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Gallery of Mudcat Quotations

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GUEST,Leadfingers 13 Feb 05 - 10:10 AM
GUEST,WYSWIYG 13 Feb 05 - 01:34 PM
Bill D 01 Mar 05 - 12:11 PM
The Shambles 16 Apr 05 - 01:21 PM
The Shambles 17 Apr 05 - 08:17 PM
Nigel Parsons 17 Apr 05 - 08:43 PM
The Shambles 17 Apr 05 - 08:45 PM
Mark Cohen 18 Apr 05 - 12:10 AM
alanabit 07 May 05 - 05:02 AM
The Shambles 19 May 05 - 10:54 AM
Peace 19 May 05 - 09:41 PM
GUEST 05 Jun 05 - 08:45 AM
GUEST,Doug Chadwick 05 Jun 05 - 08:47 AM
The Shambles 05 Jun 05 - 12:32 PM
Don(Wyziwyg)T 05 Jun 05 - 04:43 PM
katlaughing 05 Jun 05 - 05:08 PM
CarolC 24 Jun 05 - 03:44 PM
McGrath of Harlow 18 Jul 05 - 01:51 PM
The Fooles Troupe 18 Jul 05 - 07:14 PM
Kaleea 18 Jul 05 - 08:01 PM
GUEST,Yawn 29 Jul 05 - 11:34 AM
The Fooles Troupe 29 Jul 05 - 06:02 PM
The Shambles 31 Jul 05 - 02:00 PM
The Shambles 01 Aug 05 - 03:16 AM
jacqui.c 01 Aug 05 - 08:46 AM
The Fooles Troupe 01 Aug 05 - 08:52 AM
Amos 01 Aug 05 - 02:30 PM
freda underhill 15 Aug 05 - 07:03 AM
Bill D 15 Aug 05 - 10:03 AM
The Shambles 17 Aug 05 - 07:26 PM
wysiwyg 23 Aug 05 - 06:19 PM
The Shambles 24 Aug 05 - 08:51 AM
John MacKenzie 24 Aug 05 - 09:07 AM
Bill D 24 Aug 05 - 09:34 AM
jeffp 24 Aug 05 - 09:39 AM
JennyO 29 Aug 05 - 10:19 AM
Amos 13 Sep 05 - 09:46 AM
The Shambles 15 Sep 05 - 02:13 AM
John MacKenzie 15 Sep 05 - 03:56 AM
Don(Wyziwyg)T 15 Sep 05 - 04:15 AM
The Shambles 15 Sep 05 - 04:37 AM
John MacKenzie 15 Sep 05 - 04:59 AM
Don(Wyziwyg)T 15 Sep 05 - 05:00 AM
The Shambles 15 Sep 05 - 05:13 AM
Don(Wyziwyg)T 15 Sep 05 - 09:37 PM
Don(Wyziwyg)T 15 Sep 05 - 09:39 PM
The Shambles 16 Sep 05 - 09:33 AM
Don(Wyziwyg)T 16 Sep 05 - 12:16 PM
John MacKenzie 16 Sep 05 - 01:04 PM
The Shambles 11 Nov 05 - 05:36 AM
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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: GUEST,Leadfingers
Date: 13 Feb 05 - 10:10 AM

And the anonymous post above was MY 100th !!

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
Date: 13 Feb 05 - 01:34 PM

Subject: RE: BS: The flaw in Christian Theology
From: Peg
Date: 13 Feb 05 - 01:14 PM

It seems to me that one could easily find, as has been pointed out, flaws in pretty much any ideology or theology.

The important questions to ponder, it seems to me, have to do with whether any of this is working for anyone.

Are people happy? Fulfilled? Do they have their basic needs met? Do they strive to help others, from a sense of basic human compassion rather than some institionalized sense of guilt? Do they maintain an open mind and heart with regard to the opinions, lifestyles, actions, looks, or beliefs of others? Do they find beauty and wonder in their daily lives? Do they try each day to make the world a better place? Do they try to better themselves? Do they confront life's pain and difficulty with strength and hope, and try not to stay bitter and fearful when bad things happen? Do they appreciate what they have? Do they forgive others, and themselves, for wrongdoing?

