Subject: Review: MISCELLANEOUS SONG BOOKS From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 13 Feb 05 - 08:52 PM F. T. Nettleingham, 2nd Lt., R. F. C., 1917, "Tommy's Tunes." "A comprehensive collection of soldiers' songs, marching melodies, rude rhymes, and popular parodies, composed, collected, and arranged on active service with the B. E. F." Erskine MacDonald, Ltd., London, 96pp. Music- sheet music included. Tunes are mentioned if music not given. Printed alphabetization of songs somewhat erratic. INDEX Après la Guerre Music At the Halt, on the Left, Form Platoon Ally Sloper's Cavalree The Birdman Boys' Brigade Battle of Waterloo Cresol Coal Fatigue Call the Roll!!! Music Divisional Rest D'ye Ken Jan Smuts? Dying Aviator, The Down in the Valley Music (Not the N. Am. songs) "Excelsior" Up to Date Esprit de Corps Fred Karno's Army Grousing Ginger is an Enemy of Mine Music Gallant R. N. D. Grasshopper, The Guillemont Greener Grows the Grass Green Grass Grew All Round, The Music Hiawatha Here We Are Again Music Hoo Ha- Hoo Ha Ha! Music I Don't Want to be a Soldier I Want to be in Blighty I Want to Go Home Music I'm So Bad If it's a German- Guns Up! John Brown's Baby Kitchener's Army Little Bit of Fluff, The La-La, La-La Left! Left! Music Looping the Loop Music Mechanic's Moan Mountains of Morne, The Mechanic's Rosary Man, the Dog, and the Meadow, The Music Never Mind Napoo- Fini!! No Quarter Ninety-nine Bottles on the Wall Music Ode to Tickler Our Little Wet Trench in the West Old king Cole Omer Drome Our Essex Camp Old Soldiers never Die Onward, Queen Victorias! Our Jam Old Man's Hammer, The Officers' Wives' Music Ode to the R. A. F. (Engine) Music Oh, Had I the Wings of an Avro! Ohio (Old Macdougal) Music Pilot's Psalm Reason Why, The Recruiting Parody No. 2 Rule, Britannia Music Ragtime Army, The, R. F. C. Ragtime Navy Rosary, The - Hospital version Ragtime Flying Corps, The Music Ragtime Aircraft Builders R. F. C. Recruiting Song No. 1 R. F. C. Recruiting Song No. 2 Ronnel McConnel Music Skiboo Music Sing Me to Sleep Swanee River She Was So Kind to Me Music Somme, The Strafe on the Kaiser Seaforth's Sob Tipperary Tips This is the Flying Corps Trench Parody, A They Were so Happy, Oh, so Happy When this Ruddy War Is Over Music Why Did We Join the Army We Are the Ragtime Army (Artists' O. T. C.) We Are the Ragtime Army (Anzac version) Wail of the New Armies, The We Are the Royal Sappers Who Killed Cock Robin? When They Were Up, They Were Up When This Ruddy War Is Over Music We Are the Boys Who Make No Noise Music Whiter than the Whitewash Music Your King and Country Need You PARODIES INCLUDED Auld Lang Syne Back Home in Tennessee Beautiful Baby Doll Bugle Call British Grenadiers Come, my Lad, and Be a Soldier Church's One Foundation, The Dying Lancer, The Excelsior Fol-the-Rol-Lol Holy, Holy, Holy Here's to the Maiden of Sweet Seventeen Hiawatha Here, Here We Are, Here We Are Again Here We Go Gathering Nuts and May I Want to Be in Dixie I'm in Love I Want to Go Home If it's a Lady- Thumbs Up! I Want to be an Angel John Peel John Brown's Baby Kind Words Can Never Die Keep the Home Fires Burning Little Grey Home in the West La-la, La-la, Sing this Chorus to Me Lowther Arcade, The Married to a Mermaid My Old Kentucky Home Michigan Moonlight Bay Marching through Georgia Mountains of Morne My Mother's Rosary Never Mind Old King Cole Onward, Christian Soldiers Oh, See Me Dance the Polka Oh! You Beautiful Doll Psalm, Twenty-third Red, White and Blue Ragtime Cowboy Joe Rule, Britannia Rosary, The Sing Me to Sleep Sweet Genevieve Swanee River Tipperary There is a Happy Land Ten Little Nigger Boys Tennessee We Are but Little Children Weak Who Killed Cock Robin? Your King and Country Need You Yankee Doodle Introduction- includes Army vocabulary and argot in song, popularity "Annie Laurie" No. 1), superstitions (an airoplane is never referred to as such; it is the 'bus.' Notes that some songs are too bawdy, or untranslatable; mentioned are "Miralto Me Re," "Kafoosalem, the Harlot of Jerualem," "B. Bill the Sailor." A second edition was printed (not seen). |
