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Instrument-specific jokes

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Andy7 01 Apr 18 - 05:28 AM
Mr Red 01 Apr 18 - 10:51 AM
Black belt caterpillar wrestler 02 Apr 18 - 03:31 AM
Mr Red 23 Apr 18 - 05:25 AM
Helen 23 Apr 18 - 01:04 PM
Andy7 23 Apr 18 - 07:26 PM
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Subject: RE: Instrument-specific jokes
From: Andy7
Date: 01 Apr 18 - 05:28 AM

How many violinists does it take to change a lightbulb?

- As many as you like, there'll still be more than enough left in the orchestra.

How many viola players does it take to change a lightbulb?

- As many as you like, no one will notice they've gone.

How many timpani players does it take to change a lightbulb?

- Just one is fine ... as long as she's back in time for bar 786.

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Subject: RE: Instrument-specific jokes
From: Mr Red
Date: 01 Apr 18 - 10:51 AM

come to thik about it, how many ceilidh dancers does it take to change a lightbulb?

can't be done, because every time you turn left ...................
it drops out.

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Subject: RE: Instrument-specific jokes
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler
Date: 02 Apr 18 - 03:31 AM

Do you remember all those T shirt slogans on the theme "X do it" in some humorous way?
Concertina players do it on a fusion of air.


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Subject: RE: Instrument-specific jokes
From: Mr Red
Date: 23 Apr 18 - 05:25 AM

last night a guy sang the "Wizard of Alderley Edge" written by Pete Coe

My comment to him was "it was coe-written"

the joke is an instrument - of torture!

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Subject: RE: Instrument-specific jokes
From: Helen
Date: 23 Apr 18 - 01:04 PM

I've read variations of this one, but this one will do:

So there were two guys named Sam Frank and Frank Sam. They were beloved best friends for life and had their different vices. Sam Frank loved to hang out in discos and party and Frank Sam loved to play his harp. They both tragically died. Frank Sam went to heaven and played his harp beautifully for St. Peter and the rest of the angels and Sam Frank went know...the other place. One night, St Peter said to Frank Sam, that he could go down to the other place and visit Sam Frank but for ONLY ONE NIGHT! aaaand midnight was the cut-off, a cinderelly sort a thing. They had a marvelous time. Sam Frank owned a wonderful little disco where Frank Sam played his harp and they joked for hours. Midnight struck and Frank Sam had to go. They said their goodbyes and Frank Sam went back to Heaven. He walked up to the Pearly Gates and whispered "ah damn." St Peter looked concerned and asked "What is it?" Frank Sam looked at him and said...(drum roll for most cheesy and out of date punch line in the world) "I left my Harp in Sam Frank's Disco ."

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Subject: RE: Instrument-specific jokes
From: Andy7
Date: 23 Apr 18 - 07:26 PM

Hahaha, it was worth the wait! :-)

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