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Joybell 10 Jan 09 - 01:55 AM
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Subject: Index: Ballads from the Jails & Streets of Ireland
From: Joybell
Date: 10 Jan 09 - 01:55 AM

BALLADS from the jails and streets of Ireland.
Published by Red Hand Books. Dublin. 1966. Compiled and edited by Martin Shannon.

Songs of our Land -- 6
Brave Thomas Traynor -- 7
The Claddagh Boatman -- 8
The Rusty Gun -- 8
Lough Sheelin Side -- 9
The Man who Blew Oul' Nelson Down --11
Burning of an Immigrant Ship -- 12
Peter Crowley -- 14
The Outlaw -- 15
Fear An Bhata -- 16
Ballyshannon Lane -- 17
The Banks of the Lee -- 19
The Kilkenny Louse House -- 20
Carrickfergus -- 21
Henry Joy -- 22
Erin's Lovely Lee -- 23
Ireland Over All -- 25
The Glens of Sweet Mayo -- 26
Brave Tom Williams -- 29
The Battle of Ardnocher -- 29
Preab San Ol -- 31
The Blackbird of Sweet Avondale -- 32
The Wife of the Bold Tennant Farmer -- 34
Ireland, I Wish You Were Free! -- 36
An Spailpin Fanach -- 37
Mairgread Ni Cheallaigh -- 38
The Green Woods of Slew -- 39
A True Story -- Called Molly Bawn -- 40
Patrick Sheehan -- 42
Lovely Mary Donnelly -- 44
Michael Dwyer -- 46
Slievenamon -- 48
Sliabh Geal gCua -- 50
James Connolly -- 51
The Hills of Glenswilly -- 52
The Blarismoor Tragedy -- 54
The Returned Soldier -- 56
The Woodlands of Loughglynn -- 58
An Chuileann -- 60
Ashtown Road -- 61
Morning on the Irish Coast -- 62
The Glenariffe Heroes -- 64
Brennan on the Moor -- 65
Ireland Live On -- 68
Sean McDermott -- 69
The Wexford Insurgent -- 70
Upton Ambush -- 72
The Ballad of Pat O'Donnell -- 73
The Call of Erin -- 75
As I roved Out -- 76
Cathal Brugha -- 77
A Nation -- 79
Ballinamona -- 80
Sean Sabhat -- 82
An Poc ar Buile -- 83
I'm a Rapparee -- 84
A Memory of the Friends that are Gone -- 86
The Mingalay Boat Song -- 88
The Green Linnet -- 89
The Heroes of Selton Hill -- 91
Redmond O'Hanlon -- 92
Sliabh na mBan -- 94
Erin Go Brath -- 95
Lament of the Evicted Irish Peasant -- 96
The Fool -- 98

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Subject: Index: The Irish Musical Repository (Crosby, 1808)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 15 Jan 09 - 10:50 AM

Google Books full text available.

The Irish Musical Repository
A choice selection of esteemed Irish songs adapted for the voice, violin, and German flute
[No editor named.]
(London: B. Crosby & Co., 1808)

[First lines are in italics.]