I know a whole lot of people of all different religious beliefs and practices, including myself, who could certainly be doing more to be good people.

We're all here. I am constantly perplexed by the vast numbers of people I encounter who aren't trying to make the best of things in the time they have. We are not promised tomorrow.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Bill D
Date: 01 Mar 05 - 12:11 PM

I just read a post by The Shambles that I feel belongs here:

"The trick is to try and always ensure that we live in system where the choice to do the right thing - is one that is open to us...."

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 16 Apr 05 - 01:21 PM

Subject: RE: BS: Brucie's thread
From: kendall - PM
Date: 14 Apr 05 - 07:51 AM

No expects logic in the forum.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 17 Apr 05 - 08:17 PM

I had thought that I had posted this quote on this thread before - but I must have been mistaken.....?

Yes, I think you may well be first on the list, my friend. It's time for you either to shut up, or to use a name and take responsibility for what you have to say. If you continue to refuse to use a name, you will be come a non-person around here, and every single message you post will be deleted.
Free speech is fine, but you're just a pain in the ass.
-Joe Offer-

From the following thread.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Nigel Parsons
Date: 17 Apr 05 - 08:43 PM

Great! Shambles has quoted (directly above) from a thread in which the first post was:

"Subject: Cut-and-Paste Prohibitions
From: Joe Offer - PM
Date: 19 Feb 03 - 06:46 PM

Cut-and-Paste Policy (non-music)
OK, people, the cut-and-paste policy is stated in the FAQ, and I'll include it in this message. Everybody is expected to follow it, members and non-members alike. In the past, I tried to be nice and to replace cut-and-paste non-music information with a link. I don't bother with that so often now.

It's very nice that you political experts know how to cut-and-paste. Now, I'd like to ask you to learn how to make clickable links. Jeff has even provided a link-maker for you, if you don't care to learn HTML. Since you already know how to cut-and-paste so well, the linkmaker should suit you just fine.

The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19340   Message #738292
Posted By: Joe Offer
27-Jun-02 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat FAQ - Newcomer's Guide
Subject: Please Don't Copy-Paste Long Non-Music Articles
Please remember that Mudcat is a Music Forum. We welcome discussion of all topics, but we give special emphasis to music.
If you wish to discuss other topics, you are welcome to post your own opinions. Please do not copy-paste the entire texts of lengthy non-music articles that are available elsewhere on the Internet - just post a link and summarize the article in your own words.
I don't routinely delete threads because they're political or controversial. I DO delete cut-and-paste non-music articles when I find them. We don't have room for people to debate simply by throwing newspaper articles at each other - but we DO allow political discussions if people express their own opinions.
If you find music information or lyrics you wish to share, particularly if it is about folk music, please DO post the entire text, plus a link to where you found it.
Thank you.
-Joe Offer-
I don't routinely delete threads because they're political or controversial. I DO delete cut-and-paste non-music articles when I find them. We don't have room for people to debate simply by throwing newspaper articles at each other - but we DO allow political discussions if people express their own opinions. -Joe-


Abuse of Thread Creation
In addition, it seems are a very few people who create a very large number of our threads - and most of these threads have nothing to do with music, which is the primary focus of this Forum. All of us are concerned about the current political situation, and we all have a need to voice our opinion. However, I can't see why we have to split this discussion into so many pieces, why it is so important for these few people to start so many new threads on more-or-less the same thing.

I've experimented with various methods of controlling this mess, and I haven't found the perfect solution. I'm open to suggestions, and I will continue to try a variety of things. When things get out of hand, you can expect to see threads consolidated or renamed, and frivolous threads deleted.

