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Origins: Got Any News of the Iceberg? (Les Barker)


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Crowhugger 13 Feb 00 - 06:39 AM
Liz the Squeak 13 Feb 00 - 06:44 AM
Crowhugger 13 Feb 00 - 07:08 AM
TerriM 13 Feb 00 - 11:51 AM
jeffp 13 Feb 00 - 12:35 PM
dick greenhaus 13 Feb 00 - 01:03 PM
GUEST,Marymac90 13 Feb 00 - 01:17 PM
Crowhugger 13 Feb 00 - 05:12 PM
sophocleese 13 Feb 00 - 08:20 PM
sophocleese 13 Feb 00 - 08:27 PM
Dave (the ancient mariner) 13 Feb 00 - 09:19 PM
Crowhugger 13 Feb 00 - 09:53 PM
AndyG 14 Feb 00 - 05:05 AM
Willie-O 14 Feb 00 - 09:11 AM
Crowhugger 14 Feb 00 - 09:55 AM
GUEST,Gary 14 Feb 00 - 10:31 AM
Eric the Viking 14 Feb 00 - 01:22 PM
Liz the Squeak 14 Feb 00 - 01:53 PM
Crowhugger 15 Feb 00 - 07:27 AM
Midchuck 15 Feb 00 - 07:41 AM
GUEST,micca at work 15 Feb 00 - 08:19 AM
sophocleese 15 Feb 00 - 08:32 AM
Amos 15 Feb 00 - 10:11 AM
AndyG 15 Feb 00 - 10:38 AM
Hollowfox 15 Feb 00 - 06:28 PM
GUEST 25 Feb 14 - 02:01 PM
Sir Roger de Beverley 25 Feb 14 - 02:18 PM
MartinRyan 25 Feb 14 - 03:21 PM
JHW 25 Feb 14 - 04:23 PM
fantum 25 Feb 14 - 07:55 PM
GUEST,GUEST 26 Feb 14 - 07:30 AM
bradfordian 20 Jan 23 - 06:14 PM
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Subject: Have You Got Any News of the Iceberg?
From: Crowhugger
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 06:39 AM

Heard a song once a few years ago on the radio. The recording was made in the British-ish Isles, p'rhaps Ireland.

The gist of the story is a polar bear, upon hearing the news of the Titanic, goes into the telegram office, desperate for news of the iceberg. He's been away working in the circus and after a long separation his family are coming to see him. But a big ship hit their iceberg, and he is frantic for news of survivors...from the iceberg of course.

Anybody got the words, at least? Chords would sure jog my memory of the melody. It's in waltz-time. Whether I can sing it without breaking up (or breaking down) is another question. I was ROTF while bawling my eyes out when I heard it. The radio host was playing a cassette sent to him and either no contact info or out of date.

Any 'catters got news of the iceberg? *sniff*giggle*sniff*

Not at Mudcat or the likely links as far as I can tell. T

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Liz the Squeak
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 06:44 AM

It is a Les Barker poem, not set to music as far as I know, and can be got from the 'Up the creek without a Poodle' CD, DOG something. I will post the words later today if you really want, but if you choose to get the CD (available from Mrs Acroyd records), listen out for a squeak during the Book of Kevin - that's me!


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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Crowhugger
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 07:08 AM


My life will be heaven on earth if you can spare the time to post the poem. I'm so GLAD to know it's out there. In here, Around, whatever.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: TerriM
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 11:51 AM

I just knew Liz would beat me to it......p.s. buy the album if you can, Les needs the money, he hasn't had a new cardi in months


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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: jeffp
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 12:35 PM

Definitely recommend that you buy the CD. I picked it up at a folk festival without a clue what was on it. The title looked interesting. Love it! Especially Odd Socks and the Lonely Little Lemming. I'll have to listen for your squeak, Liz.


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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 01:03 PM

Available through Camsco Music. Like just about anything else.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: GUEST,Marymac90
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 01:17 PM

I didn't know there were any recordings about polar bears, besides Fred Small's song. It's true, I think, about the polar bear who was born in a zoo, trained to do "tricks", taken to Alaska to appear in a movie, playing a WILD polar bear, and escaped back into his natural habitat. Not ROTFL funny, perhaps, but heartwarming, nonetheless.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Crowhugger
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 05:12 PM

Marymac, I know the one you mean, to hear it at least. Very heartwarming...the good guy wins!

Dick, you know, is the CD available in Canada (yup, Dick, I've been to CAMCO site, but after a lot of surfing some details blur)? I can check this out myself. I'm trying to grasp this squeak thing, and surely only a listen will do it.

LtS and TerryM: please, someone, *begging, BigTime-OnMyKnees begging* could you post the words, pretty please with all the Mudcat Desserts on top? All day I've been looking forward to finally seeing them, I even set aside time tonight to work out a little tune. Definitely the one I heard was set to music - some creative soul couldn't pass up a crowd-pleaser. Fear not, it won't cost anyone a CD sale.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: sophocleese
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 08:20 PM

Crowhugger, there is a man in our song circle who often sings this. I'm sure I found the words once somewhere on the net but I tried again this morning and couldn't remember where I'd seen them. I'll check my bookmarks again in about an hour when I've finished the laundry and read to the kids...

