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Chords from a MIDI?

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Joe Offer 27 Nov 04 - 09:10 PM
wysiwyg 27 Nov 04 - 10:40 PM
John in Brisbane 28 Nov 04 - 06:53 AM
pavane 28 Nov 04 - 03:54 PM
Alex.S 28 Nov 04 - 10:14 PM
Alex.S 28 Nov 04 - 10:14 PM
Joe Offer 28 Nov 04 - 11:16 PM
GUEST,John in Brisbane 29 Nov 04 - 03:09 AM
John in Brisbane 29 Nov 04 - 08:28 AM
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Subject: Chords from a MIDI?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 27 Nov 04 - 09:10 PM

I know that there's an ABC program, AbcMus, that will generate suggested chords for a tune, but somebody wrote me today and asked if there is a program that will do that from a MIDI, without first translating the tune into ABC format. Any suggestions?

-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Chords from a MIDI?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 27 Nov 04 - 10:40 PM

MidiNotate, easy.


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Subject: RE: Chords from a MIDI?
From: John in Brisbane
Date: 28 Nov 04 - 06:53 AM

Jammer Professional from is available as a free download. Its main function is to operate like Band-In-A-Box but it has a Chord Recognition facility which is excellent. HOWEVER it will only give results if there the chords are actually present in the MIDI file (putting it simplistically - if there is a rhythm track). Jammer Pro is fantastic for jazz and pop tracks with complex chords, but please remember the old GIGO maxim - the output is only as good as the quality of the input in the first instance.

Pavane's Chord Finder also does a very good job and has two distinct advantages, (1) the program searches over all MIDI channels to find simultaneous notes (chords) and (2) the output is much easier to copy and paste. Find it at

ABCMUS on the other hand analyses the notes in a given bar and uses some algorithms to calculate the most likely chord. Not too bad for folk or trad dance tunes but the resultant chords are limited to Major and Minor chords.

MusicEase purports to do chord analysis but IMO the chords which are generated are rat-shit.

Regards, John

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Subject: RE: Chords from a MIDI?
From: pavane
Date: 28 Nov 04 - 03:54 PM

It is not clear to me what the requirement is?

If you need to find what chords are BEING played in a MIDI file, yes, you need my program Find MIDI Chords. (This was previously a commercial program distributed by a major supplier of professional MIDI files.)

If you have a melody line only, and wish to ADD chords to it, then my program HARMONY can import it, add chords, and also output as a MIDI.

You can also edit and transpose before outputting.

As John says, they are both available at my web site

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Subject: RE: Chords from a MIDI?
From: Alex.S
Date: 28 Nov 04 - 10:14 PM

Thanks for asking that Joe. john, I downloaded Jammer Professional and I have the program playing a midi but I can't for the life of me find out how to make it tell me the chords-- could you just tell me where that blasted button is?

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Subject: RE: Chords from a MIDI?
From: Alex.S
Date: 28 Nov 04 - 10:14 PM


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Subject: RE: Chords from a MIDI?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 28 Nov 04 - 11:16 PM

Thanks, Pavane - I thought Harmony could probably generate chords for a simple melody. I have to admit that I haven't taken the time to learn the program, or my stepson's Finale. I've used Noteworthy Composer for years, and it does what I need it to do, so it's hard to motivate myself to learn something new at my advanced age and all....
Since I never figured out how to change chords on a guitar, they don't really help me personally.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Chords from a MIDI?
From: GUEST,John in Brisbane
Date: 29 Nov 04 - 03:09 AM

Hi Alex, I'm using V4.0. First Import your chosen MIDI file - ideally it needs to have chords in a discreet channel.

In the Tools Menu you'll find (hopefully) an option which is called 'Chord Recognition'. You then need to select the channel with the chords in it - ideally you've had a look beforehand using something like NoteWorthy Composer or it you're really lucky the author of the MIDI has named the contents of each MIDI channel.

Use the 'Measures' View to view your chords. Jammer Pro has a fairly steep learning curve, but is easy when you've used it a few times.

To repeat partially what I said above Jammer Pro will identify just about any chord that has been entered into the MIDI (including Bb Demolished with soy and double decaf) but the output is a pain to copy and paste in text form.

For the sake of posterity (and you've gotta be keen, so I won't articulate every detail), here's my process:

- Print the Measures with Chords to file as a .PDF file. Use the Jammer option which elects to NOT print the music staff.

- In Acrobat Reader use the TEXT Select Tool to Select and Copy the Text (bar numbers and chords).

- Paste the contents to your word processor or browser.

If you have further difficulties please let me know. In the interim I'll try and find a mutually accessible file with chord rhythm track that you could use to test the functionality - p'raps at Mudcat MIDIs.

Regards, John

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Subject: RE: Chords from a MIDI?
From: John in Brisbane
Date: 29 Nov 04 - 08:28 AM

One of my countrymen, Ron Clarke, has written some lovely tunes which have nicely executed MIDIs and the guitar chord accompaniment is well articulated if you use Jammer - or a score editor such as NoteWorthy or Cakewalk. I particularly like his three lively waltzes Ashes, North Wind and Olinda Waltz plus the slow air Forty HERE, otherwise known as Tadpole Tunes.

Not that the chords are difficult - the tunes have a couple of interesting twists - but there as good a test bed for chord software as any other site I could think of.

Regards, John

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