I count 14 Iraq threads active today. I'm mad as hell about Bush's statement that he "respectfully disagrees" with the millions who protest his Iraq war - but I don't know where to put my comments, or whether somebody else has already said what I have to say.

I'm frustrated. What can we do to put a sense of order into our discussion of the political situation? How can we allow everyone to say what they think, without allowing the Forum to be dominated by a few idiots who overwhelm us with their verbosity?

I'll tell you one thing I'm going to do: if you start a thread with a cut-and-paste non-music article, I'll delete the whole damn thread. The policy on cut-and-paste is clear. Follow it.

Another thing you can expect: if you start more than one political thread in a day, expect them all to be consolidated with others. Your limit is ONE PER DAY, and fewer would be greatly appreciated.

-Joe Offer- "

This means he must be aware of the contents of that thread, and can no longer pretend to be in ignorance of the policy on cut'n'paste threads, or on the policy of combining multiple threads started on a single subject matter.
I trust he will no longer pretend that he has only read those parts which he chooses to copy/paste


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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 17 Apr 05 - 08:45 PM

Subject: RE: BS: I blame the Romans...
From: brucie - PM
Date: 17 Apr 05 - 03:27 PM

The NYPD, The FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that
they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President
decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a
forest and each of them has to catch it.

The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the
forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After
three months of extensive investigations they conclude that
rabbits do not exist.

The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the
forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and
they make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming.

The NYPD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly
beaten bear. The bear is yelling, "Okay! Okay! I'm a
rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 18 Apr 05 - 12:10 AM

That is a great story, Sham. But we all know that Brucie was making it up, because it could never have happened that way. In fact, the cops came out of the forest holding one of those Sony AIBO mechanical dogs, with a long leather strap attached to its neck.   They brought it to the White House and said, "Mr. President, do you have any idea why this thing was tied to a tree?" And W replied: "Well, Dick Cheney told me that if I wanted to test you guys I should leash a robot in the woods."


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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: alanabit
Date: 07 May 05 - 05:02 AM

"It's so very much easier to hide behind the law (policy, procedure) than to take responsibility.... "
Rapaire on the "Why I love cranky old people," thread. May 5/05.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 19 May 05 - 10:54 AM

From: brucie

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

Re the Mudcat

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Peace
Date: 19 May 05 - 09:41 PM

Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 17 Apr 05 - 08:45 PM

Subject: RE: BS: I blame the Romans...
From: brucie - PM
Date: 17 Apr 05 - 03:27 PM

Just noticed this. I did not write that. Found it on the www somewhere.


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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
Date: 05 Jun 05 - 08:45 AM

This is from The Shambles, of all people, in the "Jacko is Innocent" thread in reply to Jeri who was trying to get a response to a couple of his earlier postings.

Yes Jeri and they probably noticed from your first post............................................No need to repeat yourself..


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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: GUEST,Doug Chadwick
Date: 05 Jun 05 - 08:47 AM

Ooops! That was me above, coming in by the back door


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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 05 Jun 05 - 12:32 PM

Context is important - I am told. So is getting the complete quote right.

Did anybody else watch the friggin' video?

Yes Jeri and they probably noticed from your first post that you found it funny and well done....No need to repeat yourself..(or do Catspaw impressions) *Smiles*

It was intended as a joke..........

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T
Date: 05 Jun 05 - 04:43 PM

The best I have seen on Mudcat, but I can't remember the poster's name, nor can I find the thread on which the comment was made. Perhaps the owner will step up and claim it.

"Opinions are like belly buttons. Everybody has on, but mostly they don't hold much water".

Works for me
Don T.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: katlaughing
Date: 05 Jun 05 - 05:08 PM

Subject: RE: BS: MARGINALS: We're winning (UK)
From: GUEST,Stevie D - PM
Date: 12 May 05 - 05:07 AM

Thats O.K, no offence caused, i'm just really gettin into this mudcat thing. Great to hear all the opinions though.

