Joy of My Heart, John Krumm, 1996
Birthday, m. William Shield (1748-1829)
Long Is Our Winter, anon.
Waiter-Water, anon. Ah Poor Bird/Peace Round, trad/Jean Ritchie
Kyrie, from Surinam
Onawa's Waltz, John Krumm, 1985
Welcome, Welcome Every Guest, anon, 18th c.
O, The Time, Robbie Wedeen, 1983
Great Tom Is Cast, Matthew White, 17th c.
My Friend Sharon, Jan Harmon, 1989
Dona Nobis Pacem, Peter Schickele version
Four-Way Gospel, quodlibets
You Are the Life in My Life, John Hetland, 1979
Drinking Round, Mozart
Run Little Lamb, Joyce Lee and Jan Maier, 1988
Scat Round (Doo-Wop Round), Daniel Paget, 1984
Windmills/Jubilate Deo, anon
The Duchess At Tea, Pat Shaw
Come Away, Far Away, Elliot Z. Levine, 1987
Misty Morning, John Krumm, 1989
Hava Nashira
A Question of Tempo, Joanne (Olshansky) Hammil, 1995
They For Sudden Joy Did Weep, from "King Lear", Shakespeare
The Road (Fall) John Krumm, 1986

Jan Maier: Vocals, guitar
Eva Mayer, Vocals, Ukulele, Titles
Murray Spiegal: Vocals
Sol Weber: Vocals

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: GUEST,Stevebury
Date: 07 Dec 14 - 02:40 PM

Joe F:

Moondog Rounds

For those who don't know, "Moondog" or Louis Hardin, was apparently quite a character: he hung around 54th St and 6th Avenue in Manhattan in his Viking outfit, philosophizing and selling mimeographed copies of his poetry.

In 1971 he recorded 25 of his rounds for Columbia Records as "Moondog II" or "Round the World of Sound: Moondog Madrigals" Columbia Records KC 30897. From the Oberlin Conservatory Library I was able to copy the LP insert, which has manuscript notation of all of the rounds. None of them are easy. And some are harder than the "smoothed off" versions that got into oral tradition [e.g. "Nero's Expedition Up the Nile"]. I had made reprints of these for our rounds group, so one may have found its way to you. Or I'd be curious to learn if it was ever published separately. The LP recording was reissued by CBS as part of the CD "Moondog", MK 44994 [n.d.].

Moondog apparently wrote nine books of rounds, each having about 25 rounds in them. If anyone knows how to locate any of these, I'd love to know.

Catch As Catch Can

I don't know of a book with this title, but there are (at least) two books titled "Catch That Catch Can".

* "Catch That Catch Can: One Hundred English Rounds and Catches", Edited by Mary Catherine Taylor, Margarita Windham, and Claude Simpson, E. C. Schirmer Music Co., Boston, 1945 (and later editions), 92 pp

* "Catch That Catch Can: A Choice Collection of Catches, Rounds, and Canons", John Hilton, facsimile reprint 1970, Da Capo Press, NY [originally published 1652]

I'll add these to my pile to copy out the contents for this thread.

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Jack Campin
Date: 07 Dec 14 - 08:15 PM

Moondog with Philip Glass, Steve Reich and Jon Gibson:

Tricky stuff.

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Joe Offer
Date: 08 Dec 14 - 03:24 AM

Oh, this is fun. So far, I've bought only one book from those indexed (I already had several), but maybe I really, really need "The Catch Club or Merry Companions"....
Oh, what the hell. It was only $15.75 for two hardcover volumes.

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Subject: Indexing: Sacred Canons
From: Stevebury
Date: 23 May 15 - 03:23 PM

I previously posted contents for "101 Rounds for Singing". Another fine rounds publication from World Around Songs is their collection of sacred canons.

