Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread From: Nigel Parsons Date: 15 Sep 05 - 01:19 PM Joe: "check this thread every once in a while, and wee if somebody comes up with an answer for you. Are you really suggesting he'll wet himself if he gets an answer? Or does it mean something different over there? CHEERS Nigel
You'll note that this request is from a person who was in the fifth grade in the 1980's. Joe Offer was in the fifth grade in the 1950's. -Joe- |
Subject: Index: The American Song Book From: Nigel Parsons Date: 05 May 07 - 05:06 PM I've just picked up another song book at my local Oxfam shop They had 3 copies, (I nabbed them all!!). The American Song Book (ed) John Horton (pub)E.J.Arnold & Son Ltd Leeds. No date given, no price pre-printed to give an idea of age. Latest dated reference in it is to "The Epic of America 1940" Contents (with melody/accompaniment) are: 1, The Barnyard Song (I Had a Cat) 2, The Swapping song (When I was a little Boy) 3, Turn the Glasses Over 4, Turkey in the Straw 5, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 6, I Got a Robe 7, Roll the Cotton Down 8, The Plains of Mexico 9, We're All Bound to Go 10, The Little Old Sod Shanty 11, The Shantyman's Life 12, Wait for the Wagon 13, Git Along, Little Dogies 14, The Lone Star Trail 15 The Banks of Sacramento 16, Poor Paddy Works on the Railway 17, She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain 18, Yankee Doodle 19 My Old Kentucky Home 20, Oh! Susanna 21, The Star-Spangled Banner 22, John Brown's Body 23, Battle Hymn of the Republic 24, When Johnny Comes Marching Home 25, Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! The Boys are Marching 26, Dixie 27, America. Some explanation is given with each song, e.g. 10 The Little Old Sod Shanty: "Shanty" here has nothing to do with sailors' songs. It is about the early pioneers who struck westwards in search of new lands to settle in, and came to the treeless prairies where they could no longer build themselves the log cabins they had been used to in the mountains and forest country. So they dug hollows or trenches in the ground, piled sods of turf around like bricks, and made a roof of turf held up by cross poles. This was a "sod shanty"" CHEERS Nigel |
Subject: Index: Folk Songs of Many Lands From: Joe Offer Date: 28 Jul 11 - 05:15 PM Nigel mentioned Curwen's Folk Songs of Many Lands (1906) above. It's now available at Google Books. Folk Songs of Many Lands (Curwen Edition 6268) Collected by J. SPENCER CURWEN. The Words by Florence Hoare, John Guard Kate T. Sizer, George Bennett etc. The Accompaniments by PERCY E. FLETCHER London: J. Curwen & Sons Ltd., 24 Berners Street, W.i New York: G. Schirmer Inc., Sole Agents for U.S.A. Copyright, 1911, by J. Curwen & Sons Ltd. Made in England
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread From: Nigel Parsons Date: 28 Jul 11 - 06:45 PM Nigel mentioned Curwen's Folk Songs of Many Lands (1906) above. It's now available at Google Books. I've recently posted a few sets of words from this book (mainly ones I remember from school) in separate threads: Gypsy Dance Fishermen's Evening Song Marianina The Old Minstrel These also include the tunes in ABC format (subject to correction!) |
Subject: Index: Songs of Beta Theta Pi From: JohnInKansas Date: 29 Jul 11 - 02:07 AM Probably really stretching the definition of "school book" but in case someone is interested I have a pdf of "Songs of Beta Theta Pi" ©1942. I picked it up as two books, labelled 1954 and 1955, but they're the same book with an "annual cover." I was never a frat rat, and IMO these songs are incredibly boring and mostly pretty maudlin, but I needed to get it out of the bookcase to get some space and it only took a few hours to scan. The original scan, at "publishing quality" is 289,503 KB and my email won't swallow it to send to anybody. A reduction to "web quality" brought it down to 37,718 KB but I haven't tried it to see if it's "sendable." The "web sized" book should print okay at about 150 dpi. I'm not sure whether my pdf mangler will let me go any smaller. I also have an individual file of each of the 101 songs, plus a TOC and an Index, but even those (web quality) are big enough that they'd have to sent in individual emails to gain much on the bandwidth barrier. One at 2 MB, the others smaller but average probably near 1 MB. The Table of Contents only shows 4 songs, so I guess they just weren't much on keeping up to date. The Index is a little better: Songs of Beta Theta Pi All's Well With Sigma Rho (Ragan) Alpha Eta Song Alpha Marching Song (Brown) Alpha Omega Song (Moseley) Alpha Zeta Song (Blakeslee) Alternate Doxology (Tunison—Lozier) As Betas Now We Meet (Coulter) At the Beta Shrine (Williams) Banquet Song (Seaman) Beta Alpha Coming-in Song (Cahall) Beta Alpha Marching Song (Cahall) Beta And Idaho (Sower) . Beta Days (Byrd—Ganiard) Beta Doxology (Tunison) Beta Friendship (Babcock) Beta Sires And Beta Sons (Lozier) Beta Sweetheart (Warner) Beta, We Praise Thee (Williams) Beta Theta Marching Song (Ford) Beta Theta Pi Betas Of Long Ago (Edwards) Beta's Bonds (Black) Beta's Emblems (Brooks) Chi Chapter March (Fifield) Clan Wooglin Marches (H. Lozier) Duke And Beta (Shepard) Fair, Fair Beta (Moore) Fathers To Sons (Babcock) Fires Of True Friendship (Sower) From Classic Halls (Norton) Gamma Beta Chapter Song (Smith) Good Beta's Sing Forever (Foss) Hymn Of Alpha (Swan) In Beta Theta Pi In Old Chi (Leach) In The Old Porch Chairs (H. Lozier) Lambda Banquet Song -(Gregory) Lambda Chapter Song (Dunn) Lambda Kappa Song (Varnes) Lambda Rho Chapter Song (Stapp) Let All Stand Together Marching Along (Rogers) Marching Along (Arr : Stammer) Memento Amare Militant Beta Mu Epsilon (Keeler) My Beta Dad And I (Shepardson—Ebaugh) My Beta Girl (Gabele—Edgar) Nu Chapter Song Old Beta's Praise (Rogers) Omega's Hymn (Wheeler) Our Founders (Williamson) Parting Song (Adams) Phi Chi Banquet Song (Havens) Phi Chi Marching Song (Baker) Pledge To Beta Theta Pi Praise To Our Order (Wilson) Serenade Song She Wears My Beta Pin (H. Lozier) 10S Singing To Wooglin (Louer) Song Of Beta Gamma (MacNeil) Song Of The Greeks Song Of Theta Zeta (Stuart) Song To The Scarlet (Ragan) Sons Of The Stars (Shepardson—Strickling) The Alumni's