Adieu My Lov'd Harp - 167
Adieu my lov'd harp, for no more shall the vale - 167
Ah! dark are the halls where your ancestors revell'd - 228
Answer to Kate Kearney - 145
As Dermot toil'd one summer's day - 22
As down on Banna's banks I stray'd - 110
As I went down by yon blind quay - 114
Assist me, ye lads who have hearts void of guile - 99
At sixteen years old you could get little good of me - 68
Attend to me, landsmen and sailors, and others - 233
Awake the Harp's Slumber - 155
Awake the harp's slumber to Pleasure's soft lay - 155
Beam on the Streamlet Was Playing, The - 266
Brisk Irish Lad, The - 116
Bumper Squire Jones - 55
Can an Irishman practise such guile - 52
Captain Megan - 162
Corporal Casey - 135
Cushlamachree - 38
Dear Erin, how sweetly thy green bosom rises - 38
Dennis Delaney - 149
Dermot and Sheelah - 22
Dublin Sights - 261
Each pretty young Miss, with a long heavy purse - 116
Exiled Irishman's Lamentation, The - 231
Fairies' Song, The - 250
Go, Edmund, Join the Martial Throng - 185
Go, Edmund, join the martial throng - 185
Gramachree Molly - 110
Green Little Shamrock, The - 106
Green were the fields where my forefathers dwelt - 231
Grinders, The - 253
Hush the Soft Sigh, Oh! - 201
I sing of a war set on foot for a toy - 95
I Was the Boy for Bewitching 'Em - 49
I was the boy for bewitching 'em - 49
If my own botheration don't alter my plan - 13
I'm a comical fellow, I tell you no fib - 30
I'm Larry O'Lash'em, was born at Killarney - 89
In sweet Tipperary, the pride of the throng - 149
Ireland for Ever - 233
Irish Drinking Song - 45
Irish Merry-Making - 198
Irish Wedding, The - 169
Irishman's Theatrical Description, The - 210
Is't my country you'd know? I'm an Irishman born - 25
It was Murphy Delaney, so funny and frisky - 86
Judy O'Flannikin - 65
Kate Kearney - 143
Kathelin and Teddy - 138
Kathelin sat all alone - 138
Lake of Killarney, The - 132
Larry O'Lash'em - 89
Leap Year - 124
Let Other Men Sing of Their Goddesses Bright - 129
Let other men sing of their goddesses bright - 129
Love and Whisky - 178
Love and whisky both rejoice an honest fellow - 178
Love for Love - 122
Margery Grinder - 257
Mine Be the Cottage within the Vale - 226
Moon Dimm'd Her Beams, The - 175
Mr Grimgruffinhoff - 52
Mr Mullins and Miss Whack - 102
Mr O'Gallagher - 61
Mulrooney's my name, I'm a comical boy - 19
Murphy Delaney - 86
Murphy O'Casey - 71
My grandmother Judy had oft made me wonder - 92
Night Is Calm, The - 203
Now Is the Spell-Working Hour of the Night - 272
Now is the spell-working hour of the night - 272
O love is the soul of a neat Irishman - 9
O the face of brave Captain Megan - 162
O what a dainty fine thing is the girl I love - 61
O will you sit in the bow'r with me - 239
Och, I sing of a wedding, and that at Dunleary - 41
Of the ancients it's speaking - 45
Oh touch, dear maid, the trembling string - 181
Oh yes, I have seen this Kate Kearney - 145
Oh! hush the soft sigh, maid - 201
Oh! many a mountain I wearily measure - 158
Oh! mine be the cottage within the vale - 226
Oh! pleasant was the moon - 196
Oh! when I breath'd a last adieu - 164
Oh! when that mild eye is beaming - 259
Oh, did you not hear of Kate Kearney - 143
Oh, whack! Cupid's a mannikin - 65
On a Green Bank Gentle Mary Was Seated - 173
On a green bank gentle Mary was seated - 173
On Ireland's ground, seat of true hospitality - 102
On the Lake of Killarney I first saw the lad - 132
One Bottle More - 99
Ope Thy Casement, Lady Bright - 191
Ope thy casement, lady bright - 191
Origin of Irish Sirnames - 141
Paddy Bull's Expedition - 33
Paddy Macshane's Seven Ages - 13
Paddy O'Blarney - 25
Paddy the Piper - 274
Paddy's Balloon - 281
Paddy's Dream - 92
Paddy's Trip from Dublin - 81
Pleasant Was the Moon, Oh! - 196
Quit Not Yet the Shady Bow'r - 221
Quit not yet the shady bow'r - 221
Search all the world, high and low - 253
Sheelah's Wedding - 41
Shepherds, I Have Lost My Love - 287
Shepherds, I have lost my love - 287
Siege of Troy, The - 95
Since Love Is the Plan - 284
Since love is the plan - 284
Sleep On, My Kathleen Dear - 248
Sleep on, sleep on, my Kathleen dear - 248
Smalilou - 16
Some have travers'd the fathomless ocean - 281
Song of the Last Harper, The - 228
Sprig of Shillelah - 30
Sprig of Shillelah, &c., A - 9
Sun in the Wave Dipt His Lingering Ray, The - 160
Sure won't you hear what roaring cheer - 169
Sweet Kathlane Macree - 245
Swift Fly the Hours - 278
Swift fly the hours, when in youth's happy day - 278
The beam on the streamlet was playing - 266
The moon dimm'd her beams in a feathery cloud - 175
The moon throws her shadowy light on the hill - 193
The night is calm, and the air is still - 203
The sun in the wave dipt his lingering ray - 160
There was an Irish lad - 16
There was Cormac O'Con - 141
There with fun we the stocking throw - 198
There's a dear little plant that grows in our isle - 106
Tho' Late I Was Plump - 269
Tho' late I was plump, round, and jolly - 269
Tho' Leixlip Is Proud - 78
Tho' Leixlip is proud of its close shady bowers - 78
'Tis Whisky I Adore - 114
Touch, Dear Maid, the Trembling String, Oh - 181
Turn Thy Wand'ring Steps, Fair Maid - 236
Turn thy wand'ring steps, fair maid - 236
'Twas bus'ness requir'd I'd from Dublin be straying - 81
Twig of Shillelah, The - 19
Wandering Harper, The - 158
Wear with Me the Rosy Wreath - 215
Wear with me the rosy wreath - 215
What Can the Matter Be - 68
When at home with dad - 261
When first from Kilkenny, as fresh as a daisy - 71
When first I met young Teddy's eyes - 122
When I Breath'd a Last Adieu, Oh! - 164
When I took my departure from Dublin's sweet town - 33
When I was a boy in my father's mud edifice - 274
When I Was a Chicken - 74
When I was a chicken, as high as a hen - 74
When I was a mighty small boy - 257
When I was at home, I was merry and frisky - 135
When That Mild Eye Is Beaming, Oh! - 259
When War Was Heard - 183
When war was heard, and Erin's call - 183
Where Is the Vow, Ah! - 193
Where Liffey Rolls Its Silver Stream - 224
Where Liffey rolls its silver stream - 224
Where the grassy turf o'erhung with willow - 188
Where the Grassy Turf, &c. - 188
Where's the Rosy Smile - 147
Where's the rosy smile you gave me - 147
Why Do Yon Lovely Virgins Mourn - 207
Why do yon lovely virgins mourn - 207
Will You Sit in the Bow'r with Me, O - 239
Within this shelter'd mossy dell - 250
Without the help of gamut, note - 210
Won't you hail the leap year - 124
Ye good fellows all - 55
Ye winds and ye waves, bear my sorrows away - 245
You Never Did Hear of an Irishman's Fear - 119
You never did hear of an Irishman's fear - 119

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Subject: Index: Irish Folk-songs (Graves, Wood, 1897)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 17 Jan 09 - 03:07 PM

Google Books - full text available.