"Sacred Canons" World Around Songs, Burnsville, NC, 1963, 24 pp. [still available for $3.00 from World Around Songs, 7036 Hwy 80 South, Burnsville, NC 28714]

Annotated list of Titles and First Lines:

Absalom (II Samuel 18:33, 3 pt)
Agnus Dei (Heinrich Finck 1450-1527, augmentation canon: the basses sing half as fast as the tenors)
Alleluh, Alleluh (antiphonal; not a round)
Alleluia (Mozart [adapted], 3 pt)
Alleluja, Amen (2 pt)
As our guest, oh Lord [Sei unser Gast] (English and German) (3 pt)
Ave Maria (Mozart, 4 pt)
Band of Neighbors [As a band of neighbors joined] (3 pt)
Be Thou Our Guest [Sei unser Gast] (English and German) (3 pt)
Come we now, singing to thee [Kommt herbei] (4 pt)
Cost of Gladness, The [Gladness costs you not a thing; Glad och god skall Manskan vara; Froh zu sein bedarf Mann wenig] (Swedish German round, Engl by Max Exner, 4 pt)
Danket dem Herrn [Thank thee, God, gracious God] (4 pt)
Dona Nobis Pacem (3 pt)
Ego Sum Pauper (3 pt)
Fellowship [May this our fellowship foretell] (2 pt)
For all the varied gifts of life [Response of Thanks] (3 pt)
For Food and Joy (Greek, 4 pt)
For health and strength [Round of Thanks] (4 pt)
For Sun and Rain (words Cecilia Sanderson, tune M. V. Exner, (4 pt)
For Thy Gracious Blessings (4 pt canon)
Froh zu sein bedarf Mann wenig [Cost of Gladness, The; Glad och god skall Manskan vara] (Swedish German round, Engl by Max Exner, 4 pt)
From Sun's Rising [Vom Aufgang de Sonne] (Psalm 13:3, 4 pt)
Gelobet (German, 3 pt)
Gently Let the Evening's Peace [Ruhet nach des Tages Müh] (Engl by Sylvia Pigors, 4 pt)
Gladness costs you not a thing [Cost of Gladness, The; Glad och god skall Manskan vara; Froh zu sein bedarf Mann wenig] (Swedish German round, Engl by Max Exner, 4 pt)
Glad och god skall Manskan vara [Cost of Gladness, The; Froh zu sein bedarf Mann wenig] (Swedish German round, Engl by Max Exner, 4 pt)
Glad tidings we bring of peace on earth [Shalom Chaverim] (2 pt canon)
Gloria (not a round)
Glory, Laud and Honor [Preis und Lob und Ehre bringen] (Ludwig Gebhardi, 4 pt)
Go Now in Peace (Natalie Sleeth, 4 pt)
Hail this day, for the night [Morgansang; Heil dem Tag, denn die Nacht] (Mozart, 3 pt)
Hallelujah Round (Philip Hayes 1738-1797, 4 pt)
Heil dem Tag, denn die Nacht [Morgansang; Hail this day, for the night] (Mozart, 3 pt)
Herr, bleibe bei uns [Abide with us, O God] (Luke 24:29, 3 pt)
Ich will den Herrn loben allezeit [Unto Thee, God, I Will Be Singing] (G. P. Teleman, 3 pt canon)
In All Thy Ways (3 pt)
Joy in the Gates (6 pt)
Jubilate, Deo (Praetorius, 6 pt)
Kommt herbei [
Kyrie (Surinam, 3 pt)
Laudate Nomen Domini [Ravenscroft, Pammelia] (6 pt)
Lobet den Herrn [Praise ye our God] (Christian Lahuson, 3 pt)
Lord is Risen, The [Surrexit Christus] (Adam Gumpelzhaimer, 3 pt canon)
Lord of All Life [Out of the grave He has come for us] (3pt)
Maker we thank Thee for the night [Morning Prayer; Tallis Canon]
May this our fellowship foretell [Fellowship] (2 pt)
Miserere (Pammelia, 3 pt)
Morgansang [Heil dem Tag, denn die Nacht; Hail this day, for the night] (Mozart, 3 pt)
Morning, Evening (2 pt canon)
Morning Light , The (Joel Hayden, 3 pt)
Morning Prayer [Tallis Canon] [Maker we thank Thee for the night]
Non Nobis Domine (William Byrd 1542-1623, 3 pt canon at the fifth and the octave)
O Render Thanks (3 pt)
Oh, Good Friend [Oh, good friend, will you watch my flock] (F Thomas, 4 pt)
Poems of All Tongues [Ours be the poems of all tongues; Tallis Canon] (words Kenneth L Patton, canon up to 8 pt)
Praise Ye Our God [Lobet den Herrn] (Christian Lahuson, 3 pt)
Preis und Lob und Ehre bringen [Glory, Laud and Honor] (Ludwig Gebhardi, 4 pt)
Response of Thanks [For all the varied gifts of life] (3 pt)
Rise and Shine (Max Exner, 4 pt)
Rise Up, O Flame (Christoph Praetorius, 8 pt)
Round of Thanks [For health and strength] (4 pt)
Ruhet nach des Tages Müh [Gently Let the Evening's Peace] (Engl by Sylvia Pigors, 4 pt)
Russian Halleluia (3 pt)
Sanctus (Clemens non Papa, 5 pt)
Shalom Chaverim (in English and Hebrew, 2 pt canon)
Sei unser Gast [Be Thou Our Guest] (English and German) (3 pt)
Sing and Rejoice (W. H. Bradbury, 4 pt)
Sing Our Praise
Singt dem Herren [Sing Our Praises; Engl transl by Ursula Stechow] (Praetorius, 5 pt)
Surrexit Christus [The Lord is Risen] (Adam Gumpelzhaimer, 3 pt canon)
Tallis Canon [Ours be the poems of all tongues, words Kenneth L Patton; When armies cease to bruise the lands] (canon up to 8 pt)
Thank thee, God, gracious God [Danket dem Herrn] (4 pt)
This Daily Food (Max V. Exner, 3 pt)
Thou Art My Shepherd (old Cornish canon, 4+ pt) (plus 4 pt ground bass by Max Exner)
Through North and South (William Billings, 4 pt)
Unto Thee, God, I Will Be Singing [Ich will den Herrn loben allezeit] (G. P. Teleman, 3 pt canon)
Vesper Round (words Thomas Moore, tune Russian air adapted Max V. Exner, 16 pt)
Vom Aufgang de Sonne [From Sun's Rising] (Psalm 13:3, 4 pt)
When armies cease to bruise the lands [Tallis Canon] (canon up to 8 pt)
When Jesus Wept (William Billings 1746-1800, 4 pt)
World is Never Without Light, the (Max Exner, 4 pt)

