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BS: Dream Interpretation

CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 12:24 PM
heric 22 Mar 05 - 12:28 PM
CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 12:33 PM
GUEST,Chongo Chimp 22 Mar 05 - 12:36 PM
GUEST,CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 12:43 PM
Rustic Rebel 22 Mar 05 - 12:45 PM
wysiwyg 22 Mar 05 - 12:45 PM
George Papavgeris 22 Mar 05 - 12:46 PM
gnu 22 Mar 05 - 12:47 PM
gnu 22 Mar 05 - 12:50 PM
GUEST,Chongo Chimp 22 Mar 05 - 12:53 PM
George Papavgeris 22 Mar 05 - 12:55 PM
CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 12:55 PM
gnu 22 Mar 05 - 12:58 PM
CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 12:58 PM
CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 01:02 PM
CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 01:19 PM
Ebbie 22 Mar 05 - 01:37 PM
Little Hawk 22 Mar 05 - 01:44 PM
CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 01:46 PM
CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 01:50 PM
wysiwyg 22 Mar 05 - 02:14 PM
CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 02:19 PM
CarolC 22 Mar 05 - 02:20 PM
Ebbie 22 Mar 05 - 02:48 PM
Uncle_DaveO 22 Mar 05 - 03:02 PM
Uncle_DaveO 22 Mar 05 - 03:04 PM
freda underhill 22 Mar 05 - 03:09 PM
Ebbie 22 Mar 05 - 04:24 PM
Mrrzy 22 Mar 05 - 07:08 PM
wysiwyg 22 Mar 05 - 07:23 PM
harpgirl 22 Mar 05 - 10:44 PM
Ebbie 25 Mar 05 - 03:48 PM
CarolC 25 Mar 05 - 03:53 PM
Amos 25 Mar 05 - 04:00 PM
Ebbie 25 Mar 05 - 04:48 PM
susu 26 Mar 05 - 09:16 AM
GUEST,harpgirl 26 Mar 05 - 10:13 AM
GUEST 26 Mar 05 - 10:49 AM
Ebbie 26 Mar 05 - 01:35 PM
harpgirl 26 Mar 05 - 06:06 PM
Ebbie 26 Mar 05 - 06:29 PM
CarolC 26 Mar 05 - 09:18 PM
susu 26 Mar 05 - 10:37 PM
Little Hawk 26 Mar 05 - 10:59 PM
CarolC 26 Mar 05 - 11:17 PM
Amos 26 Mar 05 - 11:18 PM
Little Hawk 26 Mar 05 - 11:24 PM
Ebbie 26 Mar 05 - 11:41 PM
Ebbie 26 Mar 05 - 11:43 PM
Ebbie 05 Apr 05 - 01:59 AM
Amos 05 Apr 05 - 02:26 AM
dianavan 05 Apr 05 - 04:02 AM
Amos 05 Apr 05 - 09:59 AM
VirginiaTam 31 Jan 09 - 04:39 AM
Ebbie 31 Jan 09 - 10:50 AM
Sleepy Rosie 31 Jan 09 - 11:33 AM
Bill D 31 Jan 09 - 12:19 PM
wysiwyg 31 Jan 09 - 12:29 PM
Amos 31 Jan 09 - 02:45 PM
VirginiaTam 01 Feb 09 - 05:27 AM
GUEST,Neighmond 02 Feb 09 - 07:39 AM
CarolC 02 Feb 09 - 09:16 AM
CarolC 02 Feb 09 - 09:18 AM
SINSULL 02 Feb 09 - 09:26 AM
Ebbie 02 Feb 09 - 10:26 AM
Alice 02 Feb 09 - 10:28 AM
SINSULL 02 Feb 09 - 11:22 AM
Ebbie 02 Feb 09 - 11:24 AM
Alice 02 Feb 09 - 01:01 PM
Donuel 02 Feb 09 - 01:38 PM
GUEST,amateur shrink 02 Feb 09 - 01:59 PM
Sleepy Rosie 12 Feb 09 - 04:11 AM
Joe_F 12 Feb 09 - 10:34 PM
Alice 12 Feb 09 - 11:49 PM
Ebbie 13 Feb 09 - 12:39 AM
freda underhill 13 Feb 09 - 02:23 AM
VirginiaTam 13 Feb 09 - 05:03 AM
Bill D 13 Feb 09 - 09:59 AM
Alice 13 Feb 09 - 10:18 AM
wysiwyg 13 Feb 09 - 11:27 AM
Ebbie 13 Feb 09 - 12:20 PM
Ebbie 13 Feb 09 - 12:23 PM
CarolC 13 Feb 09 - 02:51 PM
Ebbie 13 Feb 09 - 03:08 PM
Crow Sister (off with the fairies) 16 Sep 09 - 02:28 PM
VirginiaTam 16 Sep 09 - 03:52 PM
CarolC 16 Sep 09 - 07:54 PM
Ebbie 16 Sep 09 - 11:52 PM

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Subject: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:24 PM

I know there's at least one other 'catter besides me who is interested in dream interpretation.

I don't have recurring dreams, but I do have dreams with recurring themes. One of the themes I have had over the years has been house dreams. Never the same house, and never the same circumstances, but in each one, the house is a key part of the dream. I've already figured out a lot of what those dreams are about, even though I expect to have some that will present me with new things to figure out.

But more recently, I've begun to have a new kind of recurring theme in some of my dreams. Over the last couple of years, I've been hanging out a lot at the Whitehouse, as a guest of the President or one or more of his family members. It isn't always Bush who is president when I hang out at the Whitehouse. Sometimes it's Clinton, and sometimes it's nobody I'm familiar with.

But the way it usually works is that in the dream I am either a family friend and I'm there just for a visit (one time, I either had Christmas or someone's birthday with the Whitehouse family), and sometimes I am there because I have important business there (like, for instance, I'm being recognised for some function I have served, or to advise the president on some important matter. Last night I had one in which I was visiting the president's mother as a guest. It wasn't Barbara Bush though. I don't know who it was. Miss Lillian, maybe. We had a pleasant visit and I was woken up in the middle of it, so I don't know how it ends.

I usually don't have dreams in which my place in the world is inflated as it seems to be in these dreams. Which, I guess, is why I'm having some difficulty figuring out what they could mean in my psyche.