Irish Folk-songs
The words by Alfred Perceval Graves
The airs arranged by Charles Wood
(London: Boosey & Co., 1897)

Beside the River Loune - Beside the River Loune - 19
Blackberry Blossom, The - The Blackberry Blossom - 37
Blackbird and the Thrush, The - The Blackbird and the Thrush - 133
Brave Irish Lad, The - The Brave Irish Lad - 129
Come Sit Down beside Me - Connemara Air - 63
Credhe's Lament for Cail - A Little Hour before Day - 103
Cuckoo Madrigal, The - The Cobbler of Castleberry - 1
Darby Kelly - Darby Kelly - 31
For I Had a Spirit above My Degree - For I Had a Spirit above My Degree - 95
Hey Ho, the Morning Dew - Hey Ho, the Morning Dew - 111
I'd Roam the World over with You - I'd Roam the World - 89
I'm the Boy for Bewitching Them - I'm the Boy for Bewitching Them - 67
Jug of Punch, The - The Robber - 121
Kerry Cow, The - The Spotted Cow - 11
Lost Child, The - Name unknown - 57
Love at My Heart - Daniel the Worthy - 15
Magic Mist, The - The Magic Mist - 81
Merchant's Daughter, The - The Merchant's Daughter - 5
O Love, 'Tis a Calm Starry Night - O Love, 'Tis a Calm Starry Night - 115
Over Here - Over There - 77
Sentry Box, The - The Sentry Box - 51
Song of Niamh of the Golden Tresses, The - The Wicked Kerryman - 43
Song of the Woods, The - Song of the Woods - 137
They Know Not My Heart - Coolun Das - 73
When We Were Boy and Girl - Nancy Vernon - 25

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Subject: Index: Irish Com-All-Ye's (O'Conor, 1901)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 16 Mar 09 - 05:22 PM

Google Books - full text available.

Irish Com-All-Ye's:
A Repository of Ancient Irish Songs and Ballads—Comprising Patriotic, Descriptive, Historical and Humorous Gems, Characteristic of the Irish Race
Compiled and arranged by Manus O'Conor (New York: L. Lipkind, 1901)

Although the title page says "Irish Com-All-Ye's" the page heading on all the pages is "Songs and Ballads of Ireland."

