Subject: Lyr Add: COPPER KETTLE From: Little Hawk Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:18 PM I think that one of the great classics in this genre is "COPPER KETTLE" (known to some as "Lay There By the Juniper").
Get you a copper kettle, get you a copper coil,
Build you a fire with hickory, hickory and ash and oak,
My daddy he made whiskey, my granddaddy did too, Does anyone know any more verses for it? Or...suggest a classic alcoholic?s song of your own. Let's see what we can come up with here...
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Pinetop Slim Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:20 PM You bring that Gillian Welch line to mind: That old copper kettle made a fool out of me. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SeanM Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:22 PM Hmmm... I first saw this and thought songs for alcoholics such as THE DRUNKARD'S CHILD, which may well win an award for the most over the top soppy and untintentionally funny temperance song ever... M |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Little Hawk Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:28 PM Oh man, I have GOT to hear that one... |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Sorcha Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:29 PM RYE WHISKEY |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SINSULL Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:31 PM Tear jerker: "COME HOME FATHER" and "PLEASE DON'T SELL MY DADDY NO MORE WINE". Jack of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds I know you from old You rob my poor pockets of silver and gold If the ocean was whiskey and I was a duck I would dive to the bottom and never come up But the ocean ain't whiskey and I ain't no duck So I'll play Jack of Diamonds and count on my luck. Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry If you don't give me rye whiskey, I know I will die I eat when I'm hungry and drink when I'm dry And if moonshine don't kill meI will live 'til I die. My brother Bill has a still on the hill He stands 'bout 4'9" But he thinks he's a giant if you give him half a pint Of that good old mountain dew They call it that good old mountain dew dew dew Them that refuse it are few But I'll rustle up my mug if you'll fill up my jug With that good old mountain dew. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: oggie Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:34 PM Richard Thompson 'God Loves a Drunk' All the best Steve |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: MMario Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:34 PM THE PUB WITH NO BEER Jug o punch [actually, when I am drunk, any song that comes to mind] |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Wesley S Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:43 PM My favorite is "Tonight the bottle let me down". The Gillian Welch song mentioned earlier is called "TEAR MY STILLHOUSE DOWN".
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Amergin Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:44 PM Don't forget NANCY WHISKEY.....and here's another one.....The Drunkard King |
Subject: Lyr Add: FATHER, DEAR FATHER, COME HOME^^^ From: SINSULL Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:44 PM Leave me alone. I'm having fun. FATHER, DEAR FATHER, COME HOME Father, dear Father, come home with me now. The clock in the steeple strikes one. You said you were coming right home from the shop As soon as your day's work was done. The fire has gone out, the house is all dark, And Mother's been waiting since tea With poor little Benny so sick in her arms And no one to help her but me. CHORUS: "Come home, come home, come home. Please Father, dear Father, come home." These are the words of a child Which the night winds repeat as they roam. Oh, who could resist this most plaintive of prayers? "Please Father, dear Father, come home." Father, dear Father, come home with me now. The clock in the steeple strikes two. The night has grown colder and Benny is worse And he has been calling for you. Indeed he is worse. Ma says he will die Perhaps before morning has dawned, And this is the message she sent me to bring: "Come quickly or he will be gone." CHORUS Father dear Father come home with me now The clock in the steeple strikes three The house is so lonely. The night is so long For poor weeping Mother and me. Yes, we are alone. Poor Benny is dead, And gone with the angels of light. And these are the very last words that he said: "I want to kiss papa goodnight." CHORUS Obviously this was written as a plea for a Temperance Movement. A treasure that my Nana used to sing. Mary |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Jon Freeman Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:50 PM BOOZING Jon |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SINSULL Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:51 PM The Champagne Chorus from Fledermaus. Am I missing an "i"? |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: MMario Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:54 PM Blue bleedin' blind drunk! |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Mark Clark Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:55 PM THERE STANDS THE GLASS ONE FOR MY BABY (AND ONE MORE FOR THE ROAD) A Six Pack To Go Wasting Away In Margaritaville DON'T COME HOME A-DRINKIN' (With Lovin' On Your Mind) WHITE LIGHTNIN' - Mark |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SINSULL Date: 09 Aug 00 - 04:59 PM Cracklin' Rose? |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Amergin Date: 09 Aug 00 - 05:01 PM Why Don't We Get Drunk And Screw? |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Midchuck Date: 09 Aug 00 - 05:03 PM Someone mentioned The Old Dun Cow already, but it approaches being my favorite. When I have more energy, I'll type in the words to Only Drinking Beer by Dick McCormack (who is featured today in the New England section of the Wall Street Journal, tho' I doubt anyone on here gets it). Peter. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SINSULL Date: 09 Aug 00 - 05:09 PM DRUNKEN SAILOR Mrs. Robinson |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SINSULL Date: 09 Aug 00 - 05:14 PM THREE JOVIAL HUNTSMEN |
Subject: Lyr Add: ANOTHER DRINKIN' SONG^^ From: Mbo Date: 09 Aug 00 - 05:26 PM ANOTHER DRINKIN' SONG by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones Gonna dive into a dive I've dove into before Gonna haunt a haunt I've haunted like a million times before A familiar joint where getting drunks' the only point To frequent this place with any frquency at all Counting on a remedy I've counted on before Goin' with the cure that's never failed me What you call the disease, I call the remedy What you're calling the cause, I call the cure Gonna sing a song, a song to you, a song I've sung before Belt out a ballad that I've belted out a million times or more The words I'm gonna scream, and getting drunks' the central theme To the lyrics, if you can make the lyrics out at all Just a devotion to a potion Now please, no applause A dedication to a medication A crutch, a cure, a cause What I've counted on to pick me up Has knocked me to my knees Before I hit the floor once more I'll call it the disease Counting on a remedy I've counted on before Goin' with the cure that's never failed me What you call the disease, I call the remedy What you're calling the cause, I call the cure |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Sorcha Date: 09 Aug 00 - 05:49 PM BOTTLE OF WINE (friend of mine...), Keg O' Brandy. and do just tunes count? There is Farewell to Whiskey, Whiskey Before Breakfast, Whiskey You're the Devil....... |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Rich(stupidbodhranplayerwhodoesn'tknowbetter Date: 09 Aug 00 - 05:54 PM "I Saw a Man at the Close of the Day" traditional associated with Doc Watson "Wharf Rat" The Grateful Dead "Nil se na La" Irish traditional song about the "fhear gan ciall, ce d'fhag me chios i mo scornach" literally the man without sense who left his rent($) in his throat Rich |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SINSULL Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:00 PM LANDLORD FILL THE FLOWING BOWL |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Nynia Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:09 PM What about Doh - the stuff that buys me beer Ray - the guy who sells me beer Me - the guy who drinks the beer Fah - The distance to my beer Soh - I think I'll have beer La - La, la, la, la, la, la, beer Tea - No thanks I'm drinking beer That will bring us back to........... Nynia. |
Subject: Lyr Add: Layin' in the Gutter(?)^^ From: Downeast Bob Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:14 PM Dunno if I can make the lines break properly, but here goes: Layin' in the gutter, pretzels in my beard; Shirt all stained with whisky; I thought the end was near; 'Til the Salvation Army comes; And Saves me from the hearse; Let's all bust a gut now and sing another verse: Chorus: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Throw a nickel on the drum, save another drunken bum. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Throw a nickel on the drum, and you'll be saved. Way up in heaven where there is no snow; And all year round, the watermelons grow; Where the rich man, the poor man, the gentile and the Jew; All sit together in the same damn pew. Oh there'll be no distinctions there. There'll be no distinctions there. The Lord is good the Lord is just; The Lord is head of the railroad trust. There'll be no distinctions there. Chorus HTML line breaks added. -JoeClone 17-Jan-2001. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Diva Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:17 PM FATHOM THE BOWL, and forgive me for being pedantic but BLUE BLEEZING BLIND DRUNK which I sing as Mickey's Warning, is really about wife beating. |
Subject: Lyr Add: O Come, Come Away^^ From: Burke Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:19 PM O Come, Come Away This is in the Sacred Harp. I've been told there is a drinking song that known to the same tune in England.
Oh come, come away,
Lyrics: Bradbury's Orila, 1859 |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Micca Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:23 PM And of course theres this one that Liz the Squeak sings: ALCOHOLIC'S ANTHEM |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SINSULL Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:25 PM THE FACE ON THE BARROOM FLOOR. Perfect Nynia. Says it all. And Little Hawk, thanks for the thread. Finally found a place to make a sizeable contribution. |
Subject: Lyr Add: ALCOHOLIC'S ANTHEM^^^ From: Morticia Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:27 PM ALCOHOLICS ANTHEM
Wahts the use of drinking tea, indulging in sobriety
Mix yourself a shandy,drown yourself a brandy
Aberattions metabolic, ceilings that are hyperbolic this is, I think, to the tune of Men of idea who wrote it. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Morticia Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:30 PM bugger.....Micca and I must have submitted at the same time...could have done without the typing :) |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SINSULL Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:39 PM SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO HOME that great ditty from "Jaws" "Get Me To The Church On Time" |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Amergin Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:44 PM Christy Moore's DELERIUM TREMENS |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Diva Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:47 PM I've remembered another one...The Drunkard...used to sing it can't remember the words (could be the drink), anyway its on Steeleye Span's Rocket Cottage album. |
Subject: Lyr Add: IN PRAISE OF ALCOHOL (Robert W. Service^^ From: Jeri Date: 09 Aug 00 - 06:51 PM Bottle o' the Best for single malt fanatics. Here's one I didn't see in the DT and could do the tune up (next week - I'm going away for the weekend) if anyone's interested. In Praise of Alcohol Words: Robert W. Service Set to music by David Parry Of vintage wine I am a lover To drink deep would be my delight If 'twere not for the bleak hangover I'd get loaded every night I'd whoop it up with songs and laughter, Whoop it up with songs and laughter Whoop it up with songs and laughter If 'twere not for the morning after. Although to soberness I'm given It is a thought I've often thunk The nearest that is earth to heaven Is to get sublimely drunk Is to achieve divine elation To achieve divine elation To achieve divine elation By means of generous libation Alas, the winecups claim their payment And as the price is often pain If we could know what morning grey meant We never would get soused again Rather than buy a hobnailed liver Rather than buy a hobnailed liver Rather than buy a hobnailed liver I'm sure that we'd abstain forever. But how I love that glow of liquor As joyfully I drink it up Hoping that unto life's last flicker With praise I'll raise the ruby cup So let me like a jolly monk So let me like a jolly monk So let me like a jolly monk Proceed to get sublimely drunk. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Micca Date: 09 Aug 00 - 07:00 PM Morty, that blue clicky tells the author too. |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE WRECK ON THE HIGHWAY^^^ From: thosp Date: 09 Aug 00 - 07:02 PM THE WRECK ON THE HIGHWAY (Dorsey Dixon) Who did you say it was brother? Who was it fell by the way? When whiskey and blood run together Did you hear anyone pray? cho: I didn't hear nobody pray, dear brother I didn't hear nobody pray I heard the crash on the highway But I didn't hear nobody pray. When I heard the crash on the highway I knew what it was from the start I went to the scene of destruction And a picture was stamped on my heart. There was whiskey and blood all together Mixed with glass where they lay Death played her hand in destruction But I didn't hear nobody pray. I wish I could change this sad story That I am now telling you But there is no way I can change it For somebody's life is now through. Their soul has been called by the Master They died in a crash on the way And I heard the groans of the dying But I didn't hear nobody pray. peace (Y) thosp HTML line breaks added. -JoeClone 17-Jan-2001. |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE PIG GOT UP AND SLOWLY WALKED AWAY From: Little Hawk Date: 09 Aug 00 - 07:02 PM about's not a song, it's a poem:
'Twas in early last December |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: thosp Date: 09 Aug 00 - 07:21 PM Little Hawk -----lolpeace (Y) thosp |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: reggie miles Date: 09 Aug 00 - 07:43 PM Demon Alchohol, can't remember the author I Want To Be In A Barroom, by Robert Oneman Johnson |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Quincy Date: 09 Aug 00 - 09:00 PM What about the Dubliner's "SEVEN DRUNKEN NIGHTS?" (If you've got the money Ive got the time!!) Also "The Pub Crawl" "GIVE THE WOMAN IN THE BED MORE PORTER" and of course "THE MOONSHINER" -Yvonne |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: MMario Date: 09 Aug 00 - 09:38 PM I din't say blue bleezzin blind drunk, I said blue bleedin' blind drunk, which is about husband beating if anything.... |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Mark Clark Date: 09 Aug 00 - 10:54 PM Used to sing one years ago and now this is all I can remember:
Away, away with rum by gum, Maybe someone else knows this or where it came from. A tongue in cheek temperance song that I only have a chorus for is sung to the tune of Wabash Cannonball:
We're against all forms of gamblin', - Mark
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: dick greenhaus Date: 09 Aug 00 - 11:02 PM Most of the lyrics submitted here are in DigiTrad. Try a search for @drink, if you want some more. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Little Hawk Date: 09 Aug 00 - 11:11 PM Those who are against sex had better be prepared for extinction. To the devil with the WCTU. Och, I'll drink tae that! |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Mark Clark Date: 09 Aug 00 - 11:12 PM Thanks Dick... I needed that! Of course there are several versions of "Rum by Gum" in the DT. I was not able to find any hint of the second snippet though. Maybe it will seem familiar to someone. - Mark |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Margaret V Date: 09 Aug 00 - 11:43 PM "Drinkin' in My Sunday Dress" is a grand, silly song by Maria McKee; starts off something like:
I can barely feel the sheets |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: JamesJim Date: 10 Aug 00 - 12:20 AM Not sure of the name (Travelled this wide world over?), but first verse: I came home the other night, as drunk as I could be and I saw a horse in the stable, where my horse ought to be. I said to my wife, my pretty little wife, explain this thing to me, what's this horse doing here in the stable where my horse ought to be. She said, "you old fool, you blind fool, can't you plainly see, it's nothing but a milkcow, my mother sent to me. Well I've travelled this wide world over, a million miles or more, but a bridle and saddle on a milkcow, I never did see before. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Elise Date: 10 Aug 00 - 01:15 AM THREE DRUNKEN MAIDENS and Get that child some porter |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Hutzul Date: 10 Aug 00 - 01:20 AM WHISKEY ON A SUNDAY or COME DAY, GO DAY La Traviata, Act One Follow the Fold, from "Guys & Dolls" Judy Henske's Salvation Army Song G-L-O-R-Y I'm S-A-V-E-D I'm so H-A-P-P-Y To be F-R-Double E F-R-Double E From the ways of S-I-N Glory, glory, hallaluya Tra la la, Amen |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: alison Date: 10 Aug 00 - 01:33 AM James/Jim, it's a version of 'seven drunken nights/ seven nights drunk etc.. I'm sure it's in the database.... and there are plenty of threads if you do a search slainte alison |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: BigDaddy Date: 10 Aug 00 - 01:50 AM "Glasgow Mother's Lullaby." Definitely! |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE MAN BEHIND THE BAR^^ From: GUEST,Owlkat Date: 10 Aug 00 - 02:29 AM Hi, I found some of this on a bartowel in a restaurant in Vancouver. I don't know the original author, and I've added liberally to the verses and added a chorus. The folk process; love it or leave it. Cheers, Owl. THE MAN BEHIND THE BAR (trad-anon, adapted by M. Waldman c97) Now give me your attention, some quiet if you please, There's something needing mention, so set yourselves at ease. I've come to sing the praises of a man we all hold dear The publican who serves to us, our whiskey, wine and beer. CHORUS: He's the Rock of old Gibraltar, he's the road to Mandalay, Eternally dependable, he works his life away, Never failing in his duty, he's the best of us by far, Good health to him, and wealth to him/ the man behind the bar. (Raise beers to him, here's cheers to him/A pint or glass, full to the brim) For the man behind the bar . He deserves a hero's medal for the many lives he's saved, And upon the role of honour, his name should be engraved. He deserves a lot of credit for the way he stands the strain For the yarns he has to swallow would drive most of us insane. He pays the highest license, he pays the highest rent, He battles daily with the bank and pays their ten percent, When it comes to paying bills he must be Johnny on the spot, And he pays for all the drink he sells whether you pay him or not. Though he's scorned by representatives in every parliament, To blame for every stinking sot who ever drank the rent, They'll gladly belly to his bar to tipple and relax, And line their bulging pockets with his heavy liquor tax. There's the clergy in the pulpit, and the preachers in the hall Who assure him that the churches are against him one and all But every time they plan to hold a ballot or bazaar They start by selling tickets to the man behind the bar Now when you walk into his bar, he'll greet you with a smile Be you worker dressed in overalls or a banker dressed in style, If you're Irish, English, Scot, or Welsh, it doesn't matter what He'll treat you like a gentleman until you prove you're not While pulling stout may seem to be his only lot in life, You'd never even know he had a daughter or a wife, But lest you get too tipsy and your flirting gets too far, You'd better have a running start on the man behind the bar When he retires a job well done, to await six feet of soil, Discards his coat and apron, no more on earth to toil, When St. Peter sees him coming, he will hold the gates ajar For he'll know who's been through Hell on Earth, it's the man behind the bar. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Lena Date: 10 Aug 00 - 02:43 AM Oggie,thanks for reminding me about that beautiful song. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 10 Aug 00 - 04:35 AM ALL FOR ME GROG! And it's all for me grog, me noggin nogging grog, All for me beer and tobbaco And so on Ella |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Fibula Mattock Date: 10 Aug 00 - 05:54 AM "GOOD ALE" Mind you, the drunken students round my way like to sing "The Fields of Athenry" very loudly at 3 am, so perhaps that's a contender. The Beer Necessities of Life.... |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Sorcha Date: 10 Aug 00 - 11:05 AM THE HUMORS OF WHISKEY (Stick to the Crayture), |
Subject: Lyr Add: LIQUOR, BEER, AND WINE^^ From: GUEST Date: 10 Aug 00 - 01:36 PM LIQUOR, BEER, AND WINE Reverend Horton Heat The doctor says I'm livin' On precious borrowed time, With all the time I'm givin', To liquor, beer, and wine. The X-rays of my liver, Look like molded old Swiss cheese, My heart pumps blood and alcohol, Through hardened arteries. Everybody knows me, Down at the local bar, I drink until I can't see, And I wonder where you are. I guess I let my health go, Since you quit bein' mine, But there was nothing to replace you, Except liquor, beer, and wine. (Chorus) Liquor, beer and wine, Is the flashing sign I see, Every single morning I get up, It's buzzing down at me. I look up to the heavens, For a ray of hope to shine, And there it is in neon, Liquor, beer, and wine. Ever since you've left me, I've lived out of my car, Parked between the liquor store, And Uncle Bubba's bar. Booze helps ease the heartache, But you're constantly in mind, As constant as that buzzing noise, Of Uncle Bubba's sign. (Chorus) |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SINSULL Date: 10 Aug 00 - 02:30 PM WyoWoman suggested a Smothers Brothers ditty in another thread: "CRABS WALK SIDEWAYS" |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST Date: 10 Aug 00 - 02:58 PM I don't want to spoil your fun, but as someone who works with people who have had their lives destroyed by alcohol, I thought I should suggest clicking here to give a bit of balance. A member (who has had enough of posting under her own name) |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST Date: 10 Aug 00 - 03:01 PM Sorry, I mean't here |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Sorcha Date: 10 Aug 00 - 04:04 PM I was thinking about that too, and wondered if the number of songs/tunes/posts on this thread says anything about (our? neaning musician/folkie/bloozie) lifestyle................ |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Philippa Date: 10 Aug 00 - 04:18 PM sometime ago I asked about a country western song called One Drink is One Too Many; a Thousand's [100??]Not Enough" I didn't find it here or at cowpie. It would be a good song for this thread if anyone knows it. And unfortunately, for a lot of opeople the title is very true. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Liz the Squeak Date: 10 Aug 00 - 06:19 PM The Kippers do a good one, vaguely about temperance, but I'm too "tired and emotional" to get to the CD rack and find out what it is..... They also do Wassail.
