Subject: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Donuel Date: 02 May 07 - 08:50 AM Orwellian version of story: Due to insurance reasons and the inability to rewrite performance contracts at such a deliquent date Ms. Baez was unable to perform for the wounded troops at Wlater Reed Hospital in Washington DC. Common sense version: Joan Baez was prevented from singing for the troops while other entertainers who were also under contract to the Defense Department were allowed to perform. She was ordered to be silent and not cause any trouble by singing subversive songs. real version: WHile she was not kicked out or handcuffed and ,orders were given to get her out of there. |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Midchuck Date: 02 May 07 - 08:58 AM Cite? P. |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: EBarnacle Date: 02 May 07 - 09:27 AM It's in Rolling Stone for May 1. |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 02 May 07 - 10:17 AM deliquent? |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Mr Happy Date: 02 May 07 - 10:19 AM d'eloquent? |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: catspaw49 Date: 02 May 07 - 10:27 AM crap po-la' Spaw |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: katlaughing Date: 02 May 07 - 10:57 AM The Post reported that Walter Reed officials did not respond to requests for comment Tuesday, but that in an e-mailed statement published Monday on, spokesman Steve Sanderson said the medical center received the request for participation by Baez just two days before the concert. "These additional requirements were not in the agreement/contract and would have required a modification," Sanderson told the magazine's Web site. Baez's manager, Mark Spector, told the Post that Mellencamp's management invited Baez to perform in March and handled all the arrangements. The Post said Mellencamp's manager, Randy Hoffman, did not return calls requesting comment and that Mellencamp's publicist said the singer was ill Tuesday and unavailable. But Mellencamp earlier told "They didn't give me a reason why she couldn't come. We asked why and they said, 'She can't fit here, period.' " |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Charlie Baum Date: 02 May 07 - 12:08 PM The Washington Post article: |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Bill D Date: 02 May 07 - 12:12 PM There was a 'letter to the editor' in todays Post from Baez, explaining that she assumes that her invitation by Mellancamp was revoked because she had been such an outspoken war protestor. She also admitted that she had in the past not given enough thought to the soldiers when protesting the wars they were in. It was very close to an apology. |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Mr Happy Date: 02 May 07 - 12:13 PM crap po-la'= polar cap! |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Donuel Date: 02 May 07 - 12:15 PM thanks Charlie, thats more than NPR covered. btw A NPR reporter and television crew were beaten by LA cops in the police sweep of the immigrat protest yesterday. MSNBC has will not cover this part of the story. but they did have a great Imus replacement today who interviewed Gail Sheahe, Conyers and Maxine Waters today. |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Charlie Baum Date: 02 May 07 - 02:09 PM Joan Baez's letter, as referenced by Bill D above: |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: GUEST Date: 02 May 07 - 02:39 PM Dear Joan, Please do not apologize. It was not your job to 'support the troops' and I for one thank you and many others for raising hell about the war, thereby forcing the draft and the war to end sooner and save many soldier's lives. There was and is no crime in being a real citizen and speaking up. If anyone needed to apologize it was MacNamara and his buddies. If the flagwaving patriots failed to meet the planes and welcome the boys back appropriately, it was not due to your speaking and singing out according to your beliefs. Don't let them cow you into thinking you're to blame for their failure. Sincerely grateful, The rest of us |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: JohnInKansas Date: 02 May 07 - 03:39 PM Donuel: A NPR reporter and television crew were beaten by LA cops in the police sweep of the immigrat protest yesterday A bit off topic, but MSNBC on LA Rally has a sidebar video about some newscasters who were roughed up at the LA ralley, although I can't tell if it's the ones to whom you refered. (I don't attempt to look at videos with my connection.) (They appear to have added another video on the "police action" when I checked the link in preview.) There are also a couple of "related article" links lower down on the page that may give more info. - if it's of interest. John |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Mrrzy Date: 02 May 07 - 03:44 PM Bully for her! Hope this gets some coverage! |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Jeri Date: 02 May 07 - 04:48 PM I'm all for the entertainment and comfort of the injured. If that's all she meant to do, and it wasn't planned to be a photo op/media event that was more about her than the patients, then it would have been a grand thing. She's on the radar and well known though, that whether she wants a thing to be a media event or not matters