Return (Seaman) The Banquet Hall (H. Lozier) The Beta Chorus (Rogers) The Beta Dragon (Sisson) The Beta Grip (Eversz) The Beta Marseillaise (Scott) The Beta Postscript (H. Lozier) The Beta Shrine (Hatfield) The Beta Stars (Rogers) The Boys Of Alpha Pi (Pyre) The Boys Of Thirty Nine (Merwin) The Chapter Meeting (Sprague) The Circle Of Phi (Mumford) The Crow Song (Smith) The Jolly Greeks (Ward) The Land Of Canine (Rogers) The Loving Cup (H. Lozier) The Old Chapter Hall (Hooper) The Parting Pledge (Moore) The Psi Song (Ferguson) The Response (Lozier) The Scarlet—Tau Chapter (Ragan) The Sons Of The Dragon (Rogers) The Three Stars (Hatfield) There's A Scene (Stillson) Through The Centuries (Ragan) Toast To Beta (Kirkham) To The Pledge (Rogers) Under Western Skies (Tewinkle) We Gather Again (Lozier) We'll Always Hang Together (Hughes) We'll Toast The Silver Grays (Lozier) Wooglin's Christmas Song (Walker) Wooglin Forever (Ransom) Wooglin To The Pledge (H. Lozier) Wooglin's Ode (Dunn) Most songs are 4-part scores. Perhaps a half dozen of the titles are text only. If anybody's really interested, PM an email addy and I can try to send any song you want. I could even try to send the smaller version of the whole book, although I think succes odds are pretty marginal. (I really can't see why anybody would want any of them: as I said - I wasn't a fratboy so maybe I just don't understand.) (I have no idea what schools BTP was ever at. Maybe somebody feels like looking them up.) John |
Subject: Index: Songs of the Campus From: JohnInKansas Date: 10 Jun 12 - 12:15 AM Another stretch on the "school songbooks" category, but there are too many "Index" threads here for me to pick a better one for "College Songs" so I'll put my latest find here. Feel free to move it to a more appropriate place if it works better in another thread. Not particularly old or even "classic" but with a snatch-sampling of what might have been sung at US campuses ca the 1930s (?). A few songs for which only texts are given are generally adjacent to scored pieces with a "tune of" reference. Since quite a few songs of the kind are to the tune of others of the same ilk, the music for "just like" tunes may be as useful as the "words" associated with a particular U., for those with an interest in such stuff. Scores generally 4-part, suitable for vocal harmony but probably sufficient for piano accompaniments for the average choir accompanist. Several of the songs have notations of "by permission of ..." but don't clearly indicate whether the source giving permission was an author, composer, or © holder. Clues more than info for sourcing(?). A personal "curiosity" is one song "from my own alma mudder" that was claimed to be "lost" and could NOT BE FOUND at the Institute ca 1958. Fragments were found in a couple of "frat books" but no complete verse(s). I had not noticed that it's in this book until I spotted it during scanning for my digital archive. As usual, my "archive PDF" is too large for easy transmittal, at about 137 MB. The whole book could probably be made small enough for email, if someone wanted it enough to put up with my whining, or individual songs could be fairly easily extracted to make printable (PDF or JPG perhaps) copies of a few pages if there's a need. Songs of the Campus Selected by Kenneth S, Clark © 1931, Paull-Pioneer Music Co, New York "A collection of Popular Favorites for Informal Singing, among Colleges & Schools – Pop Numbers, Football Airs, Alma Mater sonts, Close Harmony Tunes, Quartettes and Glees 35 cents (West of the Rockies and in Canada, 50 cents)" CONTENTS (*Signifies song texts) *Alma Mater (Antioch) Alma Mater (Arkansas) *Alma Mater (Brown) Alma Mater (George Washington) Alma Mater (Lake Forest) Alma Mater (Missouri) *Alma Mater (North Dakota) *Alma Mater (Northeastern) Alma Mater (Pittsburgh) * Alma Mater (Vanderbilt) Annie Lisle Australia Baccalaureate Hymn (Trinity) Badger Ballad (Wisconsin) Barnum Song (Tufts) Bengal Swing (Louisiana) Benny Havens, Oh! (West Point) Bingo, That's the Lingo (Yale) Blue and White (Duke) Blue and White (Toronto) Bring the Wagon Home, John Bull-Dog ( Yale) Campus Song (Rochester) Carissima (Hamilton) Come, Join the Band (Stanford) Come On, Wyoming (Univ. of Wyo.) Curtains of Night *Dear Bucknell (Bucknell) Down the Field (Yale) Dummy Line *Evening Song (Cornell) Ever True to Brown (Brown) *Eyes of Texas (Univ. of Texas) Faculty Song (Princeton) Fair Harvard (Harvard) Field Song (Univ. of So. Dakota) *Fight for Sewanee (Univ of the South) Fight, Siwash (Knox) Fling the Banner Wide (Vassar) For Boston (Boston College) Fordham Marching Song (Fordham) For Honor of Old Purdue (Purdue) Forty-Nine Bottles Furman Recessional (Furman) Gamaliel Painter's Cane (Middlebury) General Grant Going Back to Nassau Hall (Princeton) Glory, Glory, Colorado (Univ. of Colorado) *Good Old Ship of Fortune (Davidson) Good Night, Ladies *Good Old Song (Univ. of Virginia) Graceful and Easy Hail, Alma Mater (McGill) *Hail, Drake (Drake) Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here! Hail. Lafayette (Lafayette) *Hail, Sturdy Men (Univ. of Nevada) Hail to California (Univ. of Calif.) Hail to Georgia (Univ. of Ga.) *Hail to Old I. U. (Indiana) Hail, West Virginia (West Virginia.) Hark! the Sound of Tar-Heel Voices (Univ. of No. Car.) Have You Never Heard of Holyoke? (Mt. Holyoke) Hear Dem Bells Here's a Cheer (Univ. of Chicago) Here We Have Idaho (Univ. of Idaho) Highball Song (Univ. of Pennsylvania) *Hot Time In the Old Town (Univ. of Minn.) How Can I Leave Thee •Integer Vita In Evening by Moonlight I've Been Working On Railroad I Went to See My .Advisee (Smith) Jean *James McGill (McGill Univ.) Jolly Boating Weather *Jolly Juniors (Vassar) Let Me Call You Sweetheart Lord Jeffrey Amherst (Amherst) Mandy Lee Mermaid Mighty Oregon (Univ of Oregon) *Mining Engineer .