Subject: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: harpgirl Date: 24 Feb 02 - 07:16 PM ...I see a lot of new folks! Where are you from? What do you sing and play? How's the weather there? |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: GUEST Date: 24 Feb 02 - 07:23 PM I'm from England I play guitar, anglo concertina, harmonica, and dabble with a few others The weather is foul. I have to use a proxy (anonymizer) to access mudcat, because Max thinks I've been too naughty and wants to ban me. Anything else? |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Jerry Rasmussen Date: 24 Feb 02 - 09:03 PM This being Mudcat, define "New" There's probably a whole thread waiting there. I've been on Mudcat a couple of months and feel like an old-timer, so I won't add anything here. I'm glad that you started this thread, Harpgirl. Maybe it will help me to get to know the new members. Me being an old-timer and all. Jerry |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: hobbitwoman Date: 24 Feb 02 - 09:59 PM Well, I'm kinda new. I'm from Northeastern Pennsylvania. I don't play anything (at least no musical instrument, if that's what you mean). I love to sing but try to do it where I won't disturb people. I love many different kinds of music but have recently been getting more interested in folk and Celtic music - I still have a lot to learn which is why I'm hanging out here. Annie |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Bobert Date: 24 Feb 02 - 10:10 PM I'z from Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, USA. I've played rock n' roll in a loud band, folk, country, bluegrass but have for the last couple of years concentrated on acoustic blues. I play just about anything with strings and a neck and also mountain dulcimer and an antique pedal organ. I'm also into song writin' which I've been doing for over 30 years. AND, THANKS FOR ASKIN'. REALLY.... |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: rea Date: 24 Feb 02 - 10:16 PM I'm from North Carolina (Durham/Brevard), but I live half the time in VA (Falls Church and Charlottesville) and the other half at college in NY state. There's a southern distinction for you. I just sing. I fiddle with the guitar, and really want to learn fingerpickin, so if anyone knows a good place in North VA or C-ville to learn.... and my main qualification for being here... my folks met at a bluegrass festival. So I owe my existence to the music... heh rea |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: technission Date: 24 Feb 02 - 10:20 PM I still feel new, although I have audaciously darted in and out among the legendary ones. {They have all been very polite and friendly by the way.) I'm from Houston, Texxass and I play the stereo, haha, I dabble with a nylon-stringed "classical" guitar. I've had it since college, damn near 30 years ago. It's no big name; "Ventura" - ?? Seems OK to me but what do I know? I like just about any music though some I reserve for special occasions and some I tolerate as "background" only. It was a lovely mostly-clear day here, and this afternoon was about 70 fahrenheit. I sat outside and drank a Czechoslovakian beer, now I know why it was so reasonably priced at the market... |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Bobert Date: 24 Feb 02 - 10:34 PM Rea: Augusta Heritage Center. Davis and Elkins College which is 2 1/2 hours from Falls Church. augusta@augustaheritage,com. P.S. I grew up at 302 E. Broad St. in Falls Church. The main house was build in 1847. Also, if you aren't aware, the State Theater, which I used to go to as a kid, has lots of great folk and blues acts... John Hammond is going to be there next month and I'll come out of the mountian fir that one... |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: nager Date: 24 Feb 02 - 11:26 PM Harpgirl, I am not sure if I ``qualify" as new either as I have been here a few weeks now... but I am from Newcastle, NSW, Australia and have been playing guitar and singing folk for so many years (both in Oz and England) I would rather not mention the number publicly! Sing and play a bit of everything that sounds folksy or matter when or by whom it was written. Also play piano accordion (my wife's allows it only when she's out shopping), harmonica and recorder. We have a very active folk club in our city and a good one at nearby Woy Woy too, the Troubador...both have web pages .. but don't know how to do a blue click. The NSW Folk Federation site might have links. I have found most people very helpful and friendly on this site and hope the odd piece of info I have passed on has been received well too. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: E.T. Date: 24 Feb 02 - 11:29 PM From central Michigan returned after a score of years in Chi-town (Chicago). I play recorder, piano, organ, accordion (mostly for caroling outside - its loud and covers up a lot)pennywhistle some, fife and tabor for renaissance dances, and occasional bandura - a Ukranian folk instrument. So far my only tune on it is Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring which is a great one for tuning all gazillion strings. I sing just for fun and enjoy shape note and Shaker songs.Oh yeah, I've taught renaissance dance for 20 plus years. Elaine |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Rolfyboy6 Date: 25 Feb 02 - 01:28 AM I'm not that new either. I live in the mountains of the wine country north of San Francisco. I was raised where the Mississippi and the Ohio flow together but left long ago. My first instrument was the five string banjo, but I'm a guitarist. My main interests musically are blues and bluegrass and old-time music. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: michaelr Date: 25 Feb 02 - 01:36 AM My main instrument is guitar, with some octave mandolin and whistle thrown in. I'm playing mostly Celtic now ( my band is called Greenhouse) but I like all kinds of music (except rap and death metal). Living in Northern California, same as rolfyboy (howdy neighbor!) Michael |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: The Pooka Date: 25 Feb 02 - 01:52 AM Hobbitwoman, yeah I think that is what Harpgirl meant, about playing. :) I don't play any musical instrument either. Only the tin whistle. / Nyyaah I don't really even play that, just toot around with it. You don't wanna know. I sing. Not as well as I used to. Hey, the same has been said of Liam Clancy. (Yo, Leprechaun! How are ye?) Like some others here I'm sort of medium-new as a member, a few weeks. I've been posting so much you'd think I was a veteran, if you didn't notice the content. It's a Phase. Gibbous Blabbarrabus. I want to say I'm from Mordor but that might alarm the gentle Hobbitwoman. Ash nazg durbatuluk...nowait, what I mean to say is, I'm from central Connecticut. Not being a musical performer, on the 'Cat I'm a civilian. I like lots of different musics but I'm nuts about Celtic, especially Irish. My knowledge of it is outdated but I like to learn. Occasionally this occurs, when I shut up for a minute. That's about it. Welcome to all. This is a good place. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: GUEST,lil' VanBone Date: 25 Feb 02 - 02:35 AM Well I'm new in a sense. I'm 19, from Washington D.C. and I've grown up as a member of the Folklore Society of Greater Washington, but until about 2 years ago I thought folk music was icky. I'm now attending St. Mary's College of Maryland, and have set up a radio show with a friend "David and Allan's Folking you up since 1982", which is unfortunately quickly running out of new material to play. I'm afraid I play no instruments, though I enjoy singing. My passions in folk music focus on a combination of rowdy (sp?) shanties and beautiful melodic songs. I tend to listen to alot of the Pyrates Royale and Wyld Nept at the moment, and if anyone has bands they think I might enjoy, I'm always looking for suggestions. Pooka, is your name a Changeling referance? Just wondering. Anyone who frequents many events in the Washington area has probably seen me once or twice at some point, and if you attend the Royal Mile Pub sings, then I'm the big bearded guy from the "young people's table". |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: GUEST Date: 25 Feb 02 - 03:17 AM thirteen replys and ten from the 'states' Is there any area of life where this country has not got its' sticky beak?? |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: CarolC Date: 25 Feb 02 - 03:45 AM Well, you know, as tireless and dedicated as our members outside of the US are in thier pursuit of all things beautiful and musical, they do have to sleep some time. I think we should cut them some slack. They'll be around when they wake up, I'm sure. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Jerry Rasmussen Date: 25 Feb 02 - 04:10 AM Looks like I do qualiify as a Newbie. Like Pooka, I'm from Connecticut... Derby, which is kinda south-central. I started performing in the early 60's in Greenwich Village, learned fingerpicking from Dave Van Ronk, play mostly guitar and five string banjo, some mandola, and used to play fiddle when it was needed and there was no one better than me. I play mostly traditional American folk, songs I've written which reflect my love of the tradition, and in more recent years, old gospel. For the last five years, I've been leading a 'cept for me black gospel quartet, doing the old Swan Silvertones, Five BlindBoys, Fairfield