At any rate, they are pretty much always interesting dreams as dreams go, and I usually wake up afterwards with a nice feeling. But if anyone wants to take a stab at gussing what my psyche is trying to tell me, go for it. These dreams definitely have my curiousity aroused.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: heric
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:28 PM

Is Bobert ever the President?
If not, I think you secretly wish you were Laura Bush.
But I'm no expert.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:33 PM

LOL, heric!

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:36 PM

I figger the house is symbolic of your own "house of consciousness" in which you dwell. It has become the White House lately, cos you got your mind a lot on politics these days. The "President" might be your own higher self, but I ain't sure about that part.

Has Bill Clinton ever tried to put the moves on you? :-)

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: GUEST,CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:43 PM

I don't know, Chongo. I've had my mind on politics a lot more at other times when I wasn't having these dreams. Plus, the dreams usually are not at all political in nature.

No moves by Clinton, btw. Everybody is always very nice and caring in these dreams.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Rustic Rebel
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:45 PM

I would say it's time to start campaigning for the next election! (smile)

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: wysiwyg
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:45 PM

Here's a technique with dreams you can teach JtS to help with-- it is very simple and highly productive.

One idea is that dreams are one of the ways our brains do the re-sorting part of processing heavy stuff-- that following the discharge process (tears, etc.) our minds automatically re-evaluate all the stuff that had been tied up in the un-discharged tensions. And that dreaming is one way we sort of observe that re-sorting process as it occurs.

The idea is that one can be intentional about working with that process-- making the most of it.

So what you do is, the dreamer tells the dream (say it's you), when you recall it the next day. The person helping (say it's JtS) just listens with bright, loving interest.

Once the telling is done, the listener says/asks, "Wow! That's really interesting! Can you tell me about it again?"

The teller tells the dream again, and usually more detail will be described.

The listener can ask non-directive, open-ended questions once it gets rolling, to encourage more detail.

This process is repeated for as long as it seems more detail is coming.

As the recalled details emerge (sights, sounds, etc., feelings, thoughts had while in the dream), what also tends to emerge are spontaneous "Aha!" moments where the teller tosses in stuff like, "Oh! It's like xx {recalled situation}." Or "Oh! THAT's what this is about: xxxxxxx." (Or those "Aha" moments may come later, after the retelling is done.)

When "enough" telling has occurred, the teller will usually spontaneously end with something like a brisk, "OK! Let's move on!"

It doesn't work well in writing-- MUCH more powerful (and fun) to have a live, warm human bean paying attention. Yawning is a powerful sign the teller is releasing the tied-up tension, and should not be interrupted or treated as an embarassment.

One the telling is done, it's a good idea to let the listener have some listening time, for the teller to listen to them for awhile. Maybe not about dreams, but about whatever comes up as the first teller's turn ends.

This kind of listening with bright attention is work, and it usually calls for a little downtime so the energy-drain of listening doesn't accumulate. Taking turns back and forth helps replenish the energy and the detachment of the listener, so that real listening can occur (as opposed to the kind of listening where the listener is actually thinking about their own saved-up business the whole time.


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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: George Papavgeris
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:46 PM

Don't eat cheese late in the evening.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: gnu
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:47 PM

I am curious... what are these important issues? I'd say the key lies with the issues. Otherwise, wouldn't you rather be somewhere else? Unless Bill was squealin' on the sax and you were squeezin' the accordian like it was JtS and all the reps were gettin' down with the blues. Wait, that was my dream.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: gnu
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:50 PM

Wow Susan. Sounds like an excellent idea... so simple, yet obviously effective.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:53 PM

The White House is a special house. White is the color of purity and higher consciousness. So, I figger your consciousness has been gettin' higher. That's why your house has become the White House.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: George Papavgeris
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:55 PM

Don't eat white cheese late in the evening, then.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:55 PM

Rustic Rebel... aaaarrrrrrrrgggghhhh!!!!


Wysiwyg, we actually do that some of the time but we haven't had any results on the Whitehouse dreams so far. So I thought I'd widen the pool of available input by posting here in the Mudcat.

El Greko, I wish I could eat cheese! I LOVE cheese! But I can't. I'm allergic.

LOL, gnu. I don't remember the issues. They don't seem to be as important as just being there with the people.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: gnu
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:58 PM

I still say it's the key. That's why it's been recurring... you haven't gotten to resolve the issues you are there to resolve.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:58 PM

Oh, very cool, Chongo.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 01:02 PM

You could be right, gnu. Usually there aren't any issues though. Last night we had tea, and I remember thinking about the decor of the bathroom and what a nice lady the president's mother was, and I got a bit sleepy and took a little nap. Someone else was there for part of the dream. I think she took a little nap too. And I think I was wondering if it was time to go home, and then I was woken up by a phone call.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 01:19 PM

Actually, Chongo, now that I think about it, in some of the recurring dreams that are house dreams, but not the Whitehouse dreams, the houses are mine (and sometimes they belong to other people). But with these dreams, I am always a guest. I think maybe the Whitehouse represents something other than my own consciousness. Maybe something having to do with my relationship to the world in general. That's sort of how it feels to me anyway.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 01:37 PM

I have often dreamt about houses too. I remember one in particular- a big red brick house that was made into apartments. Over the years I think I have lived in every one of the apartments- some large, some small - although I don't usually realize it's the same house until close to the end of the dream. I dunno.

Night before last I had one of those frustrating dreams. I was responsible for six or seven babies- who were still in the lying flat on the back stage - and all day long I never got around to changing them or feeding them. I was so afraid that someone would find out... The babies weren't unhappy but I knew they must be very wet and hungry.

I've never dreamt about the White House but I have been in the audience when Frank Sinatra was the performer. In real life, I never liked Sinatra.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Little Hawk
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 01:44 PM

I had a dream once in which I was married to Cher, and spent 3 days with her, doing various fairly ordinary stuff together...

But you should have seen our house! :-)

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 01:46 PM

I've had dreams very similar to your baby dream, Ebbie. I finally figured one of them out a few days ago. I reaized that that particular dream was about my feeling a need to worry about some of my loved ones who didn't need me to worry about them any more. Like with the babies in your dream, the critters in my dream (they were critters and not babies) were not at all uncomfortable or unhappy, even though I felt I was neglecting them. It was actually quite a relief when I got that one figured out.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 01:50 PM

LOL, LH. What was it like?