(Colo. School of Mines) Montana (Montana State) My Bonnie Navy Blue and Gold (Annapolis) Neilie Was a Lady Nittany Lion (Penn State) Oberlin, Our Alma Mater Oh, Eveline Oh! Fairest Alma Mater (Smith) Oh, Well Whoop Her Up For (Princeton) *Oklahoma, Hail (Univ. of Okla.) *Old Centre (Centre) *Old Gold (Univ. of Iowa) Old Tulane (Tulane) On a Chinese Honeymoon On, On, U. of K. (U of Kentucky) On the Banks of Old Raritan (Rutgers) On the Chapel Steps (Brown) On to Victory (St., Mary's College, Calif.) On to Victory (New Hampshire) One, Two, Three, Four Our Boys Will Shine Tonight Our Chicago (Univ. of Chicago) Our Colorado (Colorado College) Old Gray Mare Palisafes (York Univ.) Qui Patitur (Berea) Quilting Party Rally Song. (U. of S. Cal. at Los Angeles) Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech (Gerogia Tech) Saint Mary's College Song (St. Mary's, Ind.) *Salve (Vassar) S. C. Klaxon Song (Univ. of S: Calif.) Service Boast (Annapolis) She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain Silver and Gold. (Univ. of Colo.) Soldier's Farewell Soldiers' Field (Harvard) *Sons of Georgetown (Georgetown) Sons of Old Grinnell (Grinnell) Spirit of the Hill (Univ. of Tennessee) Stand Up and Cheer (Univ. of Kansas) *Stroke. Stroke, Stroke (U. of Wash.) Take Me Back to Tech! (Mass Tech.) Tauy Jones (Ottawa) Ten Thousand Men of Harvard (Harvard) That Little Old Red Shawl There's No Place Like Nebraska (Univ. of Nebr.) There's Music In The Air Tiger Song (Univ. of Missouri) Toast to DePauw (DePauw) Today is Today U. of M. Rouser (Univ of Minn.) U. of U. Trail (Univ. of Utah) Up With Montana (Univ. of Uont.) *Utah Man (Univ. of Utah) Varsity Song (Holy Cross) Virginia's Cavalier Song (Unov. Of Va.) Vive L'Amour Wake, Freshment Wake We Meet Again Tonight *We're Lounging On Old Stone Steps (Dickinson) *West Point Song (West Point) Where, 0 Where? (Princeton) Who Are We? (Princeton) *Who Will Sit In Senior Seats? (Smith) Wild Cat Song (Northwestern) Yard By Yard (Williams) Yoh Washington (Univ. of Wash.) John |
Subject: Index:Gaudeamus: A selection of songs for colleges From: Ged Fox Date: 11 Jun 12 - 04:42 PM Index to Gaudeamus: A selection of songs for colleges and schools edited John Farmer, 1893 A hunting we will go 140 All through the night 136 A man's a man for a' that 52 Annie of Tharaw 94 Arethusa, the 200 Auld lang syne 10 Avenging and bright 118 Awa' Whigs awa' 56 Battle Song 70 Bay of Biscay 46 Blow blow thou winter wind 122 British Grenadiers 130 Brook side, the 166 Captain sat on his deck, A 180 Casabianca 112 Chesapeake and the Shannon 48 Come lasses and lads 152 Come o'er the sea 30 Constant 98 Decor integer aevi 188 Down among the dead men 80 Drink to me only 82 Dulce Domum 164 "Dumb, dumb, dumn!" 202 Early one morning 204 Epilogue 110 Euclid 72 Fair Hebe I left 150 Forty years on 8 Gaudeamus igitur 156 Girl I left behind me, the 146 Good Comrade, the 106 Harp that once, The 78 Hearts of Oak 96 Here's to the maiden 142 Here's a health unto his majesty 190 Heroes 64 How stands the glass? 198 Hunter in his career 126 Hunt is up, the 162 I hear the trumpet sounding 16 Integer Vitae 76 In the garb of old Gaul 144 Island, the 40 Jack and Joe 50 John Anderson my jo 114 John Peel 14 King in Thule, the 58 Laird o' Cockpen 34 Larry 36 Lass that loves a sailor, The 20 Leather Bottel, the 32 Lenimen dulce laborum 178 Little Pat and the parson 92 Little red rover, The 88 Lord Gregory 132 Massacre of Macpherson, The 22 Mermaid, the (One Friday morn) 168 Mill, The 86 Minstrel Boy, the 124 October! 60 Ode to tobacco 170 Oft in the stilly night 174 Oh, Mistress mine! 116 Oh, the oak and the ash 154 Old Towler 102 O, Willie brewed a peck o' malt 138 Poacher, the 196 Roast beef of old England 176 Robin Adair 68 Rosebud, the 100 Rule Britannia 12 St Joles 44 St Patrick was a gentleman 18 Sally in our Alley 38 Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled 28 Sigh no more, ladies 134 Since first I saw your face 184 Soldier, the 90 Soldier's return, the 148 Song of 1813, a 62 "Songs" 204 Stags in the Forest Lie 42 Swiss Song 74 Tally-Ho! 66 There was a jolly miller 172 There was a lad was born in Kyle 120 Though dark are our sorrows 194 Three jovial huntsmen, the 186 Toll for the Brave 84 Tobacco's but an Indian weed 192 Tom Bowling 104 To the maypole haste away 182 Vicar of Bray, the 54 Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' 108 Willow the king 26 Ye banks an braes 128 You gentlemen of England 158 Young May moon, The 24 Youth's the season made for joys 160 |
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread From: Bettynh Date: 18 Apr 13 - 04:59 PM JUVENILE MUSIC MUSIC EDUCATION SERIES Authors: Giddings, Thaddeus P. Earhart, Will Baldwin, Ralph L. Newton, Elbridge W. Publisher: Ginn and Company 1923 Fairy Signals The Bells Red Riding Hood The Rider Cinderalla The Little Horse Thanksgiving Day Tag Marching Heroes Fire Pictures The Forest Little Mass Fly The Skipping-Rope The Child and The Star Sailor Boy The Fruit-Seller The Meadow Lark Airplanes The Dream Boat The Sunflower's Secret The Night of Halloween The Butterfly Lovely Appear (page missing in my copy) A Story (page missing in my copy) Dancing The Humming Bees Playing Soldier Evening Lights Coasting Song Hopscotch My Songster Where Do Fairies Hide? Around the Fire Thing to Love To Sleeping Town The Sheepfold Morning and Evening Ole-Time Dance Sweden Cloud Ships The Cricket The Terrific Man The Eskimo Golden Slumbers Banner of Freedom Valentine's Day In the Swing The Little Hunter The Fairy of Dreams Grandfather's Clock Taking the Blame Ding, Dong, Dell Autumn Leaves Handsome Bumblebee The Wanderer Unseen Telling Time The Cutworm The Scout's Trumpet My Shetland Pony Little Bopeep Spring Rains The Daisy Politeness Pretty Pigeon Star Dreams School Has Begun Thanksgiving Pie Sailing In Memory We'll All lap Hands Together Flowers of Autumn A Merry Song Weatherwise The Stray Kitten In September April Rain Peter and Paul The Morning Call A Mystery The Wind Meadow Berries With a Wand "You're It' Water A Christmas Song Summer's Call At the Seashore The Rainbow's Promise Out in the Moonlight Christmas Bells The Skippers Bumblebee Two Gardens The Vanished Indians Song of the New Year Memorial Day The Flag of Gold New Year Bells Sunshine Song June Weather Foreign Children The Waves Christmas Song Our Native Land The Bonbon Mountain November When People Grow Too Big The Alarm Clock's Song On The Way To School Mother's Lullaby Cloudland Your Own Back Yard The Sandman Whispering Leaves When the Sandman Comes Coasting Swimming A Fairy's Day A Song of Praise Vacation Song Blindman's Buff Little Brown Better The Winds of March Beginning to Grow The Gypsy Dance The Springtime Heigh-Ho! Daisies and Buttercups The Small Clouds The Sea King Winter The Little Ship Lincoln's Day Fishing Boars Merry Christmas Bopeep Every Day Hide and Seek October The Camp Fire Miss Yellow Carrot's Tea Growing God's Garden Franklin at Play The Bird Silver Lining The Smile The Picnic Friends All The Winter Fairies Pussies Gray On Memorial Day Little Words My Prayer Will-O'-The-Wisp Spring The Clock America I'll be selling this book at Old Songs Festival this year, but can scan any songs you'd like till then. And if a Mudcatter buys it, please let us know who you are. ;-) |
