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Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook

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Amergin 05 Jan 01 - 01:02 AM
GUEST 05 Jan 01 - 05:43 PM
GUEST,Trapper 05 Jan 01 - 05:46 PM
mousethief 10 Jan 01 - 01:45 PM
Áine 21 Feb 01 - 10:28 PM
Amos 21 Feb 01 - 11:34 PM
Áine 22 Feb 01 - 08:35 AM
Áine 22 Feb 01 - 08:38 AM
MMario 22 Feb 01 - 09:00 AM
wysiwyg 22 Feb 01 - 09:05 AM
alison 22 Feb 01 - 09:18 AM
Áine 22 Feb 01 - 09:41 AM
Dharmabum 22 Feb 01 - 03:31 PM
wysiwyg 22 Feb 01 - 05:01 PM
Dharmabum 22 Feb 01 - 05:30 PM
Áine 22 Feb 01 - 06:10 PM
Dharmabum 22 Feb 01 - 07:17 PM
Amos 22 Feb 01 - 09:35 PM
Áine 23 Feb 01 - 08:23 AM
Amos 23 Feb 01 - 11:59 AM
Áine 23 Feb 01 - 12:16 PM
Amergin 23 Feb 01 - 12:35 PM
Áine 24 Feb 01 - 12:50 PM
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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amergin
Date: 05 Jan 01 - 01:02 AM

Aine, Im glad you like them.....

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
Date: 05 Jan 01 - 05:43 PM

Here's my attempt at a country song - nothing thoughtful about this one.... I hope this
 tag works out!    

- Al

Twenty Years Experience © Al Boyce 3/17/95

  Tommy and his older buddies  went out drinking at the bar.  A pal had just reached the age of manhood,  being 20, Tommy drove the car.  But when Tommy tried to sneak a beer,  the waitress gave his ID a glance.  Tom said, "I've been drinking all my life,  I got 20 years experience."    

20 Years experience at drinking from a glass. 20 years experience, at drinking, I surpass! And what'cha mean this ain't my real ID? Oui, "mah-damn", I really AM from France! And we all start drinking young there so I got 20 years experience!"

Thomas got him a wife and family, and a mortgage at the bank. Age 30 found him flat broke, with his blue-collar job to thank. So he applied for a higher paying job, that would help him pay the rent. But his boss said, "We've hired an outside guy who's got 20 years experience."

20 years experience? I bet that guy's his brother-in-law! 20 years experience? I'd like to bust him right on his jaw! The boss would see that I'm the better man if he had just a lick of sense! I'm gonna tell him just where to stick his frickin' 20 years experience!

The gang surprised old Tom with a party for his lasting 40 years. He barely blew out all the candles, and he had too many beers. He started flirting with some sweet young thing, She said, "Tom, I think you're Too Old to dance!" He said, "Hell, I'm only just 20, honey - with 20 years experience!"

20 years experience at developing my style! 20 years experience at making the ladies smile! Younger guys are fast and foolish, older men have elegance... 'cause when it comes to being 20 I got 20 years experience!

Twenty Years Experience © Al Boyce - All rights reserved

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: GUEST,Trapper
Date: 05 Jan 01 - 05:46 PM

Nope... It didn't. Sorry. Let's Try again...

- Al

Twenty Years Experience © Al Boyce 3/17/95

Tommy and his older buddies
went out drinking at the bar.
A pal had just reached the age of manhood,
being 20, Tommy drove the car.
But when Tommy tried to sneak a beer,
the waitress gave his ID a glance.
Tom said, "I've been drinking all my life,
I got 20 years experience."

20 Years experience
at drinking from a glass.
20 years experience,
at drinking, I surpass!
And what'cha mean this ain't my real ID?
Oui, "mah-damn", I really AM from France!
And we all start drinking young there
so I got 20 years experience!"

Thomas got him a wife and family,
and a mortgage at the bank.
Age 30 found him flat broke,
with his blue-collar job to thank.
So he applied for a higher paying job,
that would help him pay the rent.
But his boss said, "We've hired an outside guy
who's got 20 years experience."

20 years experience?
I bet that guy's his brother-in-law!
20 years experience?
I'd like to bust him right on his jaw!
The boss would see that I'm the better man
if he had just a lick of sense!
I'm gonna tell him just where to stick his
frickin' 20 years experience!

The gang surprised old Tom with a party
for his lasting 40 years.
He barely blew out all the candles,
and he had too many beers.
He started flirting with some sweet young thing,
She said, "Tom, I think you're Too Old to dance!"
He said, "Hell, I'm only just 20, honey -
with 20 years experience!"

