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Sea Chantey Lyrics, MIDI tunes, & MP3's

Related threads:
The Advent and Development of Chanties (925)
(origins) Origins: Yangtse River Shanty (34)
Spanish sea shanties (63)
ADD: Alabama John Cherokee (16)
What exactly is a sea shanty? (27)
What your favorite sea shanty? (92)
Shanty or Chantey? (197)
What is a Shanty (100)
Stories/Shanties of Hjalmar Rutzebeck (22)
The origin of Sea Chanteys (129)
Help: What is a 'forebitter'? (58)
Info: The Shanty Book (Richard Runciman Terry) (25)
Lyr Add: Chanties of Capt. Tho. Forrest (15)
Lyr Req: Strike Up the Band, Here Comes a Sailor (8)
L.A. Times article on S.F. chantey sing (34)
Lyr Add: Huckleberry Hunting (Pumping Chantey) (51)
Deficit of Doerflinger on Wikipedia (15)
Annotated Bibliography on Sea Shanties (9)
sea shanties (110)
A Little-Known Shanty Collection (42)
French Shanty Site (8)
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help a struggling student! - triple meter chant? (10)
Lyr Req: Seeking: 2 Shanties & 1 Traditional Folk (9)
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shipcmo 15 Feb 11 - 08:56 AM
John Minear 15 Feb 11 - 09:42 AM
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MMario 16 Feb 11 - 08:44 AM
shipcmo 16 Feb 11 - 09:17 AM
shipcmo 16 Feb 11 - 10:23 AM
shipcmo 16 Feb 11 - 01:46 PM
shipcmo 16 Feb 11 - 01:51 PM
Dead Horse 16 Feb 11 - 07:00 PM
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shipcmo 17 Feb 11 - 08:34 AM
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Joe Offer 18 Feb 11 - 06:30 PM
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shipcmo 21 Feb 11 - 09:57 AM
shipcmo 21 Feb 11 - 10:42 AM
Lighter 21 Feb 11 - 12:20 PM
Joe Offer 22 Feb 11 - 02:24 AM
shipcmo 07 Mar 11 - 07:39 AM
Gibb Sahib 07 Mar 11 - 07:46 AM
GUEST,Jon 07 Mar 11 - 08:32 AM
Snuffy 07 Mar 11 - 09:17 AM
shipcmo 08 Mar 11 - 01:29 PM
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shipcmo 28 Mar 11 - 09:49 AM
Jim Dixon 29 Mar 11 - 12:34 PM
Gibb Sahib 29 Mar 11 - 02:11 PM
Jim Dixon 30 Mar 11 - 11:43 PM
Gibb Sahib 31 Mar 11 - 01:33 AM
shipcmo 31 Mar 11 - 07:57 AM
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Subject: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: shipcmo
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 02:04 AM

In 1886 James Taft Hatfield made a passage on the bark Ahkera from Pensacola to Nice. While onboard he copied down some of the Chanties sung by the crew.
One of them, Shiny-O! has already been posted on the thread: Lyr Req: Shiny-O or Shiney-O.

Nancy Rhee lyrics

Nan-cy | Rhe- e, O Na - an -cy | Rhe-e-e-| e, My | gal-ant Nan-cy | Rhee! O, | why don't you come a- | long, my | gal-ant Nan-cy | Rhee? ||

The Austral is the ship for me!

I put bar lines in the text to give some idea how the words fit the tune.
If it would help, I can post the abc notation, with a link to an abc to MIDI program that would produce a score.

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Subject: Tune Add: NANCY RHEE
From: shipcmo
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 04:43 AM

OK, now we're getting organized.

G3 B | d8-d4 c e (d2 c) B | c12 B3 d | G12 ^F4 | G B7 A6 D2 | G12 D4 | G4 B2 B2 A4 G4 | D12 D4 | G2 B6 A6 ^F2 | G16 ||
w:Nan cy Rhe -e, O Na an cy Rhe e e e, My gal lant Nan cy Rhee! O, why don't you come a long, my gal lant Nan cy Rhee?

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Tune Add: WAY DOWN LOW
From: shipcmo
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 04:55 AM

T:Way Down Low
D2 F2 | A3 A B2 d2 | A4 A4 | (B3 F) A4 | d2 d2 d3 A | B2 A2 F4 | F4 E4 | D8||
w:Ev'-ry day the sun goes down, Way down low! Ev' -ry day the sun goes down Way down low

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Tune Add: BOUND TO GO
From: shipcmo
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 05:24 AM

A3 B | c6 A2 E4 (c2 B A | B6 A G A8) | E4 F2 G2 A4 c3 A | B2 A2 (A2 F2) E E3 A3 F2 | E6 C2 E2 A2 A3 B | c4 B3 A A4 ||
w:Heave a- way, John Brown A- -a a - a- ay! Three prey-ty girls bound for Bal- ti- mo re ci- ty, Heave a- way my bon-ny boy, we're all bound to go!

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

Second Line:
You yellow girl, now let'a me go!

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: FIRE DOWN BELOW
From: shipcmo
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 08:56 AM


Ea- sy, ea- sy, John Brown!
Too ma ha- a- a- ay, ho!
Ea-sy John Brown, why don't you come a-long?
O, fire down be-low
Fire in the main-top, fire down be-low;
Too ma ha- a- a- ay, ho!
Fire in the main-top, fire down be-low,
O, fire down be-low

Fire in the mizzen-top, fire in the chains
Fire in the galley, cook, don't you know?
Ev'rybody call me Liverpool Tom.
Ev'rybody call me Sam, but I don't gilly-be-dam.
We're a bully crew, bully captain too!

T:Fire Down Below
F F3 F | F6 D2 C4 C3 C | F4 G4 A4 B4 | c8 z8 | f2 f4 c2 c6 A2 | B3 B B3 A B4 c4 | A8 G6 G2 | F12 z4 || F4 F3 D F4 F4 | F4 F3 D C4 C6 C2 | F4 G4 A4 B4 | c8 z8 | f4 f3 c c4 c4 | B4 B3 A B4 c4 | A8 G6 G2 | F8 z8 ||   
w:Ea- sy, ea- sy, John Brown! Too ma ha- a- a- ay, ho! Ea-sy John Brown, why don't you come a-long? O, fire down be-low Fire in the main-top, fire down be-low; Too ma ha- a- a- ay, ho! Fire in the main-top, fire down be low, O, fire down be-low

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: John Minear
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 09:42 AM

shipcmo, this is really helpful! Thanks for doing this for us. It's simple, easy and it works, and it gives us access to materials some of us can't get to otherwise. J.