Acushla Gal Machree - M. Doheny - 13
Adieu, My Own Dear Erin - J. J. Callanan - 35
Andy M'Elroe - - 85
Angel's Whisper, The - Moore - 34
Athlone Landlady, The - - 149
Avondhu - J. J. Callanan - 139
Bacon and Greens - - 62
Ballyhooley - - 73
Banks of Claudy, The - - 39
Banks of Sweet Dundee, The - - 68
Bantry Girl's Lament for Johnny, The - - 132
Bard of Armagh, The - - 50
Barney Brallaghan - - 45
Barney McCoy - - 134
Barney O'Hea - - 65
Battle of Fontenoy - Thomas Davis - 34
Battle of the Boyne - Colonel Blacker - 71
Beautiful Shamrock of Old Ireland - - 118
Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms - Moore - 120
Bellewstown Races - - 72
Bells of Shandon - Rev. F. Mahony - 24
Billy O'Rourke - - 99
Birth of Ireland, The - - 66
Blackbird, The - - 36
Blarney, The - Lover - 50
Boatman of Kinsale, The - Thomas Davis - 69
Bold Jack Donahoe - - 22
Bonny Bunch of Roses, The - - 127
Bonny Irish Boy - - 54
Bouchelleen Bawn - J. Keegan - 92
Boys of Kilkenny, The - - 44
Boys of Wexford, The - - 28
Brennen on the Moor - - 59
Brian the Brave - Thomas Moore - 48
Bride of Fallow, The - - 10
Bridget Donohue - - 89
Bridget Molloy - - 132
Brigade at Fontenoy, The - B. Bowling - 129
Bright Emerald Isle of the Sea - - 26
Brosna's Banks - J. Frazer - 108
Bryan O'Lynn - - 64
Burke's Dream - - 70
Cahal Mor of the Wine-Red Hand - - 103
Calm Avonree, The - John Locke - 91
Caoch, the Piper - J. Keegan - 31
Castlebar Boy, The - - 94
Celtic Cross, The - T. D. McGee - 45
Charming Judy Callaghan - Lover - 80
Colleen Bawn - - 30
Colleen Bawn, The - - 156
Colleen Dhas Cruthin Amoe - - 116
Come Back to Erin - - 103
Come Back to Your Old Irish Home - - 26
Convict and the Cross, The - - 124
Coolun, The - Martin McDermott - 64
Cormac - Thos. F. Wilford - 66
Corporal Casey - - 21
County Jail - - 121
County of Mayo, The - Geo. Fox - 41
Cow That Ate the Piper, The - - 29
Crooskeen Lawn - Dion Boucicault - 54
Croppy Boy, The - Carroll Malone - 11
Cup o' Tay, A - - 7
Cushla-Mo-Chree - J. F. Waller - 65
Darby Kelly - - 155
Darling Old Stick - - 51
Darrynane - D. F. MacCarthy - 125
Dear Emerald Isle, The - Geo. W. York - 110
Dear Irish Boy, The - - 57
Dear Little Shamrock, The - - 112
Dear Old Ireland - - 111
Dear Praties - - 152
Death of Owen Roe, The - - 104
Dermot Astore - Mrs. Crawford - 146
Dermot O'Dowd - Lover - 74
Digging for Gould - - 43
Donal Kenny - J. H. Casey - 25
Donnelly and Cooper - - 27
Donnybrook Fair - - 52
Doran's Ass - - 43
Drimmin Dubh Dheelish - - 19
Drinane Dhun - D. F. MacCarthy - 63
Dublin Bay - - 156
Ellen Bawn - J. C. Mangan - 22
Emerald Isle, The - - 153
Emmet's Death - - 69
Emmet's Farewell to His Sweetheart - - 109
Enniskillen Dragoon, The - - 78
Erin - - 59
Erin, My Country - Wm. M. Comb - 42
Erin-Go-Bragh - - 73
Erin's Green Shore - - 38
Erin's Lovely Home - - 25
Exile of Erin, The - Thomas Campbell - 41
Exiles of Erin, The - - 100
Fairy Boy, The - Samuel Lover - 150
Fairy Well, The - - 147
Fan Fitzgerl - A. P. Graves - 92
Father Molloy - Samuel Lover - 17
Father O'Flynn - - 29
Father Tom O'Neil - - 8
Felon's Love, The - J. K. Casey - 101
Fenian's Escape, The - - 55
Flaming O'Flanagans - - 96
Fortune in the Fire - - 148
Four-Leaved Shamrock, The - - 137
Fox Hunt, The - - 124
Gael and the Green, The - - 84
Garryowen - - 32
Gathering of the Mahonys, The - - 100
Gille Machree - Herald Griffin - 34
Girl of Dunbwy, The - Thomas Davis - 52
Give Me Three Grains of Corn, Mother - - 85
Glass of Whisky - - 134
Glen of the Lakes, The - Rev. T. A. Butler - 128
Glenfinishk - J. O'Leary - 147
Goat, The - - 140
Good-by, Mike, Good-by, Pat - - 33
Gougaune Barra - - 107
Gramachree Molly - - 158
Grandfather Brian - - 121
Grave of Wolfe Tone, The - - 39
Green above the Red, The - - 58
Green Flag, The - - 97
Green Isle, The - - 159
Green Linnet, The - - 10
Groves of Blarney - - 33
Harp That Once - Moore - 10
Harp Without the Crown, The - Carroll Malone - 122
Harpstrings - Rev. J. P. Lonargan - 8
Heenan and Sayers - - 76
Here's a Health to Sweet Erin - D. Ryan - 157
"Holly and Ivy" Girl, The - J. Keegan - 37
Holycross Abbey - B. Simmons - 139
Hosanna Carney - - 68
How Erin Was Born - - 116
How Paddy Stole the Rope - - 68
Hurling of the Green - D. Holland - 56
Husband's Dream, The - - 67
I Dreamed That Old Ireland Was Free - - 26
I Love Old Ireland Still - - 121
I'm Not Myself at All - Lover - 22
I'm Proud I'm an Irishman Born - - 123
I'm Proud I'm an Irishman's Son - - 88
Innishowen - C. G. Duffy - 130
Ireland Will Yet Be Free - - 129
