Subject: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Doug Chadwick Date: 19 Dec 05 - 02:54 PM From time to time, we have threads asking "Where is Joe Bloggs?" or "What's happened to A N Other?". Often, 'Catters are able to fill in some of the blanks or the person involved chips in and identifies him/herself. I feel sure that a lot of people who used to be active, but who we no longer here from, may still be out there reading but not posting. This may be because they feel they have nothing left to say or maybe they prefer to stay out of the brawls that so often mar discussions hereabouts. I, myself, post sparingly for these very reasons although I am an avid reader of posts both above and below the line. When I do post on a topic of general interest, it would be nice to have an idea who might be receiving my words of wisdom. I propose that we have a "Lurkers' Register", updated once a year, where people who have nothing particular to say can let others know they are still around. All that would be required for a member who is logged on, would be to open the thread and hit the submit button, or to add a name first, if coming in as a Guest. Any additional messages would be optional. The beauty of a thread where no-one is required to add a message is that there would be nothing to argue about and censorship would not be an issue. If you are a lurker and would like others to know your still around, then why not tack on your name to this thread to form the 2006 LURKERS' REGISTER. DC |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: jets Date: 19 Dec 05 - 03:09 PM I read a lot |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: GUEST,Guest Date: 19 Dec 05 - 03:18 PM I only post occasionally too. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: gnu Date: 19 Dec 05 - 03:24 PM Wildebeeste here. I lurk constantly, in gnu's heart, but seldom get to post because gnu is so restrained, stoic, cautious, gentlemanly, polite, and full of ****. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: number 6 Date: 19 Dec 05 - 03:42 PM Good idea. In fact it's a great idea. sIx |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: katlaughing Date: 19 Dec 05 - 03:51 PM Agreed, great idea!! |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Beer Date: 19 Dec 05 - 03:56 PM Sounds good to me. Beer |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 19 Dec 05 - 04:22 PM But if you post here, don't you become a poster instead of a lurker and automatically disqualify yourself? |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: number 6 Date: 19 Dec 05 - 04:23 PM I think you have a good point there Bee-dub. sIx |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Doug Chadwick Date: 19 Dec 05 - 04:32 PM Not if you don't say anything! DC |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Azizi Date: 19 Dec 05 - 05:22 PM I take it your Lurkers' Register is for Members and Guests with names who rarely if ever post on any threads. Since I like to post, and do so regularly [albeit sometimes with brief intermittent breaks],I guess I don't qualify for that list. But I post in only a few threads at any given time, and read other threads without posting in [on?]them. So I could be said to be lurking on those threads where I don't post. I think we all have a little bit of "lurker" in us... |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: GUEST Date: 19 Dec 05 - 06:04 PM I'm here |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Mr Red Date: 19 Dec 05 - 06:19 PM you won't catch me being inconspicuous....... |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Deda Date: 19 Dec 05 - 06:48 PM I read a lot more often than I post, but I sometimes do neither for many months at a stretch. Usually I check back to see what brother Amos is up to lately. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Joe Offer Date: 19 Dec 05 - 09:07 PM This thread looks like a good idea. I'd like to see checkins from Shula, and from Chet W and Tim Jacques - and from a number of other good people. -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: wysiwyg Date: 19 Dec 05 - 09:17 PM Joe, maybe you could make it a permathread (or ask Doug to start one), and then the just-funnin' stuff could be moved around so that missing-in-action posts could be featured prominently. ~S~
-Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: bobad Date: 19 Dec 05 - 10:10 PM If you announce that there's free beer a lot more will show up. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Beer Date: 19 Dec 05 - 10:13 PM Right on Bobad. Beer |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: bobad Date: 19 Dec 05 - 10:16 PM I knew that would bring out Beer. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Peace Date: 19 Dec 05 - 10:35 PM Winter has arrived in Canada. Especially eastern Canada west of the Maritimes where a certain two posters live. CABIN FEVER. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: bobad Date: 19 Dec 05 - 10:40 PM Hey, I resemble that statement. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Beer Date: 19 Dec 05 - 10:58 PM Yep... I'm already thinking of jumping in my country cadalic and heading off to Nova Scotia for a week or two after Christmas. Got a brother in law down there whom I call bro and is a great friend. Maybe I'll contact number6 and see how things are in New Brunswick. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: bobad Date: 19 Dec 05 - 11:01 PM I'd like to get away to warmer climes 'till, oh, around April myself. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Briagha Date: 19 Dec 05 - 11:11 PM I'm here... mostly lurking, occasionally posting. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: bill\sables Date: 20 Dec 05 - 05:12 AM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: George Papavergis Date: 20 Dec 05 - 05:22 AM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: GUEST, Free at last Date: 20 Dec 05 - 06:01 AM I did join Mudcat, but it took over my computer so that it was impossible to post without my name coming up. Maybe it is possible to sign in and out easily but I didn't know how to do it. This meant that if anyone else used my computer and posted on Mudcat it came up in my name. I was quite relieved when my cookie disappeared in the big mudcrash - and now I can post either anonymously or under my own name or a pseudonym whenever I like. Bobert may have felt free when he got his cookie back, but I feel freer now I have lost mine. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Oaklet Date: 20 Dec 05 - 06:16 AM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: JohnInKansas Date: 20 Dec 05 - 06:42 AM Free at last - Should there be a valid reason for being anonymous for a post, all you have to do is "delete cookies," or just any cookies that have mudcat as part of the name. To return to being a real person, just log in again. You can copy (or export) your mudcat cookie(s) somewhere, and then just paste them back (or better- import them back) when you want to be real, but you should keep a recent copy handy if you do that. Isn't this thread something like the "Guest register" some sites use? Maybe "Guests and Inactive Members Hello Register" - but we'd need a note in the FAQ that Inactives can note occasionally that they're still around. (And a way to get people to read the %$!@))! FAQ.) John |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: John MacKenzie Date: 20 Dec 05 - 06:59 AM There's a drop down menu at the top of the page 'Quick Links' 4th choice down Log Out, it's easy. G |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: GUEST, Free (and thick) Date: 20 Dec 05 - 07:35 AM Thanks Giok. I'll join again and do it properly in future. Now totally free! |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: GUEST,Frug Date: 20 Dec 05 - 08:31 AM Lurk Lurch Belch.........Crash |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: alison Date: 20 Dec 05 - 10:57 PM still around slainte alison |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: GUEST,jOhn Date: 21 Dec 05 - 06:13 AM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Lepus Rex Date: 21 Dec 05 - 09:47 AM I rarely have time to do anything but lurk anymore, and I do even that only rarely. When I'm reading quite a bit, though, I tend to post something, just because lurking gives me an icky, reading-someone-else's-diary type feeling. So I guess I'm a Lurker, in a half-assed sort of way. ---Lepus Rex |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: PoppaGator Date: 21 Dec 05 - 10:18 AM I've been pretty inactive of late, during my temporary career as a hurricane evacuee. When I do check into Mudcat to catch up, I usually find it impossible to resist the temptation to add a comment or two ~ maybe just in one or two threads. So, I am not normally a "lurker," and have generally been truly absent during those periods when I don't create any postings. Of course, if I pop in for a half-hour or so after a monthlong absense, not everyone will notice that I may have posted a brief comment or two, hidden away within one or two obscure threads... |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Donuel Date: 21 Dec 05 - 10:48 AM I have always found that if I stop posting to a site, that tons of old familiar friends return. I'll see what I can do to help. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: GUEST,Bizibod Date: 21 Dec 05 - 06:32 PM Lurk , Lurk ...... |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Peter K (Fionn) Date: 21 Dec 05 - 07:37 PM John in Kansas, is it necessary to delete cookies? What's wrong with simply logging out and then posting? (Not that I've ever done it, as I expect the Joe Clones could confirm.) |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: suzi Date: 22 Dec 05 - 04:21 AM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: RolyH Date: 22 Dec 05 - 06:49 AM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: GUEST,DaveA Date: 22 Dec 05 - 04:13 PM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: DaveA Date: 22 Dec 05 - 04:39 PM Woops - cookie had gone missing |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: C-flat Date: 23 Dec 05 - 10:08 AM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Edain Date: 23 Dec 05 - 01:11 PM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: rangeroger Date: 24 Dec 05 - 01:31 AM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Cattail Date: 24 Dec 05 - 02:40 PM |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Doug Chadwick Date: 26 Dec 05 - 03:18 PM Refresh |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: Chip2447 Date: 27 Dec 05 - 12:31 AM I'm still not here. |
Subject: RE: BS: Lurkers' Register From: GUEST Date: 27 Dec 05 - 12:36 AM This post intentionally left blank. |