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Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index

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ejsant 23 Apr 05 - 11:02 AM
Q (Frank Staplin) 23 Apr 05 - 02:02 PM
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Q (Frank Staplin) 25 Apr 05 - 03:23 PM
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Brakn 28 Jul 05 - 10:45 AM
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Subject: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: ejsant
Date: 23 Apr 05 - 11:02 AM

Greetings All,

I was asked in another thread to post the Index of Songs contained in Robert L. Wright's edited Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs. The following is the first installment, Chapter One of ten chapters. I hope this effort is helpful to many.


Index of Songs in Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs
As edited by Robert L. Wright
And published by Bowling Green University Popular Press 1975
ISBN# 0-87972-104-9

Chapter 1 - The Situation in Ireland

Title - First Line
Oh! Once We Were Illigant People - Same first line

The Troubles of Erin - "We know there are many in Erin"

Ireland, Poor Ireland - "There's a dear little island o'er the sea"

Echoes From Ireland -"Old Ireland we know it is in a bad state"

What's Dear Ireland Come to -"One cold winter's night as the day was dawning"

The Dear Emerald Isle - "Kind friends, will ye help a poor, weary stranger"

The Wrongs of Erin - "You learned men of fame excuse a feeble frame"

A New Song, Called, The Distressed Sons of Erin! - "Sweet Erin, my country, how long wilt thou grieve"

The Farmer's Distress - "You farmers of the nation of high and low degree"

John Malone - "You persecuted Wexfordmen, wherever you may be"

Lament of the Evicted Irish Peasant - "The night is dark and dreary"

A New Song Entitled The Kerry Eviction - "A farmer named McMahan in Kerry once did dwell"

The Irish Tennant Farmers Lament From Eviction From His Native Home - "All you that simpathize with poor old Ireland"

Evictions in Ireland, or, Why Did I Leave My Country - "I love to sing of Erin's Isle, a country dear to me"

Three Leaves of Shamrock - "When leaving dear old Ireland in the merry month of June"

Skibbereen - "Oh, Father, I often heard you talk of Erin's lovely isle"

Skibbereen - Editor's note: "This variant seems quite different musically"

New Song of Skibbereen - "What cry is this upon the winds"

An Irish Marseillaise - "Rise! Rise! a glorious day is breaking"

A New Song Call'd The Old Mans Complaint of His Landlord - "Good people lend an era, sa's the poor old man"

The Irish Emigrant's Address to His Landlord… - "I'm now going to a country where"

The Races of Ballyhooly (in Irish and English) - "A story I've to tell you, friends and 'tis is no false relation"

Memory of The Dead (Who Fears to Speak of Ninety-Eight?) - "Who Fears to Speak of Ninety-Eight?"

Irish Patriots of 98 - "Ye heroes brave of ninety-eight"

An Excellent New Song on a Seditious Pamphlet - "Brocades and damasks and tabbies and gauzes"

My Emmett's No More - "Despair in her wild eyes, a daughter of Erin"

The Repeal of the Union-Erin's Rights - "Now just give attention, you sons of Hibernia"

Home Rule and Freedom - "There's a nation called Erin, the land I was born in"

The Lamentation of Michael Barrett - "I will unfold to young an old if you but lend an ear"

A New Song on the General Taxation of Our Days - "Come neibours draw near till I tell you a tale"

A New Song on the Taxes - "All you young men an' maidens come an' listen to my song"

The Irish Land League - "Of the wrongs of Ireland I will sing"

The Land Leagues Advice to the Tenant Farmers of Ireland - "Attend to me you tenant farmers that's assembled in this town"

Catholic Rent - "You genuine muse devine your aid to me incline"

The Church Bill and Downfall of Bribery - "You sons of the Shamrock attend to my ditty"

The Famine Song - "Oh, the praties they are small, over here, over here"

Amhran Na Braptai Dubha – The Song of the Black Potatoes (in Irish and English) - "O! King of Glory, hear and answer us"

The Blighted Potates - "Ther is a man going through the land"

A New Song of the Rotten Potatoes - "You landlords of Ireland I'd have you beware,"

Erin Go Bragh! - "Green was the fields where my forefathers dwelt"

Relief For Ireland - "Arouse, my Irish heroes! it's painful to relate;"

Fenian's Hope of Independence - "Come, all you true bred Irishmen, and listen unto me"

A New Song on the Hiring of Servants - "You young men and maidens draw near for awhile"

New Song on the Surprising Victory of an Emigrant Female Over a Desperate Robber and Highwayman… - "I pray attend and ear now lend to what I'll here relate."

I'm Irish to the Backbone - "I'm Irish, and soon I will show you"

You Can Emigrate For Nothing, Boys - Same first line

The Oul' Bog Hole – The Emigrant's Tragedy - "Ye Patterson's of Erin's Isle, come due attention pay"

Give Me Three Grains of Corn, Mother - Same first line

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 23 Apr 05 - 02:02 PM

Requests for emigrant and immigrant Irish songs appear frequently in Mudcat, and a number have been posted here. Wright's book is the nearest thing to a comprehensive listing, but unfortunately it is rare.
Thank you for posting the index. Your effort is much appreciated.