Ireland's Protest - F. L. - 93
Ireland's Welcome - Richard O. S. Burke - 87
Irish Castles - - 90
Irish Coquetry - - 89
Irish Emigrant, The - Countess of Gifford - 156
Irish Girl, The - - 15
Irish Girl's Opinion, An - - 66
Irish Hurrah, The - - 49
Irish Mary John Banim - - 21
Irish Molly O - - 52
Irish Mother's Dream, The - - 129
Irish National Hymn - - 125
Irish Peasant Girl, The - John Banim - 126
Irish Refugee, The - - 53
Irish Spree, The - - 80
Irish Stranger, The - - 111
Irish Volunteer, The - C. Dibdin - 17
Irish Wedding, The - - 57
Irishman, The - James Orr - 119
Irishman's Shanty, The - - 118
Irishmen of To-Day, The - - 132
Jennie, I'm Not Jesting - A. P. Graces - 37
Johnny Doyle - - 16
Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye - - 92
Judy McCarty - - 18
Jug of Punch - - 154
Kate Kearney - Chas. Lever - 17
Kate O'Brien - - 112
Kate of Arraglen - D. Lane - 51
Kate of Kenmare - D. F. McCarthy - 70
Kate of Killashee - Wm. Collins - 62
Kate O'Ryan - - 91
Kathleen Ban Adair - Thomas Davis - 32
Kathleen Mavourneen - - 86
Kathleen's Fetch - - 153
Katty Avourneen - - 97
Katy's Letter - Lady Dufferin - 130
Kerry Dance - - 46
Kerry Recruit, The - - 95
Kilkenny Boy, The - - 157
Kill or Cure - - 40
Killarney - - 81
Kilruddery Hunt, The - - 135
Kitty Neil - D. F. McCarthy - 55
Kitty of Coleraine - - 44
Kitty Tyrrell - Lover - 12
Lads who Live in Ireland - - 47
Lady of Knock, The - - 78
Lakes of Cold Finn - - 15
Lament of Granu Wail - Hugh Harkin - 133
Lamentation of James Rodgers - - 24
Land of Potatoes, Oh! The - - 73
Land of the Shillelah, The - - 158
Lanigan's Ball - - 100
Lanty Leary - Samuel Lover - 118
Larry Magee's Wedding - Lover - 83
Larry McHale - Lover - 115
Larry O'Gaff - - 55
Larry's on the Force - Irwin Russell - 140
Limerick Is Beautiful - Dion Boucicault - 12
Loch Ina - - 148
Love in Reality - J. F. Waller - 88
Lovely Mary Donnelly - Allingham - 96
Lover's Complaint, The - - 112
Love's Warning - Edward Kenealy - 82
Love's Young Dream - Moore - 110
Love-Sick Maid, The - - 158
Low Back Car, The - - 87
Mac's and the O's, The - - 79
Maggie's Secret - - 143
Maid of Ballyhaunis - - 157
Maid of Castle Craigh, The - - 146
Maid of Sweet Gorteen, The - - 31
Mantel So Green - - 38
Mary Le More - - 11
Mary Machree - - 154
Mary of the Curls - Moore - 92
Mary of Tipperary - Samuel Lover - 49
Mary of Tralee - J. M. Carpenter - 159
McCarthy's Mare - - 110
McDonald's Return to Glenco - - 136
McFadden's Pic-Nic - - 39
Meeting of the Waters, The - Thomas Moore - 54
Memory of the Dead, The - - 48
Men of Tipperary, The - Thomas Davis - 21
Michael Dwyer - - 44
Mike's Courtship - - 138
Mister Finagan - - 42
Mister Michael Murphy - - 131
Mo Craoibhin Cno - Edward Walsh - 29
Molleen Oge - A. P. Graves - 54
Mollie Darling - - 101
Molly Asthore - Lover - 122
Molly Brallaghan - - 41
Molly Carew - Samuel Lover - 107
Molly Muldoon - - 97
Monks of the Screw, The - J. P. Curran - 37
Morning on the Irish Coast - John Locke - 135
Morrisey and the Russian - - 30
Morrissey and the Benicia Boy - - 44
Mother, He's Going Away - S. Lover - 71
Mrs. McLaughlin's Party - - 61
My Bonnie Laboring Boy - - 84
My Emmet's No More - - 143
My Good-Looking Man - - 7
My Noble Irish Girl - L. Reynolds M.D. - 35
Nancy, the Pride of the West - - 150
Nell Flaherty's Drake - - 14
Nora McShane - - 50
Nora O'Neal - - 141
Norah Creina - Thomas Moore - 144
Norah Darling, Don't Believe Them - - 149
Norah Magee - - 157
O, Sons of Erin - Rev. Wm. J. McClure - 122
O'Donnell Abu - - 98
O'Donnell the Avenger - - 27
O'Donovan's Daughter - Edward Walsh - 28
O'Farrell the Fiddler - - 90
Oh! Steer My Bark to Erin's Isle - F. H. Bayly - 155
Oh! the Marriage - Thomas Davis - 7
Oh, Erin, My Country - - 93
Oh, Molly, I Can't Say You're Honest - Lover - 14
Old Bog Hole, The - - 65
Old Church, The - Tyrone Power - 104
Old Country Party, The - - 95
Old Farmer's Discourse, The - - 102
Old Ireland I Adore - James Walsh - 113
Old Ireland's Hearts and Hands - - 142
Old Land Marks on the Shannon - J. F. O'Donnell - 102
Old Leather Breeches, The - - 75
Old Plaid Shawl, The - - 84
One Bottle More - - 23
One of the Brave Connaught Rangers - H. Wincott - 104
One Pound Two - - 20
Orange and Green - Gerald Griffin - 138
Orangeman's Wife - Carroll Malone - 46
O'Reilly the Fisherman - - 49
Ould Docther Mack - - 114
Ould Ireland So Green - - 98
Ould Ireland, You're My Darlin' - - 126
Paddy at the Theatre - - 48
Paddy Blake's Echo - Lover - 94
Paddy Carey - - 20
Paddy Magee's Dream - - 99
