Subject: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,AnCiotog Date: 04 Apr 12 - 05:32 AM I'm doing some web related work on the Titanic at the moment. I'm based in Cork in Ireland so the majority of it is related to the Cobh connection. However, I'd like to add a piece about songs related to the ship. Any ideas and You Tube links? |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,Square The Circle Date: 04 Apr 12 - 05:39 AM Colin Pitts has written a very good song about the Titanic called Let Her Lie. It's on his album Looking for England. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: MGM·Lion Date: 04 Apr 12 - 05:40 AM ~~~ Pete Seeger singing "It was sad when that great ship went down" ~Michael~ |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: MartinRyan Date: 04 Apr 12 - 05:41 AM A "Lyrics and Knowledge" search on "Titanic" will start you off with a handful of songs in the DT and more threads than you could shake an iceberg at! Regards |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: MartinRyan Date: 04 Apr 12 - 05:43 AM As you may know, there are some relevant specifically Irish songs, both young and old... Regards |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,Derek Schofield Date: 04 Apr 12 - 05:49 AM There is a comprehensive article on songs about the Titanic in the current issue of English Dance & Song magazine written by Peta Webb. The article covers songs in the USA, England and Ireland. The words and tune of one song are given in the article and a recording can be heard on the website. then look under publications. If you are not a member of the EFDSS, there is a link on the site enabling you to purchase a copy. Derek Schofield Editor |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: cooperman Date: 04 Apr 12 - 06:01 AM I wrote a song from the perspective of the iceberg. It's on my album 'The Years' with graphic of an iceberg on the cover. I guess there will be lots of songs written this year. Steve Paul Cooper |
Subject: ADD The Titanic From: Jim Carroll Date: 04 Apr 12 - 06:08 AM According to the late DK Wilgus there are 70 songs dealing specifically with the sinking of the Titanic. This is one of several versions we recorded in Clare, it is to be found on the double CD of local singers, Around the Hills of Clare. Jim Carroll 16-2 The Titanic (Roud 18475) Jamesie McCarthy, Mount Scott, Mullagh. Rec. July 1976 THE TITANIC You landsmen all, on you I call, And gallant seamen too, When I relate on the sad fate Of the passengers and crew, On board of The Titanic That lately did sail o'er, In joy and cheer in going their way, Their fortune to pursue. The Titanic called at Queenstown Upon a Thursday, And eight hundred emigrants From Ireland sailed away. Their hearts were light and merry As on the deck did stand, But little was their notion Some would ne'er again see land. For four long days she ploughed the sea, As everyone have read, And at ten o'clock that fatal night Our ship struck an iceberg. Some passengers being in their beds, They received an awful shock, When the captain shouted from the bridge, "I fear our ship is lost." When the ship struck the iceberg It was mournful to see Each mother rushing frantically Trying to save her family. When the crew of the Titanic Did all his best to save The women and the children All from a watery grave. In other lands the grief is all For wealthy millionaires, But still our Irish lads went down With braver hearts than theirs. Although in consecrated clay They are not laid to rest, And they'll never be forgotten In the green isle of the west. And for their calm repose with God I continually pray, A loving last and long farewell To them 'til judgement day. The sinking of The Titanic on 14th April 1912, described at the time as 'the most appalling shipping disaster in the history of the world', gave rise to a great number of songs. According to D K Wilgus, 70 have been collected, 14 of which were found in Ireland. I have been unable to find another example of this particular version, though it does have some similarity to an Irish broadside entitled The Sorrowful Lamentation on The Loss of The North Star (see notes to track 22-1). |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: johncharles Date: 04 Apr 12 - 06:19 AM here is one I wrote about Wallace Hartley the band leader on the titanic. wallace hartley john |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Roger the Skiffler Date: 04 Apr 12 - 09:15 AM The Pete Seeger song mentioned is Leadbelly's Titanic. Les Barker, of course, wrote about the iceberg. RtS |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,mg Date: 04 Apr 12 - 01:25 PM George Millar of the Irish Rovers has a new one out...can be seen on You tube..nice little video... I think that one is coming into my head about Pat Blessington, friend of my father's, who is an