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BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??

Slag 28 Sep 10 - 07:15 PM
Bobert 28 Sep 10 - 07:45 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 29 Sep 10 - 12:15 AM
Bobert 29 Sep 10 - 09:28 AM
Bobert 29 Sep 10 - 11:19 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 29 Sep 10 - 11:48 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 29 Sep 10 - 11:55 AM
Bobert 29 Sep 10 - 01:08 PM
Stringsinger 29 Sep 10 - 01:12 PM
beardedbruce 29 Sep 10 - 01:45 PM
beardedbruce 29 Sep 10 - 01:54 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 29 Sep 10 - 02:48 PM
Bobert 29 Sep 10 - 05:30 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 29 Sep 10 - 05:40 PM
Slag 29 Sep 10 - 06:16 PM
Bobert 29 Sep 10 - 06:18 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 29 Sep 10 - 09:23 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 29 Sep 10 - 09:25 PM
Slag 30 Sep 10 - 07:04 AM
Bobert 30 Sep 10 - 01:37 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 30 Sep 10 - 02:03 PM
Bobert 30 Sep 10 - 03:39 PM
pdq 30 Sep 10 - 06:23 PM
Bobert 30 Sep 10 - 06:38 PM
pdq 30 Sep 10 - 07:15 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 30 Sep 10 - 07:22 PM
Bobert 30 Sep 10 - 07:48 PM
Sawzaw 30 Sep 10 - 08:53 PM
Slag 01 Oct 10 - 05:21 AM
Bobert 01 Oct 10 - 09:09 AM
beardedbruce 01 Oct 10 - 09:40 AM
Greg F. 01 Oct 10 - 10:02 AM
Bobert 01 Oct 10 - 10:41 AM
Sawzaw 01 Oct 10 - 11:06 AM
beardedbruce 01 Oct 10 - 11:10 AM
beardedbruce 01 Oct 10 - 11:15 AM
Greg F. 01 Oct 10 - 12:32 PM
Sawzaw 01 Oct 10 - 01:31 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 01 Oct 10 - 01:40 PM
Bobert 01 Oct 10 - 01:44 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 01 Oct 10 - 01:51 PM
Greg F. 01 Oct 10 - 02:23 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 01 Oct 10 - 02:35 PM
Greg F. 01 Oct 10 - 04:14 PM
Slag 01 Oct 10 - 04:39 PM
Stringsinger 01 Oct 10 - 04:58 PM
Bobert 01 Oct 10 - 06:14 PM
Greg F. 02 Oct 10 - 09:38 AM
Sawzaw 02 Oct 10 - 11:04 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 02 Oct 10 - 11:17 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Slag
Date: 28 Sep 10 - 07:15 PM

Again, both Bobertz and Strings are partially right (er', I mean 'correct'). I fear ALL government(s) as they could all represent undue power over peaceful, little old me! I believe in the general welfare of all. I believe in a common defense. In a free country and as a free man I believe that the government that governs least is generally the best. I do not need a leader. As a free man I am my own leader and I want to lead my own life. Busybodies and governments, BUTT OUT! Ideally, a government should provide ways and means for me and other free people to do just that and to conduct our lives as we see fit.

On the other hand, it takes the government to provide or at least pave the way for other goods and services which the individual cannot provide, take care of the bad guys (criminals), insure health standards in food and medicine and medical practices, etc. So it's a balancing act with Government on one side and my freedoms and rights on the other. I want a government that won't let me or anyone else run amok, hurting people and I want a government that recognizes my (our) inalienable (read: untouchable) rights. The equation sign or the fulcrum, if you will, is you and me in the middle. That's all. In light of our Constitution that is a reasonable expectation. I'm conservative. That means I want to keep things that way and work towards that more complete union, of by and for WE the PEOPLE. That's what I want to conserve. I'm pretty liberal about a lot of other things. Don't tell me how to enjoy my life and I won't tell you how to live your life, unless you ask me and are genuinely interested.

I don't hate President Obama. I just think he is wrong minded about these things. Why are you constantly trying to make me out to be a racist and a hater? Maybe to justify your wrongheaded ideas? You have to demonize your enemy before you can feel at ease about killing him? It makes it a lot easier to pull the trigger or as in former President Bushie's case to put the noose around "Monkey Boy's" neck as some of you were want to call him and so glibbly talked about doing on another thread some time back.

And yet if some misguided zealot depicts Obama as a monkey (on a sign Which read "monkey see, monkey do") at the fringes of a tea party, well, he's a racist! Who knows? You might be right about that. What does that make you though? A patriot? Put the Kool-aid down and come out of the jungle (which is a reference to Jim Jones and not Mr. Obama's ethnicity. I know how you think.).

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 28 Sep 10 - 07:45 PM

Hey, I point out where I see right wing propaganda drippin' from folks posts... Obama wants world starvation??? I mean, lets get real here??? Obamacare??? Right winged propaganda being driven by tens upon millions of ver subtle advertising and allowin' a right wing propaganda machine to operate as if it were a legit "news station" under a FCC licnese... Fox should be booted off the public airwaves and be made to become a cable channel...