not at all - it will be. I doubt that the hospital wanted that kind of attention, and I'd guess the people in charge feared the event would be more about Joan Baez and politics than about doing something nice for the injured soldiers. ("Hope this gets some coverage!") They possibly also had to consider whether the soldiers would appreciate her singing for them. Do these young folks know who she is? Do they know anything beyond her anti-war political activist history? I have a great deal of respect for Ms Baez and likely agree with her political beliefs. I don't think the soldiers, healthy or injured, alive or dead, should be used as pawns. We're used to thinking thats something the pro-war politicians do - treat people like objects that can support them. But if this is really about compassion for soldiers, why are we talking about Joan Baez? Why is this about what some feel is her right to sing for a particular audience? Does anyone have the right to demand to be allowed to perform for an audience who isn't there of their own free will? Personally - and I've been against these wars - I suspect the Army made the right decision. Although this might have been intended otherwise, based on what people are now talking about because of the refusal of permission, it doesn't appear to have been about entertainment or the comfort of wounded soldiers. I despise the de-personalization and use of the unasked by people with some degree of fame and power to support their own agenda, and I don't really care what side anybody's on. Using people as pawns is just wrong. |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Greg F. Date: 02 May 07 - 07:07 PM I don't think the soldiers... should be used as pawns Errr.......soldiers are ALWAYS used as pawns. Primarily by the military command structure. |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: artbrooks Date: 02 May 07 - 07:18 PM Taking all of the first-party statements at face value (and including the hospital's spokesperson among these), it sounds as though John Mellencamp (who I've never heard of, but that's not relevant) or his agents may not have given the Walter Reed people as much advance notice as they gave Ms. Baez. It's always easier to say "no" than to make major changes in plans. |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Joe Offer Date: 02 May 07 - 09:13 PM I'm afraid the link will disappear before long, so I'm going to post the test of the article. I think I agree with Jeri's view. I like Joan Baez and I also oppose the Iraq war, but her appearance at Walter Reed would be a political statement, intentional or not; and injured soldiers shouldn't be co-opted into political statements. And Art, if you haven't heard John Mellencamp, you should., -Joe Offer-
Singer Was to Perform With Mellencamp at Walter Reed By Teresa Wiltz Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, May 2, 2007; C01 When rocker John Mellencamp performed for the recovering soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center on Friday night, a couple of things were missing. He squelched his typically blistering rhetoric against the war in Iraq. Also MIA, as it turned out, was folkie and antiwar activist Joan Baez, who says she was disinvited from the event by Army officials. In a letter that appears today in The Washington Post, Baez says Mellencamp had wanted her to perform with him and that she had accepted his invitation. "I have always been an advocate for nonviolence," she writes, "and I have stood as firmly against the Iraq war as I did the Vietnam War 40 years ago. . . . I realize now that I might have contributed to a better welcome home for those soldiers fresh from Vietnam. Maybe that's why I didn't hesitate to accept the invitation to sing for those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. "In the end, four days before the concert, I was not 'approved' by the Army to take part. Strange irony." Reached by telephone yesterday at her home in Menlo Park, Calif., Baez, 66, said she wasn't told why she was given the boot, but speculated, "There might have been one, there might have been 50 [soldiers] that thought I was a traitor." Baez, who said Mellencamp had asked her to sing two songs with him, has been an avowed anti-violence activist ever since she refused to participate in an air raid drill at her Southern California high school. In the '60s, her name became synonymous with the antiwar movement, though many of the protest songs she was famous for performing, such as "Blowin' in the Wind," were covers of Bob Dylan and Pete Seeger songs. In 1964 she protested the Vietnam War by refusing to pay 60 percent of her income taxes. In 1968, she married activist David Harris -- the two met in jail following a protest -- and moved with him into his draft resistance commune. Walter Reed officials did not respond to several requests for comment yesterday. But in an e-mailed statement published Monday on, spokesman Steve Sanderson said the medical center received the requests for participation by Baez and broadcaster Dan Rather just two days before the concert. (Rather now works for HDNet, which broadcast the Mellencamp concert.) "These additional requirements were not in the agreement/contract and would have required a modification," Sanderson told the magazine's Web site. Not so, says Baez's manager, Mark