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Weigh Hey, Another Brand New Day

GOIN' BACK TO CAROLINA (Sweet Winds Blowing)

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GUEST,Joyce 01 Feb 04 - 12:21 PM
Joe Offer 02 Feb 04 - 02:53 AM
Joe Offer 02 Feb 04 - 03:03 AM
GUEST 02 Feb 04 - 09:51 AM
GUEST 19 Nov 17 - 02:50 PM
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Subject: Weigh Hey, Another Brand New Day
From: GUEST,Joyce
Date: 01 Feb 04 - 12:21 PM

I've got these snatches of song I'm trying to track down the rest of -- in case any one has heard of it?

first line is :
"It's early in the morning, when the birds sing in the pines"
Which kind of reminds me of the song "River in the Pines" but that's not it.

Refrain starts : "Weigh-hey, another brand new day on the wild and windy shores of old Super-i-a"

Does this ring any bells out there?

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Subject: RE: Weigh Hey, Another Brand New Day
From: Joe Offer
Date: 02 Feb 04 - 02:53 AM

Hi, Joyce - this page says it's "Old Super-I-Ay" or "The Logging Song," by Bill Staines. It has lyrics, and some interesting information about one of our favorite Mudcatters, but doesn't seem like a very good transcription. This page also makes mention of the song.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: ADD: The Logging Song (Bill Staines)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 02 Feb 04 - 03:03 AM

The Logging Song
(Bill Staines)

It's early in the morning
When the birds sing in the pines;
The sun peeks through the forest
Where the cold river climbs.

The men are up at five o'clock
And to the trees at six.
A hard day's work, a good night's sleep
Is all they ever mix.
    Way, hey, another brand-new day
    On the wild and windy shores
    of old Super-i-ay.

From North Bay to Fort William
On the rocky northern shore,
The mills are filled with cedar pulp
And the boats are filled with ore.

I worked in a logging camp,
My daddy did before —
We're calloused hands and weathered skin
And iron to the core.
Way, hey...

Now the flies are thick and the men get sick,
It's as cold as it can be,
And nothing's unexpected
In the north coun—ter—y.

When the summer ends and the winter comes,
It's forty—two below;
We settle down in plywood shacks
And cover up with snow.
Way, hey...

Now, when I die I will have seen
The wonders of the sea,
And I will have climbed the mountains
In the western coun—ter—y.

But most of all I won't forget
The wild and wondrous thing,
The falling of the timber
When it's early in the spring.
Way, hey...

Copyright Mineral River Music and Folk-Legacy Records, 1980

from the Bill Staines songbook, If I Were a Word, Then I'd Be a Song (out of print)

On The Whistle of the Jay, Folk-Legacy CD-70
Folk-Legacy Records, (800) 836-0901

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Subject: RE: Weigh Hey, Another Brand New Day
Date: 02 Feb 04 - 09:51 AM

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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Subject: RE: Weigh Hey, Another Brand New Day
Date: 19 Nov 17 - 02:50 PM

The video is on youtube. A Bill Staines classic!

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