Wassail, wassail, we'll tell you wassail, LTS
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: mg Date: 11 Aug 00 - 03:56 AM DRY CARDRONA on Ed Trickett record, Moonshine can, |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 11 Aug 00 - 04:30 AM John Prime's Daddy long legs song The one about a drunken walk home and he talks to the creatures. Round she goes heel to the toe etc Sorry having a blonde moment and can't remember... Ella (not blonde at all) REEL IN THE FLICKERING LIGHT - posted below. --JoeClone, 30-Jan-05. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: bflat Date: 11 Aug 00 - 05:54 AM Mary Gauthier has a song: "I Drink" on her Drag Queens and Limousines CD. bflat |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Michael in Swansea Date: 11 Aug 00 - 06:30 AM JOCK STEWART, I'm a rover, seldom sober.....M |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Amergin Date: 11 Aug 00 - 06:50 AM CARRICKFERGUS.... |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: PoohBear Date: 12 Aug 00 - 02:15 AM I like beer... It makes me a jolly good fellow. There's Sober Men in Plenty [RAMBLIN' ROVER] Drive Us to Drink Nancy Whiskey All for Me Grog |
Subject: Lyr Add: PILGRIM (Bob Gibson) From: Art Thieme Date: 14 Aug 00 - 03:28 PM BOB GIBSON wrote this in the 1980s--when he was recovering from various substances. It's a fine song for alcoholics: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deep in the darkness I have known,
......I journey step by step along,
BRIDGE: Yesterday is history--tomorrow is a mystery,
And though this journey is my own,
......We journey step by step along, Art Thieme
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: P05139 Date: 14 Aug 00 - 08:50 PM I know I'm too young to drink but when I was 9 or 10 I used to sing The Gulls Of Invergordon and MOUNTAIN DEW! I can't see WHISKEY IN THE JAR either! |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Judy Cook Date: 14 Aug 00 - 10:06 PM One of my favorites is "SHINGLING THE RUM SELLERS ROOF" that Joe Hickerson recorded for Folk Legacy. --Judy Cook |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Art Thieme Date: 14 Aug 00 - 10:21 PM Hey, Judy, Your new CD is wonderful! I hope you're selling a bunch of 'em. Folks, for those of you who don't realize it, Judy and Dennis Cook are mainstays of the Folk Society Of Greater Washington (D.C.). She does more with an al capone voice---er, I mean a-capella voice, (unaccompanied) than most any ballad singer I've ever heard. Grand variations/versions of the big ballads. If you enjoy traditional balladry, you'll find surprising gems throughout the CD.
Art Thieme |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Grab Date: 15 Aug 00 - 09:24 AM No-one mentioned "WASN'T THAT A PARTY" by Tom Paxton, or "Out behind the Gypsy's" (although that's more a pot-head song)? Highly recommended. There's something from one of my gran's songbooks called "A SONG OF WATER" which is pretty good too (although I've got to update the lyrics slightly since they're showing their Victorian origins a bit). More depressing - you've always got "FAIRYTALE OF NEW YORK", or Beautiful South's "Woman in the wall". Grab. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Naemanson Date: 15 Aug 00 - 09:27 AM How about Tanglefoot's "Drunken Dummer Survey" |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Roger in Baltimore Date: 15 Aug 00 - 09:42 AM Art, Any chance of getting a tune to the Bob Gibson song? Roger in Baltimore |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Art Thieme Date: 15 Aug 00 - 11:28 AM Roger, I'll be sending you a personal message. Art |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: P05139 Date: 15 Aug 00 - 01:06 PM Grab, had you forgotten The Beautiful South's "Liars Bar" from their "Blue Is The Colour" album?! |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,SusanGoo Date: 15 Aug 00 - 01:33 PM Dear Friends, While not exactly singable, don't forget to find the "commercial" for "Irish Drinking Songs" from Saturday Night Live from sometime during the 90's. Should be on one of those "best of..." videos. I taped it a couple years ago and play it every St. Patrick's day for all my ne'er do well friends. My favorite is "The Incoherent Song," which is just what you might expect. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: MAG (inactive) Date: 15 Aug 00 - 05:42 PM No no no no, I don't ( ) no more I'm tired of waking up on the floor No no no no ... Then it makes it hard to find the door. -- Ringo That's THE NO-NO SONG by Hoyt Axton. Ringo Starr covered it. --JoeClone, 30-Jan-05. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,billmcgow Date: 15 Aug 00 - 06:06 PM Alcohol- by the kinks |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Brendy Date: 15 Aug 00 - 07:02 PM THE FOXY DEVIL. Written by Joe Dolan (the Galway one), and recorded by Christy Moore on 'The Iron Behind The Velvet' album (Tara 1978). The title of the album is symbolic of the morning after the night before. Another great one is Andy Fairweather-Lowe's 'Wide Eyed and Legless. B. |
Subject: Lyr Add: GOD OF WINE (Third Eye Blind)^^ From: hesperis Date: 16 Aug 00 - 02:28 AM My absolute favorite Christmas carol, I've loved it since before ever I tasted ale --- Yech! Blft! Wassail, Wassail ~ Traditional "Wassail, wassail all over the town Our bread it is white and our ale it is brown..." Wish I could remember the rest... Sang it in choir a few (too many) years back for a reading of A Christmas Carol. My favorite arrangement is by Chip Davis of Mannheim Steamroller, very 80's but it's been the traditional Christmas album in my house for a long time now. Aha! GLOUCESTERSHIRE WASSAIL I know slightly different lyrics, I'll have to find them now. And we sang it much faster than that midi is at. This is close enough though. Mudcat RULEZ! Here's anither, I much prefer wine: God of Wine ~ Third Eye Blind (I really don't know why I like this song. It's not good. IMHO.) Every thought that I repent There's another chip you haven't spent And you're cashing them all in Where do we begin To get clean again Can we get clean again I walk home alone with you And the mood you're born into Sometimes you let me in And I take it on the chin I can't get clean again I want to know Can we get clean again The God of Wine comes crashing through The headlights of a car that Took you farther than you thought you'd ever want to go We can't get back again We can't get back again She takes a drink and then she waits The alcohol it permeates And soon the cells give way And cancels out the day I can't keep it all together I know... I can't keep it all together And the siren's song that is your madness Holds a truth I can't erase All alone on your face Every glamorous sunrise Throws the planets out of time A star sign out of whack A fraudulent zodiac And the God of Wine is crouched down in my room You let me down I said it Now I'm going down And you're not even around And I said no... I can't keep it all together I know... I can't keep it all together And there's a memory of a window Looking through I see you Searching for something I could never give you And there's someone who understands you More than I do A sadness I can't erase All alone on your face It's a good song for just chillin' to, though. *How* did it get to be 2:31 AM?! Ye Gads! Goodnight! ~*sirepseh*~ |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Rich(stupidbodhran.......) Date: 16 Aug 00 - 11:55 AM PLEASE, DADDY (DON'T GET DRUNK THIS CHRISTMAS). by John Denver Rich |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST, Date: 07 Feb 02 - 03:36 PM Words wanted to "please don't sell my daddy no more wine,no more wine,momma dont want him drinkin' all the time,all the time". |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Joe_F Date: 07 Feb 02 - 06:51 PM Mama don't want no rice, no peas, no kerosene oil, All she wants is whisky, whisky all the time. "PLEASE SELL NO MORE DRINK TO MY FATHER" "Landlord, Fill the Flowing Bowl" and, of course, the enormous repertoire of German beer & wine songs. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Amos Date: 07 Feb 02 - 06:59 PM BLUES IN THE BOTTLE Blues in the bottle Where do you think you're at? You went and kicked my dog, And now you drowned my cat!! Mark, the song you mention is called "THE SONG OF THE TEMPERANCE UNION", and it should be in the DT. It starts out,
"We're coming, we're coming, our brave little band! A |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Amos Date: 07 Feb 02 - 07:01 PM Ah, yes ... here it is, Mark!. Regards, A. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,oulmole Date: 07 Feb 02 - 09:33 PM 1. Thanks to member/Guest (who said she's had enough of posting under own name)for posting a link to a serious Alcoholism thread. She's right, y'know. (Yeah. We know. We KNOW!) 2. "That said", as They say (whoever the hell THEY are)(now THERE's a thread!) : those who already nominated "All For Me Grog" and "Carrickfergus" beat me to the punch. So to speak. (Hey! "Jug of Punch". There ye go.) Terrific down-and-out-alkie songs, those 2. But on the more-popular irresponsible lighter note (*higher* plane?), may I add "Roisin the Bow" [Would that be ROSIN THE BEAU? --JoeClone, 30-Jan-05.], "DRINK UP THE CIDER", and "CRUISCÍN LÁN"./ (Why do we make light of this? No, nevermind. Don't answer that. We know...) -- Joe in Connecticut |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Mark Clark Date: 08 Feb 02 - 12:18 AM Thanks, Amos. There are more verses there than I remember hearing. I'll have to get busy. Now if I could just get a line on that one about the WCTU. It's possible it was written by an old friend of mine and never published anywhere. I'll have to look him up and see if he remembers it. - Mark |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,madwaff Date: 08 Feb 02 - 04:30 AM How 'bout Maddy Prior's Happy Hour Highball? (I'm never going to touch another dirnk..) think it's on the 'Changing Winds' album madwaff |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Hilary - not logged in Date: 08 Feb 02 - 07:31 AM I only know the chorus to this one :
Fancy them calling it Poison, Or PREAB SAN ÓL, which tranlates to something like Drinking With Spirit or Jump into Drinking Hilary |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: SharonA Date: 08 Feb 02 - 10:39 AM Unbelievable! 94 posts and nobody mentioned the Allan Sherman song, "The Drinking Man's Diet"!!! |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST Date: 08 Feb 02 - 02:08 PM I prefer The Bottle Is Almost Empty by Simani.