I mean, think about it... What if you wanted to buy a new Toyota and you were in the sales office and there in the room with you and the Toyota salesman was a Honda salesman telling you every step of the way that Toyotas suck... I mean, when we allow the ***publicly owned airwaves*** to be used as 100% propaganda then that is exactly what you have... No wonder so many people want the health care reform repealed... They have been bombarded from every which way from DAY 1 with propaganda... Lots of it purchased... Lot's of it FoxFree... But the outcome is still the same... And who has paid for this??? Health insurance companies put tens of millions in Dick Armie's lobbiest firm... Tens of millions (perhaps hundreds) were spent to do what the Honda salesamn was trying to do...

The problem here is that the rich can afford to smear anything that might redirect some of the wealth they have stolen from the middle class over the last 30 years... Where exactly does the middle class come up with those kinds of bucks to, or ownership of it's own FCC blessed propaganda network to fight back???

We4ll, I'll tell you where... They don't!!! The middle class doesn't have any clout and therefore ends up getting shafted every which way to Sunday... And look at the ads and look at the FOX propagnada... Who is it aimed at??? The less educated... The most emotional v. intellectual... I mean, eduacted people can see thru the smoke screen that Boss Hog sets up... The marginally educated do not have the critical thinking skills to know jack from jack and there fore become the folks that all the propaganda is aimed at and therefore you get sttements like:

"Obama has trashed the constitution"... This isn't information... This is propaganda... or...

"Obam wants mass starvation"... Again, anyone with the ability to think critically see thru this as a PR stunt to get the uneduacted lathered up against Obama...

So bottom line??? If one is using those kinds of falming generalizations then one most likely doesn't have the intellectual capacity to see thruth and takes the propaganda hook, line and sinker...

Yes, I was hard on George Bush but it wasn't because someone with a lot of money with an axe to grind used propaganda on me... No, like I said, we don't have too much of that on the left (George Soros being the exception but he's chump change compared to the $$$ on the right)... No, I was hard on George Bush because he stole and election, because he was fiscally irresponsible and because he started two wars that never should have been started... Them is some serious rteason to be hard on someone...

Going out and trying to improve our health care??? Trying to regulate mining and crooked bankers??? Where's the harm to the middle class??? There isn't any...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 12:15 AM

Bobert: ""Obama has trashed the constitution"... This isn't information... This is propaganda... or...
"Obam wants mass starvation"... Again, anyone with the ability to think critically see thru this as a PR stunt to get the uneduacted lathered up against Obama...
So bottom line??? If one is using those kinds of falming generalizations then one most likely doesn't have the intellectual capacity to see thruth and takes the propaganda hook, line and sinker..."

....and all the Democrats who supported and/or voted for Obama's agendas, are distancing themselves from the President....Why's that??

The Obama Administration, pushed most all of his agendas through, with the help of a majority, of Dems licking his boots...and now he is blaming Fox News, for his FAILED policies???? Fox didn't write or vote for those bills!...and now it's THEIR fault????

Obama runs up the biggest deficit, BIGGER than ALL Presidents before him, including Bush, and now its ALL Bush's fault?????

Talking about 'spinning', Bobert,(and probably Amos Lightfoot, as well), You have been spinning so hard and fast, it's quite obvious to us, that you're pretty fucking dizzy.

Slow down, and analyze this stuff a little clearer. You are not accomplishing ANYTHING by parroting the liberal EXCUSE machine, and thinking that YOU are not propagating propaganda, yourself!! Your rap, is so monotonous, and ill informed, AND out of step with most Americans, that you are becoming irrelevant !!! Jeez, I just skimmed your post, because the stuff you are saying, reflects DNC desperation blather points...and if there is a time, where VALID criticism, of the Republicunts, that would be useful, is NOW!...Not all these lame, finger pointing blame charges, that simply are not true!..nor constructive!..Just, shit like, "Don't blame me! I'm not responsible!.. Its Fox, or Bush, or 97% of all forest fires, are caused by trees!"

Just maybe, just maybe, is Obama, and the disappointment he brought with him. Stimulus??? Unemployment not going above 8.5%??
Here, I'll help you: "Well GfinS, it would have been 54% without it!"
Bullshit!.........."Well it was because of Bush"...only partially true...."Fox News fired everyone, across the's their fault" ..Bullshit! ...."It's the Tea Party, they did it!"...Bullshit! They are a re-action...."No No No, you don't get it...its that stupid bitch Sarah Palin! She made everyone turn against Obama!"....Bullshit...."No, No..It was Glenn Beck, who cast the deciding vote!"...Bullshit!

People were so over-hyped about the over-hyping of candidate Obama, and fell into the 'American Idol' mentality, instead of paying attention, that really, there was no where else to go but down!..Plus, the policies stink!...and employed bribes for votes, to get through....AND, DID NOT REPRESENT THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO IT WAS SUPPOSED TO SERVE!.......and now he has been found out. What did you expect???

Hey, the same thing is going to happen to the Republicunts, because of the over re-action momentum they are riding now.

