Subject: BS Beltane From: Cats Date: 30 Apr 06 - 01:01 PM Beltane wishes to all. Bright Blessings. I will be thinking of friends at dawn. For those late risers.. Happy May Day. |
Subject: RE: BS Beltane From: *#1 PEASANT* Date: 30 Apr 06 - 01:05 PM We should add in Walpurgisnacht! Bonfires for one and all....a great celebration of the eve. I celebrate sunrise myself.... I shall be up before dawn preparing- the usual big breakfast with broon ale and playing horns maybe even a basket of flowers can be found. Conrad |
Subject: RE: BS Beltane From: MBSLynne Date: 30 Apr 06 - 02:10 PM Happy Beltane to everyone! I will be up on Breedon Hill to see the dawn up. Love Lynne |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Cats Date: 30 Apr 06 - 04:46 PM And I'll be at the stone circles on Bodmin Moor just above our house. |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: ard mhacha Date: 30 Apr 06 - 05:07 PM Is Mayday still celebrated in south-west England? I remember seeing on TV snippets some years ago of festivals in Cornwall and Devon, it was fascinating seeing the crowds dancing behind the bands. I hope this custom continues, it would be a shame to see another wonderful piece of folklore dying out. |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: GUEST Date: 30 Apr 06 - 05:10 PM Its covered by most of the UK. |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: katlaughing Date: 30 Apr 06 - 05:25 PM Thanks, Cats, and the same to you all. I always loved this day in school as we always got to make a paper basket and fill it with, usually, a small pansy plant, then take it home to my mom. I will be up at dawn, I am sure, but not much of a chance for a bonfire. Instead, I shall face the East in my sanctum and give thanks for the day, followed by a good break fast. Maybe my grandson and I will make a little basket tomorrow afternoon, get a pansy, and he can give it to his mom when she gets home from work.:-) Blessed Be, kat |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: gnu Date: 30 Apr 06 - 05:47 PM My brother will telephone me early tomorrow morning, as he does every May Day, and say, "Hooray, hooray, it's the first of May. Outside f***ing begins today." He's from Ontario. They aren't very tough in Uppity Canada. |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Zany Mouse Date: 30 Apr 06 - 06:08 PM Happy Beltane from me too. I will try and get up for dawn. Last year I just watched the sun come up from my bed - but it was a spectular sight! Blesséd be Rhiannon |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Alba Date: 30 Apr 06 - 06:23 PM A Happy and Magical Beltane to All Dawn will call and the Fires shall be lit. (I can only have small ones this Year due to very high fire risks in these parts!!). So, I dug small Pits in the back Field and covered them with Grating. Then munch down on Breakfast. Brightest Blessings and Blessed Be Judi |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Maryrrf Date: 30 Apr 06 - 10:24 PM This brings back wonderful memories of the Beltane I spent in Glastonbury. Blessed be! |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Rapparee Date: 30 Apr 06 - 10:34 PM A Blessed Beltane to all! (I'll be at the auto glass store bright and early, getting them to fix the windshield on my wife's vehicle -- the one they fixed on Friday last.) |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: MBSLynne Date: 01 May 06 - 06:05 AM Well no sign of the sun this morning until now. It chucked it down with rain all the time we were up the hill. Still we've sung and danced the summer in and will do so some more this afternoon. Brightest summer blessings everyone Love Lynne |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: katlaughing Date: 01 May 06 - 04:11 PM There are some fun activities for children on this page, for today. Weaving a basket for my daughter and bought beautiful pansies to put in it. My 2.5 yr. grandson will give them to her when she comes home. |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Dipsodeb Date: 01 May 06 - 05:22 PM Bright Beltane blessings to one and all. I have spent a wonderful day at the Jack In The Green celebrations. It was held in Deptford SE London this year. Parading with the Jack along the streets, from pub to pub ;D. Floating beautiful bouquets of spring flowers along old father Thames and generally celebrating the rebirth of new life. ~Debs~ |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: LadyJean Date: 01 May 06 - 11:48 PM I do rather wish we had some sort of May 1 celebration in Swissvale, PA, heaven knows we need something like that out here. But happy day Beltane anyway. |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Cats at Work Date: 02 May 06 - 04:13 AM May Day in Padstow was truly a magical one this year. Amazing clear blue sky, walking around in short sleeved T shirts and an amazing atmosphere. BB |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: MBSLynne Date: 02 May 06 - 04:13 AM LadyJean...start them yourself! After my last posting we had more celebrations when we went to the Morris side's home-pub and the May Queen (a child from the local school chosen previously)was crowned, the children's decorated May Sticks were judged, we all (Morris men, Garland dancers, musicians, children and spectators) danced and walked around the village, then the morris and garland danced in the pub car park. We all danced a circasean circle, then went into the pub where we played and sang. I am feeling really pleased with myself because I played as we went round the village, played for the garland dancers then played in the session afterwards. It's the best I've done so far and I really enjoyed it! Love Lynne |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Splott Man Date: 02 May 06 - 04:25 AM Shouldn't this be above the line? Greetings to all. |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Cats at Work Date: 02 May 06 - 09:27 AM I put it below the line as I thought it would be people sending Beltane wishes... but I don't mind where it goes... |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Catherine Jayne Date: 02 May 06 - 10:24 AM Bright Beltane Blessings to everyone! We've just got back from Hastings Jack in the Green Festival where a number of us celebrated Beltane wiht copious amounts of gin....will tell more later when I have had a nap. Blessed Be Khatt x |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: GUEST Date: 02 May 06 - 11:51 AM Dipsodeb, were those 'beautiful bouquets' you 'floated' along the Thames the same ones I saw sitting in the mud, waiting for the tide to come in? |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Ringer Date: 03 May 06 - 11:52 AM Does "blessed be" (presumably blessèd be?) actually mean anything? |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: TheBigPinkLad Date: 03 May 06 - 12:28 PM Yes, it's the opposite of "f*ckèd be." Seriously, it's just another way of wishing you well (may you be blessed). |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: MBSLynne Date: 03 May 06 - 12:56 PM As BPL says, but it has been adopted by the Pagan contingent in recent years, so the blessing they are wishing you is generally that of the Godess. Love Lynne |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: Ringer Date: 03 May 06 - 01:23 PM It sounds as though it ought to have an object, eg "blessèd be you all". Meaningless New-Age affectation, if you ask me (which I realise you didn't). |
Subject: RE: BS: Beltane From: MBSLynne Date: 03 May 06 - 03:20 PM Not really any more meaningless than "Good morning". What's wrong with wishing that someone be blessed? The more blessings the better if you ask me...which you didn't either Love Lynne |