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Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album


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GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann, Germany 14 Feb 05 - 05:00 AM
Flash Company 14 Feb 05 - 05:22 AM
greg stephens 14 Feb 05 - 05:31 AM
Big Al Whittle 14 Feb 05 - 09:02 AM
Roger the Skiffler 14 Feb 05 - 09:33 AM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 15 Feb 05 - 04:06 AM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 15 Feb 05 - 04:09 AM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 15 Feb 05 - 04:11 AM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 15 Feb 05 - 04:15 AM
GUEST,Roger the skiffler via the backdoor 15 Feb 05 - 08:24 AM
Jerry Rasmussen 15 Feb 05 - 09:25 AM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 15 Feb 05 - 01:32 PM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 15 Feb 05 - 01:38 PM
GUEST,Klaus Müller 16 Feb 05 - 03:07 AM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 16 Feb 05 - 01:04 PM
GUEST,KM 17 Feb 05 - 12:35 PM
GUEST,Gene 18 Feb 05 - 12:15 PM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 19 Feb 05 - 02:15 AM
GUEST 21 Mar 05 - 11:00 AM
GUEST,padgett (at home) 22 Mar 05 - 10:04 AM
GUEST,Roger Rettig 22 Mar 05 - 12:43 PM
GUEST,R Rettig 22 Mar 05 - 01:08 PM
greg stephens 22 Mar 05 - 03:34 PM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 23 Mar 05 - 07:50 AM
GUEST,Lutz 23 Mar 05 - 07:51 AM
GUEST,Roger Rettig 23 Mar 05 - 01:08 PM
GUEST,Lutz 23 Mar 05 - 02:00 PM
Roger the Skiffler 30 Mar 05 - 02:25 AM
GUEST,padgett (at home) 30 Mar 05 - 05:36 AM
GUEST,Roger Rettig 30 Mar 05 - 05:23 PM
Roger the Skiffler 31 Mar 05 - 08:48 AM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 31 Mar 05 - 10:52 AM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 31 Mar 05 - 12:16 PM
GUEST,Roger Rettig 01 Apr 05 - 12:51 AM
Roger the Skiffler 01 Apr 05 - 02:51 AM
Roger the Skiffler 01 Apr 05 - 05:31 AM
GUEST,Insider 01 Apr 05 - 08:11 AM
GUEST,Roger Rettig 01 Apr 05 - 05:30 PM
Roger the Skiffler 05 Apr 05 - 09:32 AM
Roger the Skiffler 05 Apr 05 - 09:58 AM
GUEST,Roger the skiffler by the washboard player's 08 Apr 05 - 09:46 AM
Tam the man 09 Apr 05 - 09:40 AM
GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann 09 Apr 05 - 07:06 PM
Roger the Skiffler 11 Apr 05 - 08:17 AM
GUEST,Roger Rettig 13 Apr 05 - 03:21 PM
GUEST,Sorry..... 13 Apr 05 - 03:24 PM
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Subject: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann, Germany
Date: 14 Feb 05 - 05:00 AM

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Skifflers,
the british company Upbeat Recordings ( ) has released a new album of the King Of Skiffle Lonnie Donegan, recorded live in 1994: "Lonnie Donegan - This Yere De Story".
I recommend this to you all. Lonnie tells his life story in his own words and music and shows his talents as great performer and entertainer.
Although a posthum release, it´s a must for everybody who´s interested in this music.
Skifflish Greetings,

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Flash Company
Date: 14 Feb 05 - 05:22 AM

Spotted this one at the same time as the Colyer Festival Hall CD with Early Lonnie version of Cotton Song, but have not got a copy yet.
The Vintage Colyer CD from Lake also features 4 tracks by Lonnie recorded in Scandinavia just after the formation of the Colyer band.
Regrettably not his best, but the band recordings are magic.


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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: greg stephens
Date: 14 Feb 05 - 05:31 AM

Coincidentally,I am listening to Lonnie plunking de ol' banjo on "The golrush is over" as I read this thread.
Thanks for sharing this info, I will get these recordings.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Big Al Whittle
Date: 14 Feb 05 - 09:02 AM

Yes I got a copy at the recent tribute show done by his old band and two of his sons. great value, the album and the show.

