Subject: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,David Gallois Date: 11 Nov 01 - 06:02 PM Greetings all: I play guitar at an old folks homes and one of the ol'dears asked me to play this song. Well, I can find the lyrics/chords anywhere. Please would you be able to help... The chourus is: My old man's a dustman, he wears a dustmans hat, he wears cor-blimy trousers, and lives in a council flat. As kids we used to sing an alternate last two lines: "he farted through the key hole, and paralised the cat"! Any help you have will be most appreciated. Thank you. Click for lyrics in related thread |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Greg F. Date: 11 Nov 01 - 06:36 PM The Smothers Brothers on this side of the pond did a version of this in their early days- possibly on their "Live at the Purple Onion" (I think) album..... whether the dustman version came first, I can't say. I'll try & do some digging. Best, Greg |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: brid widder Date: 11 Nov 01 - 06:45 PM he looks a proper nana in 'is great big hob-nail boots had such a job to pull em up that he calls 'em daisy roots
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Jane 2001 Date: 11 Nov 01 - 06:47 PM My Old man.......Council flat He looks a proper nana in his great big hobnail boots, He's got such a job to pull them up that he calls them daisy roots.
Isay, I say, I say,
Some folks give tips at Christmas and others they forget There is more, but that's a start anyway. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Snuffy Date: 11 Nov 01 - 06:51 PM Look in this thread Lyric: Does Your Spearmint Lose Its Flavor? for the words posted by John in Brisbane Date: 20-Nov-98 - 02:10 AM WassaiL! V |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Dave Gallois Date: 12 Nov 01 - 12:25 AM THANKS FOR ALL THE FEED BACK - thank you very very much. This will make her whole week. I really appreciate your time and effort. Kindest Regards and best wishes.
Dave Gallois PS: I don't suppose you know the guitar chords do you
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Dead Horse Date: 12 Nov 01 - 03:33 PM Sung as a religious chant:- My paternal parent is a refuse disposal operative. He wears refuse disposal operatives headgear. He wears Deity Strike Me Sightless pantaloons. And resides in accommodation provided by the local housing authority. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Snuffy Date: 12 Nov 01 - 06:54 PM And, of course, it sounds great sung to the tune of "Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy" with all the harmonies. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Songbird Date: 13 Nov 01 - 03:10 AM More bits of verses,
One day when out collecting, he missed a lady's bin. He hadn't been gone a minute, when she came after him. She .......?????(I've forgotten this line) "You've missed me. Am I too late?". "No jump up on the cart!"
Though my old man's a dustman, he's got a heart of gold. He got married recently though he's eighty one years old. We said, "Hang on a minute dad, you're getting past your prime!". He said "I know, but when you get my age, it helps to pass the time."
Subject: ADD: My Old Man's a Dustman!^^^ From: Trevor Date: 13 Nov 01 - 04:37 AM MY OLD MAN'S A DUSTMAN CHORUS: My old man's a dustman He wears a dustman's hat He wears "gor blimey" trousers, And he lives in a Council flat!
Now folks give tips at Christmas, and some of them forget
One day, in such a hurry, he missed a lady's bin
Now my old man's a dustman, he's got a heart of gold
He found a tiger's head one day, nailed to a piece of wood
He looks a proper nabob in his great big hobnail boots Been singing this again since I heard Snuffy sing it to the tune of 'Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy'. Brill!