But now I'm finally sober
The bottle's finally empty |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Dale Date: 08 Feb 02 - 02:12 PM Then again, I guess I could put my name to that one. I always forget. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Wyrd Sister Date: 08 Feb 02 - 02:22 PM Cockersdale's "DOIN' THE MANCH" |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: JeZeBeL Date: 08 Feb 02 - 07:22 PM Just the one, by the levellers. I'll get you the words and post them on the thread. this involves the long task of listening to the song and writing it down!! Back in a couple of weeks!! Jez xxx |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Desdemona Date: 08 Feb 02 - 08:30 PM "Trudge away quickly and fill the black bowl..." by Thomas Ravenscroft, circa early 17th c. The refrain is, "for still methinks one tooth is dry!" |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Haruo Date: 08 Feb 02 - 10:28 PM It's still not clear if this thread is really about songs for alcoholics, or about songs for drunks, or both. 'Tain't the same people and 'tain't the same songs, not 'tirely. Of course for sober alcoholics both my Fremont Hymn and what Guest Hutzul, above and a year and a half ago, called Judy Henski's Salvation Army Song (I've always called it my Salvation Army Song, since I've never known whose it really was) come to mind, but the song I'm really surprised to see neither here nor in the DT is Let [Her] Sleep Under the Bar ("Her" is sometimes "Nellie"): 'Twas a cold winter's evening, The guests were all leaving, O'Leary was closing the bar, When he turned 'round and said To that lady in red, "Go home! You can't stay where you are!" She shed a sad tear In her bucket of beer As she dreamt of the cold night ahead, When a gentleman dapper Stepped out of the phone booth And these are the words that he said: Her mother never told her all the things a young girl should know, About the ways of fancy men, and how they come and go (mostly go)... Age has taken her beauty, And sin has left its sad scar, So remember your mothers and sisters, boys, And let [her] sleep under the bar. I'm pretty sure I learned it as a kid from the 1954 IOCA Dick/Beth Best Song Fest. And yes, there was an Esperanto version sung round the campfire at NOREK back probably about 1982, and I think printed in an ephemeral form. Some of the words are variable in my memory (not merely her/Nellie): "a sad/him a", "dreamt/thought", "told/taught", "fancy/college", at least. Liland |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Guest Date: 08 Feb 02 - 11:41 PM Didn't read the entire thread, so it may have been mentioned: LIVERPOOL LULLABY O you are a mucky kid, dirty as a dustbin lid When he finds out the things you did You'll get a belt from your da' |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Catherine Jayne Date: 08 Feb 02 - 11:46 PM The only songs Jez and I know about alcoholics are rather rude and are best heard down the local pub after quite a few beers.........if you want to hear them u will have to feed us copious amounts of alcohol first!!!! with love from two alcoholic catters!!! Jez and Cat xxx |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,SharonA at the library Date: 09 Feb 02 - 02:04 PM What about "OLD BLEVINS" by the Austin Lounge Lizards? |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Tracey Dragonsfriend Date: 10 Feb 02 - 10:54 AM And from the rockier end of the blues line: One Bourbon, one Scotch, and one Beer... (You got me on ) Milk & Alcohol
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Arkie Date: 10 Feb 02 - 08:19 PM Christmas In the Drunk Tank, or Fairytale in New York has already been mentioned. Little Hawk's poem, has been set to music and is called The PIG AND THE INEBRIATE and also The Pig Got Up and Slowly Walked Away. One of my favorites is D.W. Washburn, an old Coaster song, but my favorite version was recorded by Mike Dowling. Also THE NIGHT I STOLE OLD SAMMY MORGAN'S GIN, by Hank Snow. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: E.T. Date: 10 Feb 02 - 10:03 PM old camp song - 99 bottles of beer on the wall... old vaudeville - "CHAMPAGNE CHARLIE is my name" Don't remember the formal title: "Landlord fill the flowing bowl, until it doth run over (2x) For tonight we'll merry be (3x) Tomorrow we'll be sober!" FYI - Francils Willard House in Evanston, IL 60201 may have WCTU songs. They started it, after all.
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Genie Date: 03 Apr 02 - 07:27 PM Well, I was looking thru these old "drinking song" threads because that's the theme of an upcoming song circle in San Diego, so I thought I would add a couple of mentions that are relevant to this thread: Nancy Whiskey Friends In Low Places The Midnight Choir LITTLE BROWN JUG Genie |
Subject: Lyr Add: SHE MOVED THROUGH THE FAIR (parody) From: GUEST, Date: 04 Apr 02 - 08:57 AM Yup the Kippers did some fine alcoholic songs. Drink, boys, drink, and see that you do not spill, For if you do, you shall drink two, For that is our master's will. My favourite is the parody of SHE MOVED THROUGH THE FAIR which goes in this sort of vein. Apologies to Sid and Henry if I have mistranslated from the trunch original. My young love said to me, "My father won't mind, And my ma won't mind either, for with drink she is blind." As she fell down atop me this was her refrain: "O-o-o it will not be long, love, till they're open again." And she moved away from me and fell down the stair, And slowly I heard her trip here and crash there, And she went away from me one over the eight, And like a swan in the evening, she fell into the lake. Last night she came to me. Dead drunk she came in, And so softly she burped, I could scarce smell the gin, And she fell down on top me. This was her refrain: "O-o-o it will not be long love till they're open again." |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Catherine Jayne Date: 04 Apr 02 - 10:20 AM One tequila, Two tequila, Three tequila......give me some more!!!!!........well perhaps JD or Vodka!!!! cat |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: The Walrus at work Date: 04 Apr 02 - 12:39 PM This is definitely songs for drunks (not for alcoholics) Someone beat me to "Champagne Charlie", so I'll add the music Hall song "Another Little Drink (Won't do us any harm)" or one snippet I picked up from my late Father "More Beer and Bugger the Band of Hope!" or from the Great War "BOOZING, Boozing, Boozing (always bloody-well boozing)" or "DRUNK LAST NIGHT". Walrus |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Gareth Date: 04 Apr 02 - 01:22 PM Sureley "One tequila, Two tequila, Three tequila, FLOOR !" Gareth
PS Is it me being ignorant but we seem to have missed, |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Bobert Date: 04 Apr 02 - 02:18 PM Danged, howz about ol Tom T. Hall's "I LIKE BEER" which started out something like...ahhh..."In some of my songs I have casually mentioned, the fact that I like to drink beer." Or the old blues song that Badboy George Thorogood rerecorded entitled "One Bourbon, One Scotch, and One Beer" or the one he probably penned himself "I Drink Alone"... Then there was one that Conway Twitty wrote. I can't remember the name but the chorus was: "I've been too busy drinking, She's been too busy thinking, About the man dadadada... And the man she never sees... Lord's she's allready stood for...More than I was ever good for... And this time I've hurt her more than she loves me."
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Genie Date: 04 Apr 02 - 03:02 PM Gareth, Isn't it "Cigareets, and Whuskey, and Wild Wild Women ? " [That's the way the main guy who recorded it pronounced it, anyway.] Also, I forgot "Jose Cuervo [You Are A Friend Of Mine] Genie |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Catherine Jayne Date: 04 Apr 02 - 06:05 PM I'd rather have cigarettes,whiskey and wild wild MEN Garreth!!!! |
Subject: Lyr Add: A Song of Water From: Nigel Parsons Date: 12 Jul 02 - 07:38 AM Mentioned earlier in the thread, but not quoted (or found in DT): A SONG OF WATER (adapted from the Platt-Deutsch) by Lord Neaves (Intro.) I'm very fond of water And I drink it noon and night; Not Rechab's son or daughter Had therein more delight. (Verse 1) I breakfast on it daily, And nectar it doth seem, When once I've mix'd it gaily With sugar and with cream But I forgot to mention,- That in it first I see, Infused or in suspension, Good Mocha or Bohea, Infused or in suspension, Good Mocha or Bohea, (the last two lines of each verse should be repeated in this fashion) (Chorus which follows each verse, including the last.) I'm very fond of water And I drink it noon and night. (Verse 2) At luncheon, too, I drink it, And strength it seems to bring; When really good, I think it A liquor for a King. But I forgot to mention,- 'Tis best to be sincere,- I use an old invention That makes it into Beer. (Verse 3) I drink it, too, at dinner, I quaff it full and free, And find, as I'm a sinner, It does not disagree. But I forgot to mention, As thus I drink and dine, To obviate distentsion I join some Sherry Wine (Verse 4) And then, when dinner's over, And business far away, I find myself in clover, And drink my eau sucrée. But I forgot to mention, To give the glass a smack, I add, with due attention, Glenlivet or Cognac. (Verse 5) At last, when evening closes, With something nice to eat, The best of sleeping doses In water still I meet. But I forgot to mention, I think it not a sin, To cheer the day's declension By pouring in some gin. Notes: found in The Scottish Students Song Book (6th edition) 1897. Where the words were re-printed "by kind permission of Messrs William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh" Music is given as by "Dr. T W Drinkwater" (There again, as the same source gives the music for Abdul the Bulbul Amir as by "Ali Baba" I feel we may be seeing some student humour slipping in here!) NP Nigel |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Allan Dennehy Date: 12 Jul 02 - 09:33 AM Shane Mc Gowans "That womans got me drinkin" Dean Martin sang "LITTLE OLE WINE DRINKER ME" Steve Earles "Copperhead Road" |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Mike Date: 12 Jul 02 - 10:00 AM Did anyone mention "THE TWO-HUNDRED-YEAR-OLD ALCOHOLIC"? |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Wolfgang Date: 12 Jul 02 - 10:19 AM 'Le vin' by Georges Brassens Wolfgang |
Subject: Lyr Add: LE VIN (Georges Brassens) From: Wolfgang Date: 12 Jul 02 - 10:26 AM LE VIN (Georges Brassens) Avant de chanter Ma vie, de fair' des Harangues Dans ma gueul' de bois J'ai tourné sept fois Ma langue J'suis issu de gens Qui étaient pas du gen- re sobre On conte que j'eus La tétée au jus D'octobre... Mes parents on dû M'trouver au pied d'u- ne souche Et non dans un chou Comm' ces gens plus ou Moins louches En guise de sang ( O noblesse sans Pareille! ) Il coule en mon cœur La chaude liqueur D'la treille... Quand on est un sa- ge, et qu'on a du sa- voir-boire On se garde à vue En cas de soif, u- ne poire Une poire ou deux Mais en forme de Bonbonne Au ventre replet Rempli du bon lait D'l'automne... Jadis, aux Enfers Cert's, il a souffert Tantale Quand l'eau refusa D'arroser ses a- mygdales Etre assoiffé d'eau C'est triste, mais faut Bien dire Que, l'être de vin C'est encore vingt Fois pire... Hélas! il ne pleut Jamais du gros bleu Qui tache Qu'ell's donnent du vin J'irai traire enfin Les vaches Que vienne le temps Du vin coulant dans La Seine! Les gens, par milliers Courront y noyer Leur peine... Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Deda Date: 12 Jul 02 - 03:27 PM I may have missed a few spots but I didn't see anyone mention " I'M GONNA HIRE A WINO TO DECORATE OUR HOME". More about the effects of drinking on the drinker's family. Then that old mining song, "It's dark as a dungeon way down in the mines", has a verse about drunks -
Like a fiend with his dope or a drunkard his wine |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: vectis Date: 13 Jul 02 - 02:22 PM CHEVALIERS DE LA TABLE RONDE Sussex toast LET UNION BE IN ALL OUR HEARTS Most of my other ones have been mentioned by others. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Uncle_DaveO Date: 13 Jul 02 - 04:17 PM Hard to believe no one has mentioned BEHIND THOSE SWINGING DOORS. And at the Rosenmontag (Rose Monday, end of Fasching I believe) parade in Munich in 1955 I learned this scrap, given here in my best attempt at the German: Mir schmeckt kein Rosenkohl which is to say something like: I don't like brussels sprouts You need to know that "kohl" is cabbage in German. Maybe somebody with better command of German can improve my spelling and my translation. Dave Oesterreich |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Uncle_DaveO Date: 13 Jul 02 - 04:23 PM A GREAT song for the alcohol/singing fraternity is "Billy Brink", lyrics posted by Spaw in November 2000. I don't see the "birdy" that would indicate that it's been harvested, but maybe I'm not looking right. In any case, you can find it with a forum search. Dave Oesterreich |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Leadfingers Date: 13 Jul 02 - 05:19 PM Robin Laing's CD The Angels Share is all songs about Whisky-Some of his own and some old classics like Shel Silverstein's Whisky and Women |
Subject: Lyr Add: DOWN WHERE THE DRUNKARDS ROLL From: allanwill Date: 13 Jul 02 - 05:43 PM Someone mentioned a Richard Thompson song earlier on. Here's another of RT's. DOWN WHERE THE DRUNKARDS ROLL Richard Thompson Transcribed by Phil Saunders (Capo 3rd fret to play with record. Song is recorded in Bb, but written here in G) GSee that lover standing Staring at the ground He's looking for the real thing Lies were all he found You can get the real thing It will only cost a pound There goes a troubled woman She dreams a troubled dream She lives out on the highway She keeps her money clean Soon she'll be returning To the place where she's the queen You can be a gambler Who never drew a hand You can be a sailor Who never left dry land You can be Lord Jesus All the world will understand Allan |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: masato sakurai Date: 14 Jul 02 - 01:45 PM Look at the cover illustration of Papa, Don't Drink Any More, written by Arthur W. French and music by Chas. D. Blake (1874) (Also at Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music, 1870-1885). ~Masato |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 14 Jul 02 - 02:27 PM "They Oughta Name a Drink After You" - John Prine "I GOTTA GET DRUNK (AND I SURE DO DREAD IT)" - Willie Nelson "One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer" - George Thorogood "I Like Beer (It Makes Me a Jolly Good Fellow)" - Tom T. Hall And there's the verse in Si Kahn's "Wild Rose of the Mountain": Whiskey from that white oak barrel, sure do make good liquor Makes the night seem twice as bright and the day go by much quicker Bruce |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Leeder Date: 14 Jul 02 - 03:05 PM Hamish Imlach wrote one with the refrain "As usual!". I don't know if hat was the title or not. I'll go looking. Hamish wrote of what he knew, I'm sure. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Leeder Date: 14 Jul 02 - 03:10 PM "AS USUAL" is on Hamish Imlach's recording "Ballads of Booze", although it appears he didn't write it. A whole CD devoted to what you're looking for... |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Malachy Date: 14 Jul 02 - 06:52 PM Rich (stupidbodhran) just reminded me of 'Please Daddy Don't Get Drunk This Xmas'. My sister and I used to sing it around Christmas time as a bit of a piss-take.....but it used to go down really well. What about Squeezes'....'When The Hangover Strikes'? Not very folky tho....and maybe alcoholics dont get hangovers...... |