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From: sophocleese
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 08:27 PM

Crowhugger, Got it at

Les Barker

1. On a cold rainy night on a Liverpool quayside,
In the years before the Great War,
The world was in shock at the loss of Titanic.
So proud had they been days before.
Relatives gathered for news of their loved ones,
To read through the list of the dead,
When into the throng came a sad-eyed old polar bear,
And to the clerk at the counter he said:

CHORUS: "Have you got any news of the iceberg?
My family were on it, you see.
Have you got any news of the iceberg?
They mean the whole world to me.

2. "My wife and children were coming from Greenland
To be by my side in the zoo.
Belinda's my wife and the eldest's called Bernard,
And Billy, well he's only two.
I know on the ship there were hundreds of people,
And I know the iceberg's not yours."
The polar bear's eyes held the start of his teardrops,
And he covered his face with his paws. CHORUS

3. "It's been over a year since I last saw my children.
I left home to build my career.
I've worked very hard. I'm a star in the circus.
It's all been for nothing, I fear.
That's my face on the poster. We're in town this week.
My children were meeting me here."
Everyone watched as he struggled to speak,
And his paw pushed away one more tear. CHORUS

4. By now all the people had gathered beside him.
His grief was one they could share.
The people around him in silence and sadness
Listened to the sad polar bear.
"I wanted my children to see me performing,
And Belinda, she would have been proud."
At last, lost for words, and his tears flowing freely,
The question was asked by the crowd: CHORUS

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 09:19 PM

Micca very kindly sent me a copy of the CD with this on it. The rest of the Cd is quite funnt too! Yours,Aye.Dave

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Crowhugger
Date: 13 Feb 00 - 09:53 PM

Oh, sophocleese,a thousand enchanted thank yous.

"Heaven, I'm in heaven..."

Yessss! Life is goooooooood.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: AndyG
Date: 14 Feb 00 - 05:05 AM


I've seen the Mrs Ackroyd Band do this as a C&W ballad !

I still think it's better simply spoken though.


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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Willie-O
Date: 14 Feb 00 - 09:11 AM

Val (Crowhugger):

Les Barker was once interviewed on the late lamented Vicky Gabereau show. (Now that would be something to search the CBC archives for--two certifiable people with a microphone and an audience...). He used to be a CPA or somethin then became a certified Touring Comedic Poet/ Lunatic who tours folk clubs and festivals one else will have him I guess. We saw him at Winnipeg Folk Fest a few years ago.

He has a fondness for the unconsidered viewpoints in life...and can actually get audiences enthusiastically "singing" along with such jaunty choruses as...

"He was only a little mosquito
Why did you have to do that?
'E was only a little mosquito
But now 'e is feeling quite flat!


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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Crowhugger
Date: 14 Feb 00 - 09:55 AM

Yo, there Willie-O, Vicky was always at her best with someone equally certifiable. Who else could get with her drift?

I think it's time to look up ol' Les at the library. Good thing the cataloge is online, there's a dump and a half of snow happening here.

Have you hugged your crow today?


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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: GUEST,Gary
Date: 14 Feb 00 - 10:31 AM

I believe a sung version appears on Les Barkers latest album 'Tubular Dogs'.

Cheers Gary

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Eric the Viking
Date: 14 Feb 00 - 01:22 PM

Sing-along with Les barker, he can get you to sing the most riddiculus song choruses-try "earwig o" Eric.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Liz the Squeak
Date: 14 Feb 00 - 01:53 PM

Earwig O is a classic - but watch out for 'A Cardi and Bloke', another CD, I feature rather heavily on it..... Dearest husband brought it in to hospital for me, a week after having had a caesarean section! Sadistic B$%"£$ that he is!!

The best one is 'I'm a lonely little lemming'. When I first heard that, I fell off the hatchway I was sitting on, and landed on my arse in the kitchen behind it, still laughing myself sick, with a teddy (yes, OK, I know) stuffed in my mouth to stop me from making too much noise - hard to do.....


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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Crowhugger
Date: 15 Feb 00 - 07:27 AM

Just to keep folks up to date, my version is still a work in progress. I keep finding melodies that are either too peppy or too sombre for how I want it to come across. I'm leaning towards a mix of spoken and simply sung with a gently mournful banjo. Or a thoroughly unconventional folk instrument like newest baby, a cello. It's a great attention-grabber for busking. But I can't sing and play it at the same time yet, so we'll see...and practise.

Sophocleese, again, thank you thank you thank you! I'm just so burbly-giggly HAPPY to have the poem. A big hug to you, even if you aren't a crow.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Midchuck
Date: 15 Feb 00 - 07:41 AM

And there's always Dachshunds With Erections Can't Climb Stairs, but that hurts to even think about....