Paddy McGee - - 84
Paddy Miles - - 99
Paddy, Ye Rascal - - 160
Paddy's Curiosity Shop - - 145
Paddy's Panacea - Joseph Lunn - 155
Paddy's Pastoral Rhapsody - - 38
Pastheen Fion - Samuel Ferguson - 47
Pat and the Priest - - 120
Pat Malloy - - 116
Pat Malony's Family - - 128
Pat of Mullingar - - 10
Pat O'Hara - - 20
Pat Roach at the Play - - 117
Pater Noster - M. J. Heffernan - 18
Patrick Riley - - 35
Patrick Sheehan - - 72
Patriots of Ireland - - 134
Pat's Letter - - 105
Pat's Love - J. D. W. - 96
Peasant's Bride, The - - 123
Petticoat Lane - - 18
Pillar Towers of Ireland, The - - 137
Poacher, The - Chas. G. Halpine - 23
Poor Man's Labor Never Done, The - - 31
Poor Pat Must Emigrate - - 106
Pretty Girl of Loch Dan, The - S. Ferguson - 109
Pretty Maid Milking Her Cow, The - - 58
Pretty Mary, the Dairyman's Daughter - - 113
Private Still, A - - 60
Rakes of Mallow, The - - 93
Reconciliation, The - John Banim - 94
Rich and Rare Were the Gems She Wore - Moore - 111
Riding Double - - 132
Rigged Out - T. D. Sullivan - 119
Rising of the Moon, The - J. K. Casey - 111
River Boyne, The - T. D. McGee - 152
River Roe, The - - 47
Robert Emmett - Wm. Geoghegan - 106
Rock of Cashel, The - Rev. Dr. Murray - 145
Rocky Road to Dublin - - 19
Rory of the Hills - - 74
Rory O'More - Lover - 90
Rory's Kissing School - - 149
Rose of Kenmare, The - Sheridan - 26
Rose of Killarney - - 142
Rose of Tralee, The - - 80
Sacret Yez Trusted to Me, The - Mrs. Edward Thomas - 153
Saint Patrick Was a Gentleman - - 105
Savourneen Deelish - - 13
Search the Page of History - - 76
Shamrock and Laurel, The - Rev. Wm. McClure - 56
Shamrock from the Irish Shore, The - D. F. MacCarthy - 140
Shamrock on Patrick's Day - - 102
Shamrock Shore, The - - 74
Shamus O'Brien - - 160
Shan Van Vogh - - 32
Shane Dymas' Daughter - - 142
Shaun's Head - John Savage - 36
Shillelah, The - - 68
Shule Aroon - - 110
Siege of Maynooth, The - - 108
Skibbereen - - 88
Slattery's Mounted Fut - - 83
Smiggy Maglooral - - 143
Soggarth Aroon - Ferguson - 82
Song of Innisfail - Thomas Moore - 67
Song of the Irish Exile - John Banim - 133
Sons of Hibernia, The - - 150
Spinning-Wheel Song - J. F. Waller - 151
Sprig of Shillelah, The - - 13
St. Patrick's Day - J. F. Waller - 144
St. Patrick's Martyrs - - 12
"Stamping Out" - "Miles O'Reilly" - 57
Star of Glengary, The - - 11
Sweet Erin, My Country - P. A. Carroll - 131
Sweet Girls of Derry, The - J. E. Carpenter - 158
Sweet Innisfallen - Moore - 115
Sweet Irish Girl Is the Darling for Me, A - - 150
Sweet Irish Girl Is the Darling, A - - 133
Sweet Kathleen, the Girl I Adore - P. A. Carroll - 146
Sweet Kilkenny Town - - 151
Sweet Songs of Erin Asthore - P. A. Carroll - 141
Tan Yard Side, The - - 25
Teddy McGlynn - - 82
Teddy O'Monaghan's Courtship - - 62
Teddy O'Neal - - 14
Terence's Farewell to Kathleen - Countess Gifford - 89
Terry Malone - - 151
Terry O'Rann - - 60
Terry O'Roon and His Wonderful Tune - J. E. Carpenter - 147
That Rogue Reilly - - 57
Tim Finigan's Wake - - 136
Tim McCarthy's Daughter - - 81
Tipperary - - 67
Tipperary Christening, The - - 15
To Sustain the Family Reputation - - 40
Tony Lumpkin's Song - Oliver Goldsmith - 123
True Irish King, The - - 126
True Lover's Discussion, The - - 11
Twelve Stone Two - - 79
Up for the Green - - 50
Valley Lay Smiling Before Me, The - Moore - 137
Vat and the Pig - J. E. Carpenter - 148
Virgin Mary's Bank, The - J. J. Callanan - 77
Volunteers, The - M. O. B. - 117
Waterford Boys, The - - 115
We May Roam thro' This World - Moore - 127
Wearing of the Green, The - - 40
Wearing of the Green, The - Dion Boucicault - 69
Wearing of the Green, The - H. G. Curran - 130
Wedding of Ballyporeen, The - - 63
What Irish Boys Can Do - - 23
What Will You Do, Love - Lover - 139
Where the Grass Grows Green - - 144
Whistling Thief, The - Samuel Lover - 154
Why Can't Paddy Be a Gentleman? - - 9
Why Write You a Ditty? - Rev. J. P. Lonargan - 9
Widow Machree - Chas. Lever - 53
Widow Malone - Chas. Lever - 62
Widow McCarty, The - Samuel Lover - 9
Widow McGee - Samuel Lover - 86
Widow's Message to Her Son, The - - 16
Wild Irish Boy, The - - 26
Willy Reilly - - 86
Winnie's Welcome - - 117
Wirrasthrue - Gerald Griffin - 154
Woman of Three Cows, The - J. C. Morgan - 120
Won't You Leave Us a Lock of Your Hair - J. J. Waller - 103
Woods of Kylinoe, The - L. N. F. - 114
Written in Letters of Gold - - 75
Yellow Meal - - 56
You Remember, Ellen - Moore - 141
Youghall Harbor - - 95
You're Welcome as Flowers in May - J. E. Carpenter - 152