20 years experience
at developing my style!
20 years experience
at making the ladies smile!
Younger guys are fast and foolish,
older men have elegance...
'cause when it comes to being 20
I got 20 years experience!

Twenty Years Experience © Al Boyce - All rights reserved

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: mousethief
Date: 10 Jan 01 - 01:45 PM

Don't Think Once
tune: Don't Think Twice (Dylan)

It ain't no use in turnin' on your brain, babe
Like you never done before
It ain't no use in turnin' on your brain, babe
You don't need it any more
When Limbaugh's on, just set your dial
Sit down, kick back, and listen for a while
Then say "ditto" with a vacant smile
Don't think once, it's alright.

It ain't no use in checkin' out the facts, babe
Rush swears that it's all true
Now it ain't no use in checkin' out the facts, babe
Would Rush ever lie to you?
There's no need to even give a thought
To whether what he says is true or not
Some say he's lying, but that's just a liberal plot
Don't think once, it's alright.

It ain't no use in getting mad at me, now
If you hate this little song
Said it ain't no use in getting mad at me, babe
If your liberal friends sing along
There's no point raising your voice to complain
It's so much nicer to shut off your brain
And Rush says he's just there to entertain
Don't think once, it's alright.

©2001 Alex Riggle. All Rights Reserved.

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 21 Feb 01 - 10:28 PM

Hello, hello, all you wonderful songwriters!! The Keeper of the Book is happy (estatic actually) to report for duty again. I got the all-clear from the doctor today and I've been using the hands like they just grew out on the ends of my arms. ;-) First, I'd like to apologize for being out of action for so long (but, that's another story), and I hope to be seeing loads of new songs from all you fantastic 'Catters out there! So, without further ado, here are the latest additions to the Mudcat Songbook:

Twenty Years Experience by Trapper (a/k/a Al Boyce)

Don't Think Once by mousethief

A Seafarer's Lament by Amergin

Black Nylon Thread by Amergin

Wunnerful, wunnerful stuff, as usual. Let's keep it coming, OK?

All the best, Áine

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 21 Feb 01 - 11:34 PM

Dear Goddess:

This is from an older challenge related to the civil tort of keeping ferrets. However this song never made it into the songbook! So I tender it to your gentle ministrations, for whenever you might have a moment to spare now that you have recovered from shagging the carpet, or whatever it is you were doing....

The True Story of Patrick Wright's Wrong-Doing

(Tune: Bally Jame's Bluff)  Click to play

Patrick Wright, sir, was born out in warm California
Where weirdoes cavort by the sea.
And he always enjoyed things a privileged boy
Has when born to the land of the free.
He had his own cell-phone by the time he was 12,
And a "Woody" before twenty-one!
A happy white male growing under the law
In the land of the free and the sun!

He began his career selling sweet Baby's Tears
In a Home Depot garden display
And by learning the ropes and by staying quite stoked,
He soon managed the whole garden bay
So the future looked bright, and the pay was all right,
And he thought he might soon take a wife!
But young Wright's aspirations were tumbled as soon
As two young ferrets entered his life!

Now the thing was begun all in innocent fun,
He just yearned to seem different and cool,
To attract Susie Lake, whom he'd met on a break,
A young student at hairdresser's school.
Young Patrick looked 'round and he rapidly found
The coolest and newest thing yet!
Two ferrets quite rare, a beautiful pair
In the classified ads, under "Pets".

Now this stunt was successful, and not very stressful;
Young Susie surrendered her keep
On the very first kiss, and with unfathomed bliss
In her hairdresser's arms he did sleep
But early next morning from his dreams he was torn
By the light of a flashing blue glare!
And a terrible pounding on his  front door was sounding,
And a cop yelling "We know you're there!"

It was just before dawn, and young Susie was gone
And Patrick, afraid for his life
Staggered up to his feet, with his mind half asleep
And picked up a large sushi knife
As he opened the door, he was slammed to the floor,
And by three cops was brutally mugged!
And his head it was ringing, his poor face was stinging
And they rolled him away to the jug.

Now the judge made the claim, in the State's noble name
That he'd broken the law and done harm!
And for keeping those ferrets, he would quickly inherit
SIx months in the County's worst farm!
Though he protests and cries and all wrong he denies
The inmates there grant it no merit!
They are sure it's a crime, for which he's doing time,
And have taken to calling him "Ferrett".

While he stands at the fence in a pose of repentance
There's a young lawyer  out on a flail
He is Ronnie McBurney, prosecuting attorney,
Who sent our young Patrick to jail
And he pulls up before  old Sherriff Lake's door
And he's only a few minutes late,
Gives a handshake in peace to that chief of police
And runs Susy Lake out on a date!

