Subject: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: katlaughing Date: 01 May 99 - 08:34 AM Just thoguht we might enjoy and need some sunshine today, what with the concerns etc. about 'Spaw. Rick Fielding and I talked about this last Monday, on his show (see the thread about his radio show for more info). Anyway, I am reminded this is a day for joyfull celebration that the earth is now ready for seed planting and we can look forward with anticipation to a good harvest. It is a good day to bring about positive chnages in your life, by symbolically leaving behind, in the flames of the fire (if you go in for that!), any concerns, negativitys, etc. Couples who want to renew their relationships find this a good time for symbolic gestures of change. When I am with a group, we usually have a maypole dance. Last year it was around a stalwart young tree, only about 12 feet tall, with mostly bare branches, as in Wyoming the tulips are just now bloomin' and we still could get snow anytime. We had an altar, made from a table, with fresh flowers, fruit juice, bread, and symbols of the Earth Mother on it. We each took turns "leaping" over a very small fire, shouting out that which we wished to leave behind and release from our lives. After the dancing and weaving of the ribbons, the tree looked so bright and lovely, with the wind teasing the "tendrils" of its "ribbonhair". We then joined hands and sang some songs for the Earth. This year, today will be quieter, people are scattered and busy. But, I shall find time to brush my hands a'top the tender shoots of wild mountain mint in my garden and smell the freshly turned earth, to listen to the bright and thrilling trills of the meadowlarks with their brilliant yellow chests, and give thanks for all that we have, all that we give, and all that we receive. I will give an especial thanks for all of you, the Mudcat and its creators and, our dear Catspaw. How will you be spending your MayDay? katlaughing |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: AllisonA(Animaterra) Date: 01 May 99 - 01:27 PM Ah, kat, once again you beat me to it! I wish everyone here a joyful May with good fortune for a year and a day. I've just come back from greeting the May with two morris teams and a rapper team, and we danced in the dawn, on a beautiful NH hilltop, then bemused the residents of my fair city with various displays of our skill. Now I'm going to get really brave and try to do the blue clicky thing so you can see my team, the Harrisville Morris Women- I'm at the end of the first film clip, backing up into the left corner. Click here Did it work? Nope. try: <a href=>Click here</a>
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: AllisonA(Animaterra) Date: 01 May 99 - 01:30 PM DARN!!! I'll try that again: Try this |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: AllisonA(Animaterra) Date: 01 May 99 - 01:32 PM DARN AGAIN!!! Here: |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: katlaughing Date: 01 May 99 - 03:49 PM try this |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: LEJ Date: 01 May 99 - 04:02 PM Well, this May Day is shaping up to be a particularly busy one for me. I am typing this during a brief respite in the activities. At dawn this morning, the folks in my town gathered in front of Old Stone Church for the traditional running of the gauntlet by "Old Jack Frost." This ritual has come to symbolize the chasing away of winter by the forces of Spring. This year, clad in goat's horns and a white robe, old Roger Doherty from the Ace Hardware portrayed Jack Frost. The rest of us, dressed in green slacks and sweaters, formed a double-line up the main street of town, calling out " Frosty Jack! Frosty Jack! Your reign is over, the Spring is back!" At this summons, Jack emerges from a small hut and calls out "Leave me be! I mean no harm!" and runs at top speed down the gauntlet. Unfortunately, top speed for Roger is none too fast, due to a gamey knee. Laughing and shouting, the Forces of Renwal pelt Jack Frost with snowballs, sticks and basically, anything that may be lying near at hand. At the end of the gauntlet, we call out " Jack, Jack begone begone, come not again til Autumn come!" Then the paramedics usually take Jack to the Emergency room. Afterwards there is a potluck at the church, and then