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Subject: RE: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
Date: 26 Oct 09 - 07:22 PM

Just came across Hyland's Hibernian Songster of 1901, online.

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Subject: Index: Songs of Struggle and Protest (McDonnell)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 14 Nov 10 - 02:37 AM

Songs of Struggle and Protest, edited by John McDonnell (Mercier Press, Cork and Dublin, 1979)
140 pages, paperback

Early popular struggles page
The French Revolution and the tide of republicanism
Starvation and resistance
19th century revolutionary and democratic movements
Industrial life and the growth of Trade Unions
The fight against exploitation- industrial and racial
Joe Hill-the man who never died
The struggle against fascism
The times they are a-changin'

The Songs:
1. The Cutty Wren
2. The Rocks of Bawn
3. Such a parcel of rogues in a nation
4. Wae's me for Prince Charlie
5. La Marsellaise
6. Henry Joy
7. A man's a man for a' that
8. Skibbereen
9. The West's Asleep
10. The song of the lower classes
11. The Internationale
12. The Red Flag
13. The coal-owner and the pitman's wife
14. The Durham lock-out
15. The strike
16. Fourpence a day
17. The banks of the Dee
18. William Brown
19. My master and I
20. Solidarity forever
21. Run to Jesus
22. The Ludlow massacre
23. Oh! Freedom
24. My will
25. Casey Jones — The Union Scab
26. Joe Hill
27. Jim Larkin RIP
28. Dublin City
29. The Citizen Army
30. Be moderate
31. A rebel song
32. James Connolly
33. Connolly (poem)
34. The peat-bog soldiers
35. Bandiera Rossa
36. Jarama
37. Jamie Foyers
38. The sun is burning
39. If you miss me at the back of the bus
40. In contempt
41. The times they are a-changin'
42. The fifth day of October
43. The men behind the wire
44. The travellers' campaign
45. The ballad of Sharpville

1. Important events in the life of James Connolly
2. Writings of James Connolly
3. Important events in the life of Jim Larkin

Some sources and recordings

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Subject: RE: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
From: harmonic miner
Date: 29 Mar 11 - 05:25 AM

Folksongs and ballads popular in Ireland : vol.1 / collected, arranged & edited by John Loesberg. Vol. 1
by Loesberg, John.
Ossian Publications, 1980.
Subjects Folk songs, Irish (English language) -- Ireland.

Description: 61p. : music

Contents: Will you come to the bower -- Muirsheen Durkin -- Old maid in the garret -- Mary from Dungloe -- In Dublin's fair city -- Brian O'Linn -- Spinningwheel song -- The leaving of Liverpool -- The foggy dew -- Lonely banna strand -- Carrickfergus -- Jug of punch -- The bonny boy -- Molly Ban -- Slievenamon -- Baidin Fheilimi -- Bunclody -- She moved through the fair -- My singing bird -- The Bold Fenian Men -- My Marry with the curling hair -- The castle of Dromore -- Eileen Aroon -- Love is pleasing -- On the banks of the roses -- Spancil hill -- Quare Bungle Rye -- The Rose of Tralee -- A nation one again -- The lambs on the green hills -- Ths Spanish lady -- Will you go lassie, go? The rising of the moon -- Oró sé do bheatha Bhaile -- Skibbereen -- The mountains of Mourne -- The cliffs of Dooneen -- Connemara cradle song -- The wild rover -- Boulavogue -- The lark in the clear air -- Kevin Barry -- I'll tell me ma -- Whiskey in the jar -- The lowlands of Holland -- Joe Hill -- Mary Hamilton -- The house of the rising sun -- Scarborough fair -- Amazing Grace
Contents (Words and unacc. melodies):.

Folksongs & ballads popular in Ireland : Vol.2 / collected, arranged and edited by John Loesberg. Vol. 2
by Loesberg, John.
Ossian Publications, 1980.
Subjects Folk songs, Irish (English language) -- Ireland.

Ballads, Irish (English).

ISBN: 094600501X(pbk.) :

Description: 72p. : ill., music, drawings ; 21cm.

Contents: Contents (Words and unacc. melodies): The raggle taggle gypsies -- The shores of Amerikay -- Peggy Gordon -- I know my love -- The holy ground -- Mrs McGrath -- I'm a rover and seldom sober -- The blacksmith -- The West's awake -- Danny boy -- The whistlin' gypsy rover -- The beggerman's song -- Avondale -- Nora -- Kelly the boy from Killanne -- The banks of the Ohio -- Maids when you're young -- The Galway races -- Sam Hall -- Boston City -- The nightingale -- My lagan love -- I know where I'm going -- Glory o, to our bold Fenian men -- Carrigdhoun -- Van Dieman's land -- The Curragh of Kildare -- The drunken sailor -- The well below the valley -- The croppy boy -- The riddle song -- Johnny I hardly knew yeh -- Still I love him -- The road to Dundee -- Plaisir d'amour -- The hills of Connemara -- Paddy works on the railway -- The praties -- Fare thee well Enniskillen -- The Limerick rake -- The wild colonial boy -- Hush little baby -- All 'round my hat -- Sally gardens -- The parting glass.

Folksongs and ballads popular in Ireland : vol.3 / collected, arranged & edited by John Loesberg. Vol. 3
by Loesberg, John.
Ossian Publications, 1980.
Subjects Folk songs, Irish (English language) -- Ireland.