undocumented survivor. mg |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,Derek Schofield Date: 04 Apr 12 - 01:51 PM The Pete Seeger song, It was sad when that great ship went down, was recorded by Ernest V. Stoneman in 1925. He apparently added a chorus to a poem and sang it to an existing tune. It may or may not have been recorded by Lead Belly, but Lead Belly composed a song, Fare Thee Well, Titanic, in 1912, recorded in 1935 - a different song i think. All info here from Peta Webb's article... Derek |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE TITANIC From: GUEST,Ryan Date: 04 Apr 12 - 01:58 PM Here's a Newfoundland Song that was collected by MacEdward Leach in '50-'51 when he visited Newfoundland (click). It's one of the Earliest recorded songs from the island and was sung by a Mrs. John Powers of Tors Cove, Avalon Peninsula. Recording*: THE TITANIC On the 10th of April 1912 her whistles they did sound Her power of motion was released her twin screws turned around Designed by skillful builders at Belfast, Ireland The honour fell to Captain Smith the liner to command Nine hundred seamen to form the crew some wore the golden braid With … and millionaires strolled on her promenade Southampton's piers were crowded down on that eventful day To see the largest ship afloat sail for Amerikay As the engines thrust great clouds of smoke rose from her funnels high For she was bound down on the main her record for her to try With engines new her turbine flew around with lightning speed Onto the dangers of the sea they gave but little heed Three days were spent in merriment they still kept steering on 'Til the 14th day of April one hour before the dawn When an iceberg white it loomed in sight it lay right in our course From trunk to keel our ship of steel … in force Upon the main confusion reigned we knew our end was nigh When our lifeless bodies in the deep a-mouldering would lie O sorrow mingled with despair their fatal hour had come When the White Star Queen lay on the main her engines ceased to hum O come to us we're sinking flashed a message o'er the blue The Titan's powers are broken and her bows are open through … The message flashed again While the watchful eyes of hundreds failed to see her on the main Too late the ship has vanished and nothing more is seen And fourteen passengers went down all with that White Star queen As the great and mighty sepulchre pushed onward to her doom Four hundred miles from Boston and four from old Cape Race *It is only the first verse, but I suspect that there is somewhere to contact Memorial University for access to the recordings. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,Ryan Date: 04 Apr 12 - 02:03 PM I should also note it's in ABAB, and the Title is simply called "Titanic." |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: greg stephens Date: 04 Apr 12 - 02:16 PM I am working as musical director on a theatre show about the Titanic at present, so have looked at a lot of these. I don't think anyone has mentioned Blind Willie Johnson's "God Moved on the Water" which is quite splendid. Pink Anderson (S Carolina blues/ragtime guitarist) also did a very good variant of the "Sad when that great ship went down" song. Leadbelly's song(so he said) came from Blind Lemon Jefferson. And then there are the numerous hymns reputed to be the last tune played by Wallace Harley's band. Myth has settled on the Bethany tune for Nearer My God to Thee, but there are numerous other candidates. |
Subject: ADD: Heading West (Dean/Walsh) From: Big Al Whittle Date: 04 Apr 12 - 02:31 PM from No Fixed Abode HEADING WEST (Lyrics: Dean/Walsh 2011) The captain, Edward Smith, he called down below. He said, "Fire all the boilers, boys, it's off to New York we go!" Twenty-three knots was our top speed, As we raced into the night. No-one saw the devil, as he cut us deep inside. And the captain cried, "We're the biggest and the best. Fire up the boilers, boys, we're heading west, Yes, we're heading west!" On April the fifteenth, 1912 She finally fell away to rest, over two miles down. She was the pride and joy, the flagship of the White Line, 3 million rivets meant to last for all time. And the captain cried, "We're the biggest and the best. Fire up the boilers, boys, we're heading west." And the Carpathia picked up the distress calls from MGY it said "Please, please come and save us or two thousand plus souls will die!" And the captain cried, "We're the biggest and the best. Fire up the boilers, boys, we're heading west." And the captain cried, "We're the biggest and the best. Fire up the boilers, boys, we're heading west, We're heading west, Now we're heading west!" |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Big Al Whittle Date: 04 Apr 12 - 02:57 PM I just thought it worth mentioning that Una walsh from No Fixed Abode is from County Louth and i think you Irish should stick together on this one. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,mg Date: 04 Apr 12 - 05:27 PM Irish Rovers story with you tube song.. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,mg Date: 04 Apr 12 - 05:57 PM I thought I had said so in this thread but maybe not..anyway I met him when I was probably 7 or father said this is Pat Blessington and he was on the Titanic..he might have well as said he was on the space shuttle..I had no idea what the Titanic was..I was an ignorant little child...but anyway, it was shocking to meet him because I just instinctively knew he was a very powerful and great man somehow..just an usher in the of many fine men..but there was something outstanding about him. He was working in his yard when I met him.. mg |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Tattie Bogle Date: 04 Apr 12 - 08:42 PM As I recently posted on another thread, I heard "The Ballad of John Williams" sung in a pub in Dublin just a few weeks ago. It's a great piece of very straightforward songwriting by Johnny McEvoy as it encompasses the reasons why people wanted to leave Ireland with high hopes of a better life in America, and while it never actually mentions the Titanic by name, the third verse leaves you in no doubt that that's what it's all about. Here's a link to Johnny singing it and the lyrics (very slightly different from the video) are on a thread - "The Ballad of John Williams" |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,Gerry Date: 05 Apr 12 - 02:10 AM Hans Theesink wrote a song about the Titanic. Lyrics and sample at |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Bev and Jerry Date: 05 Apr 12 - 02:25 AM It's worth noting that many of the songs about the Titanic that were written by African-Americans like Leadbelly and Blind Willie Johnson were rather upbeat considering they were written about a tragedy of epic proportions. The reason for this is that White Star Line, owners of the Titanic, did not allow blacks on their ships either as passengers or crew, not even as stokers. A copy of their official policy about this can be found in the museum at Cobh. At least it could about 20 years ago! Bev and Jerry |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: janemick Date: 05 Apr 12 - 02:55 AM Here is a link to a Les Barker poem: have you got any news of the iceberg? A friend of ours has set it to music 6 I can let you have a score or midi if you would like. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Acorn4 Date: 05 Apr 12 - 02:06 PM Titanic -the True Story |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: PHJim Date: 05 Apr 12 - 07:32 PM This thread might be useful. Titanic on the Banjo Hang Out |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,Lighter Date: 05 Apr 12 - 08:04 PM For a different perspective - very - there's "Shine." Recited, not sung. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST Date: 05 Apr 12 - 08:31 PM Mal Pope's show on the Welsh Revival includes songs on W.T. Stead's death on the Titanic. Among other things, Stead was returning to the US to take on Chicago's corruption. If not for the Titanic, Blogo might have been a barber! My grandparent's came to the US on the Baltic, which was Capt. Smith's first assignment as a captain. Chris |
Subject: ADD: Fine Fine Fine (Titanic Song)-Mitchell, et al From: greg stephens Date: 06 Apr 12 - 05:35 AM Here's an interesting one. A song by celebrated poet Adrian Mitchell(and others) for a theatre show: "Raise the Titanic" by Welfare State Internatonal, staged in Limehouse Basin in London in 1983. Like many theatre pieces it was unpublished and unrecorded. We are using it in another Titanic show for the centenary in a week's time, and it will get recorded. FINE FINE FINE(TITANIC SONG) Words Adrian Mitchell Music Luk Mishalle, Pete Moser She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She weigh sixty six sixty six thousand tons She weigh sixty six sixty six thousand tons She got fifty thousand horsepower She got fifty thousand horsepower She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She make twentyfour, twenty five knots an hour She make twentyfour, twenty five knots an hour And she's shoving black smoke at the overhead sun x4 She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She got Sixty foot funnels Three million rivets Everything the human race could afford x4 And She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She got Two thousand two hundred and seven people on board Two thousand two hundred and seven people on board Two thousand two hundred and seven people on board Two thousand two hundred and seven people on board Wondership speeding to the meeting place There stood an iceberg with a grin on its face It opened the Titanic like a sardine tin The people fell out and the water rushed in And