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: MartinRyan
Date: 23 Apr 05 - 08:06 PM

I have access to the index - but not in a form I can readily transfer to here - so I'm glad to see it appear. Still planning on acquiring the book, of course!


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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: ejsant
Date: 24 Apr 05 - 07:22 AM

Greetings All,

Here is the second installment:

Index of Songs in Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs
As edited by Robert L. Wright
And published by Bowling Green University Popular Press 1975
ISBN# 0-87972-104-9

Chapter 2 - Farewell

Title - First Line

Across the Western Ocean - "O the times are hard"

An Admired Song Called The Poor Irish Stranger - "Ah pity the fate of a poor Irish stranger"

Beautiful Erin - "Beautiful Erin! I leave thy shore"

The Bright Land of Freedom - "Attend for a while to these lines that I now mention"

Campbell's Farewell to Ireland - "Farewell to old Ireland, the place of my Nativity"

Cloughwater or The Shamrock Shore - "My friends and comrades, pray pay attention,"

Come All You True Bred Irishmen - Same first line

The Country I'm Leaving Behind - "My barque leaves the harbour tomorrow,"

The Donegal Emigrant - "I've just left Donegal and I thought I'd give a call"

The Emigrant - "The bark bounded swift o'er the blue swelling ocean"

The Emigrants - "Sad was the day we said farewell"

The Emigrant's Farewell - "I'm leaving you at last, Mary, and all I love behind"

The Emigrant's Farewell, For 1865 - "Oh, sure, 'twould melt the hardest heart"

The Emigrant's Farewell to Ballyshannon - "Farewell, my loyal comrades, for from you I must go"

The Emigrant's Farewell To Erin - "O Gladstone, my darling, I bless you"

The Emigrant's Farewell To Ireland - "Adelu farewell to all my friends"

The Emigrant's Farewell To Ireland - "Farewell to old Ireland, the land of my fathers,"

The Emigrant's Voyage to America - "On the twenty-second day of March eighteen and ninety-four"

Erin, Dear Good-Bye - "I'm leaving now my native home"

Erin, Adieu - "Adieu! to thee, Erin, a long last adieu!"

Erinn, Farewell - "The last breeze from Erinn,"

Evicted Farmer's Farewell - "Farewell, farewell, my native shore"

The Exile - "Farewell, and forever, my loved isle of sorrow"

The Exile (Irish and English) - "Farewell, farewell, dear land of mine"

Farewell My Native Land - "I'm on the obean and bound far away"

Farewell, Lovely Erin - "Farewell, lovely Erin, from thee I must wander"

Farewell To Ireland - "Tho' on the great ship's deck I stand"

Farewell To Ireland - "Farewell unto thee river Bann"

Farewell To The Village - "At the dawn of the morning the ship will be sailing"

A Favorite Song Called Shan Van Vought's Farewell to Ireland - "My sons are going away says the shan van vought"

Going Far Away - "Arrah, boys, I am going to leave you but it's only for a while"

Good-Bye Johnny Dear - "Just twenty years ago to-day"

Good-By, Mike, Good-By, Pat - "The ship will sail in half and hour, to cross the broad Atlantic"

The Green Fields of America - "Farewell to the land of shillelagh and shamrock"

The Irish Exile - "Oh! Where has the exile his home?"

The Irishman's Farewell To His Country - "O farewell Ireland I'm going across the stormy main"

The Irishman's Home - "Farewell to the Cot on the Mountain"

The Irish Patriot - "Last night while sitting on a deck, with my colleen by my hand"

The Kilrane Boys - "On the thirteenth day of April in the year of Forty-four"

Lament of the Emigrant - "And I must leave my native shores, and cross the distant seas"

Leaving Erin - "Farewell, Erin, I now must leave you for to cross the raging main"

M'Dermott's Farewell - "As on this quay of Limerick's city I heard a young man say"

Muirsheen Durkin - "In the days I went a courtin'"

A Much Admired Song Call'd Remember Me - "Our ship is ready to sail away"

A Much-Admired Song Entitled The Emigrants Farewell To His Country - "Now our ship is ready to bear away"

The Ship Is Ready To Sail Away - Same first line

My Native Irish Home - "Good bye to you poor Erin's Isle"

A New Song Called The Emigrant's Farewell To Donegall - "Good people all on you I call give ear to those lives you soon shall hear"

A New Song Cal'd The Poor Wanderrer Sighs And Grief On Parting His Native Land - "Oh Erin my country tho thousands did leave thee"

A New Song Called Paddy's Farewell - "Farewell Belfast, my native home dear friends I bid adieu"

Old Mud Cabin On The Hill - "Go sell the pig and cow, Aggrah, to take you far away"

Pat Murphy's Farewell to Ireland - "I am leaving poor old Ireland to cross oe'r the sea"