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman!^^^ From: The Walrus at work Date: 13 Nov 01 - 08:32 AM Here's an extra bit cribbed from : (I've left out the patter from between the verses)
Now here's a little story And are you sure it's "nabob"? Again, I've always heard it sung as "'nana" (That the folk process, I supose). Regards Walrus^^^
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler Date: 13 Nov 01 - 09:13 AM I'd go for "nana" not nabob. RtS (well, that's what I sing) |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Trevor Date: 13 Nov 01 - 09:24 AM I can't remember where these words came from - some kind of Lonnie Donegan site I think. I always sing 'nana' as well, and the chorus as you Walrus has got it, but I thought I'd better post the 'official' version. ust as a matter of interest, it's also attributed as 'Traditional',- just goes to show how much notice one should take of websites I suppose! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Leonard Date: 13 Nov 01 - 12:50 PM Those old enough to remember will recall that when Donegan made the now classic version of the song, "Nana" was a slang term then popular in the UK. I suppose it to be an abreviation of banana and a word close in meaning would be "Twit." Perjorative, but in a teasing way. It may be that "Nabob" was as originally written by the composer but Donegan interpolated "Nana" to give contemporary relevance and meaning - compelling evidence indeed for the mans genius and grasp of zeitgeist. I also recollect that at chucking-out time at a pub in Richmond, Surrey, the landlord was becomming extermely irritated with customers disregarding his cries of "Time. Please" and not getting out of his pub and as he became more insistent a young Irishman stood up with his guitar and belted out "My Old Mans a Dustman" - most gratifying. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Ferret Date: 16 Nov 01 - 02:16 PM I'm sure it's "nana" short for banana east end London slang for an idiot. in the Oxford Dictionary of slang has it as (1941) Australian: from bananas = crazy. In "The Times" A frank admission that he had made a "NANA" of himself.(1974) I hope this helps all the best ferret |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 16 Nov 01 - 03:39 PM Greg, I'm racking my memory too. Didn't the Smother's Brothers sing -
My old man's a refrigerator repairman, |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 16 Nov 01 - 03:44 PM I found this posting...
My old man's a sailor Repeat with "anthropologist," "refrigerator repairman," and "cotton pickin' finger lickin' chicken plucker" in place of "sailor" (including the last line). In the second-last verse Tom gets frustrated and says "Playboy" instead of the Refrigerator Repairman's News. In the last verse he gets fed up and shouts out "My old man wears a BRA!" over and over until Dick calms him down.
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Long Firm Freddie Date: 17 Nov 01 - 01:36 PM The Lonnie Donegan version seems to have evolved from what I assume is the original written in 1922 by JP Long, E Mayne and A LeFre:
My old man's a dustman
He wears a dustman's trousers,
When they only paid him thirty bob a week,
The tune is different but sort of very loosely related in a cheerful cockney sort of way. LFF
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Tony from Bootle. Date: 17 Dec 03 - 06:34 AM Can anybody help me, I was looking into Lonnie Donegan's background after his death and found something in which I am very much interested. It appears that his song 'My old man's a dustman', number 1 in 1960, was taken from a Liverpool folk ditty called 'My old man's a fireman on the Elder Dempster line'. I was brought up in Bootle village and my first half a dozen trips at sea were with E. Ds and I was wondering if you could help me to trace the words of this folk song. Thank you, Tony. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,rob morris Date: 04 Feb 04 - 11:17 AM hi, I would like to get hold of the chord changes for 'my old mans a dustman' i have looked everywhere on the net to no avail. I guess i can buy "101 busker tunes" buts its £12!!! so can any one out there help???????? Thanks in advance Rob Morris |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: clansfolk Date: 04 Feb 04 - 12:11 PM now I wonder where Mike Harding got the tune from for "Uncle Joes Mintballs"???? |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Billy Weeks Date: 04 Feb 04 - 05:35 PM 'Nana' is rhyming slang. 