Subject: Lyr Add: WILDCATS HOWLIN' (Glen Reid) From: GUEST,Glen Reid Date: 14 Jul 02 - 07:36 PM Here's an excerpt from the chorus of a song I wrote and recorded, called "WILDCATS HOWLIN'." Tongue in cheek! In the shadow of the moonlight In the glow of the firelight Cooking up the moonshine, so fine And we run a little brew And we sip a little brew... Hey look at the fire, its brimstone burnin' What's that smell, the breath of Satan? Well you work that still, through the night Cook that brew, 'n' hear the cries of the... Wildcats howlin' in the pale moonlight Wildcats screamin' in the quiet of the evening Devil in the brew, and we drink to the demons And the god-awful howlin' in the quiet of the moonlight |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Joe_F Date: 15 Jul 02 - 06:48 PM "Chevaliers de la table ronde" (in the DT) expresses the wish to be buried in a wine cellar, two feet against the wall & head under the spigot. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,northfolk/whose cookie has crumbled Date: 15 Jul 02 - 07:46 PM The lyric I find most poignant is from a song by Charlie King on his "FOOD, PHONE, GAS and LODGING", album... [He Couldn't Let Go]... listen and see if you don't see a friend.... |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,IB Date: 16 Jul 02 - 06:01 AM Red Wine and Promises by Lal Waterson |
Subject: Lyr Add: WHILE I WAS OUT A DRINKING (from Bodleian From: Jim Dixon Date: 26 Nov 04 - 10:07 AM I ran across this while looking for something else, and I found it so charming, I thought I'd add it here. If you want to sing it, I suppose you'll have to work up your own tune. From Bodleian Library Broadside Ballads, Harding B 11(4149) WHILE I WAS OUT A DRINKING Pitts, Printer toy Warehouse 6 Grea[t] St Andrew streeter [sic], 7 Dials [London] [between 1819 and 1844] On Monday morning, I rose at eight And in a queerish raking. The over [?] night I'd been out late. I found my head was aching. "Old girl," says I, "I'm rather queer. I feel my spirits sinking." Says she, "I hope today, my dear, You won't go out a drinking." CHORUS: Whiddlem twiddlem, diddlee diddlem Whacky ti wheedle, whoedle. "Depend," said I, "by all above, I mean to keep quite steady. I'll go and have a cooler, love, While you get breakfast ready." But when I got unto the fleece, I met my cousin Jenkin. We had two goes of rum apiece. Thinks I, this looks like drinking. Now when I'm out upon the fly, I never care for victuals. Says I, "I know a ground just by. Let's have a game at skittles." But though he did begin to chaff, I floor'd the pins like winking. I won six pots of half-and-half While I was out a drinking. Now, having knock'd the pins about For heavy and blue ruin, My gentle creature found me out. I heard the storm a brewing. She said, while giving me such cracks That set my eyes a winking, "I'll sarve you out, my cock-o-wax, For going out a drinking." Misfortunes seldom comes alone, And that you are aware of, And so I think with me you'll own That day I had my share of. My nose had got a woeful knotch And both my eyes were blinking. Besides, some rascals stole my watch While I was out a drinking. But mark: my troubles didn't end By losing of my ticker. I in the station house got penn'd, Being for the worse for liquor. In a dirty hole they shov'd me down, So dirty, dark and stinking. Next morn, they made me drop a crown For going out a drinking. Now all you that take a drain at night, Oh, take this friendly warning: Keep out of the policemen's sight Or you'll have to tip next morning. But if you must go on the spree, Away from business shrinking, I wish you better luck than me When you go out a drinking. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Clinton Hammond Date: 26 Nov 04 - 12:20 PM Loudon Wainwright IIIs 'White Winos'... Off his album, The Last Man on Earth.... "Sunday AM Coming Down", from Kris Kristofferson... the best hangover song ever |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Songster Bob Date: 26 Nov 04 - 09:52 PM "SEVEN BEERS WITH THE WRONG WOMAN" is one I like to sing. And Bennett Hammond wrote a good anti-drinking song that I disremember except for the line in the first verse about how drinking songs would be more true-to-life "if they mentioned pissing on your shoes." Bob |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE REEL OF THE FLICKERING LIGHT (Moore) From: GUEST,annemc Date: 27 Nov 04 - 04:31 AM As mentioned in a thread above - the hallucinations of an alcoholic. Song by Christie Moore. THE REEL OF THE FLICKERING LIGHT As I was walkin' home one evenin'-- I know this takes some believin'-- I met a group of creatures With the strangest lookin' features: A poor old dog with a worm and a weed, And a fine old pigeon, yes indeed. Daddy Longlegs jumped up sprightly And danced a reel of the flickering light. CHORUS: Oh, round we go, heel to the toe. Daddy Longlegs jumped up sprightly, And danced in the reel of the flickering light. On his thin and wispy spindles, He was deft and he was nimble. His eyes were scientific, And his dancin' was terrific. The rats and the worms they made a din, And the nettles in the corner took it in. "Oh, God!" says I. "Tonight's the night. We'll dance to the reel in the flickering light." CHORUS Then he looked at me directly With a gaze that could dissect me, And he asked me in a whisper, "Have you got any sisters?" "Good God Almighty!" says I to him. "What sort of a man do you think I am? I've only one and she's not your type. She wouldn't dance a reel in the flickering light." CHORUS Says he, "Does she come from another planet? Does she have a bee in her bonnet? Does she do her daily duties? You never know we might be suited." And the rats and the worms began to laugh And some of them started shufflin' off. "We're going to have some fun tonight Gettin' ready for the reel in the flickering light." CHORUS I could see he had no scruples When I looked into his pupils. They were purple or magenta Like a statue during Lent. I said, "I'll get her right away." "Good man," says he. "Now don't delay. We're goin' to have some fun tonight." Then he flipped his legs in the flickering light. CHORUS Then up stepped a red carnation And they gave her an ovation. She was warm and enchantin' As she slowly started dancin', And the bright auld pigeon peeled his eye, And the nettles and the weeds began to sigh. Daddy Longlegs said, "My, oh my! Are we ready for the reel in the flickering light?" CHORUS She was gentle, she was charmin', And I heard him call her Darlin'. He was graceful as a whisper On his delicate legs of silver, And the rats and the worms were still as mice, And the poor auld pigeon said, "That's nice: A shimmering veil of a lovely bride." And they danced to the reel in the flickering light. CHORUS (x2)
Subject: Lyr Add: DANNY FARRELL (Pete St. John) From: GUEST,annemc Date: 27 Nov 04 - 04:38 AM This song is seriously about the alcoholic: DANNY FARRELL (by Pete St. John) I knew Danny Farrell when his football was a can With his hand-me-downs and Welliers and his sandwiches of bran; But now that pavement peasant is a full grown bitter man With all the trials and troubles of his travelling people's clan. CHORUS: He's a loser, a boozer, a me and you user, A raider, a trader, a people police hater. So lonely and only, what you'd call a gurrier, Still now, Danny Farrell, he's a man. I knew Danny Farrell when he joined the National School. He was lousy at the Gaelic. They'd call him amadán - a fool. He was brilliant in the toss school by trading objects in the pawn. By the time he was an adult, all his charming ways had gone. I knew Danny Farrell when we queued up for the dole, And he tried to hide the loss of pride that eats away the soul. But mending pots and kettles is a trade lost in the past. "There's no hand-out here for tinkers," was the answer when he asked. CHORUS I still know Danny Farrell, saw him just there yesterday Taking methylated spirits with some winos on the quay. Oh, he's forty going on eighty, with his eyes of hope bereft, And he told me this for certain: there's not many of us left. CHORUS
Subject: Lyr Add: GOOD LIQUOR GONNA CARRY ME DOWN (Broonzy) From: Jim Dixon Date: 26 Jan 05 - 09:43 AM Transcribed from the sound file at Public Domain 4U: (Broonzy is backed up by some great blues piano on this recording.) GOOD LIQUOR GONNA CARRY ME DOWN (Bill Broonzy) Now, I knowed a little girl 'bout sixteen years ol'. She said, "Bill, stop drinkin' an' I will satisfy your soul," But I just keep on a-drinkin'. Yes, I keep on drinkin'. Yeah, I just keep on a-drinkin' till good liquor carry me down. Now, my woman told me, 'bout fifteen years ago, "Bill, you gon' drink one these mornin's an' you'll never drink no mo'," But I will just keep on a-drinkin'. Yes, I keep on drinkin'. Yeah, I just keep on a-drinkin' till good liquor carry me down. Now, I wake up in the mornin' hold'n' a bottle tight. When I lay down at night, Mama, just a gallon out of sight, (?) Because I just keep on a-drinkin'. Yes, I keep on drinkin'. Now, I just keep on a-drinkin' till good liquor carry me down. Yes, I went to the doctor with my head in my hands. The doctor said, "Big Bill, I think I'll have to give you monkey glands, Because you just keep on a-drinkin'." Yes, I keep on drinkin'. I'm 'onna keep on a-drinkin' till good liquor carry me down. Now, my woman tol' me to stop drinkin', an' come on home. Say, "If you don't, Big Bill, some other man gwine carry your business on." But I'm just gwine to keep on a-drinkin'. Yes, I'm 'on' keep on drinkin'. I'm just gwine to keep on a-drinkin' till good liquor carry me down. [The dialect fascinates me. This is one of very few instances where I've actually heard the word "gwine." Notice how many other ways he pronounces "going to" – gon', 'onna, 'on'. I didn't try to represent these pronunciations in the text because I thought it would be too confusing: "Now" is pronounced "nowd." "Carry" is one syllable: "car'." [Broonzy's recording is available on several collections. Also recorded by Paul Geremia on "Gamblin' Woman Blues."] |
Subject: Lyr Add: FOU THE NOO (Harry Lauder) From: Bert Date: 26 Jan 05 - 12:32 PM Here's a good one from the Sir Harry Lauder website "Fou the Noo" or (Something In The Bottle For The Morning) by Gerald Grafton and Harry Lauder I just come frae a weddin', or a fun'ral, A christ'nin' or somethin' of the kind, And the stuff that I've been drinkin' took my noodle, And to what or where I've been I can na mind. I feel as brave as any highway robber; I've the courage of a dozen men the noo; I'm a miserable devil when I'm sober But I'm very, very happy when I'm fou! CHORUS: And I'm fou the noo! absolutely fou! But I adore the country I was born in. My name is Jock McGraw and I dinna care a straw For I've somethin' in the bottle for the mornin' And I'm fou the noo! absolutely fou! But I adore the country I was born in. My name is Jock McGraw and I dinna care a straw for I've somethin' in the bottle for the mornin'! 2. If ye take a Five Pound Note to light your pipe with; If ye think a bassinette's a motor car; If ye lift the doormat up to wipe your nose with, If you're in your hoose and don't know where you are; If you kiss a policeman and say "Hoo dearly, My dearest darlin' pet hoo, I love you" Well then that denotes conclusively and clearly. That, like me, ma freen's, yer absolutely fou! CHORUS 3. I felt quite mad when coming roon the corner, A lamp post struck me richt between the eyes! Ma blood got up I wanted to be fighting, Because the thing did not apologize. Just after that I tumbled oe'r a doorstep, "Thieves!" "Murder!" and "Police!" I cried, but I'm goin' to make the owner compensate me, for his negligence in leaving it outside. Patter (spoken) Yes, but at the same time the burnin' question is , when is a man fou? Eh? Of course, the cheaper the whiskey, the greater the burnin' question. The wife will swear whe I go home that I've been drinkin'. Would you notice I've been drinkin', eh? As I was comin' along the street th' noo, I met a half-cousin of the wife's : you "know one of these Dr. Dowie-chaps". said he "John! I'm surprised at you. are you aware the wicked stand on slippery places?" "Well!" said I, "you should be just like me - keep slidin' along, and there's no fear of you" Said he, "You are not fit for any society!" Said I, "That's a lie the wife has me in the Prudential." Ya see th' bird I've got in ma hand? (holding chicken up by the neck). D'ye know the way I got it? Ma hat blew off and I chased this for half-an-hour! CHORUS |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Snuffy Date: 26 Jan 05 - 07:01 PM Looks like we just missed St Vincents day (22 Jan). According to Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable he is the patron saint of drunkards. This being a very arduous office, he has to share it with St Martin, who took on the task because his day (Nov 11) was formerly the Vinalia or feast of Bacchus. Who but us drunkards could deserve two patron saints, and hence two golden excuses for a piss-up? |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: The Fooles Troupe Date: 27 Jan 05 - 01:32 AM And BOTH at the same end of the year... |
Subject: Lyr Add: I AM NEVER GOING TO DRINK AGAIN From: alanabit Date: 27 Jan 05 - 02:56 AM Merle Haggard's "THE BOTTLE LET ME DOWN" is probably my favourite song about a compulsive drinker. I also like a song called "Sick, Sober and Sorry," of which I have a recording by Sourdough Slim and Blackie. My own offering, "I Am Never Going To Drink Again," has regrettably not been taken up by the temperance movement. I AM NEVER GOING TO DRINK AGAIN Oh what a horrible feeling! I can hardly move my head. My mouth is dry. I've got two red eyes. I fear I'm almost dead. But at least that's some improvement – if my legs don't give. In my neck, at last there's movement, And I'm no longer scared I'll live...but I'm never going to drink again. I'm never going to drink again. Can't move me head. It feels like lead. It gives me too much pain. I'm never going to drink again. I'm never going to drink again. So until tonight when a pub is in sight, I'm never going to drink again. The alarm clock has started drilling a hangover into my brain. I'm going to smash it, then, God willing, I'm going back to sleep again. But first a couple of aspirin – I think I'll take before.... Excuse me now. I'm gasping.... I think I'm going to ... once more I'm never going to drink again. Can't move me head. It feels like lead. It gives me too much pain. I'm never going to drink again. I'm never going to drink again. So until tonight when a pub is in sight, I'm never going to drink again. Last night has just about cured me. it pushed me over the edge. I don't know how my girlfriend endured me. I think I'll sign the pledge. (spoken) No, I won't go that far. From now on, I'll drink in moderation, For my symptoms have gone down. That calls for a small celebration, So tonight I'll hit the town. I was never going to drink again. Couldn't move me head. It felt like lead. It gave me too much pain. I was never going to drink again. I was never going to drink again. So until tonight when a pub is in sight, I'm never going to drink again. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Snuffy Date: 27 Jan 05 - 09:52 AM Supersearch is down, but I think the Kipper Family's Are You Dry may be in the Cat somewhere Are you dry? Are you dry? Or will you go to hell where you will fry? We are the little troop Who will make the brewers droop When they hear our battle cry Are you dry? |