Patrick Fitzgerald's Farewell To Ireland - "Adieu unto old Ireland, of you I take my last farewell"

Patriot's Farewell - "Farewell sweet Erin's lovely vale"

The Poor Irish Boy - "I am a poor boy born in Old Erin"

Poor Pat Must Emigrate - "Farewell, you sons of Erin's Isle, I now must leave you for awhile"

The Emigrant - "Farewell to poor old Erin's Isle"

The Shamrock Shore - "Farewell, dear Erin's native isle"

A Much Admired Song Called The Irishman's Farewell To His Country – Bound For America - "Farewell, dear Erin's lovely isle, for here I cannot stay"

The Shamrock Shore (A Variant Tune) - "Farewell, dear Erin's lovely isle, for here I cannot stay"

Shores of Amerikay - "I'm bidding farewell to the land of my youth"

Slieve Gallon Brae - "As I went a-walking one morning in May"

Song Of An Exile - "Farewell, and for ever, my loved isle of sorrow"

The Song Of The Exile - "O Erin! for thee how oft I sighed"

Sweet Cootehill Town - "Now fare you well, sweet Cootehill town"

Voice Of Erin - "America dear Eden land"

What Paddy Can Say More - "Last night while sitting by the fire"

Wild Irish Boy - "Farewell to the dear land I leave far behind"

The Winding Banks Of Barrow Or The Carlow Emigrant's Last Adieu - "Adieu! my native place, and River Barrow, a last adieu"

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: ejsant
Date: 24 Apr 05 - 11:10 AM

The Third Installment:

Index of Songs in Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs
As edited by Robert L. Wright
And published by Bowling Green University Popular Press 1975
ISBN# 0-87972-104-9

Chapter 3 – The Banished and The Transported

Title - First Line

The Rambler From Clare - "The first of my courtship that ever was known"

The Irish Transport - "In the county of Limerick, near the town of Ramshorn"

The Banished Defender - "You Catholics of Erin, give ear unto these lines I write"

The Fenian's Escape - "Now, boys, if you will listen to the story I'll relate"

The Ballad of the Catalpa - "She was a Yankee whale ship and commander"

A New Song Simpathiseing with the Fenian Exiles - "My Limerick friends come rally around"

The Escape of Stephens, the Fenian Chief - "Perhaps you'd like to know"

The Welcome to James Stephens - "All hail to Jimmie Stephens"

Gallant Michael Hayes - "I am a bold undaunted fox, that never was before on tramp"

The Gallant Farmers' Farewell to Ireland - "Farewell to old Ireland the land of my Fathers"

Trial and Sentence of Mitchell - "I pray give attention, to what I'm going to mention"

Granua's Lament For The Loss Of The Blackbird Mitchell - "Come all you Irishmen both great and small"

W. McNamara's Lament for John Mitchell - "You Irish heroes of Hibernia's nation"

Mrs. Mitchel's Lament For Her Husband - "I am an unhappy female in grief I'm left bewailing"

John Mitchel, The Irish Patriot and Exile - "He's come, he has come, the Steamer is landing"

Mitchel's Address To His Countrymen - "I am a bold true Irishman"

Mitchel's Farewell to Ireland - "Farewell to you dear Erin's shore"

The Escape of Meagher - "You true Irish heroes to me lend an ear"

New Song On The Banishment of Patrick Brady - "You sons of poor old Granuale, I hope you will attend"

Rossa's Farewell to Erin - "Farewell to friends of Dublin Town"

Song of an Exile - "In Ireland 'tis evening – from toil my friends hie all"

Burke's Farewell - "Farewell to the land of my birth and adoption"

Burke's Reprievd - "You sons of old Erin I pray you draw nigh then"

Sweet Clonalee - "When first from my country a stranger I went"

The Irish Mail Robber - "It's adieu to old Ireland"

Smith O'Brien's Farewell - "Farewell to you, dear Erin's shore

A Much Admired Song Called Green On The Cape – "I'm a lad that's forced in exile from my native land"

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: ejsant
Date: 25 Apr 05 - 09:29 AM

Index of Songs in Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs
As edited by Robert L. Wright
and published by Bowling Green University Popular Press 1975
ISBN# 0-87972-104-9

Chapters 4 and 5:

Chapter 4 – Some Well Known Emigrants

Title - First Line

The Exile of Erin (Irish and English) - "There came to the beach a poor Exile of Erin"

The Irish Emigrant (plus two variants) - "I'm sitting by the stile Mary"

Sequel To The Irish Emigrant - "Oh! Mary, I should happy be, if you was but alive"

Answer to the Irish Emigrant - "I'm coming back to you, Mary, Australia's shores I find"

Parody on the Irish Emigrant - "I'm sitting on a rail, Judy"

Lament of the Good Irish Hunter - "I'm sitting on the stile, Mary"

A Parody on the Lament of the Irish Emigrant - "I'm traveling on the Isle, Sarah, through drifts and banks of snow"

Pat Molloy - "At sixteen years of age, I was my mother's fair-haired boy"