Remember. Opinions are like belly buttons, everyones got one, none of them hold much water.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: CarolC
Date: 24 Jun 05 - 03:44 PM

Subject: RE: BS: 'there is no Iraq military solution'
From: Donuel - PM
Date: 22 Jun 05 - 07:37 PM

"Where we disagree is in the fact that the war is being fought based on a pack of lies and the parallels that are being drawn to Vietnam.
Also, the fact of whether or not the Iraqis even want us there. But I do think that one thing that we can agree on is the fact that we are there"


This reads a bit like a movie script in which 3 guys in a Vegas hotel room are trying to come to grips with the fact they have a dead hooker in thier room.

One guy wants to call the cops but the savvy guy argues that the one thing they can agree upon is the fact there is a dead body in the bathroom and they will have to deal with it themselves. Heck they don't feel like murderers. Besides its only a hooker.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 18 Jul 05 - 01:51 PM

When the mudcat is down I just don't post to it. I also don't read what others don't post to it. I know that's a different approach, but it seems to work for me. John Hardly from What's up with Mudcat?

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 18 Jul 05 - 07:14 PM

McGrath said the above quote was the "miost apt one" - but then he must have missed this one...

From: GUEST,Suzi - PM
Date: 18 Jul 05 - 01:11 PM

I have been trying to get onto mucat all day, and when I tried the back door some sort of porn site came up three times....
So I gave up till just now..... AAHHH In at last.
Thank you Max...


What's up with Mudcat?

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Kaleea
Date: 18 Jul 05 - 08:01 PM

I don't need no stinking tech info--I wouldn't understand it anyhoo. I'm just glad when I can enjoy being on the Mudcat forum. When I can't get on here, I might be forced to see what else is out there----------oooooooo, scary monster!

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: GUEST,Yawn
Date: 29 Jul 05 - 11:34 AM

Hehe - couldn't let this one pass - ya gotta love it!

Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
From: Big Mick
Date: 29 Jul 05 - 09:45 AM

I smell another 2000 posts, most of which will be the very epitome of redundancy.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 29 Jul 05 - 06:02 PM

I'm glad you pointed this out - I missed most of the first 2000 too...

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 31 Jul 05 - 02:00 PM

Most of them were from Mick - telling others not to respond - but do they follow his advice - does anyone? These posts would certainly appear to be the epitome of redundancy.*Smiles*

So does pointing out many things on our forom these days....No one seemed to take any notice or care when the post saying the following (due to an incorrect imposed title change) was predicted to appear as a result.
Subject: RE: Minister say's jamming OK in UK
From: Jim McLean - PM
Date: 31 Jul 05 - 07:37 AM

Am I correct in assuming this new licensing act only applies to England and Wales and not the UK?

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 01 Aug 05 - 03:16 AM

Subject: RE: BS: Idealism
From: akenaton - PM
Date: 01 Aug 05 - 02:54 AM

Tomasso Campanella...16th century Catholic priest.

"The people" is beast of muddy brain,who wages war for its chains, rather than be free.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: jacqui.c
Date: 01 Aug 05 - 08:46 AM

Subject: RE: BS: Have the Libs/Conservs Traded Places?...
From: Peace - PM
Date: 31 Jul 05 - 12:19 AM

'It's really simple, Bobert. Some folks have to be brainwashed. For others, a light rinse will do.'

Subject: RE: BS: Have the Libs/Conservs Traded Places?...
From: Peace - PM
Date: 31 Jul 05 - 01:36 AM

'The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits.'

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 01 Aug 05 - 08:52 AM

Subject: RE: BS: Left-Handed, 5 pocket Jeans
From: gnu - PM
Date: 31 Jul 05 - 08:17 PM

Yeah... some jeans are like a cheap hotel... no ballroom.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos
Date: 01 Aug 05 - 02:30 PM

Peter T has a flight of fancy about George Bush addressing the Boy Scouts:

"But perhaps he decided to show up in order to drum up recruits for the Iraq War some years down the road given the way it is going (unless he is considering dramatically lowering the recruitment age requirement the way it has just been raised at the other end of the age cohort.)