Subject: RE: Index: Miscellaneous Songbooks PermaThread From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 14 Feb 05 - 12:02 AM "Tommy's Tunes" is a small volume, poorly printed in wartime. The music images are only about 3 1/2 wide and the notes are consequently very small and hard to scan. In the back are advertisements for two other volumes of WW1 poetry; "Soldier Poets, Songs of the Fighting Men," compiled by Galloway Kyle, and "The Undying Splendour," by the late Sergt. J. W. Streets (12th batt. York & Lancaster Regt. A 'big' Public School Edition of the former was being prepared; so it may not be as rare as "Tommy's Tunes." |
Subject: RE: Index: Soldier Songbooks PermaThread From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 09 Feb 09 - 12:48 AM SONGS FROM THE FRONT & REAR Canadian Servicemen's Songs of the Second World War. Music for some songs, tunes specified for all. [Many will be familiar to British, and some to American, veterans of WW2] Anthony Hopkins, 1979, Hurtig Publishers, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Admiralty House Supper Song 88 Alliford Bay 81 Artillery Alphabet 70 Athabaskan's Finish 128 A-25 130 The Ball of Kirriemuir 168 A Band of Banshee Airmen 60 The Battle of Halifax 100 Beer is Best 19 Bell-Bottom Trousers 138 The Bells of Hell 117 Beneath the Barber Pole 34 Bless 'Em All 105 Bless 'em All- Corvettes 107 Bless 'Em All- Lancasters 107 Bless 'Em All- Wellingtons 108 The Blackbird 141 The Bold Aviator 119 Bollocky Bill the Sailor 151 Bunch of Bastards 113 Cats on the Rooftops 174 Caviar Song 172 The Chandler's Shop 185 Christmas Day in the Workhouse 102 Christopher Columbo 152 Cocaine Bill and Morphine Sue 115 D-Day Dodgers 110 Don't Send Me Home 78 Drunk Last Night 18 The Fighting 43rd 40 The First Thing They Asked For 94 Flying Fortresses 62 413 Squadron 39 417's Lament 46 Get Hold of This 156 Girls of the King's Navy 144 Glenwhorple Highlanders 64 Good Ship Venus 58 The Great Wheel 160 Green Grows the Rushes 66 The Gunner's Lament 109 Has Anyone Seen the Colonel? 90 He Ain't Gonna Jump No More 122 He'll Never Fly Home Again 118 Here's to Good Old Beer 20 Hitler Has Only Got One Ball 186 How Ashamed I Was 133 Hor Ashamed I Was-wd version 82 How the Money Rolls In 161 I'd Like to Find the Sergeant 123 I Don't Want No More of Navy Life 76 I Don't Want to Be a Soldier 146 If I Were a Merry Maid 136 It's the Syme the Whole World Over 162 I've Got Sixpence 28 I Was Chasing One-Elevens 124 The Jolly Tinker 182 Kafusalem 171 The King's Navy 63 Kiss Me Good-night, Sergeant-Major 78 Knees Up, Mother Brown 17 Lament 155 Lay That Luger Down 17 Let's Have a Party 19 Lilli Marlene 148 Lulu 159 Lydia Pink 176 Mademoiselle from Armentières 26 The Maple Leaf Squadron 51 My Brother Sylveste 180 My Only Woodbine 84 My Sweet Little Air Force Blue Suit 80 Noght-Gown of Blue 134 No. 5 Squadron Song 41 North Atlantic Squadron 52 North Atlantic Squadron- Standard Version 55 O'er the Hills of Sicily 36 Old Destroyer Squadron 57 Old King Cole 96 Old King Cole- 423 Squadron 97 The Old Monk 184 On Ilka Moor 43 Onwards to the Po 111 Ops in a Wimpy 126 O'Reilly's Daughter 158 Pack Up Your Troubles 21 A Personal Friend of Mine 