As my Dad used to say, "There is nothing so permanent, as change...the pendulum swings from side to side...but the wheels of time, roll slow, but grind fine"
Wise man.


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 09:28 AM

Og course the Dems are distancing themselves, GfinS... You aren't paying attention... This is all about a multimillion dollar subtle smear campaign that is paying off in spades... And, guess what... They are still at it... There are so many bogus organizations out there that Boss Hog funnels his $$$ that it would be amusing if it weren't downright repulsive...

The new one 'round here has to do with ***the big scarey goevernment*** wanting to decide what you buy at the grocery store... Here's the lady walking down the isle at the Food Fresh and she's ranting about how ***big scarey government*** now wants to tax our foods in a manner that will allow ***the big scarey government*** to regulate what we buy at the Food Fresh... First of all ***the big scarey government*** has no interest in taxing our foods... But more imporatntly, the message is ONCE AGAIN, "The government is in our lives and on our back!!!"... That is one of the few right winged talking points that we are now have rammed home ONCE AGAIN by the right wing...

Message: Be afraid of the government... Government is bad, bad, bad...

Who is paying for this ad: Who knows buit take a guess... Welcome to the Supreme Courts "Citizens" ruling...

Yer dad was right, ahhhhh, correct, GfinS... Back then, yeah, the pendulum did swing... Doesn't do all that much swinging of late... The right has had the country by the throat for 30 years and still does and with "Citizens" and an electorate that isn't in the Top 20 in terms of education, there won't be any swinging to the left again until we get the following:

1. Better educated people who can think

2. Publicaly funded elections

3. FOX off the ****public**** airwaves as per the original intent set up over 60 years ago

4. Full disclosure of just who is buying advertsining

5. The reintroduction of "critiacl thinking" in our schools


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 11:19 AM

BTW, GfinS... Ain't Amos and me that are ill-informed... Compared to you both of us are like Menza material compared to the "special needs" segment here in the Catbox...

Like I said... Yer daddy's pendulum is stuck on "right" and will be until we have an ***informed*** electorate with real ***critical thinking*** skills.... "Right" now, that doesn't look possible as the country is goin' down fast...

(But, Boberdz... People been saying that forever...)

Yeah??? Look at the US statisticly... Health care??? 17% (1st in the world in terms of cost) and not in the Top 10 in life expectancy!!!
Education??? 1st in the world in math and science a genaration ago... Now??? Not in the Top 20 in either...

These are things that "liberals", you know those ill-informed "elitists" are concerned about yet have to listen to the same ol' ill-informed, emotive bullshit from ya'll righties...

You think yer tired of what Amos and I have to say??? Not to worry... One day all the educated people with the ability to think critically will die offd and then you and Slagster can have Epsilon Nation that ya'll seem to want... You know, kinda like "Mad Max Afetr the Thunderdome"...

Then all will be well...

Until then, those of us who do have both a knowledge base and critical thinking skills will just have to bore ya'll on yer way down, down, down...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 11:48 AM

Bobert: "This is all about a multimillion dollar subtle smear campaign that is paying off in spades... And, guess what... They are still at it... There are so many bogus organizations out there that Boss Hog funnels his $$$ that it would be amusing if it weren't downright repulsive..."

"...The Multimillion dollar subtle smear campaign..." is what got Obama elected in the first place!

Bobert: ""The government is in our lives and on our back!!!"... That is one of the few right winged talking points that we are now have rammed home ONCE AGAIN by the right wing."

It's also a FACT, that BOTH sides have been pushing...but then, one side promoting just the 'ONE side', disregard FACTS anyway. The Obama regime, just rammed through the intrusion of being able to look into our E-mails, and such. Just HOW is that much different from the 'Patriot Act'. I think it is an extension of the SAME the SAME people! In any event, the INTRUSION of our personal freedoms, just keep coming in. Check out the regulatory shit in the new 'Health Care' farce!

Bobert: "3. FOX off the ****public**** airwaves as per the original intent set up over 60 years ago

Fox is not the problem. The first case of FREEDOM (getting unpopular with politicos), was Peter Zenger:

The history of libel in American can be traced directly to one man: John Peter Zenger.

"(Libel is printed material that is known to be false. It usually involves verbal attacks on people, usually public figures like government officials or celebrities.)

Zenger was a printer, the publisher of the New York Weekly Journal. He stood accused of printing comments that were critical of the British governor of New York, William Cosby. Zenger began publishing his newspaper in late 1733. The following year (November 17, 1734), he was arrested and thrown in jail. The charge was libel.

Now, the laws prohibiting libel at that time meant that you couldn't print anything bad about the government or you'd be arrested. Zenger was publishing words that were critical of Governor Cosby, and the governor didn't like it. So he had Zenger arrested and thrown in jail.

The young printer sat in jail for eight months until his case came to trial. Interest in the case grew and grew, with both sides taking a keen interest. Finally, Zenger got a chance to have his say in court.

He was defended by a brilliant young attorney named Andrew Hamilton, whose brother was Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founding Fathers. Andrew Hamilton saw a way to make a name for himself and for his client. He also saw a way to change the face of law forever in America. His strategy: argue that it wasn't libel if it was true."