"Scouts!! When Alexander the Great was your age he was wandering around in the Middle East!!! We are wandering around in the Middle East!!! So I was thinking.......""

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: freda underhill
Date: 15 Aug 05 - 07:03 AM

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Bill D
Date: 15 Aug 05 - 10:03 AM

when freda says nothing, she doesn't necessarily MEAN nothing.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 17 Aug 05 - 07:26 PM

Subject: RE: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
From: Don Firth - PM
Date: 17 Aug 05 - 04:53 PM

I think that in most people's minds, the word "fascism" conjures up images of black uniforms, swastika armbands, jackboots, and goose-stepping troops. But that sort of image is just one dictator's particular style. Fascists can just as easily be found wearing dark suits and power ties, while smiling pleasantly in board rooms and Congressional committee meetings. Nor does the definition of fascism require racism, such as Hitler's anti-Semitism. It usually does, however, need some kind of scapegoat to keep the populace a bit scared and to justify the steps it wants to take to tighten its authority. Gays, or terrorists, or pro-choicers, or those who are adamant about not want religion crammed down their throats—or the most dreaded evil force of all:   "liberals"—can fill that function just as well.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: wysiwyg
Date: 23 Aug 05 - 06:19 PM

Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 23 Aug 05 - 02:08 PM


... I for one have no wish to have a say in how Max's site is run.


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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 24 Aug 05 - 08:51 AM

Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 23 Aug 05 - 02:08 PM

Shambles, what part of what MMario said do you not understand? It is quite clear to most of us that this site belongs to Max. We have NO say in how it is run.

Kendall - It is indeed long been clear that this site belongs to Max and I for one have no wish to have a say in how Max's site is run.

However this is a part of Max's website that he has very generously set aside for invited contributions from the public and called the Mudcat Discussion Forum. I have some agreement - for my reference to this part of Max's site - as our forum. It is from a very unlikely source - and perhaps you would agree with the both of us?

[PM] Joe Offer BS: Censorship on Mudcat (1009* d) RE: BS: Censorship on Mudcat 31 Mar 05

Well, I have to agree with Shambles that Max seems to convey the idea that this is "our" forum. However, it also seems quite clear that very few of us want "our" forum to be taken over by those who would wish to make it a place of combat and chaos.

So, Max appointed some of us to try to keep down the worst of the nastiness. We don't do enough to satisfy some people (Clinton Hammond, for example), and we do too much to satisfy Shambles.

So, we continue to stumble along what we see as the middle path, knowing that we will never satisfy everybody. Such is life.

-Joe Offer-

Our forum is certainly not Joe Offer's and it does not say that it is in the FAQ - yet.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: John MacKenzie
Date: 24 Aug 05 - 09:07 AM

Roger I think you'll find that this is a thread where other people blow your trumpet for you!

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Bill D
Date: 24 Aug 05 - 09:34 AM

what part of that collection of mish-mash is supposed to be the special, timeless quotation?

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: jeffp
Date: 24 Aug 05 - 09:39 AM

Subject: (thread title change complaint)
From: Joe Offer - PM
Date: 23 Aug 05 - 03:06 PM

Well, let me tell you a story:

Once upon a time, there was a very nice boy named Roger. At least, his mother thought he was a very nice boy. Everything went along swimmingly in Roger's life because his mother adored him. Until he went to Kindergarten. Well, actually, Kindergarten went along quite well, and Little Roger played very well with the other children, and he ended the school year with an "A" in Sandbox. And Little Roger was the Teacher's Pet, and was very loyal to his Teacher Mrs. Offer and always said nice things about her.

