Subject: Fine concert--Joan Baez w/ Stacy Earl From: Gary T Date: 04 Nov 00 - 02:12 AM They played in Kansas City tonight (well, last night actually--Friday). I understand they're on their way to Boulder, CO. Stacy and hubby Mark(?) did a very nice set. She's a songwriter and singer--I don't mean that she sings, I mean she's a SINGER--and he's a damn good guitar picker (looked like he combined flatpicking and fingerpicking simultaneously). They were delightful. Joan was splendid--fine voice, good song selection, pleasant banter and humor. It was a joy to hear her sing. Gave a good measure of time on stage. Pure joy. I almost hate to say it, but I found Joan's backup band, all fine musicians, to be distracting. For my taste, the band overshadowed the singing rather than complementing it. Too bad, because they were good players--it was just too much for the gentleness of the songs and voices. All told, one of the most enjoyable concerts I've seen. |
Subject: RE: Fine concert--Joan Baez w/ Stacy Earl From: WyoWoman Date: 04 Nov 00 - 10:24 PM OH,yeay! I'm heading up to Boulder tomorrow to go to this one. Can't wait. I don't know of Stacy Earle. any relation to Steve? I'm looking forward to this ... just hope a predicted storm waits until after the concert to hit. I can stay with friends in Boulder, but don't want to drive through a blizzard to get there. ww |
Subject: RE: Fine concert--Joan Baez w/ Stacy Earl From: Gary T Date: 04 Nov 00 - 11:52 PM I hope your travel goes smoothly, and hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Other than having seen someone spell her name Stacey Earle since I posted the above, I don't know about her either. |
Subject: RE: Fine concert--Joan Baez w/ Stacy Earl From: Lonesome EJ Date: 05 Nov 00 - 12:21 AM Stacey is Steve's sister.They do a great duet on You Will Catch Me when I Fall, off of Steve's recent Transcendental Blues album. |
Subject: RE: Fine concert--Joan Baez w/ Stacy Earl From: Jo King Date: 05 Nov 00 - 01:36 AM Hello Folks, I was just introduced to Stacey Earle via a recent Acoustic Guitar article about her. I was very interested by her story and am envious of Gary's concert viewing. I understand that her son tours with her and her husband. He plays drums. She commented that she felt fortunate to know exactly what her husband and son were doing so many nights of the year. A unique situation top be sure. I think the article was in the most recent issue and will likely still be on the stands. Be well, JK |
Subject: RE: Fine concert--Joan Baez w/ Stacy Earl From: Rana Date: 05 Nov 00 - 08:36 AM As some pointed out, Stacey is Steve's sister. I've seen her 3 times now and really enjoy her singing and show. She has 2 CDs out. I think the first is stronger. It is not many artists these days who will get me out to a Toronto club with an 11pm + start - must be getting old :-) Check out her web page (search engine will find it. She has a link (or did) to a London concert she gave, so you can sample her live performance. Rana |
Subject: RE: Fine concert--Joan Baez w/ Stacy Earl From: Willie-O Date: 05 Nov 00 - 10:04 AM Since the subject has come up, I'll reprint a review I wrote of a Stacy Earle concert I was lucky enough to attend in September: REVIEW: STACEY EARLE AT THE STUDIO THEATRE Last week at the Studio Theatre in Perth, Stacey Earle and band put on the best singer-songwriter type concert I've seen in a very long time. She has a sort of goofy laugh (and sticks her tongue out a lot, apparently unconsciously), a very intense emotional connection with an audience, and songs that are economical in language but etch a picture in your mind. Once in a while I wished she enunciated more clearly, since you don't get a lyrics sheet with a concert ticket. Her songs tend towards the personal, reflecting her experience as "fourth child, runt and girl" in her family and early introduction to motherhood. This led to a heartachingly lovely solo encore which described her feelings when her youngest son finished school and left home. (She didn't know what to do with herself so she got serious about music again--our gain. And her son Kyle now plays drums in her band.) Matter of fact, she reminds me of several other Midwestern American friends of mine--playful, thoughtful, compassionate and plain-spoken with a strong streak of practicality. Guitar buffs would have noticed that the band played strictly Gibson guitars--kind of a down-home anti-snobbery thing perhaps. (Stacey's husband and lead guitarist Mark Stuart told me their preference for Gibsons makes them "bastard children" at Martin-dominated bluegrass festivals.) The big jumbos sounded great and Mark's chord-based melodic lead over Stacey's percussive rhythm playing made an unusual and pleasing mix. -30-
I couldn't agree with the reviewer more. ;)= Your Lanark County Correspondent
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