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Padstow May Day -seeking CD's & Videos


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GUEST,wozzyland 15 Sep 05 - 11:07 AM
Joe Offer 15 Sep 05 - 03:11 PM
Bev and Jerry 15 Sep 05 - 03:19 PM
Cats at Work 16 Sep 05 - 05:06 AM
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Subject: RE: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax collections
From: GUEST,wozzyland
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 11:07 AM

hi there, i would love to get hold of any material relating to Padstow May Day in Cornwall, videos, CD's, DVD's etc anything really has anyone got any suggestions/links i could try cheers

    I moved this here from another thread on an unrelated subject.
    -Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Padstow May Day -seeking CD's & Videos
From: Joe Offer
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 03:11 PM


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Subject: RE: Padstow May Day -seeking CD's & Videos
From: Bev and Jerry
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 03:19 PM

Here is Kytrad's site where you can buy an excellent video about the festival.

Also, check this thread.

Bev and Jerry

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Subject: RE: Padstow May Day -seeking CD's & Videos
From: Cats at Work
Date: 16 Sep 05 - 05:06 AM

There is a tape available of may day in about 1953 ish. it has interviews with the mayers on it and you can get a real flavour of the day. Probably the most authoritative and extensive coverage on video and photo is held by Doc Rowe. Not only is he an authority on folklore but is a good guy too. PM me (as Cats) with your details and exactly what you want it for and I'll contact him for you.

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