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Saccharine Overload (songs)

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Whistle Stop 09 Mar 00 - 08:21 AM
Steve Latimer 09 Mar 00 - 01:25 PM
GUEST,Patsy Warren 21 Jul 10 - 06:21 AM
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Subject: RE: Saccarine Overload
From: Whistle Stop
Date: 09 Mar 00 - 08:21 AM

Couldn't agree more about "I Honestly Love You". In the same vein, and from the same decade, there's "Sometimes When We Touch," by somebody or other -- don't remember who, don't want to.

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Subject: RE: Saccarine Overload
From: Steve Latimer
Date: 09 Mar 00 - 01:25 PM

I Honestly Love You, I'd purged that one form the memory banks. How horrible was that.

Dan Hill did Sometimes when we touch. He did some others that were as sappy and sounded exactly the same.

How about 'Shannon' by Henry Gross, you know about the dog who's drifting out to sea...

How about "Guess I'll have to stay with you awhile"? she makes me quiver, how she makes me smile, with all this love I have to give her, I guess I'm gonna stay with her awhile" Yecch

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Subject: RE: Saccarine Overload
From: GUEST,Patsy Warren
Date: 21 Jul 10 - 06:21 AM

Sad thing is though there is someone out there who genuinely likes and has bourght all of this stuff, I wonder if they would admit it....I suspect not!

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