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread From: Joe Offer Date: 23 Apr 13 - 01:54 AM Here's an interesting master's thesis: A Content Analysis of Folk Songs Used in Fourth-grade Music Textbooks Published by Silver Burdett and Ginn Including Their Parent and Subsidiary Companies from 1898 Through 2002 I wish Google Books had the entire text, but what's available is interesting for us school songbook geeks. -Joe- |
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread From: GUEST,L W Yoder Date: 28 Jan 16 - 02:28 PM In music class in the Pennsylvania school I attended in the mid-1950s we used two hard-bound songbooks of a series. One was silver and the other was gold. I'd say they were about 7 inches by 9 inches and maybe 3/4 inch thick. One of them contained a song with the following words (as best I recall them):
I see them come, I see them go, their clouds are in the sky, Sometimes a camel train goes bound for far Cathay, Sometimes a fleet of winged ships sails on for some blue bay, Oh I have seen Crusaders ride in suits of silver spun, And watched their banners floating high, their lances catch the sun, One day twas just at sunset I saw where heaven waits, For I saw seven angels pass through tall golden gate." |
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread From: Joe Offer Date: 28 Jan 16 - 03:28 PM Hi, L.W.- There were several series of U.S. school songbooks published in the mid-1950s that had colorful illustrations inside and on the cover. I'm thinking your books might have been from the Silver Burdett Music Hour series that was published in the 1930s, but probably still in use in the 1950s. I have only two books from this series, and both have an almost-metallic finish on the cover, with an embossed title. Music of Many Lands and Peoples has a silver cover. Music Highways and Byways has a cover that I'd call bronze, but one might call it gold. Authors were McConathy, Beattie, and Morgan. -Joe- Please see this thread (click) for discussion of the song. |
Subject: Index: Music for Young Americans series From: Joe Offer Date: 22 Dec 17 - 02:06 PM The Music for Young Americans series, by Richard Berg and others, was published by the American Book Company in the 1950s and 1960s. I found an index of the entire series here:
Description 9 volumes : color illustrations ; 21-27 cm Series ABC music series. Contents v. 1. Sing all along my way -- Fun to do / Cecilia Johns -- Tick-tock / Richard Berg -- Ten little pennies -- Guess who's calling / Elsie Smith -- One-a-larkey / Stephen Scott -- A-B-C tiger / Elsie Smith -- Color game / Elsie Smith -- My own true friend -- Exercise / Stephen Scott -- Echo / Robert Pace -- The school nurse / Florence Waite -- Teasing -- Home / Robert Pace -- Jumbo and dumbo -- Lazy little boy / Daniel Hooley -- Telephone song / Robert Berg -- Never sleep late any more -- Rocking chair / Elsie Smith -- Lullaby -- Time to sleep / Cecilia Johns -- Silver stars -- My garden -- Sweet pinks and roses -- Garden tools / Florence Waite -- Taking a bath / Richard Berg -- Ch! / Stephen Scott -- Cup of tea -- Golden streets -- Happy hour / Robert Pace -- Shoes have tongues / Robert Pace -- Rig-a-jig-jig -- Walking and talking / Robert Pace -- Telephone / Robert Pace -- Washing-machine song / Richard Berg -- Friendly town / Josephine Wolverton -- The gas station / Robert Pace -- The milkman / Stephen Scott -- The baker -- The druggist / Stephen Scott -- The dentist / Robert Pace -- The carpenter -- My haircut / Eleanor Smith -- The traffic policeman / Anthony Burke -- Paper boy / Roger Elston -- The family car / Richard Berg -- Ten more miles / Richard Berg -- Wheels on my feet / Daniel Hooley -- Scoot! / Daniel Hooley -- Giddy-up, pony! / Daniel Hooley -- Happy cowboy / Anthony Burke -- By and by -- Tugboats / Eleanor Smith -- The helicopter / Daniel Hooley -- The night express / Richard Berg -- Putter-putt / Robert Pace -- Choo-choo train -- Autumn leaves -- Autumn dance / Josephine Wolverton -- Snowflakes / Cecilia Johns -- Making a snowman / Josephine Wolverton -- Snowfall -- Sledding / Cecilia Johns -- Zipper song / Daniel Hooley -- The north wind will blow -- Let's dance around the tree -- Spring / Stephen Scott -- Green grow the leaves -- Tira lira -- Deep in the woods / Josephin Wolverton -- Stars / Roger Elston -- Winter moon / Daniel Hooley -- I see the moon / Anthony Burke -- Mister sun -- Shadow / Roer Elston -- On a rainy day / cecilia Johns -- Fog / Mary Riccio -- Raindrops / Daniel Hooley -- Things I like to do / Cecilia Johns -- Merry-go-round -- Jack-in-the-box / Daniel Hooley -- Seesaw / Richard Berg -- Monkey see, monkey do / Stephen Scott -- Puppets -- Butterfly, elephant, ladybug -- Babbity bowster -- Bounce and catch / Brian merrell -- Giant steps / Elsie Smith -- Swinging and swaying -- Humming tops / Richard Berg -- Candle / Nancy Rogers -- Skating / David Russell -- Going to Bombay / Robert Pace -- When I was a drummer -- Swing your arms / Richard Berg -- Marching song -- Jimmy cracked corn -- In some lady's garden -- Tread the green grass -- Rindy Randy / Daniel Hooley -- Little wheel a-turning -- I make myself welcome -- Nick-nack -- Chatter with the angels -- Too-ra-ray -- The hungry goat / Stephen Scott -- Noodle poodle / Robert Pace -- Two geese / Daniel Hooley -- Going to a party -- Red rooster -- Ducks in the pond / Richard Berg -- Burly Billy Bobadill / Eslie Smith -- Over in the meadow -- v. 1 [cont.]