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: wysiwyg
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 02:14 PM

A lot of people consciously equate "house" with "physical body..."   the concrete construct that contains the inner self. Temple of the spirit and all that. What is your house saying to you that you might need to apply to your body?

Another technique (I think it's from Gestalt Therapy but I'll use my own words to describe it-- long time ago!) is to tell and tell and tell the dream, putting every feature of it (including the scenery), into the "I-Voice." Let each thing you have put into the dream speak for itself, on the assumption that each item is a part of you since you put it there and it's made entirely of you.

Or another technique-- discuss with yourself before you retire that at a certain point in the dream, your critical thinking will kick in to direct the dream to explore a certain concept, take a certain action, ask a question-- whatever.

Still another-- I found that I was spontaneously waking myself up out of non-productive dreams, realizing while dreaming, something like: "Now wait just a damn minute here, this is a dream and a really stupid one. I do not need to waste my time in this!" And I would wake enough to get up and pee, get some water, go back to bed, and dream something else!

My personal opinion is that dreams are the device we use in life to convince our smart, active selves to lie the hell down and get some recuperative rest-- entertainment with a fascination-aspect built in to keep us from getting up and getting busy!


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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 02:19 PM

No for me, Wysiwyg. My dreams are very important learning tools for me, and I value them greatly as such.

My house dreams (the ones that are not the Whitehouse), I have determined are about my life... both my life in my physical body, as well as my spiritual life.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 02:20 PM

*Not* for me

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 02:48 PM

That's kind of what I figure about my house dreams. Rooms unexplored, rooms utilized, symbolizing my spirit and expectations.

The babies symbolizing the nurtureing of people and times gone by doesn't resonate within me. It's been a long time since I have felt responsible for anyone else- my daughter is 42 now.

Like Carol C said, the themes of my dreams seem to be repeated- so in that sense, perhaps babies and new rooms both stand for beginnings or things needing to be begun.

I love dreams and dreaming and most of mine are whimsical and/or bemusing. It's just that occasional one that makes me sit up and take notice.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Uncle_DaveO
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 03:02 PM

I enjoy/experience/suffer (take your pick) three different dream themes:

1. Army. I was in the Army for two years, almost 50 years ago. No combat, not even in a war zone, and frankly I got all the possible breaks. Yet to this day I get Army dreams. Nothing relating to my actual Army experiences. Often I've been drafted into the Army for the third or fourth time.

2. Underground dreams. I can't put any particular autobiographical connection to this, as I can with the Army dreams. But a lot of my dreams occur in caves, in tunnels, etc. The dreams often including being in tunnels in the Army and so forth.

3. And office-invasion dreams. I worked for the US District Court for 36 years, and had the same office for all that time, until I retired in '96. Every now and again my dream is that people--squads and platoons of people, sometimes--are coming in, using, occupying my office. I chase some out, only to turn around and find others coming in another door or a window. Chase them out, and yet more are coming in another way. (I have yet to have an office-in-a-tunnel dream, or an Army-office dream.) Interestingly enough, the position I had has for a few years been unfilled, and the office has stood empty for that time.

Psychoanalyze that, Dr. Freud!

Dave Oesterreich

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Uncle_DaveO
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 03:04 PM

NOTE: Saying, "You're crazy, Dave!" will not be accepted as a valid interpretation.

Dave Oesterreich

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: freda underhill
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 03:09 PM

I had house dreams for years, too, Carole, and they stopped when I got a home of my own. often they were in a house by the sea (havent achieved that one yet!)

re tea at the White house, as a guest of the President or one or more of his family members. your subconscious mind is not political. so any time you dream about a president, you are dreaming of a leader, the highest possible achiever in your world/country/dream. (even if you may not hold that view of him in your waking hours)

and everything in your dream is a manifestation of some aspect of your self. So when you are at the White House, you are acknowledging/meeting visiting some aspect of yourself - the President's mother, for example, could represent some aspect of yourself such as your highest, wisest female consciousness. the cup of tea is nurturing - your dream may be telling you to listen to your female intuition.

or to stop eating so late before you sleep!

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 04:24 PM

Uncle Dave, you brought to mind a dream that I had a few weeks ago. Cattle, of all things, had got into the house- I'd shut one door to keep them out and turn and find one standing behind me. It was not frightening- I was just trying to figure out how to get them out.

I have a friend who dreams about horses- they are continually chasing her, even trying to open the closet door where she is hiding. But that's a little more understandable- she is afraid of horses. I am not afraid of cattle!

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Mrrzy
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 07:08 PM

Some people have written, Jung and after, that everything in your dream is you or a part of you. I think it has to include your environment - so much of your brain is dedicated to perceiving it, and then "you" perceive the perceptions... so the house may be you and it may be your situation.
I have house dreams too, in which there is a house that is kind of a combo of various large houses I've spent a lot of time in. I'm always either cleaning up/getting rid of junk or arranging/moving in and, after a while and as I'm trying to finish, I discover a hidden but obvious and large room that either I'd forgotten all about or that I hadn't noticed yet, depending, and I always get a very strong Oh, so THAT'S where this was/what's been missing feeling.
I also have a lot of airport dreams. I think they are a subset of house dreams because I traveled a LOT as a kid and I feel very at home in airports. However, in the airport dream, I can't find my luggage or the gate or my passport or I can't make my flight back or I'm going to miss my connection or something, and there is a lot of trying to accomplish stuff while the world gets in my way. This one has mutated lately into a travel dream, where I'm overseas, almost always in Europe [I live in the US], and I DECIDE not to make the flight back because I so want to stay overseas, and there are subsequent worries about transferring the ticket or missing the job I was supposed to take but it's so great to still be in Europe.
I also have hotel dreams, in which I can never find my room or remember its number and I don't have a key or know where I parked my car, which has mutated lately into my not knowing where the room is and not having a key but instead of worrying I just take a room which is always unlocked and turns out to have my stuff in it, and is usually near one or more of my sisters' rooms.
I also used to have a recurring place, where I could be dreaming about almost anything and would come around a corner or through a wood or something and suddenly there would be the place, and I always had a great Aha, so that's where this is (sound familiar?) feeling. It was a lovely shaded moss-rocky pool with a little waterfall in the middle of a little clearing in a young wood, and behind it was an ivy-covered wall. Once I found it by climbing over that wall, but every other time I would come upon it from the other angle. Hasn't come up in years, that one.
WYSIWYG, I'm going to have to try your system of ever-increasing detail. Usually when I retell it the details get fewer, so this "other" trend sounds fascinating and useful. Also, who can yawn, the dream-teller or the adorable listener?
And Uncle DaveO, I think we all know what tunnel dreams (whoops, almost typoed Creams, LOL!) mean!
Lessee - this was a long thread to which to respond... Oh, yeah, I occasionally figure out that I'm dreaming (once I actually pinched myself to see if I was dreaming, and didn't feel the pinch, so I knew I was!) but I have never attempted to control the dream given that realization, despite wanting to while I'm awake.
But the worst is when I dream that I've woken up from a dream and am no longer dreaming, then when I really wake up I always feel like a fool!