Subject: Lyr Add: ALKIE'S LAMENT From: Wrinkles Date: 27 Jan 05 - 02:07 PM Rather than being about "songs for alcoholics," this thread seems on the whole more like "drinking songs," so I thought I'd redress the balance with this little number I wrote about my recovery from alcoholism. It's got a bluesy/country feel to it. ALKIE'S LAMENT 1. I woke up in this hospital bed. All I know is the pain in my head. Don't know how I got here; don't know how I came. I'm back in the DT ward again. Maybe I was busted after a fight, Or a Samaritan's kindness to me in the night. Who really knows? Who gives a damn? I've ended up here all the same. The doc says I'm dyin'. She says she's quite sure If I don't quit the drinkin', I'll be dead for sure. Gives me an injection then puts me right out of her mind. [Refrain:] And Lord, I miss my mama, and I want my teddy bear. But both were lost, long time ago. They're memories in the air; And Lord, I feel like dyin' but I don't wanna die alone, Yet I've never found a single place that feels like I belong. 2. My bed is awash with my blood and my sweat. I shake with a violence that ain't over yet. My bowels and my belly don't know they are mine, And my eyes cannot focus no more; But I can still see the contempt in their eyes. I put on a brave face but I wanna cry When I hear, "Trash from the gutter," "an alkie," "a drunk." Truth hurts when it burns in your ears. For God knows I've tried, ten times or more, But when each day before me's a tedious chore, I only pass though it by drownin' my pain And runnin' away from the night. [Refrain] 3. I lie here and wonder what's worth livin' for And remember the days when I was so young and sure. Before I found my bottle, my treacherous friend, Who steals while he's takin' away. Now the junkies and whores look down on me And the hobos avoid my company, And even this place says I've blown my last chance, And they will not treat me again. Dear God, one more chance! I'll try very hard If you can forgive me all my false starts. Lord, I don't wanna die, with all that I've done, Still hangin' guilty on me. [Final refrain:] And Lord I miss my mama, and I want my teddy bear. But both were lost, long time ago. They're memories in the Air; And Lord I feel like dyin' but I don't wanna die alone, Yet I've never found a single place that feels like I belong. Yet I've never found a single place that feels like I belong. FINIS And lest I be accused of being a downer I'll share this little ditty I learned from that great tunemaster Osmosis; I wish I could drink like a Lady, But I can only have two at the most. Three puts me under the table, And four puts me under the host! Barbara |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: The Fooles Troupe Date: 27 Jan 05 - 07:11 PM Good Liquor Gonna Carry Me Down |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: fogie Date: 28 Jan 05 - 01:02 PM Len Graham sung a good song called "whisky o whisky" youve led me astray- anybody got the words |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,DHL Date: 28 Jan 05 - 02:26 PM Richard Thompson wrote a song called "God Loves a Drunk" Norma Waterson sings it on a solo album. Not sure of the CD name but it can be located on the Waterson/Carthy website. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Don(Wyziwyg)T Date: 28 Jan 05 - 07:23 PM Add in the Irish cautionary tale "THE JUICE OF THE BARLEY". and Mike Harding's "I ain't Gonna Drink No More", which expresses the results in a tight little chorus:- Hughie Hughie Hughie Hughie, Ruth Ruth Ruth, Hughie Hughie Hughie Hughie, Ruth Ruth Ruth, Oh man, I ain't gonna drink, I ain't gonna drink no more. Don T. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Les from Hull Date: 28 Jan 05 - 07:30 PM Fogie - the song you might want is 'Whiskey, you're the devil' And while I'm here, my favourite alcosong is Loudon Wainwright's WINE WITH DINNER. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Bob Coltman Date: 28 Jan 05 - 07:56 PM Forgive me if I list any already cited, but I think these are new to this thread. Whiskey You're the Devil, The Parting Glass - easiest found by Clancy Bros.. who also recorded any number of other good boozers, as did Patrick Galvin, A.L.Lloyd and others from the eastern side of the water. Cruiskeen Lawn Let Her Sleep Under the Bar No More Booze - it's in Sandburg, maybe as Fireman Save My Child The Stout Family (Glorious, Glorious) Quartermaster's Corps Never Get Drunk No More... and also the classic recitation, "Last Night I Decided To Give Up Drinking," which was recorded in a shortened and somewhat dulled-down version by Johnny Bond as TEN LITTLE BOTTLES. However, I agree, we're largely suggesting songs for drinkers and drunks. Songs for alcoholics per se is a much different and more disenchanted group. What about "Morning-After" songs? "Kicking-the-Habit" songs? More to the point, what exactly IS a "song for alcoholics" apart from drinking & drunk songs? |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE WINE SONG (Grant Baynham) From: JennyO Date: 28 Jan 05 - 10:56 PM "The Parting Glass" a song for alcoholics? That's stretching it a bit! Now here's one I have posted before. It's about getting drunk, and it's very funny. I think it's worth adding to this thread: THE WINE SONG by Grant Baynham There are those who like their wine Because it adds sophistication To that hearty meal they're serving to their friends. And there are those who like their wine Because it helps in the creation Of that party feel on which so much depends. And there are those who'd like their wine To come from eastward-facing chateaux On the plateaux of Lorraine and all that bunk But their motives are not mine And I like lots and lots of wine And I like it 'cos it makes me drunk. There are those who take a glass Because it helps them to relax They find it helps their social manner to improve Well, that's a jolly useful scheme Which I have taken to its logical extreme: I sometimes get so well-relaxed I can't move And there's another kind of fellow Drinks champagne to make him mellow And he swears by Cliquot, Bollinger and Brut Well, I tried some Brut meself I found it on the bathroom shelf And he was right: it got me mellow as a newt. You can judge your wine by the quality of the vine, Its colour and bouquet and all that junk. But it all comes back to the falling over factor And the fact that it gets you drunk. There are those who like to think That it's important what you drink They haven't got an inkling what it's all about They spend their evenings wasting Decent drinking time by tasting Drops of this and that, then spitting it all out. They pass along the tables Strewth, they even read the labels Muttering things like, "What a shame The cork has shrunk" Or "fruity nose" or "too much tannin" When they ought to get a man in Who appreciates the chance to get drunk. They waste their time describing What they ought to be imbibing Which is wine of course, although you'd never think it. 'Cos they use words like "young but promising, " "Precocious," "full of fun"; You'd think they were going to adopt the stuff Not drink it. And at a meal these silly asses Have a row of empty glasses A different wine with every dish they eat. Me, I mix whatever's handy In a stiff, all-purpose shandy Which goes very nice with fish or Shredded Wheat. You can judge your wine by the quality of the vine Its colour and bouquet and all that junk But it all comes back to the falling over factor And the fact that it gets you drunk And there are those who take delight Pronouncing all the labels right They roll their r's and do those German glottals. Me, I couldn't give a monkey's 'Cos the stuff for getting drunk is On the inside not the outside of the bottles So if you have a cheese and wine Invite your friendly Philistine Call me drunkard, call me sot Or call me wino. What do I know? You'll find me in the kitchen I'll be giggerlin' and twitchin' Having a sup and throwing up Across your lino You can judge your wine by the quality of the vine Its colour and bouquet, if you insist… But it all comes back to the falling over factor And the fact that it gets you Misty-eyed and mellow, gets you Maudlin, mawkish, miserable and PISSED! |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST Date: 28 Jan 05 - 11:33 PM Carrickfergus and NOTTINGHAM ALE |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Brandy Date: 29 Jan 05 - 01:27 AM Don't forget "...HAVE SOME MADEIRA, M'DEAR... It's surely much better than beer...." B! |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Enderby Date: 31 Jan 05 - 08:52 PM 'Yes I guess they oughta name a drink after you' by John Prine from Diamonds in the Rough. 'Farewell to Whiskey' sung by Dave Gaughan, don't know who wrote it though.... |
Subject: Lyr Add: GOD LOVES A DRUNK (Richard Thompson) From: Jim Dixon Date: 20 Feb 05 - 11:13 PM Mentioned by Oggie above: Lyrics copied from GOD LOVES A DRUNK (Richard Thompson) Will there be any bartenders up there in Heaven? Will the pubs never close? Will the glass never drain? No more D.T.s and no shakes and no horrors, And the very next morning you feel right as rain. But God loves a drunk, the lowest of men, Like the dogs in the street and the pigs in the pen; But a drunk's only trying to get free from his body, And he soars like an eagle high up there in heaven, And his shouts and his curses are just hymns and praises To kick-start his mind now and then. God loves a drunk. Come raise up your glasses. Amen. Does God really care for your life in the suburbs? A dull little life full of dull little things, And bring up the babies to be just like Daddy, And maybe you'll be there when He gives out the wings. But God loves a drunk, although he's a fool, And he wets in his pants, and he falls off his stool, And he can't hear the insults and whispers go by him As he leans in the doorway and sings 'Sally Rackett', And he can't feel the cold rain beat down on his body And soak through his clothes to the skin. God loves a drunk. Come raise up your glasses. Amen. Will there be any pen pushers up there in Heaven? Does clerking and wage-slaving win you God's love? I pity you worms with your semis and pensions If you think that'll get you to the kingdom above. But God loves a drunk, although he's a clown, And you can't help but laugh as he gags and falls down, And he don't give a curse for what people think of him, And he screams at his demons alone in the darkness. He's staying alive for just one more pint bottle. Won't you throw him a few pennies, friend? God loves a drunk, for ever and ever. Amen. (As sung by Norma Waterson) |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: thespionage Date: 21 Feb 05 - 01:06 AM Although not a folk song, "Master of the House" from Herbert Kretzmer's English translation of the pop opera Les Misérables is great on the topic of drinking. Russ |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: MAG Date: 21 Feb 05 - 12:05 PM Van Morrison also did one about working the 12 steps -- can't remember the name of the recording off the top of my head. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Davetnova Date: 22 Feb 05 - 03:14 AM to the tune Love Me Tender |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Jim Dixon Date: 12 Apr 05 - 09:19 PM I found this list posted at another forum: (and I tidied it up a bit). $500 Bottle of Wine (Fall) A Drunk Can't Be a Man (Merle Haggard) All That Wine Is Gone (Big Jay McNeely) Alligator Wine (Screamin' Jay Hawkins) Baptize Me in Wine (Screamin' Jay Hawkins) Bartender's Blues (George Jones) Beer Drinkin' Woman (Memphis Slim) Bloody Mary Morning (Willie Nelson) Blues in the Bottle (Holy Modal Rounders) Booze in the Bottle (Carter Brothers) Booze, Tobacco (Butthole Surfers) Bottles and Barstools (Jerry Lee Lewis) Buddy Stay off That Wine (Betty Hall Jones) Champagne and Wine (Otis Redding) Cocktails for Two (Art Tatum) Daddy's Drinking Up Our Christmas (Commander Cody) Daddy's Moonshine Still (Dolly Parton) Don't Come Home A-Drinkin' (With Lovin' on Your Mind) (Loretta Lynn) Don't Drink That Wine (NWA) Don't Take My Whiskey Away (Wynonie Harris) Down Where the Drunkards Roll (Richard & Linda Thompson) Drink Too Much (Macka B) Drink Up and Be Somebody (Merle Haggard) Drinkin' by Myself (Wynonie Harris) Drinkin' CV Wine (Howlin' Wolf) Drinkin' Sherry Wine (Wynonie Harris) Drinkin' Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee (Jerry Lee Lewis) Drunk Country (Midfield General) Drunk on the Moon (Tom Waits) Drunked Hearted Man (Robert Johnson) Gin House Blues (Bessie Smith, Nina Simone) Gin Soaked Boy (Tom Waits) Give Me Yo' Most Strongest Whisky (Denise LaSalle) Happy Hour (Ted Hawkins) Heartaches and Hangovers (George Jones) Heaven Was a Drink of Wine (Merle Haggard) Hittin' the Bottle Again (John Lee Hooker) Honky Tonk Song (George Jones) Honky Tonk Wine (Jerry Lee Lewis) I Ain't Drunk (Jimmy Liggins) I Don't Wanna Sober Up Tonight (Merle Haggard) I Drink and Gamble (James Brown) I Gotta Get Drunk (George Jones, Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson) I Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink (Merle Haggard) If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me (Her Memory Will) (George Jones) I'll Give You Something to Drink About (George Jones) I'll Leave the Bottle on the Bar (Merle Haggard) I'm Not Drinking Any More (I'm Not Drinking Any Less) (Chris Wall) Jockey Full of Bourbon (Tom Waits) Last Orders (Fall) Last Orders Please (Faces) Me and My Gin (Dinah Washington) Misery and Gin (Merle Haggard) One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer (John Lee Hooker) One for My Baby (Frank Sinatra) One Mint Julep (Louis Prima, Clovers, Ray Charles) Pink Champagne That Left Me Feeling Blue (Joe Liggins) Quiet Whiskey (Wynonie Harris) Red, Red Wine (Tony Tribe) Sally, Where'd You Get Your Whiskey? (Reverend Gary Davis) Sloppy Drunk Blues and Straight Alcy Blues (Leroy Carr) Snake Bite (Denim) Straight No Chaser (Thelonious Monk) Streams of Whiskey (Pogues) Sunday Morning Coming Down (Willie Nelson) Sweet Was the Wine (Impressions, Persuasions) Swinging Doors (Merle Haggard) Tennessee Whiskey (George Jones) The Bottle (Tammy Wynette) The Kneeling Drunkard's Plea (Louvin Brothers) The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me) (Tom Waits) The Price on the Bottle (Louvin Brothers) The Warm Red Wine (George Jones) There Stands the Glass (Jerry Lee Lewis) Tom Drunk (U-Roy) Tom Traubert's Blues (Four Sheets To The Wind In Copenhagen) (Tom Waits) Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down (Merle Haggard, Elvis Costello) Two More Bottles of Wine (Delbert McClinton) Warm Beer and Cold Women (Tom Waits) What's Made Milwaukee Famous (Jerry Lee Lewis) Whiskey and Wimmen (John Lee Hooker) Whiskey in the Jar (Thin Lizzy) Whiskey Made Me Drunk (Rosco Gordon) Whiskey River (Willie Nelson) White Lightnin' (George Jones) Why Am I Drinkin' (Merle Haggard) Wine Spodee-O-Dee (Lightnin' Hopkins) Wine Wine Sweet Wine (Wynonie Harris) Wine Women and Rock 'n' Roll (Swamp Dogg) Wino the Clown (George Jones) Yesterday's Wine (George Jones) You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk (Pet Shop Boys) |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Severn Date: 12 Apr 05 - 10:14 PM I found an LP in a library sale recently by The American Music Group, a student chorus at ths U. of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)!?!?! of nothing but temperance music, gleaned from the Womens Christian Temperance Union Francis Willard Library For Alchohol Research. The songs date from 1878-1939 and were taken from various publications and songbooks of the day, with such hits as "Tell Mother I'll Vote Dry", Wine is A Mocker" Lillie Of The Snowstorm" The Dead March Of The Saloon" and "When The Girls Can Vote". 24 Hits in all! Interesting, if quaint, stuff! Unfortunately, no lyric sheets included. It's called "The American Music Group Volume 2 Temperance Music (LP 260-02) and came out in 1972. Their adress then was: The American Music Group PO Box 2866 Station A Champaign, Illinois 61820. This LP was one of a set of four I found. Volume 4 was of Sacred Harp music. Vol. 1 was Excerpts from The Young Folks Glee Book (1856) and Vol. 3 was Solo songs w/ Four Part Chorus. Interesting period gems abound among the sometimes hokey and trite, but i just thought direct you to the biggest storehouse of anti-drink songs I know. Back to the pub, everybody!!! |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Severn Date: 12 Apr 05 - 10:29 PM "The Drunken Driver"-Molly O'day, Stanley Bros, NLC Ramblers, among others Just about every plot twist imaginable all in one glorious old time country weeper. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,.gargoyle Date: 12 Apr 05 - 11:53 PM jOhn O joHn