. Bushy, the squirrel / Florence Waite -- Zoom, zoom, zoom -- Walk, old mule -- Bright yellow butterfly -- Disuise / Robert Pace -- Happy hoppy toad / Richard Berg -- Freddy the frog / Daniel Hooley -- The snail / Josephine Wolverotn -- Caterpillar / Mary Riccio -- A fish story -- My big black dog -- Kitty / Richard Berg -- Robin redbreast / Mary Riccio -- Little birds -- Robin -- Old bald eagle -- Sea gulls / Robert Pace -- The camel / Roger Elston -- The kangaroo / Richard Berg -- A roar and a growl / Daniel Hooley -- Wishing / Josphine Wolverton -- The orchestra / Josephine Wolverton -- Drums -- Tambourines -- Rhythm sticks -- Bells and shakers -- Wood block -- Triangle -- Gong and cymbals -- All together -- Diddlety dumpty / Stephen Scott -- Old King Cole / Stephen Scott -- Hickory dickory dance / Daniel Hooley -- Wee willie winkie / Robert Pace -- Humpty dumpty / Anthony Burke -- Nobody knows my trouble -- Tick tack too / Daniel Hooley -- Peter, peter -- Taffy -- Old woman tossed in a basket -- My Bonnie -- Captain jinks -- Rub-a-dub-dub / Daniel Hooley -- All through the night -- On the street / Robert Pace -- Promenade / Leander Mitchell -- march / Roger Elston -- Chorale / Tchaikovsky -- On the move / Robert Pace -- Starlight / Mary Riccio -- Out-of-doors / Stephen Scott -- Theme in D / Tchaikovky -- A lively tune / Christian Stolzfus -- On the range / Leander Mitchell -- Waltz in D / Roger Elston -- In the orchard / Florence Waite -- Waltz in C / Daniel Hooley -- Waltz melody / Schubert -- Sicilienne / Robert Pace -- Romanza / J.C. Bach -- Barcarolle / Robert Pace -- Tom-toms / Daniel Hooley -- Indian dance / Robert Pace -- Theme from A-major sonata / Mozart -- Theme from opus 13 / Beethoven -- Theme from impromptu / Schubert -- Modern age / Daniel Hooley -- Good time coming! -- Happy birthday to you / Leander Mitchell -- Happy birthday / Robert Pace -- Christopher Columbus -- Tonight is Halloween / Robert Pace -- Who's behind me. v. 2. We sing a little -- Vacation is over -- Jack-a-needle -- If I ask you / Robert Pace -- Assembly / Roger Elston -- Happy birthday -- The red-apple tree / Josephine Wolverton -- Follow my lady / Wade Whipple -- The jolly fiddler -- The snails -- Swinging -- Marching round the gum stump -- Wish upon a star -- Three tiny ships -- The ladder / Charles Crane -- Department-store elevator / Richard C. Berg -- Getting up -- Scarping up sand -- Down, down, down / Nancy Rogers -- Sutumn / Pietro Lanciani -- Lullaby / Anne Moore -- Angelina -- Gingerbread children / Robert Pace -- How do you do -- Star light, star bright / Daniel Hooley -- Show a motion -- Fire, Mister Fireman -- The fire station / Richard C. Berg -- The service station -- The picnic -- The city park / Richard C. Berg -- Jet planes / Roger Elston -- Fly to the moon / Robert Pace -- Going round the mountain -- The donkey -- Sandy -- Barnyard song -- Going to Boston -- Helpers / Daniel Hooley -- Going to travel -- Red, white and blue / Evelyn Schelhaus -- Tiptoe / Franz Schubert -- My home's in Montana -- Light the oven / Steven Scott -- Mister Rabbit / Daniel Hooley -- Golden sands -- I wish I were -- Let's have a circus / Daniel Hooley -- The ponies -- The lion tamer -- Clowns -- Snake charmers -- The circus parade -- Jumbo / Nancy Kelly -- The merry-go-round -- Jack-o'-lantern / Daniel Hooley -- Halloween fun / Anthony Burke -- Hot soup -- Skating / Elsie Smith -- Sun is down -- The midnight special -- Eliza Jane -- The cowboy -- Indian boy / Daniel Hooley -- Traffic lights -- Turkey time -- Turkey, beware -- We thank thee / Franz Schubert -- Help me today / Cecilia Johns -- Hanukkah -- Shepherds on the hillside -- Long ago -- Cradle hymn / Martin Luther -- Hush, my babe -- Christmas greetings -- Christmas -- Sliding -- Where do all the flowers go -- Terry / Robert Pace -- Aiken drum -- Anyone can do a dance -- Kicklety Kacklety / Daniel Hooley -- Playing -- Doodle, doodle -- Winter is here / Stephen Scott -- Snow boots -- Winter sports / Marie Grosjean -- The little red sled / Josephine Wolverton -- Young Mozart ; Romanza / W.A. Mozart -- Folk melody -- The little shepherd / C. Debussy -- Royal march of the lion / C. Saint-Saëns -- Will you dance -- Waltz song -- One, two, three / Franz Schubert -- Valentine box -- Will you -- Abraham Lincoln / Anthony Burke -- Washington's birthday / Nancy Kelly -- Yankee Doodle -- America / Henry Carey -- Easter -- Dundee, Dundee -- Ping pong / Stephen Scott -- The frisky squirrel -- Fishpole song -- Clock talk / Daniel Hooley -- Donkey music -- The cuckoo clock / Nancy Kelly -- In March -- Lazy brown bear (a song story). Hungry brown bear / Daniel Hooley ; Please feed me ; Sleepy head ; Busy, busy bees ; Yum yum ; Zing, zing, zing -- Orchard music -- Spring is in the air / Josephine Wolverton -- The little birds' ball -- The holiday / Nancy Kelly -- The sleeping princess -- Zany Zaddlepate / Anthony Burke -- April rain -- Pounding a nail / Richard C. Berg -- Hee haw! ho hum -- Ride again / Nancy Kelly -- The cuckoo in the tree -- Engine number nine / Jean Hoover -- Grasshopper green / Josephine Wolverton -- One four-leafed clover ; Our pledge / Anthony Burke -- T' other little tune -- Bell music / Stephen Scott -- Presents -- My echo / Joseph Haydn -- I took a walk -- John Pirulero -- Johnny Boy / Daniel Hooley -- Lilac time -- The woodpecker ; Tugboat whistle / Stephen Scott -- Sailboats -- Carmelita -- Choo-choo-ka -- Bongo drums -- Blossoms in May / Franz Schubert -- Mother's day / Anthony Burke -- Ring ching ching -- A happy song -- We'll come back again -- Silver moon boat -- A rainy day / Josephine Wolverton. v. 3. Singing along / Daniel Hooley -- Starting the day -- Painting / Stephen Scott -- Our classroom / Cecilia Johns -- Old John Braddledum -- Ta-ra-ra boom-de-ay -- Autumn bonfires / Stephen Scott -- Song of colors / Robert Pace -- Pop! goes the weasel -- Do as I'm doing -- Muskrat, muskrat -- Don't go near the water -- Sailing / Godfrey Marks -- Captain Columbus -- At twilight / L. Waldmann -- Walking alone / Anthony Burke -- Gnomes / Nancy Hoover -- Last night / Halfdan Kjerulf -- The postman / Josephine Wolverton -- Song of the week -- Come, dance -- Rhythm everywhere / Richard C. Berg -- Happy birthday / Robert Pace -- The little red boat / Daniel Hooley -- Jungle drums / Stephen Scott -- Music making -- Song to the sun -- Work song -- Corn-grinding song -- Prayer for rain -- Lullaby -- Sunset -- Gold and silver -- Taffy -- Autumn leaves -- The elevator / Mary Massey -- Row your boat -- Down in the meadow -- Jenny-o! -- Up in the steeple -- Laughing town -- The merry-go-round -- The storm -- Circus performers -- Soap bubbles -- Lucky Locket -- Every night -- The harmonica -- The end of day -- The sky / Robert Pace -- The race -- Dinosaur diet -- Sweet Kitty Clover -- The wind song -- Poor old man -- Moon's a-rising -- Halloween scare / Daniel Hooley -- Lucy Long -- Walk along, John -- The tower -- Building a house -- My dog Bran -- Some folks do / Stephen Foster -- Night time -- The horn -- The lamplighter -- November twilight -- Over the river and through the woods -- Gifts of God -- My canary -- Where are you going, shepherd. v. 4. My song / Daniel Hooley -- A bicycle picnic / J. Wolverton -- Things to do / Susan Gillis -- A whistling tune / J. Wolverton -- Welcome song -- The strawberry roan -- Texas cowboy -- Cindy -- Dreams / Wm. Luton Wood -- Carolina -- Then I'm going home -- Birthdays / J. R. Fairlamb -- Bunch of roses -- Blow the wind southerly -- Football weather / Stephen Scott -- Scotland's burning -- Football / Carl Wilhelm -- By the light of the moon -- Taps -- The greedy girl -- The keys of heaven -- Good night, ladies -- The wise man and the foolish man -- In Denmark -- Toro Torogil -- Robinson Crusoe -- Swimming days are over / Charles Cornish -- The venturesome three -- Walking song -- Winter fun -- Hiking song -- Hide and seek -- Lukey's boat -- Taking turns -- Morning, uncle! -- Voices -- Sing praise! / Robert Schumann -- Heave ho, my laddie! -- Remember me -- Shadows / Paul Janicek -- A merry chase / J. Wolverton -- A dancing tune / Luisa Asti -- Tootle toot! -- Tirra lirra loo - Doopy doopy doop -- Three ladies -- Green broom -- Changes / Alexander Fesca -- The autumn wind / J. Lilian Vandevere -- Black and gold / Nancy Rogers -- Halloween / J. Wolverton -- Scouting fun / George Oliver -- Autumn / Ernst Richter -- Autumn / Anna Bright -- Fishing -- Riqui riqui ran -- My green poncho -- Something told the wild geese / J. Wolverton -- Scouts / Robert Franz -- For the beauty of the earth / Conrad Kocher -- My candles -- Hop up, my ladies -- Christmas -- The twelve days of Christmas -- Gloria -- Song of the children of Bethlehem -- Ring out the bells / Mozart -- Gather around the Christmas tree / J. H. Hopkins -- New year's eve / Katherine Davis -- She'll be coming 'round the mountain -- Do re mi -- A picnic / Henry Fisher -- Lazy Sammy -- Good morning -- Riddlecum / Jane Bishop -- Dragonflies -- Cowboy's breakfast call -- Jumping rope / John Rupert -- Bicycle wheels -- Speak louder -- Meg and Molly -- Noah's ark -- Wake up, Jacob -- Bahama grass -- I'll not marry at all -- The village watchman -- Winter days -- The enchanted castle / Brahms -- Rocky mountain -- Highland laddie -- The moon shepherd -- The old ark -- One of these days -- Rainy day / Daniel Hooley -- Jet planes / Richard C. Berg -- Agbar / Stanley Brobston -- Night-herding song -- Chilly winds -- Valentine -- Anya's valentines / Richard C. Berg -- The star-spangled banner / John Stafford Smith -- Washingtone the great -- Old Abe Lincoln -- Marching along -- Marching along / Mary Massey -- There are many flags -- This is your land -- Marching to Pretoria -- Red kite -- Come to the beach -- The cuckoo -- Spring -- The farmer and his wife -- South of the border -- To market -- Go down to the market -- Mexican clapping song -- Jamaican waltz -- An ocean trip -- Land of the silver birch -- Eskimo words / Daniel Hooley -- Yoma -- Minor tunes -- Gypsy music -- Rain riders / J. Wolverton -- Snow white / Richard Graner -- A bow of red ribbon -- My grandad's song / John T. Grimley -- April / Brahms -- Sneezes / Stephen Scott -- Robin-a-thrush -- The boll weevil -- Old Quin Querribus / Luisa Asti -- Down the Allegheny -- Weevily wheat -- Swing your partner -- Wooden shoe dance -- All hands round -- The lone star trail -- Take your things and go -- Here, rattler, here -- Song of the fishes -- Sweet nightingale -- Let us with a gladsome mind -- In Sweden -- Yankee clipper -- The spring is here / C. Cornish -- Happy people -- The little shepherd -- Springtime wind -- All through the night -- Nature's praise / Schubert -- The brass band -- David and Goliath -- In Poland / Brahms -- A happy tune -- The echo / Eleanor Smith -- Summer evening -- Call of spring / K.M. von Weber -- Call of spring / Luisa Asti -- The sea / Jessie Gaynor -- My mountain home -- The shell / C.W. Gluck -- Playing -- Sweet Marie -- Emperor's hymn / Haydn -- The shepherd's song / Beethoven -- Scherzo / Mendelssohn -- The young prince and princess / Rimsky-Korsakoff -- Gavotte / Prokofieff -- Shortening bread -- Cotton needs a-picking -- Strawberry fair -- Nelly Bly ; Old folks at home ; Old dog Tray ; My brother Gum ; The glendy burk / Stephen Foster -- Heave that cotton / Will Hays -- Come along to the cornfield -- v. 5. Music Everywhere / Arthur Johnstone -- The wagon train / Daniel Hooley -- Brown-eyed Mary -- Whoopee ti yi yo -- Golden harp -- Sourwood mountain -- There's a meeting here tonight -- On top of Old Smoky -- Lemuel / Stephen Foster -- Butterfly / Ruth Allen -- Evening bugle / Anthony Burke -- October -- Rocket ship / Daniel Hooley -- Autumn rain / Stephen Scott -- Autumn wind / Dvorák -- The derby ram -- Weather -- Love somebody -- Spelling / Anthony Burke -- Tinder -- Hold him, Joe! -- Harvest song -- Sing a little hoedown -- Autumn bonfire / Ruth Allen -- Hop, hop along! -- In the fields -- Dixie / Daniel Emmett -- Aunt Dinah's quiltingg party -- Dark-eyed lad Columbus / Daniel Hooley -- Halloween night / Daniel Hooley -- Danse Macabre / Saint-Saëns -- Land of the midnight sun / Anthony Burke -- Can't you dance the polka. Lift up your voice and sing / Richard C. Berg -- We're all together again -- Chumbara -- Sweet Betsy from Pike -- Keep in the middle of the road -- There's work to be done ; No need to hurry / Richard C. Berg -- Red river valley -- Hiking song -- Harvest ball -- Keep America free and strong / Richard C. Berg -- A merry life / Luigi Denza -- Down by the river -- A capital ship / Charles E. Carryl -- The parrot -- Good-by, old Paint -- Buy a tamale -- Hayride / Richard C. Berg -- Santa Lucia -- Bells in the steeple / Diana