'Banana split' = twit |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Geoff Lawes Date: 04 Feb 04 - 06:22 PM Wanting an another verse that kids would laugh at I wrote the following extra verse about thirty years ago which I have kept in . It works for me and you are welcome to sing it Dave but please don't refer to old people as "old dears". When my old man's not working he likes to be well dressed, He puts a suit and tie on, clean underpants and vest. He looks a proper dandy but there's always one thing wrong, He keeps his dustman's socks on - and phew they don't half pong. I stop the guitar and sing the final phrase holding my nose.Works every time. But that's kids for you. Regards, Geoff Lawes |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST Date: 02 Mar 04 - 06:30 PM So do you know the chords then Geoff?????????/ Can u share them???? Rob |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Soltan Date: 03 Mar 04 - 10:58 AM Ladies and Gentlemen, I am looking for any/all lyrics from Lonnie Donegan in order to support an old friend and his skiffle group here in cologne germany. songbook As it seems as if you all are very into this music, I hope to find help here. I´d thank you for any links, all mails with songlyrics, any help somehow. The band will thank you by keeping Lonnie alive here in germany. Thank you for your support. Best wishes Soltan |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST Date: 03 Mar 04 - 11:03 AM Chords for My Old mans a dustman Aflat seventh / C dim / B augmented ninth/ A sixth sus 9 / B6 Only jokin' try C F and G |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GeoffLawes Date: 03 Mar 04 - 11:23 AM Yes I am a 3 chord trick guitarist too and CF&G with a lively strum works |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Little Robyn Date: 03 Mar 04 - 01:35 PM We always sing it to the tune of the White Cockade. Robyn |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Micca Date: 03 Mar 04 - 03:28 PM Robyn, it goes good to the "British Grenadiers" too |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Snuffy Date: 03 Mar 04 - 07:54 PM Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy is how I do it |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Corky Date: 30 Nov 04 - 04:03 PM Definitely a lively strum to this one, but use G7, not G maj and it sounds better (my old man was a skiffle player). |
Subject: Lyr Add: WHAT D'YER THINK OF THAT? (MY OLD MAN...) From: Jim Dixon Date: 05 Apr 08 - 06:52 PM From the sheet music at The National Library of Australia: WHAT D'YER THINK OF THAT? (MY OLD MAN'S A DUSTMAN) Written and Composed by J. P. Long "Featured and sung with great success by Joe Brennan in J. C. Williamson's pantomime 'Forty Thieves'" Melbourne: E.W. Cole, c1922. "Published by arrangement with the Lawrence Wright Music Co., London." 1. I've married a man of position. I've married a man of great wealth. He works very hard for his living, and it isn't too good for his health. I think his good job will continue. Well, that's what I fervently trust. He's rapidly making his fortune. Yes, he's covered all over with dust. CHORUS: My old man's a dustman. What d'yer think of that? What d'yer think of that? What d'yer think of that? He wears a dustman's trousers, he wears a dustman's hat, And he talks a dustman's language. What d'yer think of that? OPTIONAL: When they only paid him thirty bob a week, He called me his little turtledove; But since they've raised his salary to four pounds ten, He throws his rubbish where he throws his love! 2. He used to have beer for his breakfast, but now he wants nothing but "fizz." So I give him a Seidlitz powder, and then I leaves things as they is. I'm getting quite jealous of Herbert. The ladies admire him, I know; And the way that he picks up a dustbin, oh, it does show his figure off so! 3. You'll notice this dress that I'm wearing: it's sent all my friends up the pole. He got it for me on my birthday from Robinson Peter's "dusthole." Our rag-and-bone man said this morning the material's "cheepy de shin." I fancy it's "sackcloth and ashes" by the way that it scratches my skin. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,bill S from Perth Date: 06 Apr 08 - 08:59 AM First record I ever bought for the massive sum of 6/2, nana it was, words above are as the record. For interest the flipside was the trad Golden Vanity sung straight |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,bill S from Perth Date: 06 Apr 08 - 09:23 AM Just spotted a request for the banter between verses I say My dustbin's absolutely full of toadstools How d'you know it's full/ Cos there's not mushroom inside I say i say I found a police dog in my dustbin How d'you know he's a police dog? He had a policeman with him I say.. I say...I..say My dustbins full of lilies Well frow em away then I can't, Lily's still wearin em |