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: BLOW A MAN DOWN
From: shipcmo
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 10:53 AM

d2 | d2 e2 d2 B2 G2 B2 | d2 e2 d2 B4 G B | d6 (e4 B2) | c3 B c2 A6 || D2 F2 A2 c2 B2 A2 | c4 d2 He4 e2 | d3 d d2 d4 c2 | B3 A B2 G4 ||
w:O 'low me some time for to blow a man down! Too ma hay ho o, blow a man down. Blow the man down in the hold be low, O give me some time to blow a man down!
W:From starboard to larboard away we will go!
W:From Larboard to starbord away we will go!
W:O, hip, hip, hip, and away we will go!
W:We'll rise and shine and ma -ake her go!

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: RIO GRANDE
From: shipcmo
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 12:01 PM

B4 d2 | B4 G2 | A4 B2 | G2 B2 c2 | (d6 | f4) B2 | (d6 | d4) d2 | e4 g2 | d4 B2 | c2 d2 c2 | B2 z2 G G | B4 B2 | A2 d4 | G8 ||
w:Ri-o Grande I took my stay, and a- wa- ay we' ll go! Sing fare ye well, my bon- ny young girl, I am bound for Ri- o Grande.
W:The ship went sailing over the bar;
W:The pointed her nose for the southern star.

To create a score, with lyrics, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: SALLY BROWN
From: shipcmo
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 12:31 PM

C4 E4 G4 c3 B | A4 C4 E2 G6 | c8 (d6 c4) | e4 d4 c8 | e3 d c4 d3 c B4 | A4 G2 E2 C4 z4 | G4 G4 G2 G4 G2 | A4 B4 c8 ||
w:Sa- ly Brown was a bright mu- lat- to, Yay- ho- o, roll and go! Roll on, go on to roll me o - ver, Spend my mon- ey on Sal- ly Brown
W:Spend my money on the black-eyed Susannah.

To create a score, with lyrics, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: RANZO
From: shipcmo
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 01:09 PM

B2 | B2 d2 c2 B2 | (A2 A G) B4 | A2 A4 (A3 G) | B2 A2 z2 B2 | A2 A2 G2 E2 | G4 D2 z2 | G2 B2 d4 | A2 G2 ||
w: O, Ran- zo was no sai - - lor, Ran- zo, bo- ys, Ran- zo. He shipped on board a wha- ler Ran- zo, boys, Ran- zo.
W:He shipped with Captain Taylor,
W:He shipped with Captain Taylor,
W:He could not do his duty;
W:The captain sent him up aloft.
W:He was standing on the gangway
W:A nice young girl walked on the poop.
W:"O, I should like to marry you!"
W:"To marry me would never do
W: For I am the Captain's daugher,
W:And you are a poor Scotchman."
W:But the captain was a good man;
W:He took him in the cabin,
W:And he learned him the navigation,
W:And gave him whiskey and brandy.
W:O, whiskey for the Irishman,
W:And lime-juice for the Englishman;
W:And stockfish for the Norwegian,
W:And baked beans for the Yankees.

To create a score, with lyrics, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Add: SHAKE HER UP
From: shipcmo
Date: 15 Feb 11 - 02:11 PM

f2 | d2 c2 c2 f2 | d2 c2 c2 f2 | d2 c2 A4 G F | A2 F2 D2 C C4 | F F F F A2 c c | d2 c2 z2 G2 | A4 G4 | F4 ||
w:O, Shake her up and make her go! O, shake that girl wath a blue dress on: O ma John- ny come a- long, Too ma high low, This poor old man!

To create a score, with lyrics, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: SOUTH AUSTRALIA
From: shipcmo
Date: 16 Feb 11 - 05:55 AM

e2 | (c8 B4) e3 c | B4 G4 z4 B3 G | B12 c3 G | B8 e4 | (c8 B4) e3 c | B4 G4 z4 E4 | G6 G4 B4 G4 | F2 (E8 E2) B4 | B2 B6 B2 B4 B2 | c2 B4 G2 B4 B3 G | B12 c3 G | B12 c2 c2 | B2 B2 G2 E2 B4 B4 | G4 E4 G6 G2 | B4 G4 F2 E4 ||
w:Hoo ra ay! You're a lan ky! Heave a way haul a way! Hoo ra ay You're a lan ky! I'm bound for South Aus tra i a What makes uou call me a ru ler and King? Heave a way! Haul a way! Cause I'm mar ried to an Ind ian queen, I'm bound for South Aus tral ia
W:'Cause I wear a diamond ring.

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: WHISKEY JOHNNY
From: shipcmo
Date: 16 Feb 11 - 05:59 AM

D2 | G2 B2 z2 G2 | B2 d2 z2 D2 | G2 B2 A2 F2 | G2 G2 D2 D D | F2 A2 c2 c2 | B G2 z2 D2 | G2 B2 A2 G2 | B2 d2 z2 D D | F2 A2 z2 D D | G2 B2 z2 D2 | G2 B2 A2 F2 | G2 D2 z2 D D | F2 A2 c2 c2 | B G8 ||
w:O whis- key! O John ny! O whis key is the life of man, and a whis key for my John ny! The Cap tain he drinks whis key, And a whis key, and a whis key, But he won't give us none, boys! And a whis ky for my Johnny!
W:O, whiskey made me pawn my clothes,
W:And whiskey gave me a broken nose.
W:When the whiskey's gone, what shall we do?
W:When the whiskey's gone, will I go too!
W:I'll drink my whiskey while I can;
W:A small drop of whisky wouldn't do no harm!

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: HEAVE AWAY, MY JOHNNY
From: shipcmo
Date: 16 Feb 11 - 08:35 AM

George H. Haswell was a passenger on the Parramatta on a passage from London to Sydney in 1879. He copied both the lyrics and tunes for a number of the crew's worksongs, which were published in the ship's newspaper.


As I was going out one day, down by the Clarence Dock.
Heave away, my Johnny, heave away.
As I was going out one day, down by the Clarence Dock,
Hand away, my jolly boys, we're all bound to go.

I overheard an emigrant conversing with Tap Scott.
Heave away, &c.
I overheard an emigrant conversing with Tap Scott.
Hand away, &c.

"Good morning, Mr. Tap Scott", "Good morning, Sir", said he.
"Have you got any ships bound for New York, in the States of Amerikey".

"O Yes! I have got packet ships. I have got one or two.
"I've got the 'Josey Walker' besides the 'Kangaroo'.

"I've got the Josey Walker, and on Friday she will sail
With all 400 emigrants and a thousand bags o' mail"

Now I am in New York, and I'm walking through the streets,
With no Money in my pocket, and scarce a bit to eat

Bad luck to Josey Walker, and the day that she set sail,
For them sailors got drunk, broke into my bunk, and stole all my meal

Now I'm in Philadelphia, and working on the Canal
To go home in one o' them packet ships I'm sure I never shall,

But I'll go home in a 'National' boat that carries both steam and sail
Where you get soft tack every day, and none of your yellow meal,

T:Heave Away, My Johnny
G A B | c2 c c2 c | B2 B B A B | c2 c d2 e | c2 A G G A/ B/ | c3 e2 c | d2 B G2 z | G3-G G | E C z z G | G2 E C2 E | G2 A _B2 G | c F F2 D | C z ||

To create a score, with lyrics, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: MMario
Date: 16 Feb 11 - 08:44 AM

fantastic! Thank you.