everyone prepares for the other great May Day tradition in my town, the Workers Unite! Parade. Since most of us here in Conifer are avid Communists, this is quite a popular event. There will be marching bands from local area schools, a demonstration by the Young Socialist Pioneers drill team, and a review of the many area paramilitary organizations by Commissar Lumpkins. The theme this year is a tropical one, "Leon Trotsky in Mexico", and I and a group of local business owners are putting the finishing touches on our entry, entitled "What if?" It portrays Trotsky and Sammy Hagar meeting for tequila shooters at the Carlos and Charlie's in Cabo San Lucas. With that, I wish all of you a hearty "Power to the People!", and hope that you enjoy your May celebration whatever it may be! LEJ |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: katlaughing Date: 01 May 99 - 04:13 PM Hey, An-Ma,that's really net! I'll bet I saw you guys dance in Amherst, one time. I love the colours and sounds of Morris dancing. Phoaks, if you click on the red thingy, look around. The slide show wasn't loading each picture for me fully before going on the next, but there are some great stillshots, too, and the sunrise is magical in the way it slowly reveals the dancers. Jeez, I am homesick for New England and I'm not even a native! Sorry, I beatcha to it An-Ma, but you did have a 2 hour headstart, ya know**BG** love ya, kat |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Joe Offer Date: 01 May 99 - 04:27 PM Gee, I did an interview from 1:30-2:30 AM, and now I'm typing reports (or supposed to be typing reports). But happy Mayday, everybody. -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: sail Date: 01 May 99 - 06:11 PM Animaterra, that is too much! I can't get over this modern technology. I probably mentioned I got to learn some Morris dancing once. Really enjoyed it. If I could find a group of women (very unlikely) here, would you please come to Florida to get us started??? Penny |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: AllisonA(Animaterra) Date: 01 May 99 - 08:24 PM Penny, I wouldn't be the one of choice to get you started (I've only been dancing for 2 1/2 yrs) but any excuse to get to Fla- provided of course that you get your 6 women together in deepest Feb! You don't all have to be wm, you know- there are mixed teams, too. Double the fun! I finished my May Day celebration back at the farm with a soak in their cattle-trough-turned-into-a-hot-tub- yummy! Allison |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Susan A-R Date: 01 May 99 - 11:26 PM Well, the sun came up as I was cooking lunch for the Vermont chapter of the American Friends Service Committee's annual meeting. There were supposed to be one hundred people there, but since today was the nicest day in about 8 months, the attendance was somewhat low and there was quite a lot of Croation Sour soup, Hungariann Bean soup and Baklava left over. Got home at about 4, and rundled off to properly celebrate May 1 by visiting the Socialist Labor Hall in Barre (bit socialist and anarchist hub at the turn of the century) and then on to a meeting at the local Teamsters hall where we got to sing union, mining and other political songs with Helen Schnayer and other local heroes. Workers of the world Unite! Oh, and my apricot trees are starting to bloom, fools that they are!! Susan |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Rick Fielding Date: 02 May 99 - 01:21 AM Joe. You have to get out more!
Well, as much as I would loved to have been dancing around a tree naked and carefree, I spent 4 hours today changing strings on guitars, banjos, mandolins a dobro and a dulcimer. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. Oh and watching the movie "The Fountainhead". Figured since I've never read Ayn Rand this was as close as I would get to at least having an opinion on what she was blathering on about so many years ago. Atrocious film. Badly acted (seemed like everybody was told to pose for a second before delivering a line) and the director King Vidor appropriated virtually EVERY innovative camera angle from Welles' Citizen Kane. Yuchhh, wouldn't want to be related to any of those characters. Surely her theories had more substance than that, for them to have even been newsworthy at one time.