It is nice because he makes a real effort to explain how he got involved in the exotic hybrids of music that he immersed himself in. It is wonderful to encounter an artist where there is so much substance to his work that he needs to explain , rather mythologise himself.

all the best

big al

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 14 Feb 05 - 09:33 AM

Thanks, Lutz, but (as you might have guessed)I got my copy a month ago!

your thimblemate


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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 15 Feb 05 - 04:06 AM

Hi Roger,
yes, of course, but there should be much more getting this fine album.
Have you heard that Joe Brown is doing this week some performances at Windsor with his fifties musical DADDIO ( together with his daughter Sam Brown )?!?
There was another fine Skiffle CD release in 2004 by UK´s Raucous Records called "Skiffle Revival" (Vol.1), I can recommend very much to you and all other music lovers.
We should play occasionally together, you take your washboard then, I choose double bass or so.
Or with two washboards, why not? Haha...

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 15 Feb 05 - 04:09 AM

Hi Greg,
oh yes, "The Goldrush Is Over" is really a fine Lonnie recording, too. I love it.
RogerTheSkiffler´s right that "World Cup Willie" was not really the best one...
Lonnie´s eldest son Tony told me that somebody´s interested to produce a re-recording of "World Cup Willie" with Tony, hm, well, I don´t know if this would make sense, but if one would, one should choose a better jazzband and especially a better tuba player than in the 60s! But that´s just my personal point of view.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 15 Feb 05 - 04:11 AM

Hi Flash Company,
you´re right, I agree, I have all these albums, too.
Skifflish Greetings,

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 15 Feb 05 - 04:15 AM

And my last comment for now:
there have been some other fine Skiffle releases, too, in 2004:
the dutch MOSAM SKIFFLE TRAIN made a fine new album,
Paul Leegan´s band recorded a live concert on Sept.11, 2004, distributed by P.E.K.Sounds in UK,
we did the "little" tribute REMEMBERING LONNIE DONEGAN with Tony Donegan, Dickie Bishop, Paul Leegan, Sean Moyses and others
And we´re still working on the "final" tribute ;-)
We have some recordings done, for example with Tony Donegan ( Rock Island Line & Dead Or Alive ).
I hope that Sharon and Pete will occasionally release a CD or DVD of the Donegan musical, "THE STORY OF LONNIE D", that could be very interesting.
All the Best for the Donegans and all other Skifflers!

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler via the backdoor
Date: 15 Feb 05 - 08:24 AM

Lutz, we're going to the Joe Brown concert in Windsor on Saturday and I'm going to the annual afternoon free Skiffle session in Twickenham on Sunday.
I found your online shop with the new Remembering Lonnie CD. I need to find a German dictionary to translate the page. (French and Greek I can manage, but I know no German). You might get more UK/US sales if the page was bi-lingual (Americans and Brits are notoriously bad linguists!).

Best of luck with your efforts


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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Jerry Rasmussen
Date: 15 Feb 05 - 09:25 AM

I am a huge Lonnie Donegan fan, and just received a copy of this in the mail. What a delight to hear him "live." That's something I never had the pleasure of experiencing, so this is as close as I can get. Lonnie was a major influence on my music, and I still love to listen to his recordings.


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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 15 Feb 05 - 01:32 PM

Hi Roger,
please let me know about DADDIO after Saturday, thanks.
You´re right regarding the language; as soon I will find the time I will take care about translating the main informations in english, too.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 15 Feb 05 - 01:38 PM

Hi Jerry,
regarding "This Yere De Story" it´s great to have Lonnie´s band included, too, sounding as they usually did in his act.
The band is not too well documentated on his fantastic heritage album "Muleskinner Blues" (1999) --- "too" many guests there! --- or on "Van Morrison: The Skiffle Sessions Live In Belfast", released in 2000. There it is Lon´s band behind him, Van, Chris Barber and Dr.John, but playing with accoustic lead guitars ( plus another great guitarist, Big Jim Sullivan, a great favourite of mine ). But on "This Yere De Story" the band sounds exactly like during the last 15 years in the act.
( There were also some live-recordings of his band on the 1981 Jubilee album, recorded live in London, but some of those songs included additional guests, too, like Chris Barber, Ken Colyer and Bill Colyer. )
Best wishes,

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Klaus Müller
Date: 16 Feb 05 - 03:07 AM

"This Yere De Story" is a very fine album!

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 16 Feb 05 - 01:04 PM

I agree!

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
Date: 17 Feb 05 - 12:35 PM

Rambling Man, House Of The Rising Sun and Battle Of New Orleans are my favourites!

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Gene
Date: 18 Feb 05 - 12:15 PM

It´s fantastic, I bought it last week!