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: HAULIN' THE BOWLIN
From: shipcmo
Date: 16 Feb 11 - 09:17 AM


Haul on the bowlin, the fore and main top bowlin',
Haul on the bowlin, the bowlin haul.

Haul on the bowlin' the packet she's a rollin'
Haul on the bowlin, the bowlin haul.

Haul on the bowlin, the captain's he's a growlin'
Haul on the bowlin, the bowlin haul.

T:Haulin' The Bowlin
B4 B3 B A4 c3 A | G2 B2 A2 G2 (G2 F2) D4 | B4 B3 B A4 F3 F | G4 A4 HB8 ||

To create a score, with lyrics, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: HANDY JIM
From: shipcmo
Date: 16 Feb 11 - 10:23 AM


I'm Handy Jim from Caro-line,
So Handy, me boys, so handy.

I courted a girl named Sarah Jane,

Sarah Jane was a kitchen maid,

And oftimes into her kitchen I strayed,

And had a good blow out of something hot.

But one fine night, through my good luck,

The missus came home -- in the copper I got;

But the missus had come the clothes for to wash

The fire being lit the copper got hot,

And the missus she came to stir up the pot,

And out I jumped, all smoking hot.

The missus she fainted, and cried stop thief

But I was off like a shot from a gun,

When the missus came to there was a d-lish row,

Poor Sarah, she got the sack next day,

Then she came to me straight way and said

I've lost my character, place likewise.

Says I, my dear, now never mind,

Next Sunday morn we'll go and get wed,

Next Sunday morn I was at sea instead.

So now my boys when courting you go,

If the missus turns up, in the copper don't go,

If you're handy there, you're handier here.

One more pull, and up she will go-

The mate cries Belay! so below we will go.

T:Handy Jim
A | A2 E G2 A | B A B G2 A | B B B G2 A | B3 d2 d | ded c2 c | B B B G2 A | B3 d d | ded c2 c | A2 A F2 G | A A A F2 F | A3 A2 z2 ||

To create a score, with lyrics, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: THE DEAD HORSE
From: shipcmo
Date: 16 Feb 11 - 01:46 PM


Ohnow poor horse your time is come,
And we say so. For we know so
Oh mant a race I know you've won
Poor Old Man.

I have come a long, long way,
And we say so. For we know so
To be sold upon this day
Oh, poor Old man.

I have made Fordham's heart jump with joy.
For many a long time he tried a Derby to win

But I was the moke to carry him in.
So I hope I shall fetch plenty of tin.

Oh, gentlemen, walk up and speculate.
If I go cheap my heart will break.

So now, Mr Auctioneer, you can begin.

T:The Dead Horse
G-E | D2 E-F G2 A2 | B2 B2 A2 G A | B2 A2 z2 G A | B2 A2 z2 G-E | D2 E-F G2 A2 | B2 c-B A-c | B4 A4 | HG8 ||

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: HAUL AWAY
From: shipcmo
Date: 16 Feb 11 - 01:51 PM


Oh once I had a nigger girl
And she was fat and lazy
Away, Haul away -- Haul away Joe

And then I got an Irish girl
And she was double jointed
Away, Haul away -- Haul away Joe

And then I had a Dover lass,
Away, Haul away -- Haul away Joe

T:Handy Jim
A | A2 E G2 A | B A B G2 A | B B B G2 A | B3 d2 d | ded c2 c | B B B G2 A | B3 d d | ded c2 c | A2 A F2 G | A A A F2 F | A3 A2 z2 ||

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: Dead Horse
Date: 16 Feb 11 - 07:00 PM

Those fragments seem to me to be somewhat garbled, as if the collector didnt understand what was being sung and made up his own.
The shantyman didnt appear to know his stuff too well either, judging by the repetitions and repeats of rhymes/non rhymes.
But then I'm an old curmudgeon....:-)

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: BONNY (WAS A WARRIOR)
From: shipcmo
Date: 17 Feb 11 - 06:23 AM

Bonny Oh Bonny was a Warrior
Wae! Hae! Ha!

Oh Bonny was no Frenchman
Wae, &c.

Bonny beat the Rooshins,

The Prooshians and the Osstrians,

At the Battle of Marengo,

Bonny went to Moscow,

Moscow was o' foyre

Bonny lost his army there,

Bonny retreated back again,

Bonny went to Elbow,

And soon he did come back again,

Bonny fought at Waterloo,

There he got his overthrow,

Bonny went a cruising,

In the Channel of Old England,

Bonny was taken prisoner,

On board the Bella Ruffian,

Bonny was sent to St. Helena,

And never will come back again.

d | d2 ^c d2 e | d2 B (G2B) | d3 e3 | =c3 c2 B | A2 B A2 G | F2 A (ed) | e3 e3 | B3-B2 ||

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: WHISKY
From: shipcmo
Date: 17 Feb 11 - 07:05 AM


Oh! Whisky is the life of man,
Whisky -- Johnny'
Oh! Whisky is the life of man,
O! Whisky for my Johnny.

I drunk Whisky when I can,
Whisky, &c.
I drink it out of an old tin can.
O, &c.

Whiskey made me pawn my clothes,
Whisky gave me a broken nose.

Whisky killed my poor old dad,
Whisky drove my mother mad.

Whisky caused mr much abuse,
Whisky put me in the Calabouse

Whisky fills a man with care
Whisky makes a man abear.

Up aloft this yard must co,
Let the wind blow high or low.

One more pull, my song is done,
Pull away like a son od a gun.

There are several spurious versions of this "story", which we have been careful to keep clear of. One or two lines in one of such run thus--
Whisky hot and whisky cold
Whisky, &c.

Whisky here and whisky there,

I go to the bottom, and I suck, suck, suck, &c, &c.

E2 | A2 c2 A2 E2 | A2 (cB) A2 z2 | A2 c4 z2 | F2 A4 He2 | e3 c d2 c2 | B2 B2 G2 E2 | G2 B2 d3 d | c2 A4 2 z2 ||

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: BLOW THE MAN DOWN
From: shipcmo
Date: 17 Feb 11 - 08:34 AM


Blow the man down, Bullies - Blow the man down,
Wae! Hae! Blow the man down.
Blow the man down, Bullies - Pull him around,
Give me some time to blow the man down.

Blow the man down - you darlings lie down
Wae! Hae! &c.
Blow the man down for fair London town.
Give me, &c.