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: wysiwyg
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 07:23 PM


WYSIWYG, I'm going to have to try your system of ever-increasing detail. Usually when I retell it the details get fewer, so this "other" trend sounds fascinating and useful. Also, who can yawn, the dream-teller or the adorable listener?

This works to the extent the listener is really listening and not offering to interpret, guide, etc., or rush to their own similar experiences. Eye contact, staying close enough to let the teller know someone is there, but not so close as to stifle the telling or shut down the teller.... if the teller shuts down the listener just leans back a bit to the popint at which the words were flowing well.

It's fine if the listener has NO IDEA what the teller is telling. If the teller is embarrassed about any of the content, it's fine to use made-up words in the telling, as long as the same words are used over and over. ("I dreamed I was in a dark alley, and a huge, scary "celery stalk" came up to me!" and so forth.)

Deep emotions may come to the surface, too-- it's up to the teller whether to pursue those and let tears flow, or whatever.

And yawning is always appropriate, for either party. When yawning occurs in this kind of situation, it's a sign of productive deep work being done; it's meaninghful to the yawner and it does not have to be analyzed or articulate-- just appreciated. Every yawn should be paid as much attention as one would pay to a delightful and charming child telling all its special secrets to a visiting relative. ("Good JOB!", etc.)


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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: harpgirl
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 10:44 PM

dreams generally are processing of the days, weeks, or maybe a longer period of time's events but most likely recent events and your feelings about wake up feeling good which means that the events of your life are pleasing you. the important white house is probably where you spend a great deal of time and where you are doing, saying, feeling important things, having important relationships....your home or your spiritual home such as your marriage or your time spent on mudcat ....not inflated sense of self... just sufficiently important to be an important part of the (spiritual) home....
current mental health= quite good I'd say......
just my $ .02

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 25 Mar 05 - 03:48 PM

I'm doing taxes and in looking through my journal, I found this tidbit:

"May 16, 2004: Oddest dream. It was a Mudcat post, signed "Arses in Ashes" subtitled 'Flameout above Birmingham', referring to a flatulence experiment (?). S/he said, Spaw lives."

Anyone want to take a shot at interpretation? LOL

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 25 Mar 05 - 03:53 PM

I'm glad you brought this one back, Ebbie. I had momentarily forgotten about it from being busy with other things. I definitely want to respond to the things people have posted here. But it will have to wait until later today.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Amos
Date: 25 Mar 05 - 04:00 PM


You are wrestling with repressed desires to bring a noxious and gaseous phase of your life to completion, dramatically if possible. The reference to Birmingham indicates a desire to achieve this end through folk music.

The reference to Spaw cannot be interpreted at this time, or any previous time, nor, most likely, at any future time.


Sooth, Truth, and Vermouth, Incorporated
Dreams Distilled, Instilled and Parsed for the Many by the Few

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 25 Mar 05 - 04:48 PM

Thank you, Amos, thank you. Thank you, forsooth.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: susu
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 09:16 AM

Carol, IMHO I think that your dream signifies that you feel that there is something vey important that you must do or that you are capable of doing, but yet you are not letting yourself because you do not feel as though you are the person for the job. The White House is
considered by many as the most formidable residences in the world since the President is thought to be the most powerful man in the world (whether you agree with his policies or not is irrelavent), this lends creedance to the feeling of unworthiness in the task before you. People who are invited to the White House for occasions such as Christmas or birthdays are in a small circle with the President and they are trusted by him, yet somehow you realize that you are probably the pserfect person for the task, yet you are also somewhat afraid of failing, not necessarily because of what you do but even curcimstances, yet you tend to overanalyze things and are possibly somewhat of a perfectionist. Whatever it is that you are being lead to do probably isn't political in nature, it is most likely on a more personal level which may also be why you dream of personal events. I would think that since you wake up with a pleasant feeling after having a nice visit, even with the Bush's, that you may be having disagreements with people that you want to make amends with. It is hard to know without a knowledge of what is going on in your life. Just know that you can do whatever it is and that you are most likely the perfect person for the job, if the outcome is not what you hoped for, it doesn't mean that it was not the best outcome. Again this is just MHO, Susu

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: GUEST,harpgirl
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 10:13 AM

yeah, Ebbie. You had to f++t when you woke up! LOL

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 10:49 AM

In your mind you've become a thinker with leadership potential. You think, because something in your life is telling you that you opinion matters an inordinate amount, that you could correct the world if only it was your house.

In humbler days, your house was smaller -- you sought to put your own house in order. Now, with your new-found self-assurance -- the belief that your perspective on the world situation is the CORRECT one, you are branching out in the delusion that you should put the world's house in order.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 01:35 PM

And to you too, harp, forsooth. :)

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: harpgirl
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 06:06 PM

How about this: I dreamed last night that Bill Clinton wanted to have sex with me. He pursued me all around and despite my concern with him messing up with Hilary, he talked me into going back to my place which was a couple of small rooms where I was temporarily staying. He stripped off his clothes immediately and I began rubbing his naked back slowly up and down. He was looking out the curtained window with his back to me as I stroked it. I woke up....I thought after I woke up that he might have been signaling his SS guys he was having a tryst. He asked me if I slept. In the dream when he asked me if I slept I thought, he doesn't and he wants to know when he can leave. I don't mind if he takes off while I'm asleep!!!

Bill is a frequent visitor in my dreams. When I met him in Arkansas in 1978 at a cocktail party for bob Lefflar, I thought he was very, very attractive and must be married. I then picked out Hilary and decided he was married to her. She had long hair, owl glasses and a headband in those days. His hair was brown.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 06:29 PM

That 'dream', harpgirl, sounds more like a daydream to me. *G*

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 09:18 PM

That must have been your dream, GUEST,26 Mar 05 - 10:49 AM.