She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She's Fine Fine Fine, they call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She's Fine Fine Fine, the call her the Titanic of the White Star Line She's Fine.......... |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: JHW Date: 06 Apr 12 - 05:49 AM I wrote a song in my youth! Pete Betts used to sing it; maybe he'll dig it out. Good tune but some of the verses make me cringe. Chorus Full Ahead, pull her round; we'll sail for New York Town, Titanic is unsinkable, tonight she will go down |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: JHW Date: 08 Apr 12 - 06:56 PM Short BBC animated documentary on the Titanic |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: ChrisJBrady Date: 11 Apr 12 - 11:47 PM The Lomax Archives have some references: then search for "titanic" |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: ChrisJBrady Date: 12 Apr 12 - 12:04 AM From Warren Fahey - Australia Please does anyone have the full lyrics to 'Swim To The Star'? My folk legend pal Peggy Seeger just sent me her new single, 'Swim To The Star', is a hauntingly moving tribute to the men and women affected by the loss of the Titanic. Originally written for BBC [Radio] Solent's programming for the centenary of the event, the track is now released as a single due to popular demand. Seeger co-wrote the song with her son, Calum MacColl. Although MacColl has produced many of Seeger's songs in the past, this is the first time that they have written together. It is a wonderfully evocative clip and song. Peggy sounds like the young woman she has always been. Download it here: Watch the video here: Enjoy Warren Fahey |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: ChrisJBrady Date: 12 Apr 12 - 12:06 AM Does anyone have a copy of the BBC Radio Solent commemorative programme featuring this song? Or is it on iPlayer maybe? |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,CJB Date: 12 Apr 12 - 01:00 AM BBC Radio Solent - April 15 Wondering if anyone down there can record this? On April 15, from 6.00am-9.00am a special programme will reflect the North Atlantic memorial service with guests including relatives of the crew and Titanic experts. This includes a specially commissioned piece in the style of the famous BBC Radio Ballads, entitled Never Again. This Titanic lament has been written by Hampshire playwright Philip Glassborow, with contributions from folk-singer/songwriter Peggy Seeger. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,Tunesmith Date: 12 Apr 12 - 03:25 AM The BBC in the UK have gone Titanic mad! Talk about O.T.T. If I never hear about the Titanic for another 100yrs, it will be far too soon for me! Interestingly, if James Cameron hadn't made his blockbuster movie, I bet the 100th anniversary would have passed if hardly a mention. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Tattie Bogle Date: 12 Apr 12 - 01:35 PM Have you not heard, Tunesmith? They've re-issued it in 3-D! And the Beeb didn't have the monopoly on programmes about it: ITV also have a dramatisation on the go! Must admit, I quite like the wee snippets I've heard of the "Titanic Requiem" written by Robin Gibb (of the BeeGees) and his son. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: testpattern Date: 12 Apr 12 - 02:48 PM The Rudy Ray Moore version of "Shine on the Titanic" is the only recording of that chestnut that I can find, but worthy of a listen. There are earlier (possibly less dirty) texts, but I've only seen transcripts. Here is one such. Here is a second. Some discussion of folk representations of the sinking of the Titanic is here. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Felipa Date: 12 Apr 12 - 03:11 PM I have a query re this song @displaysong.cfm?SongID=7052 (Titanic 6) There is a note saying that the source is Davy Hammond's book Songs of Belfast. I cannot find the song in that book, so what is a correct source for it? |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: open mike Date: 12 Apr 12 - 03:15 PM Is this the song by Leadbelly (Huddie Ledbetter) this was a popular kid's song when i was a kid.. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Joe Offer Date: 12 Apr 12 - 03:34 PM You'll find the Leadbelly Titanic here (click). It's a very different song - refrain is "Fare thee, Titanic, fare thee well." There are some great lines in the song. My favorite verse is:
When it ran into that great big iceberg Cryin' fare thee, Titanic, fare thee well For years, I thought of "When that great ship went down" as a humorous song. My parents sang it at parties where the neighbors (?) drank a bit too much, and later I sang it at Boy Scout camp. Recently, I've heard some more serious renditions of the song, but I still think the lyrics are meant to have an element of humor to them, even when sung by the sober. -Joe- |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: MartinRyan Date: 12 Apr 12 - 03:43 PM Felipa I have a query re this song @displaysong.cfm?SongID=7052 (Titanic 6) There is a note saying that the source is Davy Hammond's book Songs of Belfast. I cannot find the song in that book, so what is a correct source for it? Two things come to mind: - Eddie Butcher sang it? - Jimmy McBride's book of songs from Inishowen The Flower of Dunaff Hill contains a set? Regards |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Nicholas Waller Date: 13 Apr 12 - 02:43 PM @ Bev and Jerry "White Star Line, owners of the Titanic, did not allow blacks on their ships either as passengers or crew, not even as stokers" Apparently not quite true: "Mr Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche was born in Cap Haitien, Haiti on 26 May 1886 [... and subsequently went to France, but had to return after marrying] "Joseph's mother in Haiti bought them steamship tickets on the La France as a welcome present, but the line's strict policy regarding children caused them to transfer their booking to the Titanic's second class. On April 10 the Laroche family took the train from Paris to Cherbourg in order to board the brand new liner later that evening. "Joseph - who is thought to have been the only black passenger on the Titanic - died in the sinking but his family were saved, possibly in lifeboat 14." One of his family was 1 yr old Louise, who only died in 1998 and was, apparently, one of the last 8 or so survivors. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Nicholas Waller Date: 13 Apr 12 - 02:53 PM And here's a thread on the subject of non-white Titanic passengers: |
Subject: Lyrics: Swim To The Star - Seeger/MacColl From: Chris Maltby Date: 14 Apr 12 - 01:07 AM Here are the lyrics transcribed from the recording that Warren Fahey posted above. A doubt was raised about whether "calm" should be "cold" in the second line, but I'm pretty certain she sings "calm". Swim To The Star -- (Peggy Seeger / Calum MacColl - 2012) The ship went down, In calm water. The band played on. Women and children float away; Nearer my God to thee. The crew, the black gang, And men who made her; Nameless, gone, all gone. Cry out to the world "We're going down, We're going down, We're going down!" Dead sons, lost lovers, Fathers and brothers gone; Belfast, Southampton; Weeping, weeping women. Over and over and over, Ships of state, ships of fools. Lower the lifeboats. The rich sail away, Nearer to God are they. No power, no glory, Only hope remains... Swim to the star! Down, down, in dark water, The show goes on. Cry to the stars, "We're going down, We're going down, We're going down!" The stars glisten. The stars listen, And drift away. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Big Al Whittle Date: 14 Apr 12 - 09:59 AM Oh dear it was a panic We went down on the Titanic It went down like a leaky tub And we all went, glub glub glub! Athur Wordworth (Willaim's less talented grandson) |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: ChrisJBrady Date: 15 Apr 12 - 02:28 PM A New Radio Ballad: 'Never Again - A lament for the Titanic' : 15/04/2012 BBC Radio Solent presents 'Never Again, a lament for the Titanic.' Featuring new and specially-composed music by Peggy Seeger and Calum MacColl. With the actual words of many people connected to the Titanic - survivors of the wreck, and relatives of those lost at sea, accounts from newspapers of the time, and from the official public enquiry into the tragedy. And with accounts from newspapers of the time, and from the official public enquiry into the tragedy. ==== Can be downloaded using RadioDownloader or get_iplayer Can be listened to via streaming and recorded using Audacity with i/p set as 'Stereo Mix'. ==== |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GRex Date: 16 Apr 12 - 05:25 AM Hi GUEST AnCiotog Visit This is the website of an excellent show about the Titanic and it's affect on the people of Southampton UK, currently being shown around the Southampton area. The show has a whole program of new Titanic related songs. GRex |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Barb'ry Date: 16 Apr 12 - 05:46 AM Our group, Nine Tenths Below have a song written by Ron Baxter of Fleetwood, music by Andy Hindley, one of our group, called 'The Californian'. It's about the Titanic disaster but from the ship 'The Californian's side. At the time, Californian was blamed for not going to the aid of the Titanic but she sent them an ice warning and recent evidence shows that she was more than 30 miles away and could not have seen the distress flares. Not sure if there is a link to it on our website but if not, I will get it sorted out and send you the words. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: ChrisJBrady Date: 16 Apr 12 - 08:50 AM Apart from the new song 'Swim to the Star' I was disappointed with the new Radio Ballad 'Never Again.' It was originally planned for one hour but the Beeb cut it down to a mere 30 minutes. The gaps were glaring. 30 mins is just not enough for a Radio Ballad of songs and actor-read texts. However I did manage to record it using an Internet Radio link and Audacity. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: ChrisJBrady Date: 16 Apr 12 - 08:58 AM Having listened to the Radio Solent version a number of times I am convinced that the second line should be xxx below: Swim To The Star -- (Peggy Seeger / Calum MacColl - 2012) The ship went down, In cold waters. <========xxx The band played on. Women and children float away; Nearer my God to thee. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: KB in Iowa Date: 16 Apr 12 - 10:01 AM I don't see this on here anywhere. I have it on an old Origin Jazz Library LP. I copied the lyrics from a site I found with Google, says it was recorded in 1932. Of course it wasn't really four o'clock, not sure why that is the time given. Titanic Blues Hi Henry Brown Early one mornin', just about four o'clock, It was early one mornin', just about four o'clock, When that ol Titanic began to reel and rock. Captain Smith took his glass and he walked up to the front, Captain Smith took his glass and he walked up to the front He spied the iceberg a-comin', oh Lord, had to bump. Some was drinkin' some was playin' cards, Some was drinkin' some was playin' cards, Some was in their corner prayin' to their God. Children cryin' "Mama, mama what shall we do?" Children cryin' "Mama, mama what shall we do?" Captain Smith says, "Children, I'll take care of you". Titanic sinkin' in the deep blue sea Titanic sinkin' in the deep blue sea And the band all playin' "Nearer My God To Thee". |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Desert Dancer Date: 16 Apr 12 - 12:06 PM Stephen D. Winick of the American Folklife Center has a nice article at the Huffington Post with audio for several songs from the LOC: Singing The News: How 20th Century American Folk Singers Sold The Titanic. God Moves On The Water, performed by Lightnin' Washington and group. Recorded at Darrington State Prison, Sandy Point, TX, by John A. Lomax and Alan Lomax, December 1933. The Sinking of the Titanic, performed by Clyde Spencer and Harry Fannin. Recorded in Crandon, WI, by Sidney Robertson Cowell, July 1937. The Titanic, performed by Arlie Baker. Recorded in Pine Mountain, KY, by Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, Sept. 1937 Titanic Sinking, performed by Patrick Williams and unidentified group. Recorded in Nassau, Bahamas, by Alan Lomax and Mary Elizabeth Barnicle, July 1935. Shine and the Titanic (story), spoken by O.C. King. Recorded in Clarksdale, MS, by Alan Lomax, summer 1942. As with most things that become pop-culture icons, the Titanic refuses to mean just one thing. Titanic songs were as many and as varied as one can imagine; in the two years after the disaster, for example, about two hundred new songs on the theme were copyrighted, and that was (so to speak) the tip of the iceberg. By the 1930s, when fieldworkers started collecting such songs on discs, there had been enough time for singers to find the Titanic songs that best expressed their feelings about the story. As we pass the 100th anniversary of the disaster, let's think about the lessons of the Titanic, and choose our own songs with care. Thanks, Nerd! (And the AFC on Facebook, as usual!) ~ Becky in Long Beach |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Pistachio Date: 16 Apr 12 - 04:05 PM Anna Shannon has written a haunting song "And John played violin" of the musicians aboard. John Law Hume, and Roger Bricoux (Cello) - both aged 21years., - simply stunning - Listen if you can. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST Date: 16 Apr 12 - 04:37 PM Praise be to Nero’s Neptune The Titanic sails at dawn And everybody’s shouting “Which Side Are You On?â€쳌 And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot Fighting in the captain’s tower While calypso singers laugh at them And fishermen hold flowers Between the windows of the sea Where lovely mermaids flow And nobody has to think too much About Desolation Row |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Chris Maltby Date: 17 Apr 12 - 03:32 AM Regarding "calm" vs "cold" in the Peggy Seeger / Calum MacColl song, I reckon the only way to know for sure is to ask the author(s). But besides finding the absence of a hard stop in the way the word is pronounced in the recording, and accounting for Peggy's trans-atlantic accent, the main reason for going with "calm" is poetic. Of course the waters were cold, that's too easy. A sinking in calm waters creates dramatic tension to add impact to the points that the writers make in the second part of the song. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Big Al Whittle Date: 17 Apr 12 - 03:45 AM 'Of course the waters were cold, that's too easy. A sinking in calm waters creates dramatic tension ' Yeh you wouldn't want to spoil the surprise ending. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST Date: 18 Dec 14 - 02:12 AM Greg Stephens wrote: "And then there are the numerous hymns reputed to be the last tune played by Wallace Harley's band. Myth has settled on the Bethany tune for Nearer My God to Thee, but there are numerous other candidates." So no one knows which one for sure? Which movie used the Bethany tune and which used the other tune? I just saw "A Night to Remember" and was especially interested to see the young violinist, as "Brad Meltzer's Lost History" recently did a lengthy segment on him. He appeared, but that scene focused on a player of a larger instrument (bass viol? cello?) He sang beautifully but to our great disappointment used what we considered the wrong tune! James Cameron's "Titanic" film focused on the violin, using the tune we were used to, with no one singing. If it wasn't the last one played, is it documented to have been played or sung on the Titanic at all? Thanks for any clarification. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,Blandiver (Astray) Date: 18 Dec 14 - 04:03 AM I'm just on reading Arthur C. Clarke's The Ghost from the Grand Banks (1990) in which he reckons the band would have been playing jaunty numbers to chivvy things along. Great book for Titanic fans. Then there's this: Gavin Bryars - The Sinking Of The Titanic (1975) |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: bubblyrat Date: 18 Dec 14 - 09:28 AM You just never know with ships ; I have a VERY interesting book about the RMS Titanic which proposes that it was ,in fact ,a sister ship from the White Star Line, and not "Titanic " at all ! An insurance "scam" it relied on the almost identical appearance of the sister ship, and was the result of terrible finacial problems being experienced by the shipbuilders, Harland and Woolf in Belfast.It is known that there were mysterious circumstances surrounding the sinking ; personnel "in the know" failed to board the ship in Southampton.Others went ashore in Ireland and did not return onboard ( ever !)On the night of the sinking, there were ,incredibly , no binoculars available to the two men who were stationed in the "crow's nest" on lookout duty ;they (the binoculars) were supposed to be kept on the bridge but had "disappeared" that night.And I cannot believe that Captain Smith did NOT KNOW that , if your ship is going down by the head, you COUNTER-FLOOD the stern ; the ship will still sink, but much later !! It is all very suspicious !! |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Musket Date: 18 Dec 14 - 10:51 AM Bob Dylan's excellent Tempest, the title track to the album is not only about the sinking of The Titanic but to my mind, him back on form again. Possibly his best long ballad since Percy's Song. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,Joseph Scott Date: 19 Dec 14 - 01:49 PM "Joseph [Laroche] - who is thought to have been the only black passenger on the Titanic" As if his daughters (and unborn son) weren't on board. Anyway, the likes of Leadbelly apparently hadn't heard about Joseph Laroche and family, which accounts for the tenor of some of their songs, as someone wrote. Joseph was a nephew of the President of Haiti. "Bob Dylan's excellent Tempest" It really is. I got rid of all but three of my Dylan CDs recently. The ones that made the cut were Blonde On Blonde, Saved, and Tempest. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Musket Date: 20 Dec 14 - 03:21 AM If I did have a cull, not that I would.. The survivors would be; Tempest The Times They Are a'Changing Street Legal |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,Bill S in Adelaide Date: 20 Dec 14 - 03:56 AM Surprised no mention of The crowd were all gathered for news at the quayside, to read through the lists of the dead, When in through the crowd came a sad eyed old polar bear, to the clerk at the counter he said "have you got any news of the iceberg? My family were on it, you see... Bit of Les Barker |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: Tattie Bogle Date: 20 Dec 14 - 08:44 PM Oh yes there has! See Janemick at 5th April 2012, Bill. |
Subject: RE: Songs relating to the Titanic From: GUEST,CoriSCapnSkip Date: 21 Dec 14 - 12:16 AM Hey, I posted above regarding "Nearer, My God, To Thee." So evidently no one knows which tune would have been used, or whether it was played at all? LOVE Les Barker! Actually thought of this while watching "A Night to Remember"--especially when they were picking up, and playing with, pieces of the iceberg! Not music, but Titanic related: |
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