from Joe Offer:
101 Rounds for Singing & Sacred Canons?

The publisher is World Around Songs,

The company's Website is working, but I don't get a response from their marketing Website,

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: GUEST,greg stephens
Date: 17 Jan 23 - 01:37 PM

Trying to find a copy of this book for sale in UK and not succeeding. Anyone got any advice?

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 17 Jan 23 - 07:43 PM is usually good and it shows UK sellers. I'm only seeing a US Amazon link on it now.

Shipping isn't that difficult. You could see if Amazon would ship to you or if someone here would buy and mail it.

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Joe Offer
Date: 17 Jan 23 - 11:19 PM

Greg, which book are you looking for? I think maybe I can help you out.

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
Date: 23 Jan 23 - 08:16 AM

Hi Joe,
thanks very much, we are after Rounds Galore , Sol Weber,
Greg Stephens

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: Joe Offer
Date: 23 Jan 23 - 11:25 AM

Hi Greg -
Yes, Rounds Galore is the best rounds book I've seen. I'd be glad to send you scans if there are particular songs that interest you. Index is at the top of this thread.

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: GUEST,Greg Stephens
Date: 24 Jan 23 - 06:47 AM

Hi Joe,

that`s very kind of you, How about the Oak and Ask and Thorn?
thanks very much,

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Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: Rounds Books
From: GUEST,Stevebury
Date: 24 Jan 23 - 09:29 PM

'Rounds Galore' (edited by Sol Weber) is available by mail order from

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