136 Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition 30 Prince Henry Song 44 The Quarter Master's Stores 84 Retreat to Leeds 134 The Ric-A-Dam-Doo 48 Ringy Dang Doo 140 Roll Along, Wavy Navy 74 Roll Me Over 135 Roll Your Leg Over 167 The Saguenay Song 38 Salome 178 Screw-Guns 67 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon 142 Sing Us Another One 165 692 Song 42 Skidding Down the Runway 121 South of Colombo 83 South of the Sangro 92 Stand to Your Glasses, Steady 120 Subaltern's Song 98 Sweet Violets 154 Tavern in the Town 32 Three German Officers Crossed the Rhine 139 Times Is Hard 157 Tipperary 22 To the Stars 72 23rd Flotilla 112 The Valley of the Ruhr 120 The Wearin' of the Green 86 West Atlantic Squadron 57 When I AM LOB 114 When This Bloody war Is Over 103 The Woad Song 24 |
Subject: RE: Index: Soldier Songbooks PermaThread From: MartinRyan Date: 09 Feb 09 - 04:33 AM I have a copy of "The Army Song Book", published in 1941. The flyleaf proudly announces: __________________________________________________________ Army Song Book Compiled by the Adjutant General's Office in collaboration with the Library of Congress and published by order of the Secretary of War. This book is the property of the United States Government and its contents may be used only within the military services. ______________________________________________________ It has been rubber stamped in red: SPECIAL SERVICE OFFICE HQRS, THIRD ARMY. Wonder if it bears any resemblance to what was actually being sung by troops at the time?! Contents List: 1. The Star-Spangled Banner 2. Alma Mater 3. Aloha Oe 4. America 5. America, the Beautiful 6. Anchors Aweigh 7. Army Air Corps, The 8. Army Engineer, Song of the 9. Auld Lang Syne 10. Battle Hymn of the Republic 10. Keep Them Rolling 11. Boll Weevil Song 12. Bombed 13. Caissons Go Rolling Along, The 13. Parody, Field Artillery Song 14. Carry Me Back to Old Virginny 15. Casey Jones 16. Cindy . 17. Colombo 18. Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean 19. Crash On! Artillery 20. Dixie 21. Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes 22. Arms for the Love of America (Army Ordnance Song)_ 23. For Her Lover Who Was Far Away 24. For Sev'n Long Years 25. God Bless America 26. God of Our Fathers 27. Good Night, Ladies 28. Home, Boys, Home 29. Home on the Range, A . 30. Honey Dat I Love So Well 31. I'll Tell You Where They Were 32. Infantry, The 33. It's a Long Way to Tipperary 34. I've Been Workin' on de Railroad 35. Juanita 36. K-K-K-Katy 37. Last Round-Up, The 38. Let Me Call You Sweetheart 39. Man on the Flying Trapeze, The 40. Marine's Hymn, The 41. Minstrels Sing of an English King, The 42. Monkeys Have No Tails in Zamboanga, The 43. Mountain Battery, The 44. My Buddy 45. My Wild Irish Rose 46. New River Train, The 47. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen 48. Oh! Susanna 49. Old Gray Mare, She Ain't What She Used To Be, The 50. Old Joe Clark 51. Old King Cole (Fighting Infantry) 52. Old Plantation (Kuu Home), The 53. On, Brave Old Army Team 54. Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit-Bag 55 Pop! Goes the weasel 56 Raw recruit, The 57 Red River valley 58 She'll be comin' round the mountain 59. Sons of Randolph 60. Smiles 61. Song of the Signal Corps 62. Stein Song, A 63. Tammany 64. There's a Long, Long Trail 65. Where Do We Go From Here? 66. Yankee Doodle 67. You're in the Army Now Regards |
Subject: RE: Index: Soldier Songbooks PermaThread From: oldhippie Date: 09 Feb 09 - 07:28 PM Let me add an excellent related book, not a songbook per se, because it only offers snippets of songs, but does include a lot of origins of songs: "Dark Laughter" War in Song and Popular Culture - Les Cleveland 1994 ISBN 0-275-94764-5 |