Tonight I played for the annual May Day celebration, put on by Socialist Action of Toronto. I'm definitely not a Trotskyite or a believer in any system that has to filter current situations through a political ideology, but they're good people who want an end to poverty and racism. I'll surely go a long with that, and I hope my songs help a bit. Oops, I just realised the irony in the characters in the movie and the folks I spent the evening with. Man, if that's the choice, I'll take the "Trots" anyday. And all day I kept thinking, "Catspaw", get well again. |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Sandy Paton Date: 02 May 99 - 01:37 AM Animaterra: Allison, isn't that you in profile on the right in the "waiting turns" photograph? LEJ: Conifer must have changed a bit since I passed through there in the year of '59. Still, I really enjoyed your May Day fantasy. Keep up the good work. It eases our longing for Catspaw's contributions. Caroline and I celebrated by doing a benefit concert for a church group in Warren, CT. They have an interim pastor from South Africa, and are raising money to send a bunch of their teenagers to visit that country with the minister and his wife as their guides. Should be a great experience for all of the kids who get to go. My idea of the perfect May Day festivity is the ancient and honored one of couples heading into the woods to practice a little sympathetic magic. Gotta keep them crops a growin'! Sandy |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: campfire Date: 02 May 99 - 01:47 AM It wasn't necessarily because it was May 1st, but because it was the first beautiful weekend here in Southeastern WIsconsin. We fired up the grill for our first cook-out of the season. After dinner we went to one of the local coffeehouse/cafes and listened to some friends perform. campfire |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Lonesome EJ Date: 02 May 99 - 02:02 AM Thanks, Sandy- the fantasy was certainly more colorful than the reality in this case. Anyway, Catspaw better hurry back soon, as I am running out of material. We can take some comfort in all the straight lines we have set up for him to jump in on, it'll take him a week to take advantage of all of em...LEJ |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Cuilionn Date: 02 May 99 - 02:09 AM Wi' flood warnins in ither pairts o' th' state, an' me delichtit wi' th' festive drizzlin' rain, I sneakit oot o' ma seminary apartment afore th' dawn for blossom-gaitherin' an' a few solitary cairtwheels on th' lawn. I managit thirteen cairtwheels afore ma wrist stairtit protestin', which is nae bad for a seminarian...?!? After bringin' in ma "sprigs o' May" an' arrangin' 'em aroond th' plaice, I deckit masel' in ma Auld-fashionit Scots peasant claithes, complete wi' bodice, cuikit masel' some breakfast, an'... spent th' next seven hours typin' a theology paper. Och, weel... I get tae help wi' a May Pole this Tuesday, as we askit oor local scholar-pagan tae tak charge o' this week's chapel sairvice an' she askit me tae help. I'll be playin' ma mountain dulcimer tae accompany th' dancin', providit it disnae rain tae muckle...or snaw! (They said it micht snaw, rilly. Th' speerits o' land an' weather in Denver dinnae seem tae unnerstand Beltaine jist yet!) I blastit ma "Spring Revels" CDs a' day, tae mak up for bein' alane an' scholarly on th' Feast Day o' Fertile Fools... onyway, we dinnae hae ony wuids tae run aff intae. Anely a few tulip beds an' widely-spaced oaks an' spruces...*sigh!* --Cuilionn, whae wishes she at least had some chocolate.
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Tucker Date: 02 May 99 - 05:05 AM Almost 5 in the mornin' of May 2. I saw the stick dancers several days ago here in Portsmouth. We were celebrating William Shakespere's birthday. Nice show. On May day I put out my annuals. This year the flowers seem to be blue and red. Gotta get some white. Said a prayer for Catspaw as I planted so this year it's the Catspaw garden. I tend to do that. During the Gulf War when my son enlisted it was the Shane Garden/Return home soon. It was red/white/blue then too. |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Barbara Date: 02 May 99 - 11:49 PM Hi, crew, I spent the weekend out in the woods doing some of what you reccommended, pity about the rest, Sandy, but I'm working on it. I was here Click here doing massage and celebrating Beltane. And sending healing to my friends that need it. Saturday morning, and Sunday too, just for novelty, it snowed on all the bloomin' daffodils, but I also hiked out into the woods and found m'self a mess of black morels and I'm gonna go saute 'em on toast next. Eat your hearts out, mycophilogists. Blessings, Barbara |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: katlaughing Date: 03 May 99 - 12:14 AM Barbara, this one is for you, read it before you eat those 'shrooms! Some phoaks went out to gather some mushrooms, feeling fairly confident they knew what to look for. When they got back home they were a little less confident. As they prepared to cook them, they decided to give one to the cat first, as a test. (I would NEVER do that to MY cats!) Anyway, after an hour or two, the cat was okay, so they decided to go ahead and eat them, too. A couple of hours after dinner, they noticed the cat went into convulsions. This sent them into a panic; they rushed to hospital. Doctors immediatey set to pumping their stomachs out. Everyone was very relieved that they'd gotten there in time, but exhausted from the whole ordeal. When they finally went home, late in the evening, they opened up the door, walked into the house and there was the perfectly fine cat, in the middle of the floor, surrounded by her brand new kittens! Moral of the story: never use your cat as a taste-tester! katlaughingHAO
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Barbara Date: 03 May 99 - 02:02 AM Too late, Kat, and the cat's just fine, no, wait a minute.... OH DEAR
I subscribe to David Arora's advice "Feed all unidentified mushrooms to the neighbor's barking dog..." I stick to the ones I can recognize.