When the "Black Baller" is ready for sea
This is the time that you see such a spree,

There's tinkers, and tailors, and soldiers, and all,
They all ship for sailors on board the "Black Ball"

When the "Black Baller" hauls out of the dock,
To see these poor fellows, how on board they flock,

When the "Black Baller" gets clear of the land
'Tis then you will hear the great word of command,

"Lay aft here, ye lubbers, lay aft one and all",
"I'll none of your dodges on board the Black Ball,

To see these poor devels, how they all "scoot",
Assisted along by the toe of a boot,

It's now we are sailing on th' ocean so wide
Wher the deep blue waters dash by our black side

And now, my fine boys, we are round the rock,
And soon, oh! soon, we will be in the dock

Then all our hands will bundle ashore
Perhaps some will never to sea go no more,

T:Blow The Man Down
B3 c B2 G2 E2 G2 | B2 c2 B2 G6 | B6 c6 | A3 G A2 F6 | F3 F F2 G3 F G2 | A2 F A2 c6 | B2 B2 B2 B4 A2 | G3 F G2 HE6 ||

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: RANZO
From: shipcmo
Date: 17 Feb 11 - 09:54 AM


Oh! poor old Rubin Ranzo!
Ranzo boys! Ranzo.

Je sold his plough and harrow,
Ranzo, &c

Ranzo was no sailor,

He shipped on a Yankee whaler.

He could not do his duty,

He could not furl a "Royal",

The "mate" he was a bad man;

The Captain was a good 'un.

They took him to the gangway,

And gave him six and thirty.

He was taken in the cabin,

And there had wine and brandy;

And they taught him navvy-gation:

Now, he's skipper of a whaler.

I wish I was old "Ranzo's" son,

I'd build a ship of a thousand ton;

I'd give my sailors plenty of rum.

Old "Ranzo" was a good old man,

But now old "Ranzo's" dead and gone

And none can sing his funeral song.

A2 | B2 c2 B2 A2 | (G3F) A2 z2 | G2 G2 G4 | A2 G2 z2 G2 | G2 A2 B2 A G | F2 E2 C4 | F2 A2 c3 A | G2 HF4 z2 ||

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: GOOD BYE FARE YE WELL
From: shipcmo
Date: 17 Feb 11 - 11:40 AM


It's of a flash Packet, a Packet I've seen--
Good bye fare ye well - Good bye fare ye well.
She's a hearty flash packet - the Dreadnaught's her name -
Hurrah me boys, we're bound to go

She sails to the westward where stormy winds blow
Good bye, &c.
Bound away in the Dreadnaught to the westward we'll ho
Hurrah me boys, &c.

It's now we are hauling right out of the dock
Wher the boys and the girls on the pierhead do flock

They give three loud cheers while the tears downward flow
Bound away in the Dreadnaught, to the westward we'll go-

Oh now we are lying in the River Mersey
Waiting for the tug boat to take us to sea

She tows us round the black rocks where Mersey does flow
Bound away in the Dreadnaught, to the westward we'll go

It's now we are sailing on the wild Irish shore
Our passengers all sick - and our new mates all sore

The crew fore and aft - all round to and fro
Bound away in the Dreadnaught, to the westward we'll go

Oh it's now we've arrived on the banks of Newfoundland
Wher the water is green and the bottom is sand

Where the fish of the ocean swim round to and fro
Bound away in the Dreadnaught, to the westward we'll go

Now we are running down Long Island Shore
Where the Pilot does 'board' us as he's oft done before

Then back your main top sail - rise your main tack also
Bound away in the Dreadnaught, to the westward we'll go

It's now we've arrived at New York once more
Where I'll see my dear Polly, the girl I adore-

I'll call for strong liquors and merry will be,
Here's a health to the 'Dreadnaught' where'ere she may be

Here's a health to the Captain and all his brave crew
Hree's a health to the 'Dreadnaught' and officers too

And this song was composed when the watch went below
Bound away in the Dreadnaught, to the westward we'll go

T:Good Bye Fare Ye Well
G2 | c2 B2 A2 | (G2^F2) G2 | (A2G2) E2 | G4 G2 | G2 F3 E | (F2A2) A2 | A2 G3 =F | E4 G G | G2 G2 G2 | G2 ^F2 G2 | (A2B2) A2 | G4 (c2|B4) G2 | A4 ^F2 | G2 B2 A2 | G6 ||

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: Joe Offer
Date: 18 Feb 11 - 06:30 PM

Here are the MIDI files submitted by shipcmo:

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From: shipcmo
Date: 19 Feb 11 - 12:44 PM

In October, 1972, Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger recorded a singer, Ben Bright, a 76 year old re-tired seaman who lived in Edmonton in North London.

D4 | G6 F2 G2 A2 | B4 G4 B,4 | D4 E4 B,4 | D4 z4 A2 A2 | A4 A2 ^G2 A2 B2 | c4 A4 F4 | D4 E4 F4 | G6 F2 G2 A2 | B4 G4 B,2 B,2 | D4 E4 B,4 | D2 D2 C4 z4 A6 ^G2 A2 B2 | c4 A4 F4 | D4 E4 F4 | G12 | z8 ||

My ship she is a new ship, she's free from the stocks,
And I hope every man aboard her is free from the (pox)

Hoist away your tops'ls while your ship she rolls heavily,
Hoist away your tops, ye sons of the sea.

All ships they have a mains'l, all mains'ls have a bunt
And I hope every girl we know has a lily-white (cunt)

All ships they have a stuns'l and a stuns'l's big stick
And I hope every man aboard her's got a stiff standing (prick)

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste inTune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: THE ISLAND FAREWELL
From: shipcmo
Date: 19 Feb 11 - 05:45 PM


O I never will forget you
And the love you had for me;
O come back my lovely sailor,
O come back my dear to me,

When your schooner it is sailing
Far across the dark blue sea;

For when the palm trees they are swaying,
Softly in the evening breeze,
And the wild winds they are saying,

In the watches of the evening,
Kindly save a thought for me.
And the love you had for me;

O come back my love to me.

I had trouble figuring out how the lyrics were ordered.

T:The Island Farewell
B6 B2 | c2 B2 G2 E2 | (D4G4) | B6 z2 | A6 B2 | c2 A2 G2 A2 |B4 z4 | z8| B6 B2 | c2 B2 G2 E2 | (D4G4) | B4 z4 | A6 B2 | c2 A2 G2 F2 | G4 z4 | z8 ||

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: PADDY WEST
From: shipcmo
Date: 20 Feb 11 - 07:09 AM


You have heard of the academy of Mister Paddy West?
For style and popularity, my school it is the best.
For I've only room for forty and I'm boarding seventy-four
And sure, by Jesus, who is that, comes knocking on my door?

O me name is Patrick Dooley and I've dragged me weary way
All the way from dear old Ireland and I wants to go to sea.
"Come in, me friend," says Paddy, "you're as safe as house ashore,
You're an Irishman and a gentleman and a townie of me own."

"Now, observe this hole within the wall, that is a furnace door,
And there is the shovel and stone, me boys, that lay upon the floor.
You take the shovel and the stones and through the furnace go,
And I'll make you a western Ocean fireman with a dungaree jacket, O!"