Subject: ADD: I Likes a Drop of Good Beer From: Joe Offer Date: 22 Nov 06 - 11:14 PM This being Thanksgiving and a day for celebrating gluttony and such, maybe we need these words of inspiration from the American Memory Collection of the Library of Congress. IMPRINT New York, New York: H. De Marsan RELATED NAME(S) Publisher: H. De Marsan SHELF LOCATION American Song Sheets, Series 2, Volume 1 I LIKES A DROP OF GOOD BEER.One of Harry Pearson's Celebrated Comic Songs, as sung by H. C. WINTON, at his popular Social Scirées. I'm Roger Rough, a ploughman, A ploughman's son am I, And like my thirsty feyther, My throttle's always dry; Let t' world go wrang, to me it's reet.. What need I interfere?.. I work and I sing from morn till neet, And then I drinks my beer; For, I likes a drop o' good beer, I does. I'm fond of a drop o' good beer, I is; Let gentlemen fine sit down to their wine, But I likes a drop o' good beer, I does. There's Sarah, that's my wife, sir, Loves beer as well as me, Who's the happiest woman in life, sir, Who's happy as woman can be: Who does her work, takes care t'bairns.. No gossiping neighbors near.. And, as every Saturday neet returns, Like me, Sal drinks her beer; For, Sarah likes her beer, she does; She's fond on a drop of good beer, she is: Let gentlemen fine sit down to their wine, Sarah she likes her beer, she does. There's my ow'd man, God bless him! He's now turned eighty-five; Hard work can never distress him, He's the happiest chap alive; He labors well, 'as gotten his health, His heart and head is clear; Possessed of these, he needs no wealth; So he sings, and drinks his beer; For, the ow'd man likes his beer, he does, He's fond on a drop of good beer, he is: Let gentlemen fine sit down to their wine, But the ow'd man likes his beer, he does. So, lads, need no persuasion, But fill your glasses round; We'll never fear invasion, While barley grows i' th' ground; Let discord cease, and joys increase Wi' every coming year; Possessed of these, and blessed wi' peace, Why, we'll sing and we'll drink our beer; For, we likes a drop of good beer, we does, We're fond on a drop of good beer, we is; Let gentlemen fine sit down to their wine, But we likes a drop of good beer, we does Stamped: 152 H. DE MARSAN, Publisher, 54 Chatham Street, New-York. |
Subject: Lyr Add: ALCOHOL (from The Kinks) From: number 6 Date: 22 Nov 06 - 11:24 PM This song has been mentioned up above ... as far as I'm concerned it's the best 'alcoholic' song I ever heard. Alcohol ... by Ray Davies (the Kinks) Here is a story about a sinner, He used to be a winner who enjoyed a life of prominence and position, But the pressures at the office and his socialite engagements, And his selfish wife's fanatical ambition, It turned him to the booze, And he got mixed up with a floosie And she led him to a life of indecision. The floosie made him spend his dole She left him lying on skid row A drunken lag in some salvation army mission. It's such a shame. Oh demon alcohol, Sad memories I cannot recall, Who thought I would say, Damn it all and blow it all, Oh demon alcohol, Memories I cannot recall, Who thought I would fall a slave to demon alcohol. Barley wine pink gin, He'll drink anything, Port, pernod or tequila, Rum, scotch, vodka on the rocks, As long as all his troubles disappeared. But he messed up his life and he beat up his wife, And the floosie's gone and found another sucker She's gonna turn him on to drink She's gonna lead him to the brink And when his money's gone, She'll leave him in the gutter, It's such a shame. Oh demon alcohol, Sad memories I cannot recall, Who thought I would fall, A slave to demon alcohol. biLL |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE DARK, SLENDER LADDIE / AS BEURLA From: An Buachaill Caol Dubh Date: 23 Nov 06 - 12:17 PM There's a joke about, "What's the difference between a Drunk and an Alcoholic?", the answer being, "A Drunk doesn't have to go to the meetings..."; but, when I mentioned this in conversation with an alcoholic some years ago, he answered, "A Drunk enjoys it", so maybe it's not so funny after all. Anyway, bearing in mind this distinction, and what an earlier poster wrote about songs for Drinkers/Drunkards as distinct from songs for Alcoholics, how about the eighteenth-century song by Sean O'Seanachainn (Sean Aerach), which may be translated as "THE DARK, SLENDER LADDIE"? This version "As Beurla" is closely modelled on the translation by Donal O'Sullivan in his "Songs of the Irish", 1960. When I'm at the market, some cloth to purchase, And hold the earnest within my hand; The dark, slender laddie still seeks and searches Till he slips beside me, and there he'll stand. It's not long after my senseless laughter Will reach the rafters, so bright and bould; And I'm tormented, for my money's spent, and My clothes still unmended, and me sterved wi' could. The "Buchaill Caol Dubh" is learned and charming, Open-handed, of aspect fine; And he has left me destroyed, he's bereft me Of health and fortune, of land and kine. Tho' I'd cross over the stormy ocean, From the Port of Howth to Inis Mhor, Swift as a swallow, my track he'd follow, And by the morrow, he'd be on the shore. Queen Aobhill of Thomond met us, roaming Along the roadways, and to the lad said she, Let him me abandon, and she would grant him A hundred drunkards... instead of me. Right firm and boldly, the laddie told her He'd always hold to so close a friend; For ever faring throughout all Erin, My fortune sharing until the end. This version keeps a bit closer to the Irish original than O'Sullivan's, and tries to preserve something of the internal rhyming and assonance characteristic of songs "As Gaelige". Cheers! An Buachaill Caol Dubh. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Jill Date: 23 Nov 06 - 05:54 PM What about "Goodbye Booze" and "Won't Get Drunk No More", on Alex Campbell's album Goodbye Booze. Happy Thanksgiving! Jill |
Subject: Lyr Add: WHITE WINOS (Loudon Wainwright III) From: Jim Dixon Date: 09 Jan 08 - 07:15 PM You can hear an archived radio program that contains this song: Click to play and then advance to 51 minutes, 30 seconds from the beginning of the sound file. WHITE WINOS Loudon Wainwright III Mother liked her white wine when she was alive. She was desperate to live, but her limit was five. Carefully I'd kiss her, send her off to bed. We always stuck with white wine. We stayed away from red. Always stick with white wine. Stay away from— Mother liked her white wine. She'd have a glass or two Almost ev'ry single night after her day was through: Sancerre, chardonnay, Chablis, pinot grigio, Just to take the edge off, just to get the glow. You've got to take the edge off if you want to get the— Mother liked her white wine. She'd have a glass or three, And we'd sit out on the screen porch, white winos, mom and me. We'd talk about her childhood, recap my career. When we got to my father, that was when I'd switch to beer. We got to the old man and I'd always switch to— Mother liked her white wine. She'd have a glass or four, Each empty bottle a dead soldier. The marriage was no more. When we blurred the edges, when we drank a lot, That's when I got nervous, when the glow got hot. I always get nervous when the glow gets— I still like my white wine and I'll have a glass or two, And when I'm down, I'll drink some whiskey. It's something I shouldn't do. And ev'ry now and then I'll take a drop of red, When I'm with a woman that I want to take to bed, When I'm with a woman that I want to take— Mother liked her white wine when she was alive. She was desperate to live, but her limit was five. Carefully I'd kiss her, send her off to bed. Thank God we stuck to white wine and we stayed away from— Mother liked her white wine. [Recorded by Loudon Wainwright III on his album "Last Man on Earth," 2001. It's also featured in the soundtrack of the film "28 Days," and on the soundtrack album.] |
Subject: Lyr Add: LIGHTNING BAR BLUES (Hoyt Axton) From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin, I-O-M Date: 10 Jan 08 - 12:29 AM My favourite of all time is LIGHTNING BAR BLUES, written by Hoyt Axton but performed by many, many artistes. The best version I ever heard was by Shakin' Stevens and The Sunsets (before the "hit" period". Quite outstanding. These are the lyrics: Lightning Bar Blues by Hoyt Axton CHORUS: I don't need no diamond ring I don't need no Cadillac car Just want to drink my Ripple wine Down in the Lightnin' Bar Down in the Lightnin' Bar Some people value fortune and fame I don't care about 'em none Just want to drink my Ripple wine I want to have my good time fun Have my good time fun CHORUS When I die don't cry for me Don't bury me at all Place my livin', laughin', lovin' bones In a jar of alcohol Hundred proof alcohol CHORUS ©1970 Lady Jane Music (BMI) |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: reggie miles Date: 10 Jan 08 - 01:30 AM Here's one that came to be after listening to a musical partner tell me all of the various ways that he knew to refer to being drunk. I then started a thread here and asked for the same input before crafting the following. Drunk Reggie Miles © 2004 On Monday we get plastered with martinis till we're lewd On Tuesday we go to the pub and drink beer until we're screwed On Wednesday we hang at the bar and down too many keggers On Thursday we're found at the lounge test hopping liquor flavors On Friday evening we begin our weekend drinkathon On Saturday we celebrate by getting loaded all day long On Sunday we slow down a bit and sip wine until we're feelin' no pain Because tomorrow is the day we get to start all over again And we'll get pickled, pissed, plowed, parboiled, polluted to the gills, And we'll get sloppy, smashed, soaked, and stewed until we've had our fills And we'll get tangle footed, tight as a drum, and three sheets to the wind And tomorrow is the day that we'll get drunk all over again On Monday we get rummy with Bicardi till we stammer On Tuesday we go pubbin' and guzzle Guiness till we're hammered On Wednesday we hang at the bar, slammin' down the Yeagers On Thursday we're found at the lounge with Johnny Walker's favors On Friday morning we begin our drinkend week-a-thon On Saturday we celebrate with Jack Daniels all day long On Sunday we slow down a bit and sip Smirnoff till we're feelin' no pain Because tomorrow is the day we get to start all over again And we'll get tipsy, totaled, tanked up, toasted till we've had enough And we'll get wobbly, well oiled, wrecked, and wasted, wiped out, from the stuff And we'll get lit up, loaded, fallin' down, feelin' it, and then Tomorrow is the day that we'll get drunk all over again And we'll get liquored up, over the limit, looped, and lubricated We'll get ripped, embalmed, sauced and then thoroughly marinated We'll be seein' double, blind, and glazed and dazed till who knows when And tomorrow is the day we get to start all over again Oh tomorrow is the day that we'll get drunk all over again And we'll get breathalyzed, DWIs, jail time, and courtroom fines We'll be 86ed, searched, and cuffed, for weavin' o'er them centerlines And we'll get impound fees, towing bills, revoked licenses and then Tomorrow is the day we start our twelve steps over again Yes, tomorrow is the day we join AA all over again How dry I am.... |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,russell j baines Date: 30 Apr 10 - 05:40 PM alcoholic's melody |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: VirginiaTam Date: 30 Apr 10 - 05:44 PM Old King Beer A Pint of Contraception Drop of Nelson's Blood Old Dun Cow Doll Thy Ale |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Joe_F Date: 30 Apr 10 - 06:31 PM "Reunion", by Cyril Tawney, is a *non*drinking song by someone who knows he can't handle the stuff. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: John Routledge Date: 30 Apr 10 - 07:20 PM Thanks Joe. I rushed down this thread to put The Reunion by Cyril Tawney down and there it was. Haven't heard Cyril singing it but Martin Wyndham-Read does as quietly chilling version. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: kendall Date: 30 Apr 10 - 07:44 PM Sunday morning coming down. Little Blossom Shingling the rum sellers roof |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Clontarf83 Date: 01 May 10 - 12:30 AM If you are interested I wrote and recorded a lament for a woman friend who died of alcoholism--they found her dead at the foot of her christmas tree where she had been wrapping presents for her estranged children, with two forty pounders of vodka on the floor beside her. Not sure how to send it to you--I have an mp3 file |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: LadyJean Date: 01 May 10 - 12:43 AM There's a wonderful French song calles "Sans Souci". If my French and my memory were a bit better I'd write it out. "Father Dear Father Come Home" comes from a novel called "Ten Nights In a Bar Room", which accounts the troubles the Sickle and Sheaf tavern create in a small New England town. My mom used to sing a parody of it, with the chorus, "Oh the doors swing in and the doors swing out. And some pass in, while others pass out. Your father I fear is having a beer, behind those swinging doors." But I've forgotten a few of the verses. I'd be thrilled if someone else knew them and posted them. There's always "Farewell to Whiskey", which being by Robert Burns is fairly moving. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST Date: 02 Sep 10 - 11:55 PM Monty Python emanual kant was a real pissant who could drink you under the table david hume could outconsume Schopenhouer and hagle and litginstein was a beery swine who was just as sloshed as shlagle There's nothing Nitsche couldn't teach ya bout the raising of the wrist socrates himself was permanently pissed John Stuart mill, of his own free will on a half a pint of shanty was particularly ill Plato they say, could stick it away half a crate of whiskey every day aristottle aristottle was a bugger for the bottle hobbs was fond of his dram an' rene decart was a drunken fart, I drink therefore I am Yes socrates is particularily missed a lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Jack Campin Date: 03 Sep 10 - 09:46 AM Spelling: Immanuel Kant Schopenhauer Hegel Wittgenstein Schlegel Nietzsche shandy Aristotle Hobbes Rene Descartes |
Subject: Lyr Add: THAT'S WHY I'M HERE (Kenny Chesney) From: Roger in Baltimore Date: 03 Sep 10 - 02:01 PM A country favorite of my is Ken Chesney's "That's why I'm Here". That's Why I'm Here lyrics No I ain't had nothing to drink I knew that's probably what you'd think If I dropped by this time of night Remember way back when I promised you I'd drop in At one of those meetings down at the Y Well, they started talkin bout steps you take Mistakes you make The hearts you break And the price you pay I almost walked away You could hear a pin drop When this old man Stood up and said I'm gonna' say it again Like I do every week For those who don't know me It's the simple things in life Like the kids at home and a loving wife That you miss the most, when you lose control And everything you love starts to disappear The devil takes your hand and says no fear Have another shot, just one more beer Yah, I've been there, that's why I'm here This ole boy stood up in the aisle Said he'd been living a life of denial And he cried as he talked about wasted years I couldn't believe what I heard It was my life word for word And all of the sudden it was clear It's the simple things in life Like the kids at home and a loving wife That you miss the most, when you lose control And everything you love starts to disappear The devil takes your hand and says no fear Have another shot, just one more beer Yah, I've been there, that's why I'm here I know for us it may be too late But it would mean the world to me If you were there when I stand to say It's the simple things in life Like the kids at home and a loving wife That you miss the most, when you lose control And everything you love starts to disappear The devil takes your hand and says no fear Have another shot, just one more beer Yah, I've been there, that's why I'm here Oh, I've been there, that's why I'm here Roger in Baltimore |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE NEAR FUTURE (Irving Berlin) From: GUEST,.gargoyle Date: 03 Sep 10 - 03:16 PM Perhaps some of the most universally identified four notes.