Anyway, many of my house dreams have involved really huge houses for as long as I can remember (many, many years). Those have been some of my favorites. Many times, the house was so big I couldn't find all of it. I'd just explore and explore, never finding the end until finally waking up never having seen all of it. A lot of the time, I really enjoyed exploring the house. Some times, the house or parts of the house would feel very creepy and/or scary. It's never the same house.

Those are some freaky dreams, Uncle_DaveO, but I don't think you're at all crazy. But I don't know whether or not you would want to take my word for it.


Thanks everyone else for your input. I haven't settled into any particular way of thinking about it yet (and I may never), but you've definitely given me a lot to think about, and I'm finding it all very interesting.

harpgirl, I've heard that Bill Clinton is a very popular subject of womens' dreams. Maybe that's why he goes around with such a big smile on his face so much of the time.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: susu
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 10:37 PM

People who dream of something such as a house with too many rooms to go through, or maybe a large forests they cannot get out of, or trying to fly using their body, etc. are troubled that there is some task that they cannot conquer. Again as I stated in the previous post, it may be that you do not feel that you can achieve the goal or the task may actually be insurmountable. Again that is just MHO I could be wrong. Dr. Seuss

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Little Hawk
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 10:59 PM

That Bill Clinton dream was great! :-)

I have had somewhat similar dreams about Joan Baez, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Tina Turner, and Cher. In Cher's case, we were married, which was pretty neat. In Tina's case we spent a weekend in some nice bed and breakfast in Maine, by the coast. In Joan's case, we met after she had done a concert in Florida, and had a late night tryst in a penthouse apartment which belonged to a "friend". The friend turned out to be Bob Dylan! He arrived with a couple of helpers around 7 AM the next day, and was puzzled as to just who I was and why I was there. He'd been gigging and was dead tired. Joan had already left by then, having an early appointment, but he accepted my brief explanation of why I was there. In Buffy's case, I have met her in numerous dreams, once encountering her walking across St Clair Avenue in Toronto with 2 bags of groceries. I helped her carry them to some apartment.

I have a very rich fantasy life when I'm asleep, it seems.

I also met Pierre Trudeau in a dream once, and that was quite interesting. Have seen Bob Dylan in many dreams, usually playing music, sometimes socializing. He usually doesn't have a whole lot to say, but is agreeable. My instinct is to not bother him with questions, and he seems to like that.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 11:17 PM

Here's another interesting theme dream that I used to have. I used to have dreams in which I was ice skating, and I was good enough at it to be able to really enjoy it. I imagine it was a similar feeling in my ice skating dreams as what I imagine people have with flying dreams. I haven't had one of those in a long time.

susu, I used to have dreams in which I was trying to fly but couldn't. I haven't had one of those in a long time. And I also used to have dreams in which I would get lost in strange towns and wouldn't be able to find my way back out. And yes, there have been many, many times in my life when I have felt I wasn't up to whatever life was requiring of me at the time. I haven't decided if I think the White House dreams are that kind, though. Maybe time will tell.

The exploring house dreams and the White House dreams feel quite different and much more satisfying most of the time than the trying to fly and/or getting lost dreams. I'm thinking the exploring house dreams are more about me focusing on different parts of my life and different aspects of my consciousness. I don't think the White House dreams are about that though.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Amos
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 11:18 PM

Seems your subconscious might be telling you something, LH -- like "get a life"??? :D


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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Little Hawk
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 11:24 PM

Look, Amos, I lust after women just as much as the next guy, and I have gone out with various of them over the years. I find that the liasons in my dreams are a bit more exotic, generally speaking, and a whole lot less complicated.

As for Bob Dylan, I think I would be inclined to act in real life just as I do in those dreams if I met him. Casual, that is.

I've had several nice real-life conversations with Buffy Sainte-Marie, but none with Baez or Dylan. As for Cher, I've never even seen her, except on a TV screen or a magazine cover.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 11:41 PM

In my dreams I have several times tried to teach other people how to do it, as in "It's easy, anybody can do it. Just step up with one foot and give a push." They never learn. *G*

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 26 Mar 05 - 11:43 PM

Well, I never! I meant to say I try to teach other people how to fly.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 01:59 AM

Ebbie March 22 1:37: "I was responsible for six or seven babies- who were still in the lying flat on the back stage - and all day long I never got around to changing them or feeding them. I was so afraid that someone would find out... The babies weren't unhappy but I knew they must be very wet and hungry."

Two more baby dreams last night. I feel like I can almost interpret the theme but not quite.

This time it was a happy dream- or maybe it was two dreams, not sure - the one was of a Bald Eagle that was nurturing a chick of another species. (Could have been a chicken chick, not sure) The eagle knew that the chick would not eat/could not survive on a diet of fish and it was scouting around looking for things for the chick to eat. Twice the eagle inserted the chick's head inside the eagle's beak- regurgitating?

The other dream was of a day-old human baby that I was caring for, although it was not my own. This baby was precocious, to say the least. It communicated clearly and at a certain point it started saying words. I marveled to other people: This baby is just a day old and it is learning to talk!

By the time the dream was over, the baby was walking and I marveled to others, Isn't she little!

Any ideas? ha

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Amos
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 02:26 AM

I dunno, Ebb -- mebbe A Womb with a View?


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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: dianavan
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 04:02 AM

I find it odd that so many people (myself included) dream of houses.

My place is above shops in a very old part of town. From the street you would recognize it by the large granite blocks that look like they were cut by hand. There is a brightly coloured door recessed in the wall of granite blocks and you climb a dark, narrow, steep flight of stairs. When you enter the suite, it opens into rooms so vast that you could never discover them all. Each room is filled with light and treasures from every land. The light is so bright and white that its hard to see anything, except in silhouette. There are plants hanging from the ceiling and growing in pots in every corner. All of the mirrors are bevelled. I see my face and wake up.

As I awaken and realize that I have dreamed the dream again. It feels like home but I am puzzled because I don't know where it is.

I am always left with a melancholy feeling and then I remember that my home is inside me.

Carol C. - A metaphor for the womb is home/house - from whence we all came.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Amos
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 09:59 AM

The house is the Woman's Ideal -- a center of safety in which eternal being unfolds in beauty and order.