Subject: Lyr Add: MY OLD MAN'S A DUSTMAN (Lonnie Donegan) From: Bru Date: 06 Apr 08 - 11:36 AM Lonnie Donegan - My Old Man's A Dustman As best as I can remember them. I've tried them me old 12 stringer and they sound OK. Hope it formats on here alright. If not email me and I'll post them on. MY OLD MAN'S A DUSTMAN Lonnie Donegan Now (G)here's a (Bm)little (E)story, to (A)tell it is a (D)must, (G)About an (Bm)unsung (E)hero that (A) moves away the (D)dust. Some (A)people make a (D)fortune, (A)others earn a (D)mint, Now (A)my old man don't (D)earn much. In (A)fact, he's (A7)flippin' (D)skint (D7) Oh, (G)my old man's a dustman, he wears a dustman's (D)hat, He wears cor-blimey trousers, and he (D7)lives in a council (G) flat He (G)looks a proper narna in his great big hob nailed (C)boots He's (D)got such a job to pull 'em up that he (D7)calls them daisy (G)roots. Some (G)folks give tips at Christmas, and some of them (D)forget So when he picks their bins up he (D7)spills some on the (G)steps. Now (G)one old man got nasty and to the council [C]wrote Next (D)time my old man went round there he (D7)punched him up the (G)throat. CHORUS: Oh, my old man's a dustman, he wears a dustman's hat, He wears cor-blimey trousers, and he lives in a council flat. SPOKEN: I say, I say, Les, I 'er - I found a police dog in my dustbin How do you know he's a police dog He had a policeman with him. (G)Though my old man's a dustman, he's got an 'eart of (D)gold He got married recently though he's (D7)86 years (D) old. We said "Here, hang on Dad - you're getting past your [C] prime." He said (D)"Well, when you get my age - it helps to pass the (G)time." CHORUS Oh (G)my old man's a dustman, he wears a dustman's (D)hat He wears cor-blimey trousers and he (D7)lives in a council (D)flat. SPOKEN: I say, I say, I say, My dustbins full of lilies. Well, throw 'em away then! I can't, Lilly's wearing them. Now one (G)day whilst in a hurry, he missed a lady's (D)bin He hadn't gorn but a few yards, when (D7)she chased after (D)him. "What game do you think you're playing" - she cried right from the [C] heart. "You've (D)missed me, am I too late - Naaa (D7)jump up on the (D)cart". CHORUS: Oh (G)my old man's a dustman, he wears a dustman's (D)hat, He wears cor blimey trousers, and he (D7)lives in a council (D)flat. SPOKEN: I say, I say, I say What – you again? My dustbin's absolutely full with toadstools How do you know it's full? 'Cause there's not mush-room inside He (G)found a tiger's head one day nailed to a piece of (D)wood, The tiger looked quite miserable, but (D7)I suppose it (D)should. Just then from out a window - a voice began to [C] wail, It (D)said, "Oi! where's me tigers 'ead? [SHOUTED:] (D7)Four foot from its (D)tail!" Now (G)my old man's a dustman, he wears a dustman's (D)hat, He (G)wears cor blimey trousers, and he (D7)lives in a council (D)flat Next (G)time you see a dustman looking all pale and [C] sad, Don't (D)kick him in the dustbin, it (D7)might be my old (G)dad. |
Subject: ADD Parody: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Steve Gardham Date: 06 Apr 08 - 06:55 PM And simply for the sake of completeness here's a playground teaser based on it. My old man's a dustman, he wears a dustman's hat, He took me round the corner to watch a football match, Fatty passed to Skinny, Skinny passed it back, Fatty took a rotten shot and knocked the goaly flat, Singing where was the goaly when the ball was in the net? Half way round the goalpost with his trousers round his neck. They laid him on a stretcher, they laid him on a bed, They rubbed his belly with a lump of jelly and this is what he said, (tune Rule Britannia) Singing ..Rule Britannia, six monkeys up a tree, One fell down and paralysed his.... (back to MOMAD tune) Willie was a bulldog sitting in the grass, Up came a bumblebee and stung him on his.... Ask no questions, tell no lies, I saw a copper, buttoning up his.... Flies are a nuissance, fleas are worse, That is the end of my silly little verse. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST Date: 24 Mar 10 - 10:03 AM LOVE IT REMINDS ME OF THE PLAYGROUND LOL |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST Date: 25 Feb 11 - 01:47 PM did lonny donegan write the words that we know to this tune in 1960? it is something i would like to know. the tune already had an existing song long before the new words were written in 1960. lots of my mates from school days all sang the tune but with different words. some of them were the songs that were sung before the words we know today were invented. my mate and former braveheart sung the 1960 words that are sung today in lots of events and holidays to barkapel in dunfries when he wanted to take a break from the scots songs. for folks who do not know, this tune was an english folk song called my old mans a fireman which was writen in 1823 as a kids school camp song. there have been other words written to this tune but more folks you see in the streets will always know the tune by the 1960 words but some kids do sing some of the early songs to that tune. when i first heard the tune back in 1986 i did not know what words any of my mates would sing. when i started buying older music for me to play on the piano and sing i found out that on every 1960s album had the song my old mans a dustman by lonny donegan on all the albums i got from 1989 to today. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: RunrigFan Date: 25 Feb 11 - 03:42 PM nabob means someone of great weath ;) |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Dave MacKenzie Date: 25 Feb 11 - 06:38 PM The credits on my version (King of Skiffle, Casltle MACCD 165) are Buchanan, Donegan, Thorn. Presumably that's the same Thorn mentioned by Long Firm Freddie in Nov 2001. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST Date: 04 Sep 11 - 06:47 AM When I first heard the song I thought it was a new song. I thought the tune was new and only written by Lonnie Donegan in 1960, but I was wrong. The tune goes back to 1922; I found out that j p long also wrote the words the tune goes back to 1887 which is so hard to believe. I am hopeng to perform this song from 1960 because most people will know those words. My cousin Ian is singing the song with me. I hope it goes well and I could make a list of pop songs only written in the 50s and 60s that came from the 19th century. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST Date: 04 Sep 11 - 06:48 AM Actually if anyone could help me with that that'd be great! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: the lemonade lady Date: 04 Sep 11 - 01:44 PM Can be sung to the tune of Sweet Lovely Nancy |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Kenny Date: 04 Sep 11 - 04:32 PM Anyone remember "Roaring Jelly's" reggae version ? "Babylon, Babylon, Babylon-nie Donegan" - very clever, and hilarious, of course. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST Date: 05 Sep 11 - 08:41 AM I would like a recording of the 1922 song 'What Do You Think About That'. For folks who do not no the song, it is the same tune as 'My Old Man's A Dustman. Does anyone know if there is a recording of this song? Thanks Joe, Edinburgh. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST Date: 27 Dec 11 - 05:52 AM I now sing this song my with my friend Ian my cousin and all the folks like this song. When he sings the chorus everyone sings too and it is usually a great success. Joe. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Tony aka Pismotality Date: 21 Mar 19 - 07:17 AM My Old Man's a Dustman, as sung by Lonnie Donegan, seems to be an amalgam of the J.P. Long song and My Old Man's a Fireman, which had been around long before - before Long, in fact. Donegan knew it as a kid in a parody form: "My old man's a dustman, he fought in the Battle of Mons ..." I have written about this at some length here but the oddest thing is that Leslie Bricusse is one of the writers credited with the song as sung by Donegan. He doesn't go into this in detail in his most recent autobiography but as far as I can make out he would done no more than tidying the gags which had come about during live performances. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: Acorn4 Date: 21 Mar 19 - 09:55 AM Bob Dylan sings "My Old Man's a Dustman" |
Subject: My Old Man's a Dustman by DYLAN? From: GUEST,Richardsaigh Date: 16 Feb 21 - 07:09 PM This thread was refreshed by a Spam message which I have commandeered. I mean, is it really possible that Bob Dylan recorded "My Old Man's a Dustman"? Well?????? Maybe not, but the video sure is fun. -Joe- |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My Old Man's a Dustman! From: GUEST,Hootenanny Date: 17 Feb 21 - 06:42 AM These are the words as sung at my infant's school in the East End of London a couple of years post WW2: My old man's a dustman He wears a dustman's hat He killed five thousand Germans And what do you think of that One laid here, one laid there One laid round the corner One poor soul had a bullet up his hole Crying out for water Water, water, Water came at last I don't want your water You can stick it up your arse |
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