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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: GUEST,micca at work
Date: 15 Feb 00 - 08:19 AM

LtS means ,of course the kind of teddy frequented by small children with semi detached limbs, of the species Brunius Edwardii, not the skimpy silk(if your lucky) garment with the badly placed fasteners, I thought 'd just get this in before Cousin 'Spaw and the band of DOMs get in on it

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: sophocleese
Date: 15 Feb 00 - 08:32 AM

Thank you Midchuck for cheering me up this morning. I'm stepping up my search for Les Barker's stuff.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Amos
Date: 15 Feb 00 - 10:11 AM

I am laughing all over the office at the title to Dachsunds With Erections....

I had a godfather once, passed away many years back, who took a grudge against a neighbor's bassett, perhaps from jealousy, because the dog was so endowed his scrotum scraped the stairs when he climbed.

One day my godfather captured this bassett and fitted him out with an athletic supporter held in place with white surgical tape, and send him home to his owners.

This is a picture which has stayed with me for decades...

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: AndyG
Date: 15 Feb 00 - 10:38 AM

I seem to post this link every time Mr Barker gets a mention :)

Mrs Ackroyd's Kennelpage.

And this is the inspiration for the poem according to Les himself.


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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Have You Got Any News of the
From: Hollowfox
Date: 15 Feb 00 - 06:28 PM

I just noticed the other day that Les Barker is scheduled to come to the Old Songs Folk Festival again this year (he was there last year) That's in late June, at the Altamont Fairgrounds, between Albany and Schenectady New York.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Have You Got Any News of the Iceberg?
Date: 25 Feb 14 - 02:01 PM

Les Barker

Les Barker
On a cold rainy night on a Liverpool quayside
In the years before the great war
The world was in shock at the loss of Titanic,
So proud had they been days before:
Relatives gathered for news of their loved ones,
To read through the list of the dead,
When into the throng came a sad eyed old polar bear:
And to the clerk at the counter he said:

Have you got any news of the iceberg?
My family were on it you see:
Have you got any news of the iceberg?
They mean the whole world to me.

My wife and my children were coming from Greenland,
To be by my side in the zoo:
Belinda's my wife, and the eldest's called Bernard:
And Billy, well, he's only two.
I know on the ship there were hundreds of people,
And I know that the iceberg's not yours:
The polar bear's eyes held the start of his teardrops:
He covered his face with his paws.

Have you got any news of the iceberg?
My family were on it you see:
Have you got any news of the iceberg?
They mean the whole world to me.

It's been over a year since I last saw my children,
I left home to build a career:
I've worked very hard, I'm a star in the circus:
It's all been for nothing I fear.
There's my face on the poster: we're in town this week:
My children were meeting me here:
Everyone watched as he struggled to speak,
As his paw brushed away one more tear:

Have you got any news of the iceberg?
My family were on it you see:
Have you got any news of the iceberg?
They mean the whole world to me.

By now all the people had gathered beside him,
His grief was one they could share:
The people around him, in silence and sadness
Listened to the sad polar bear
I wanted my children to see me performing:
And Belinda, she would have been proud..
At last lost for words, and his tears flowing freely,
The question was asked by the crowd:

Have you got any news of the iceberg?
My family were on it you see:
Have you got any news of the iceberg?
They mean the whole world to me.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Have You Got Any News of the Iceberg?
From: Sir Roger de Beverley
Date: 25 Feb 14 - 02:18 PM

The idea of this originates with a Bill Tidy cartoon - I know that he drew at least three versions of it but all had the same scene of a polar bear at the shipping office asking that question. Tidy used it as the cover and title of his autobiography published in 1995.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Have You Got Any News of the Iceberg?
From: MartinRyan
Date: 25 Feb 14 - 03:21 PM

Sean Mone, of Keady in Northern Ireland, a very fine songwriter himself, is the only person I've heard sing this one. I think he got good mileage out of in 2012 when the centenary was "celebrated" if that's the word I'm looking for...


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Have You Got Any News of the Iceberg?
From: JHW
Date: 25 Feb 14 - 04:23 PM

Ray Storr is the man to hear do this

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Have You Got Any News of the Iceberg?
From: fantum
Date: 25 Feb 14 - 07:55 PM

Dear JHW
Ray Storr is seriously flattered

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Have You Got Any News of the Iceberg?
Date: 26 Feb 14 - 07:30 AM

We have a chap who does this alternate singers nights. The other alternate nights he does May the turtle be unbroken. I've stopped being amused by em.

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Subject: RE: Origins: Got Any News of the Iceberg? (Les Barker)
From: bradfordian
Date: 20 Jan 23 - 06:14 PM

Here is an interesting musical adaptation of Les’ popular poem.
As you know, many of Les’ poems have been adapted for singing and have been sung by a large swathe of personalities and I think this poignant setting can sit comfortably amongst them.

Have you got any news of the iceberg- musical arrangement by Daniel Kelly

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