Men dream of gallops and flights, travels over far regions, battles in salt-water and blood on the decks, problems solved and contests won, tools and invasions.

Women, give them sweet houses and they will sleep to noon.

Is it any wonder our dialogues go askew?? :D


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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: VirginiaTam
Date: 31 Jan 09 - 04:39 AM

Ressurecting this thread because I am having troubling dreams.

They are packed with more action than a Harrison Ford film. I am running, jumping, climbing over obstacles, trudging through mud and slogging through horrible weather. The scenes change rapidly and never the same in subsequent dreams.

I am trying to get somewhere, not running away from anything. But it is frantic. I do things, like steal bicycles and in advertantly damage property in my quest. I have no idea what I seek only that I must press on and get there quickly.

What is most curious is that when I wake, I am utterly exhausted and my body aches as though I had actually done all the things I dreamed. In fact I ususally wake unresolved and feeling like I have just narrowly escaped death or disaster. Sometimes (often) my heart is pounding like a very fast hammer in my ears.

My partner says I am dreaming because the pain from my rheumatoid arthritis is making me ache. I don't think so. I think the pain is added to RA from the action in dreams.

Any thoughts?

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 31 Jan 09 - 10:50 AM

Wow. I can see why you'd be exhausted.

If it's any comfort it seems to me that this series of your dreams must be/ will be temporary or even transitory. Any unusual plans in the offing?

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Sleepy Rosie
Date: 31 Jan 09 - 11:33 AM

VTam, are you on any medication that could be generating excess nervous energy or something similar?

Apart from physiological causes, have you any potential unconscious anxieties about deeply held but unfulfilled personal life ambitions?

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Bill D
Date: 31 Jan 09 - 12:19 PM

I am reasonably sure that MY dreams often reflect tensions and frustrations of daily life. They seldom are directly about what has bothered me while awake, but take forms of stereotyped struggle and attempts to reconcile confilcts.
   And yes, it CAN lead to waking up tense & achey from tossing & turning and not sleeping deeply enough. I see more & more of this as I age.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: wysiwyg
Date: 31 Jan 09 - 12:29 PM

On the other hand, I dreamed that Katlaughing and her brother came to visit my pool's hot tub. They'd gotten a good $88 air fare for a quick visit. Her face looked just like a toddler plus life experience-- very cute.

VT, what are you running away from, or towards, and in what way is it complicated/difficult? No need to tell me-- just sit yourself down and ask yourself. Allow your inner wisdom to answer without flinching away from it and without stilling it. Give yourself permission to feel the feelings tied up in the insight and authorize your mind to process thru it without stopping at any uncomfortable parts.

Cultivate that mindset and nightmares become daytime, intentionally-guided processing and growth. It's just feelings. It's OK to make room for them and then let your mind get to work on the stuff.


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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Amos
Date: 31 Jan 09 - 02:45 PM

...and decide to dream of the acheivement toward which you are struggling, with all barriers behind you....

(If that seems like a good thing to do...).


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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: VirginiaTam
Date: 01 Feb 09 - 05:27 AM

I am usually always running /struggling toward an unknown goal in these dreams until near the end, when I have done something criminal or wrong at the end which forces guilt and flight.

I am completely knackered this morning. I have been hunting and killing alligators (last night's or this morning's dream). I felt unbearable guilt at having to do this job. It was required for the protection of ?people? (don't ask me who). I had to do it and had to climb and run and haul heavy equipment around.

I am under stress. Worried about losing my job at Essex County Council, which is now interviewing the final contenders for outsourcing services (potentiall all services). 2 of the contenders are Capita (they don't have a very good track record in HR, recruting or IT so far) and Tata (just took over and laid off a load of workers from Corus Steel).

I am 50, I have limiting physical condition, I have virtually no savings or pension built up. So yeah I am a tad anxious. There are 28,000 council workers, most are worried. That would be one monstrous queue at the JobCentre.

I have also been watching the David Attenborough Planet Earth series every evening (though I hide my eyes during the predator bits). So my brain is rich with scenery and animal behaviour every night.

No meds, no cigareets, no whuskey and no wild wild women.

Diet has changed a bit. I have had more cheese than usual.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: GUEST,Neighmond
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 07:39 AM

Here's one for someone smarter than I am:

It's one I've had at least once a month since I was six. It doesn't change too drastically, but it is seldom just the same twice. Just for the hell of it I started writing details down when I was in 9th grade, and over the years they have been pretty consistent. It's pretty tame, but it would be nice to have some insight into it. Also, the nights I have it, the dream won't suddenly change like they often do otherwise, but will stay in this subject till I wake up.

I am walking along a dirt road with a wood rail fence to one side and deep ravine to the other side, and trees that crowd the road. As I walk, the sun starts to come up and it's tangy out and windy and feels like rain at any moment. Every now and then I can hear yelling, singing, and popping or cracking. There is a smokey smell in the air. Pretty soon I come to a side road and take it, because I can hear voices on the wind.

There the road widens out, and there horses and mules &c. tied to trees and a fence. There's sort of an open-faced loafing shed full of horses and mules. They aren't too pleased. They're nervous and skittish. There's an old wooden church, and that's where the singing is coming from. (Does that mean this is music related now?) There are double doors, and the church is seven steps above the ground, on brick pillars. The Left-hand door is the one with the knob, and it sticks, so when I push it open first it doesn't want to go, then it bangs against the wall and a few people look back. (Here's where it gets funny...sometimes I remember 'Oh! The door sticks!' and manage to open it a little more quietly.) There is a tiny vestibule with coat hooks to either side, and doors into the sanctuary straight ahead. The inside pair of doors is propped open with flat irons. Always the wind will gust just as I open the door, and blow leaves in before I shut it, and the leaves'll usually drift in and settle in the sanctuary. A little more than half the time a leaf lands in the hat of a middle-aged lady in the middle on the right, and she brushes it from her head without looking. She is wearing a purplish-brown coat and like most of the other women, gloves.