Four style of gospel. I play electric guitar with the group (being a traditionalist.) I cut two albums for Folk Legacy, one on my own (Handful of Songs)and the Messengers are currently recording their first CD. I'm recently retired, and playing far more music than I have at any other point in my life. I find it humorous to see the monikers of others in this thread who I assumed were old-timers because their names are so familiar. I enjoy Mudcat a great deal, and was finally encouraged to check it out by my great friends Art Thieme, and Sandy & Caroline Paton. Jerry |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: mack/misophist Date: 25 Feb 02 - 08:11 AM I too am new, from the California Bay Area. After 15 years of regular music study I finally gave it up as a lost cause. I like most music except the modern stuff, especially Celtic. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: jup Date: 25 Feb 02 - 08:23 AM From,Queensland,Australia. I play finger style guitar and sing. I play in a bush band and like celtic music and ballads mostly. I have been a viewer of the Cat for a long time ,but have only just been able to post recently. I am not very good at this computing thing yet. It must be my age? Jup. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull Date: 25 Feb 02 - 08:56 AM I'm from Hull.! |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: The Pooka Date: 25 Feb 02 - 09:20 AM Guest li'l VanBone, great to see *young* folkie-folks comin' in. Give us a rowdy chantey from yer shanty! Ahh, youth! -- yer takin' me back, at your age I was in school in D.C. & havin' fun. Too much fun. Georgetown's me "almost mater". Pesky Jevvies, expected ye to go to class. My name is after The Pooka Fergus MacPhellimey, a character of late writer Flann O'Brien. Jerry Rasmussen, like to catch your act. Up the Naugatuck Valley! But is Waterbury still the Center of the Universe? After...well, you know. We shan't speak of him. Guess W'bury's OK as long as Johnnie R. is Governor. Which looks like it may be forever. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: madwaff Date: 25 Feb 02 - 09:39 AM Originally East Yorkshire, now North-east Scotland,where it's dreich, to use the local term - grey, wet, melting snow and ice underfoot, mmm, lovely! Came back to singing after 30 years, having finally been told that, contrary to what my school music teacher said, I don't sound like Flamborough Foghorn!! Trying to get to grips with guitar and bodhran but need cast iron fingertips for the first, and a string attached to the beater for the second to stop me bouncing it off my head, the wall, etc. etc. - I guess there are those who will say give up, we don't need ANOTHER bodhran player, but it's fun! (I don't inflict either instrument on my friends!) nice to be here! madwaff |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: MMario Date: 25 Feb 02 - 09:45 AM lil vanbone try:The corsairs, the Jolly Rogers, Bedlam, Poxy Boggards, Molly & the Tinker, Empty Hats |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Cairistiona Date: 25 Feb 02 - 10:00 AM I hail from the Island of Lewis (in the Outer Hebrides) although resident now at the Gaelic College on the Isle of Skye. I am a singer of Gaelic songs and have visited the US on a number of occasions. Looking forward to my next trip. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: irishajo Date: 25 Feb 02 - 10:18 AM I'm from Northwest Indiana, born and raised here. About 20 minutes from downtown Chicago. I play piano, and sing sometimes. I would like to learn more instruments, if anyone knows of a good teacher in the area. I've dabbled in the past with guitar and violin but didn't stick with it. Interested in everything, especially Celtic and Kentucky folk as my mom's side of the family comes from that region. The weather here can be crazy. Yesterday it was gorgeous in the 50s, today there's supposed to be a snowstorm. Amy |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: C-flat Date: 25 Feb 02 - 11:12 AM Been nosing round for a couple of weeks so I guess I qualify as new. I'm a guitar player mainly,(30years) I also do a little "two-fingered" mandolin and I'm working myself up to a second attempt at the banjo (I'm counting on the Mudcatters help). Home is in Middlesbrough,North East U.K. Last couple of days here have been....Sunny,Rainy,Sleety,Windy,..... We get lots of weather here!!! I like to play finger style (singer/songwriter) stuff but I also play in a couple of bands, one a Django jazz type of thing and the other mostly covers. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Jerry Rasmussen Date: 25 Feb 02 - 11:19 AM Winnie Ther Pookah: PM your e-mail, and I'll let you know the next time I'm singing up around your area. I go to NOMAD every year and almost always do a workshop of folk, along with one with my gospel quartet. We're singing five out of seven days, this week, so most of my energy is going there. But, I still make the folk circuit, too. My e-mail address is I'm down here on Route 8, so Waterbury is just around the corner.. Jerry |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: allanwill Date: 25 Feb 02 - 12:54 PM I've been posting for a few months now, but I guess I did just barge in without introducing myself. I'm from Canberra in Australia (the national capital) and have been playing guitar for 30 years plus. I've been listening to folk music since forever, and it can all be traced back to the fact that my parents had a stack of Jimmy Shand records, which they played incessantly. Was part of a little three piece group until recently (our female singer left to join the police force!), just playing at a couple of local pubs. We did mostly covers but just started to incorporate some original songs when our singer left. We are now in the process of starting from scratch again with two new singers who can actually sing in harmony, which is new for us as neither myself nor the other guy can hit a note to save our lives. Anyway, that's enough of me. Allan |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Steve in Idaho Date: 25 Feb 02 - 12:59 PM And Jerry is well worth hearing! Welcome to all who consider themselves "New" here. I might be new but not sure - Steve |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Janie Date: 25 Feb 02 - 01:00 PM I'm a "Tarheelbilly" which means I have lived in Hillsborough, North Carolina (near Durham and Chapel Hill) for 16 years but was born & bred in West Virginia and that is the 1st place to come to mind when people ask where I am from. I sing some--used to play a little guitar and autoharp, was never very good at either-- but arthritis or something has stopped that. As I stated in the other thread about newbies, my main art is appreciation. I am a fan of any kind of well done music but particularly like folk, blues, jazz, gospel, stringband, and most anything that could be called "roots" music. Thanks for asking! |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: GUEST,SlickerBill Date: 25 Feb 02 - 01:55 PM i've been comin for awhile now, but mainly as a GUEST. Keep losin my cookie; you know how it is. Anyway, I'm from southern Manitoba (Canada), and play guitar, both acoustic and electric in a variety of genres, though I very much like the roots music best. Also songwrite, and a smattering of harmonica and bodhran. SB |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Crane Driver Date: 25 Feb 02 - 02:14 PM Been here about 6 months - is that still new? I'm in South Wales, UK - the Swansea area. I sing, and play duet concertina (yeah, OK, guess which system?) and bowed psaltery, an instrument developed from a mediaeval device for slicing hard-boiled eggs. I'm a member of Baggyrinkle, a 7-strong shanty and sea-song group who will be in the States in June, and also a ceilidh band who won't. Weather? I live on the tip of the Gower peninsula, where we can expect one furious gale every winter - it starts in November and blows til March. Yeah, it's windy. Andrew |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: RolyH Date: 25 Feb 02 - 02:17 PM From Suffolk UK.Play guitar(very average)and dulcimer(just average)Main interest is trad English but have open ears to anything. It's raining (some more) |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: breezy Date: 25 Feb 02 - 02:25 PM St. Albans, herts. eng. I org the folk club on Fridays at the comfort hotel, holywell hill. like chorus songs with bags of harmony, sadly in short supply in these parts Guitar snorbens is a touristy stop |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: catspaw49 Date: 25 Feb 02 - 07:18 PM Well now, compared to harpy who started the thread, I'm a newbie. Harpgirl showed up here in late '97 and contributed a verse to "Darlin' Pal of Mine"............. "As I walk through life without you And my pleasures now are few Won't you think of me my darlin' As a maid who once loved you..." I on the other hand didn't show up til a year later in late '98 and posted some info on Open D tuning and my love for an Emmylou song, "Prayer in Open D." I can find that info and you can too because everything here is archived. If you "Search the Forum" by member name, or just click on the poster's name in the thread, you can pull up every post they ever made. The "Supersearch" will find you words and phrases in both the Digitrad (DT) and the forum. If you're looking for a song, it's the way to go. Harpy is MUCH older