Hamilton won the case for Zenger.
If you don't like Fox News, don't watch it. You start censuring them, you open up a MASSIVE can of worms......but that don't matter to the 'far left', huh?

I know...those darn founding fathers keep getting in the way, of the 'far left'!!!

Bobert: "4. Full disclosure of just who is buying advertsining"

AGREED!!!...Then we can find out just exactly who is financing who!...including the millions Saudi Arabia gave to promote Obama.(you should look that one up).. I personally don't think foreign countries should be allow to finance any of our elections! Nor Corporations, Nor unions!!!

Bobert: "5.The reintroduction of "critiacl thinking" in our schools"

Besides, the political interpretation of, "The reintroduction of "critiacl thinking" in our schools" I'd be happy if they taught SPELLING a little better!!...don't you???? (A lot of your posts take considerable effort to decipher).

Get off the 'far left blather points', and into reality!
Personally, I take most 'news' sources, with mixed skepticism...but you should watch Fox, once in a while, to see what the 'other side' is saying, and maybe even 'why'. It is better for objective CRITICAL thinking!


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 11:55 AM

Bobert: "Education??? 1st in the world in math and science a genaration ago... Now??? Not in the Top 20 in either..."

Are you trying to tell me, that the American Federation of Teachers Union(AFT), is a right wing organization, and the members are Conservatives??????????????????
Have another hit!


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 01:08 PM

No, GfonS... What I am telling you once again, which BTW is like trying to p ound the square peg into the round hole, is that the political power in the country has been in the hands of the right going back 30 years... Bill Clinton wasn't no liberal... Dem??? Yeah... Liberal??? No!!! Just another rightie in a long string of them...

So, if we are to just seperate all that "Zenger Conspiracy" crap outta the discussion and just look at the report card and where we, as a ntion, ranks now compared to when the righties took over then it's "Houston, we have a problem"...

I mean, ya'll righties get way too bogged down in stuff that really has nothin' to do with nuthion'...

"Liberals", however are lookin' around, seein' that gapin' hold in thr side of the boat and inflating the life boats while ya'll righties are content to sing on with on with one conspiracy tune after another???

I mean, Einstein said that "repeating behavior expecting different results is insanity" and that's exactly what ya'll are all about... Thus the "in' in "GfinS"...

Ya'll gettin way too much entertainment value outta smugly parroting one rightie talkin' point after another with total disregard for the reality that the boat is going down and that everyone needs to pull together to try to fix it...

That's the bottom line here, GfinS... The "liberals" don't wnat the boat to go down but ya'll on the right are perfectly willin' to let it go down if it means that ya'll will have "the power" when the stern fianlly disappears from sight...

But you and the Slagster just keep gettin' yer jollies exposing/parroting Boss Hog's fight song... Seems that ya'll stuck with what you are stuck with and it's like a bad poker hand... Too bad that folks on the right want so much for the country to fail just to get Obama out... Purdy self defeatin' on ya'll's part...

Me??? Yeah, I wanta try reforming the health care system 'cuase it is one of the major causes of the country's decline... And I want to fix the eduactional system 'cause it's equally responsible... Yet you want to play game about unions... Hey, you know that I have come out here in support of Michelle Rhee so to say that I am strickly some dogmatic person who only parrots some ficticious set of beliefs isn't accurate at all... It shows that "liberals" want to do what needs to be done to fix stuff...

Unions is another story... When the country had 30% membership the real wages of the middle class rose... When it got to 20% the decline began... Yeah, you can point out abuses... But those are case-by-case... When you set policy on one or two case studies and not the big picture you set bad policy...

Now 'ol hillbilly has had just about enuff of wranglin' on this thread fir now... Plus, gotta get back to work 'cause we're gettin' ready to get hammered with rain which is gonna knock this pudder down fir a day 'er so... So ya'll just have at it... Sing all the very latest Boss Hog fight songs...

BTW, don't look fir Amos to come along and rebute ya'lls stuff 'cuase he's allready on the east coast for the Getaway so...

...looks like its gonna be a rightie love-fest fie awhile here...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Stringsinger
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 01:12 PM

It's futile to continue to use the word "terrorist" since it has become a political propaganda mechanism as a way of labeling an "enemy". It used to have one meaning but the Tea Party G.O.P. as well as some Dems have distorted it to beat those over the head of those with whom they disagree. "Terrorist" is the new "Communist".

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: beardedbruce
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 01:45 PM


YOUR statement "the political power in the country has been in the hands of the right going back 30 years." is somewhat inaccurate. 2010 - 1994 = 16 years

"The Republican Revolution or Revolution of '94 is what the Republican Party of the United States dubbed their success in the 1994 U.S. midterm elections,[1] which resulted in a net gain of 54 seats in the House of Representatives, and a pickup of eight seats in the Senate. The day after the election, Democratic Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama changed parties, becoming a Republican.