Blessings, |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Penny Date: 03 May 99 - 05:47 AM There are two Pennies here now. I am not in Florida. I didn't quite celebrate, but did possibly find something about celebrations in the past. I went for a walk in the local woods with a friend, to see if the glow-worm larvae were out (not) and gaze at the Moon and Venus reflected in the lake on May Eve. Quite magical. Then, yesterday a bit late, we went out on the North Kent marshes east of Gravesend, discussing various aspects of Great Expectations, as I dragged a friend to see a bit Anglo-Saxon-Jutish construction. (Or possibly, the map reveals, Romano-British.) There's an odd inlet from the Thames, which lines up with a wide mound in such a way that the old church (site of old nuns' priory) about half a mile beyond looks as though it sits on top of the mound. I thought this was just a bit of navigational marking, but got there about sunset, and found that the line near enough pointed from the church, over the mound, across the mouth of the inlet and to the setting sun. So, from the holy site there would have been a view across wetlands (now fields) to a low island and the sunset on that island on May Eve, and again on Lammas Eve. (I am not talking about precise surveyed lines, here, but a near approximation with fairly large targets.) So I've made an interesting May discovery, if haven't celebrated. |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: AllisonA(Animaterra) Date: 03 May 99 - 10:07 AM PennyUK, (to distinguish you from PennyFla) that's fascinating! I'm amazed about the details the ancients discovered and the wonderful results you discovered! We don't have the Anglo-Saxon-Jutish-Romano-British sites but do have mounds and natural formations honored by the native Americans- and here in the East, there may be Danish and Irish as well! Allison |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: katlaughing Date: 03 May 99 - 11:09 AM Allison: have you ever heard of Gungywamp in Groton, CT up above the Thames River (everyone around there says Thames, as in that!)? It most definitely has ancient Celt runes, etc. The sun is aligned on certain holidays through apertures in the ruins. The Native Americans have some legends concerning it. I don't have the book handy, but it IS very interesting. Up until the past few years, it was like pulling hens' teeth to find out anything about it from the locals; it was on private property. Anyway, I understand it is being protected better, studied more, and beocming more well-known. It has a very eerie, but not in a negative way, feeling to it. I could have stayed there all day, but our friend/guide had to get back to work. PennyUK- your posts are always full of such interesting origins etc. Thanks for sharing with us. I really enjoy them! katlaughing |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Margo Date: 03 May 99 - 11:33 AM Same as any other day, I spent it at home with my husband and kids. Sounds boring, but I'll tell you that a visit to my house will never prove dull. Rick, I read Ayn Rand (heavens! I can't remember the title!) and liked some of what I read, but disliked other parts of her philosiphy. I wonder what you disliked? Barbara: Do you mean to say that you were giving massage, or receiving it? I love massage! Besided that it feels good, I believe in it as a health measure. I've not heard about your hot springs. There's one on highway 26 going towards mount Hood that we went to. You have to hike up to it from the road. Also, there is one in Washington about an hour's drive from Vancouver on 14. I've gotta go. I really need it. Blessings to you, Barbara! Margarita |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Barbara Date: 03 May 99 - 11:53 AM I meant giving. It's one of several interesting ways I make not-very-much money. The one on Hood is Bagby, and the one up the river is Carson. There'a another on the McKenzie above Eugene called Cougar, I believe. Blessings, Barbara |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Penny Date: 03 May 99 - 05:13 PM You can guess which one - I didn't mention that the place is near Thong, did I? That belongs in another thread. |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Barbara Date: 03 May 99 - 08:14 PM If it's near Thong, do you Thing there? |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: LEJ Date: 03 May 99 - 09:45 PM I've always considered Thong a fascinating area. Doesn't cover much territory though. |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Amergin Date: 22 Apr 00 - 05:40 PM Wrote this for aa friend of mine a while back: Let Us Dance! Let us dance! Let the earth become fertile writhing with sensual lust longing for the seeds of the young god implanting them into her womb with each thrust of his hips. Let us dance! Let us celebrate the dance of Beltane! As we slither our nakedness about the fire as the flames reach upwards, licking the clouds. Let us dance! As the blood of fertility boils, flowing to the groin, nipples hardening, organs stiffening, juices swirling. Let us dance! Let us encircle the flames voices raised high in chanting praise, the liquors heating us to our very souls. Let us dance! As the mists close themselves upon us tickling our naked bodies, the dew mingling with our yearning sweat as we ache to join as one. Let us dance! As the faeries emerge from the mists to rejoice the rising into manhood of the young god. Let us dance! As the goddess receives the young god into her arms, sweat