Subject: RE: Index: Soldier Songbooks PermaThread From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 12 Feb 09 - 03:17 PM AIRMAN'S SONG BOOK 1967, Edited by C. H. Ward-Jackson & Leighton Lucas William Blackwood & Sons Ltd. Edinburgh Two hundred songs, 50 with score and most others with citation of tune. Songs Before the First World War The Bold Aviator, or, the Dying Airman 2 Songs from 1914 to the Armistice in 1918 Recruiting Song of the Royal Flying Corps (i) 8 Ragtime Flying Corps 9 Mountains of Mourne 11 The Air-Crew's Wish 12 Recruiting Song of the Royal Flying Corps (ii) 12 What Do You Want? 13 When This Ruddy War Is Over 13 Pilot's Psalm 14 Who Killed Cock Robin? 14 Three Squadron 15 We Haven't Seen the Sergeant 15 Back Seat Ballad 16 Napoo-Fini! 16 Fred Karno's Air Corps 17 Airmen's Opening Chorus 18 Airman's Ten Commandments 19 Air Mechanics Moan 19 R. F. C. Toast 20 I Don't Want to Join the Air Force 21 Capital Bus for a Crowd Like Us 22 R. A. F. Trooping Song- Bless 'Em All 23 Only Way 25 Song of the Hun 26 This is the Flying Corps 26 Looping the Loop 27 R. F. C. Alliterations 28 Hurrah for the Bounding Air 29 Stormy the Night 30 Pushing 31 I Want a G-nôme 32 Excelsior Up to Date 33 When the Dawn Patrol Sets Out 34 Birdman 34 Wreck of the Old F. E. 35 They Called Them RAF 2Cs 37 Ragtime Aircraft Builders 38 Ode to the R. A. F. Engine 40 Another Thousand Revs 41 Song of the Camel Pilot 43 Last Lay of the Sopwith Camel Pilot 44 Ten Little Albatri 44 There Were Three Huns 45 Hush-a-Bye Baby 46 You're only a P. B. O. 47 Up in a Sop 47 Syncopated Fire Control 48 In Other Words 49 Omer Drome 50 My Old Yellow Jacket 55 I Left the Mess Room Early 57 So Early in the Morning 60 Two Hunnische Airmen 61 Heaven or Hell 62 Over the Lines 64 Every Little While 64 Wings of an Avro 65 Another Undercarriage Wouldn't Do Us Any Harm 66 My Motter 67 We Haven't Got a Hope in the Morning 68 I Want to Go to Essen 69 If You Want to Remain Inside 69 100 Squadron Lament 70 Sing a Song of Aircraft 72 Song of 54 Squadron 73 Which He'll Never Do No More 74 Bettencourt 77 New Toast 77 Now I'm a General at the Ministry 82 The Yarn of "Twenty-Two" 83 Poor Old Pilot 85 Squadron Toast 86 Songs of the "Peace" Years 1918-1939 Song of 55 Squadron 88 Twenty-four Squadron Song 89 Just a Little Oil 89 An Old-Fashioned Bristol 90 In the Middle of Salisbury Plain-O 90 Hold Your Row 92 Those Shaibah Blues 94 The "Peace" of Waziristan 95 Now I'm an AC/3 96 A. O. C.'s Inspection 96 Officers of "A" Flight 97 Flying Training 98 Song of the Cadet 99 Ballad of Sulaiman 101 On a Two-Five-Two 104 A. C.2's Are Common 106 Avro and the Song 107 Fitter's Song 108 Song of the Shirt 113 Shire, Shire, Somersetshire 114 Three Songlets 117 Just Three More Days to Go 117 Rigger's Song 118 Far Away 121 Coppersmith's Song 123 Maiden Young and Fair 126 Forced Landing 127 M. T. Driver's Song 128 Song to Newcomers to Iraq 129 That Old-Fashioned Avro of Mine 130 A Song of Forty-Three 131 The Airman's Prayer 133 Songs of the Second World War Bless 'Em All 136 Ir's Just the Air Force Way 137 Old Annie 138 Oh! Mary, This WAAF 139 Beside an Essex Waterfall 140 If I Only Had Wings 143 Firth of Flaming Forth 144 The Lindholme Buoy 146 In the Women's Auxilliary Air Force 147 Kiss the Boys Good-Bye 148 Ops in a Wimpey 149 Ops in a Whitley 150 Old-Fashioned Wimpey 152 Thanks for the Memory 153 Orbitting the Beacon 153 Heinkel Come Back to Me 154 Fragment of Advice 155 Hudson Song 155 One for the Tiger 157 Service of Thanksgiving for Safe Arrival in Iraq 157 On the Move 162 