Christy -- Cumberland gap -- Home on the range -- My home's in Montana -- Bless us, Lord / Margaret Hurley -- Autumn is here / Frederica Reynolds -- At the market place / Robert Edwards -- Down in the valley -- Friendship song -- All through the night -- One more river to cross -- There's a little wheel -- Erie canal -- Wayfaring stranger -- Columbus -- Singin' Johnny -- Mountain climbers -- Thanksgiving -- Song of thanksgiving -- Great-grandad -- Harvest time ; We'll dance to the fiddler / Richard C. Berg -- The young voyageur -- The gallant victory -- Havah nagilah -- Go down, Moses -- La raspa -- Please, señorita -- Hey diddle dum / Erica Grober -- I build me a little house -- Zum gali gali -- Tide of sleep / Johannes Brahms -- Our door is always open -- Crawdad -- The alphabet / W.A. Mozart -- Here comes the band -- Drill, ye terriers / Charles Connolly -- Men of Harlech -- Rock of ages -- Happy holiday / Frederica Reynolds -- The first Noel -- Merry Christmas / Erica Grober -- This wond'rous night -- Foom! foom! foom -- Angels we have heard on high -- Wassail song -- O come, all ye faithful / John Reading -- Here's to friends -- Auld lang syne -- Winter's best for me / Robert Edwards -- Let's skate today / Brian Merrell -- Troika riding -- We're heading home / Peter McCormick -- Arirang -- Steal away -- Soldier, soldier -- Jolly wee miner men -- Oh, worship the King / Joseph Haydn -- Rowing song -- Dabbling in the dew -- Londonderry air -- Annie Laurie / Lady John Scott -- Lovely islands of Hawaii -- Aloha oe / Queen Liliuokalani -- Hawaiian chant -- Alaska, we salute you / Richard C. Berg -- Chopsticks / Diana Christy -- Sail on, little boat -- The leaving of my love -- Toombera -- Alouette -- Praise to the Lord -- El sombrero blanco -- Raccoon hunt -- Sing your way home -- The lone prairie -- Sweet Sally Sue -- The lumberjack's song -- A bicycle built for two / Henry Dacre -- Riddle song -- The Viking ship -- To Washington and Lincoln -- Here's to America -- Polovtsian dances / Alexander Borodin -- Twilight / W.A. Mozart -- To spring -- Easter time / Ludwig van Beethoven -- Lovely appear / Charles Gounod -- Alleluia -- Spring is a wonderful time -- Lovely messengers / Felix Mendelssohn -- A prayer of thanks -- Maple sugar time -- Cuckoo bird -- Kookaburra -- Sacramento -- The fiddler -- The keeper -- Beautiful dreamer / Stephen Foster -- Robin Hood -- Toviska -- Over the hills and far away -- Every pull of the oar -- Down at the barber shop / J. Berli -- Little David -- So handy -- Legend -- Haul away, Joe -- Rio Grande -- Bendemeer's stream -- The band / Stephen Anderson -- Loch Lomond -- United States armed forces -- Field artillery song / E.L. Gruber -- The marines' hymn / L.Z. Phillips -- America the beautiful / Samuel A. Ward -- Dona nobis pacem = Grant us peace -- Tallis's canon / Thomas Tallis -- We sing of golden mornings / William Walker -- The band concert / Arr. by Villa-Lobos -- The trout ; The linden tree / Franz Schubert -- My island -- Now the day is over / joseph Barnby -- The children's prayer / E. Humperdinck -- Night time / Margaret Hurley -- Jacob's ladder -- My ukulele / W.A. Mozart -- Il trovatore. Anvil chorus / Giuseppe Verdi -- Dance together -- Four in a boat -- Skip to the fiddle / H.G. Nägeli -- Fiesta -- Caller's song -- The fisherman's farewell -- A life on the ocean wave / Epes Sargent -- H.M.S. Pinafore. We sail the ocean blue / Sir Arthur Sullivan -- The mermaid -- Find work, my daughter -- Cockles and mussels -- The nightingale -- Ring the banjo / Stephen Foster -- Happy village -- Walk into the spring -- Going to shout -- Listen to the lambs -- On a fine summer day -- Streets of Laredo -- Farewell song -- Praise ye the Lord -- The star-spangled banner / John Stafford Smith -- v. 7. (don't see volume 6) Lolly Toodum -- Captain Jinks -- Paper of pins -- Rig-a-jig-jig -- Yankee doodle -- Minuet / J.S. Bach -- Springfield mountain -- Rosa -- Barbara Allen -- Wild Amerikay -- Jolly Miller -- Captain Kidd -- An American frigate -- Henry Martin -- Haul away, Joe -- The Boston Tea tax -- Peter gray -- The riflemen at Bennington -- The battle of Saratoga -- Hail, Columbia! / Philip Phile -- Chester / William Billings -- Cousin Jedediah / H.S. Thompson -- Ma bella bimba (my little sweetheart) -- Somebody's calling my name -- No hiding place -- Glory to God / L.E. Gebhardi -- Drummers' round -- Stevedore's song -- Man smart, woman smarter -- Banana boat loader's song -- Tell me -- The gay caballero -- New river train -- Riding on the railroad -- Tiritomba -- The constitution -- Pickax, shovel, spade / Samuel Woodworth -- The hunters of Kentucky -- With a roll of his drum -- Gifts of life -- What can the matter be. v. 8. Our country -- Putting on the dog -- Shut the door -- On the roller coaster / Richard C. Berg -- Glowworm / Paul Lincke -- Stars of the summer night / I.B. Woodbury -- Grandfather's clock / Henry C. Work -- Tell me why -- Rise up, o flame / Christoph Praetorius -- Chairs to mend -- At dawning / Charles Wakefield Cadman -- The Spanish guitar -- Careless love -- Every night -- Dear Evelina -- Wandering -- Rosalie -- He's gone away -- The Camptown races / Stephen Foster -- Wade in the water -- When the saints go marching in -- Roll, Jordan, roll -- My Lord, what a mourning -- I have lost the do on my clarinet = J'ai perdu le do de ma clarinette -- Lumberjack's song -- The clear, sparkling fountain -- Angelico -- Down in Trinidad -- Water come a me eye -- My little burro -- My lady fair -- La raspa -- Sambalele -- Juanita -- Passing by / Edward C. Purcell -- Early one morning -- The keys of heaven -- When love is kind -- The lost chord / Arthur Sullivan -- Drink to me only with thine eyes -- The Dreadnaught -- Shule agra -- Come back to Erin / Claribel (Mrs. Charles Barnard) -- Turn ye to me -- Comin' thro' the rye -- Passing through Lorraine = En passant par la Lorraine -- The dove = La paloma / Sebastian Yradier -- The little town across the bay -- The first mate's wedding -- Friendships -- Marianina -- Venice -- Rome -- The crow -- Hiking song -- Hollahee, hollaho -- Down along the riverbank -- A shepherd's song -- Du, du Liegst Mir im Herzen -- Praise of the northland -- Dance the Schottische -- Journey 'round the world / Ludwig van