But then in First Grade, when Mrs. Offer was still his teacher, Roger learned how to give speeches. He liked to hear himself give speeches, so he gave speeches constantly, and he began having problems. His mother still adored him and thought his speeches were wonderful, but Roger soon found that others did not adore him properly, and he became quite unhappy with their lack of deference. He simply couldn't understand why the other children didn't listen to him, and why they didn't share his opinions, and why they acted bored when he gave the same three-hour speech every day. He became especially upset when the children began to mimic and mock his speechifying. He became even more upset when Mrs. Offer asked him nicely to be quiet and give the other children time to give speeches. So Roger began acting out.

He decided that the teacher, Mrs. Offer, was responsible for all of his unhappiness. Mrs. Offer was a very nice person and tried to treat all the children with equal niceness, but she did not adore little Roger. Since Mrs. Offer did not show him proper deference, little Roger decided she was nice at all, and he began to question her authority. Thirty times a day, little Roger passed notes around the class, listing out-of-context excerpts from all the things that Mrs. Offer had said over her entire career as teacher. Little Roger would get up in class and give long speeches about how the Principal, Maxine Mirror, had supreme authority in the school and certainly didn't like the dictatorial way that Mrs. Offer conducted class, and that the class certainly should not listen to anything Mrs. Offer had to say. Most of the class disagreed with Little Roger, and they spent the entire day trying to convince Roger that he was wrong. Now, there was one little girl, HappyGirl, who loved Roger and believed everything he said, and she loved to listen to his three-hour speeches. Roger thought it was very nice that HappyGirl believed in him, and this inspired him to increase the length of his speeches to four hours. As a result of this, First Grade seemed to last forever, and the children were very bored. And nobody learned Proper Grammar. And Little Roger's grammar was worst of all.

As luck would have it, Mrs. Offer was promoted to Second Grade the next year, and she was given a very substantial raise in pay and a much larger classroom. And wouldn't you know it, Little Roger was promoted to Second Grade, too. Because Mrs. Offer had so much extra work, Mrs. Mirror the Principal appointed certain children to clean the blackboard and tidy up the classroom. Mrs. Mirror did not publish a list of children who were authorized to clean the blackboard, and Little Roger was very distrustful of this policy. The Blackboard Cleaners were appointed by Mrs. Mirror herself, but Little Roger found it convenient to question their Authority to Erase Blackboards. Little Roger declared that the Only True Decisions could be made by Mrs. Mirror, and that nobody could trust the Evil Mrs. Offer and the Blackboard Cleaners and their conspiracy to deprive little innocent schoolchildren of their right to Know Nothing and to speak with Improper Grammar. Furthermore, Little Roger declared that not one word should be erased from the blackboard without the permission of the person who wrote that word. And time went on, and Little Roger gave his four-hour speeches and passed thirty notes a day through the classroom all year during Second Grade, and all the children fell asleep, and still nobody learned Proper Grammar, but Mrs. Offer and everybody were promoted to Third Grade the next year.

And to they all were promoted again to Fourth Grade after another year of speeches and messages about all the horrible things Mrs. Offer had done since Kindergarten. Little Roger kept talking about how wonderful and benevolent the Principal Maxine Mirror was, and Mrs. Offer often suggest that Little Roger should go to Mrs. Mirror and discuss his unhappiness. But Little Roger never spoke to Mrs. Mirror, because he was afraid that Mrs. Mirror might disagree with him. Still, he continued to make speeches about how Mrs. Mirror was truly wise and agreed with everything Little Roger said, and that Mrs. Mirror actually despised Mrs. Offer and thought that she was a horrible teacher.

And finally, on the very last day of Fourth Grade, Mrs. Offer got tired of all of Little Roger's manipulation and speechifying, and she said:
Shut Up, Roger, You Asshole!
And the police came and arrested Mrs. Offer on a felony charge of Child Abuse for Using Naughty Language in the Presence of a Child.

And she was sentenced to thirty years in prison, and there she is to this very day.

End of story.


No, it's not the end of the story. What happened was that Little Roger was appointed Teacher, which was a Fate Worse Than Death because HappyGirl turned on him, and made his life More Miserable Than One Could Imagine.

