Subject: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: Will Bakker Date: 28 Feb 01 - 12:03 PM This is a message especially for Mudcatters in England. According to his bio Anthony James Donegan will be celebrating his 70th birthday on the 29th of April. I live in Holland and I love to hear and play his music since his first singles came out. Do you know how Lonnie is doing and if there are special events, a concert perhaps? If so, I would like to go there, because I have never seen him appear live.If not, is there a way to express our sympathy for the man who brought American folk music to Europe. I will be happy to join in, if there are any initiatives. |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: KingBrilliant Date: 28 Feb 01 - 12:06 PM I saw Lonnie in concert at Guildford Festival last summer. He was absolutely amazing and full of energy & enthusiasm. Still going strong.... Kris |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: SINSULL Date: 28 Feb 01 - 12:51 PM No he can't be. That would make me...nevermind. I recently purchased a Lonnie LP only to have my cat break it just as I was about to play it. His comment on my music I guess. Very frustrating. I was assured by a variety of Mudcatters that "The Chewing Gum" song was not his best. Now I'll never know. |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: GUEST, Date: 28 Feb 01 - 04:03 PM happy birthday when it comes,Lonnie. wouldnt it be nice if the media made some kind of fuss about him reaching 70 and showing some acknowledgment of his enormous influence. it was Lonnie more than anyone (at least in UK )who introduced WOODY & LEADBELLY to kids like me who before that had thought music meant Dickie Valentine et al. anyone agree with me that Lonnies "Frankie & Johnny" is simply awesome & one of if not THE best version ever. stan |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: Kernow John Date: 28 Feb 01 - 04:19 PM On Saturday night just gone at the club my wife and I sang Rock My Soul which I learnt from Lonnie in 195?. It went down a treat everyone new it and the harmony came from all sides. It was one of the times when you didn't want the song to end. I'll always be grateful to Lonnie and when his birthday comes around I hope he has a really good bash. When I log off here I think I'll start e-mailing a few people in the press and other media. KJ |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: Boab Date: 28 Feb 01 - 05:40 PM Lonnie is pushin' 70? Gawd!---I thought he was YEARS younger than me! I don't think any other artiste surpasses his "Battle of New Orleans". I have a pal who is an agent for him over here in BC, and he MAY be coming to Vancouver this year. |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: Will Bakker Date: 01 Mar 01 - 02:06 AM Boab, I would like to send Lonnie my best wishes, maybe you can get me the address where I can reach him? |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: Metchosin Date: 01 Mar 01 - 02:41 AM Sinsull, they are correct, I have a recording of Lonnie Donegan doing Rock Island Line that would knock your socks off. |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler Date: 01 Mar 01 - 03:54 AM I last saw him live a couple of years ago, despite his heart problems he was giving it his all as usual. He sat down for the first number, then forgot he was supposed to be taking it easy. He lives in Spain now but still comes out for festivals, sessions with Chris Barber, Van Morrison etc. I hope tv or radio at least mark this milestone. He is to blame for introducing a whole generation of UK youth to American folk and folk blues. He may play the same repertoire (and in jazz circles doesn't do the novelty songs the purists hate)but he constantly updates his versions. RtS |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: KingBrilliant Date: 01 Mar 01 - 05:39 AM Last summer my sister came on a visit from Japan, and brought with her some friends, one of whom is a folk singer. His name is Tatsuhiko Hirata - so of course we called him Bob. We took Bob etc to the Guildford festival with us & so we got hold of various CDs & tapes so they could familiarise themselves with the artists beforehand. As soon as he heard the Lonnie tape he fell into escstacy, and demanded henceforth to be known as Bob Lonnie Hirata - in tribute to the master. Co-incidentally, whilst Lonnie was playing on one stage, his oppo Van the Man was playing at the other end of the field on the same night. We were hoping..... but they didn't get together. Kris |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: Will Bakker Date: 02 Mar 01 - 03:55 AM refresh |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler Date: 02 Mar 01 - 05:41 AM Listened to his "House of the Rising Sun" in the car on the way to work this morning- the "female" version I associate with Joan Baez and Ronnie Gilbert, not the "Animals" version, startled looks from other drivers at the traffic lights as I was joining in with "Pick a Bale of Cotton"! RtS |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: GUEST Date: 02 Mar 01 - 03:10 PM Beverley Playhouse, east Yorkshire, 8pm Sat March 3, Lonnie Donegan and his skiffle group |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: Will Bakker Date: 02 Mar 01 - 04:02 PM Thank you, Guest, but for me, living in Holland it's impossible to get there in time. Do you, or anyone else know of other performances? |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: Greyeyes Date: 02 Mar 01 - 05:02 PM Good Lonnie site here Blicky But I can't find much about where he's performing in the near future. |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: Will Bakker Date: 03 Mar 01 - 05:50 AM Refresh |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: GUEST,again Date: 03 Mar 01 - 06:10 AM Roger Iusually listen to tapes in the car and sing along. It gives me some practice and my SO a rest from my singing. It has occurred to me, though, that other drivers might think I'm commenting on their driving, so I'd better be a bit more careful; don't want to provoke a road rage attack! |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: GUEST,jim Date: 03 Mar 01 - 07:02 AM hi i saw lonnie donnegan last year at the liverpool philharmonic hall he was the support band for van morrison both were excellent |
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan 70 From: Will Bakker Date: 04 Mar 01 - 02:58 AM refresh |
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