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PC programs to read & play music?

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JohnInKansas 13 Mar 03 - 06:03 PM
JohnInKansas 13 Mar 03 - 05:48 PM
GUEST,Jon 13 Mar 03 - 09:40 AM
Bill D 13 Mar 03 - 09:21 AM
MMario 13 Mar 03 - 08:19 AM
GUEST,GeoffLawes 13 Mar 03 - 08:06 AM
GUEST,GeoffLawes 13 Mar 03 - 07:59 AM
GUEST 13 Mar 03 - 07:18 AM
MMario 12 Mar 03 - 09:19 PM
GeoffLawes 12 Mar 03 - 08:01 PM
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Subject: RE: PC programs to read & play music?
From: JohnInKansas
Date: 13 Mar 03 - 06:03 PM

For those interested, I found Sharp Eye here.

I didn't dig deep, but:
1. Doesn't run on Mac, but may run in PC emulation on a Mac.
2. Outputs midi.
3. Outputs Music XML.
4. Outputs its own (proprietary?) format for notation.

Apparently you can print notation directly from the Sharp Eye program.

Its output is probably not importable into most "commercial" notation programs except using the midi output. This is probably not a real handicap, since virtually all notation programs will import midi and make a usable score from it (but check yours, if you haven't tried it).

Note that I haven't needed to look at whether there are any decent notation programs that might import the XML or the Sharp Eye format, so I don't have much information at hand.


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Subject: RE: PC programs to read & play music?
From: JohnInKansas
Date: 13 Mar 03 - 05:48 PM

In the Rolls-Royce-Limo line, there's a presumedly good scan-to-score utility included with the Sibelius notation product, and a "Professional version" that you can get for a few extra bucks.

There is also a program from the same people who make the plug-in for Sibelius that's designed specifically to scan to midi. There is a free trial version of the midi program, that might be of interest to some of our people, although I doubt many of us would want to pay the $149 for the "registered" full product.

From their site:

"Neuratron PhotoScore MIDI is the new scanning program for use with sequencers and MIDI software such as Cakewalk, Cubase and Logic. It turns printed music notation straight into MIDI files for you to play and edit in your sequencer.

"(N.B. PhotoScore MIDI is not for use with Sibelius, as Sibelius includes its own scanning program.)"

The link to download the trial version is on the page at the clicky.

The Cakewalk people had a Scan-to-Cakewalk plugin of their own that was significantly cheaper, but I couldn't locate it on their site last time I ventured in there. I downloaded a trial version to use with an obsolete version of "Cakewalk Home Studio" that came with a keyboard. I was not impressed with the scanning utility or with "Home Studio;" but I'm not really midi oriented so "your mileage may vary."

Several people have mentioned Sharp Eyes in previous threads, and a few have "promised to try it;" but I haven't seen much reported back here on how well (or whether) it works.


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Subject: RE: PC programs to read & play music?
From: GUEST,Jon
Date: 13 Mar 03 - 09:40 AM

MMario, try this. I think it covers what you are asking.

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Subject: RE: PC programs to read & play music?
From: Bill D
Date: 13 Mar 03 - 09:21 AM

John in Brisbane uses it...check this thread

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Subject: RE: PC programs to read & play music?
From: MMario
Date: 13 Mar 03 - 08:19 AM

Does sharp eye pull it into a playable form or just into sheet music?

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Subject: RE: PC programs to read & play music?
From: GUEST,GeoffLawes
Date: 13 Mar 03 - 08:06 AM

Sorry Keith I spelt your name wrong - i before except after c, not.

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Subject: RE: PC programs to read & play music?
From: GUEST,GeoffLawes
Date: 13 Mar 03 - 07:59 AM

Thanks for the tip about Sharp Eye Kieth. Do you (or does anyone else) know how I go about getting it?

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Subject: RE: PC programs to read & play music?
Date: 13 Mar 03 - 07:18 AM

There is a programme called sharp eye you can down load on a 30day trail well worth a try

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Subject: RE: PC programs to read & play music?
From: MMario
Date: 12 Mar 03 - 09:19 PM

I use NoteWorthy Composer - it doesn't scan the sheet music - but the learningn curve is quick and it allows me to hear the music once I've input it.

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Subject: PC programs to read & play music?
From: GeoffLawes
Date: 12 Mar 03 - 08:01 PM

There must surely be a program which allows you to scan sheet music so that your pc can play it for you ???? If anyone could tell me the name, supplier, cost and any other useful details of such a program I would be very grateful. If there isn't such a thing then somebody please get working on it so that the millons of us who play but don't read music can stop pestering our friends and relations to "pick out the tune for us".

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