Irving Berlins "The Near Future" copyright 1919
How dry I am, how dry I am
[Bevo Girl:]
[The Spirit of Alcohol:]
[The Spirit of Alcohol:]
[The Spirit of Alcohol:]
[The Spirit of Alcohol:]
[The Spirit of Alcohol:]
SAME FOUR Notes and phrase appearing in:
Ship me east of Cairo land Where the best is like the worst
Water, water, everywhere
Nobody knows - How dry I Am
Just to lie around lazy
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,.gargoyle Date: 03 Sep 10 - 03:27 PM A virtual goldmine of songs is found in the "Half-Mind Hymnal" (Check the net)
Time Magazine this week has a great article on why heavy drinkers live longer than tea-totlers (Check the net)
A sample of H3 material contained in the Hymnal:
or (directed towards some MC ladies who have discovered blogging
Thank god she finally shut up
Sincerely, |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,Barred for Life Date: 24 Feb 11 - 12:29 PM You shoulda seen me last night when I fell down laughing and I tumbled down a flight of wooden stairs I went crashing through the window at the VFW hall, crashing over a pile of metal chairs The I - cussed out my girlfriend, tried to feel up her mom, crashed my my car I think I bruised my spiiiine. (chorus) Oh you - oughta go with me when I go out drinking I always have myself a real good time 2 more verses and a refrain Pat Daily: The Drinking song featured on Bob and Tom radio show believe it's on youtube somewhere |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Kara Date: 25 Feb 11 - 07:19 AM here is a bit saw and xylophone ideal for Alcoholics When I'm Sober |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: JohnInKansas Date: 26 Feb 11 - 01:53 AM CD (no titles listed). After all these drinkin' songs, somebody here might be ready for it. ??? John |
Subject: Lyr Add: SWEDISH GLUG (Stan Boreson) From: Jim Dixon Date: 27 Mar 17 - 02:36 PM Found this parody on YouTube: (Of course he sings it in a stereotypical Swedish accent, which I have not tried to represent with spelling.) SWEDISH GLUG As recorded by Stan Boreson & Doug Setterberg on "Yust Go Country and Western" Tune: MOUNTAIN DEW (Grandpa Jones) CHORUS: Oh, they call it that good old Swedish glögg, Which sometimes we drink from a mug. Please be a sport and give me a quart Of that good old Swedish glögg. Old uncle Knut when he goes on a toot, He buys him a five-gallon jug. He takes a little nip and it sends him on a trip. It's that good old Swedish glögg. Old uncle Sven he is sure happy when He does that old chug-a-lug, But he's sure a disgrace when he falls on his face Just from drinking that Swedish glögg. Aunt Ingebrigt likes glögg quite a bit. She used it for cleaning her rug. It was two hundred proof and it blew off the roof. There's such power in Swedish glögg. [I have kept the title as it appears in the video, but "glögg" is the correct spelling in Swedish, or "gløgg" in Norwegian and Danish. It's mulled wine.] |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Ged Fox Date: 28 Mar 17 - 06:52 AM In Cellar Cool - Drinking Drinknig Drigkin "Pour out the Rhine wine, let it flow" "Down among the dead men" |
Subject: Lyr Add: COME LANDLORD FILL THE FLOWING BOWL From: GUEST,Jason Date: 28 Mar 17 - 07:32 AM Come Landlord fill the flowing bowl Until it doth run over, Come landlord fill the flowing bowl Until it doth run over, For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be Tomorrow we'll be sober. The man who drinketh small beer And goes to bed quite sober, Fades as the leaves do fade That drop off in October. For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be Tomorrow we'll be sober. The man who drinketh strong beer And goes to bed right mellow, Lives as he ought to live, And dies a jolly fellow. For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be Tomorrow we'll be sober. But he who drinks just what he likes And getteth half seas over, Will live until he die, perhaps, And then lie down in clover. For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be Tomorrow we'll be sober. The man who kisses a pretty girl And goes and tells his mother, Ought to have his lips cut off, And never kiss another. For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be Tomorrow we'll be sober. The maiden who enjoys a kiss and comes back for another, She's a boon to all mankind and soon to be a mother. For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be Tomorrow we'll be sober. Come into the garden Maud And don't be so particular, For if the grass is very very wet, We'll do it perpendicular. For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be Tomorrow we'll be sober. If I had a pile of bricks I'd build my chimney higher. That would stop the neighbour's cat from pissing in the fi-er. For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be Tomorrow we'll be sober. |
Subject: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics:The Serenity Prayer From: GUEST,Gealt Date: 28 Mar 17 - 09:14 AM |
Subject: Lyr Add: I'M JUST A QUIET DRINKER From: Jim Dixon Date: 18 Aug 17 - 02:40 PM Just ran across this novelty song, which you can hear at The Internet Archive: I'M JUST A QUIET DRINKER (Berger-Leopoldi) As recorded by Herbi Hardt 1. Each night when I go drinking, I'm always on my own. I need no girls winking; I like to drink alone. I don't want any company; I only want my scotch, Because it always bothers me when the others drink too much. CHORUS: I'm just a quiet drinker; that's why I'm never blue, And while my nose gets pinker, I sing the whole night through, And when they holler "Quiet!" I tell them: "Listen, boys: Go shut your mouth and drink your beer. Don't be so loud; I cannot hear." I'm just a quiet drinker; it's why I make such noise. Hi-de-hi, hi-de-ho, hi-lee, hi-lo! I'm always feeling fine whenever I have dough. Hi-de-hi, hi-de-ho, hi-lee, hi-lo! And drinking is no crime; my doctor told me so. 2. A cop is getting nasty; he starts to raise his voice. He tells me I'm a nuisance; I'm making too much noise. Sinatra and Bing Crosby, I tell that silly cop, They sing more often than I do but no one locks them up. 3. When I go home in morning, it almost makes me weep. They holler from the window: "Shut up! We want to sleep!" I tell 'em: "Don't you realize you give me misery? If you would shut your window, then your noise won't bother me." [On one of the repeats, he sings: "I'm just a quiet sti—, uh, drinker...."] |
Subject: Lyr Add: SHUT UP AND DRINK YOUR BEER From: Jim Dixon Date: 14 Feb 18 - 02:16 PM This is a lively, upbeat polka done in western-swing style. You can hear it at The Internet Archive: SHUT UP AND DRINK YOUR BEER (Bob Newman) As recorded by Luke Wills' Rhythm Busters on Victor 20-2415, 1947. There's a place on the corner where the gang will always meet, Where the jukebox music makes you pat your feet. In the middle of the evenin' when spirits are gay, The fat bartender, you will hear him say: CHORUS: "(Shut up!) and drink your beer. There's a man asleep beneath the table in the rear. (Shut up!) and drink your beer. It's time to have another." Patrick Mahoney he was always the same. He'd lick any man with an Irish name. The door it would open and Patrick walk in, This is the place where the chorus begins: CHORUS If the place gets noisy, and you know that it will, And the folks around you seem to have their fill, You'll all know the words from beginning to end, So one, two, three, let's all sing it again: CHORUS [Also recorded by Doye O'Dell, 1948; and by Merle Travis, 1953.] |
Subject: Lyr Add: SHE BURNT THE LITTLE ROADSIDE TAVERN DOWN From: Jim Dixon Date: 14 Feb 18 - 06:17 PM SHE BURNT* THE LITTLE ROADSIDE TAVERN DOWN Words & music by Bill Howard. As recorded by Jimmy Dean, 1968. CHORUS: Oh, she burned the little roadside tavern down, The only one for miles and miles around. I saw many hours of pleasure tumble down When she burned the little roadside tavern down. It was my home away from home. Now those many night of gettin' stoned are gone. This is what she had to say: "Man, you'd better stay away, Or I'll burn that little tavern down someday." CHORUS It was there I had my freedom all night long, But she'd fuss an' say that I had done her wrong. She said: "Man, you'll never learn. Just step back and watch 'er burn," And now that little roadside tavern's gone. CHORUS I saw many hours of pleasure tumble down, down, down, When she burned the little roadside tavern down. [Also recorded byPorter Wagoner, and others.] [*Or "burned" according to some recordings.] |
Subject: ADD: OLD KING BEER (Bill Caddick) From: bradfordian Date: 11 Jun 20 - 08:49 AM Back in 2010 Virginia Tam referenced Old King Beer. Recently found out that its a Bill Caddick song on his 1995 Winter with flowers CD. OLD KING BEER by Bill Caddick Cho. I love my king, He knows it well He knows I love him dear There’s not a king that’s ever been As good as old King Beer Well, Old King Beer, He came to me When I could barely stand He said try a drop of me home brewed ale And you’ll always be my man I took a drop, From his brown jug And I loved him straight away we served each other loyally Ever since that lucky day. chorus Oh I love my king, He knows it well He knows I love him dear There’s not a king that’s ever been As good as old King Beer I went to school , For half me life King Beer he came along I learned to order up me pint In twenty different tongues I learnt a gallon Has eight pints And a quart has only two So order up a gallon for me And a quart pot down for you. chorus Oh I love my king, He knows it well He knows I love him dear There’s not a king that’s ever been As good as old King Beer Now wine is fine and Brandy’s grand And I love me whiskey too But give me a drop of you know what I’ll know just what to do there’s honey in that amber ale And I love each little bee But best of all, the pints I love Are the ones you buy for me. chorus Oh I love my king, He knows it well He knows I love him dear There’s not a king that’s ever been As good as old King Beer So take the money, Take the car Take the wife and family You can take me wits for all the good They’ve ever done for me Now I’d like to stop And sing a song I’ve got some good friends here Then take me down to the nearest pub For it’s time to meet King Beer. Chorus Oh I love my king, He knows it well He knows I love him dear There’s not a king that’s ever been As good as old King Beer |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Jim Carroll Date: 11 Jun 20 - 01:20 PM The last ballad sheet to be sold in the West of Ireland Jim Carroll THE BAR WITH NO STOUT Now we’ve heard quite a lot of the Pub with no Beer, And some people claim it's the hit of the year, But during the war I was rambling about, And I called for a Pint in a Bar with no Stout. The bar owner sat on a chair by the fire, I’ d swear if you touched him he’d scrape like a brier, When I said “Fill a Pint” then his rag he got out, Saying “Your order is tall in the Bar with no Stout". A customer came in a donkey and car, He tied up his ass and took in a big jar, But the ass jumped and reared, from the door he pulled out, Its no place for an ass near a Bar with no Stout A customer came in a donkey and car, He tied up his ass and took in a big jar, But the ass jumped and reared, from the door he pulled out, 1t's no place for an ass near a Bar with no Stout. The Garda on duty the first time in years, Came back from his beat all shaken with fears, The Sergeant said Pat, why you look knocked about, He stammered and told him the Bar's got no Stout. The Postman returned from his rounds on the street, And when he had entered his time on the sheet, The Postmaster seeing no froth round his mouth, Guessed on the spot that the Bar had no Stout. Now ’tis lonesome to part with the one you love dear, Or to sit on a stool in a Pub with no Beer But there’s nothing more lonesome without any doubt, Than to call for a Pint in a Bar with no Stout., |
Subject: Lyr Add: The Pig Got Up From: Felipa Date: 15 Nov 21 - 05:30 PM Little Hawk says The Pig Got Up is a poem but I see that it has been recorded as a song. From : PIG GOT UP AND SLOWLY WALKED AWAY, THE (Music: F W Bowers / Lyrics: Benjamin Hapgood Burt) Frank Crumit - 1934 Johnny Bond - 1966 Jim Croce - 1975 Also recorded by: Sam Hinton; Rudy Vallee; Harry Belafonte; Clinton Ford; Acker Bilk. One evening in October When I was about one-third sober And was taking home a load with manly pride My poor feet began to stutter So I lay down in the gutter And a pig came up and lay down by my side Then we sang "It's All Fair Weather" And "Good Fellows Get Together" Till a lady passing by was heard to say She says, "You can tell a man who boozes By the company he chooses" And the pig got up and slowly walked away Yes, the pig got up and slowly walked away Slowly walked away, slowly walked away Yes, the pig got up and he turned and winked at me As he slowly walked away I also well remember One evening in November When I was creeping home at break of day For in my exhilaration I engaged in conversation With a cab-horse, right on the corner of Broadway I was filled up to the eyeballs With a flock of gin and highballs So I whispered to the cab-horse old and grey I says, "It's these all-night homeward marches That gave us both our fallen arches." And the old horse laughed and slowly walked away Yes, the old horse laughed and slowly walked away Slowly walked away, he slowly walked away And the old horse laughed and he turned and winked at me As he slowly walked away As he slowly walked away (Contributed by Peter Akers - August 2008) ++++++++++ As recorded by JOHNNY BOND: One evenin' in October When I was five fifths sober Takin'g home a load with manly pride My poor feet began to stutter So I lay down in the gutter And a pig come up and lay down by my side Then we sang it's all fair weather When good fellers ger together Till a lady passing by was heard to say "You can tell a man who boozes By the company he chooses" So the pig got up and slowly walked away Yes, the pig got up and slowly walked away Slowly walked away Slowly walked away Yes, the pig got up and without a word to say He looked at me and thought That he would leave me where I lay And that same old pig a lesson taught to me And that was not to be a bigger pig than he So I hopped next day on the water cart to stay Since the pig got up and slowly walked away I also well remember One evenin' in November When I was goin' home at break of day For in my exhileration I engaged in conversation With a cab horse on the corner of Broadway I was filled up to the eyeballs With flocks of gin and highballs So I whispered to the cab horse old and grey "It's these all-night homeward marches Gives us both our fallen arches" And the cab horse laughed and slowly walked away Yes, the old horse laughed and slowly walked away Slowly walked away Slowly walked away Yes, the old horse laughed and without a word to say He wagged his tail and hit the trail That led him to the hay And that same old horse I very often see And when I'm sober he will always bow to me Now at night I stay at the old YMCA Since the old horse laughed and slowly walked away (Transcribed by Mel Priddle - August 2011) |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST Date: 15 Nov 21 - 05:40 PM Think about this : |
Subject: Lyr add: The Wobbling Man From: Felipa Date: 15 Nov 21 - 06:17 PM thanks to guest, 15 Nov 21, I have looked up lyrics to THE WOBBLING MAN (John Neville) THE WOBBLING MAN I laughed unknowingly as a boy The wobbling man was like a toy You’d wind him up and let him go And watch him wobble to and fro But soon I learned to laugh no more When I’d hear the key turn in the door The silence came no one would talk Around on eggshells we would walk Momma Momma tell me why The dark clouds always fill our sky While other children laugh and play I find a corner and hide away Children gather it’s time to eat Times are tough, we don’t have meat But hidden upstairs in and old top coat Is a pocket filled with ten pound notes Search the pockets, check them deep We pray the Lord our souls to keep For taking the money when we can From the angry, sleeping, wobbling man Oh Momma Momma please don’t lie Sometimes I wish that he would die Don’t make excuses for him to me I’m older now and I can see A woman bends to stoke the fire The flames were once like her desire She held for the man who shared her dreams Who turned out to be cold and mean I see the pain, hear the abuse That comes from alcohol misuse From the neighbour’s eyes the pity came We walked with our heads hung in shame Oh Momma Momma please don’t cry I’ll wipe a salt tear from your eye Come the whispered words of a little boy Some day you’ll find your house of joy The years slip by, but take their toll They’ve stolen this woman’s heart and soul I think as her life begins to fade The house of joy she’s finally made As a cold October morn begins An old man cries for his past sins To his lips a picture I see him press Of a dancing woman in a wedding dress Oh Momma Momma I can’t but cry I wipe a salt tear from my eye Your time has come, you’ve reached your peace From your troubled world you’ve been released. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Felipa Date: 07 Dec 21 - 06:53 AM The Land of the Gael posted on Mudcat |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Nigel Parsons Date: 07 Dec 21 - 07:12 AM "Rehab": Amy Winehouse |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST Date: 07 Dec 21 - 05:10 PM (The Foxy Devil, by Christy Moore) |
Subject: Lyr Add: OUT OF LOVE (John Prine, Bill Caswell From: Jim Dixon Date: 26 Dec 21 - 08:21 PM I thought you might enjoy the way so many beer advertising slogans are woven into this love song: OUT OF LOVE Written by John Prine & Bill Caswell As recorded on John Prine's album “German Afternoons” (1986) 1. Barley malts and does eat oats and little girls are lively,[1] And your liveliness has left me in a brew; So I'm sitting here just drinking beer ‘cause there's nothing else to do, And when I'm out of love, I'm out of you.[2] 2. We were so happy, honey, when we were together, Why, we should have won a ribbon colored blue,[3] But those Rocky Mountain waters came between us,[4] And when I'm out of love, I'm out of you. CHORUS: So I'm living in the land of sky blue waters,[5] And I'm grabbing all the gusto up, it's true. Well, you only go around once in life, they say,[6] And when I'm out of love, I'm out of you. 3. These teardrops that I'm crying are the champagne of bottled tears,[7] And I must admit that I've shed one or two, But when good friends get together[8], well, they always tip a few, And when I'm out of love, I'm out of you. CHORUS 4. So put me in a cool place, for I'm the King of Beers.[9] Forty to forty-five degrees will do; And if you must play that jukebox, let it be low and now[10] 'Cause when I'm out of love, I'm out of you. CHORUS So if you got the time, we got the tears,[11] And when I'm out of love, I'm out of you. 1 A reference to the lyrics of the song MAIRZY DOATS. 2 “When you’re out of Schlitz, you’re out of beer” was the slogan of Schlitz beer. 3 A reference to Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. 4 “Brewed with Pure Rocky Mountain Spring Water” was a slogan of Coors beer. 5 “From the land of sky-blue waters” was the slogan of Hamm’s beer. 6 “You only go around once in this life, so you have to grab for all the gusto you can get” was a slogan of Schlitz beer. 7 “The Champagne of Bottled Beer” was a slogan of Miller High Life beer. 8 “When good friends get together they say O.K. for O’Keefe’s” was a slogan for O’Keefe’s beer. 9 “The King of Beers” was the slogan of Budweiser beer. 10 “Tonight, let it be Lowenbrau” was a slogan for Lowenbrau beer. 11 “If you’ve got the time, we’ve got the beer” was a slogan for Miller High Life beer. |
Subject: Lyr Add: Beer Belly Polka From: NightWing Date: 27 Dec 21 - 10:00 PM Recently found this one that I had not heard before, don't see in this list, and don't see in the DT: "Beer Belly Polka". (Mel Bay's Deluxe Anthology of Fiddle Styles. David Reiner. Mel Bay Publications, Inc. Pacific, MO: 1979. P. 20.) It says "copyright 1976 by P. Anick".
It appears that I lost the software to create ABC from MIDI in my last computer crash. I'll try to post the tune as soon as I can get it back up.