There is always a baby towards the front right that has a raspy cough, and two kids in almost matching black coats in the back row left that turn around and smile as I push the door shut. Sometimes the man next to them pokes them and they turn around, sometimes not. About half the time a woman gets out and waits for me to get seated in a pew in the middle left, occasionally there is a spot in a back one. There is no piano or organ. They are singing old hymns, mostly ones we all would recognize. It seems like "Babylon is Fallen" is one that comes up a lot (I knew it from the dream before I recalled ever hearing it awake-when I heard it for what I thought was the first time awake I was able to sing the words to it.) There is one fragment of a hymn I have never heard outside of the dream: "Let us drink of the living waters, that flow from the heavenly throne, And we'll meet in a land of our fathers, in a world apart from our own." I have searched a long time and never found that one! During the lull in singing or pauses between sings I can faintly hear the popping and banging from outside, and now and then a yell or shout. Usually a horse will whinny and there is a donkey that has a rattling sort of a bray. The air inside smells like smoke, cloth, and must, but isn't unpleasant. The windows are open a little at the top. There is a round upright stove inside the doors to the left, with wire racks round the pipe with a few hats hanging on them. Sometimes the stove's warm, but more often it isn't. Because of the trees outside the church seems isolated or in the country. The walls are varnished wainscot, the ceiling is open to the rafters with beams that run across overhead. There us a hanging glass oil lamp from each beam over the aisle, and lamps between the windows in black brackets with reflectors on them. None of the lamps are lit. There are four windows on each side and one to wither side of the doors. The lectern has a small round window high up on the wall behind it. The other windows are narrow and tall, with pointed tops. The edges are squares of stained glass, and the centres are etched in sort of a diamond pattern. The second from the back on the left has a cracked piece in the centre, that is repaired with a piece of lead came. The colored pieces make the sanctuary all different colors as the sun shines in. Occasionally the light will cause some of the women on the left side to shield their eyes or tip their hats and bonnets. At some point during the singing someone nearly always knocks a cane from the back of the pew in front of them, and they have to step out into the aisle to pick it up.

A short stocky(but not fat) man with long white hair is in the right front row next to a woman in a Greenish-black dress with black shiny buttons. If I manage not to wake up he goes to the lectern and reads a passage; usually from Revelation or Ecclesiastes. The Bible is small, battered and black bound with lots of scraps of paper sticking out, and the lector/pastor has a strange sort of a voice. It's strong, but reedy and sort of reminds me of an Irish/Scottish brogue. He is wearing a long tailed cot, and a waist coat, and there is a silver wellington watch chain with a cross inside of a circle hanging below the tee. His beard is white and square cut across the bottom, with long sideburns. He warns about "paths which run dim" and "unnatural silence, from which something may arise." Once he made a reference to the place called Shiloh, but in the Biblical sense.

I have never slept long enough to hear the whole sermon. (I would venture a guess that I am one of the few who would admit to sleeping while the pastor is preaching, and dearly wishing I could stay that way until he is finished.) When I wake up it sometimes takes several moments to realize I AM awake, and there have been times I can still smell smoke or musty old building for a few moments after I wake.

So what do you make of all that? (Besides the fact that I am nuts, we already know that!)

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 09:16 AM

If it were my own dream, I would tend to regard it as a past life memory. But others might have a different interpretation.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 09:18 AM

By the way, I love that part of the lyric that is only found in the dream.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 09:26 AM

I dreamt that I woke up and discovered I had grown a patch of hair on my face - 1"x 1" just under my lip. I didn't discover it until I got to work and wondered (I love this) if anyone noticed. It was an inch long. LOL

Most of my dreams are inspired by events during the day. I had seen a turkey of a horror movie and one of the characters was wearing a really bad wig, very much like what was happening on my face.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 10:26 AM

Aw, I'm sure they didn't, Sins. lol

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Alice
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 10:28 AM

I know my son is stressed out by his final semester at college. I have had trouble getting in touch with him, doesn't return emails or phone calls this week.

Last night I had a dream that he was 4 years old, at a school, and found me and said he wanted to go home. He was holding his baby blanket and about 5 stuffed animals. I had only a bicycle, put him on the bike, and part way home found he had fallen asleep and dropped the stuffed animals along the way. When I woke up, I was backtracking trying to find the stuffed animals.
My interpretation, he is overwhelmed trying to juggle so many projects at once, and I'm picking up on his anxiety.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 11:22 AM

Or maybe you just want to make all his stress go away.

I think they did, Ebbie. I was debating between Nair and a razor when I woke up. First thing I did this morning was check my chin.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 11:24 AM


That's kind of like going out only half-dressed. I'm never quite sure whether anyone else will notice.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Alice
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 01:01 PM

yes, picking up on his anxiety is part of wanting to help make his stress go away.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Donuel
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 01:38 PM

The dreams that I have had, which portend an event that subsequently happen to my body a day or two later, are valuable and fascinating.

The somnambulistic waking dream is a wonderous phenomenon as well.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: GUEST,amateur shrink
Date: 02 Feb 09 - 01:59 PM must be up to your a** in alligators! Sorry...

Alice...transitional objects (teddy bears) are for the time of change from toddlerhood to first day of school to last day of must know your son has anxieties about the changes he faces...

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Sleepy Rosie
Date: 12 Feb 09 - 04:11 AM

Two dreams last night, about me having a birthday.

Dream 1:
It's my birthday tomorrow.
I don't seem to realise that it's my birthday, or think it important.
My uncle and aunt ask me what I shall be doing.
When questioned, I say I'll probably just pop out to the local pub for a couple of drinks.
My uncle isn't at all impressed with my low key choice!
He suggests a variety of really lovely restaurants that he thinks I aught to go to instead.


Dream 2:
It is the morning of my birthday.
My Mother shows me downstairs to the gift she has given me.
She seems really pleased and excited to give me her gift.
Again I am slightly bemused at the excitement around me having a birthday.
The living room is very tidy.
The wrapping on my gift is very dramatic and stylish, in red, black and gold.
It's clear that it is an (possibly expensive?) electric guitar.
The note attatched say's something like "Thankyou, Sleepy Rosy" (ie. she has used my forum ID instead of my given name).
There is emotion from my Mother, of almost tearful love and gratitude towards me.