than I am as you can see in addition to the fact that I am far better looking.....You can see that for yourself by going to the Mudcat Photos....See the pulldown menu up there labeled "Quick Links?" Click on the Photos and you can also check out some others while you're there. When you can, send in one of your own to PeneAzul...Instructions are there as to how to do it. I hope you all have taken a few minutes (hours) to explore around the the FAQ and all the dope on searching, posting, Permathreads, Personal Messages and the like. Mudcat has a lot of features and it takes awhile to feel your way around. If you're having problems, PM one of us slightly older types and we'll be happy to help you out. Did I mention I'm a helluva' lot nicer than she is? Spaw (Pat Patterson, Bremen, Ohio) |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: lardingo Date: 25 Feb 02 - 07:38 PM This is my first day here! I just found the site yesterday. I'm from Missouri. I play 5-string banjo in a bluegrass band. I also play acoustic rhythm guitar, bass, and electric lead guitar (country only). I recently got a dobro, but I haven't had time to learn to play it yet. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: cyder_drinker Date: 25 Feb 02 - 08:56 PM OK - I'm from Bristol, UK. I play Irish flute and Fiddle. Don't post on the forum much, but usually join in the Paltalk sessions on Sundays. -- Chris |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Ian Darby Date: 25 Feb 02 - 08:59 PM Dear Harpgirl I've been here for a while, (long enough to attract abuse) and I love this place. I'm from Manchester in the U.K. and am now living in Wigan for tax reasons. I play a 'Strat (which is an absolute sweetheart) in a four piece rock 'n roll band with a combined age of 200+ years. My other instruments are Mandolin & Gob Iron. There's also a Five String Banjo, a Dulcimer which I made myself, and some whistles & keyboards. (I can just about get a tune out of these.) Thanks for the thread..... P.S. The weather is up to the usual B.S. standard, I'd tell you more but it would only upset you. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Desdemona Date: 25 Feb 02 - 09:15 PM I suppose I'm "new-ish", having been here a scant few months; I live in Massachusetts, love (primarily English, although I do have those jaded Grateful Dead/Hot Tuna/Bob Dylan/on & on & on....skeletons in my closet!) traditional music. I'm still trying to summon up the time, energy & commitment to learn an instrument, but I do so love to sing. The weather's been lovely these last few days, but here in New England it can always change......! |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Gloredhel Date: 25 Feb 02 - 09:16 PM Been here about six months. I'm from Napa, California, and if you don't know where that is you know nothing about wine. I play the harp mainly, also play piano and sing (classically trained on all counts) and just started guitar lessons. I'm 17, and have been into the Irish scene for about 5 years, besides the classical, popular standards, and a bit of Gregorian chant. Also beginning an interest in Scottish and English music. Hey E.T., you an' me oughta get together and talk shapenote! Colleen |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: harpgirl Date: 25 Feb 02 - 09:47 PM many interesting people everywhere in the world EXCEPT IN OHIO!!! Pay no attention to the man with the shriveled buckeyes behind the hospital curtain.... I came here because I saw Art Thieme was hanging out here...I'm in the north florida pineywoods...and running along the rivers... azaleas are blooming and the redbuds are out but a cold front this week will freeze all the spring blossoms...I'll have to go to Arkansas to be a springhopper this year.... welcome people....hg |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: The Pooka Date: 25 Feb 02 - 11:11 PM Colleen Gloredhel: Gregorian chant!! Classically trained, Irish scene since age *12*, branching out now; harp, piano, guitar, voice....Look what high quality this place attracts. And youth! Wow. Seriously. Amazing. (How'd I get in here....) :) |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: MediocreShepherd Date: 26 Feb 02 - 12:19 AM I'm new here. From the Isle of Cape Breton, Canada (we used to be a province you know!). I am a Sheep Farmer. I play button accordeon at the local farmer's market in Sydney unless you pay me to stop (or buy my lamb) But I only play my Penny Whistles to my sheep or along with my collection of records and CDs. I love to sing, that's the Irish in me. I try to improve my singing with practice, that's the Welsh in me. I like singing fishing songs, that's the Newfoundlander in me. I like tongue in cheek songs (and tongues