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Review: Early Lonnie Dongan tracks


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Flash Company 17 Feb 06 - 11:47 AM
Tattie Bogle 17 Feb 06 - 08:06 PM
Roger the Skiffler 18 Feb 06 - 05:15 AM
Flash Company 18 Feb 06 - 07:12 AM
greg stephens 18 Feb 06 - 08:19 AM
Roger the Skiffler 19 Feb 06 - 03:19 AM
Fidjit 19 Feb 06 - 06:43 AM
Flash Company 19 Feb 06 - 09:37 AM
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Subject: Review: Early Lonnie Dongan tracks
From: Flash Company
Date: 17 Feb 06 - 11:47 AM

Came across a double CD on Timeless of 1954-1956 recordings of the Chris Barber band taken from private tapes of club sessions in Holland and Germany.
Has six Skiffle tracks,
On A Monday
In the Evening (When the sun goes down)
Midnight Special
Goin' Down this road feelin'bad
Lost John
Railroad Bill
Also one track of Lonnie and Ottilie Paterson singing together,
When I move to the Sky
Recording quality is mixed, but all re-mastered by John R T Davies, so as good as it can be made.
Some of the band tracks are tunes I have not seen on any of Chris's early recordings. Good stuff!

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Subject: RE: Review: Early Lonnie Dongan tracks
From: Tattie Bogle
Date: 17 Feb 06 - 08:06 PM

So where can we get it? I believe Lonnie Donegan plated banjo in Chris Barber's band before he went off and did all the songs we know and remember him for.

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Subject: RE: Review: Early Lonnie Dongan tracks
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 18 Feb 06 - 05:15 AM

Without checking, I think the Lonnie/Ottilie duet was on the famous Festival Hall concert LP, now also out on CD. Coincidentally, we're off to see Chris B's Big Band at Camberley tonight.


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Subject: RE: Review: Early Lonnie Dongan tracks
From: Flash Company
Date: 18 Feb 06 - 07:12 AM

Tattie Bogle, I got it from Upbeat Recordings, the recording is on Timeless CD's, Ref No TTD586.
Chris's explanation of the disc is that when they were on the Anniversary Tour in Holland and Germany a lot of people came to them saying 'Hey, I've got some tape of your band that I recorded at a concert in 1954'.His response was 'Well I'll let you off if you let us copy it'
Result is over two hours of previously unreleased vintage live recordings.
I always preferred the live band recordings to the rather more clinical studio stuff, and although it gives me some duplications, usually something comes out in performance which is different.
I've not seen the Big Chris Barber Band yet, Roger, although the 'First Eleven' CD is quite good. Hope you enjoyed the show.


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Subject: RE: Review: Early Lonnie Dongan tracks
From: greg stephens
Date: 18 Feb 06 - 08:19 AM

That "Move to the Sky" is splendid. No boat orientated session on the northwest canals is complet without Kate and Pam Barfield singing that, modelled on the Donegan/Patterson harmonies.

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Subject: RE: Review: Early Lonnie Dongan tracks
From: Roger the Skiffler
Date: 19 Feb 06 - 03:19 AM

Just checked, this double CD (Chris Barber: 40 Years Jubilee)came out in 1994.As Flash says it was issued in Holland from Dutch & German live recordings. Number is Timeless CD TTD 586.
    Saw CB last night with his bigger band (10 piece). Sheila was upset as blues guitarist John Slaughter was off sick with labrynthitis (she's had a crush on him since he joined the band 42 years ago with a bubble perm like Brian May's!).However Andy Coutts, the young (2 generations younger than most of the band, as CB said!)banjo player replacing Paul Sealey, played good blues guitar as well as rhythm and single string banjo. The band played usual mix from Jelly Roll Morton through early Ellington and Rhythm 'n' Blues through to Miles Davis, with vocals from Chris and Pat Halcox (52 years together, is this a record?)....but I digress!


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Subject: RE: Review: Early Lonnie Dongan tracks
From: Fidjit
Date: 19 Feb 06 - 06:43 AM

So anyone got the words?

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Subject: RE: Review: Early Lonnie Dongan tracks
From: Flash Company
Date: 19 Feb 06 - 09:37 AM

Roger... Sorry to hear about John Slaughter, a friend of ours has suffered with labrynthitis, and it is nasty. We arranged a surprise party for her 70th and she finished up spending the day in bed whilst the rest of us were standing around saying 'Evelyn would have enjoyed this'
I would think Chris and Pat Halcox has to be a record for a long partnership. I always liked Pat, always seemed to have just the right touch, and one of the few trumpeters I could sit within thrre feet of without jeopardising my eardrums.


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