Return of Pat Molloy - "When I landed safe in Dublin-town, I met a castle-back – "

Parody on Pat Molloy - "At sixty years of age, I was my mother's gray-hair boy"

O'Reilly the Fisherman (plus four variations) - "As I roved out one evening fair down by a riverside"

Young Riley - "First in dis country I came a stranger"

Young Riley - "As I was walking through the county of Cavan"

Susan & Young Riley - "You tender maidens I pray draw near"

The Wexford Lovers - "You tender maidens I pray draw near"

Chapter 5 – Hazards of the Crossing

Title - First Line

A New Song on the Melancholy Loss of the Emigrant Ship, Anglo-Saxon - "I call on every Irishman to listen to my song"

Lines, Written on the Wreck of the Anglo-Saxon - "Attention pay both young and old, I hope you'll lend an ear"

Bold McCarthy (The City of Baltimore) - "Come all you true-born Irishmen, a story I will tell"

Burning of an Emigrant Ship - "Come all ye Irish people"

Dreadful Catastrophe at Sea, Burning of the Ship "Austria" - "You feeling-hearted christians through this country"

Captain Colston - "You landsmen all, on you I call, you heroes stout and brave"

Captain Thompson - "My mind being much inclined to cross the raging main"

The Distress of the American, New York - "Come all ye rakish young men, that does intend to roam"

Dublin Bay (Roy Neill) - "They sailed away, in a gallant bark"

The Emigrants - "To the New York Trainer I do belong"

The Glasgow - "All you who love your native land and mean to emigrate"

Lamentable Lines on the Burning of the "Cospatrick" - "You feeling-hearted Christians wherever that you be"

Lamentable Lines on the Dreadful Shipwreck in America - "Of a terrible shipwreck we are told, the Columbus was her name"

The Wreck of the Columbus - "Kind friends, if you will list a while, a sad tale I'll relate"

Lamentable Lines Written on the Total Loss of the Baroque Edmond - "You landsmen all I pray attend and to me lend an ear"

Lamentation of the Loss of an Emigrant Ship - "You inhabitants of Ireland I hope you will lend an ear"

A Lamentation on the Loss of the St. George - "Draw near each tender Christian, assist my feeble hand"

Lament for the Loss of the Ship Union - "When I was young and in my prime"

The Loss of the Atlantic Steamship - "You feeling-hearted Christians of high and low degree"

The Loss of the Belfast Lark - "Come all you faithful christians I hope you will draw near"

The Loss of the Convict Ship That Sailed From the Cove of Cork - "Come all you tender Christians that hear my tale of woe"

The Loss of the "Exmouth" - "Come all you worthy people all round the shamrock shore"

The Loss of the Jupiter - "You landsmen all pay attention, and listen to my theme"

The Lady of the Lake - "One evening as I chanced to stray along the banks of the Clide"

The Loss of the Lady of the Lake - You inhabitants of Ireland, attend to what I say"

Loss of the Pomona, & 380 Souls - "All you who live at home on land, come listen unto me"

The Pomona - "As I roved out one morning just at the early dawn"

The Loss of the Rob Roy - "Draw near you gallant seamen, bold and you land men also"

The Loss of the Ship Jane Maria - "Come all you gallant seamen bold, that ploughs the raging main"

Loss of the Ship Newry - "Give ear you tender hearted until that I relate"

A New Irish Song - "Let every jovial Irish soul desirous of promotion"

The Ship Eliza - "Come all you young men that live in Ireland"

A Sorrowful Lamentation on the Late Shipwrecks - "You landsmen all on you I call, and gallant seamen too"

Sorrowful Lamentation on the Loss of the "Annie Jane" - "You husbands, wives, and children, that lives in Erin's shore"

Sorrowful Lamentation on the Loss of the North Star - "You landsmen all, on you I call, and gallant seamen too"

The Sorrowful Lamentation for the Loss of the Royal Ship Highbernia - "Good people all I pray attend and listen unto me"

The Wreck of the Rebecca - "When first I thought on Americay"

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: wysiwyg
Date: 25 Apr 05 - 11:43 AM

I hope you are scanning and not typing!????!!!!


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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 25 Apr 05 - 01:15 PM

Inclusion of first lines very useful. Is this the way the index is organized?

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: ejsant
Date: 25 Apr 05 - 01:38 PM

Greetings Susan,

I don't have a scanner so I am indeed typing. A small price to pay to disseminate this information.

Greetings Q,

Yes, thankfully the index is organized to include the first line. Hopefully chapters six and seven tomorrow.


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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: wysiwyg
Date: 25 Apr 05 - 02:49 PM

Oh Lord, Ed! Can you find a pal with a scanner?

I don't think I can unboggle my mind....


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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 25 Apr 05 - 03:23 PM

Ed, you aren't alone. I belong to the old school myself. I have a scanner, but I use it only in association with photographic tasks.