The gains in seats in the mid-term election resulted in the Republicans gaining control of both the House and the Senate in January 1995. Republicans had not held the majority in the House for forty years, since the 83rd Congress (elected in 1952). Large Republican gains were made in state houses as well when the GOP picked up twelve gubernatorial seats and 472 legislative seats. In so doing, it took control of 20 state legislatures from the Democrats. Prior to this, Republicans had not held the majority of governorships since 1972. In addition, this was the first time in 50 years that the GOP controlled a majority of state legislatures.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: beardedbruce
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 01:54 PM

"In the 1996, 1998, and 2000 elections, Republicans lost Congressional seats but still retained control of the House and, more narrowly, the Senate. After the 2000 election, the Senate was divided evenly between the parties, with Republicans retaining the right to organize the Senate due to the election of Dick Cheney as Vice President and ex officio presiding officer of the Senate. The Senate shifted to control by the Democrats (though they technically were the plurality party as they were one short of a majority) after GOP senator Jim Jeffords changed party registration to "Independent" in June 2001, but later returned to Republican control after the November 2002 elections. In the 2006 elections, Democrats won both the House of Representatives (233 Democrats, 202 Republicans) and the Senate (49 Democrats, 49 Republicans, and 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats) as well as the majority of state governorships (28-22)."

So, the Republicans were in control of Congress from 1995 to 2007...12 years total, INCLUDING an 18 month interruption ( June 2001 to Jan 2003)

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 02:48 PM

Bruce, I think Bobert uses the word "Righties" and "Boss Hog" to describe ANYONE who disagrees with his personal points of view. He does, however, have a real problem distinguishing liberal talking points, with FACTS, and therefore is blinded as to the sources of the very things he is whining about...which. of course, affects the outcome for any real solutions!

So called 'liberals' (which in most cases, are far from liberal), have the distinct attribute of accusing, and whining, to get their way.

As far as Clinton being, or not being 'liberal' enough, to considered 'far left', who knows....but one thing for sure, he was always Bush Sr.'s, buddy, right back to the co-operation they had, when Bush was running guns for coke, into Central America(true story). Mena was where?....under whose 'governorship'???

Your pals at work. Your tax dollars, with it!!!!! .

..Oh, and..." So, if we are to just seperate all that "Zenger Conspiracy" crap outta the discussion...."

'Zenger Conspiracy'?????????????

You probably should click the link, which referred to that...If those damn right wing teachers taught you to read!

Bobert, You might want to get after those 'right wing' teachers about your math skills, and history lessons, too....(Damn right wing conspiring teachers!)

Oh yeah, and as long as we're at it, Bobert: "No, GfonS... What I am telling you once again, which BTW is like trying to p ound the square peg into the round hole......"

YOU'RE the one with the hammer in his hand!!

Smiles and Waves,


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 05:30 PM

No, I mean "right" to mean "right"... To me, that is anyone who works toward demolishing any programs that might in any way level the playing filed to make life easier for the middle class and the poor among us...

The least humanistic of the right say "touhg" and the ones trying to sound caring think that the churches can make up the gap... Neither seem to have shown to work...

As fir the Zender guy??? Never heard of him but if that is who the right now says is responsible for "liberalism" then I'd have to say that sniffs of conspiracy thinking...

As for the right having a lock on thde country, bb... It really has less to do with elections than manipulation of public opinion... That started with Ronald Reagan... He was the one with the not-so-bright idea that what the country needed was less government and regs... That has been the prevailing attitude for 30 years and when Bush II left office it was apparent,even to a dead Helen Keller, that is was a failed model for governing... It ain't about Dems or Repubs or Newt Gingrich... That was just side show politics as the pendu;lum was being welded so that it would be able to ever swing left again...

And it's still firmly welded and ain't budging... When it looked as if the welds might be weakening the Supreme Court came in with the "Citizens" ruling which should hold for years...

So fir all you crybabies on the right??? You are all delussional if you think the left will ever again see the pedulum coming back... The fix is in and like in any failed state, the die is firmly cast against the US succeeding ther greed of the rich...

And guess what bb and Gfins... Ya'll are the dupes keeping the rich rich and everyone sle going backwards... Great job, ya'll... Boss Hog loves you both very much and keep up the good work...

Like horses in the fields in "Animal Farm" ya'll are the dupes of all dupes...

But I like ya' both even if you are completely barinwahed to doing the masters bidding...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 05:40 PM

Bobert, Quit being lazy, uneducated and opinionated at the same time!

I gave you a link, about Peter Zenger. It is in our American history..a VERY important case precedent was set there. It would serve you well, to hip yourself to you don't come off, blathering about stuff you are ignorant about.

By the way, re-read your last post...the spelling is atrocious!...I mean, Do you really want to come off as illiterate?

Hey, I'm being supportive of YOU...just not your blind side.



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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Slag
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 06:16 PM

Right wing? Left wing? Pendulum? Take off the blinders fer cryn' out loud! Boberts is fighting where no one is attacking and nobody seems to be FOLLOWING the MONEY! That is what a good detective always does because it will ALWAYS lead you to the perpetrator(s)! Why? Money is power in this world so that's where the psychotic control freaks congregate. They are behind the scene pulling those strings and if they have you distracted and running around in little left-right circles, they are deleriously happy because you are generating money for them (read: You are WORKING for THEM)and all you can see is the agrument they fabricated for you, left and right. Sure, they throw in some ideals which are near and dear to your hearts but who reads or cares about a story line if you can't relate to it in some manner. The alarm is ringing! Time to get up before the next war is generated and makes them even MORE money!