O we know the way to Auckland and the lights on Sydney Head
We've saved our lives and a little beside on a cold and North Sea wreck;
O I've crossed the Western Ocean and I've battled round the Horn,
And once I nearly foundered in the Gulf of Capricorn.

And I've doffed me glass to a Chinese lass in the ricefields of Siam,
And I've said adieu to a wild....

T:Paddy West
C2 D2 |E2 E2 E2 E2 | E E G4 E2 | E2 D2 D D3 | D2 z4 G2 | A2 F2 c2 B2 | A2 G2 E2 C2 | D2 C2 C2 C | C2 z2 C2 D2 | E2 E2 E2 E2 | E2 G2 G2 E2 | E2 D2 D D E2 | D4 z2 G2 | A2 G2 c c3 | A G3 E2 C2 | D2 C2 C3 C | C4 ||
w:You have heard of the a ca de my of Mis ter Pad dy West For style and pop u lar i ty, my school it is the best.   For I've on ly room for for ty and I'm board ing se ven ty four, And sure by Je sus who is that comes knock ing on my door?

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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From: shipcmo
Date: 20 Feb 11 - 03:02 PM


Hooray, my boys, our sails they are set and the wind is blowing fair,
We are bound for Castle Garden, in a few days we'll be there.
It's hard to part from those that we love and it fills my heart with woe,
When leaving dear old Erin where the three-leaf sham-rock grows.

She's an Irish ship with an Irish crew and our hearts they are not down,
We fly the Irish ensign, boys, it's the harp without the crown.

T:The Harp without the Crown
c2 | d4 c2 A4 F2 | C2 F2 A2 c4 c c | c4 c2 B G7 | D6 z4 D2 ^D2 | E4 E2 E4 G2 | e4 e2 e4 d2 | d c7 G4 ^G2 | A6 z4 c2 | d4 c2 A4 F2 | C2 F2 A2 c4 d c | c4 =B _B4 G2 | D6 z4 D2 | E4 ^D2 E4 G2 | e2 e4 e4 d2 | c2 c4 B4 E2 | F6 z4 ||
w:Hoo ray, my boys, our sails they are set and the wind is blow ing fair, We are bound for Cas tle Gar den, in a few days we'll be there. It's hard to part from those that we love and it fills my heart with woe, When leav ing dear old E in where the three leaf sham rock grows.

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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From: shipcmo
Date: 20 Feb 11 - 06:10 PM


O where are you bound to and where do you go?
We're the bold Princess Royal bound for Callao.

O clew up your topsails and heave your ship to,
For I have a letter to send there by you.

I'll clew up my topsails and heave my ship to,
But it'll be in some harbour, not alongside of you.

They chased us to the westward by night and by day,
They chased us to the east'ard and made no headway.

They shot at our sails but to no avail,
And the bold Princess Royal soon showed them her tail,

T:The Bold Princess Royal
d2 | d2 d2 d2 B2 G2 G2 | E2 E3 E c4 B c | d2 d2 d2 d2 c2 B2 | A2 G A3 HG4 d2 | d2 d2 d2 B2 G2 G2 | c2 d2 e2 d4 c2 | B2 B2 B2 e c3 A2 | A2 G2 G2 HG4 ||
w:O where are you bound to and where do you go? We're the bold Prin cess Roy al bound for Cal la o. O clew up your top sails and heave your ship to, For I have a let ter to send there by you.

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: ROLLING HOME
From: shipcmo
Date: 21 Feb 11 - 07:21 AM


Pipe all hands to man the capstan,
See your cables are all clear;
See all on deck is clear for running
For the land we love is near.

Rolling home, rolling home across the sea,
O rolling home to merry England,
Rolling home, fair land, to thee.

If we all heave with a will, boys,
Soon our anchor we will trip,
And we'll set the sails aloft, boys,
That will drive our gallant ship.

And the wild winds left behind us
Seem to murmur as they go,
Far away fond hearts await you,
In the land to which you go.

T:Rolling Home
z2 C2 E2 | G6 G2 ^F2 G2 | A4 G4 E2 G2 | M:4/4 e e3 d2 c2 | M:3/2 A4 z2 B2 B2 c2 | d6 c2 B2 F2 | A (G3^F2) G2 | B6 A2 F D3 | C4 z2 || z2 E2 F2 | G4 z4 E2 G2 | M:4/4 c2 e2 d2 c2 | M:3/2 A4 z2

B2 B2 c2 | d6 c2 B F3 | A4 G4 ^F2 G2 |B6 A2 F2 D2 | C4 z2 ||
w:Pipe all hands to man the cap stan, See your cab les are all clear; See all on deck is clear for run ning For the land we love is near. Roll ing home, roll ing home a cross the sea, O roll ing home to mer ry

Eng land, Roll ing home, fair land, to thee.

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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From: shipcmo
Date: 21 Feb 11 - 08:21 AM


I wasn't long ashore in the town of Baltimore,
I thought I'd take a trip to Rio Janeiro;
And a Frenchman gave me the chance and likewise a month's advance
And shipped me aboard of the barque, the Campanero.

Next day I went aboard, me head it was whiskey-sore,
The crimp said, "In your bunk you'll find a square-O."
O the square-O it was small and the Cockney drank it all,
Aboard o' the handy barque, the Campanero.

Next day she went away from the moorings where she lay,
Waiting for the wind unto blow fair, O,
On the following Saturday,
O we hauled her out to sea,
And we squared away in our yacht for Rio Janeiro.

Now, the wind blew down the bay, blew all of our sails away,
And all of them we had unto repair O
For I lost me watch below,
I was on the poop to sew,
Aboard of the handy barque, the Campanero.

O the mate he was a big bluff, and he tried to hand us rough,
Says I, "Is it me you're figuring for to scare, O?"
And a great big Russian Finn,
O we handed him over to him
Aboard o' the handy barque, the Campanero.

In forty days or more, we sights Brazilian shore,
And the man in the top he said, "It's Rio Janeiro!"
O the wind it was quite free and so straight ahead went we
And we dropped our hook that night in Rio Janeiro.

Now, the mate he went ashore, and we never saw no more
The skipper sent ashore his bag-shillero;
What with the mate, the skipper, the pump, I was nearly off me chump,
Aboard o' the handy barque, the Campanero.

And now the voyage is o'er and I'm back in Baltimore,
Of all the down-east ships that I'm aware, O.
If ever more I go to sea, no more Yankee ships for me!
They may be like the barque, the Campanero.

T:The Handy Barque The Campanero
z2 z2 G2 |E2 G F2 D | C3 G2 F |E2 G F2 D | C3 z2 C | C2 C E2 G | c2 c ddc | B3 G3 | z2 z A2 B | c2 c ccc | c3 B2 A | G2 G c2 E | F3 z2 F | EEE EEE | D2 E G2 E | D3 C3 ||
w:I was n't long a shore in the town of Bal ti more, I thought I'd take a trip to Ri o Jan eir o; And a French man gave me the chance and like wise a month's ad vance And shipped me a board of the barque,

the Cam pa ner o.

