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Shantyfest at Mystic Seaport

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Desdemona 11 May 02 - 11:37 AM
Desdemona 11 May 02 - 11:39 AM
GUEST 12 May 02 - 05:29 AM
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Subject: Shantyfest at Mystic Seaport
From: Desdemona
Date: 11 May 02 - 11:37 AM

Hi all,

I've finally sorted out my computer situation to some degree and am "back" (ie---with my cookie firmly in place)!

I'm wondering if anyone knows much about the sea shanty festival at Mystic Seaport the first weekend in June? I heard about it from a woman at Waterson:Carthy at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in April, but can't seem to get any concrete info as to who's actually playing, when, what's scheduled, etc. I'd like to make plans to go, but need some more info; anyone?



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Subject: RE: Shantyfest at Mystic Seaport
From: Desdemona
Date: 11 May 02 - 11:39 AM


Obviously, it pays to look down the list & see if anyone's already addressed one's query ere making it; you may now disregard this thread!

Blushing Desdemona

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Subject: RE: Shantyfest at Mystic Seaport
Date: 12 May 02 - 05:29 AM

So will you be singing Blood Red Roses ?

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