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 06:18 PM

Funny lookin' support, GfinS... Heck, ya' don't even like my spellin'... Now that does it fir me... I mean, me and Al Gore invented spellin'...

Illiterate. my butt... I'm lexdexic... There's a difference... Plus, there ain't no ltters on the keys of my typewriter here... They wored off from years of po undin' on it... Ya' see, lexdexic people don't really see mis-spelled words like un-lexdexics... I mean, I can type somethin' that might be mis-spelled but lexdexic folks don't look at the pudder screen and see it that way all the time... Might of fact, we don't see it all most of the time... I mean, if it has some of the correct letters it looks fine... Welcome to lexdexia 101...

(Well, Boberdz... Why don't you use spell check...)

Well, sho nuff could... Then I be wrestlin' 'round with ya'll knotheads and the check thing, too... Forget it...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 09:23 PM

Bobert: "...Might of fact, we don't see it all most of the time..."

Amen to that!!


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 29 Sep 10 - 09:25 PM

Right on, Slag. Hey, Where did you get so Sane? Are you from Sanity-Land, too?


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Slag
Date: 30 Sep 10 - 07:04 AM

Yeah, I reckon. I peek in here to see how the inmates are getting along from time to time, stir 'em up a bit then run for cover!

I love these guys, really. Preaching to the choir is no fun. I like a challenge! People who agree with me all the time scare me!

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 30 Sep 10 - 01:37 PM

I'd get up a big long post fir ya'llz entertainment but this pudder gonna crap out real soon... Ya' see, we here in the Mid Atlantic is in the middle of some serious rain... Well, it's slowed down fir now and allowing the satallit to get thru the cloud but that ain't gonna stay like that fir long 'cause they expecting Round Two shortly and we be back in the monsoon...

Me??? Screw it!!! I been out in the barn organizing the stuff we need to sell v. the stuff we don't if we are able to sell our farm and move to Carolina... I ain't too worried abiout the Tea Party today 'cuase seems that ther are about couple thousand "stink bugs" hiding in everything they can in th barn... Ther plannin' of livin' in there this winter and I'm sure lot will but fir now??? I'm killing the sumabiches by the hundreds...

Ahhhhh, not to wooryy, Slagster... Long as you stay plugged into Boss Hog's PR propaganda ol' hillbilly gonna be here to tell ya how wrong his PR crap is...

Man, I just thought of somethin'... If I move to Carolina and living out from Charlotte where there ain't no mountains, will I still be a hillbilly??? Hmmmmmmmm??? That been buggin' me alot... No, not like them stinky bugs but buggin' me, non the less...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 30 Sep 10 - 02:03 PM

Slag, I know exactly what you mean!!!!!
We ought to get together, somehow...Could be a blast!
By the way, what instrument(s), do you play, and stuff like that?..what musical tastes have you?
..and what part of the country do you live?


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 30 Sep 10 - 03:39 PM

He's out there on the left coast, GfinS... Ya'llz outta get together seein' as yout wo is the only 2 righties livin' on the left coast...

Kilt me another couple hunert stinky bugs... I been thinkin' that maybe I shouldn't kill them but box 'um all up and send 'um tos FOX-PAC... They open that box o' bugs up an' maybe take their minds (minds???) off the mythology and give 'um somethin' real to worry about...

5 inches of rain right now... My pond, which has all but dried up is full and spillin' over the spill way... Hate to see what the driveway looks like down below... Oh well, got a day on the tractor to fix it tomorroew before tomorrow nights gig and then off to the Getaway to conspire with Amos... Maybe play alot of music, too...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: pdq
Date: 30 Sep 10 - 06:23 PM

today 'cuase seems that ther are about couple thousand "stink bugs" hiding in everything they can in th barn...

Do you mean a true bug or a black beetle that sticks its hind end in the air?

Just curious.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 30 Sep 10 - 06:38 PM

No, pdq... The mid-Atlantic states are infested with "Chinese Stink Bugs... Nasty things, too...

Google up "stink bugs" and see what I mean...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: pdq
Date: 30 Sep 10 - 07:15 PM

OK, I see it is a true bug, order Hemiptera.

Fire away! I hate 'em too. Use a "total release" aerosol bomb with pyrethrin or related organic pesticide. Inside a closed barn it will be prety effective. You can try to bum one from a professional exterminator if you can't find one for sale elsewhere.

I thought you might mean the "stink beetle" which is often called a "stink bug". The beetle, genus Eleodes, can live for years and they even have personality. I keep some for pets occasionally.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 30 Sep 10 - 07:22 PM

Nope, Bobert, I'm not on the 'left coast'..I used to be though...a few years ago....


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 30 Sep 10 - 07:48 PM

Well, then... Looks like poor ol' Slag gonna have find some other folks to jam with...

Ahhhhh, I don't use no poisons on them stinky bugs, pdq... I been smackin' 'um with an old paint brush... Some take two smacks but most go out with one...