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: ejsant
Date: 26 Apr 05 - 10:35 AM

Here is chapter six! It's really not that bad Susan, certainly not so that one's mind need be boggled anyway, but thank you for your concern. I listened to Joe "Banjo" Burke's CD "A Chapter in History" Volume One whilst typing. But I have a bit of running around to do today so chapter seven will have to wait for another time. I know what you mean Q, I have been in the antiques business for nearly thirty five years. I tend to be a good bit "Old School" myself.


Index of Songs in Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs
As edited by Robert L. Wright
And published by Bowling Green University Popular Press 1975
ISBN# 0-87972-104-9

Chapter 6 – Love

Title - First Line

Belfast Lass - "When I was young and in my prime, and free from care and strife"

The Blackwater Side - "As I roved out on a fine Sunday morning"

The Blackwater Side - "As I roved out one evening fair down by a shady grove"

The Bold Sailor - "It was on a summer's morning"

Bonny Labouring Boy - "As I roved out one evening being in blooming spring"

The Boys Of Kilkenny - "Oh, the boys of Kilkenny are brave roaring blades"

Bridget Donahue - "It was in the County Kerry"

Charming Sally Greer - "Good people all both old and young, my age is twenty-three"

Down By The Tanyard Side - "I am a ramblin' hero, and love has me betrayed"

The Emigrant's Farewell to Ireland - "Farewell, to dear Erin, I now must leave you"

The Emigrant's Letter - "Dear Danny"

Erin's Blooming Jane - "In blooming May, when Flora gay the fragrant fields adore"

Erin's Green Shore (Dixie's Green Shore) - "So lately on evening, as I rambled"

Erin's Lovely Home - "Come, all you young men at liberty, I pray you draw near"

Lady Leroy - "Bright Phoebus had risen and shone oe'r the sea"

Lamentation For The Loss of Ireland - "Farewell sweet Erin, fare thee well"

The Limerick Lovers - "You lover's all attention, the truth I will pen down"

The Town of Sweet Raquale - "I am a wealthy farmer's son"

The Maid of Bunclody, and the Lad She Loves So Dear - "Oh were I at the moss house, where the birds do increase"

The Maid of Nenagh Town - "If you muses nine with me combine"

Mary From Dungloe - "Oh, then, fare ye well sweet Donegal, the Rosses and Gweedore"

Mary Neal - "I am a bold undaunted youth, my name is Tom McCann"

Mollie Dear or Barney's Courtship - "The clouds have dispersed and the moon shines so"

The Faithful Rambler - "I am a young man delights in sport"

The Farmer's Son - "Young lovers all I pray draw near"

Handsome Sally - "Young men and maidens, I pray draw near"

The Girl I Left Behind - "My parents reared me tenderly"

The Great Elopement to America - "Farewell to old Ireland the land of my fathers"

If You Go To A Foreign Land (Irish and English) - Same First Line

In Courtship There Lies Pleasure - "In courtship there lies pleasure between my love and"

Irish Girl - "Abroad as I was walking down by a riverside"

Katie O'Ryan - "On the banks of the Shannon, in darling old Ireland"

The Flow'ry Shannon Side - "It was on a summer's morning, as early I did stray"

The Irish Girls Lament - "One evening when Venus bright her radiant beams displayed"

Millinabrone - "As I walked out one evening, it being in the month of May"

A New Song Called Mary's Lament -for the Loss of Her Lover - "Draw near each tender lover, whilst I relate my grief"

A Much Admired Song Called, Billy From America - "Being on a summer morning all in the month of May"

Philadelphia Lass - "It was on a summer's morning, all in the month of May"

Answer To The Philadelphia Lass - "You lovers all, both great and small, attend unto my theme"

My Bonny Irish Boy - "His name I love to mention, in Ireland he was born"

My Dear Fatherland - "My heart's with my Mary, for she is my treasure"

My Love Nell - "Come all you all, both great and small, and listen unto me"

A New Song Called Mary O! - "I being young and airy to rambling took my way"

A New Song Called Patrick Darling - "Patrick, my darling, you are going far away"

A New Song Called The Pride of Kilamavee - "You lovers all on you I call come to listen to my song"

Nora Darling - "I am going far away, Nora darling"

Norah M'Shane - "I've left Ballymornach a long way behind me"

North America, or The Flower of Enniskillen - "You lovers all, both great and small, that live in Ireland"

You Lovers All - "You lovers all, both great and small, that dwell in Ireland"

Patrick's Farewell - "Oh give me some shamrock to wear in my jacket"

Patrick Riley - "My name is Patrick Riley, the truth I will make known"

Pat's Letter - "Well, Mary, me darlint, I'm landed at last"

Pat's Love - "Och hone and it's Biddy McClooney"

The Poor Wounded Boy - "You tender young lovers of every degree"

The Rambling Irishman - "I am a rambling Irishman"

The Roving Irishman - "I am a roving Irishman"

Rich Americay - "Ye roving blades of Ireland"

Sally Monroe - "My name is George Dicks; I'm a blacksmith by trade"

The Sporting Youth - "I'm a stranger to this country"

The Star of Donegal - "One evening fair to take the air, alone as I chanced to stray"

Sweet Dunloy - "On the twefth day of November last, I hope you'll bear in mind"

To Charming Kate in Ireland - "Oh! dearest Kate, farewell for a while"

The True Lover's Farewell to Ireland - "Twas of a summer's evening , as I went out to walk"

When First I Came to the County Limerick - "When I first came to the county Limerick there"

Widow Mc Gee - "Though old Erin's oppressed, 'tis a beautiful place"

Yankee Land - "In Belfast town down in the North"

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: ejsant
Date: 04 May 05 - 09:08 AM

Sorry for the delay, life seemed to take over for awhile!