And Mrs. Offer was very pleased that she was safely locked away in prison. And she formed a song circle with the prison guards and they spent the rest of their days singing happily away. And Mrs. Offer forgot about Proper Grammar and became the World Authority on Prison Songs and was recorded by Alan Lomax and got a pardon from the Governor and a star on the sidewalk of Hollywood Boulevard.

And Mrs. Offer forgot all about Poor Little Roger. And then Mrs. Offer had a sex change operation and became Mr. Offer, and became a Forum Moderator at the Mudcat Cafe.

I thought the story should have a happy ending, but I do wish that it had a happier ending for Poor Little Roger. I lied about Mrs. Offer being still in prison, and I apologize publicly for that. I apologize sincerely for all my failures, but I did try so hard to help Roger learn to speak with Proper Grammar. He learned to speak long and often, but he never did learn to speak well. And he never, ever learned the meaning of the word "succinct." Such is life.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: JennyO
Date: 29 Aug 05 - 10:19 AM

Subject: RE: BS: '---' goes off meds again, revives Shat
From: Joe Offer - PM
Date: 27 Mar 05 - 10:18 PM

Oh, Shit....

13 Shatner threads active today. I wonder what asshole is responsible for this. If I use my "delete" button, then Shambles will reopen 43 censorship threads.

Maybe I'll just call Martin Gibson a #$%& and leave it at that...

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Amos
Date: 13 Sep 05 - 09:46 AM

As with state and church, the best government will strive to firmly separate state and hatred.


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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 02:13 AM

The first post – in a thread that was wrongly closed by someone still unknown and then re-opened by Joe Offer. Closing threads

Subject: Tech: Closing threads?
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 28 Aug 05 - 03:59 PM

Is there some technical advantage given to the general effective running of our forum - by the closing of threads?

Does it make the site less technically effective in any way or make it run slower - if all threads are left open for new contributions?

No technical reason at all, Shambles. We do it for valid but non-technical reasons that I've explained below. That's why I moved this thread to the "BS" section.
Next question?
-Joe Offer-

And the last post – and the reasons why Joe Offer decided to close it (again)!

Subject: RE: Tech: Closing threads?
From: Joe Offer - PM
Date: 14 Sep 05 - 01:09 PM

OK, so now I know which volunteer closed the thread, and we've discussed the matter.
And as I've said earlier in this thread, it's an internal matter and has been resolved internally. That being said, I can't say anything more. Shambles has his honest answer, so I think it's time to close this thread.
-Joe Offer-

If you really see a need to join Shambles in discussing this subject further, see Opening threads a debate, which is really about closing threads.

Hopefully this thread (and every other thread) will be free of the imposed movement and two closures that Closing threads   Has been subject to..........For 'valid but non technical reasons'? You judge....

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: John MacKenzie
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 03:56 AM

Roger once again you use this thread wrongly in my opinion, it is for sometimes wise, and some times funny 'quotable quotes' which are thought worthy of perpetuation by people drawing fellow Mudcatters attention to them, and hopefully they will share the posters appreciation of the quote.
IT IS NOT a vehicle for you to pursue your paranoid campaign against perceived slights and affronts to you and your deathless [sic] prose PLEASE Roger will you for fucks sake give it a rest or better still take your obsessions elsewhere, because everybody I speak to about it is as fed up with your tripe as I am.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 04:15 AM

I second that Giok


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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 04:37 AM

The idea of intentionally posting to change the intended subject of a thread is one that is now thought by some of our contributors - not only to be acceptable but also to be an amusing diversion and is an example that is eagerly followed by others.