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 19 Feb 05 - 02:15 AM

My favourites are almost countless:
Bring A Little Water, Sylvie
My Grandfather´s Clock
The Wreck Of The Old 97
Rambling Man
Battle Of New Orleans
Putting On The Style
Rock Island Line
My Old Man´s A Dustman
Goodnight, Irene

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
Date: 21 Mar 05 - 11:00 AM

I have to say that Lonnie's version of 'St Louis Blues' on the new CD is just wonderful! When I was a youngster, I'd be a bit disappointed when Donegan used a 'trad-jazz style accompaniment - I much preferred the two guitars, bass and drums - but I've grown to appreciate just how good he was at it!

I like the suggestion in the other thread - July 13th to be Lonnie Donegan Day!

Lutz - thanks for the 'heads up' on the '54 Ken Colyer CD; I now have it on order.

Roger R.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,padgett (at home)
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 10:04 AM

Can anyone throw any light on Lonnie's Biography/Autobiography

I place Lonnie at the very crossroads of the English and I mean English being pointed in the direction of their own folk song/music tradition.

Lonnie's story if it has been chronicled, is of vital importance as a piece of the folk jigsaw of the English looking for their own folk heritage

Ray padgett

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Roger Rettig
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:43 PM

I wish I could! There was one due out last September to be published by Virgin Books, but there's no sign yet. There is supposed to be an autobiography, but although I'm told that transcripts sometimes come up on E-Bay, I've yet to see one.

Spencer Leigh of BBC Radio Liverpool has compiled an interesting booklet called 'Puttin' On The Style - the Lonnie Donegan Story' - it's published by Finbarr Intl and its ISBN# is: 0 9529500 2 2 - a very good read and very reasonably priced.

Roger R.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,R Rettig
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 01:08 PM

I've seen discussions relating to Lonnie's importance in the musical scheme of things.

Can anyone doubt that he was the fountainhead of British pop!? I've even seen some doubts expressed as to his musical competence, and that amazes me (I don't hear any such reservations about the young 'Rollin' Stones' - no Lonnie? No 'Stones'!!). He was SO superior to anything of Brirish origin at the time, that comparison is almost ludicrous. He was a total 'pro' - from his dress and presentation to his choice of musicians and material....

Sometimes I wonder if you 'had to be there' to really understand what he meant to ALL of us who went on to play music for a living. After I saw him in '56 at the Finsbury Park Empire I had no doubt about what I was going to do with my life. Others felt just the same - I did some TV work with George Harrison in '76, and we spent many a long and happy hour discussing guitars, music, and Lonnie in particular. George just loved him, and told tales of queueing to see him, as well as going on fruitless quests for his autograph. I realised that Harrison (the same age as I) had felt the identical emotion as he watched Donegan's performances as I had done.

Before Lonnie, we'd barely heard a flattened 3rd or 5th, or any kind of 'blue note'. Those lyrics he unearthed - 'Lost John', 'Whoa Buck', 'Grand Coulee Dam' and dozens more - can you imagine how they fell on our virgin ears, after all the soppy 'pop' lyrics we'd known?

Listen to 'Gamblin' Man' - that fiery guitar solo (thanks, Jimmy!) and that thunderous drum part - did four guys EVER create such excitement in live theatre with just an old-fashioned house-mic system?

No Donegan? Then there'd have been a totally different musical landscape - on BOTH sides of the Atlantic. We all owe him - big time!

Roger Rettig

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: greg stephens
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 03:34 PM

"After I saw him in 1956...I had no doubt what I was going to do with my life". Well put, Roger Rettig, you could have been writing my autobiography as well as yours, and as well as thousands of others. I went and bought a guitar as soon as I heard "Rock Island Line" in 1956 at the age of 11, and set about constructing a life that involved singing with it. I'm still at it, and I've never had a day-job! And I will still, at the drop of a hat, sing Rock island Line. Lonnie turned on a whole generation. Fan-bloody-tastic.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 23 Mar 05 - 07:50 AM

