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Worst song you have ever heard?

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Big Al Whittle 04 May 21 - 11:36 PM
gillymor 05 May 21 - 07:59 AM
Steve Shaw 05 May 21 - 08:44 AM
gillymor 05 May 21 - 08:58 AM
punkfolkrocker 05 May 21 - 10:27 AM
Helen 05 May 21 - 02:46 PM
punkfolkrocker 05 May 21 - 03:56 PM
gillymor 05 May 21 - 05:02 PM
The Sandman 06 May 21 - 01:32 AM
Allan Conn 06 May 21 - 03:00 AM
punkfolkrocker 06 May 21 - 05:28 AM
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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: Big Al Whittle
Date: 04 May 21 - 11:36 PM

did I win...?

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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: gillymor
Date: 05 May 21 - 07:59 AM

Maybe not among the worst songs ever written but even as a teenager I used to cringe, and still do, when I heard songs on the top 40 designed to cash in on Flower Power, the Hippie Movement, Summer of Love, whatever you want to call it. Examples include Green Tambourine, Spirit in the Sky, If You're going to San Francisco, The Year 2525 etc.
Good thing I don't have a lawn.

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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: Steve Shaw
Date: 05 May 21 - 08:44 AM

Good bopping song, though, Spirit In The Sky!

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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: gillymor
Date: 05 May 21 - 08:58 AM

It borrows a boogie beat from John Lee Hooker but it still almost triggers my gag reflex.

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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 05 May 21 - 10:27 AM

The world cannot underestimate the importance of spirit in the sky...

Where for example international football fans might debate and venerate the greatest goal ever in football history..

That's how the guitar player subculture of fuzzbox worshippers regards spirit in the sky...

Green tambourine is up there on a pedestal hailed a classic of bubblegum pop..

Old git folkie monoculturists need to let their hair down and enjoy these things things...

Remember there are more colours in the world than grey...

And kitchens were invented for dancing and singing along to classic pop music..

It's no coincidence nature has determined the ideal average optimum duration of a pop song as the same as boiling an egg...

There, science proves this...!!!

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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: Helen
Date: 05 May 21 - 02:46 PM

Or there is that other hippie song by Sandie Thom, I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in my Hair)

[Ducking and running for cover!]

I can just imagine Johnny Rotten with flowers in his hair.

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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 05 May 21 - 03:56 PM

No problem at all, I'm from Scrumpyshire...

Back in 1976 to 1980, our provincial west country counterculture
was hybrid punk/hippy..

The best and worst of both tribes...

Allied together we both s*** our pants in fear of our deadly enemy young farm labourer bonehead bootboys..

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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: gillymor
Date: 05 May 21 - 05:02 PM

No doubt Mr. Lydon would look shagadelic with those accoutrements, Helen.

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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: The Sandman
Date: 06 May 21 - 01:32 AM

My Proper Name is Clarence

My Proper Name is Clarence
(John "Mitch" Mitchell)

While sitting in a hostelry, alone one Sunday night,
A fella came across to me and asked me for a light,
He offered me a cigarette; he bought me half a beer,
And we were getting friendly when he whispered in my ear.

cho: "My proper name is Clarence, but you can call me Clare,
    I wear sexy undies and I peroxide my hair,
    My politics are liberal, my outlook's liberal too,
    In fact my dear, I'm a little bit queer and I've taken a shine to you."

Well I supped my jar; I left that bar, faster than a scalded cat,
Caught the landlord's eye as I went by and I stopped just for a chat,
I said, "Hey, he's propositioned me. Do you allow that there 'ere?"
Well he didn't get riled, in fact he just smiled and he whispered in my ear.

Well off I did go, to the new disco, to find myself a bride,
Picked up this pearl of a pastry girl, took her for a ride,
In the back of the car, I got so far, then I froze with fear,
When I felt a lump and my heart went thump and a voice whispered in my ear.

Next day at eight, I called my mate, he promised not to tell,
By a quarter to nine the production line, the foreman knew as well,
They called me misses and they blew me kisses, the boss he got to hear,
For me he sent, to the office I went and he whispered in my ear.

I joined the health service, to train to be a nurse,
With stethoscope and fob watch, with pride I fair did burst,
My charge nurse said he'd teach me, the kiss of life technique,
Well first he turned the lights down and when he began to speak, he said,

"My proper name is Clarence, but you can call me Clare,
I wear sexy undies and I peroxide my hair,
My politics are liberal, my outlook's liberal too,
In fact my dear, I'm a little bit queer and I've taken a shine to you.

In fact my dears, thanks for having me here, God bless, good night to you."
Song written by Mitch who hails from Worksop, UK.

This song is iin my opinion disgraceful, it encourages intolerance. i saw a couple sing this song at a zoom folk club and mention that two people had walked out of a folk club gig they had done. they introduced the song as being about the politician jeremy thorpe. The whole point about THORPE WAS THAT HE WENT ON TRIAL FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER.of his alleged gay lover. do we really want togo back to times when gay people were forced tobehave in a clandestine way?
remember Martin Carthy giving that silly old fool Tom Brown senior a bollocking for singing this song , Brown made it worse by doing all sort of actions with a limp wrist. this is a song that appeals to the worst in people. so we have a song where people who are liberal in their views are portrayed as laughable. If that couple continue to include the song in their set they are sooner or later going to get adverse reactions, they need to cop on

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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: Allan Conn
Date: 06 May 21 - 03:00 AM

I am kind of with PFR though. I understand why someone may not like the original "Spirit In The Sky" if they see it as just a commercial bandwagon type thing. But it stands on its own as a classic fun pop tune. Was an even bigger #1 in the 80s by Doctor & The Medics on its merit with no nod to hippiedom and again by the Kumars in the noughties as a charity single. It is incredibly catchy. I don't have an issue with Sandy Thom's chorus either. She isn't saying that she thought punks wore flowers in the hair. She's just saying she has a hankering for both subcultures and earlier times. Bur fair dos different things irk different folk.

One song for me that has me cringing is Paul McCartney's "London Town"

"Crawling down the pavement on a Sunday afternoon
I was arrested by a rozzer with a pink baloon
About his foot - toot toot"

I he ever needed another songwriter beside him just to say "that is crap Paul rewrite it" that was the moment.

Saying that we are big McCartney and Wings fans in this household and even though it has awful lyrics and isn't one of his better tunes we still find ourselves kind of humming along. "toot toot"

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Subject: RE: Worst song you have ever heard?
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 06 May 21 - 05:28 AM

I will admit that for a long time in my youth
I disliked on principle "spirit in the sky",
and any other songs with overt "god botherer" lyrics..

Just the mention of God or Jesus in a pop song was like fingernails on a blackboard to me..

However from my early 20s I had to come to terms with my innate intolerance for religions,
because I started feeling a strong affinity for vintage soul and gospel recordings..

(Vague memories a cheap price Sam Cooke cassette may have been the trigger...???)

I began to shut my my mind off to the words and positively embrace the beauty and emotion of the music..

If in an alternative universe life I was good enough musician and singer to work in a club covers band,
I could always mischievously substitute the words cod and cheeses...

Which reminds me, good candidates for worst songs ever
should have to include authoritarian enforced school morning assembly hymns...!!!

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