Nasty bugs... Looks as if they are gonna be a problem in the Virginia/Dc?mary land area for some time to come... Maybe forever seein' as nuthin, except a few bored cats, eat them...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Sawzaw
Date: 30 Sep 10 - 08:53 PM

Well Well Well, We have heard Blowhard** Bobert trying to terrorize us into thinkin the teaparty is a terrorist organization for months now.

Who has he convinced?

His buds keep telling him they are not a terrorist organization but he keeps up his rant. This is the way Bobert turns fiction into fact in his brain.

Who were believes that the Tea Party is a terrorist organization?

**1.         blow-hard
Someone who likes to shamelessly talk out of their ass.
Bill O'Reilly from Fox News is a blow-hard.
A person that is known to rant and rave about things. Their opinions are usually ignorant and lack evidence. The term comes from the literal meaning of "blowing hard". If you blow hard enough people pretty much have to listen.
Famous blow-hards include Glenn Beck and Dr. Phil.
Someone who boasts excessively and exaggeratively about his or her imagined talents or abilities. Also characteristic of someone who thinks they know something that others do not.

A very boastful and talkative person; a braggart 2. A self-important egomaniac who likes to toot his own horn.

Someone who speaks loud and long, offering an opinion YOU disagree with.

A person who takes great pleasure in boasting or bragging about themself.

"The professor's tendancy to always bring up his credentials in conversation gave him a reputation as an egotistical blowhard."

A very braggy and pretentious person, overly prideful and arrogant. See egotist.

Someone who talks a big game for the sole pleasure of instigating an argument without rational back-up to his/her point(s).

A person that's insecure with their existence, and by their own virtue, they feel the need to blatantly spew ilk and diatribe about other people that are otherwise innocent.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Slag
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 05:21 AM

Well Ggfs, if you dropped that first G or even the first and second g then I could PM you a little inside info. I know, you think it might sully your creds and maybe you can't afford the dues. Shucks, it only costs me $50 a month to be a member!

This probably signals the end of this troll trap but yup! I'm somewhere in Northern CA. I have two functioning guitars, one with wires one with nylon. I have a handful of harmonicas (which I love cause they're always in tune) and anything else I've attempted to play isn't worth mentioning. I noodle a lot and never play the same thing the same way twice. Some tunes I even recognize. I seem to have many talents but music isn't very high on the list. And it's odd too, because I have very musical forebearers and same so children.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 09:09 AM

Looks as is the Tea Party candidate for New York's governorship has threatened to "take out" a reporter who asked him to provide sources that hos Dem opponent is having an affair???

This is what I have been talkin' about here, folk... Threatening to kill p[eople who do no agree with you ain't what this country is about... It's what the Taliban does...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: beardedbruce
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 09:40 AM


You mean like the White House (former) chief of staff and HIS comments about what he would do to those who did not go along with what Obama wanted???? I think that "take out" were the words he used...

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Greg F.
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 10:02 AM

Paladino is and always has been throughout his long and somewhat dubious money-making career an asshole and an absolute moron.

It is astonishing that anyone in New York with even pretentions to intelligence would consider turning State government over to this idiot.

No less amazing is that the regular Republican Party would endorse him;
the "Grand Old Party" has become the Party Of The Brain Dead.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 10:41 AM

So, bruce... Given the repeated threats of violence by the Tea Party against those with whom they disagree, your entire defense is built around one single asshole who is, at the very best, barely associated with the left???

Is that yer final answer???

I mean, you ain't bringin' a gun to the Getaway, are you???


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Sawzaw
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 11:06 AM

Well Well Well. So far no one here believes the Tea Party is a terrorist organization.

Even Bobert won't come out and say it. He just plays cutesy little word games.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: beardedbruce
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 11:10 AM

"one single asshole who is, at the very best, barely associated with the left???

The leaving WH Cheif of staff for Obama is "at the very best, barely associated with the left??"

I think you need to look at what you just said- YOUR logic means that Obama is a terrorist, which even the Tea Party is not claiming.

I can bring one if you want- but I'd rather bring musical instruments.

I HAVE been told that my singing could be deadly, though.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: beardedbruce
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 11:15 AM

So, Bobert, YOUR claim that the Tea Party is terrorist is based on what? A SINGLE set of pictures of ONE person carrying a gun at one Tea Party event, out of HOW MANY attendees and HOW many events??

I thing the percentage of the Executive branch that has made threats against opponents is a bit higher than the percentage of Tea Party supporters.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Greg F.
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 12:32 PM

Sawz & BB:

You're missing ( or simply ignoring? )a critical difference: Emanuel was joking & Paladino wasn't.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Sawzaw
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 01:31 PM

Suddenly [Rahm] Emanuel grabbed his steak knife and, as those who were there remember it, shouted out the name of another enemy, lifted the knife, then brought it down with full force into the table.

''Dead!'' he screamed.

The group immediately joined in the cathartic release: ''Nat Landow! Dead! Cliff Jackson! Dead! Bill Schaefer! Dead!''