Although I was born very late ( for a Skiffler ), on April 7, 1967, I discovered Lonnie´s music in my father´s record collection at my age of four, and ten years later this inspired me to start my studies of Jazz, Folk and Blues roots. After being a professional musician for about 16 years now, I still love Skiffle à la Donegan, and it was a great moment when I came back home on Thursday, February 3, 1999 and found a very well-known voice with a friendly message on my answering machine: "Hallo Lutz! ( LE:he didn´t say `hello´ but the German `Hallo´, and I still have the tape with this first private message ) ... and want to have a little chat with you! My number in Spain is 0034... Bye!"
We spent various hours together chatting about everything on the telephone line in the next few years, and after I heard he´d died I regret not to have more chats with him. Although I know there have been many people with bad feelings regarding Lonnie, too, I have to say from my experiences, he was one of the loviest people I ever met in Music business. We didn´t have the relationship of Star and Admirer, I met just a musician, a musical friend. Well, in our first chat I was a bit nervous, but he repeated various times ( in German ) "Keine Angst" ( = Don´t worry ), although this had a double meaning because on that occasion we discussed also problems in the music business, too. But later it was like being with a familar friend together.
I remember one occasion when I called him very late ( around midnight ) and Sharon was on the phone and told me, Lon would practise with his banjo "but wait two minutes". When the man himself came to the phone he was like a young, enthusiastic boy and told me how much fun he had with rehearsing and playing music and singing. I saw him live on stage when he did his performance with ( a great ) "automatic pilot", but I saw him on two occasions ( one was Royal Albert Hall, Dec.7,1998, the other one was in Hamburg, CCH, Nov.23, 2001 ) when he did a terriffic act, almost unbelievable for a guy of his age.
He will be never forgotten, and I agree totally with you, Roger Rettig & Greg, he and his music touched so many of us like a positive impact and a big inspiration, we have to be grateful forever.
Some close friends of mine, the Twins Bastian & Benny Korn, are big admirers of his music, too, although they are much younger than I am ( they are born 9 July, 1978 ).
I am sure future generations of musicians will find many inspirations in Lonnie´s lifework, too.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz
Date: 23 Mar 05 - 07:51 AM

I was really lucky to had many occasions of chats with Lonnie who definetly was the biggest musical hero in my life.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Roger Rettig
Date: 23 Mar 05 - 01:08 PM

Nice words, Lutz....

Imagine how touched I was when, after being hospitalized with a suspected heart-problem in the mid-'80s, I got a surprise call from none other than my boyhood idol, Lonnie! By then, he'd got to hear about me as a guitar-player, but I'll never forget the thrill of hearing his voice on the end of the 'phone as he wished me well and recounted some of his experiences with medical issues.

If you'd have told me back in '57 that one day he'd call ME on the 'phone, I'd have probably had a heart-attack at 14 years old!!!!

Despite some of the less-than-positive things one hears about Donegan the person, he will remain the single greatest influence on my life.

Roger R.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz
Date: 23 Mar 05 - 02:00 PM

I agree, Roger.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 30 Mar 05 - 02:25 AM

Here you go:Puttin' on the Style: The Lonnie Donegan Story
Spencer Leigh, John Firminger, James Cullinan (Editor)

Our Price: £9.99 .
Availability: usually dispatched within 4 to 6 weeks

From Amazon. I've had it on order for some time. Latest estimate of delivery is this Friday but it hasn't been dispatched yet!!!
Earlier Amazon listed an autobiography by Souvenir Press which I eventually found out had been abandoned and was nevr published.

(hopin' and wishin')

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,padgett (at home)
Date: 30 Mar 05 - 05:36 AM

Hy Roger do let us all know whether/when you receive the biography won't you!!

Many Thanks

Thanks also to Roger Rettig for info re biog

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Roger Rettig
Date: 30 Mar 05 - 05:23 PM

'Padgett' - my pleasure.

As I said, I already have the Spencer Leigh book, and it's excellent.

The other (promised on Virgin Books) has yet to surface....


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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 31 Mar 05 - 08:48 AM

Roger R, Lutz, as the resident experts, what was the 12-string Lonnie played in later years? Was that a Martin as well?

(just a poor, very poor, washboard mangler)

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 31 Mar 05 - 10:52 AM

Roger R., I leave this question to you as the real guitar expert!

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 31 Mar 05 - 12:16 PM

But I´ll take a look on Lonnie´s 70s´ albums ( BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, PUTTING ON THE STYLE & the LEINEMANN recordings ), may I get some useful informations there.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Roger Rettig
Date: 01 Apr 05 - 12:51 AM

The 12-string guitar most associated with Lonnie in the last twenty or so years was his Guild. It's a large blonde-finish instrument - I can only recall him using it on 'I wanna Go Home' at his concerts, but I could be wrong.