mingling, rapture rising, bodies joining, chanting intensifying, flames violent, desire amplifies, tramping intensely, mists churning, bodies squirming, fluids mingling, seeds embedding. Let us dance! Amergin |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Micca Date: 22 Apr 00 - 07:30 PM On Mayday I will (if I can emulate last year) be getting up at dawn to drum up the sun and then help carry a Giant in a procession thru'the streets of Hastings UK following the Jack in the Green and about 200 Morris dancers, to Hastings castle wher the jack is ritually killed (to relaease the spirit of Summer) and dismembered and his green dispersed to to the crowd to take home for a Token of luck and sunshine. For more and pics try this site sorry I cant do blueclickys yet.. |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Mbo Date: 22 Apr 00 - 08:15 PM Amergin! Naughty human! **BG** --Mbo |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Lonesome EJ Date: 22 Apr 00 - 08:21 PM That sounds like a great Mayday, Micca! And Amergin...I think I need a cold shower.>} |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Sorcha Date: 22 Apr 00 - 08:45 PM Merciful Heavens, Amergin! |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Billy the Bus Date: 22 Apr 00 - 11:04 PM Wheewwwww..... Must learn to look at the date of the first post in a thread. This "refresh" wasn't at all refreshing when I got up this morning. Thought I'd suffered a "stream of total obloodyblivion" for over a week - missed Anzac Day, me birthday, me bathday, and me May 1st Lions Meeting. What with you lot rabbiting on about what you did on May Day, when it's still Easter Bunny time? And, the mentions of Spaw being crook and not posting? I knew I'd read his posts just before I hit the pit? My brain cells were screaming at each other, across the void, "Mayday! Mayday!.." Spaw, ol' cobber, tell me you're there...;) I was near the bottom of the thread before I realised I was hearing voices from last century. Never have been good at what day of the week it is, let alone the date. Whew, I'm still wobbling at the knees (as well as at the jaw). Anyway, since I'm living on top of the word, down-under, and my seasons are "arse-about-face", it's Samhain for me, not Beltaine. It's appropriate the arrival of winter and the "feast of the Dead" is just a few days after Anzac Day, our rememberance of the War Dead. I'll be celebrating with a Feast, come May Day. By chance, (?) it's the day when "proper" Chinese chefs will come from the mainland to prepare "proper" Chinese nosh for our Lions Club - it's a day before our "proper" meeting, so no formal bits, just a knees-up. No leaping over bonfires tho', someone's bound to get legless and fall in, like happened at New Year. As for rituals? Guess it'll be our traditional Port Raffle - to whit:
And, all my lies are true! That is how we raffle the Port - Visitors to the Club are usually stunned - especially if they "won" the bottle. You find most members buy at least a couple of "chances" too - and no one bothers checking 'em, either. So, that'll be my Feast and Ritual for May Day 2000. Mudcat May Day will be my "theme" for this month's Club Bulletin - thanks for the inspiration team. I'm off to steal some of your pearls of wisdom, to cast before the "Swine of the Lines" (Club). And, Spaw, bet this thread revives memories for you. It's 3pm on Easter Sunday, no one wants a tour this arvo. The above SSC was written before work this morning, without the benefit of a single drop of magic potion.....;) Must remedy the situation...;) LOL - Sam |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: katlaughing Date: 23 Apr 00 - 12:18 AM Sam, I am LMAOWROTF!!! Love it! Micca, watch it carrying that giant this year! It sounds so knwo I wish I was there! Here's your blue clicky thingie, darlin. Amergin, there is definitely hope for you, but I think you need to provide towels with the necessary cold shower LeeJ mentioned!*BG* Leej, thanks for reviving this thread. How appropriate in timing. "But, of course," he said with a slight shrug and shy smile. Merry Meet Ya'll! katlaughing |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Kelida Date: 23 Apr 00 - 12:33 AM Maybe I'll have a date, but probably not--I don't usually have those. In any case, it will probably be like any other day for me--wake up, shower, get dressed (30-inch bellbottoms and favorite tee-shirt), eat, brush teeth, go to school, come home, check e-mail and come to the Mudcat, create some art, play around on the computer some more, maybe do some homework, sleep. I celebrate in my heart, though. Spring is a wonderful time to be alive. . . Peace--Keli |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Snuffy Date: 23 Apr 00 - 08:02 AM I and the rest of the Shakespeare Morris Men will dance in the dawn at 05.30, on the Bancroft, by the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, with the first dance being "Morning Star" from the Bidford-on-Avon tradition. At 06.00 we will dance outside Shakespeare's birthplace, then various other places till 10.00 (with a pause for breakfast and 3 or 4 pints of ale). At 11.00 we will be dancing by the maypole at Welford-on-Avon, (which is reputed to be the tallest in England). Then at noon we will join the Pebworth Morris Men and other guest sides at the world-famous Fleece Inn at Bretforton to celebrate their 25th anniversary and assist them in their quest to each drink 25 pints of beer on their special day. After that, I don't know what I'll be doing - not a lot, I think!