Here is Chapter Seven!

Index of Songs in Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs
As edited by Robert L. Wright
And published by Bowling Green University Popular Press 1975
ISBN# 0-87972-104-9

Chapter 7 – War

Title - First Line

Old Grannau Weal - "Old Grannau she arose in the morning so soon"

A New Song On The American War - "Come all you tender Christians with patience lend an ear"

By The Hush, Me Boys - "Oh, it's by the hush, me boys, I'm sure that's to hold your noise"

The Sons of Erin's Isle - "You sons of Erin's Isle, just listen for awhile"

The Irish-American Army - "Oh! I'm the boy, from Sweet Fermoy"

O'Toole & McFinnigan On The War - "Two Irishmen out of employ"

Pat Murphy of the Irish Brigade - "Says Pat to his mother"

Return of Gen. Corcoran of the Glorious 69th - "The Southerners in fierce array against the Northern bold"

Irish Brigade - "Ye sons of green Erin, assemble"

The Boys of the Irish Brigade - "What for should I sing you of Roman or Greek"

The Gallant Sons of Erin - "You, Soldiers brave, pray pay attention: gentle folks, grand condescention"

The Harp of Old Erin and Banner of Stars - "The war trump has sounded, our rights are in danger"

To a Brother Fighting for the Union - "There came to Columbia a young son of Erin"

The Glorious 69th! - "These noble sons of Erin, who to this country came"

The Gallant 69th Regiment - "Oh! Hibernia, Green Gem of the Ocean"

New War Song on the 69th Regiment - "Come all ye Irish hayroes, where iver that you be"

The New York Volunteer - "I am a gallant hero the Southerners ne'er could frighten"

Col. Owens' Gallant Irish Volunteers - "Come listen to my story, all"

Gorcoran's (Corcoran's) Irish Legion - "A song for our Flag, proudly waving on high"

Meagher is Leading the Irish Brigade - "You, true Sons of Erin, awake from your slumbers"

Battle of Bull's Run - "The Son's of Old Ireland, led forth in their glory"

Battle of Bull-Run - "Our gallant soldiers they are gone and left their friends to mourn"

A Lamentation on the American War– Awful Battle at Vicksburg - "You feeling hearted Irishman, and maidens now draw near"

New Song on the Dreadful Engagement and the Tremendous Loss of the Irish in America - "You Irishmen and women too, draw near both young and old"

Our Brave Irish Champions - "You feeling-hearted Christians of high and low degree"

A New Song on the Last Battle Fought in America - "Now loyal Irishmen draw near"

Reynold's Letter on the American War! - "My loving friends and neighbors all, who in Paddy's land reside"

A New Song – O'Brien of Tipperary - "You loyal hearted Irishmen attend unto my tale"

The Sorrowful Lamentation of the Two Brothers Mastersons… - "you feeling christians both one and all"

Kelly's Irish Brigade - "Listen, all ye that hold communion"

Old Ireland Far Away - "As the sun went down o'er that eager sky and the terrible war was o'er"

The Irish Picket - "I'm sthanding in the mud, Biddy"

The Irish Volunteer - "My name is Tim McDonald, I'm a native of the Isle"

We'll Fight For Uncle Sam - "I am a modern hairo: My name is Paddy Kearney"

Young America and Ould Ireland - "It's a soger I am, and I'm wearing the green"

The Soldier's Letter From America - "You galladt sons of Erin's Isle, of low and high degree"

The Loyal Lovers' Departure From Ireland - "The American War is over! And of peace I like to hear"

Lamentation of Gen. James Shields - "Draw near all bold defenders, of every race and clime"

Who Will Care For Mickey Now? - "Arrah! Molly darlin', I am drafted"

The Dying Irish Boy - "in the din and strife of battle when the sullen cannons roar"

Irish Rallying Song - "Awaken, men of Celtic blood"

Farewell to Slieve Gallen - "To all intending emigrants I pen this simple lay"

Kelly, and Burke and Shea - " 'Read out the names,' and Burke sat back"

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: ejsant
Date: 28 Jul 05 - 09:52 AM

Index of Songs in Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs
As edited by Robert L. Wright
And published by Bowling Green University Popular Press 1975
ISBN# 0-87972-104-9

Chapters 8, 9, and 10

Sorry for the delay!