Spector; Mellencamp's management invited Baez to perform in March with the understanding that things could take a while "because of the red tape of Army bureaucracy." Mellencamp's management handled all the arrangements, according to Spector. And up until April 23, when Baez was turned down, everything was "still inching forward," he said: "They'd booked her flight; they'd booked her hotel." Mellencamp's manager, Randy Hoffman, did not return calls requesting comment, and Mellencamp was ill and unavailable yesterday, according to his publicist. But Mellencamp told "They didn't give me a reason why she couldn't come. We asked why and they said, 'She can't fit here, period.' " "One of my more cynical friends said, 'They let the rats in, why not you?' " Baez said, laughing, referring to a recent exposé of living conditions at Walter Reed. It wasn't the first time that a performer has been blocked from Walter Reed. In 2004, Oscar-winning actress Patty Duke was refused permission to tour the wards. She'd been scheduled to visit troops as part of an Arts Advocacy Day in Washington. USO officials later said they didn't have enough time to let the patients know that a celebrity would be visiting -- although Michael Jackson was spotted in the ward the same night that Duke would have popped in for a visit. An HDNet spokeswoman said Rather had planned to interview Mellencamp at the hospital, but "schedule-wise we couldn't make it happen." After the concert, Baez said, Mellencamp left her a message to say, "I hope you're not mad at me." Her response: " 'Of course not. It's an honor to be turned down by the Army.' . . . But I would have been happier getting in . . . I thought times had changed enough." So what exactly happened? The answer -- since Walter Reed's officials aren't talking -- is blowin' in the wind. (Sorry, we couldn't resist.) |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Greg B Date: 02 May 07 - 10:22 PM Art, John Mellencamp (formerly Johnny Cougar when in the grip of the record industry, then John Cougar Mellencamp, then John Mellencamp) is an iconic performer--- what Bruce Springsteen is to New Jersey, John Mellencamp is to the American 'heartland.' He's pretty left-wing, but in a very classical 'populist' sense. He's kind of like Woody Guthrie, Springsteen, Cisco Houston, and Elvis all rolled into one. Damned good, and respectable, and seems loved by folks on the left and on the right. c.f. "Ain't That America" Anyway, I agree with others, and it seems like Joan herself--- it isn't the 'time and place' for her. She is who she is, and can't/won't check her politics at the door. Some kid that's had his legs blown off by an IED in Baghdad doesn't need a symbol of the futility of war to come sing to him. Not while his stumps are still oozing. He'll come to that view in his time, if it's to be. I'd say the same thing if Pete Seeger, whom I love dearly, were in the same situation. Time and place, folks. These guys need healing, not doubt about what it was all about, at this point. Can't be making the same old mistakes we made with the VietNam vets, beating on them for what their country persuaded them to do. |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Charley Noble Date: 03 May 07 - 09:46 AM Jeri- Once again you come up with something thoughtful for a Mudcat thread, rather than some knee jerk reaction. How do you do that? ;~) The New York Times has an article today on this non-event. Charley Noble, in NYC for a while |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: John Hardly Date: 03 May 07 - 09:52 AM Jeri said it all. |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: DougR Date: 03 May 07 - 01:44 PM Greg B.: Wow! When I first saw your post I thought it was Greg F. posting! I've had recent cataract surgery and my sight is a bit fuzzy so I mistook the B for a F. I thought to myself, 'Old Greg F. has finally seen the light at last! Then I focused a bit more intently and made out the B. Anyway, I agree with you. The patients at Walter Reed don't need to hear the likes of Joan Baez in the condition they are in. Now, if she knew some patriotic songs, like "God Bless America," or songs similar, she probably would be welcome though. DougR |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Amos Date: 03 May 07 - 02:05 PM Rather, we should trace the insanity to its source and focus hard on how to remedy that. Declaration of war, in the vast majority of cases, is a confession of failure to manage connections in more profitable ways. A |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: artbrooks Date: 03 May 07 - 02:25 PM Gee, Doug - I listened to Joan Baez all the time when I was in Korea in 1969 and in Vietnam in 1971. What were you listening to then - and where? |
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez kicked out of Walter Reed From: Donuel Date: 03 May 07 - 03:18 PM Thanks John, sorry off topic but the LA cops fired hundreds of rubber bullets into a crowd with no percieved warning. The Police Chief said "I will form an investigation to the best of my ability wink wink nod nod for these kind of things" Joan might be these wounded kid's grandma but Kate Smith was no spring chicken either in WWII. When I think of her singing to wounded kids it breaks my heart, if it made even one trooper cry, the tears would be healing tears. |