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: GUEST,The Green Man Date: 23 Apr 00 - 09:26 AM The Green Man Like antlers, the veins of the brain the birches The hungry birds harry the last berrys of rowan The ashes are clashing their boughs like sword-dancers, The alders are ratteling as though ready for battle In and out of the yellowing wands of the willow The hedges of quick are thick with may blossom Green Man becomes grown man in flames of the oak The holly is flowerings as hayfields are rolling The hazles are rocking the cups of their nuts The globes of the grapes are robing with bloom The aspen drops silver of leaves on earth's salver The reedbeds are flanking in silence the islands The bark of the elder makes whistles for children -William Anderson-
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Clinton Hammond2 Date: 23 Apr 00 - 09:29 AM "Hoo-ray hoo-ray The first of May! Outdoor f@cking Begins TODAY!!!" And that's the weekend my wife comes home after being away since January!! LOL!!!!!!!! |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive) Date: 23 Apr 00 - 09:39 AM It is all here: Irish Celebrations Enjoy! Conrad May Day A landmark day as the first day of Summer. It was a gale day when land tenancy began or ended or when a half-year's rent was due. It was a day for change and marketing of ones skills by taking a tool symbolic of one's occupation to the fair. The cattle sheltered in the Winter and Spring were taken to the Summer pastures or: "Buaile".The fields scheduled for harvesting were carefully protected and cleared of stones. Turf cutting begins. May day is a day for the housewife to demonstrate her skill at making the food last over the Winter and Spring. A formal meal was made with the good food which was left. May Day was also a day for watching the weather which will help predict the end of frost and success for the summer months. One should not dig whitewash or bathe or sail on May Day. Summer was welcomed in many ways: A May bush ws set up,flowers (especially yellow ones) were gathered into small bouquets which were hung up in the house-these must be picked before dawn of May Day. Horses bridles were also decorated with flowers. Generally flowers were tied to everything-cows, churns etc... as protective elements. In some areas branches of newly leafed trees were collected. The Sycamore being a favorite "May bough" in Cork. While the flowers were beautiful the main reason for their cutting and distribution was to ward off evil and bring good. The May Bush was extremely important in this regard in many parts. It was set up by the family on May Eve in front of the house door and was decorated carefuly with flowers and the colored egg shells carefully saved since Easter. Ribbons were also aded together with bits of candles. These candles were lit and a dance was held in honor of the Blessed Virgin Maryat dusk at May day eve.Children going door to door would chant: "Long life and a pretty wife, and a candle for the May bush" -of course they were looking for money as well! Bonfires were also lit and sports competitions lead to the worst fighting of the year. May bushes became in some areas May poles. Stealing the bushes also was a source of great fighting and led to some famous rhymes: "We'll wallab a mosey down Meadstreet in tune Ri rigdi ri ri dum dee, And not leave a weaver alive on de Combe Buyt rip up his tripe-bag, and burn his loom! Ri rigidi dum dee!" The custom of young newly married couples giving new and decorated hurling balls:"May Balls" to the young men of the town also lead to great festivities and often violence as drink money was also given out with the balls. Of many charms and omens for May Day the collection of May dew was the most well known. This was carefully decanted and collected to use as a medicine and for beauty. The man who washed his hands in the May dew would be good with knots and nets. There are many things you should not do on May day one of which is to pick up anything left in the roadway |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Billy the Bus Date: 23 Apr 00 - 09:53 AM Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition... I AM still in the land of the living. Kat, please translate "LMAOWROTF" - all the versions I can come up