Chapter 8 – Life in America

Title - First Line

The Glorious and Free United States of America        "Come all you loyal Irishman,"

Song of Liberty        "Ye sons of Columbus, from Ireland I came,"

A Mich-Admired Song Called "Stars and Stripes"        "Old Erin's soil has oft been praised, by Bards both young and old,"

Swate Castle Garden        "When I landed at Swate Castle Garden,"

I'm Very Happy Where I am        "I'm very happy where I am"

Nothing Too Good For The Irish        "I will tell a story that was told to me,"

Muldoon, The Solid Man        "I am a man of great influence and educated to a high degree,"

Patsy Brannigan        "My son is a great politician,"

When McGuiness Gets a Job        "Last Winter was a hard one, Mrs. Riley did you say"

Encyclopedia McFlinn        "I am posted on matters perplexing,"

Since Casey Runs The Flat        "We got a brand new janitor, and Casey is his name,"

The Honest Irish Lad        "My name is Tim McNair; I'm from the County Clare"

The Happy Shamrock Shore        "It was in our native country, we might haved lived well,"

The Irish Emigrants Lament        "Och! While I live I'll never forget"

The Emigrant's Letter to His Mother        "Dear Mother, I take up my pen to write you these few lines,"

Mother's Letter to Her Son – Answer to The Emigrant's Letter        "Dear Son I got your letter"

Wide Awake Yankee Doodle        "Come Uncle Sam, be 'Wide Awake,'"

Wide Awake Jordan        Oh! the wide awakes and white hats, am getting all the go,"

Jordan is a Hard Road to Travel        "I am going to sing a song, and funny it will be,"

The Twelfth of July        "Come all you gallant Irishmen who love your church and creed,"

The "Lawrence City Riots," Massachusetts,U. S., July Twelfth, 1875        "Ye Orange Muses grand, your assistance I command,"

The New Lights of America        "Come all ye that lived in Ireland, I hope you will draw near,"

Paddy and the Know-Nothings        "A few years ago I came out of this country"

Paddy's Fight With the Know-Nothings        "Paddy, mavoureen, ye have but one eye,"

Paddy's Lament        "Och Home! and alas! for the sons of ould Erin,"

The Battle of Philadelphia        "Come all you Roman Catholics that's from your native home,"

Philadelphia Riots        "Oh in Philadelphia folks say how"

De Southwark Rebolution        "All white folks hab dar say an' cry,"

Irish Labourer        "I am an Irish Labourer, both hearty, stout, and strong,"

No Irish Need Apply        "I'm a dacint boy just landed from the town of Ballyfad;"

No Irish Need Apply        "Oh 'twas yesterday that I was led on such a wild goose chase,"

What Irish Boys Can Do. Answer to No Irish Need Apply         "They insult an Irishman and think naught of what they say,"

What Irishman Have Done        "Ye gallant sons of Erin's Isle, come listen to my lay,"

The Fenian Man O'War        "Down by the Boston Corner I carelessly did stray,"

Tab Scott        "One morning as I went walking down Clarence Dock,"

Mickey's Gone For a Laborer        "Being out of work it was no fun,"

The Hod-Carrier's Song        "I am a bold Hodman, I live by my trade"

Paddy on the Canal        "When I landed in sweet Philadelphia, the weather was pleasant and clear"

A New Song on the Irishmen Now Going to America        When we came to sweet Philadelphia, it happened to be in the fall,"

Charley Hill's Old Slope        "Come all ye true Irishmen wherever you may be,"

A Tramp Through Carbon County        "If you give me your attention, I will give it to you back,"

Mickey Pick-Slate        "There came to this country a short time ago,"

Irishman's Lumber Song        "I am a wild Irishman just lately come to town"

Mick Upon The Railroad        "When furst from Limerick I come here,"

Pat Works on the Erie        "In eighteen hundred and forty one"

Poor Paddy        "In eighteen-hundred and sixty-one"

Paddy Works on the Railway        "Oh, in eighteen hundred and forty one"

The Arkansas Navvy        "Come Listen to my story and I'll tell you in my chant"

Jerry, Go Oil The Car        "Come, all you railroad section hands, I hope you will draw near,"

Two Irish Laborers        "We are two Irish Laborers, as you can plainly see,"

Lines Written on the Most Dreadful Fire That Broke Out in Chicago in America         "You simpathising Christian I pray you listen unto me"

The Glorious Victory of Seven Irishmen Over the Kidnappers of New York        "All you that love the Shamrock Green attend both young & old"

The Bonny Green Flag        "There was a glorious times, on St. Patrick's Day,"

St. Patrick's Day in New York        "Come, all you true bred Irishmen, wherever you may be,"

Chapter 9 – The Stage Irishman

Title - First Line

The Brogue        "When I came to this country 'twas late in the fall,"

Buttermilk and Praties        "Ye may talk about your suppers grand,"

Cincinnati, O-Ho-O        "Oh, good evening, one and all,"

The Donevans        "We came from dear old Ireland,"

Emigrants        "Now here I am a Munster boy, from Ennis all the way;"