I Love to Fly a Whitley Three 164 Erk's Lament 164 My A. C. W.2 165 Plotter's Lament 166 Bloody Hell 167 Practice-Flapping 168 The Nissen Hut's Foundation 169 Song of the Gremlins 170 Fortress Song (i) 171 Gas, Gas, Gas 172 Fortress Song (ii) 173 We Are the Air-Sea Rescue 174 Rows and Rows and Rows 175 She's a Swell Dame 177 Balloonatics' Song 178 A Lib Leaving Malta for Gib 179 Tales of Kairouan 180 Heavy Bombers 182 Western Desert Madness 183 Malta Song 184 Song of 51 Maintenance Unit 187 Benghazi Mail Run 191 Servicing Song 193 As You Bed Your Balloon in the Morning 195 You've Had It 197 Service Police Song 198 So Here I Work 199 There's No A. M. O. About Love 201 Mrs. Mobile 202 Fifty-One Squadron 203 Wids' Song 204 A 218-Squadron Song 205 Bring Back My Bomber and Me 207 The Fitter, the Rigger, the Mech 208 Once There Was a Naafi Girl 209 Song of 59 Squadron 211 Everybody's Crackers on P. T. 212 Flight Mechanics Song 213 It's Laid Down 214 You'll Never Go to Heaven 216 Ten Little Pilot Boys 217 We Are the A. T. C. 218 He Had to Go and Prang 'Er in the Hanger 219 He Had to Go and Prang 'Er in the Hanger (2nd version) 221 To "Lili Marlene" 222 The Guinea Pigs' Song 222 The Stately 'Dromes of England 223 Hymn to Airmen 225 Africa Star 225 What Shall We Do With a Ropey Squadron? 228 I Want To Go Home 231 The Gallant Sixty-Two 232 D-Day Dodgers 234 Songs of the Parachute Regiment Sheehan is Believing 235 I'm Dreaming of a Soft Landing 237 You'd Be So Nice to Come Home to 237 The Man on the Flying Trapeze 237 Jumping Through the Hole 238 He Ain't Gonna Jump No More 240 Oh Mary This Tatton 241 Bless 'Em All 241 Song of the Paratrooper 241 The Merry Month of May 242 You Don't Have to Push 244 Passing Thoughts 244 Sit by My Side if You Love Me 244 Men of Hardwick 245 Songs of the Post-War Years 1945-1967 Thanks for the Memory (2nd version) 248 Glory, Flying Regulations 249 Ground Crew 251 The Rockape's Dilemma 253 A. C. Soap 254 Sabre Song 257 Song of the Two Sad Flight Sergeants ("The Gan Song") 258 |
Subject: RE: Index: Soldier Songbooks PermaThread From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 28 Feb 09 - 08:39 PM KISS ME GOODNIGHT, SERGEANT MAJOR "The Songs and Ballads of World War II" Ed. Martin Page, 1973, Hat-Davis, MacGibbon, London. The Index is based on first lines. This index is titles, in order of printing. Some have tunes indicated, but no scores. 1. I Don't Want to Go to War Belisha's Army 18 Waltzing into Flinders 18 I Don't Want to be a Soldier 19 No More Soldiering for Me 20 You Take the Gun 21 The Old Diehards 21 The Manchester Lads 22 From a Dying Soldier to His Love 23 Down by St Valery 23 In a German Prison 24 2. We Had a Sergeant Major Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major 26 Our Sergeant 26 He'll Be There 26 Our Windy Sergeant 27 Sod 'Em All 27 The Sarn't Major's Balls 28 The Pansy Pleat 29 3. The Nazi Gang Hitler Has Got Only One Ball 32-34 Christmas Day in the Brown House 34 My Cousins 35 THe Nazi Gang 36 4. Military Life Outside a Lunatic Asylum 38 Spike Milligan The Colonel Kicks the Major 39 Question and Answer 39 Mc Cafferty 40 Larkhill 42 Longmoor 42 Oh! Fucking Halkirk 44 Tatton Parachute Training School 45 The Marching Song of the Warwickshire Yeomanry 46 The Marching Song of the Border Regiment 46 Sick Parade 47 Reveille 48 Red Cap 49 Puckapunyal 50 Housey-Housey 51 Oh! Reykjavik! 