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Lyr Req: The Three Gypsies (Archie Fisher)


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Roberto 04 Apr 04 - 01:54 PM
Snuffy 04 Apr 04 - 06:44 PM
Roberto 05 Apr 04 - 01:53 AM
GUEST 26 Nov 15 - 02:41 PM
maeve 27 Nov 15 - 07:24 AM
GUEST 07 Jun 19 - 10:04 AM
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Subject: Lyr Add: THE THREE GYPSIES (from Archie Fisher)
From: Roberto
Date: 04 Apr 04 - 01:54 PM

Please, someone to check this transcription. The main problem is in the last stanza. Thanks. R

Archie Fisher, on Archie Fisher, 1968

Three gypsies cam tae oor hall door
O but they sang bonnie-O
They sang sae neat and sae complete
That they stole the hairt o' a lady-O

And she cam trippin' doon the stairs
Maidens twa afore her-O
When they spied her weel-faured face
They cast their spells oot-owre her-O

And she's kicked off her high-heeled schoon
Made of Spanish leather-O
Awa' she's gone wi' young Johnny Faa
Across the rocks and the heather-O

Lord Cashel (?) he came hame at e'en
Spierin' for his lady-O
The maid she cried and she replied:
She's awa' wi' the gypsy laddies-O!

Gae saddle to me the bonny, bonny black
For the broon was ne'er so speedy-O
When he cam to the water side
He spied his weel-faured lady-O

Will you come home, my honey and my heart?
Will you come home, my lady-O?
Would ye forsake a' your hooses and your land
Your lord and your fine wee bairnie-O?

Last night I lay in a fine feather-bed
Sheets and blankets so cosy-O
This nicht I'll lie in the cauld clay haugh
Rowed in the arms o' a gypsy-O

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Archie Fisher's Three Gipsies
From: Snuffy
Date: 04 Apr 04 - 06:44 PM

This nicht I'll lie in the cauld ... ??????????

definitely "clay", then maybe "hole"

BTW in the previous verse I hear "Your lord and your fine wee bairnie-O?"

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Archie Fisher's Three Gipsies
From: Roberto
Date: 05 Apr 04 - 01:53 AM

Thank you, Snuffy. I wondered if it could be "cauld clay hall". R

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Three Gypsies (Archie Fisher)
Date: 26 Nov 15 - 02:41 PM

This night I'll lie in a cauld barn shed//
is what I now sing.
Archie Fisher

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Three Gypsies (Archie Fisher)
From: maeve
Date: 27 Nov 15 - 07:24 AM

Hi there, Archie.
Maeve, in Maine

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Three Gypsies (Archie Fisher)
Date: 07 Jun 19 - 10:04 AM

It might have been sussed out well before now.

A Haugh is a Scots term for a low lying meadow

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