Erin's Isle        "Here I am, an Irish Lad, that you can plainly see,"

Good-Bye Johnny        "Just twenty years ago to-day,"

How Paddy Stole the Rope        "There was once two Irish laboring men, to America they came over,"

Innocent Mike        "I am a wandering Irishman, they call me Innocent Mike,"

The Irish Emigrants        "We are two Irish Emigrants, as you may plainly see,"

I Think of Old Ireland, Wherever I Go        "I'm a wanderer now from the land of my birth,"

Jolly Irishmen        "I am a jolly Irishman, from Ireland sure I came;"

Lament of an Irish Mother        "Ah! little did I think my boy"

Larry Morgan, or The California Emigrant        "God save you all, I'm home at last; this minute afther landing,"

The Maguire's        "Sure we're the boys from County Clare,"

Off to Philadelphia        "My name is Paddy Leary,"

Ould Irish Stew        "I've travel'd across the wide ocean,"

Over There In Ireland        "Over there in Ireland"

Paddy Miles        "From the big town of Limerick lately I came,"

Paddy Miles's Boy        "When I was born in Limerick, my daddy and my mammy, O!"

Paddy's Trip to America        "I left my native shore last May,"

Pat McCarty        "Och, my name is Pat McCarty,"

The Poor Oppressed in Ireland        "Dear isle of fame and beauty, thy shores have long been trod"

The Ship That Brought Me Over        "I left ould Ireland far behind"

Since Terry First Joined The Gang        "My name is Mike Slattery,"

Soap Fat Man        "Och I am a grate Irishman, from Cork I have came,"

Sold, Sold Everywhere        "Oh, I am an Irishman,"

Teddy McGlynn        "I left me ould mother wid one little brother,"

Tim Flaherty        "I'm a light hearted Paddy,"

The Two O'Donahues        "we came from Tipperary a few short weeks ago,"

Just Over        "I came from Tipperary,"

Wild Irishman        "When first I arrived n America's town,"

Chapter 10 – Nostalgia for and Return to Ireland

Title - First Line

Erin is My Home        "Oh, I have roamed in many lands"

My Good Ould Irish Home        "Och my heart still yearns for my good ould Irish home,"

Galway Bay        "'Tis far away I am today"

The Old Bog Road        "My feet are here on Broadway this blessed harvest moon,"

The Irish Emigrant in North America        "My heart is heavy in my breast-my eyes full of tears,"

Dear Old Ireland        "Deep in the Canadian woods we've met, from one bright island flown;"

The Fair Hills Of Eire O!        "Take a blessing from my heart to the land of my birth,"

Dawn on the Hills of Ireland        "Th'anam an Dhia! But there it is-"

The Irish Peasant Girl        "She lived beside the Anner,"

A New Song Entitled The Emigrant's Love For His Native Land        "There is a little spot on Earth,"

The Irish Emigrant or I Left Ould Ireland Because They Were Poor!        "There is a dear spot in Ireland I'm longing to see,"

Homeward Once More        "The morning was bright and the sun shone on"

The Felon's Return to His Native Land        "Thrice hail lovely Erin, the land of my sire,"

Answer to Pat Must Emigrate        "I've just landed from America with cash in store galore, sir,"

Noreen Bawn        "There's a spot in old Tir Conaill,"

The Emigrant's Return        "I'm home again! I'm home again!"

The Irish American        "Columbia the free is the land of my birth,"

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: ejsant
Date: 28 Jul 05 - 10:00 AM

Greetings All,

I apologize for this taking so long. No real reason for the delay other than life in general.

Anyone is welcome to PM me with enquiries concerning the references or origins cited for a song. I was fortunate enough to be able to obtain the book through inter-library loan although it had to be returned with-in a month. I also may be able to handle requests for lyrics although we'll have to see how that goes. Demand may exceed my time availability so I ask for your understanding if I rescind this offer.

I indeed hope that this information is helpful to those seeking it.


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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: Brakn
Date: 28 Jul 05 - 10:45 AM

Wonderful Ed! Thanks a million.

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 28 Jul 05 - 04:25 PM

An amazing list. Much appreciated.

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: Liam's Brother
Date: 28 Jul 05 - 10:09 PM

The late Robert L. Wright was an interesting guy. You may know that he also compiled books of Danish and Swedish emigrant songs.

Just located the bill for Irish Emigrant Songs and Ballads which cost me an astronomical $24.30 twenty-one years ago. Back in 1975, Wright could not not upload his ballad copies from the internet, of course. Presumably, he traveled to each of the numerous libraries from which the ballads were copied, xeroxed them and typed them out by hand. I did something similar but on a considerably smaller scale about 5 years later for The Bonnie Bunch of Roses. It was one hell of a process.

All the best,
Dan Milner

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Subject: RE: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Index
From: GUEST,Helen Batters Rowley
Date: 09 Dec 09 - 01:01 AM

    Hi, Helen - I moved your County Clare poem here (click)

    -Joe Offer-

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