Description: 61p. : music

Contents: Bread and fishes-- As i roved out -- Down by the liffeyside -- Red is the rose -- Down where the bees are hummin' -- Fiddler's green -- Where my Eileen is waiting -- Old woman from Wexford -- The band played waltzing Mathilda -- Sweet Carnloch Bay -- I never will Marry -- The rose of Allendale -- Monto -- Master McGrath -- The town i loved so well -- The banks of my own lovely Lee -- Henry my son -- Dicey Reilly -- Hot asphalt -- The Jolly Beggar -- Bold Thady Quill -- Limerick is beautiful -- The bard of Armagh -- Lanigan's Ball -- The sea around us -- Four green fields -- Raglan road -- Arthur Mc Bride -- Finnegan's wake -- The green fields of France -- Mc Alpine 's fusileers -- The zoological gardens -- The rocky road to Dublin -- Kimmage -- All for me grog -- Do you want your old lobby -- The lark in the morning -- Only our rivers run free -- The Glendalough Saint -- The bog down in the Valley-O -- Dublin Jack of all trades -- Greenland whale fisheries -- The shoals of herring -- Henry Joy -- Since Maggie went away -- The Waxie's dargle -- The star of the county down -- A bunch of thyme -- Reilly's daughter --
Contents (Words and unacc. melodies):.

Folksongs & ballads popular in Ireland : Vol. 4 / collected, arranged and edited by John Loesberg.
by Loesberg, John.
Ossian Publications, 1989.
Subjects Folk songs, Irish (English language) -- Ireland.

Ballads, Irish (English).

Description: 100p. : ill., music, drawings ; 21cm.

Contents: Contents: As I leave behind Neidin (**) -- From Clare to here (**) -- My Irish Molly-O (**) -- John O'Dreams (**) -- The streets of New York (**) -- The good ship Kangaroo (**) -- Lovely Leitrim (**) -- Nancy Myles (**) -- Shanagolden (**) -- The rare oul' times (**) -- Paddy's Green shamrock shore (**) -- Come back Paddy Reilly (**) -- Fear an bhata (**) -- Old rustic bridge by the mill (**) -- Pat Murphy's meadow (**) -- Easy and slow (**) -- It's a long way to Tipperary (**) -- Galway Bay (**) -- Nora Lee (**) -- St. Patrick was a gentleman (**) -- The snowy-breasted pearl (**) -- The old bog road (**) -- Red-haired Mary (**) -- Limerick, you're a lady (**) -- The green hills of Clare (**) -- The Blarney roses (**) -- Where the three countries meet (**) -- Galway Bay(2) (**) -- A place in the choir (**) -- The cobbler (**) -- The fields of Athenry (**) -- The little beggarman (**) -- The peeler and the goat (**) -- Sweet Thames flow softly (**) -- The green fields of America (**) -- The old triangle (**) -- The mermaid (**) -- Lough Sheelin's side (**) -- The reason I left Mullingar (**) -- The skillet pot (**) -- My Cavan girl (**) -- Eileen Oge (**) -- O'Sullivan's John (**) -- Beautiful City (**) -- Dingle Bay (**) -- The hills of Kerry (**) -- Song for Ireland (**) -- The garden song (**) -- 21 years (21 years) (**) -- James Connolly (**).

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Subject: RE: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
From: Rapparee
Date: 29 Mar 11 - 08:46 PM

Is it possible to get a list of the titles already indexed? I have several books but I don't want to duplicate what's already here.

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Subject: RE: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
From: Joe Offer
Date: 29 Mar 11 - 08:50 PM

Hi, Rap-
All the Irish books are in this thread. You'll notice I've gussied up the songbook titles in the index messages that have been here a while. You can search this thread for the titles of your books by using [CTRL-F]. Other songbook index threads are listed in the crosslinks up top, but this is the only Irish one.

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Subject: RE: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
From: Lighter
Date: 08 Dec 11 - 09:30 AM


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Subject: RE: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
From: AmyLove
Date: 08 May 16 - 10:13 PM

The Universal Irish Song Book; A Complete Collection of the Songs and Ballads of Ireland (P J Kenedy, publisher) (528 pages) is available on here.

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Subject: RE: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
From: Nigel Parsons
Date: 25 Sep 17 - 09:56 AM

Francis & Day's album of FAMOUS IRISH SONGS
There is an index somewhere on line, as it was recently used to hunt down the lyrics for Delaney's Donkey. But it is probably worth including it here as well.

Dear little shamrock, the          p2 (arranged Dudley E Bayford)
Delaney's Donkey                   p7 (words & music by William Hargreaves)
Flanagan                           p20 (Written & composed by C W Murphy & Will Letters) (Sung by Florrie Forde)
Has anybody here seen Kelly?       p26 (Written & composed by C W Murphy & Will Letters)
Is your mother in, Molly Malone?    p4 (words & music by Mills & Everard)
Little Annie Rooney                p10 (Words & music by Michael Nolan)
Maggie Murphy's home               p12 (Words by Edward Harrigan; Music by Dave Braham; Arranged by Dudley E Bayford)
Mary from Tipperary                p23 (Words by F W Mark; music by H E Darewski)
On Mother Kelly's doorstep         p17 (Words & music by Geo A Stevens)
Singer was Irish, the             p14 (Words & music by C W Murphy & Harry Castling)

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