and cheeks), that's the West Country English in me. I like bagpipes and drums, that's the Scotch (whisky?) in me. I traded a bunch of sheep and gear for a set of Chris Langan Uilleann pipes, now that's definitely the love of music in me 'cause it makes no business sense. The bellows belt won't go around me waist! They aren't as easy to play as the whistles! I love this café! I am young too... 44 going on 19. |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: The Pooka Date: 26 Feb 02 - 01:21 AM "Mediocre", **LOL**!! Whooo-hoo. Unbelievable. You may be a middling (Midlands?) sheep-herder but yer one helluva writer. If yer piping is 'arf as good yer a dam' Genius. God, what a place this is. / I'm coming back to The Island, by God. / Nono not fer you, young feller. Fer da Sheep. :) |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: HuwG Date: 26 Feb 02 - 04:43 AM From Roysten Vasey, home of the "League of Gentlemen". Semi-seriously ! I play folk and blues on a second-hand Yamaha F340, enthusiastically but without much finesse, at a monthly folk get-together. I also do occasional duty as sound engineer and roadie.
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Pied Piper Date: 26 Feb 02 - 05:39 AM Hi Harpgirl Ive been visiting Mudcat for 3 weeks and joined as a menber.I come from the Peoples Free Democratic Republic of Eccles,Manchester,England.Eccles is famous throughout the universe as the home of the "Eccles cake"(a type of cooky?). I play Highland pipes,Flute,whistles,Bodhran,and I've got a Bardic harp (metal strings,great sound).I mostly play traditional dance music but have ventured into Blues and North Indian classical Ragas. I'm still learning the ropes but this is a great site and I think you'l have alot of fun. Best wishes Pied Piper |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: rich-joy Date: 26 Feb 02 - 07:29 AM Hi Guyse! I'm new-ish and am now living in Maleny in sub-tropical Queensland, Australia. Been "into" things FOLK (and related forms - which covers a LOT then, I guess!) since Forever (I did the Big 5-oh thing last year). Don't play any instruments - 'cept the Voice. Love a cappella harmony singing (done quite a bit of that the last 18 years, in groups like Mna / Star Piquettes / No Strings Attached / Sweet Mermaids / Serafina / + various choirs, and currently, a trio named Raw Silk). Help run a monthly folk night at The Up Front Club, Maleny called "A Bit Of FOLK On The Side" - anyone in town on the first Saturday of the month is welcome. This part of the world (Sunshine Coast Hinterland)is also home to the famous and fantabulous Woodford Folk Festival, held every Christmas/New Year on a reclaimed dairy farm amongst the hills of Woodford. Anyone who'd like a warm Festive Season holiday, without cold and snow, amongst a kaleidoscope of music styles and experiences, is encouraged to make the journey Down Under - you won't be disappointed!! Checkout the site at - or ask people like Kristina Olsen for their opinion!! I started dropping into the 'Cat about 18 months ago and though not a regular poster, I now can't imagine life on the Net without it - it's a GREAT site and forum - Heartfelt THANKS to ALL those who help keep it going ... R-J |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: JeZeBeL Date: 26 Feb 02 - 08:14 PM Well, I guess I'm still newish. Been here a year. 21 years old. Yet another young folkie!! Unfortunately I associate with 422 and The Pack at festivals for u english catters. I play trumpet, bodhran, penny whistle, piano accordion, flute, djembi ermmmmm...that's it at the moment. the weather is rubbish, looks like we're going to flood again,..........that's about itno p6777777777777 / //gfffffffgvxskllllllllllll and that's my cat Peanut who wants to learn to type. she loves this keyboard, and the mudcat!! Jez |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: Willie-O Date: 26 Feb 02 - 08:42 PM Nice to see all you folks here. You can ignore Spaw or swipe back, which I think he prefers. Got me to wondering just how long I have been hanging around this cybercafe. Apparently since Feb 99 under my current appellation. Posted some under my real name (Bill Cameron) before then. I am not as goodlooking as harpgirl but a damn site more attractive than Spaw. If you go for over-the-hill folkies in the first place. Nice to see there's at least one new Canuck in the bunch. Willie-O |
Subject: RE: Where are the new folk 'cats from? From: George Seto - Date: 26 Feb 02 - 08:59 PM Welcome to Slickerbill, from another Canadian. I'm in Nova Scotia. Hi Willie. Nice seeing you again. I've been here for quite a while. Somewhere around October/November of '98. |
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