In my opinion - it is not acceptable. This thread is for notable quotes - like the following:

I agree with both the preceeding guests, I have only been around for about 4 years, but in that time I've seen people condemned and castigated for a lot less the Martin Gibson got away with. I was disappointed that Joe Offer seemed to excuse him while on the other hand crossing swords with The Shambles over much less offensive postings. I also found it funny that a lot of people seemed to excuse Martin's behaviour on the grounds that he was pretty knowledgable on some aspects of folk music, and anyway he was being rude mostly below the line, which some seem to regard as 'beyond the pale' anyway. That's a bit like saying you excuse Hitler because he was good with kids. As has been said MG should have been curbed long before he got to be the problem he has to quite a few people, and he did show up a weakness in the policing of this forum that I love.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: John MacKenzie
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 04:59 AM

And that proves what exactly Roger?

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 05:00 AM

I have to say, Roger, that your Mudcat moniker is one of the most apposite I have ever seen. You have reduced multiple threads on this forum to a shambles.

I have no objection to your expressing your opinion on any subject that takes your fancy, but I do object to the way in which you choose to exercise that right for the following reasons.

1. You do not discuss, you rant. When someone disagrees with you, you do not present a response, you repeat the original rant, in slightly different form.

2. You do not answer specific questions, you once again present the original rant.

3. You constantly quote others out of context, twisting their comment to support your case.

4. You do all the above in language one might expect to find in a contract from a dodgy loan company. i.e. largely incomprehensible.

5. You constantly admonish others for passing judgement on you, while daily passing similar judgements on Joe and the clones.

6. You do all the above on multiple threads, many of which have subjects worthy of discussion, but are totally disrupted by your unnecessary input.

When one person tells you you're a fool, that's just his opinion. When everybody tells you you're a fool, go buy a cap and bells and look for a king in need of a jester.

Don T.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 05:13 AM

Subject: RE: Cut-and-Paste Prohibitions
From: Cluin - PM
Date: 19 Feb 03 - 11:17 PM

That's what I've wondered about... how do these folk find the Mudcat? Do they come for the lyrics and stay for the flaming?

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 09:37 PM

Roger, I have read your PM, and as it was a private communication I shall not publish it here. I do not, however intend to get involved in a pointless exchange of PMs duplicating what can already be seen in a huge number of threads, both past and current.

In answer to a couple of points:-

1. I do not consider you to BE a fool. That comment was, and would be recognised by most readers as, a (light hearted) metaphor. Since you did not realise that, I will put it plainly.

If one person says you are wrong, that is an opinion. If everyone says you are wrong, re-examine your basic premise.

Your post above in response to mine, proves my point rather neatly. You answer my reasoned comment, not with an equally reasoned rebuttal, but with a cut-and-paste from another poster on a totally unrelated thread.

You have become a sort of Mudcat Don Quixote, self appointed to defend the rights of us less enlightened souls, against a nebulous malevolent authority.

That's fine as far as it goes, but I really think that most of us would like to see a change of windmill.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T
Date: 15 Sep 05 - 09:39 PM

And now, can we please have THIS thread back as a repository for wise and/or witty quotes?

Don T.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 16 Sep 05 - 09:33 AM

Subject: RE: Cut-and-Paste Prohibitions
From: McGrath of Harlow - PM
Date: 19 Feb 03 - 07:32 PM

I know who you are...

Big Offer is watching you... But I can live with that.

Who was it said that there was a lot to be said for a system of government based on benevolent dictatorship tempered by revolution?

Sure made me laugh.

*Please note that some anonymous volunteer fellow poster has now passed judged upon this thread and has imposed relegatation of it - to the BS section.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T
Date: 16 Sep 05 - 12:16 PM

Still no answer.

Don T.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: John MacKenzie
Date: 16 Sep 05 - 01:04 PM

He'll be back to post an irrelevant quotation which in no way answers any points of yours or mine. However at present he's busy cutting and pasting crap in some other thread.
FO Roger.

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Subject: RE: Gallery of Mudcat Quotations
From: The Shambles
Date: 11 Nov 05 - 05:36 AM

Subject: RE: BS: Blairs first defeat
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T - PM
Date: 10 Nov 05 - 12:54 PM

Erosion of civil rights is a not a process to be undertaken lightly, and the last people who should be trusted with it are those who call for it in the first place.

Don T.

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