Beethoven -- Katerina -- Everybody sing -- Gypsy life -- Vreneli -- A ship sails at dawn / Edvard Grieg -- Dark eyes -- The tales of Hoffman. Barcarolle / Jacques Offenbach -- Tannhaeuser. Evening star / Richard Wagner -- Faust. A soldier's farewell / Charles Gounod -- The pirates of Penzance. Tarantara / Arthur Sullivan -- The fortune teller. Gypsy love song / Victor Herbert -- Elijah. If with all your hearts / Felix Mendelssohn -- Cantata no. 208. Sheep may safely graze / J.S. Bach -- The free man / Ludwig van Beethoven -- Cantata no. 140. wake from sleep / J.S. Bach -- Folksong / Edward A. MacDowell -- Semele. Where'er you walk / George Frederick Handel -- Greta's warning / Ludwig van Beethoven -- The erl king / Franz Schubert -- Walking / Hugo Wolf -- Ach ya chabibi = O my beloved -- Havah Nagilah -- My own true love -- Tum-balalayka -- Boom-da-lee-da -- Mil habi lou -- Toomba -- Ships of the desert -- The street called Straight -- Saturday night -- Song of the pigeon -- Koom ba yah -- Away up the river -- Sizinyoni -- Song of the hoe -- The water wheel -- Planting rice is never fun -- Blossomtime -- On the Kaimu road -- Fairest Hawaii / Richard C. Berg -- Hawaii Ponoi / Henri Berger -- An American scene / Clare Grundman -- Cantata no. 212. Duet / J.S. Bach -- High-school cadets ; The stars and stripes forever / John Philip Sousa -- Go, team, go / Richard C. Berg -- Long live -- They march to the rolling drum -- Ninth symphony. Hymn for the nations / Ludwig van Beethoven -- v. 8 [cont.]. The marines' hymn / L.Z. Phillips -- The star-spangled banner / John Stafford Smith -- Pledge of Allegiance / F.J. Haydn -- Memorial day song -- The day is done / H.W. Loomis -- We thank thee -- We plow the fields / J.A.P. Schulze -- Come, ye thankful people / G.J. Elvey -- Turkey in the pan -- Mi y'malel -- Happy holiday -- I saw three ships -- Lo, how a rose / Michael Praetorius -- The holly and the ivy -- God rest you merry, gentlemen -- 'Tis winter now / Michael Praetorius -- The three kings -- Christmas is here -- Gloria -- O little town of Bethlehem / Lewis Redner -- Cantique du Noël / A. Adam -- Evening hymn / Ludwig van Beethoven -- Palm branches / J.B. Fauré -- The strife is o'er / Giovanni de Palestrina -- Sweet hour of prayer / W.B. Bradbury -- Blessed daylight / D. Bortnianski -- Nature's praise / Franz Schubert -- Like as a father / Luigi Cherubini -- Flow gently, sweet Afton / James E. Spilman -- The heavens are telling / Ludwig van Beethoven -- Springtime / W.A. Mozart -- The coming of spring / Rossetter G. Cole -- The seasons. Come, gentle spring / Joseph Haydn -- Give thanks -- Song of spring -- Who is Sylvia / Franz Schubert -- On a summer holiday / Richard C. Berg -- Music / Zdenko Fibich -- H.M.S. Pinafore. When I was a lad / Arthur Sullivan -- The Mikado. If you want to know who we are ; A wand'ring minstrel I ; Behold the lord high executioner ; Three little maids from school ; Finale act I ; Braid the raven hair ; Here's a how-de-do ; Mi-ya sa-ma ; The flowers that bloom in the spring ; Willow, tit-willow ; There is beauty in the bellow of the blast ; Finale act II / Arthur Sullivan. Note Principally unacc. melodies. Subjects School songbooks. OCLC # 478048 LC CARD # 63002543 |
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread From: GUEST Date: 17 Jan 22 - 03:00 PM I'm not precisely sure on the etiquette on these forums. I'm interested in something Nigel Parsons posted above. I'm a music teacher in Kansas in the US, and I've been working on researching the song "Tongo", which might be Polynesian, but folks seem to have trouble finding an authentic source for it. It's mentioned as being in the Spring 1994 "Time and Tune" Vox Box, and I was wondering if there is any bibliographical information listed for it in that issue? Would it be possible to see a scan of it? Thank you! |
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread From: Nigel Parsons Date: 07 Jun 22 - 12:49 PM Hi, Guest. Sorry to not have responded at the time, but I don't keep track of this thread. There is no biographical info on the Time & Tune page for this song, but there may be in the 'Teacher's Notes' which I have somewhere. The page with the song is easy to supply as a scan, as I have digitised the whole of my Time & Tune collection. If you are checking back, just leave a similar message on the page specific to Time & Tune and I will normally respond within a couple of days. (I keep an eye out for new entries there!) |
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread From: Nigel Parsons Date: 11 Jun 22 - 01:45 PM
Y BORE GLAS / EARLY MORNING CALENNIG CALLER HERRIN’ / PENWAIG NEFYN A CHILD OF DREAMLAND / PLENTYN BREUDDWYDION CODIAD YR EHEDYDD / THE RISING OF THE LARK CROEN Y DDAFAD FELAN DAFYDD Y GARREG WEN / DAVID OF THE WHITE ROCK Y DERYN PUR / THE GENTLE DOVE FLEMISH CAROL / CAROL FLEMINAIDD FLOW GENTLY, SWEET AFTON / YN DAWEL BÊR DDYFI THE FLOWERS O’ THE FOREST / BLODAU’R GELLTYDD Y FWYALCHEN / THE BLACKBIRD GAUDEAMUS IGITUR / MEDIAEVAL STUDENTS’ SONG Y GELYNNEN / THE HOLLY GOD SAVE THE KING / DUW, CADW’N BRENIN Y RHOSYN RHUDD / THE HEDGE ROSE HEN WLAD FY NHADAU / LAND OF MY FATHERS HOB Y DERI DANDO HUN GWENLLIAN / GWENLLIAN’S REPOSE IT WAS A LOVER AND HIS LASS / FE GRWYDRAI LLANC A’I ENETH LÂN JOY IN THY HOPE / DAL OBAITH MWYN LEEZIE LINDSAY / MARI MORGAN LISA LÂN / LISABETH MORFA RHUDDLAN / THE MARSH OF RHUDDLAN MORNING SONG / CAN FOREOL MWYNWEN GWYNEDD It appears that these songs are listed (initially) by the 'original' song title, and then by any translation. So a Welsh song translated to English will start with the Welsh title, and vice versa. To what extent they would classify as 'folk' I leave it to the reader to decide. I will probably start a new thread just on this book, and including individual songs/tunes where I find they are not already in Mudcat (or where there are significant (in my view) differences.) The title says 'Part I' and it appears (from the alphabetical listing) that there would also have been a 'Part II'. |
Subject: RE: School Songbook Index PermaThread From: Nigel Parsons Date: 11 Jun 22 - 01:46 PM Before I (gradually) get around to it, if anyone wants a particular song from this, let me know. |
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