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May Day (only just though!)


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GUEST,Ebor_Fiddler 01 May 12 - 06:59 PM
GUEST,keberoxu 30 Apr 18 - 06:57 PM
GUEST,bradfordian 01 May 18 - 04:23 AM
Keith A of Hertford 01 May 18 - 05:18 AM
Senoufou 01 May 18 - 07:11 AM
keberoxu 01 May 18 - 02:47 PM
Tattie Bogle 01 May 18 - 05:17 PM
Dave the Gnome 01 May 18 - 05:34 PM
Tattie Bogle 01 May 18 - 05:46 PM
Joe_F 01 May 18 - 06:36 PM
GUEST,keberoxu 30 Apr 19 - 08:48 PM
Joe Offer 30 Apr 19 - 09:28 PM
saulgoldie 01 May 19 - 12:14 PM
Joe Offer 01 May 19 - 01:30 PM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 01 May 19 - 01:46 PM
Mr Red 01 May 19 - 05:23 PM
Mrrzy 03 May 19 - 12:27 PM
Mr Red 13 Jun 19 - 08:13 AM
keberoxu 30 Apr 24 - 09:25 PM
GUEST,keberoxu 02 May 24 - 04:29 PM
GUEST,Holly Tannen 02 May 24 - 05:17 PM
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Subject: May Day (only just though!)
From: GUEST,Ebor_Fiddler
Date: 01 May 12 - 06:59 PM

At the risk of being the millionth - "Oss! Oss!"

(Only two minutes to go - Wheeee.

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: GUEST,keberoxu
Date: 30 Apr 18 - 06:57 PM

Wishing one and all a happy Kalenda Maya and May Day wherever you are.

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: GUEST,bradfordian
Date: 01 May 18 - 04:23 AM

Happy May Day, and bravo to all those Morris dancers up at 5am to welcome in the May-o.
Such a lot of “May” songs for the singers to choose from like “May the bird of paradise fly up your nose”.
Ok, MAYbe not!

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Keith A of Hertford
Date: 01 May 18 - 05:18 AM

Hi Bill.

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Senoufou
Date: 01 May 18 - 07:11 AM

A Very Happy May Day to all!

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: keberoxu
Date: 01 May 18 - 02:47 PM

Nobody said "wee 'oss" yet.

Wee 'oss!

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Tattie Bogle
Date: 01 May 18 - 05:17 PM

Big Beltane fires in Edinburgh last night. Great May Day session in the Scottish Story-telling Centre this afternoon: just "celebrating", among other things, the imposition of the 50p per unit minimum alcohol price just brought in by the Scottish govt. Hope to be out in mumming gear on Saturday for the May Day parade!

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 01 May 18 - 05:34 PM

Just celebrated May (the month not the PM) in our local with wassailants, Morris dancists, clog stepping, music and much merriment:-)

I think it should be compulsory.

Force the May be with you.

:D tG

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Tattie Bogle
Date: 01 May 18 - 05:46 PM

Depends which May you're talking about, Dave!

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Joe_F
Date: 01 May 18 - 06:36 PM

Hurray, hurray, the first of May!
Outdoor fucking begins today.

-- Generally attributed, WIWAL, to Radcliffe College.

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: GUEST,keberoxu
Date: 30 Apr 19 - 08:48 PM

Happy one for 2019.

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 30 Apr 19 - 09:28 PM

If anyone's in Padstow for May 1, keep an eye out for my friend Robert Rodriquez. He's blind and balding, and has the tan skin of a Dominican - although he's from Manhattan. He has a great breadth of knowledge of folk music and folklore, and he's a great storyteller. He's very excited about being in Padstow for Mayday.

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: saulgoldie
Date: 01 May 19 - 12:14 PM

May Day--workers of the world, unite!


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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 01 May 19 - 01:30 PM

Are businesses closed on May Day in England? In other countries?
Not here in in the US. It's just a normal day here.

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 01 May 19 - 01:46 PM

Joe - May 1st isn't a bank holiday in the UK unless it falls on a Monday, otherwise we have a bank holiday on the following Monday. (Bank holiday = most business will close)


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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Mr Red
Date: 01 May 19 - 05:23 PM

(Bank holiday = most business will close)

most businesses May close.

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Mrrzy
Date: 03 May 19 - 12:27 PM

*Starts* today. Scans better.

Do you brits do lilies-of-the-valley for May Day?

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: Mr Red
Date: 13 Jun 19 - 08:13 AM

Er think carefully before making plans, bookings, performers contracts etc for 2020.

May Day cancelled

Yea yea, over my dead body. But read on............

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: keberoxu
Date: 30 Apr 24 - 09:25 PM

Even though May Day is not a US holiday,
some Americans have ways of celebrating.

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Subject: RE: May Day (only just though!)
From: GUEST,keberoxu
Date: 02 May 24 - 04:29 PM

The local Waldorf School (Rudolf Steiner philosophy)
had a maypole and danced around it on May 1st here.

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Subject: RE: May Day
From: GUEST,Holly Tannen
Date: 02 May 24 - 05:17 PM

        Words: ©1996 Aurora Borealis Medicine Turkey
Tune: Makin’ Whoopee, ©1928 Walter Donaldson and Gus Kahn

        Written in honor of folklorist/anthropologist Sabina Magliocco, who studied Neo-pagan ritual in the San Francisco Bay area.
        Our article “The Real Old-Time Religion: Towards an Aesthetic of Neo-Pagan Song” was published in the bilingual Canadian journal Ethnologies (1998) and is referenced in her book "Witching Culture: Folklore and Neo-Paganism in America." (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.)

Another Beltane
Another May
Another folklorist
Has come to stay
She thinks it’s thrilling
That we’re so willing
She’s goin’ native.

She’s got her abstract
She’s got her chant
She’s learned a Neo-pagan chant
The news is leaking
Her mother’s freaking
She’s goin’ native.

        Picture a sweet young scholar
        Getting her PhD
        Picture that same young scholar
        After a year or three.

She’s going sky-clad
And riding brooms
She’s doing strange things
With mushrooms
Tell her professor
He can’t suppress her
She’s goin’ native.

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