Two slightly more obscure instruments he's known to have used:

On the cover of the EP 'Relax With Lonnie' ('58) he can be seen with a large ornate black flat-top 6-string. That was an Abbott - he got rid of it, but a friend of mine just missed a chance to buy the same guitar in London in the early-'60s. We don't where it is now.

The other? Another 12-string, but I'm afraid I don't know what it is! He's had it years (he used it briefly on the 'Putting On The Donegan' TV shows in the late-'50s. More recently, it resurfaced on the CD sleeve of 'Donegan Meets Leineman'. Do any of you German guys know more about this guitar? It's a distinctive shape, with rather narrow 'shoulders'. Any info would be gratefully received.

The aforementioned Guild was more high-profile, though - the Martin 000-28 remained his #1 guitar until two weeks before his death; the end of his final tour saw him playing the sunburst 'Lonnie Donegan' signature Martin 000-28LD.

Roger Rettig

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 01 Apr 05 - 02:51 AM

Thanks, Guys. I'm relying on my fading memory here but I think it was a black finish one. He played it when on tv promoting the "comeback" albums (Live in Belfast/Muleskinner Blues) and the final tour, and (without checking!) I think is featured on one of those album liners.

(but I could be wrong....!)

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 01 Apr 05 - 05:31 AM

Back to the biog. this is the latest message from Amazon:
Dear Customer,

We are sorry to report that the following item has been delayed.

Spencer Leigh, et al "Puttin' on the Style: The Lonnie Donegan

Our current estimate is that it will take an additional 4-6 weeks to
obtain this item for you.

(Still waiting for a t-shirt from Sharon D ordered in January!)

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Insider
Date: 01 Apr 05 - 08:11 AM

If you wanna deal with a Donegan these days,you need all the time in the world.

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Roger Rettig
Date: 01 Apr 05 - 05:30 PM

Try contacting Spencer Leigh directly - I did, and my book reached me here in the USA within a week!

42, Longcliffe Drive
Southport, Merseyside,

Good luck!

I tried to get a t-shirt from Sharon, but my e-mail bounced back as undeliverable.


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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 09:32 AM

Roger R, thanks for the address, I've written to Spencer.
I reported the bad link on the "Merchandise" section of the LD website in December, but it still doesn't seem to work. I contacted them via:
and they told me the snail mail address to write to.
Still waiting, but at least my cheque hasn't been cashed yet!


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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 09:58 AM

...and if you don't already have the address in Bedlington,Roger, join the Mudcat so I can send it to you by PM (Personal Message).

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler by the washboard player's
Date: 08 Apr 05 - 09:46 AM

My second reminder e-mail must have worked. T-shirt arrived today with free copy of the Memorial Concert and Musical programmes.


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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Tam the man
Date: 09 Apr 05 - 09:40 AM

How can Lonnie Donegan have a new album when he's dead.

I like Lonnie Donnegan and the skiffle music.

I don't know if you knew the Johnny Ducan died in the year 2000.


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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Lutz Eikelmann
Date: 09 Apr 05 - 07:06 PM

Yes, I know that Johnny Duncan died in Australia in July 2000. That was the reason why his old mate Dickie Bishop recorded a song dedicated to him on July, 26,2000 with my band in Essen, Germany: "Where Could I Go?"

Well, it took 5 years time of dealing between Upbeat Recordings/UK and Lonnie and then with his widow Sharon until Upbeat was authorised to bring the music on the market, that´s how that worked.
More about "This Yere De Story" on

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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 11 Apr 05 - 08:17 AM

Just to say thanks to Roger R for putting me on to Spencer Leigh, got the book by return, just starting to read it (noticed one typo already: jazz guitarist Neville Skrimshire is given as "Scrimshaw!).
Leigh says Lonnie had only written notes for a few chapters of the promised autobiography "All Roads lead to Lon" and it is hoped Sharon D and LD's manager many eventually finish it.


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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Roger Rettig
Date: 13 Apr 05 - 03:21 PM

My pleasure, Roger - it's not a lavish production, but there's some great info in there.

I've tried e-mailing Sharon D. to get a t-shirt and a programme, but it bounces back as 'undeliverable'. Who has a valid e-mail address for her, or the merchandising site?



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Subject: RE: Review: New Lonnie Donegan Album
From: GUEST,Sorry.....
Date: 13 Apr 05 - 03:24 PM

I'm an idiot! I just scrolled up and saw that Roger the Skiffler has provided the info I asked for.

Thanks, Roger - I'll give that a try.

Now I must figure out how to join Mudcat....


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