53 At Enugu, Gold Coast 53 Black Bosoms 54 Lagos Lagoon 55 A Note on Drumming and Bugling 57 5. Land of Heat and Sweaty Socks My Little Dug-Out in the Sand 60 In a Littl Dug-Out 61 Desert Blues 61 The Song of the 258 General Transport 62 Side By Side 63 Bardia's Poem 64 Ally Sloper's Cavalry 65 The Suffragi's Wedding 68 Land of Heat and Sweaty Socks 68 Sayida Bint 69 Shari Wag El Burka 70 Alex on the Med 70 King Farouk 71 Thanks for the Memory 72 Queen Farida 72 Working in the Ordnance 74 Suda Bay 75 Libya, Christmas 1940 76 Deutscher, Deutscher 77 There's a Tin Hat on My Bed 78 Oh! Fucking Tobruk 79 Tobruk Song 80 Ali Baba Morshead and His Twenty Thousand Thieves 80 The Harasser's Song 81 Rats of Tobruk 82 The Conchie 84 The Dive Bombers' Song 87 The Party at El Alamein 88 Down by El Alamein 89 The Rifles, the Skins, and the Bold Fusiliers 90 Where the Hun Is, We Go 92 The Second A. I. F. 93 6 Patriotic Poetesses Who Said Decadent England 96 The Motherland 96 The Bootle Air-Raid Shelter Song 97 The Song of the Lagos Bar-Girls 98 [incomplete] Give Thanks in Everything 98 Tom Blamey's Boys 99 There'll Always Be an England While Australia Will Be There 100 Mother's Song 102 A Child's Prayer 102 7. Allies (We Don't Think) The Old Transvaal 104 The Battle for Fondouk Gap 104 Our Cousins 105 Gas Alert 106 8. Frightfully G. H. Q. 'A' Lighters 108 Frightfully G. H. Q. 109 Venal Vera 112 Base Wallopers 113 Horseferry Road 113 The Twats in the Ops Room 114 9. A Soldier Came on Leave One Day White Lilies 116 The Yanks Back Home 117 The Second Front Song 118 My Faithless English Rose 121 In the Moonlight 122 White Feather 123 HMS Hood 123 10 Wearing Khaki Bloomers A WAAF in a Uniforn 126 Khaki Issue 126 The Song of the ATS 127 Working the Sperries 127 Rob 'Em All 128 The Song of the HMAS Centaur 130 11. The Paras Jumping Through the Hole 132 The Man on the Flying Trapeze 132 What a Way to Die 133 Ten Little Paratroops 134 You Don't Have to Push Me, I'll Go 135 And He Ain't Going to Jump No More 136 Passing Thoughts 137 Oh Come Sit By My Side If You Love Me 138 Always Keep Your Trousers Clean 139 You're So Nice to Come Down With 142 The Merry Month of May 143 [On her leg she wears ...] 12. Flying Laying Eggs in the Sky 146 It's Foolish, But It's Fun 146 Who'll Fly a Wimpey? 147 Flying By Night and By Day 147 Flying Flying Fortresses 148 A25 Song 148 13. In the Prison Camps Waiting for Something to Happen 152 All Dressed Up 153 Feelin' Tired 154 Looking at the Moon 155 Keep Smiling 155 Keep Singing 156 When We Sail Down the River 156 Swing Song 157 14. Invasion! The D-Day Dodgers 161 Lucky Fellers 162 The Legion of the Lost 163 Men of Hardwick 163 The Rooty Song 164 The Irish Fusileers 165 The Royal Artillery 166 15. The Forgotten Armies Down by Mandelay 168 Bury Me Out in the Jungle 169 South of Meiktila 170 Bombay Bibley 170 Spud Spedding's Broken Boys 171 Tipperary (Burma) 173 Wait Till You Get to New Guinea 173 Going Round the Bend 180 16. Demob This Is My Story 182 The Gallant Ninth 182 When This War Is Over 184 The Britih Soldier's Discharge Song 185 Repat 186 Jimmy 187 The Airman's Discharge Song 187 The Australian Soldier's Discharge Song 188 Back in Circulation Again 189 The School of War 189 The Navy Pilot's Discharge Song 190 Index of First Lines 191 |
Subject: RE: Index: Soldier Songbooks PermaThread From: and e Date: 05 Apr 09 - 11:08 PM Dear Q, Are you still administering this permathread ? Want more soldier songbooks? Please message me privately. |
Subject: RE: Index: Soldier Songbooks PermaThread From: GUEST,John Mullen Date: 19 Apr 09 - 01:13 PM Thanks for the info in this thread - there were some songbooks I didn't know of |
Subject: RE: Index: Soldier Songbooks PermaThread From: MartinRyan Date: 12 Jul 09 - 11:41 AM "The Army Song Book" indexed by me earlier in this thread is now available online: Click here Regards |
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