Today, Rahm Emanuel is [was], at 37, one of the most powerful people at the White House.

Does Rham Emanuel belong to a terrorist organization?

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 01:40 PM

Sawzaw, Are you sure you want to confuse them with actual FACTS???


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 01:44 PM

Yeah, eceryone knows Rahm's style... But it's just his style... I mean, lot's of folks go around sayin' stuff like, "If you eat that last slice of pir, I'll kill you"... That is a "figure of speech" that in no way meant to mean literally kill... Rahm, is a big ol' huffy puffy guy who brings that Chicgao style with him... I mean, his language is known to be "rough"... I really don't care for that kind of language myslef but when he says stuff, folks know how to take him...

I watched the New York guy last night and, given the circumstance, he was very convincing that he was prepared to kill this reporter feller... Now given the backdrop of the "reload" crap with the "2nd ammendment remedies" that the Tea Partyiers use routinely (not style) it does represent a serious problem with these people... Seems that the only qualification to win a primary as a Tea Bagger is to be seriouslly pissed off (at what ot whom, who knows sinnce they are always real vague) and be willing to threaten their opponents with shooting them...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 01:51 PM

Bobert, you're making stuff up again...I saw the tape, repeatedly. He never threatened to kill did he? What he said could have meant several things even legally, too. I'm not a Paladino fan, or not...but stick to the actual events...and I think that a father, of a child, SHOULD be willing and able to protect their children, and that reporters don't need to be involving the children of candidates, to either smear a candidate, or sell papers. Leave the kids, alone!!


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Greg F.
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 02:23 PM

Sorry, Sawz- that wonderful Emanuel anecdote of yours - if true - dates from 1992.

Whatcha got from the last 18 years?


I thought so.

The Tea-liban, Palladino et. al. are here and now.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 02:35 PM

Greg F:Sorry, Sawz- that wonderful Emanuel anecdote of yours - if true - dates from 1992."

If its NOT true, does it still date back to 1992 ?????????


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Greg F.
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 04:14 PM

So GFS, what IS this compulsion of yours to prove you're a prat?

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Slag
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 04:39 PM

Wow! Am I relieved to learn from Ertsbob that if terrorism and murder are your style, well then it passes lefty muster! Gee, guess I have been in the wrong party all along.

New strategy for the tea party. Cyanide capsules with the word "Democrat" printed on them. They will swallow anything with their label on it!

-Not a Terrorist Slag-
(It's just my style!)

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Stringsinger
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 04:58 PM

Rahm's father was a member of the Irgun.

Paladino is mad at reporters because he's an angry guy. There was no justification for
his response. He could have clammed up which he should have and left the reporter.
He likes to fight, that's obvious.

Pugnacious politicians seem to command respect from some Americans. Their responses
are unhelpful to solving social problems or promoting meaningful dialogue. If you are a Republican today, there usually is no meaningful dialogue to take place. ("Don't bother me with the facts.") ("Don't challenge my godly way of thinking.")

Pugnacious behavior is not the same as being assertive in a reasonable way. This is what Obama should be doing with the Pentagon (See Woodward's book).

The words "terrorist" and "communist" in the minds of reactionary people mean the same thing. Is the Tea Party a Communist Organization?

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Bobert
Date: 01 Oct 10 - 06:14 PM

"If you come near my daughter's house, I'll take you out" is what Mr. Foul-temper said, GfinS... Not too sure where yer from but in these parts that meahns "kill" you... You know "take you out" of thr game of life...

But seein' as you have become one of the Tea Party apologists here I'm sure you thought that Paladino was talkin' about "taking the reporter out to supper"... Or maybe fir some hand-dipped ice cream...

Come on, GfinS... Get yer head outta that bad place it's in... I mean, seems that your are becoming more like Sawz every day and he has serious mental problems...

(Oh, there ya' go, Boberdz... Now GfinS gonna say you got mental problems...)

Like who don't know that's what she's gonna say??? Who cares... My head is on straight... I don't feel like I gotta defend anyone strictly based on what party they belong to... Seems GfinS got blinders on here with the Tea Party folks...


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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Greg F.
Date: 02 Oct 10 - 09:38 AM

Rahm's father was a member of the Irgun.

And that's relevent because?????? is he thus part of "The International Jewish Conspiracy"? or is he just"Acting Like A Jew"??

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: Sawzaw
Date: 02 Oct 10 - 11:04 AM

Bobert's double standard: ''Dead!'' he screamed. "That is a "figure of speech" that in no way meant to mean literally kill."

"he was very convincing that he was prepared to kill this reporter feller." But he never said kill or dead or death.

Spin away Bobert, run damage control for Obama's former #1 man but there still ain't nobody here convinced that the Tea Party is a terrorist organization.

Even you are too chicken to say that you believe it yourself. The true mark of a blowhard.

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Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 02 Oct 10 - 11:17 PM

Today the 'Fed' announced that it was going to devalue the dollar, by 10%...and that we should immediately feel the effects.

Told you.
We've been printing fiat money.
Actually, I'm expecting a total collapse of the United States economy, within about six months...not just because of this, but a lot more.

I hope I'm wrong!


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