BB, |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Haruo Date: 28 Dec 21 - 08:19 AM The Sacred Harp Bremen site has the score to 334 Oh, Come Away, as well as robotic voices to learn the parts from, and a link to a YouTube. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Haruo Date: 28 Dec 21 - 08:27 AM I'm a bit more than 37 years away from my last drink. I sing my "Fremont Hymn" and "The Salvation Army Song" (Put a Nickel on the Drum) in AA meetings during my birthday month (and occasionally at Song Circle). Also this one: Ach du lieber Augustin Slot machine run by steam Put a nickel in it and see what comes out. Octember, Septober, no wonder I'm sober If whiskey doesn't kill me, I'll live till I die. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST Date: 28 Dec 21 - 11:02 AM - sung by Dick Gaughan |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST Date: 28 Dec 21 - 11:05 AM - Alan Reid and Rob Van Sante |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,John from Kemsing Date: 28 Dec 21 - 11:48 AM "The Drunkard`s Looking Glass" London, circa 1846 "What will the drunkard do for ale?, Shall I unfold my dreadful tale. Yes, I`ll unfold it if I can, To benefit a drunken man. What will a drunkard do for ale? It will make a sober man turn pale. Sell his hat and pawn his coat, To satisfy his greedy throat. Ch.:- There for the grace of God go we, Saved from shame and misery. There for the love of ale go you. Say drunkard, is my statement true? What will he do to gain his end. He will deceive his dearest friend. His crafty plans we will devise, And tell the most atrocious lies. What will a drunkard do for ale? Dark and dismal grows my tale. Sell his bedstead and his bed. Nor leave a place to lay his head. Ch.:- Sell his blankets and his sheets. Lie in barns or walk the streets. His thirsty soul will cry for more He`s starved and miserably poor. He`ll beg for half-pence when he can. And say he is a dying man. But if three half-pence he has got, He`ll go and find another sot. Ch.:- As mean and shabby as himself. A dirty, ragged, drunken elf. In some alehouse corner seated, Waiting, longing to be treated. They freely enter into chat, If they can but catch a flat. With every one they will be friends, If they can but gain their ends. Ch.:- Then with his bosom full, of strife, Each man goes home to beat his wife. The children beat and sent to bed, Because the wretches have no bread. No meat, no butter have they got. Such is the dwelling of a sot. The wife in tears and ragged too, Say, drunkard is my statement true? Ch.:- |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Bill D Date: 28 Dec 21 - 03:10 PM From Australia.. with lyrics at the bottom.. Billy of Tea> |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: GUEST,The Man from UNCOOL Date: 28 Dec 21 - 08:33 PM Try "Hungover Liver" [parody of Paul Metser's "Farewell To The Gold"] It wouldn't harm to have a few lines tweaked to catch the original better, and I sing such a version, but it's not posted anywhere. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Felipa Date: 28 Dec 21 - 09:44 PM the Pig Got Up (lyrics posted 15 Nov 2021) put me in mind of Doran's Ass |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Neil D Date: 31 Dec 21 - 02:59 AM Great Big Sea does one called "That Old Black Rum" Jim White wrote "A bar is Just a Church Where They Serve Beer" And then there's this regional hit from the 70s by Alex Bevan: SKINNY Shazam! Feelin' grand, guess I'll mosey into town Raise hell all around, I'm gonna have a good time Damn! You bet I am, gonna boogie till I'm blind I got a quart a dollar wine ta get myself primed Runnin' down the road I got the back tires smokin' The highway's open, not a cop in sight No red light flashin's gonna hamper my action My path is clear and my timing's right Cause I'm a Skinny little boy from Cleveland Ohio Come to chase your women and drink your beer Second gear down main street and roarin' into town Women grab your children, bolt the doors and shut her down They're peekin' out from windows while the menfolk pray They speak in frightened whispers and the weak ones faint Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it a demon in the air Or a fire breathin' baby eatin' mother beatin' bear Is it murder, is it rape, is it the watergate tapes Or a mere hallucination caused by folks from outer space No it's a Skinny little boy from Cleveland Ohio Come to chase your women and drink your beer Oh my, and here you are, you see him stride into the bar He's got a girl on every arm and two or three to spare Yeah, ain't he neat, dressed to kill from head to feet The tavern quiets down, the people stare in disbelief He's got chrome plated platforms nine inches high Batteries in the sole with neon lights on the side A patent leather jacket with a picture on the back It's Marilyn in the nude with some writing on her ass It says Skinny little boy from Cleveland Ohio He's come to chase your women and drink your beer Stand aside from the bar if you haven't come to drink You throw your water in the sink and give me whiskey in my glass The bourbon tastes mean but it sure beats listerine Gets your breath twice as clean, and you high twice as fast Run out of Wild Turkey, Jack Daniels is fine Keep your Gin and tonic, your old ripple wine Tequila and a pinch or even vodka's all right I got a ringin' in my ears and a burnin' in my eyes And I'm a Skinny little boy from Cleveland Ohio Come to drink your women and chase your beer So people now you know my story and you're aware of my curse Of how this decent model citizen was changed by lust and thirst You take heed of my warning, you walk the straight and narrow trail You shun the gaily painted ladies, bright lights and booze as well Or you'll be sittin' all alone watching TV home in bed Your skin'll start to prickle and your hands'll start to sweat You'll reach for the bottle just as sure as I stand You'll raise it to your lips, you'll take a drink and then Shazam! You're a Skinny little boy from Cleveland Ohio You go chasin' down the women and drinkin' up the beer |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Ebbie Date: 31 Dec 21 - 03:41 AM One of the most heart-wrenching songs I know. I Drink Mary Gauthier He'd get home at 5:30 Fix his drink, sit down in his chair Pick a fight with mama Complain about us kids getting in his hair At night he'd sit 'lone and smoke I'd see his frown behind his lighter's flame Now that same frown's in my mirror I got my daddy's blood inside my veins Fish swim, birds fly Daddies yell, mamas cry Old men sit and think I drink Chicken, TV, dinner 6 minutes on defrost, 3 on high Beer to wash it down with then another A little whiskey on the side It's not so bad alone here It don't bother me that every night's the same I don't need another lover Hanging 'round, trying to make me change Fish swim, birds fly Lovers leave by and by Old men sit and think I drink I know what I am But I don't give a damn Fish swim, birds fly Daddies yell, mamas cry Old men sit and think I drink |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Neil D Date: 31 Dec 21 - 10:04 AM Mary Gauthier is a great songwriter. "Mercy Now", the album that song is from is brilliant. |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: The Sandman Date: 02 Jan 22 - 01:21 PM Oh goodbye booze for evermore My boozing days will soon be o'er Oh, I had a good time, and we couldn't agree You see what booze has done for me She's tore my clothes, she's swelled my head So goodbye booze, I'm going to bed Oh, I had a good time, and we couldn't agree You see what booze has done for me She swelled my head, she broke my heart So goodbye booze, we now shall part Oh, I had a good time, but we couldn't agree You see what booze has done for me She whispered low, how sweet it sounds! Please take another ride on the merry-go-round Oh, I had a good time, and we couldn't agree You see what booze has done for me |
Subject: Lyr Add: BERL DER ALTER SHIKER Berl the old drunk From: Felipa Date: 26 Apr 22 - 03:35 PM (where you can also find Yiddish in Hebrew script) "In his article Geyt a yid in shenkl arayn: Yiddish Songs of Drunkeness (Field of Yiddish: Fifth Collection, 1993), Robert A. Rothstein analyzes versions of the song and points out that the verse about the wife drinking the whiskey all up is from Velvl Zbarzher’s poem Der shiker (The Drunk) found in his Makel No’am ??? ???? Vol. 3, Lemberg 1873. Shmuel-Zanvil Pipe also pointed this out in YIVO-bleter, 1939 (vol. 14: 339-667) Perhaps we should consider the whole text a folklorized Zbarzher song*?" (*Vevel Zbarzher,Benjamin Wolf Ehrenkrantz. born between 1812 & 1826, died circa 1883) TRANSLITERATION BERL DER ALTER SHIKER Fun zint der monopol iz af der velt bin ikh af im in kas. Es kost mikh op a mayontik mit gelt un ikh trink azoy vi fun a fas. Ikh nem dos fleshele in mayne hent un ikh klap dem koretsl aroys, tsebrekht zikh dos fleshele in mayne hent un der bronfn gist aroys. Ay-ay-day-day…. Haynt vel ikh mit mayn vaybele zikh tsekrign Zi vet nokh hobn tsu gedenken. Vifl mol ikh hob ir shoyn farshvign. Haynt vel ikh ir nisht shenken. Kh’ob genumen dos fleshele mit bronfn. Geleygt hob im tsukopns. Se khapt zikh oyf di ployneste baynakht, un zi trinkt es oys bizn letstn tropn. Ay-ay-day-day Oy vey, reboyne-shel-oylem. Du bist dokh a hartsiker rikhter. Zol shtendik regenen mit bronfn un mit bir. Ikh vil keyn mol nisht zayn nikhter. Af mayn keyver zol zayn ongegosn. Mit bronfn un mit bir. Dos iz bay mir der iker. Un af mayn matseyve zol sshteyn ongeshribn – “do ligt Berl der alter shiker.” Ay-day-day… do ligt Berl der alter shiker. Translation BERL, THE OLD DRUNK Since the “monopol” [Czarist controlled liquor stores/pubs] is in the world I am angry at it. It costs me a fortune of money and I drink as if from a barrel. I take the bottle in my hand and knock the cork out. The bottle breaks in my hand and the whiskey pours out. Ay-day-day… Today I will argue with my wife. She will have what to remember [she will pay for it] So many times I have told her to shut up Today I will not spare her. I took the bottle of booze Put it at my head. My wife wakes up at night and drinks it all to the last drop. Ay-day-day O Master of the universe you are a compassionate judge. Let it always rain whiskey and beer So I won’t ever have to be sober. On my grave let them pour whiskey and beer, and on my gravestone it should be written – “Here lay Berl the old drunk.” Ay-day-day Here lay Berl the old drunk. ? |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Monique Date: 27 Apr 22 - 10:37 AM Here are the lyrics in Yiddish characters: ליגט בערל דער אַלטער שיכּור פֿון זינט דער מאָנאָפּאָל יז אַף דער װעלט בין איך אױף אים אין כּעס. עס קאָסט מיך אָפּ אַ מאַיאָנטיק מיט געלט און איך טרינק אַזױ װי פֿון אַ פֿאַס. איך נעם דאָס פֿלעשעלע אין מײַנע הענט און איך קלאַפּ דעם קאָרעצל אַרױס, צעברעכט זיך דאָס פֿלעשעלע אין מײַנע הענט און דער בראָנפֿן גיסט אַרױס. אײַ-אַײַ-דײַ-דײַ…. חײַנט װעל איך מיט מײַן װײַבעלע זיך צעקריגן; זי װעט נאָך האָבן צו געדענקען. װיפֿל מאָל איך האָב איר שוין פֿאַרשװיגן, חײַנט װעל איך איר נישט שענקען.. כ’האָב גענומען דאָס פֿלעשעלע מיט בראָנפֿן, געלײגט האָבאיך אים צו קאָפּנס. סע כאַפּט זיך אױף די פּלוניטע בײַ נאַכט, און זי טרינקט עס אָיס ביזן לאָצטן טראָפּן. אײַ-אַײַ-דײַ-דײַ…. אױ װײ, רבונו-של-עולם, דו ביסט דאָך אַ האַרציקער ריכטער. זאָל שטענדיק רעגענען מיט בראָנפֿן און מיט ביר, איך װיל קײן מאָל נישט זײַן ניכטער. אױף מײַן קכֿר זאָל זײַן אָנגעגאָסן. מיט בראָנפֿן און מיט ביר. דאָס איז בײַ מיר דער יקר. און אױף מײַן מצכֿה זאָל שטײַן אָנגעשריבן: "דאַ ליגט בערל דער אַלטער שיכּר". אײַ-אַײַ-דײַ-דײַ…. דאָ ליגט בערל דער אַלטער שיכּור |
Subject: RE: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics! From: Felipa Date: 27 Apr 22 - 12:40 PM note - the lyrics posted by Monique on 27 Apr 22 are for the song I posted a transliteration and translation of on 26 April, BERL DER ALTER SHIKER. |
Subject: Lyr Add: BEARAILTE (Barred, Irish Gaelic) From: Felipa Date: 01 May 22 - 02:00 PM BEARÁILTE Tá mé beáráilte Tigh Josie, tá mé bearáilte Tigh Sé, Tá mé beáráilte Tigh an Táilliúra ó thráthnóna arú inné. Tá mé beáráilte Tigh Hanley 's as Tigh Phlunkett Joe, Níl aon phub sa taobh seo tíre a scaoilfidh isteach mé arís go deo. Bhí mé oíche thiar Tigh Hanley tar éis dhom pionta a ól Tigh Lee, Bhí an crowd againn ann le chéile 's muid sa gcúinne siúd inár suí. Bhí na piontaí ‘s na leathchinn 's iad go flaithiúil ann le n-ól, Ach níor airigh mise ariamh é go raibh mé tite istigh faoin stól. Tháinig Réamonn 's chaith sé amach mé, fuair mé jaráil uaidh faoin stól, Dúirt sé “Ná feicim thart thú anseo arís mar níl tú in ann é ól.” Ó bhuail mé ar mo Honda, chuaigh mé amach Tigh Phlunkett Joe, Ach ní scaoilfidís isteach mé agus ní scaoilfidh ná go deo. Ó dúradh istigh Tigh Jack liom nach bhfaighinn uathu ach an ceann, Ach a dhul amach Tigh Darby, go mbeadh neart le fáil agam ann, Bhí mé ag staggeráil faoin am seo ag dul anonn agus anall, Ach bhí Dermot 's é ag fanacht romham ansiúd ag binn an hall. Chuaigh mé as sin go Réalt na Maidine agus d’ól mé pionta beer. Agus chuimhnigh mé ar Josie agus staggeráil mé siar. Nuair a leandáil mé ar an tairseach, bhí Josie 's é amuigh romham, Agus dúirt liom a bheith ag glanadh go raibh na cosa ag lúbadh fúm. Ó chuaigh mé ar mo Honda, fuair mé leathghloine Tigh Sé, Fuair mé fuílleach óil Tigh an Táilliúra mar níor aithin siad ann mé. Ó thosaigh cineál achrann, cuireadh dath dubh ar mo shúil, Agus dhóirt mé pionta pórtair a raibh mé caillte inti le dúil. Ní nach ionadh caitheadh amach mé, thug mé m’aghaidh ar an hotel. Tháinig strainséara amach agus dúirt “You’re barred from here as well”. Ó suas liom ar mo Honda, 's mé ag wobbleáil ar nós gé, Ach bhí an squad ag stopadh carrannaí ag crosbhóthar Dhoire an Fhéich. "What’s your name agus cé as thú? Anuas den Honda leat go beo, Céard a tharlódh dá mbeadh crash agat, diabhal tada a cheanglódh tú go deo?" Ó shín’ siad ‘am an bagín, 's dúirt liom “have a blow”. Agus tháinig chuile chineál dath air á mbíonn le feiceáil sa rainbow. Ó caitheadh isteach sa squad mé, caitheadh an Honda thar an gclaí, Chas siad thart an squadcar 's ar Phat O Malley a thug sí a haghaidh. As sin go dtí an Bheairic, áit ar ceistíodh mé go crua, Ach mé cuimhne go deo agamsa ar Ray Lyons 's ar Steve Rua. Tá mé suite anseo ag baile 's tá an Nollaig beagnach thart, Tá mé ag mháinneáil ar nós madra 's mo theanga bheag amuigh le tart. Ó beidh an fhéile seo sách uaigneach agam fhéin agus ag Cáit, Níl goir agam dhul in aon áit tá mé beáráilte as chuile áit. the singer names bars he has drunk in and bars he is banned (barred, bearáilte) from. In the last verse, Christmas is going to be lonely for himself and Cáit as he is barred everywhere listen to John Beag Ó Flathart singing Beáráilte: |
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