Subject: Hooray Hooray May Day From: greg stephens Date: 30 Apr 05 - 07:27 PM It's started. Hooray Hooray the First of May Outdoor(Mehlberg)ing Starts today |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: NormanD Date: 01 May 05 - 10:23 AM Workers of the world, RELAX! |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: Flash Company Date: 01 May 05 - 10:29 AM You would hve run the risk of having your postillion struck by lightning round here this morning! FC |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: Clinton Hammond Date: 01 May 05 - 12:24 PM BS |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: GUEST,Navigator Date: 01 May 05 - 01:03 PM Hooray, Hoorayll, It's the first of May Outdoor lovings tarts today |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: dianavan Date: 01 May 05 - 11:04 PM Hooray, hooray, its the first of May The Goddess arises from her slumber. |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: Tannywheeler Date: 02 May 05 - 01:51 AM Persephone has come to visit her mother, Ceres. par-TEE! Tw |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: Nigel Parsons Date: 02 May 05 - 04:09 AM Hooray, Hooray, The Second of May Outdoor screwing Well under way! |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: Louie Roy Date: 02 May 05 - 10:15 AM Back in the depression days our slogan was hooray hooray it's the first day of maay we take off our shoes and throw them away which a lot of kids did and they didn't put them back on until school started in the fall if they were lucky and their parents had enough money to buy them another pair of shoes |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: Liz the Squeak Date: 02 May 05 - 02:48 PM In the UK it's "Ne'er cast a clout (vest or undershirt) till May be out" meaning the may flowers or hawthorn. For the first time in a long while, the may was not out this weekend, but the rhododendrons were. I can't remember what that means weather-wise, but I'm keeping me big knickers to hand! Flanders and Swann put it more succinctly... from the 'Song of the Weather' - "Farmers fear unkindly May, frost by night and hail by day!" LTS |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: Flash Company Date: 03 May 05 - 09:34 AM Buds are just bursting on the Hawthorn outside my window, Liz, winter draws off! FC |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: GUEST,Lady P on holiday Date: 03 May 05 - 10:12 AM To the tune of 'Teddy bear's picnic' If you go down to the woods today you'd better go in diguise If you go down to the woods today you're in for a big surprise The badgers and rabbits and squirrels all stare At skyclad botties everywhere Today's the day the pagans bonk for beltaine..... Back to the paddling TTFN Lady P. |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: Splott Man Date: 03 May 05 - 10:59 AM I think the whole plant world knew it was May day. The may started coming out round here (Old South Wales) on Thursday last week, and there was plenty about around Upton at the weekend. The bluebells are early this year, had them in the garden for nearly 2 weeks. It's a bumper year for dandelions. The celandines were earlier than usual, but the violets are are only just showing their faces. Oh and the red campion is out in force now. Tra la |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: Liz the Squeak Date: 03 May 05 - 02:44 PM Topsy turvey then! There were violets out in Marlow in mid-March, along with the blackthorn and celandines, in my garden they appeared 2 weeks ago but the bluebells have only been out for a week. The lily of the valley has just burst into bells, the clematis and holly are in full flower but the pyrocantha, which this time last year was just opening, is still only putting out tightly closed buds. The chestnut candles are probably out in Dorchester..... it's this time of year I miss it most. LTS |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: Flash Company Date: 04 May 05 - 11:19 AM In spite of the buds on the hawthorn, today it is cold enough to freeze your drawers off! FC |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: vectis Date: 04 May 05 - 08:49 PM Here on the soutn coast my violets, daffodils, hyacinths and plum have long been and gone but my may is still not out. |
Subject: RE: Hooray Hooray May Day From: greg stephens Date: 05 May 05 - 03:30 AM The may blossom isnt out in my garden either, in Stoke. Odd, because everything else has been early this year; and certainly for the last couple of years I've seen blossom on May Day here. |
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