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 08:35 AM

Dear Amos,

If I'd done the deed, I'd be the first to plead -- however, your Challenge song IS on the Winners' page and has been all the really should break down and get those bifocals, you know ;-) Here's the blue clicky thing for it.

All the best, Áine

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 08:38 AM

Here's another great song from our own Amergin, His Only Consolation. Check it out, 'Catters.

Thanks Amergin!

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: MMario
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 09:00 AM

Don't overdo!

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: wysiwyg
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 09:05 AM

Aine, welcome BACK!!!

I have 2 procedural questions and two idears.

1. Would it be helpful for some of us to suggest songs we may have spotted (if any) in the threads in your absence?

2. That little stinker Dharmabum has written a WONDERFUL song that he has never posted or submitted. (singsong: I think he's a little shy...) He sez I can submit it for him. A, where shall I do it so all can see it, and B, what sort of punishment can we devise for this attitude? *G*

1. Lots of new members. Some may actually have talent! *G* Is there a thread or something that describes song challenges and stuff about songbook submission? Have I foolishly forgotten a piece written for the FAQ or is one needed? (CRS)

2. Can we start a songbook section for sacred music? Do a search on Liland's posts.... I have a few as well, one in the songbook at least but more here and more coming I suspect.




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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: alison
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 09:18 AM

Welcome back Aine... where have you been? we were worried,..... *grin*

lovely to see you again



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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 09:41 AM

Dear Wysi (hehehehe) who will always be Peace to me,

Brilliant questions/suggestions (as usual)! Answers (less brilliant, but hopefuly helpful) follow:

1. You bet! I've always depended on the kindness of you all to be the Songbook 'scouts' -- If you've seen something you'd like in the Book, send me a PM or an email --

2. You can post dear Dharmabum's song (of course it's wonderful!!) right here. As for his punishment, I suggest a gang-cheek kissing . . . kissing all his cheeks twice always seems to 'inspire' him (hehehehe).

1. I think the Song Challenge and the Mudcat Songbook is covered in the FAQ permathread -- but, I'll check on that and, if not, I'll see what I can do to get the word out to the newbies.

2. What a wonderful idea! A sacred music section will be added as soon as I get the songs -- and I'll leave it up to you to let the songwriters know about it (and, if you'll send me links to the songs in threads, I'll be happy to go huntin').

And I promise to try not to over use my still-healing appendages -- In a way, this was a chance for me to slow down and use my ears and eyes a wee bit more. It's true what they say about a door closing and a window opening. I've got lots of new tunes and songs in my head, and they'll just have to 'stew' for a while till I can get them all written down -- and you all know that a good song deserves a good 'stew' ;-)

And alison -- Dia duit, a chara! I missed you, too. I'll let Amos tell you how I hurt my pinkies and went missing in action -- I'm sure he'll do a wonderful job at telling it (hehehehe). Glad to be back where I belong, back in the bosom of the 'Cat!

All the best, Áine

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Dharmabum
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 03:31 PM

OK,OK I surrender,Here it is........But I still get my punishment,Right?

Martha had a little place,
in the corner of the house,
Where she collected little angels,
made of porceline & glass,
Walt never thought much of them,
he'd just always walk on by,
Just something else to collect more dust,
Never really caught his eye,
That's pretty much the way it went
Or so he seemed to feel
Till Martha died a year ago,
And it all became too real.

Seems like things all fell in place ,
A little bit too late,
Before their dreams were ever really shared,
And he told her that he loved her,
But he wished he'd said it more,
He never knew how much he really cared.

They were married in the forties,
Right after the war
A single rose & a borrowed suit,
Was all they could afford,
Then came banks & then the mortgages,
There were kids & there were bills,
At times it felt like a carnival,
With all the noise & thrills,
And at times she drove him crazy,
He never knew the reason why,
She could laugh with him one minute,
Then the tears would fill her eyes.

Some days there was laughter,
Some days there were tears,
Sometimes,the love was hard to find,
But they stood beside each other,
And they made it through the years,
Good or bad,they didn't seem to mind.

Now he wakes up every morning,
On the same side of the bed,
That he shared with her for forty years,
Where she used to lay her head,
And he sits down to his breakfast,
At a table set for two,
As he stares into his coffee cup,
Cause there's nothing else to do,
Now he takes a little time each day,
To do the simple little things,
As he picks up every angel,
And wipes the dust off of it's wings.

Some days there's still laughter,
He can hear it in the walls,
Sometimes, he sees her when he sleeps,
But the days are getting shorter,
Leaves are falling from the trees,
And the memories,are all he's got to keep.

R.Horvath 2000.