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: ROLL THE COTTON DOWN
From: shipcmo
Date: 21 Feb 11 - 09:57 AM


In the Blackball Line I'll serve my time,
Roll the cotton down,
In the Blackball Line I'll serve my time,
O roll the cotton down.
And we roll it up and roll it down,
Roll the cotton down,
In the Blackball Line I'll serve my time,
O roll the cotton down.

T:Roll the Cotton Down
B3A | G4 D4 B,4 D4 | G2 F4 E2 F4 z4 | A6 A2 A2 B6 | A8 z4 B3A | G4 D4 B,4 D4 | M:3/4 G4 B2(B2 B8) c4 | M:4/4 B6 A2 A2 A6 | G8 z4 ||
w:In the Black ball Line I'll ser ve my time, Roll the cot ton down, In the Black ball Line I'll serve my y time, O roll the cot ton down.

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: MAGGIE MAY
From: shipcmo
Date: 21 Feb 11 - 10:42 AM


'Twas the good ship Carolina that paid off in Liverpool
O and two-pound-ten a month it was my pay;
O wasn't I a fool in the town of Liverpool
When I fell in with a girl called Maggie May?

O is that you, Maggie May?
O they're taking you away,
And you'll never see old Lime Street any more,
For the judge he guilty found her for robbing a homeward-bounder
And he paid her passage to Van Diamond's shore.
In the morning when I woke,
I was absolutely broke,
And me suit of clothes had surely walked away,
She'd left a pair of dungarees, they were baggy at the knees,
And vanished was the girl called Maggie May.

T:Maggie May
C2 E2 | G2 G2 G2 A2 | G2 E2 D2 C2 | F2 G2 A2 B2 | c4 z2 cA | G2 G2 G3 G | A2 G2 G2 E2 | D4 z4 | z6 G2 |G2 A2 G3 G | G4 E2 C2 | F2 F2 F A3 |c4 B A3 | G G3 c3 E | G2 ^F2 =F D3 | C2 z4 | z4 || c2 B2 |A2 F2 F2 F2 | F4 B2 A2 | G2 E2 E2 E2 | E4 C2 E2 | G G3 G2 G2 |A2 A2 G E3 | D4 z4 | z4 C2 E2 |G2 G2 G2 A2 | G2 E4 C2 | FF F2 F2 G2 | A2 c2 B2 A2 | G2 G2 B A3 | G2 ^F2 =F2 D2 | C4 z4| z4 ||
w:'Twas the good ship Car o li na that paid off in Liv er pool O and two pound-ten a month it was my pay;   O was n't I a fool in the town of Liv er pool When I fell in with a girl called Mag gie May? O is that you, Mag gie May?   O they're tak ing you a way, And you'll nev er see old Lime Street an y more, For the judge he guil ty found her for rob bing a home ward bound er And he paid her pas sage to Van Dia mond's shore.

To create a score, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: Lighter
Date: 21 Feb 11 - 12:20 PM

These midis are incredibly handy, George. Thanks for making and posting them!

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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: Joe Offer
Date: 22 Feb 11 - 02:24 AM

Oh, he's not done yet. Look at these:
Thanks, geo.


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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: shipcmo
Date: 07 Mar 11 - 07:39 AM

OK, after trolling DT & Mudcat MIDIs, I have come up with the links to most of the Sea Chanty's herin.

A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea
A-Rovin (I)
A-Rovin (II)
Aboard the Kangaroo
Across the Western Ocean
Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy
The Alabama
All Through the Rain and Squally Weather
Blow Boys, Blow
Blow Boys, Blow(II)
Blow a Man Down
Blow the Man Down
The Bold Princess Royal
The Bold Princess Royal (II)
The Bold Princess Royal (III)
Bound to Go
Come Down You Bunch Of Roses
Congo River
Donkey Riding
Doodle Let Me Go
The Dreadnaught
The Ebeneezer
Fire Down Below
Gimme de Banjo
The Handy Barque the Campanero
Hanging Johnny
The Harp Without The Crown
Haul Away Joe
Haul Away Joe (II)
Haul on the Bowline
Hello, Somebody
Hoist Away Your Topsails
Island Farewell
The Island Lass
John Damaray
Johnny Boker
Lady Franklin's Lament
Leave Her Johnny
Leaving of Liverpool
Let Go the Reef Tackle
Liverpool Judies
Lower the Yawlboat Down
Maggie May
Maid of Australia
Nancy Rhee
New York Girls
Paddy Doyle
Paddy Get Back
Paddy West
Paddy West (II)
Rio Grande
Rio Grande (II)
Roll the Cotton Down (I)
Roll the Cotton Down (II)
Roll the Cotton Down
Roll the Old Chariot Along
Rolling Home
Rolling Home (II)
Sally Brown
Sally Brown (II)
Santy Anna
Shake Her Up
Shallo Brown
South Australia
South Australia (II)
Stately Southerner
Stately Southerner (II)
Big Stone Jar
We'll Go To Sea No More
We're All Bound To Go
Whiskey Johnny
Whiskey Johnny (II)
Whiskey O

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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: Gibb Sahib
Date: 07 Mar 11 - 07:46 AM

Great work!

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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: GUEST,Jon
Date: 07 Mar 11 - 08:32 AM

Just noting, this is pretty much the type of thing our little supported abc projects was designed to handle. All that's needed is a text file containing the abcs. Using the abc lines I've just copy/pasted from here into a text file from this thread will do this

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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: Snuffy
Date: 07 Mar 11 - 09:17 AM

Also Jon's Folkinfo site you will find the Hatfield shanties, and the Hugill Collection

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Subject: RE: Sea Chanty Lyrics and MIDI tunes
From: shipcmo
Date: 08 Mar 11 - 01:29 PM

MMario's thread Songs of the Sailor and Lumberman has a number of tunes in Songwrite notation. MusicEase will accept those and create a score & MIDI. But getting the MIDI file is not straightforward, nor is getting the score in a file that can be transmitted via the Internet. PM me for further info.

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: COME ALONG DOWN BUDDY (Caulking)
From: shipcmo
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 04:52 PM

One man swung the beetle, a huge maul like a giant croquet mallet against the head of the hawsing iron

that drove the hemp deep into the seam. The other man, holding the iron in place and inching down the

seam, kept up a deep rhythmic chant... With each line, the maul srtuck iron Blam...blam...blam...
The big beetle and the huge hawsing iron, driving the hemp into place, produced a heavy thunk, and

the smaller hand mallet tapping the caulking iron to beat down the twisted cotton kept up a rapid patter,

and behind both were the voices...Sometimes there'd be 24 to 30 men caulking one 300-fot boat, all

singing, and in harmony...