It isn't my birthday in reality.
My Mother is dead. She bought herself a left handed (I couldn't play it) electric guitar shortly before she died.
I directly associate 'Sleepy Rosy' with me taking up singing folk song.
My living room is always messy!
I've never been one to go out to elegant restaurants.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Joe_F
Date: 12 Feb 09 - 10:34 PM

I belonged to a conspiracy with some young people, probably filkers. On keying a certain code into a computer, there was a loud noise outside a large frosted window. One of us put his fist thru a pane, which shattered neatly, and thru the opening leapt a large, muscular young man. This was to keep up our spirits during the Christmas season.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Alice
Date: 12 Feb 09 - 11:49 PM

A few days ago I had a dream that was rather a complicated plot, but the main point was at the end when I looked up at a wall and saw a piece of paper posted on the wall. On it was printed:
Those Who Have Died
1. Alice Flynn

I've never had a dream before where it was stated that I am dead.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 13 Feb 09 - 12:39 AM

I had a dream once, Alice, where I read a newspaper clipping recounting how I had died.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: freda underhill
Date: 13 Feb 09 - 02:23 AM

in dream theory..
Alice, a dream that you have died is a dream of transformation. Some part of yourself that you need to leave behind can now easily be discarded. What is left is a rebirth of your strength, creativity and peace.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: VirginiaTam
Date: 13 Feb 09 - 05:03 AM

I am not one to go in for this stuff but in Sleepy Rosie's dreams I see parallels.

Bithday = Deathday (I know your Mum passed away at around this time of year) So a major life event is in your subconscious. Maybe Mum or your subconscious is speaking to you with elegantly wrapped present, that it is good to celebrate gifts.

Tidy lounge desire or message to order your life or make sense of events.

Electric guitar gift = Mum's Left handed guitar (perhaps ambivalent feelings about taking your mom's love and gift of music forward and/or encouragement that you should do just that.

use of Mudcat name - you said it yourself an identification with new found interest and desired participation in folk music. That could be a message of approval from either your subconscious or from your Mum.

Hugs to you Drowsing Petal.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Bill D
Date: 13 Feb 09 - 09:59 AM

Just happened to see this thread again after waking from a recurring dream motif.

I have had....maybe a dozen times.... a dream about taking a trip, usually by plane, to someplace where I and others stayed and visited with people. It is always complicated in getting meals, arranging sleeping quarters, deciding what to do while there. Usually, the complications seem to be the whole point, as I seldom remember the point of why we are there.
   Then, I always am suprised and unready when it comes time to pack and return home. It suddenly become apparent that if we are going to leave Sunday, that we can't plan more 'whatever' for all day Saturday. There is frantic packing, loading of 'stuff' into some vehicle and getting it to airport, always with layers of issues of who is coming, what belongs to whom and whether we have found everything. Almost never do I actually GET home again, as I usually wake up during the furor of the packing routine.

    I have similar dreams about folk festivals and trying to attend everything.

A life full of worries & uncertainty?.....ummmm..... *grin*

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Alice
Date: 13 Feb 09 - 10:18 AM

freda, yes, I'm aware of those theories of dream symbolism for death. I still don't buy the idea that dream symbols work generically for everyone. I think each individual has their own symbolic "dictionary" in their mind.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: wysiwyg
Date: 13 Feb 09 - 11:27 AM

I dreamed that next week's ordinations were taking place in an old mansion instead of a church, in the context of a rather complicated Morris dancing event, with the parish's rector masked like the Fawkes mask in V for Vendetta.

But I don't need it interpreted as I know all the inputs of the last few days that went into it.

There was the overflowing olive oil fountain mounted on a stone wall, making the floors rather slippery, but.... no, got that one too.


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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 13 Feb 09 - 12:20 PM

Last night I had two dreams that stayed in my waking memory.

In the first one I had decided to take a job offer that meant that I had to move to Virginia. (My brother was doing the same thing but he would be living in a different part of the state.)

I was packing the trunk of my old Mustang (gone these 20 years) and the first thing I put in was my Martin guitar. I piled and tucked other things on top and only later realized that I should have put the guitar in last.

I was in a terrible rush; as I said to my brother: Do you realize that one week from today we have to be in Virginia?

The other dream was set in Alaska. I was chatting with a friend and gradually became aware that where she was living (and leaving) was looking for a resident manager, one that allowed pets. I wanted the job but she was already discussing the position with a potential renter.

Hmmmm. Not too difficult to decipher.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 13 Feb 09 - 12:23 PM

I just remembered another dream. In it I'm at a music event and I'm looking for a CD recording of Merle Travis singing a song called 'Time'.

I had heard it once and thought it was superb. I wanted a copy of my own.

Did Travis record such a song? I doubt it.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 13 Feb 09 - 02:51 PM

Well... so far ...I have not been invited to the Obama White House in my dreams. Hmmm.... ( ...waiting patiently)


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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 13 Feb 09 - 03:08 PM

There is hope, Carol C. I was in attendance in my dreams at a Frank Sinatra concert once. (Of course, I never was a fan of Sinatra.)

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
Date: 16 Sep 09 - 02:28 PM


Two of the primal Creative Beings/Forces of the Universe have been captured by corrupt Earth government. They are placed on a concrete area, opposite to each other for experimentation. Huge gentle beings in chains to tiny ignorant minds.The beings look like immense elephants - like the size of a massive ship. Despite their vast size they are benign, passive creatures.

I am flying overhead, perhaps somehow a part of some struggle. I watch in dismay as the Military experimenters use some precision device to cleanly slice off the head portion of one of these immense benign creative entities. Blue fluid gushes forth. This is a terrible day.

They use the beings creative apparatus - its trunk (through which the Universe is generated) - in opposition to itself. They physically move the creative trunk to the other (also 'dead' & experimented upon) universe elephant creator being.

Their purpose is to create an "anti-creator", a purely mechanistic destructive power. They succeed. I watch in sorrow as they forge their massive prototype destructor machine out of materials harvested from these vast ancient and gentle creator beings.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: VirginiaTam
Date: 16 Sep 09 - 03:52 PM

creepers! what have you been smoking and why didn't you invite me?

Have you ever considered a career in science fiction?

Sorry - I just don't know what to say to this uber bizarro dream.

I have been having the Andie's dead and I will never see or hear her again nightmares lately. So much so that I don't want to go to bed at night.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: CarolC
Date: 16 Sep 09 - 07:54 PM

I think that dream makes a lot of sense in light of how the world works these days.

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Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
From: Ebbie
Date: 16 Sep 09 - 11:52 PM

VT, have you ever considered the option of lucid dreaming? I'm serious. With it, you may be able to have the Andie dream and direct it to a space of gratitude and great joy.


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