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Obit: Albert Baez (20 March 07)father of Joan/Mimi

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GUEST,G. Harris 24 Mar 07 - 11:27 AM
GUEST,Murray MacLeod 24 Mar 07 - 03:53 PM
open mike 24 Mar 07 - 06:39 PM
GUEST 24 Mar 07 - 09:52 PM
GUEST,Jeffrey 27 Mar 07 - 06:51 PM
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Subject: Obit: Albert Baez
From: GUEST,G. Harris
Date: 24 Mar 07 - 11:27 AM

Albert Baez, the world renowned physicist, died on Tuesday at the age of 94. He was the father of Joan Baez and Mimi Farina.

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Subject: RE: Obit: Albert Baez (20 March 07)father of Joan/Mimi
From: GUEST,Murray MacLeod
Date: 24 Mar 07 - 03:53 PM

He certainly had a long and fruitful life, as did Joan's mother , born in 1913 and still going strong.

Joan Baez definitely drew the long straw when it came to allocation of longevity genes (although, sadly, her sister didn't ...)

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Subject: RE: Obit: Albert Baez (20 March 07)father of Joan/Mimi
From: open mike
Date: 24 Mar 07 - 06:39 PM

we all owe him and his wife a thank you for the gifts which have been brought to the world thru their daughters!

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Subject: RE: Obit: Albert Baez (20 March 07)father of Joan/
Date: 24 Mar 07 - 09:52 PM

My thoughts go out to Joan Baez and her family at this time. From what I read of her father, he had a life well lived.

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Subject: RE: Obit: Albert Baez (20 March 07)father of Joan/
From: GUEST,Jeffrey
Date: 27 Mar 07 - 06:51 PM

And perhaps your grandfather ? I met Abo Baez about thirty years ago when he had an old family friend and me up to lunch at the place in Carmel Valley. I remember Zig Zag . Not knowing was it a name, or instructions up the driveway :) Just us three. All I can say is it was an incredible treat that I will always remember. And I hope that his last days. weeks, months brought him peace and not a broken heart, with awful mess W has wrought. A most exemplary family, I love them all.

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