F,F, A,2 | B,4 | DD z2 | DD B,2 | A,2 F,2 | F,4 :|
w: Come a long down, bud dy. Come a long down, big boy.
W:Come along down, buddy.                           Sally got a great long bangs.
W:Come along down, big boy.                         Hangs way down buddy.
W:Come along down, buddy.                           Sally got a great long bangs.
W:Come along down, big boy.                         Hangs way down buddy.
W:Come along down, buddy.                           Who gonna curl them bangs
W:Come along down, big boy.                         After I'm gone, buddy.
W:Drive 'em down, buddy.                              Who gonna curl them bangs
W:Drive 'em down, buddy.                               After I'm gone, buddy.
W:That's the blow, buddy.                               One more time, buddy.
W:Makes him go, big boy.                               One more time, big boy.
W:That's the blow, buddy.                               One more time, buddy.
W:Makes him go, big boy.                               One more time, big boy.
W:That's the blow, buddy.                               One more time, buddy..
W:Makes him go, big boy.                               One more time, big boy.
W:All day long, buddy.                                     All day long, buddy.
W:All day long, buddy.                                     All day long, buddy.

To create a score, and a MIDI version, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: EVERY MAIL DAY (Menhaden Chantey)
From: shipcmo
Date: 14 Mar 11 - 06:41 PM

Menhaden chanteys were sung by the fisherman on the purse boats as they hardened the net, pulling the menhaden to the surface where they could be scooped by a dip net and deposited in the ship's hold.

These songs included spirituals, such as "Drinking of the Wine," Afro-American ballads such as "Lazarus," and randomly sung traditional verses, as in "Every Mail Day."

z F, G,A, | B,4 | D z3 | D2 B,2 | D2 D2 | B,2 B,2 | z F, G,A, | B,4 | D z3 | D2 B,2 | D2 D2 | B,2 B,2 | z

F,/F,/ G,A, | B,4 | D z3| D4 | HB, F,G, B, | B,4 ||
w: If I can row (yeah) Row a few days long er If I can row (yeah) Row a few days long er Then I'm

goin' back home (boy) Oh lord, I'm goin' back home.   
W:If I can row (yeah)                               Oh Evaline,
W:Row a few days longer                         She's got money 'cumulatin'
W:If I can row (yeah)                               Oh Evaline,
W:Row a few days longer                         She's got money 'cumulatin'.
W:Then I'm goin' back home (boy)            I love that girl (boy)
W:Oh Lord, I'm goin' back home.               Lord, Lord, I love that girl.
W:Well every mail day                              Oh Jack o'Diamonds
W:Mail day, I gets a letter.                        Layin' right there on the bottom
W:Well every mail day                              Oh Jack o'Diamonds
W:Mail day, I gets a letter.                         Layin' right there on the bottom
W:Sayin' daddy come home (boy)             Well who gonna raise him?
W:Lord, Lord, daddy come home.             Lord, Lord, who gonna raise?
W:I would go home (boy)                         If I can row (yeah)
W:I ain't got no ready made money.          Row (yeah) a few days longer.   
W:I would go home (boy)                         If I can row (yeah)
W:I ain't got no ready made money            Row (yeah) a few days longer.
W:To pay my way (boy)                            Then I'm goin' back home (boy)
W:Oh Lord, to pay my way.                      Lord, Lord, I'm goin' back home.

To create a score, and a MIDI version, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: Hula Hombre
From: shipcmo
Date: 27 Mar 11 - 05:49 PM

Albert Henry Rasmussen, recorded by Peter Kennedy and Alan Lomax, London 11th April 1955, was born on 2nd October 1883 at Skien, South Norway and died on 6th December 1972. He was a well-known Norwegian writer and was a war historian to the Royal Navy.

Hala Hombre

Arre hala hombre poquito mas,
Down below for rolling go!
Arre hala hombre poquito mas,
Down below for rolling go!

Ruch O O manetana
Manetana tana si
Ruch O O manetana, tana,
Hala hombre rio poco mas!

Sing Sally-O! (Oh) bound for Rye-o!
An away an away an away no!
To way an awanda weges

Sing Sally-O! (Oh) bound for Rye-o!
Bound for Rye-o hala hombre rio poco!

Sing Sally-O! (Oh) bound for Rye-o!
An to way an away an away no
To way an awanda weges

Oh Sussana, don't you cry,
Hera mi Yankee, hera mi lo
Ring, ting ting ting
Come an by

Arre hala hombre poquito mas,
Down below for rolling go!

"Hala" means 'Come on! Get moving!' "Arre" means 'Giddyap!'
"Ruchar" (infinitive form) means "to saw". (?)
"Manetan" means "handle" or "lever."
"away no" could be a pronunciation of "bueno."

Click to play

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Subject: Charlie Brown
From: shipcmo
Date: 28 Mar 11 - 09:49 AM

Charlie Brown (Sally Brown)

Oh, Charlie Brown was a black mulatto
Way-oh for Charlie Brown
And Charlie Brown was a black mulatto
And I spent my money Charlie Brown

Oh, Sally Brown was a creole lady
Way-oh for Sally Brown
And Sally Brown was a creole lady
And I spent my money on Sally Brown

Oh, Charlie Brown may I marry your daughter
Way-oh for Charlie Brown
Oh she drinks whiskey, and I drink water
And I spent my money on Sally Brown

Oh, Sally Brown was a creole lady
Way-oh for Sally Brown
She was rather dark, but not too shady
And I spent my money on Sally Brown

Click to play

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Subject: RE: Sea Chantey Lyrics, MIDI tunes, & MP3's
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 29 Mar 11 - 12:34 PM

He's a clown, that Charlie Brown....

Which makes me wonder: Has anyone ever tried to turn familiar pop songs into chanteys?

The results could be hilarious, it seems to me.

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Subject: RE: Sea Chantey Lyrics, MIDI tunes, & MP3's
From: Gibb Sahib
Date: 29 Mar 11 - 02:11 PM


Chanteys *were* very often based on popular songs of their day...and they *were* hilarious!

Now, if you mean pop songs from after the Age of Sail, then you might like this excerpt: :-D

Yellow Submarine

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Subject: RE: Sea Chantey Lyrics, MIDI tunes, & MP3's
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 30 Mar 11 - 11:43 PM

Gibb: I watched the video. I was surprised. It's the first time I had ever seen a capstan in action. It seemed much easier than I imagined it. The workers weren't really straining at all. I thought the point of a chantey was to keep everyone in sync, so they all strained at the same time. In the video, they weren't straining, and the work didn't seem to require any particular rhythm. All they had to do was keep walking at a steady speed and avoid tripping. I think they could have done this perfectly well without the song.

Also, the song was performed "straight" with no changes that I could perceive, compared to the popular version. I was expecting something in a call-and-response pattern, which would have required some changes. Maybe that's why I didn't find it funny.