with are verging on the ridiculous. Keli, with 30" bellbottoms (and a coat of navy blue?) you just can't miss a date on that date. Snuffy, my mind is boggling, What with your "Bid" and "Wel" start, you won't be able to afford a Ford, (let alone a Morris) by noon when you meet the worthies at the "Peb". And, you're talking of decorking 25 pints per pisshead? Have a corker day! My blessing upon your liver - BUT - a word of warning - Don't dance TOO much, you know what happens when you "Shakes beer", don't you? I'll keep my aerial up on the 2nd. Sounds like the Avon will be 'avin the flood to end all floods that day. And, talking of Maypoles, (which you were), please, please, bear a thought for how the Russians (ab)used the Poles on May Day 1916, while you are dancing, and having FUN. Yours (in sorrow) - Sam PS - the Ruskies used the Poles to keep the wires up. So, keep your aerial up on Mayday, Snuffy. I'll send a wireless message to see if you're still wired up at the end of it, not away with Arial, or snuffed it, after all those pints......;) Have a bonzer day Snuffy, wish'a could be wiv'ya
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Mbo Date: 23 Apr 00 - 01:01 PM Good Lord, 30 inches?! I still can't figure how you folks MOVE in those things! By May 1st, I expect to be ditching pants and puttin' on shorts! And just what will I do on May Day? Study and slack off! I have art history final and a design project due that day...and since I ain't into the pagan junk, I'll NOT be Morris dancing or any , well..."fertile writhing"! --Mbo |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Malcolm Douglas Date: 23 Apr 00 - 01:58 PM There isn't necessarily anything pagan about Morris, though a lot of people nowadays like to think there is. May Day? I'll be out with the South Riding Folk Network at Kelham Island in Sheffield for the annual Mayfest. Playing; notdancing! (Provisional programme here. Malcolm |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Eluned Date: 23 Apr 00 - 02:02 PM Lonesome; thanks for refreshing this! Most illuminating! Billy; Me too, on the diorientation!! I kept looking at my calendar, thinking, "am I in the wrong month??" btw, ROTFLMAO usually means, "Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off". W probably means Kat is more literate than average, and so included the gramatically correct "While laughing my ass off". Amergin; WHOOOOO-boy! That is POtent! Mind if I share it with some lusty online female friends of mine .... and with my husband? GUEST; your GREEN MAN poem is wonderful, full of imagery. May I share it? Is William Anderson a musician? Clinton; LOL!! Merry Matrimony!!! |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Lonesome EJ Date: 23 Apr 00 - 02:46 PM Great poem, GreenMan! |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Caitrin Date: 23 Apr 00 - 06:48 PM I love the poem, GreenMan! Beltane is also my best friend's birthday. Our personal celebration is (weather permitting) simply sitting in the hammock in my back yard, eating strawberries, drinking ice cold water or tea, listening to Steeleye Span, and talking (as we seldom get a chance to do.) It's one of my favorite days. : ) And Amergin, that's hot stuff! ; ) |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Clinton Hammond2 Date: 23 Apr 00 - 07:00 PM The Green Man poem is from a book called "The Green Man" written by William Anderson, with photos by Clive Hicks looking into the Green Man Mythos... {~` |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Mbo Date: 23 Apr 00 - 07:03 PM Is this Green Man any relation to The Green Knight who battle Sir Gawain? --Mbo |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: magician Date: 23 Apr 00 - 07:56 PM i'm asisting the the organiser of the "Moor & Coast" festival to steward the thing. judith didn't send me any rotas for the day? i think i've been lumbrede with the lot. a spelling checker would be niace. |
Subject: RE: Beltane/May Day-How do youcelebrate? From: Snuffy Date: 23 Apr 00 - 08:12 PM Billy The Pebworth Morris Men are looking to down 25 pints each, but I doubt if I'll even make it into double figures. And we haven't even got the excuse that it keeps us off the streets! Wassail! V |
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