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: wysiwyg
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 05:01 PM

OK, Dharmabum, but I'm copyrighting MY version in which porcelain is spelt proper, the commas get their due space, and the CHORDS are included. As soon as I can figure out how to float the chords. I know Joe Offer has told us but now I have to actually LEARN!

And I guess you'll really have to bend over backwards and forwards several times to fully collect all the punishment due.

Anyone care to help with the further adminstration of MudJustice? *G*

~Ron's Bratty Lil Sister

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Dharmabum
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 05:30 PM

WHACK!....Thank you Ma'am, May I have another?

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 06:10 PM

*G* Bend, Dharmabum, Bend!! *G*

Forwards or backwards (hehehehe) you'll still be able to see that Porcelain Angels is now in the Songbook.

Now bend the other way and SMILE...

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Dharmabum
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 07:17 PM

Thanks for correcting the spelling Aine.

Ron. ifeellikesuchadumbschitt.

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 22 Feb 01 - 09:35 PM

The Wilderness Trail

(Tune: With God On Our Side)

Come ye people of conscience,
Of awareness and Mind.
And please heed a warning,
Nor take it unkind
For your mind it will tumble,
And your spirit may fail,
If you walk unprepared on
The Wilderness Trail

Past the ranges of language
And the songs of the heart,
Where beliefs all are ending,
And something else starts
You may feel like a prisoner,
Released from his jail
When you first turn ytour mind to
The Wilderness Trail

Leave your fine mathematics,
Leave your poetry, too;
Walk away from the notions
You've presented as You;
Banish all preconceptions,
And your mind starts to pale;
When it sees your are bound for
The Wilderness Trail.

Turn away from the icons,
You have held for too long;
Cast off every image
Used to make others Wrong;
Bid farewell to fond formulas
You have run out of bail;
And your time is beginning
On the Wildrness Trail.

I was born in the suburbs,
Where the grasses are tame;
Raised into a fortune,
Brought up under a name.
I was promised fine schooling,
At Harvard and Yale
But I turned my face elsewhere--
To the Wilderness Trail.

Now the men that you find there
Are not of your kind;
For the space-winds have burned them,
And their faces are lined
But they see through your pity
And your heart's tongue may wail
You may curse your beginning
Down the Wilderness Trail

I have crossed every pitfalls,
Scaled the windfalls of time;
Crossed the Ethical Mountains,
And left them behind;
I have vanquished the Maiden
And her cold bed of nails;
But there's country beyond her,
On the Wilderness Trail.

The trailhead is near you,
Not more than a day;
But as you love your comfort.
Turn away, turn away!
Let your heart keep its Answers;
Let your eyes keep their scales.
For there's nothing but Change
On the Wilderness Trail.

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 23 Feb 01 - 08:23 AM

There you go, dear Amos, The Wilderness Trail is now in the Songbook. Wonderful song, I'd love to hear sometime (hint, hint). ;-)

Keep playing, singing, and writing, Áine

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amos
Date: 23 Feb 01 - 11:59 AM

Oh ta, Great Green One!

Can you fix a typo ?(mine, not yours). "Pitfall" should be singular, not plural.

Just imagine Dylan singing "With God on Our Side".



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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 23 Feb 01 - 12:16 PM

Dear Amos,

Well, you of all people should know that I could imagine Bob singing your song; but, I'd rather hear you... ;-)

And the 'fix' is in now...

Hugs & snogs, Áine

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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Amergin
Date: 23 Feb 01 - 12:35 PM

Not sure if I sent this in to you or not, Aine....but here goes....

Come Ye Back, My Love

Oh, come ye back, my love, I'll take your hand
Come ye back, my love, come back to me
Oh, come ye back, my love, I'll take your hand
Come ye back from across the sea

There is a town, by the Kootenai River
Settled in the midst of the northern hills
And as I was walking, upon the shoreline
I spied a young lass a-crying her fill


I have a love, who's gone fishing up north
Among the deeps of the cold Bering Sea
And it's many a month since he's been gone
And I yearn for him to return to me


Many's the day and night he trawled the water
Dragging the net behind "The Banshee",
But the storm it swept the freezing ocean
And swallowed my Willie into the sea.


She opened the locket upon her breast
Inside lay a picture of her young man
Her teardrops stained his smiling face
As she walked slowly off the land


To this day she still haunts my dreams
And I yet wake with a tearful sigh
I see her wading into the rushing river
Even now my ears echo with her cry


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Subject: RE: Part VIII - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
From: Áine
Date: 24 Feb 01 - 12:50 PM

This thread was getting a bit long for those folks with slower connection speeds, so I've started a new Part IX Additions thread, so please submit your songs for the Songbook to that thread from now on.

Don't fret, Amergin -- I've started the new thread off with a link to your song above!

Keep playing, singing, and writing, Áine

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