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Subject: RE: Sea Chantey Lyrics, MIDI tunes, & MP3's
From: Gibb Sahib
Date: 31 Mar 11 - 01:33 AM

Hi Jim,

I think most of your observations are right on. To clarify (on your last statement) I didn't mean to imply that this performance was funny. I was thinking of the popular song-based chanties of days past.

As for this example:

I personally don't think it is *great* choice of song, although most modern (~since 1950s) pop songs would be worse. The rhythmic sensibility of late 20th century popular songs is quite different from 19th century sensibilities, so they don't work well typically. This one works just ~OK~. The main problem is too much "space" in the melodic rhythm.

That being said, I'm sure you could guess that this performance was impromptu. The participants did not know (I don't think) that this song would be chosen, which would explain their somewhat lacking in synchronization and gusto. But they're kids -- give them a break!

Call and response, while common, was not a prerequisite for capstan chanties. Many (most) old time capstan chanties had a call and response, but that was a feature of the genre from which they developed. Later, when other songs were adapted for capstan, many did not have call in response, but rather a long solo followed by a long chorus.

You have never seen a capstan in action? True because besides at Mystic Seaport it is rare to see nowadays. And given that rarity, we can't choose amongst many for an "ideal." Such capstans were generally used for raising anchor -- a job that could take hours!!! And anchors were heavy indeed. Straining was involved. In this case, in order for Mystic to do their demo, they can't drop anchor every time! So they hoist up a life boat. That being said, there are said to have been easier and harder "phases" of the process of heaving an anchor. At the beginning, one is just pulling in the slack of the chain, so it is pretty easy when lots of people are involved. Tempos could be quite fast. Alternatively, when the mudhook was "stuck" and breaking it loose required straining, the rotation could be so slow that one could not really keep a regular rhythm.

Capstan chanties in-tempo kept up the pace of the labor, but metronomic time was not essential; nothing was being coordinated per se. And the sound of the "pawls" clicking creates a rhythm of its own that is not necessarily in-synch with the tramping. (At some speeds it is, at others it is a counter-tempo which, for musicians, could even be distracting.)

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Subject: And now, a Parlor Song
From: shipcmo
Date: 31 Mar 11 - 07:57 AM

T:The heaving of the lead
z8 z2 (E3F) | G4 G4 F4 (A3F) | E4 D4 E6 B,2 | (E2F2) (G2A2) B6 B2 | (c2d2) (e2c2) B6 B2 | e6 d2 c6 B2 | (=A2G2) (F2E2) D6 F2 | B4 B4 (G2c2) (d2e2) | B4 =A4 B6 z2 | z8 z4 z2 B2 | e6 e2 (e2d4) e2 | (d2c2) c4 (d4B4) z2 B2 | (B2G4) c2 (A2F4) B2 | (G2E4) =A2 HB8 | E3 E F4 E8 | G3 G A4 HG4 G2 | (F2c2) (B2A2) (A2G2) (B2G2) | (F2c2) (B2A2) (A2G2) (B2G2) | (A2G2) (F2G2) (A2G2) (A2G2) (A2B2) | (c2B2) (c2d2) He6 z2 | G6 A2 (G2F8) | (E8E4) z2 ||
w:F or Eng land, when wi th fav' ring gale, Our gal - - lant ship up chan - - nel steer'd; And scud ding un der ea - - sy sail, The high blue west - - ern land ap pear'd;   To heave the le ad the sea - man sp rung, And to - the pi - lot cheer - ly sung. "By the deep nine! "By the deep nine!" To he ave the - le ad the - sea - - man spr ung, And - to - - the - pi - - lot - cheer - - ly sung "By the de ep nine!"
W:And bearing up to gain the port,
W: Some well-known object kept in view, --
W:An abbey-tower, a harbor-fort,
W: Or beacon to the vessel true;
W:While oft the lead the seaman flung,
W:And to the pilot cheerly sung,
W:   " By the mark -- seven! "
W:And as the much-loved shore we near,
W: With transport we behold the roof
W:Where dwelt a friend or partner dear,
W: Of faith and love a matchless proof.
W:The lead once more the seaman flung,
W:And to the watchful pilot sung,
W:   " Quarter less -- five! "
W:Now to her berth, the ship draws nigh:
W: We shorten sail, -- she feels the tide, --
W:"Stand clear the cable" is the cry, --
W:   The anchor's gone; we safely ride.
W:The watch is set, and through the night
W:We hear the seamen with delight
W:    Proclaim, -- " All's well! "

To create a score, and a MIDI version, copy the abc notation above, and paste in Tune-O-Tron

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Subject: RE: Sea Chantey Lyrics, MIDI tunes, & MP3's
From: Gibb Sahib
Date: 31 Mar 11 - 09:16 PM


Thanks again for sharing the fascinating "Hala Hombre" song. Nice photo, too.

I'm also glad you are using YouTube to make some of this stuff accessible.

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Subject: RE: Sea Chantey Lyrics, MIDI tunes, & MP3's
From: shipcmo
Date: 30 Apr 11 - 07:20 AM

At Lesley Nelson-Burns' site, click on
Shanties: Songs of Work on the Sea
          o A Hundred Years Ago
          o Aweigh, Santy Ano
          o The Black Ball Line
          o Blow the Man Down
          o Blow Boys, Blow!
          o Boney Was a Warrior
          o The Coasts of High Barbary
          o The Dead Horse
          o The Dreadnought
          o Drunken Sailor
          o Eliza Lee
          o Fire Down Below
          o The Fish of the Sea
          o The Golden Vanity
          o Hanging Johnny
          o Haul Away, Joe! (1)
          o Haul Away, Joe! (2)
          o Holy Ground Once More
          o Homeward Bound
          o The Lass of Swansea Town
          o Leave Her, Johnny
          o Maid of Amsterdam
          o New York Girls (1)
          o New York Girls (2)
          o Old Swansea Town Once More
          o On Board the Kangaroo
          o One More Day
          o The Ox-Eyed Man
          o Paddy Doyle's Boots
          o Paddy, Get Back
          o Paddy West
          o Reuben Ranzo
          o The Rio Grande
          o Rolling Home
          o The Sailor's Loves
          o Sally Brown
          o The Saucy Sailor Boy
          o Shenandoah
          o Storm Along
          o We'll Rant and We'll Roar
          o We're All Bound to Go
          o Whisky Johnnie
          o Won't You Go My Way?
          o Yankee Whalermen

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Subject: RE: Sea Chantey Lyrics, MIDI tunes, & MP3's
From: GUEST,Charles Biada
Date: 13 Jun 11 - 12:25 AM

I recently recorded an expanded version Nancy Rhee. I'm not much of a singer, but hopefully my video will bring the song to the attention of people who are -- it is one tune that does not deserve to remain buried in Hatfield's (excellent) article.

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